YOU CAN PROLONG YOUR LIFE LOCAL NEWS. by keeplng'yonr DENTAL ORGANS in perfect condition, thus promoting good digestion, which is the prime factor ot perfect health. You are iuvited to call frequently at in y office Ibr examination of the condition of your teeth All departments of dentistry arc practiced, and by the most modern and conscientious methods. DR. LEROY LEWIS, D. D. S. McMinnville. PHYSICIANS £ALBREATH & GOUCHER, °hysicians *Jda0V and Surgeons milice over Braly t> Bank.) " Mell- àP* £0 OBlOoN. & CABLE, Physicians and Surgeons. Rooms in Jacobson Block, Mwr viUR. • - • O regon . ATTORNEY. L. CONNER, Attorney and Notary Public (jfll/e rooms 9 and 10, Union Block. McHinnv ‘He, - Oregon •EAL ESTATE. Q!‘OA * WOOD, Real Estate and Insurance. Office in McMinnville National Bank Building, C Street. Fanns for sale, houses to rent, and till kinds of insurance written. Agents for property of non-resldenta. Correspondence solicited. PHOTOGRAPHER. | N. HOBBS, ttigh-CF ss Photography a Specialty. 1 am loo- d next door to K. M. Wade A < «»., and am he. e to du good work and give satisfac­ tion. Terms reasonable. CONVEY ER. A E. McKERN, Notar, Public and Conveyancer NORTH YAMHILL, OR. Legal papers written and acknowledgements taken. 1.1 VT: RYMAN. QITY STABLES, Third St , between E and E. E. L. WING, Proprietor. Everything first-class. Horses boarded by day, week or mouth. Commercial travelers couveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. Give us a call. MEAT MARKETS Q STREET MEAT MARKET, Reynolds & Bond, Prop's. Fresh and wait meats and snusagt-s of all kinds constantly in stock. Cash paid tor hides. Highest market price paid fur all kinds of fat stuck. jy^ATTHIES & BOOTH, Proprietors of CITY MARKET. Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds South side Third St. between B and C. PRODUCE MAR^ET^ Q STREET PRODUCE HARKET, e C. AOO aniels, Prop. woulc Cash paid f At . Hides anckTa . Oil Meal. Flaxft eu kinds kept on hand. •»nd Country Produce. Hay, Oats, Millfeed. . Bee Supplies of all BARBERS. yy H. LOGAN, BARBER. 1 atn located opposite Burn» A Daniels and aim to give all customers good treatment for little money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat-1 tvuage solicited. HARNESS £7LSIA WRIGHT, Manufactures and Deals in HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, ndbrii"hen, and sells them cheaper than they > can be bought anywhere el«e in the Willamette Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are i proucunced unsurpassed by those who buy them, j DRAYMEN yy. j. stow , M c M innville Truck and Dray Co. Good« of all description« moved, and careful ran’.ling guaranteed. Collections will be made Aonthly Hauling of ail kinds done cheap. . G. S. Wright, dentist. The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian one year for $2, strictly in advance. G. S. Wright, dentist. Hop wire at the McMinnville Fence School books at Hembree’s. Works. C. Griesen's new stock of wall paper. 6 Bargains in typewriter paper at C. The women have the Easter bonnet Griseen’s. 1-4 trot. A 15-J6ths Jersey heifer calf for sale. Deputy Sheriff Ernest Henderson F. II. B arnhart . spent Sunday in Salem. Bandmaster D. W. Feely was laid by Seven members were added to the with the grip most of tho past week. Device of Honor Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Irvine moved J. 11. Henderson and son Robert were into Mis. M. M. Hodson’s residence on over to Salem this week on business. Monday. Miss Eva Martin has established a Call aud see the now rotary mould­ branch millinery store in North Yamhill. board plow at F. W. Spencer’s. Some­ Did you notice the fine assortment of thing entirely new aud useful. fancy crockery at Bettman & Warren’s? Ladies, w hile in Mrs. Warren’s store Rambler bicycles at Hodson's at $40. Saturday ask iier to show you those new Best bicycle on earth. G. & J. clincher pompadour rolls. tires can’t be beat. Lynds Jones, employed with the Dr. Horse literature printed at this office Price Cream Bakiug Powder Co., at in the best style of the art, and at most Portland, was in the city over Sunday reasonable prices. with his parents. A new line of tobacco and cigars just New Monitor combined hoe and doable received at Bettman & Warren’s. disc spring pressure drills at F. W. A woman’s idea of a winter of the Spencer’s. A new machine, and the right length is one that lasts as long as first of the kind in Yamhill county. her canned fruit. Tho name of the wounded young man Mrs. E. S. Warren and Miss Mildred given in the dispatch of the 27th as Er­ Hale opened a branch millinery store in win Crawford of Co. B, is evidently an Dallas last Saturday. error, and is Elvin Crawford, Co. C, and The New Homo and Climax sewing a grandson of O. H. Adams of this city. machines, needles and extras at C. Grie­ If you have a cough, throat irritation, sen’s. 42tf weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult G. W. Seibert has gone to Dallas to breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us engage in blacksmithing. His family suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al­ remaius here. ways reliable and safe. Rogers Bros. Geo. W. Jones took a force of men up Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Barnhart left on to the mill on Monday to construct a log Monday for The Dalles, where they will chute, preparatory to another big year’s sojourn for a time, testing the health­ business. giving qualities of that climate. For a quick remedy and one that is We now have a few thousand dollars to perfectly safe for children let us recom­ loan on farm property, at good terms. mend One Minute Cough Cure. It is 12tf I rvine & V inton . excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling At the Cumb. Presbyterian church in the throat and coughs. Rogers Bros. Sunday morning the pastor will fill the The .shawl is coming into fashion pulpit as usual. Special music by the again. Stage managers will have to choir. At the close of the service the hunt up a new wrap for the deserted quarterly communion service will be widow and the orphan left in poverty held. by some man’s villainy. C. D. Johnson has just received a You don’t want to forget F. Diel- large invoice of new surreys, buggies, schneider when you think of purchasing carts and road wagons, and also has a pair of shoes this spring. Its the place farm wagons for sale. He is offering for footwear that combines style, fit and them at his well-known live-and-let-live prices. Come and examine his stock. wearing quality. Bettman & Warren candle their eggs R. Jacobson & Co’s display of millinery was elegant on Saturday, and several before they leave the store. ladies are known to have gone hack For the past two weeks the cherry several diffeient times to feast their eyes treeH have been considering the pro­ on that window. priety- of bursting into bloom, but the Ilappv is the man or woman who can frosty nights have held them back eat a good hearty meal w ithout suffering against their will—rebuked their rash­ afterward. If you can not do it, take ness and saved the crop. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what The Baptist Sunday school will observe you eat, and cures all forms of dysjiepeia “Chapel Day” next Sunday evening. A and indigestion. Rogers Bros. highly interesting program will be rend­ The trial at Hillsboro last week of the ered by the school, consisting of music, A collection will be case of Stout & Martin vs. Yamhill recitations, etc. county, to recover on lumber contract, taken to be used for building chapels in Everybody is resulted in a verdict for plaintiffs, and Cuba and Porto Rico. judgment for $1,378.68 and costs, which invited. Fred Thompson won the medal at the will amount to about $1,000. I. J. Wees of this county will receive Demorest contest Wednesday evening. pay for his time between the period of The other contestants were Geo. Mc­ his enlistment and rejection nt the be­ Cutcheon, Carl Grover, James McKil- ginning of the war. The boys who were lop, Robert Venson and D. II. Wolfe. rejected will probably all receive similar The judges were Rev. Fender, Prof. Brumback and Mrs. Annie Henderson. compensation in course of time. AU contestants did exceedingly well. Clare Baker, one of John W. Baker’s President Boardman awarded the medal sons, was in town Tuesday, wearing i in a few well-chosen remarks. About 309 soldier clothes. He is one of the boys were present. w ho didn’t get beyond San Francisco, | being taken sick there. He is now i Mr. G. W. Perkins of North Yamhill working for the Southern Pacific Co., on I who returned home last Saturday from a trip to London, called at this office the tie train. this week to say that he marketed his The grand jury at court this week was hops at a good figure, and did not leave composed of H. Dunstan, If. Rummel, them to be sold on commission as was A. B. Watt, S. Y. Yocom, R. W. Han­ erroneously stated last week. He had 261 ning, O. Woodworth and R. N. Snell. bales, which were eagerly purchased by They found two true bills. Abe Black­ London dealers as soon as they could be burn served as bailiff. The other bail­ transferred from the steamer to the iffs were VV. W. Nickell and C. F. warehouse. Mr. Perkins left New York Daniels. on his outward trip just before the fear­ Hon. Wm. Chrisman and wife re­ ful storms of February,and the steamer’s turned from California Saturday evening. passengers were shut up below deck for Mr. Chrisman is looking thinner than three days during the heaviest part of usual, being bothered somewhat with I the storm. The trip occupied thirteen rheumatism. He says if a man improves days, but the return from London to in California it is a sign there is nothing New York was made in one week. Quite the matter of him. Oregon’s lovely an interesting hour could be spent spring, which will soon be here, will do listening to Mr. Perkins recount the more for him than California. habits and customs of our British cous­ Monthly report of district No. 17, E. ins in the big city where pedestrians and F. l’erkins, teacher, for month ending vehicles turn to the left and where the March 24th, 1899: No. days taught, 20; people enter the cabs and street cars times tardy, 0; No. enrolled, 30; average left handed. attendance, 24.2; Those neither absent The severe fighting in the Philippines nor tardy, Nelva, Zilla, Grace and Glen­ brings with it the sad news that some of nie Blackburn, Willie and Effie Busbee, our home boys are among the severely George Downing, May Goodrich, Taphro- wounded. The list comprises so far na, Ralph and Elbertie Harford, Isla Chas. Benedict, Geo. Bnyder, chest; Wm Laughlin, Buna McCoy, Roy Mayhew, Ungerman, thigh and scrotum; Leo Cha». Nissen, May Stoddard, Chris. Grace, neck; Frank H. Thompeon, a Smith, Ethel Wonderly, Zola Cooper; Brownsville boy formerly of the college, visitors on roll, 50. faco; and Ray Antrim of Wheatland. Dr. G. 8. Wright of this city was ap- i Hayes B. Taylor, who enlisted from pointed a member of the state board of! Portland, and who is among the killed, dental examiners by Gov. Geer, on Mon­ was known to people here, having can­ day. It had consisted of four members' vassed the county not long ago in the in­ and as it might disagree on some subject terest of the Chicago Portrait Co. We it was thought best to have the board can only hope that our boys will survive composed of an odd number. The mem­ their injuries, but the days are likely to bers of the present board are Dr. T. L. be long and anxious before the letters Nicklin, Portland; Dr. W. W. Contris, arrive telling us of their condition. The Salem; Dr. James M. Keen, Medford; worst feature of this war is the fact that Dr. Norris R. Cox, Portland; Dr. G. 8. such noble blood must be spilled by those Wright, McMinnville. The board’s ignoble little sons of the jungle who don’t members meet either st call of the know a benefactor when they see him, president or at stated intervals. The or bow to fight a fair battle. We have board decides when and where the meet­ two consolations at this anxious period. ing« shall take place. They are generally If our boys fall, they fall bravely and held in Portland. The compensation is nobly in • righteous cause, and if it is $5 per day for the time actually em-, possible under the sun tor them to re­ cover, they have the grit to do it. ployed, and expenses. Many of our New Spring Dress Goods and Trimmings, Wash Goods, Hosiery and Underwear, are in. We carry a complete and full line of CORSETS. In Men’s Furnishing Goode, Shirts, Overalls, etc., we can give you the best values ever offered. We now occupy the second floor of our Store building with a full line of f— Men’s Hats, Trunks, Valises, Bicycles, LxV/71 and many other articles. Eaater Service nt Buptlet Church. The choir of the First Baptist church will render special music on next Sun­ day morning and evening, and the ser­ mon of the morning will be appropriate to the day. In the evening the Sunday school will give a chapel day exercise, assisted by the choir of the church. The following program will be rendered by the choir: 1st, Organ; 2d, Anthem, Christ is Risen, (J. L. Frank;) 3d, Shep­ herd of Israel, (Morrison) ladies’ quar­ tette, Misses Snyder, Glen, Snyder and Mrs. Boardman; 4th, Soprano solo, Eas­ ter Morn, (Adame) Mollie Patty. Even­ ing: 1st, Organ; 2d, Anthem, Golden Harps are Sounding, (Shepherd) choir; 3d Bass solo, (Selected) Fred Boardman; 4th, Soprano solo, The Palms, (Fame) Jennie Snyder; 5th, Anthem, The Blessed Trinity, (Barnby) choir. Bettman & Warren will receive a new stock of crockery in a few days. John Booth has moved from town back to his farm. D. P. Trullinger, the North Yamhill miller, was in the city yesterday. Miss Patie Cooper of Independence is visiting her brother, J. C. Cooper. Attend the endeavor entertainment at the opera house tonight. Plenty of fun for only 2oc. Mrs. J. B. Gardner has been quite sick with a stubborn case of grip, for two weeks past. The schoolmates of Epbriam Ford, who is sick, visited him in a body yes­ terday, with gifts of flowers. Mrs. E. F. Manning will return from California today. Her daughters Effie aiid Jessie went to Portland yesterday to meet her. Robt. Henderson, who has been a faithful employe of this office for some time, expects soon to take a position in the job department of the Statesman office at Salem. Mrs. R. J. Simpson and son Walter are spending a few days in Portland, visiting her daughters, Mrs. Patterson and Miss Bertha Simpson. The entertainment at the opera house tonight will be one you will appreciate. You are invited. Only 25c admission. No lady should fail to see Mrs. War­ ren's bats Friday and Saturday of this week. She haB just what you want for Easter. Chas. Grissen, the music dealer, this week sold a fine Emerson piano to H. P. Newton, one of the prosperous farmers living near Lafayette. I THE RACKET STORE Offers you undoubtedly The Best Shoes For the Money Just received from New York a large line of TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, LACES, RIBBONS. BED SPREADS, CALICO REMNANTS, Etc. Now is your time to get a Suit of Men’s or Boys ’ Clothing. Clothing, as we are closing out these lines, or leave your measure for a Tailor-made Suit. Don’t forget about our Star 5 Star Shoes. H. MILLS & SON. J§EEDS ^§EEDS : ♦ I I ! Garden Seeds of all kinds in package or in bulk. All of the Freshest. ONION SETS. Best Sets in the City. FLOWER SEEDS A man and wife to work on hopyard, inquire of W. C. M ilpcb , McMinnville. : : Now on sale at Dresser & Hendrick’s Come early and get your choice To The Public. Ladies, see Mrs. Warren’s millinery. The St. Charles store is doing a nice She has just returned from Portland with business on the start. Chickens are good the very latest novelties both in dress property, also eggs. We pay cash when hats and street hats. you don’t want nice, new, clean groce­ T. B. Reed, who moved from here to ries. Chickens are worth $3 to $4 per Dallas three years ago, has been in town doxen. Groceries sold as cheap as they the past week. He expects to move possibly can be sold. N. E. K egs . back to McMinnville this spring and en Farm for Sale. gage in lumbering or contracting. 95 acres well imj roved. Inquire of W The school children made a great raid 2m3 on the town selling tickets for an enter­ M. Merchant, Carlton, Or. tainment held last night. After a person Cure a fold 1» One Paj. is interviewed about ten times to buy a Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ticket, tie begins la question the wisdom All druggists refund money if it fails to of the plan. cure. The genuine has L. B Q. on each A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros. 46mo Tom Kay of Salem on the 2 2d met. Mrs. C. A. Wallace is over there on a visit to “Give me a liver regulator and 1 can her new grand daughter, whose birthday regulate the world,” said a genius. The is less than a day earlier in the month druggist handed him a bottle of IteWitt's than her own. Little Early Risers, the famous little Uncle Wm. Bnffum, aged 9.9, the oldest pills. Rogers Bros. man in the county, died at bis home in Amity on Tuesday, and was buried the following day. The funeral occurred at the Christian church,«nd was conducted by Rev. J. A. Campbell of North Yam­ CA8TORIA hill. Mr. Buffum was a native of Ver­ Bear* the »ignature of C bmi . H F lbtcwbb . mont and came to Oregon in 1846. In use for more than thirty yean, and Waist««. t 71« A'tsg Kua Z/«w Bought. : ! SOTICK FOB PCBLICATIOX. Land Offlco at Oregon City, Oregon, March 29. 1»99. ’OTICE 1« hceby given that the following named »ettler ha» filed notice of hl» In­ tention to mske Mini proof In support of hl« claim and that said pnxif will be made before the county clerk of Yamhill county, at McMinn­ ville, Oregon, on Mav 6th, UNI*, viz., Ezra A. f’lcment; H. E. 1V9&0, for the Iota land 2 and H hf of NK qr of sec t tp 5S II 7 W. He name-, the following witnesses toprove biucontinu­ ous r<-id. <•. upon mid cultivation of said land, viz: W H. Devore William Brown, W H. James, Ed Wood, all of Willamina, Oregon. CHAS. it. MOOR EH, Register. N Notice to Creditor«. I desire to make settlement of all ac­ counts now due me. Those knowing themselves indebted to me will plea«o make immediate settlement. at,d avoid making further costs necesi arv. E lma W. uoht . Llcenaea to Harry. March .:2—Cha». H. Woolworth, 26, and Cora B. Creaeon, 20, ol Dundee, March .3—O. J. Hodson, 23, and Lilia I. Hoskins, 20, of New berg. March 2'9—A. L. Wiilian son, 31, and Janie Hutton, 30, <>f Amity. CASTOR t A Bean the signature ot C wa *. II. Pr.rTcim In use for more than thirty years, ind Tho ICiod >’»« ZZste Al»hji Bought.