"I, Marcia Perkins, hereby give to the the top of a high ridge, and caught person who, after my death, becomes sight of the three Indians. He trem­ Did y’ ever »top your ears up, the owner of the daguerreotype of Jo­ blingly put bis field glasses to his eyes, •Nd listen to your teeth. seph Thurston, In the case of which and, sure enough, it was Captain Jack, As they dance ’nd clank 'nd clnrtci this paper will be placed by me, the MAJ. DRANNAN, THE CAPTOR OF bis squaw aud little girl. On the crackers underneath? sum of $2,500,” CAPTAIN JACK. “Where are you going. Jack?" asked Kin y' make your ears go wobbly That was as far as they went. “O!” I.ike a donkey when lie brays? the Major, as he rode up to the big I'll bet y’ can't make both your thumbs said Eleanor. I A Veteran Plainsman Who Has Been a chief who bad been causing all the “Hum," said John, and there wns a Go roun’ two different ways! trouble. Fighter unit Hunter for Fifty Years — silence for as many as three seconds. "Heap hungry.” said Jack, dejected­ tome of the Exploits in Which He Kin y* yawn as if y’ liked it. “Go on,” said John. ly. “Guess go Clear creek catch fish. ’ hack of love must stand Justice, pa­ With your mouth shot tight? Figured. “It’s nothing more about us. It’s only A few hours later the old scout rode tience, honesty, sincerity aud magnan­ Y' don' know how t’ cluck your tongue— that he,” waving the placidly pictured Into camp with bls three prisoners. The imity. Indeed, on these depends t' Naw, that ain't right! One of the most famous Indian scouls capture put an end to the Modoc war. young man, “was her lover. He was very continuance of love In ma^_/ Kin y' whistle on two fingers. drowned nt sea, and her house mid oth­ and the last of the great hunters and Drannan avenged the murder of the Like a ningine callin' “coal?” for it is not possible to go on loving trappers common In the Rocky moun ­ er belongings are to lie sold and the Davis family, which was a sensation­ Say—lemme see your sling shot-» less that is found which is worthy of money is to go to the Seamen's Or­ tains fifty years ago Is Major William al horror of the plains thirty years ago. You got a fishin'-pole? love. The world Is full of meu ami | F. Drannan, who still sees service An inoffensive family of settlers was phans* fund. women who think, either because they Y’ can’t stan’ on your head-’u’ han’s “So Ettie and the others will have to among the Nez I’erces of Idaho. He killed in cold blood by a party of Mexi­ like to think so, or, sadly, because they 'Thout a wall to prop— give up what they have already taken . carries a knife with which he has scalp­ can greasers, who then made off with WARNING TO GIRLS. must, that one can love where one does D’ y’ ever go in swimrnin’ ed thirty-five Indians, after having possession of, and Instead of every­ their cattle. The deed was laid to the Au' never tell your I’op? OME men, nay, many men, not respect. One may pity, may have killed them In fair tight. thing will have nothing." Ute Indians. The teacher’s watchin’ both of us— have a reprehensible habit of au Infinite yearing teuderness over It was Major Drannan who captured “Good enough," concluded John, In a “No,” said Drannan, with his usual She's on to me, I gues'— showing the notes aud letters what one cannot respect, but love is e Captaiu Jack, the chief of the Modocs, satisfied tone, “ provided this paper Is sagacity, “this is the work of greas- *F she keeps me in f'r talkin' t' you, written them by girls not only to other royal birth and recognizes only whtk. in 1873, and put an end to the Modoc perfectly legal. Thought they could ers.” J’ll—lick you at recess! men, but, what is still worse, to wom­ is as royal as itself. The way, then, to slight you entirely, but Instead they I war. The conflict between the United —New England Farmer. Lieutenant Jackson detailed him a keep love secure in married life Is ait made a mess of it themselves by giving States troops and the Modoc Indians squad of men and be started in pursuit. en,” the Baltimore News quotes a so much to be anxiously watching and you a cast-off. Insignificant-looking broke out during one of Major Dran- He traveled all day and about 0 o'clock bright girl as saying. "Every woman guarding lest It should escape, or cry­ trinket, which happened to be the most | nan's periodical attempts to “settle at night Black Bess sniffed the air cu­ knows that this Is true. Doubtless ing that love has spread its wings be­ there Is not one of us who has not bad valuable thing your aunt left after all.'* down” and farm. Couriers dashed up to riously. cause the first holiday romance is re, “If everything Is only turned over to his ranch, their horses covered with “Here's their camp.” said Drannan. submitted to her scrutinizing gaze an placed by graver feeling, but by 11 vlug us without any trouble,” concluded hh foam, and brought the news that Cap­ triumphantly. Sure enough, by the epistle written by some fair maid to a along simply and honestly and frankly < 4 yT'S an Insult,” said John Stone; wife. “To think of their pretending tain Jack and his Modocs bad gone on light of the dying embers the little man whom she thoroughly trusted. together, on a high plane, looking most I the war path. I “you shall send them right hack. she didn't leave anything.” posse could discern the forms of the This breach of confidence on the part and always toward 'whatsoever thfqgs The whole settlement was soon In a There was little trouble over the mnt You're Just as near a relative as greasers. The cattle feeding near were of masculinity—for It Is nothing less— are true, whatsoever things are L«n- was brought vividly to my notice by a the Gordons, yet they have got every­ ter, the paper being dated, signed, and I state of great excitement. The In­ those taken from Davis’ ranch. est, whatsoever things are just, wl,at- "We’ll give you five minutes to get man who handed me three letters, writ­ soever tilings are lovely, whatsoever thing. Just because they were there witnessed. Thus the Gordons reluc­ dians killed all the defenseless ranch­ read, ten by feminine friends, to when your aunt died; and then because tantly saw their knowledge of the ers they could and then tied to the lava ready,’’ said the Major to the Mexicans, "Eve left me with a full heritage of things are of good report.’ Then Ix»ve they knew you were entitled to some­ daguerreotype's secret came tout exhausted. Soon he (spouse), frau (lady), and weib (wife). each fiber separately with a blUDt Venice soap, one ounce; lemon Juice, tleman out. "1 don't believe he's making much found that Jack was sending the To save the not Infrequent disputes knife or ivory paper-folder. one-half ounce; oil of bitter almond, Then she hurried to the closet, and. one-quarter ounce; deliquidated oil of rummaging around, soon found the headway. Nobody ain't accused hint squaws aud children away, to save and heartburnings which arise from Tooth Paet«, tartar, one-quarter ounce; oil of rhod- box, and In It the daguerreotype case. of stenlln’ any of his wrltln's from any­ food. Every ludlan that attempted to Impertinence and Ignorance In the use Violet tooth paste Is the latest and This she opened and la*gan to scratch It body else, so I guess they can’t atuouut escape was captured by Drannan aud of any one of these terms. It Is now perfumes the breath. Violet tablets lum. three drops. bls men. They all said, “We heap hun­ till over with her thumbnail and to Hu­ to much."- Chicago News. proposed that one shall be officially al­ are carried by some women in the For Chipped Hand*. gry." ger its surface carefully, hoping, all the lotted to each of the recognized grada­ glove or pocket, in place of sachets. Oil of cocoanut, one ounce; lemon line night Drannan. scouting a« To Float Stranded Vessels. while, that she had not let a $10 bill go tions of the “scale social.” In this There is a substitute for the old sach­ juice, one-quarter ounce: alcohol, one- Vessels can l»e easily removed from usunk crossed the trail of three In­ manner. for nothing a general's wife shall be ets powder, but It is expensive. Violet half ounce; glycerine, two ouncea: rose dians. One track was quite large and It might really be a wlilm of Aunt sandluirs by a new apparatus consist known as his "consort;” she of .in offi flannel costs $15 a yard, but cut up In water, one and one-quarter ouncea. long, a second smaller, and one quite Ing of an endless »haln of buckets to Susan's, after all. to want the old thing, clal of the next lower grade shall be bits as long as the cloth lasts. There is small. Ix>ng-l)elayed Correction. that happy persons “spouse;” the also a preparation for the hair, which yet somehow it seemed to Eleanor that be attached to the sides of the vessel “ Captain Jack, bls squaw, and their Postmaster Tuttle, of Carthage, Mo., and driven by engines to excavate the she had once heart! Aunt Marcia speak middle-class partner becomes her hus­ makes my lady s tresses as fragrant as little girl are running away,” said has just received frond the Federal of a daguerreotype case with a secret saud from nrouud the bull uutll the band's "lady.” aud the workingman's she wishes. Drannan to Black Bess. "They are government a draft for $8.26 In pay ship floats free. helpmate Is simply his "wife."—New spring anti false back which was a starving, and they've started out to ment of a debt that has been running Love in the Home. Orleans Picayune. much prlxetl possession, the gift of a The first thing a tnan does when he Clear cteek to catch fish.” since tha cfvU war. but of which Tuttle “ In the first few months of married dtar friend. gets married Is to try to practice eevu- The Major had been In the saddle Pruyn—Have you heard that horrible life love Is so sufficient and loving to knew nothing. It ap|>ears that In set- Suddenly she gave a gasp and John otuy by shaving himself. twenty-four hours, but he never hesi­ story about old Stlffe being burled simple that there nvui« no other need ling with Captain Tuttle for hia ser­ looked up from Ills couch In time to tated. He took up the trail and fol­ alive? Dr. Bolus (hastily)—Burled In life.” says the Ladles' Home Jour­ vice« as a soldier one day's pay waa lav something white Hutter to the floor. The great trouble la. people haven't lowed It as rapidly a* he could push alive? Impossible! Why. he was one nal. "But by and by. when care t>e- overlooked. It took Uncle Sam thirty- Forgetting bls rheumatism, he sprang very good sense, anil they are not dis­ • head. Across miles aud miles of grav­ of my patients.—Exchange. glns to shadow them, when duties pre­ four years to discover the error. from the sofa mid stotsl, reading over posed to be very fair. el ridge there was nothing to go by sent themselves, and. strangely enough, In Finland women have the right ot Eleanor's shoulder a bit of writing on Some men walk so lazy and worth­ except sometimes a bent twig or a conflict with each other, when convic­ suffrage. They usnrp men's privileges a scrap of paper that meant much to T iki many excuses for failure to do less on the streets that you know they pebble turned by the feet. Finally the tions clash and tastes differ, then both and are carpenters, paperiianger% those two. your duty are worse than none at aU. Major looked down In the valley from are on their way to a saloon. husband and wife begin to realise that bricklayers and slaughterers. THE NEW BOY. THE DAGUERREO­ TYPE CASE. NOTED INDIAN SCOUT.