The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 31, 1899, Image 4

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    Yamhili County Reporter
county s tax h -. v
is the lowest of any county
1 gon. It is 16 6-lOths mills,
I». I. IHUt'Ill, Editor A Prupr
other 31 counties the r;;te
lOths mills in Linn and Multi
Subscription $1.00 Per Year. to 35 2-10tbs mills in Clatsop.
1 has the highest levy. Verilt
■ midst of life the taxpa;
Readingno’icesin lrcal column« 10 cents p^r ! debt.
line for first week and > cent per line thereafter.
Displ&y advertiseni“nt* Minn«l rates, one inch
per moutu 81, each additional inch 50 c« q U per I
I t will be use!
Obituaryand marriHge notice* not exoeedlcg 1
10 line* published frif furnished in time to Scarcity Of £OiCi iiUd In
be current news. Ad lita na’ matter I'* <'ent” per
the presidential campaig
The way of argument
capita of gold in tin
FRIDAY, MARCH 81. 1899.
States has increased to cli.'i, tun.
Nelson A Miles in the democratic tho total amount of gold to
presidential race may be one of the 743. The imports of gold in I t-
Tammany arJr 'ast were about >5,000,000.
possibilities of 1900.
leaders are anxious to eliminate |
Bryan, und would rather favor the1 G en . M iles called it “embalmed
Miles idea in order to escape Bryan. I beef” and the agent of the contem-:-
Miles, it is said, as the champiou of' ors called it “beef treated with
the soldiers, zealous for their welfare i , servative.” By whatever name it
and safety, can be made a hero t w|10 1 called, the fact is plain that th ■ un
has been ignored by the adminis­ scrupulous contractors imposed up
Ion the war department ami tlm boy
tration and punished for his protest
against the treatment of the enlisted down in Cuba most criminally and
men who fought under every disad­ outrageously.
harmless a
young man
clean, st
that wlii
and certai
and a sp
It is Dr.
cry. It g
It correc
aids assii
the vital, lil
It buii
every ]
d cunstiiuTjlion ar«
IC btill ullcS tO
n who is thoroughly
by in every fiber and
f disease only attack
partly decayed.
• that is a sure
Stock of
Store News
This week’s arrivals is a large stock of Car­
pets, Mattings, Linoleums; fine line Turkish
and Persian Rugs; large assortment oi Lace,
Tapestry and Chenille curtains
> the blood witl
L-11H of the food,
althy tissues in
It drives out ail
08 per cent, of all
it and lung affec-
VJ1 good medicine
nothing * just as
tions if tai
dealers st
Mr. Jos. T
in Dirblun, of 544
Street, New Orleans, La., writes : “ I'
for some two years, suffering from dy
tired feeling, and loss of energy nnd
I tried one bottle of Dr. Pierce’s Golde
Discoveiv and found <pt*al relief. I
more bottles, thr< ■ in all, and one or
of the ‘ Pellets,’ when I was in go
again. I recommeud Dr. Pierce's Got
r r J
Cal Discovery to do ail that it isclainv.-i
A man or woman who neglects
constipation suffers fr<
poisoning. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant
Pellets cure constipation,
little “Pellet” is a gentle laxa­
tive, and two a mild cathartic.
All medicine dealers sell them.
No other pills are “just as good.”
Cannot be equaled in tlie state
We carry Men’s and Boys’
Suits from medium grade up
to the very best, at satisfacto-
Ht Popular prices
Ladies’ Tailor=made Suits
vantage in the tropics.
The news­
W hen the people of a town or ci“
ranging in price from $6.50 to $25. Also a
papers winch have been making such
begin to manifest an interest in th t
an outcry against Alger und em­
fine assortment of Silk Plush and Cloth
locality, outside people' will begin t •
balmed beef, will, it is argued, join
and a large assortment of separate
take interest also. The people oi
readily in putting Miles’ name at the
Our large stock ot
McMinnville are all interesting th >m
head of their columns. Indeed, it is
Dress Goods, Silks and Novelty Trimmings
selves in the forthcoming annual i-n
asserted that the beef controversy
can’t be surpassed.
campment of the G. A. It., which
has had no other object than to make
manifestation will do much toward
Miles a central figure, who can com­
Our stock of Shoes is large as usual, Be sure to call
bringing people here from every part
mand the votes, not only of soldiers
and see us, as we will be pleased td show you through
of the northwest. They will be our
our stock and give you prices. We carry the leading
and their friends, but of farmers and
guests for a few days, and then.J.av
stock and always sell at popular prices.
laboring men naturally prejudiced
ing received a favorable impression
can make suits to order at
Yours to please,
against the big western beef combi
of our fair city and its hospitabl
nations. Attention is called to the
people during their welcome sojourn
fit guaranteed.
fact that Miles, while in command of
among us, they will carry away with
the department of the Missouri, at
them kindly remembrances of Me
Chicago, opposed the use of the fed
Minnville. Some of them, no doubt,
oral troops to put down the Debs
may remain here or return to dwell
strike, and did not carry out Brest
among us. Thus, will McMinnville
dent Cleveland's orders. Miles has
be doubly rewarded for her hospl
the reputation in the south of being
u republican, and it is feared he
It’s casi’ to jma
would not be sound on constitution­
T he battleship Oregon, after a
haul a big
al questions, according to southern
load lip a
voyage of 21,000 miles, arrived at
big hill if
construction. The southerners re­
Manila “in lit condition for any
you grease
member, also, that It was Gen. Miles
the wagon
duty,” This is the longest trip ever
A 1 O IHn et S IIP
In diflerent tints. Makes a nife w all on
who clapped irons on Jefferson Davis
f /AldOcXoll 11C
wheels with
Paper, Wood or l'iaster.
made by a modern battleship, but ¡1
while a prisoner in his charge at
MICA Axle Gr«a$o
is no more remarkable than the
Stoves anu General Hardware, Paints,
Fortress Monroe, an indignity for I
a **ox an<l,earn why it’s tl>G
best grease ever put on an axle.
journey of the Oregon at. the lie 'in
Implements, Plows, Harrows,
Wold everywhere. Made by
which lie was rebuked by Secretary
ning of the war from San LTatn i .< o
fc)TAMI>Al<I> Oil. CO.
Garden Toolsand Fresh Garden Seeds.
Stanton. Therefore, southern demo
to Key West. This distance of l.’>,
crats would be apt to regard the
A copy of The American of T’/b. 18th
OOll was made at the highest rate o
Miles boom with suspicion.
of h raid made the d v before by a
sustained speed ever attained by a
battleship, and at the end the Ore
Tn k Salem Statesman is after the
Neuest and latest designs in wall paper
an old shack used by latives in bygone
gon reported to Admiral Sampson
chamber of commerce of the capital '
days as a fish drjer. It sa s: "The shuck at Hodson's.
“in fit condition for any duty.”
in is located at the extreme
northern part
city, urging it to emerge from its
John I'. Cook is lyint? at. the point of j
fact, she was at once assigned to of the Tomlo district t, near the place
shell and look after Salem's share
duty in front of Santiago, and in the where t he Kansas regi unent had its first 1 death at liis reftideiiite juat east of town,
of the thousands of new and desira- l
as we go to press. His ailment is heart [
great naval battle of July 3d did as line at the lie ruining of the trouble and
ilisetiH), due to inflammatory rheutuii-1
ble people now pouring into the
much as any vessel in the American close to the cd/e of II ip bay. The Ore­ t: ni. Air. Cook is a native of Tennessee, |
We make the following offers
Northwest. Not only Salem, but
fleet to make the victory decisive. gonians show". I that they knew what I nnd is in his 72d tear. He came to
the Spring Season. . . .
all the cities and towns in Oregon
At the end of the war the Oregon they vere niter and where to look for it, I Oregon in l<il’, and by hie own indotni-
should through their boards of trade
10 patterns of all the latest style Ladies Shoes, fancy
I had an unexampled record for sea for after a brief search they unearthed a I table energy has become one of
waisting or kid tops, stock and patent tips, all guar­
or chambers of commerce place!
count) ’s most well-to-do citizens, There
worthiness and speed, and as good ;
.............. >2.65 aud >2.75 a pr
their claims of superior advantage
is but alight hope of his recovery.
I record as any other battleship afloat
50 pr L mies Lace, plain cloth top at
before the intruding immigrants.
dtist. The arms had evidently been
>2 apr
The much dreaded tlouea- thief got in
| in any seas.
Early in November placed where they would e hand} when
Even McMinnville has room for 1
.»0 pr Ladies’ Cloth Top Button, formerly >3
>1.35 a pr
I [ last, the Oregon left New York for the time for the outbreak . rrived. The ’ li is detestable work on a beautiful bed of
few more people, and the broad mid 1
of Men's,
Boys’ anti
and ' Children
s OllOCS
the return voyage around Cape Horn. arreitof the men on Thursday and the li Vi ■ ntl.s in Mrs. Judge bird's yard last
1 A splendid assortment
----- .
~ ...
U1 it.« I Oil ’ S
fertile acres of Yamhill county in- j
The distance from New York to San locating of the aims yesteiduy will piob-
stzes. and you won t be mot, with the excuse “just out” or tpo
vite men of energy whq desire to
Francisco is 16,660 miles.
From ably upset the plans oi the insurrectoB.” lovely blooms were taken. This con
ibes? poods are not odds and ends or “special sale” trash
build homes in a favored hind.
(»•mptible pilfering is going to get some­
New York to Honolulu is more than
A municipal crematory to burn tip the one into trouble yet. Hyacinths are not
but regular goods, all guaranteed.
There is a way to disseminate a
17,000 miles, and from Honolulu to pauper dead of ti e city is advocated by so plentiful that one might not trace
knowledge of our city and county’s I
Sign of the Big Boot
Manila is 4,000 miles, so that the prominent men in Boston.
them up if an effort was made in that di­
advantages, and that is through the
S|>eaker Reed lies declined to certify rection. A bed of blooming plants in
Oregon has to her credit two trips
Boots and Shoes.
agency of un active chamber of com
around the continent measuring 36,- on the r .¡Is of th > house of lepresenta-1 March means much hard work and care.
. >1/
000 miles, and is st ill “in lit condition fives the pay of Gen. Wheeler and other | Colne to The Reporter office for type­
soldier congressmen.
I for any duty."
writer papers. Legal and letter sizes.
Col Bryan is still conducting the 1
crisis department of the democratic
T he declaration of lion. William
10 to 1 sideshow, and during his tour IL Seward in the United States st n-
of the principal towns, cities and ute a quarter of a century ago, thai
villages of the southwest Mr. Bryan th«’ Pacific ocean, its islands, shores,
continues to wail “silver is not dead." and the vast legion beyond will
Somebody should take Bryan gently shortly become th«? chief theater of
by the lapel of his coat und leud him | events in the world s history, is full
away from the corpse.
He is ap ; of significance at this time.
Are Leaders for 1899.
preaching the hysterical stage. The of the past few years the war be
country lias found prosperity, al
Why* Because the price is right.
tween Japan and China and its im-
though the colonel denies it.
mediate results, the gold discovers
Below any possible Competitor.
facts are too much for him.
Busi- in Alaska and its effect upon
Chain less. Model 59 and GO.
ness booms, wages go up, but the
rJfiiT V! h I
The greatest care should ba given to
50 and 51.
colonel whispers that he can’t see
Iftuul VIULLill L.-.uu HAIL any little sore, piuiple or scratch which
waii and its annexation to this
Columbia Model 57 and 58.
any prosperity­ But it is not his
shows no dispositiou to heal under urdin-
49 and 45
country, and the acquisition uf tl
APPPAQCn AT ' ( mx T Ax ary treatricnt. No one can tell Irow soon these
business to see.
Calamity howling
Hartford Pattern 19 and 2o
Hi I Ln 1!Lu r. I 1 ii, Jl HU will develop into Cancer of the worst type.
rich Philippines by the I niteii
Vedette Pattern 21 and 22.
at so much per howl is the colonel's
t o many people die from Cancer simply be-
States, together with the grab made
Columbia Tandem
: 'I'■ y do not know just what the diaense is;
stock In trade, und he will surely be
for a part of the Chinese Empire by
InLllU rHTIrLLui
X ,.;rn I iiemselveH over to tiio ilii'tois. j
found pushing the scheme.
I > ■ erred to submit to a cruel and dangerous 1
I European nations combined to in
You will have cause to regret if you purchase without
operation--the <».’
■ ei;’
'i ll the doctors know for Cancer. The disease
vest this declaration with the ele
promptly return», how.u
this fine line of wheels.
Those who feared uud others who ments of prophecy. It required far
liefore. Cancer is a <.e;id ly | "iron in the blood, and an operation, plaster, or I
other external tnxitnivn ■■ m : e no effect whatever upon it The cure must 1
hoped that the breach between sighted statesm-’n to see these thin --
Send for catalogue.
couie from within—the ... t vestige of poison must be eradieated.
Speaker Reed and President MeKin a quarter of a century ago. but now
Walpole, of Walshtown, S. D. tutya: "A 1
lev would widen and rend asunder the conditions are such, and indica
bl tch about the size of a pea came under my left |
the republican party may now soothe tions of rapid development are so
. Hi rrowing larger, from which shooting paito (
■1 .
m in all directions I lieeame greatly ahirined 1
their perturbed spirits with the re­ plain, that he wln> runs may rei.i.
• a rood doctor, who pronounced it Cancer
flection that Speaker Reed in a late The Philippine problem was anionc
dr J that it be cut out. but this 1 could not con I
interview uiinoum ed his intention to the possibilities remote from tie
I r< id in my liM’nl paper of a cure effected by '
ind decided to try it. It acted like a ch irtu the 1 «<
withdraw from politics
entire­ most rosy dreams of Mr. Sowmd,
x>ming at first irritate«!, nnd t> en discharging
Vice President Robert is who was in his day an ardent ex
This gradually grew less and then discon
1 •-her. leaving a small scab which soon drop-
credited with the assertion that pansionist. Were he alive today I,
I row only a healthy little rear remains where
‘‘The speaker und the president, 1 would
doubtless favor a
1 threatened to destroy my life once he!4 lull sway."
The well-known place for the best meal in the city.
think, understand each other perfect strategic and commercial doi
vi Iv the only cure for Cancer is Swift s Sjajcitic—
There has never been any for this country, that it might
ining oom
reason for serious disagreement be cure and enjoy suprvma«v
it in the
. ch ran po
enon^h to reach the r«»t of
The Largest in McMinnville, has been recently fitted with best of
t wean >them."
Pacific area
» «▼stem permanently. A surgical operation
taste. Liberal service and all you can eat.
I « »at of t •
or—herauee the bh**i citn
S.; nothing ran tak.» its place.
c »STim tA
Give Us a Call.
«> Fruits, Candies. Nuts and Cigar«.
“xrofidn. F
Rheuniattan. Contagiou<
inn the »gnatute of i h «a It F lrtcbml
Bears the «tgnahire of C ram . U F: nr» hkr
—i'vi-on, L
n otb’T form of b!«»*l
\ «1 ¡ahle
lu tue far more than thirty vean and
lu use for more than thirty yeur*. ami
kw ksSsn Cancer and Bloo l
■4 will I* mailed free to any addfcba by
The A’iad > »■ Nil* .«/ mq ,
Swift Speculo CouipAuy. Atùuila Georgia.
Rambler Bicycles $40
♦ Wall Paper
Spring Opening in Footwear
and Vedette
j Bicycles
White’s Restaurant
S. S