The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 31, 1899, Image 1

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Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
9 00 D rop
Tor Infants and Children.
AVegc table Preparation for As­
similating LhcFood and Regula­
ting the S toiaachs and Bowels of
Bears the
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Norphine nor Mineral.
N ot N arcotic .
of OUi lir
JXirnpi rn Sctd~
dbcSennv *
jRocfttMi Salii -
binile Serai ♦
Jftppemùnt -
¿h Cartonali-Soda- *
liinnSeed -
(úrifiid Suaer .
Ifalryr** flnnr.
Mies Agnes Laurence of Portland is
visiting near town for a month.
On Thursday last Mrs. J. C. Nelson
visited in McMinnville.
Mrs. M. F. Hurley of Portland was in
town a day or two last week on busi­
Mrs. C. F. Johnson will have an open­
ing in millinery goods on April 5th.
The merchant’s carnival is to be the
event of the season. Those who fail to
attend will miss a rare treat.
The Firemen's entertainment last Fri­
day evening proved to be fine, and the
sum of |57 was realized towards the fire­
The notorious Sam Hess has left for
eastern Oregon. His aged mother is be­
ing cared for by Mrs. J. Bryan.
The churches held a union service in
the Friends’ church Sunday evening to
listen to a discourse by President Tbos.
A surprise party given by Mrs.Paulsen
in honor of the tenth birthday of her son
Earl, was a most enjoyahle event, and
guests to the number of twenty were en-
tertained in a delightful manner.
Commercial men and ribbons are now
making their appearance in large num­
bers. A good Bign of spring.
A new telephone line is being put up
between Salem and Dayton.
Master Andy McCann returned home
early in the week after spending a pleas­
ant week in McMinnville.
Mrs. John Watson has returned home
from a very sorrowful trip to California,
where she buried her husband.
S. Dunn has returned home from Hills­
boro, where he was a witness.
I. Nichols arrived home a few days ago
from California, where he has been for
his health, which is greatly improved.
Mr. Gillingham, who was called to
Hillsboro as a witness in a lawsuit, has
returned. He came by way of McMinn­
ville where he enjoyed a fine meeting
with old comrades and the ladies of the
Relief Corps.
Mr. S. W. Iler, a dentist now living in
Mrs. Simler’s house on Alder street, has
purchased the Powell property of ten
acres, east of Dayton.
One Dollar If paid in advance, Single numberetive cent«.
~ A bsolutely P ure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
The following officers were elected in
the Whiteson Sunday school Sunday:
Superintendent, C. E, Delasbmutt; as­
sistant superintendent, Mrs. Fox; secre­
tary and treasurer, Mima Bennett; li­
brarians, Roswell Bennett and James
Houk. The Sunday school ¡ b in excel­
lent running order. A special program
will be rendered next Sunday.
Mrs. M. M. Ranch is visiting friends
in Newberg and Portland this week.
Frank Harpole has moved into the
house owned by Mr. Fuqua of Willa­
Born—To the wife of F. G. Howenstine
on Saturday last, a fine girl. Mother
and child doing well. Fred will plant an
extra acre of garden this spring.
The Holmes brothers and C. D. Mor­
gan, onion growers of this vicinity, after
a beries of misfortuues that prevented
them from making anything, this year
are making quite an exhibition of grit
and backbone by purchasing 50 and 30
pounds each, for the coming crop.
Edgar Conner and family visited rela­
tives near Sheridan the last of the week,
returning Sunday.
The early gardener of Whiteson hafi
been getting in his work this week.
G. H. Baird, with bis corps of bridge
A perfect Remedy forConstipa-
carpenters, stopped in town the first of
Married, March 22d, Mr. Chas, Wool- the week.
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
worth and Miss Cora B. Creson. The
The doors of Hotel Whiteson are again
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
ceremony was performed at the borne of
the bride’s sister, Mrs. Abdill, by Rev.
Tac Simile Signature of®
The demand for eggs this week has
8. M. Wood.
been great, bringing to our minds the
Mrs. J. T. Rush, who died in Lafay­ fact that Easter is near.
ette, was buried in Dayton cemetery.
E. E. Beacorn has purchased the John
Chas. Starr, who was called home by
West property and moved in. He is
the death of hie sister, arrived on the
making some needed improvements on
22d, from Sumpter, eastern Oregon.
the place.
N. A. Brown’s woodchoppers are eith­
Wednesday evening a reception was
W. G. Robbins made a business trip to er lost or stolen.
given Ralph Carter, a returned volunteer Portland one day last week.
There was a fire in town Thursday in
at his boyhood home 2'7 miles from Day­
Misses Linden and Percival attended Dan Daugherty’s house. It started from
ton. A very enjoyable evening was spent
the county teachers’ association at Day­ the chimney. Not much damage done.
by those present.
ton last Saturday.
Marian Wilson is moving bis family to
Independence, where be will work in a
prune orchard this summer.
Mrs. Catherine Fuqua has bought tbe
property that Marian Wilson occupied,
and is going to tnoye in about the 1st of
Henry Wilson and tbe two Breeding
boys have gone up near Salem, where
they have a contract for chopping cord
EdFendall commenced cultivating hie
hops Monday.
H. S. Maloney was up above the Will­
amina surveying Saturday.
Mrs. Devore is able to be out again,
after several weeks’ illness.
Yamhill’s Busy Mart of Trade, the Bargain Center of the West Side. The place where low
Nate Hussey, an old pioneer of 1845,
prices and High Qualities prevail. All Goods marked in plain figures. One price to all. Your
very suddenly Monday night at 12
money back for the asking, if you’re not satisfied.
o'clock. He was born in 1815. There
are five boys and three girls of bis family
Our Stock for Spring in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings is now complete.
Never was a more attractive stock offered to the people of Yamhill County.
Spring, 1899
100 Styles the Famous Banner
Shirt Waist, now’ open. The most
perfect fitting Waist in the market.
50c to $2
100 different styles to select from.
1,000 pieces new Embroideries and
50 dozen this celebrated Ladies’
Wrapper, for which we are sole
agent’s. Prices 65c to $2.50.
We are sole agents for the Famous
La Triumph 2-Clasp Kid Gloves.
We guarantee this to be the best
Glove ever" sold in McMinnville. An­
other pair for nothing if they don’t
suit. Price $1.25.
The Famous Kid Fitting Corsets,
50c, 75c, tl, $1.25, 11.50 and >1.75.
Summer Corsets, 39 and 50c.
Ladies' Seamless Fast Black Hose.
4 pairs for 25c.
Sole Agents for the famous Y S F
Ladies'. Misses' and Men's Hosiery,
all grades, ”c to 75c a pair.
You should see our 2 Thread Lisle
Hose for Misses, 15c.
Gents' Seamless Socks, 5, 8, 10. 12
up to 25c.
Gents' Fancy Balbriggan Under­
wear, 25c.
Gents' Fine French Balbriggan
Underwear, double-seated Drawers,
We are showing the most complete
line of Fine Dross Goods ever shown
in Yamhill County. Our prices you
all know are right.
Waist, Dress and Trimming Silks:
Outing Flannels, 5c.
Best Domestic Gingham, 5c,
Best Indigo Prints, 5c.
Best Dark Prints, 5c.
Best Light Prints, 4}c.
L L Muslin, 4c and 4jc.
Ladies' ready-to-wear Dress Skirts
11.25, 11.50, 12, >2.50 and 13.
New Belts, 15c to tl.
Best Table Oil Cloth. 12Jc a yard.
Your money back for the asking if
you're not satisfied.
In Wash Dress Goods we show you
one ‘of the finest lines ever shown in
Yamhill County. See the New Wash
Silk Zephyrs for Waists.
Ladies' Rib Vests, 5, 10, 15, 25, 35
and 50c.
Full line the new Double-face Sat­
in Ribbon.
Rev. Scott of Lafayette bad charge of
assembly exercises and Mr. Vestel of
Newberg gave a short talk on Friday.
We miss John and Geo. Adams from
our midst, and hope they may soon re­
Mr. Grover has been busy the last
week working on the base ball ground
and lawn.
We noticed Mr. Black at assembly on
Wednesday, but whether as a student
or a visitor we did not learn.
Miss May Barnhart, a junior, has be­
gun a school in the Henderson district.
We wish her success.
The Gypsies who are camping near
the college have been attracting a great
deal of attention. “As there are so
many pretty? girls here” their fortunes
were told for fifty cents each.
We are sorry to learn of the misfor­
tunes of our former schoolmates, Messrs.
Uugerman and Thompson, at Manila,
and hope for tbeir speedy recovery.
When you get ready for that
Spring bill, come in and try the
BUSY STORE once. You will get
good treatment whether you wish to
buy or not.
50 Styles Men's Crash Hats, 25c
to 11.50.
All the new Spring shapes io
Men's tine Fur Hats and Men's and
Boys' Caps.
Men's Overshirts. 19, 25, 39, 50,
75c and tl.
The Store for the People
NO. 15.
Prof. Littlefield visited in the building
Our flag was raised Monday in honor
of the boys at Manila.
Clifford Reid has resumed bis studies
in tbe 8th grade after a week’s sickness.
It would pay you to come and visit
Miss Williams’ room, as she is getting
along fine with the little tots.
A Bargain.
Places of from 40 to 160 acres for sale.
A lay out for anyone wanting to go into
the sheep, goat or fruit business. Good
buildings. I will give easy terms and a
bargain. Call on or address
J. F. B yebs , Fairdale, Ore.
Before the discovery of One Minute
Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis­
turbed by coughing congregations. No
I excuse for it now. Rogers Bros.
Hur Docket. Department No. I.
Proceedings of the term as follows:
W C Brown vs G A Prentiss, action for
money; default and judgment.
M B Martin vs The Southern Pacific
Co, replevin; settled and dismissed.
F Y Ralston, admr vs JohnG Schnell- .
ing, action for money; non suit by plain­
tiff ns to Schnelling. Default and judg­
ment. Order to apply money in sher­
iff's hands to judgment.
W B Parker vs Robt Hutchcroft, action
for money; continued.
Joseph R Lewis vs C A Scott, action
for damages; continued.
F II Morrison vs School Diet. No. 16,
action for money; motion to strike out
confessed. Amended complaint filed.
J W Watts vs S P R R, action for
damages; continued for term.
Brown Brothers Co vs A C Churchill
and L M Churchill, action for money;
fault and judgment.
Chas Kohn & Co, vs R L Campbell,ac­
tion for money; default end judgment.
S V Hill vs A C Churcbill et al, action
for money ; default and judgment.
R L McMillan vs A Guinn and E A
Guinn, action for money; default and
judgment. Order to sell attached prop­
Melissa Cooper vs Franklin E Steph­
ens, action for money; settled.
U D and D C Latourette vs Henry Wil­
burn and Geo E Linu, motion for pres­
ent sheriff to make deed; sheriff ordered
to make deed.
Owen D Burnett, trustees, etc vs Mor­
ris Mercantile Co et al, action for mon­
ey; continued. Plaintiffs have until
April 15th to file reply.
M O Lownsdale vs A H Robinson, ac­
tion for money ; by consent of both par­
ties cause referred to R L Conner to re­
port law and facts by first day of next
term. Continued.
State vs A Grace, assault with danger­
ous weapon; plead guilty. Finea $50 and
costs. Committed to jail for 25 daj’i or
until tine is paid.
R 8 Goodrich vs A E Hull, action for
money; judgement for plaintiff.
Hoffman 4 Jamison vs Atlas Milling
Co, action for money; settled and dis­
missed without costs.
A C Chnrchill vs J T Osborn, action
for damages for malicious prosecution;
verdict for defendant.
James McDonald vs Simon F Murray,
action for money ; non Buit by plaintiff.
John McCall vs II Bailey and J D
Stephens, action for money; verdict for
plaintiff for $216.60.
The Keystone manufacturing Co vs A
S and Nancy Lane, action for money;
State vs C N Wylie, obtaining money
under false pretenses; plea of guilty.
Sentenced to ono year in penitentiary
and to pay costs and disbursements.
State vs Mrs A B Dimick, selling
liquor without license; cash bail of f60
Richard Parott vs Rodney Jones; order
for deed ; present sheriff ordered to make r
Department No. 2 meets April 17th.
Tax Lev le« tor 1SIIB.
Following is a list of the tax levies
made by the different counties of the
state on the 1898 assessment. It will be
seen that Yambill taxpayers are the
favored ones. These figures are worth
presenting to proposed new comers:
..................... 29 8-10
Benton............................................23 2-10
Clackamas................................... .28
Crook. ........................................... ro
Coos................................................. 24
Curry............................................... 26 7-10
Clatsop............................................35 2-10
Douglas.. ......................................... 22
Grant............................................... 30 7-10
Gilliam............................................ 25
.21 5-10
.................. 27 5-10
Klamath...................... .................. 22
Linu. ............................ .................. 18 5-10
Lane........................... ................. 20
Ijike .......................
25 7-10
Lincoln .................... ................ 21
Manon....................... ................. 21
Malheur........... .......... .................. 32 2-10
Multnomah................ ................. 18 5-10
Polk ...........................
. .20
................ 25 7-10
Tillamook.................. ............... 30
Union ........................ ............. 24
................ 20
................ 20
20 7-10
................... 25
W asco
.......... 10 6-10