The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 31, 1899, Image 9

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SUPPLEMENT.-Marcli 81, 1899.
Ileal Fstute Transfer*.
Week ending March 29th.
How They Forced lhe Hallie Be­
Peter Wirfs et ux to F J Wirfs
fore rialaboti l.aet sumliiy.
89.24 a pt Edward Cluff' die t 4
A special cable to the New York Sun
r3 .........
$ 4000
under date of March 26th says:
The Oregon regiment advanced almost A S Blair et ux to E S Craven 12 a
pt O J Walker die t 3 r 2..........
to the confines of the town of Malabon
today, thus receiving the heaviest fire of Jesse Edwards and wf to Emma
Bell lots 13 and 14 blk 27 Ed­
any of the United States troops who
wards’add to Newberg............
were engaged. The natives fought like
demons, at times actually leaving their Isaac Meyer to D A Covert 153.21
a t 2 r 4 ....... .......... ................
trenches and with reckless bravery
charging the Oregon regiment. It was
ter 6 1-5 a pt Chas E Fendall die
only by the most magnificent lighting on
t 5 r 7.....................................
tiie part of the latter and their utter dis­
regard for incessant volleys of Aguinal- Emma Bell to Geo C Sears ID a t
3 r 3.......................................
These Clydesdale stallions will make ttie season of 1899 as follows:
do’s followers, that they were able to
and Miller to M J
hold their ground. In this engagement
Monday and Tuesday at Sheridan, Wednesday and Thursday at
Jones 40 ft off n side lot 2 blk 6
they lost eight killed and 23 wounded.
McMinnville, Friday ami Saturday at Amity, Saturday night until Mon­
Deskins’ add to Newberg . . .
day morning at Broadmeads.
The position of the Oregon men was
still a most trying one when they were Frank Stephens and wf to Isaac
and Leia Lynch 80 a in sec 1 t 6
reinforced by a batallion of the Third in­
TERMS—We have made a liberal rate of insurance for 1899. For
r 4 ....... ..................................
fantry, under command of Captain Cook.
Millionaire the rate will be $12, and for Newman $15. These horses
With the arrival of reinforcements the
need only to be seen to be admired. For splendid pedigree see bills.
ens lots 1 and 8 and e hf lots 2
assault was renewed with spirit, and lhe
and 7 blk 19 Faulconer’s 2d add
enemy was soon compelled to yield. The
to Sheridan
Filipinos retreated upon Malabon helter-
J. W. HA YES, Keeper.
Amity, Oregon.
skelter, the Americans pursuing them O & C R R Co to A J Loban nw
qr of sw qr 29-3-5 ..................... 208.12
clear into the streets of the town and in­
O & C R R to C L Fendall 80 a in
flicting great loss.
sec 21-5-7......................................
The insurgent loss is to be reckoned in­
Holt and wf to Maria K Evans
to the hundreds, but of this no accurate
estimate can now be made. The Oregon 53.77 a in D I) Deskins’ d I c t 3 r2 1800
regiment and lhe Third artillery suffered Shell Hawley ami w f to A L Hada-
wav 12.65 a in C B Hawley d 1 c
the heaviest loss on the American side,
4 r 4 .......................................
the latter being particularly exposed in
storming a strong earth fort which they Andrew Full and Geo Trunk to I
B V Nash 10.68 a in E R Geary
carried at the point of the bayonet.
diet 3r3 lain Fruitdale ....
AOItTII Y l tiltil.I .
Ellen Simmons to J L Vannoy
13650 sq ft in McMinnville ....... 500
Miss Martin has opened a millinery J L Myers and wf to A I. and S J
store at this place with Mrs. Della Riiude
Myeis lot 1 sec 33 t 2 r 3 w.......
as saleslady.
Elijah Hutchens and wf to George
Is the Store that is known, and the Store that is known is
Howie and wf 40 a ne of se sec 35
Quite a number of our people were do­
the Store that trade goes to, and the Store that trade goes
t 2 s r 3 w ................................... 700
ing business in the county seat this
to is the Store that does the business, and the Store that
Geo Howie and wf to Geo W and
week, the most of them “courting.”
the business is the Store that can’t afford to cheat.
James Mesner is now oue of the regu­
t 2 s r 3 w....................................
lar drivers on the Tillamook stage route,
and he is a good one, ns all who ride Elizabeth Simler to Thos Hall 4‘2
Hence, when we tell you that we never misrepresent our
a adjoining Dayton....................
groceries, it is not alone because we do not believe in lying,
with him will testify.
Emaline Foster ami lmsband to
but we can't afford to. We are told, and are thus given a
Mr. Fred Florey of Florey’s station
Geo H Foster 60 a in Joel Chris­
a right to reiterate it, that the customer who steadily buys
was in our city Friday, l7ncle Fred lias
his groceries of us, comes out ahead of the fellow who buys
man d 1 c t 4 r 3 ......................... 1000
just succeeded in knocking out a bad at­
of our competitors.
Hattie Faulconer to Tennessee
tack of the grip.
Faulconer lots 4 and 5 blk 17
Chas. Smith will begin cutting lumber
Faulconer’s add to Sheridan....
at his mill this week, ile has made ar­ Hattie Faulconer to A B Faulconer
rangements to place a larle amount of
lot 6 blk 12 Faulconer’s add to
first-class lumlier in McMinnville for
sale in a short time.
A legitimate profit to us, a satisfied customer when he leaves
Mary J Fleishaur to Mar- A • .gers
our store. Suppose you try W. & W.’s store long enough in
Mrs. J. C. McKern left Monday for a
lot 2 blk N Cozine*’s .Id add to
189!1 that we may make .you a customer far into the 20th
week’s visit with her mother at Turner.
During her absence J. C. will play with David Everest and wf to M J
the kettles and frying pans the same as
Jones lot 7 blk 7 Everest’s add
any other old batch.
to New berg.............. .................
G. W. Perkins returned from London U S to E C Hadaway and wf314.12
a sec 3 t 5 r 4......................... .. Pat
where he went some six weeks ago to
sell his hops. He succeeded in making IT S to Win E Heckart 165.35 a
sec 6-4-5...................................
a sale of the hops, but we were not in-
American Mlg Co of Scotland to F
formed as to the price obtained.
Lehman 4'2 a Dundee ami 834 a
Porter Castle, one of Dewey’s heroes,
Dundee Orchard Homes No 1 .
was in the city Monday, shaking hands
with old friends. Porter is the same old
Probate Court»
boy as of old, and he says, as do all our
Estate of Avoline Ayres, Final
brave boys, “Dewey is all right.”
count tiled and ordered that notice be
Scott Bretnmer of this place had a given as by law required.
mannie goat that sheared eight pounds May 2d, at 10 a. m. set to hear the
of mohair. From his ten head, all nan- same.
iifes, he got 59 pounds. This is the best
Estate of Gideon F. Heston. Bond
lave heard of in this neck of the approved, Allen Smith, Geo. Mitchell
Remove the cause and cure any kind of a head­
s. and if any one can beat it we and Henry Dailey appointed appraisers.
ache in five to twenty minutes.
like to hear from them.
We make them and warrant their ingredients to
J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on
called meeting of the voters of
harmless and pure. We wonder if the mak­
this place, the following ticket was electric street car line, writes that his
of other kinds can say this. You had better
norni'ated for city officers: Councilmen little (laughter was very low with croup,
buy our’s and be sure. Relief is certain. 250 a
—T. X. Laughlin, J. M. Bunn, Phil and her life saved after all physicians
With combe, Theo P. Johnson and Mr. had failed, only by using One Minute
Wilwy; recorder, H. C. Gist; marshal, Cough Cure. Rogers Bros.
J. 1. Simmons; treasurer, J.C. McKern,
Wheat 52c, oats 35c, baled hay, oats
ROGERS BROS.’ Pioneer Pharmacists
'bis ticket we think is a good one.
and cheat $7, poultry $2 to $3.09 per doz,
pork, dressed 5c, live 3'2C, bran 85c j>er
Advertised better».
100 lbe, flour 80c a sack, |>otatoes (>5c a
The following letters remain uncalled
sack, primes 5c, beef $2.25 to |3.25 )>er
for in the McMinnville postotfice:
100; butter 40c, eggs 11c.
Nutley, MrsC A
Boyd, Mr
Wallace. Mrs Emma
Hill, Elmer F
Two new hydrant^ are being placed on
From Mastodon Bronze Turkeys
Hughs, Alice
Wheelock, G M
the north side of the court house lawn.
8 for $2, 13 for $3.00.
Magee, Mr 8
Ward Sitton, Mr. Howe's genial clerk
J ames M c C ain , P. M.
Flock of pure Black Minorcan from noted prize winners, (great layers and none
at Carlton, was in the city Wednesday.
setters.) 11.25 for 13, 2 setting« $2—securely packed in new baskets forexpress.
March 29tb, 1899.
MRS. C. D. NAIRN, Shadeland Farm, Ballston, Oregon.
¿=1 Millionaire and Newman
The Store that
This isOur Supreme Aim
Wallace & Walker.