The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 31, 1899, Image 7

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    “Was Beatrice weeping because her
husband had appendicitis?’’
“No, she wept because lie didn’t get
it until it was out of style,”—Chicago
Evening News.
After the Cooling Prnceii.
Don’t cool off too quickly after be­
ing in an overheated room
If you
do, you will need St. Jacobs Oil to cure
Lumbago, which eete in very often af­
ter the cooling process. It relaxes the
stiffened muscles.
k JI j
• •
An Immune-
Biggs—How is your daughter com­
ing on with ner music?
Boggs—I don’t know whetehr she is
improving or whether I am getting
used ro it, but 1 can stay in the house
no v while she is practicing. — Puck.
for storing potatoes and rots. These
pits are much better thau keeping the
fruit in cellars under the house where
temperature often changes very rapid­
ly and is usually most of the time too
warm. But the pit for fruit should not
be Just the same as for potatoes or
roots. These growing underground
are not injured by contact with soil
even in winter. Any kind of fruit
would be spoiled by such contact. It
should be enclosed in paper or straw
or in a box, so that there will be no
chance for soil to touch it. Nor should
the fruit be placed where water lead­
ing through the soil can readily reach
it, as that will spoil it the same as
would the soil Itself.
“Evil Dispositions
Are Early Shown.”
Just so evil in the blood
comes out in shape of scrof­
ula, pimples, etc., in children
and young people. Taken in
time it can be eradicated by
using Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
In older people, +he aftermath
of irregular living shows it­
self in bilious conditions, a
heavy head, a foul mouth,
a general bad feeling.
How to Pull Posts.
Take two pieces 2x6, 5 feet long, aud
bolt together as shown; spread at bot­
tom 3 feet, at top 6 Inches, aud round
out the angles so that the chain will
not stick or get fast in pulling. Take
a good strong log chain with large
hook and slip-noose it around the bot­
tom of the post as shown in the picture
and draw snug so it will not slip, place
your 2x6 triangular fulcrum at an
angle, against the post (experience will
tell you when you are right), pass the
chain up the post and through the
notch, give the horses 8 or 10 feet of
It is the blood, the impure blood, chain and let them go. If you have
friends, which is the real cause. Purify many to pull, commence at one end of
that with Hood’s Sarsaparilla and happi­ the line and pull toward the next post;
ness will reign in your family.
this will bring the horses about right
Blood Polson— “I lived in a bed of lire for the next; no turning or backing.
for years owing to blood poisoning that Two good men can pull as fast as they
followed small pox. It broke out all over
my body, itching intensely. Tried doctors can move the puller and make the
and hospitals in vain. 1 tried Hood’s Sar­ hitch.
saparilla. It helped. 1 kept at it and was
A correspondent of the Ohio Farmer
Hood’s Pills cure liver iih, the non-irritating and
only cathartic to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Rice Cultivation in Russia.
Mrs. Rosa Gaum Writes to Mrs.
Finkham Aboutit. She Says:
D eab M rs P inkham :—I take pleas­
ure in writing you a few lines to in­
form you of the good your Vegetable
Compound has done me.
I cannot
thank you enough for what your medi­
cine has done for me; it has. indeed,
helped me wonderfully.
For years I was trou­
bled with an
ovarian tumor,
each year grow­
ing worse, un­
til at
last I
was compelled
to consult with
a physician.
He said
be done for
me but to go under an operation
In speaking with a friend of mine
about it, she recommended Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, say­
ing she knew it would cure me. I then
cent for your medicine, and after tak­
ing three bottles of it. the tumor dis­
appeared. Oh! you do not know how
much good your medicine has done
me I shall recommend it to all suffer­
ing women —Mrs. R osa G aum , "20
Wall St., Los Angeles. Cal.
The great and unvarying success of
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound in relieving every derangement
of the female organs, demonstrates
it to be the modern safeguard of wo­
man's happiness and bodily strength.
More than a million women have been
benefited by it.
Every woman who needs advice
•bout her health is invited to write to
Mr*. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass.
asserts that he has pulled 60 posts In
60 minutes, that were 6 to 8 inches in
diameter and 3 feet in the ground solid
and with no digging. The triangle is
much better than a single plank a foot
wide and 3 to 4 feet long, often used
In a similar way. The single plank Is
apt to slip or wobble when the post is
partly out.
As winter poises «way it leaves many
people feeling weak, depressed and easily
This means that the blood needs
attention and sensible people always take
a tonic at this time of year. Purgatives are
not the right medicine — they weaken instead
of strengthening.
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are
the best tonic medicine in the world and do
not act on the bowels. They stimulate the
appetite, enrich the blood, strengthen the
nerves and make people feel bright« active
and strong.
In three years the progeny of a pair
of rats, undei favorable conditions,
will number 1,000.
Tiso’s Cure for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us since 1865.—J. R.
Madison, 2409 426 Ave.. Chicago, III.
A whale’s weight has been esti­
mated by Nilsson at 100 tons, equal to
that of 88 elephants.
Make Your Liver Lively.
A lazy, languid liver keeps you in bad health
all the time. Wake it up to lively action with
Cascarets Candy Cathartic. All druggists, 10c,
25c, 50c.
Place potatoes in a hotbed the last
week in April and keep bed dry until
slips begin to show, then water well
every evening. A mellow soil is best.
After the ground has been well culti­
vated, open furrows four feet apart, fill
with stable manure, and with a turning
plow make a small ridge over the ma­
nure. After the ridge has been
smoothed with a rake It is ready for
the slips. Plant in dry dust when there
is a prospect of rain, and set them just
as they are pulled from the bed without
heeling in. They should be set eighteen
inhes apart. Open ridge with a trowel,
set slip in before removing trowel, pour
half pint of water around slip, and af­
ter water has settled cover with dry
soil, placing it around the slip. After
they begin to grow, plow the patch, re­
peating in about two weeks, after
which the soil is raked up and placed
around the vines to choke out the crab
grass. They are much easier to raise
than corn and are excellent for fatten­
ing hogs; the ment made from them Is
very sweet.—Practical Farmer.
Most farmers delay spraying their ap­
ple orchards until after they are in
leaf. This is much too late, as what
part of the leaf has been destroyed
cannot be replaced no matter how
effective the spraying may prove In
preventing further spread of the dis­
ease. The tree is consequently weak­
ened all the season, and its ability to
perfect fruit or form fruit buds for next
year’s fruiting is impaired. There
should be nt least one good spraying
before the buds burst into leaf. This
may be made much stronger than
would be safe after the tender foliage
lias put forth. It will need to be
stronger so as to destroy the spores of
fungus while they are dormant. The
bud moth larva so soon as it hatches
makes for the nearest bud and eats its
way in. If the spray has fallen on the
bud, the first mouthful it eats is its
last. Spraying before the buds open
will nlso destroy many coddling moths
which often hatch out some time be­
fore there are any young apples to de­
posit their eggs In.
(■’owing Clover feed on Snow.
At Swedish weddings, among the
middle classes, the bridegroom carries
a whip. This is an emblem of his au­
thority in the domestic circle.
Sold by «11 drug­
gists or sent post-
t&id by the Dr.
villi&ms' Medicine
N.Y., on receipt of
price, 5o*per box-,
six boxe«,$2.s-2.
A handy hitching post lias a spring
Whenver some people are able to
raise the wind they can’t resist blow­ drum inserted in the top, on which ia
wound a cord with a snap hook at tira
ing themselves.
outer end for attachment to the bridle,
Without Knowing It.
the spring nulling the rope into th*
While sitting in a draft, without post when not in use.
knowing it we may become sore and
stiff from cold. We feel soreness and
Milan has a curiosity in a dock
stiffness all gone after using St. Jacobs which is made entirely of bread. The
Oil, hardly knowing when.
maker is a native of India and lie Iras
devoted three years of his time to the
He Invited It.
construction of this curiosity. The
He—The thing I most admire in this clock is of respectable size and goes
world is perfect frankness.
She—Then let me tell voir that you
Robert Taylor, the sheepraiser of
ought to Bhave off your goatee before
Grand Island, owns more sheep than
you ever eat another soft-boiled egg.
Somehow the world seemed dark and any other man in tlie countr y. Includ­
dreary to him after that.—Chicago ing those on bis Wyoming randies, ha
has »6,000.
Evening News.
For 30 Days More You Can Try It for 25 Cents.
Cured of
njl to IPS^ CANNOT
Alien’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet
Hwanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Chicago. Gentlemen:—I thought that I would write you a statement
It cures painful, swollen smarting feet ami
tell you how 1 have got along since I have used your “.j DROPS." I must say thut I am entirely
instantly takes the sting out of corns and
once more, tliauk« to your wonderful remedy. It ha« accomplished mor«* good from the
bunions. 1 t's the greatest comfort discov. well
sample bottle and th«* dollar bottle than the thirty dollars' worth ot medicine I liax e used of other
eryoftheage. Alien's Foot-Ease makes manufacturers. I tried all kinds ot medicine I saw advertised for Rheumatism hut could not get
tight-fitting or new shoes feel east-. It is a any relief from t he <1 readful mu fieri ng; till I got a Maniple bottle of your ’*5 D It OPS,”
after taking the same tor a few days I began to have less of those severe pain racking through my
certain cure forchilblains, sweating, dam n, and
body. After 1 got tlie sample bottle most used up I could begin to pest s line every night: after I bad
callous and hot, tired, aching feet. We used about half the dollar bottle then all my pe.ins left me. Oh! what a comfort it was! when I
have over 10.000 testimonials of cures. Try could sleep hl am at night without any m>re suffering. I am so thankful to you and your
it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe that I cannot find words enough in praise of your wonderful remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, and
stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial better medicine than “5 DROPS" tor all their his. Thanking you, gentlemen, for all your kindness,
packane FREE. Address Allen 8. Olm­ remain, forever, your friend.
R. M. LI FE, Porterfield, Wi«., Feb. 10, 1898.
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Suffered the Torture® of the Damned.
President Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Chicago. My Dear Sir: A Iter suffering the tortures ot
the damned fora long time from an attack of Rheumatism. I wish to say that your Rheumatic Cure
"5 DROPS” has cured me of all my trouble«. which were all caused by . .......
inatiNin. I had Heart Trouble, Piles, Bladder Trouble and Constipation. I would not take $.‘>no and do
without the remedies even if it only cured the Catarrh for me, which it has done. Therefore. 1 willingly
take the agency for tiie sale of your medicines, for they are a boon to iiiunkinil. Gratefully
J W. DENNIS, 120 Normal Ave.. II ifTalo, N. V . Feb. S. 1894.
'*5 DROPS’* cures Rheumatism, Sciatica. Neuralgia, Dy«pe|>«ia, Backache, Asthma,
Hay Fever, Catarrh, SleepleMsneM«, NervousneMM, Nei vous and Neuralgic Head­
ache«, Karache, Toothache, Heart Weaknea«, Croup, Swelling, LaGrippe, Malaria,
Creeping Nunibness.
rnn THIRTY mW IHUCCD to ennble sufferers to give "5 DROPS" at least a trial. we will send a
lUH I Ilin I * UAlv LUnBun Maniple bottle, prepaid by mail, for 2-’» cents. A sample hottie will
convince you. Also, large hotties <:««» doses, *1 On, 3 bottles tor f2.5b. Not sol I by druggists, only by us
and our agents. Agents wanted In new territory. Write iin today.
A Berliner has asked the permission
of the local authorities to establish a
public cemetery for pet animals. 11«
believes it would meet a long-felt
JOHN POOLE, P ortland , O regon ,
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tank-, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel IXL w indmill, sold by him, is un­
The Rabbit Peat In North Carolina. equalled. _________________
The Legislature has had to deal with
a large number of game laws during
Its present session, and In the proceed­
ings of each day’s session a law’ pre­
venting hunting without permission In
certain counties is passed. Such laws
are, of course, enacted as a protection
to the land owner, but they are likely
to do more harm than good in a few
yenrs, on account of the great increase
A Coop for Early Ckicke.
The cut shows a desirable coop for in the rabbit crop. Even now the
very early chickens. The coop is long farmers In sections of Western North
and sloping and has a hotbed sash Carolina are glad to see the hunters, as
hinged to the top. The higher half of I the rabbits are seriously Injuring the
the coop has a tight bottom with slats wheat, crop, amounting to a regular
pest in some communities.—Charlotte
(N. C.) Observer.
/ No one is better able to speak of this fact than Miss Kasel Snider,
a charming young woman of Arlington, Ind. To-day she has rosy
cheeks, sparkling oyeu and a plump form, which prove that «he is
I in good health. A year ago Mis« Snider was very thin, her cheeks
pale, eyes sunken and dull. She was troubled with nervousness
and general debility. She «ay«:
1 “Alter several month«' ueatment from the family physician we
«aw he could do no good. 1 wtw discouraged aud did not know
what to do. One duy 1 read an item in a paper of th« wonderftil
curative qualities of l)r. William«' Pink 1’111« for Pale People. 1 tried
the medicine, and when nearly through with the second box noticed
a change for the better. After 1 had taken eight boxes I was cured,
and have bad no occasion to take any kind of medicine «Ince. I
owe much to Dr. William«’ Pink Pills for Pale People, probably my
life, and I advise any one suflering with troubles «linflar to mine,
to take these pills.'*
Ml«« II azkl S nideil
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec­
ommended by all physicians. Don’t ne­
glect this necessity.
Growing Sweet Potatoes.
Farlv Spraying of Apple Orchards.
at its outer edge, as seen in Fig. 2.
There is no bottom to the rest of the
coop, and tlie lower end has a hinged
door, and is also covered with one Inch
mesh of wire netting.
When very cold, the door can be shut
up tight and the chicks will hnve a
warm run on the ground outside the
slats. When It is warmer the end door
can be dropped, giving a protected run,
but plenty of fresh air. The hen can be
let out Into this run when desired. A
cloth can be thrown over the glass at
Day* of tlie Horse Numbered.
The greatest electrician in the world declares
that the days of the horse are numbered, and
that m a short time electricity w ui completely
supplant man’s most useful animal. In 20
vears, he asserts, the horse will be a curiosity,
disease« of the stomach, liver kidneysand
blood would alsi be a curiosity if all sufferers
would take Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. There
would then be practically no dyspepsia, ner-
! VOOaneM* - cep'.cbsness, indigestion, constipa­
tion malarial fever or ague.
Calhoun county. 111., enjoys the
peculiar distinction of not having a ,
railroad, a telegraph or a telephone
Thoroughbred Hens.
A farmer who discarded his old farm­ line.
yard fowls and started afresh with a
He Attend, to Itu.liie...
few thoroughbreds says that be aver­
He attends to business who goes
ages as many eggs a year now from
straight to work to cure Neuralgia by
his twenty and thirty first-class chick­
the use of St. Jacobs Oil, and saves
ens as he formerly did from bis old
time and money and gets out of misery
flock of seventy-five to 100, says a cor­ quickly. He’s all right.
respondent of the Bangor (Me.) Com­
mercial. That was the average size of
Tlie Indians of Paraguay eiadicate
liis flock when he pinned bls faith to their eyebrows and eyelashes, saying
the old mongrels which bad descended that they do not wish to look like
to him from a long line of mixed an­ horses.
cestors with no particular variety of
To Cure a Cold in One Day
blood in them. They .were the common Take Laxative Bromo. Quinine Tablets.
barnyard chickens which we see on so All druggists refund money if it fails to
many farms. The owner kept the flock cure. 2;>e.
up between fifty and 100 year after
Football was a crime in England
year, selling or eating about fifty every during tlie reign of Henry VIII.
fall and winter.
Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousnes
In the summer time the entire flock FIT«
Il IO after first »lay’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great
laid enough eggs to keep the basket Nerve Restorer. Send for FHf.E &4.OO trial
and treatise. DR. R. H. ILLLNK, Ltd., 930
moderately full, and sometimes a few bottle
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
could be sold at prices that left very
Some of the stars move with a veloc­
little profit. One year the owner tried
to keep account of the cost of feeding ity of 50 miles a second.
them, and the result was that he de­
When coming to San Francisco go to
cided to kill them all off. They did not Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Room and
pay for their keep.
After that he purchased a few fancy board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 50cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
breeds. He fed them carefully and Free coach. Chas. Montgomery.
regularly, and gave them good quar­
Female fish of ail species are consid­
ters. He started in witu a dozen and
gradually raised the number to twen­ erably more numerous than males,
ty-five, and every year he raises a few with two exceptions—the augler and
more. He sells a few when anybody the catfish.
wants a few thoroughbreds, and be
No household is complete without a bot­
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
gets good prices for them.
entirely cured. I could go on the house­
tops aiid shout about it.’—M rs . J. T. W il ­
liams , Carbondale, Pa.
Scrofula Sores— “ My baby at two
months had scrofula sores on cheek and
arm. Local applications and physicians’
medicine did little or no good. Hood’s
Sarsaparilla cured him permanently. He
is now four, with smooth, fairskin.”—M rs .
8. S. W roten , Farmington, Del.
While rice has long been grown in
Persia and the Trans-Caucasus, it was
almost unknown in the interior of
Russia up to 1886, the supply being
imported from India, and, as it was
subjected to high duty, its use was
naturally confined to the wealthier
classes. Russia first commenced the
cultivation of rice in the early 80s, and
in 1888 the first steam rice-cleaning
factory was opneed at Baku, and 1,612
tons were produced the first year.
There has been a steady increase in the
production of rice, and there are now
five rice-cleaning factories in operation,
and the annual product is more than
48,000 tons. The demand for rice has
increased, and it is now generally used
by the peasants throughout the empire.
The quality of the native product is
eaual to that of the imported article.
The residue is utilized, the broken
grain being made into starch and the
flour is given to hogs. — Scientific
THE BEST------
Both the czar and czarina are enthu­
siastic pedestrians.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow 's tooth­
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Andrew Lang’s favorite pastime is
Men requiring unsurpassed treatment should
consult personally or by letter "Free” with the
pioneer «nd only exclusive men’« specialists in the
united Mtates Disease« of men made »he
study of a life-time. Unfortunates everywhere
should immediately communicate with Dr. Foote,
of Chicago. confidential. Remedies
sent everywhere In sealed pacKages and letters In
Slain envelopes. Correspondence solicited. Latest
urglcal. Medical and Electrical method#
adopted. Deluging tlie stomach with drugs aban­
drugs recommended by the unau­
! thorized Avoid
and self-styled specialists in Western
j towns. Few genuine specialists lo< ate outside of
New York or Chicago. In these cities your pri­
vate affairs are safe. Uneqiialed treatment for all
diseases and weaknesses of the (lenito-Urinary,
Sex.iul. liepr'.di <•;ive mi 1 Nervous Systems. Im-
to marriage removed. "Synhala"
. peuinients
positively purifies the blood, cures sypriilis and
removes all white Ulcers in throat or mouth, cop­
colored «poCe OR body arid » i options on Rk in.
| per
al**-, catarrh and rheumatism. “ligorala," the
| only permanent restorer and invigorator, gives
vigor to vital organs and nerves, prevents and
cures grip. SI per bottle, 6 for |5. Trial bottles
. cither remedy, half price.
A light fall of snow in March makes
an ideal condition for sowing clover
seed on winter rye and wheat. A man
who sows by hand or with the seeder
can see as he goes along, by the seed
on the snow's surface, how close the
seeds are, and whether he is making
any balks to lie filled with weed
growth The timothy seed should have
been sown in the fall. Any way. if
sown now. it should not lie mixed with |
The first woman has just received
clover seed, as the timothy seed Is her degree of doctor from the univer­
lighter and cannot be thrown so far.
sity of Beilin. She is Miss Elsa Neu­
mann and gained it “cum laude.”
Poultry Point«.
It takes about three months to grow
a broiler.
Broilers shrink about a half pound
each when dressed.
Forty dressed ducklings are packed
In a barrel for shipment.
The duck averages 10 dozen eggs in
alsiut seven months’ laying.
Build the house 10 by 10 feet for 10
fowls, and the yard 10 times larger.
Ducklings are marketed at five
pounds' weight, which they attain in
ten weeks.
Thirteen eggs are considered a sit­
For Mill«, Mine«. Shop« and Farms: Pteel Ix>g-
ting. though many breeders are now
King and Hoisting Engine« : Hoe Chi.««I
giving 15.
Tooth Saws. Albany Grease, etc.
Ten dozen eggs a year is the aver- |
age estimate given as the production |
of the ben.
■ ' •
• ■
34---v Fremont Street, san Francisco.
About four dozen eggs are given as
an average for the annua) output of ;
the turkey.
Keeping Apples In Pits.
Duck feathers sell at 40 cents per
It Is rather surprising that more
Is lime. - d b;
farmers do not winter their apple* un pound; goose feathers bring double the
derground in pits, such as they use amount.
•*A tap« worm eighteen feet long al
least came on the scene after my taking two
CASCARETS Tbl« I am sure has caused my
bad health for the past three vears I am «till
taking Cascarets. the only cathartic worthy of
notice by sensibl« people ”
G*o W, Baird, MiM
. . OlililB, CAL,
Of Greater New York, Boston, and
„ many otner
other nia
places use Carter’s Ink
I won’t use any other.
That speaks
well for
a soil of very deep dark loam: will grow nil
kind« of vegetables, grain, hay in great abun­
dance. Climate «nlendid. Crop failure« im­
possible. Adapted to the raiidng of cattie,
«beep, hogs; dairy and poultry Industries. In
mining district, providing an excellent market
for all products. Also rich cranberrr lands.
Magnificent chance if taken at uiice. Write for
descriptive book giving full particulars. Ad­
dress today.
C. R. D1WITT, Secretary,
28 Thurlow Block. Man Francisco, Cal.
The National
Inventors' Association.
(T ncorpobatkd .)
We do a general PATENT BUSINESS W«
secure, introduce and «ell patents. Our regis­
tered attorney can get you patents direct from
the government without delay. Arents wanted
in every town to sell patented articles. Further
information furnished on request. R oom 61S
and gives you food for thought.
■ *
Particulars and teat!
montals in plain sealed
letter M ailed F hkb .
FRENCH DRUQCO.,3814 1383 Pearl St. New York
For Gonorrh’M. and Gleet g< t PahM's Okay Specific It
ta the ONLY medicine whicn will cure each and «vary
caar. NO CARE known it haa ever failed to cura. no
matter how aerioua or of how long atanding. Reaulta
from ita tiae will aatonlah you. It ia abaoiutely aafa,
prevent« atricture. and ran be taken without inconv^
nlence and detention from bualncan PRICE. «3 (Mi. Ear
eale hr all reliable dniggiaU, or ernt prepaid by expreas^
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
PAHR? i HtMICAL CO , Chicago, I1L
Circular mailed on request.
Is life a burden? Hnve you pains in
the back? Do you feel completely
worn out? Try
Moore’s Revealed Remedy
It will strengthen you invigorate
you as it has hundreds of others.
• 1 per bottle at your druggist's.
Root» Crowned, Bridges Made.
1’alnleas tilling and extraction.
Dr. T. H. White,
C athartic
On receipt of 10 cents (in pontage) we will
mail to your h <1<I i <- ks (postage prepaid), three
new compositions of «he t music,copyi ighted.
TTCHlNCJFIlea proum-e moisture and oause itching.
This form, as well a« Bllad, Bleeding <>r Protruding
pile« are cur*. 1 by Dr. loianko'i File Ramgdy
Stop« itching and bleedlag A beurba tumor».
Jar at druggist« or sent by mail. Tr«ati<*e frve Writ«
me about your case. 1>R BONANKO, Philada., Pa.
l aw Big bl for unnatural
dlechargea, mhmtnationa,
G uartBlABd
irritations or ulceration«
n*« to atrlatura
of mucous niembraura.
Pravaaia eoBtaaioa.
Painleee, and not aatrla-
T hi E vas S C m EIUCR l C o . <ent or X»’*»no‘>s.
Wold by Dr ugg I nta,
S S' MSI' )
or »ent in plain wrapper,
r s. a
by eipi »■««. prepaid, foe
Il <n. or 3 bottlae. |Z75.
Circular sent an request.
la I M » 4ar•
Uaweey, «blear*. NeMraal, «a* 1er«. Sil
I w. tnsrantM to fit «vary caso w, un<l<-riakA
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