1 add to Dayton .................... .......... 8.-Ì 328.80 a also beg ne cor Wm 11 blk 2 lots 1, 2,3, 4, 5. 6, blk 3 i Hall, Mary A com at a pt s 45 deg too ft to e line of A St s to beg t M Doughty d 1 c n to sw cor and lots 1,3, 3, 4- 6, 7 blk 4.............. 3 65 Parrish, Wm N beg nw cor of Jes­ w 2.47 ch from se cor of K ano h 4 r 4 -e................................ 11 to beg of above in Yamhill sie Parrish die No 57 run e 85 5th sts in McMinnville run s Knott, Ellen M n hf Daniel Booth Dancer, C W lot 1 blk 1 Watts mi l Co com at sw cor to G T Stew­ ch to ne cor s 26.66ch w »0 ch to Uy virtue of a Delinquent Tax Warrant issued deg w 3.09 ch 11 6814 deg w 3 28 i .1 1 c secs 27, 34 t 2 r 3 157 ¡5 a >3 55 to Amity ............................ art 3 1 c 11 to e line Wm Blum 11 w budry and n to beg exc 5- a of out of tlieCounty Court ol the Slate of Oregon, Dancer, Amanda lots 8, 9 bll. 2 ch 11 2ji deg e 3.09 ch S 63'4 deg Kueidt, J C nw qr sec 36 t 3 r 6 < to s line d 1 c of John Mitchell e w thereof described records w for the County ol Yamhill, bearing date of Feb. e 3.13 ch to t>eg t 4 r 4 1 a 111 Me- lf>o a . .. . ....................... .............. 3 80 Watts 2d add to Amity . to w line Stewart claim s to 343 e 48 a vol 31 p 142 exc 30 a 20th, A. 1>. X88b, and under the seal of said Court, Delashmutt, Mrs Ella com at ne Miunvilie ................ ......... 5 55 Lady, John M beg at sw cor of T B place ol beg t 2 r 3 10.33 a also vol 31-171 exc 20 a 10I 31-356 exc directed to me as Sheriff of aid Coumy, com­ Hall. Edith L lot 2 blk it Oak Hender land e 9 S ch n 27.33 ch cor of estate of Boyd the e 19.75 com at qr post w 30 rds to sw 20 a vol 31-398 sec 22 t 3 r 2 53.33 manding me in tie- nuuieoftbe State of Oregon, l ’ ark add to McMinnville 75 to cor Co Rd s 59 deg 45 min w clis to stake for ne cor of saicl cor s 8 rds e 30 rds n 8 rds to beg a.......................................................... 4 50 to levy on anil make sale ol the goods and Hall, Jennie B lot 1 blk 11 Oak 16 62 ch e 4.91 ch s to beg sec 30 tract on a line of Alex Milton d 1.50 a lots 1,2 sec 16 t 2 r 3 Persons, Edgar T beg at cor see cbutlels ot lh« delinquent taxpayers unme-l ¡11 Park add to McMinnville I C thence » 5.06 clis w 19.75 chs 75 t$r4i3* ... ........------ 15 oo 34.80 a............................................. 40 KO 17, 18, 19 -'4 t 2 r 4 run 11 12 deg the delinquent tax roll of said County for the Hamilton, Mary A lot 11 Fletchers Lake. Sarah K undivided int in 40 thence n 5.06 chs to beg sec 12 t 5 Storer, Wm and Jacob lots 6, 7, 8, Humin w 34.50 ch to e line of Mrs year 18117, thereto auai'hed, and if none be found 2 IO 20 add to Dayton 5.22 a a sec 36 t 2 r 4 3.33 a .................. r 5 10a lots 1, 2, 3, 4 ot sec tits 9, 10 blk 3 Newberg orchard M E Stall's land thence n 57 deg then upon the real property set forth aud de­ Hamrick, Eva E beg at the tie cor Lambert. II M ne qr of se qr anil r s exc frac tract lot 4w of Co R 1 association No 15a lots 1, 2, 3, 12 min e on said line 14.17 ch for scribed in sard delinquent lax roll, or so in 11c I of Rodel Maddison’s land n 72 n hf nw qr of se qr sec 3 t 2 r 5 satd sold to Geo Sauter 6a ........ 2 7*J ne cor of tract thence s 14 deg 05 4. 5 blk 13 5 a ................ ............. 3 65 thereof as shall atisly the amount of taxes Dviaslnuutt, P L lots 1 aud 4 blk 7 deg e var 20 deg and 30 tniu e 14 60 a.................................................... 3 35 Stow iSt Brower Esl, John’s add to min e 42 ch thence s 88 deg 30 charged therton, together with the costs aud ch 13’4 deg w 37.26 ch s I71< Landingham, J Ce hf nw qr and and lot 2 blk 7 exc 23 ft beg ne min w 14.54 ch to beg being part McMinnville lot 5 blk 10............ I 20 expenses of levy and sale. deg w 22 ,70 ch s 8 dege 19 68 ch sw qr of nw qr exc 3 a to Alice cor of lot t blk 7 Sherman tnetice Taylor, O D coin se cor blk 9 Mrs of J B Flett d 1 c beg se cor sec Now, therefore, by virtue of said Delinquent 6 05 to beg sec 2 t 2 r 4 35.18 a Shortridge sec 37 t 5 r 9 117 a e 66 ft s 120 ft w 66 ft 11 120 ft 66 3 95 P W Chandler’s add to McMinn­ 13 t 2 r 4 run w 20 ch 11 19.84 ch Tax Warruntand in pursuance of thecoinmands I.aroque, Alphonse part Philip xt 20 ft .................. 7 25 Harbaugh Henry J lot 1 sec 7 t 3 r to s line James l- lett die 11 70 ville 3.24 deg w 9. i4 ch w 7 ch 11 thereof, 1 iurve duly levied upon the lollowing Dell, Sidney lot 2 shown by refer­ Thompson die lot 5 referee’s 40 S 4.-9O •............................................ 8.20 ch to sw- cor blk 7 said add deg 45 mm w 5.50 ch 11 57 deg 12 described pieces and pan-els oi real property, Harding, S If lots 1,2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, report see 19, 30 t 3 r 3 233 a also ee's report as shown in Cir Cit min e 22.22 ch s 34.50 ch to beg e 10.97 cli to beg t 4 r 4 7.36 a . 7 53 situuui, lying iirnl being in tainlull County. 8, all in frac blk 1 Johns' add to beg nw cor D D McCann elm e Journal Vol 7 p 300 containing total 104.31 a ................................ 5 85 Terrell, Sam S lot 13 blk i5 Cen­ State of Oregon, and set forth a.el described in McMinnville ................................... 4 8o 40 ch s 10 ch w 40 ch n 10 ch sec 55a sec 35 t 2 r 5............................ 9 25 Peters, B S part of O J Walker’s d tral add to Newberg...................... 1 75 said delinquent tax roll as follows, to-wit. Harding, F S beg at a pt 32 ft 8 in 35 t 2 r 5 40 a also Sami Turner Diykenson R B lots 1, 2 blk 9 1 c n 53 com at ne cor of 214^ a Taylor, A A lotsi, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, blk n of intersec of 1; st with 11 line elm being s hi sw qr and lots I, Agee, W II lots 7 and 8 blk It Whiteson.......................................... 45 tract deeded by Wm Hobson to 12 Dundee Orchard Homes No 1 of d 1 c of Sami Cozine s line of 2, 3, 4 sec 26 t 2 r 5 s hf se qr Johns add to McMinnville ... 9 95 Diel, ti B ne qr of sw qraml uw qr Jesse Hobson as recorded on p 1.97 a......................................... *..... 85 <1 1 c W T Newby on w side of B lots 3, 4 sec 27 t 2 r 5.................... 00 GO Aiderman, J J lots 4, 5, 6 blk 27 of se qr con boa sec 17 t 3 r 5 40 Therian, Adlaid se qr ne qr and e 384 vol X said cor being 88 rds e st thence n 85 ft 8 in w 240 ft s Lashier, F A lots 9, 10 blk 2 Lafayette, lot 4, 5, 6 blk 27 . . . 4 io Disbrow, E H lots 4. 5, 6 blk 3 H and 80 rds n of nw cor of said d 40 ft e 100 ft s 45 ft 8 in e 140 ft hf sw qr of ne qr sec 17 60-tOOths Whiteson......................................... 6 7o Anderson, Helen Lippincott’s 1st & L's add to Newberg 25 lew along center Co Rd to a pt a exc 7 a in se cor of Co Rd aud to beg so-iooths a.......................... 9 9o Lawson, Ada E part of Noah Pow­ add to Dayton lot No. to blk 4 1 (XI Dixon, Calvin lots 34, 35, 36, 37 S 43 rds 3‘.j fl s on w line said 21 *4 Harford. Eliza J beg 10 54 ch n of ne qr ofne qr sec 17 40-l00ths a ell die beg at se cor of R J Anthony, L B 3-3rds undivided bo ft of 1 j 20 ' j 22 S 23 L 24 '/i a tract 56 rds 6 ft e to center Co post s line sec 27 n 10.54 ch w and deed to C F Daniels for all Lance field d 1 c w 2 11 ch s 27 50 int in 40 u ...................................... 2o 25 L 26 ,‘j 27 J-j 28 blk C v. in Rd 43 7-9ths rds n to beg sec 18 23.72 ch s 11.54 ch e 23.72 ch 25 exc 7 a in se cor or all se of Am­ ch w 22.11 ch 11 1% deg w on w Armstrong, J W II & L's add to Hobson's add Newberg. . . . 5 So t 3 r 2 15.40 a ................................ 6 75 a sec 2 t 3 r 4 ................................ 8 70 ity road sec t7 t 4 r 5 7 a............ Í 70 bmlry J Watt’s land 8.80 ch w Newberg lot 4 blk 7.............. . 6 65 Dolph J N s hf sw qr sec 14 t 2 r 6 Phiester, Samuel E 5a tract No 55 Thomas, J W 1 a t 4 r 5 .................. 4 53 2.25 ch 1145 deg w 25.78 ch to Atkinson, John lot b blk 3 Deskins s li f se qr sec 14 t 2 r 6 1 boa 5 45 Harker, J 11 lots 10S, 122, 123, 124 Hurley’s sub div s hf of John 125, 126, Dayton............................ 2 95 beg secs 19, 20 t 5 r 4 40 a........ *7 05 Thornton, J L lot 1 see 16 t 5 r 3 add to Newberg.............................. i 10 Doumit, Ellas aud Mary McKaid Selby die sec 2 t 3 r 3 5 a........ 1 75 Harker, Sarah and Anna Vail lian- 3 6.1 a ............................................ Lewis, Mary E lot 14 blk t Fos­ Atwood, H A lots 4 and 5 blk 4 45 beg ne cor lot 3 blk 7 11 & L’s selar lots 2,3, 4, 5, 6 Dayton 5 a 2 CXI ter’s add to Sheridan.................. Tibods, N N and Sadie lot 23 Wy- Foster’s add to blieridan 60 30 Phinney, Elizabeth lot 6 blk 9 add Newberg run w 93 ft s 15 ft 55 Deskin’s 2d add to Newberg n Elarter, Win J lots 24 blk A Hob ­ Linn, G E beg at a stone at sw cor nooskie ’ s subdiv 6.42 a .............. Badley, Mary and Uriah beg 36.65 35 e 93 ft 11 15 ft.................................. 75 Pillman W T lot 163, 164 Day­ son’s add to Newberg ... sec 31 run e 10.91 ch thence n 15 Torrence Jeduthan se qr ne qr clissofnwcor of David Ruin 55 Drake, M li beg at a pt where ton .................................................... 80 Haun, Mary undivided i-4otli int deg 13 min e 20.73 ch w 16 40 ch seyd 1 c thence e 49.93 clis s 24 and lot 1 sec 1 70.97 a nw qr nw Webfoot creek crosses s line Quapple, Fred s hf se qr of ne qr in nc qr and n ltfof nw qr 238.66 thence on range line 20 ch to .42 chs w 43.93 chs n 24 43 chs qr sec 2 40.16 a t 2r 5 III.lS a & 05 Win Logan d 1 c run w 117 rods sec 14 t 2 r 5 20 a also com at sw a sec 1 t 6 r 4 $4.05 minus $1 50 beg sec 31 t 2 r 3 27.31 a......... . . 4 25 exc 10a in 4 29 exc 30 a Vol 3! p Turner, Mary beg at ne cor Mar­ n 12 rodse 117 rods s 12 rods cor of sw qr of nw qr sec 18 2 Livingstone, R 4.40 a blk 10 2 97 a pilon 1-toth of 24 a ............ 297 exc to a V ol 31, 522.......... 8 65 55 tin Dower land 011 line between also lot sec 3 t 5 r 3 8.75a also run e 48 rods n 40 rods w 48 rods Haworth, E R lot 4 blk 9 Deskins’ blk 11 5 a blk 89 Dundee Orchard Barcraft, Anna C com at a point J W Fletcher and Lippincott’s beg nw cor J 11 Hussing dies 15 s 40 rds sec 18 t 2 1 4 12 a 4 add to Newberg also a part of 12.40 chs n and s 620 w 4‘i clis Homes No I i2 37 a ...................... 00 5 land s 13 deg w 2.82 ch s 70 deg 77Ji clis to Palmer creek down Quackenbush, Nellie V J Oak Park blk 2 O S by Edwards beg at se Livermore, Mrs C B com at ne cor from se cor sec 10 t 4 s r 4 w s to e 9L, ch n 83 deg e 1.07 ch 11 9 58 same to 11 line claim w to beg add to McMinnville lots 4, 5, 6 cor of said blk w 100 ft s 128 ft w lot 3 blk i4 Lafayette run w 29 n line of DC R R of \V Waling ch to beg in blk III Fletcher’s exc w 5a leaving 5a sec 3 t 5 r 3 ** 40 blk 13...................................... I 65 to beg ................................................ It s 75 fte 20 ft n 7a ft 2ox7a ft same a sufficient distance to in­ 9 55 add to Dayton. 5a sec 5 t 3 r 3 3 90a.................... 4 95 Quimby, L P W beg at a pt n 72 2 frac blk 14 .......................... .......... 10 clude 511 11 to a pt on w of beg to Haworth, Lillian M com at ne cor I Unknown, beg at a pt where II S Dunn, Loik-tia lots 1,2, 3 blk 3 La­ deg w 85 links n 103.33 chs from Loughary, L s hf sw qr sec 17 t 4 beg from 11 G Spencer 10 2 lot I blk 3 Newberg s 100 ft w 96 Ines e line crosses tp line sec 35 fayette .............................................. 3 80 angle cor of sthm bdry David Barnum, Anna being part of Jesse r a 80 a.............................................. 2 70 ft to Aliev 11 100 ft e 96 ft to beg t 3 r 2 sec 2 t 4 r 3 thence 11 Edwards, M M his claim being s Bridgefarmer d 1 c being part of Parish <1 1 c No 57 beg oil 11 line Laughley Sami lot 5 blk I Everest 96x100 ft exc in Vol 28 to Sarah 83-loOths cli e 23 33 ch to se cor hf nw qr anil 11 hi sw qr see 2 t 3 said claim n 77 deg 20 min e 22 add to Newberg .......................... . . said clui at a pt I22rd 11 on 11 line 1 10 Hoskins 36x100 ft leaving 60x100 of Viola Witsen land thence w r 5 160 a............................................ >7 05 .89 chs n 40 deg lo min e 10 chs 59L stilly 53L) rods e 94 rods 11 ft.............................. ,........................ 4 80 Macy, W T and M M lot 8, 9, 10 along T H line’ to beg sec Iilioit, Clarence lot it blk B Hub- 5 deg 50 min w 131 links n 72 s blk 17 central add to Newberg 80 5 22 rods 11 15 rods ntlily to beg 7 7<> 36 t 3 r 3 1 25 a................................ 30 son’s add Newberg.. .. 4 25 Haworth, J C lots 3 and 4 sec 17 t deg 20 min e 1.46 chs to beg t 2 Mackey, A Est w hf of nw qr and Bean, Letitia blk No. 215J0I111S add Sr 5 31.ua.................................... 75 Unknown, lots 5 aud 6 blk 2 Iiineigh, A K sw qr se qr sec 16 t r 4 11 35 a beg at a pt n 72 deg w w hf of sw qr of sec 27 t 3 r 6 to McMinnville ........ 18 75 Whiteson.............................. ......... 3 r 6 40a.......................................... 20 35 Helver, \V J Est allot Jas H Gaunt s 5 links from angle cor on s bdy Becker, Christina M ne qr of ne qr 161.43 a ............................................ 11 00 elm in sec 4 t 4 s r gnthly of Co Van Horn, C II lots 2, 3, 6 blk 13 Ensley, Martin V n hf Ensley el'm of David Bridgefarmer d 1 c run sec 36 t 4 r 8 .................................. 2 80 Martin, J R lots 7, 8 blk 10 Oak o Rd leading from McMinnville to Sheridan........................................... e lit se qr »ec 7 and e hf ne qr 75 1 deg 12 min e 29.58 chs n 74 deg Park add to McMinnville lots 3, Becker, Albert P se qr of se qr sec Lafayette too«................................ 2 60 ■ Vestal, Granville lot ti blk 5 Des­ sec 18 t 3 r 5 160 a........................ 57 mm e 21 deg 20 min e lo.uo 6 blk 23 Rowland's add tp Mc­ 361 4 r 8................................ .......... 2 80 Ensley, Isabel lots t, 2, 3, 4 blk 21 5 45 Henkers, Charles nw qr of nw qr kin’s add to Newberg.................. 1 40 chs n 25 deg 29 min w 3.67 chs Minnville 5 a ................................ 17 10 Beckett, Caroline beg nw cor D S sec 27 t 3 r 5 40 a............................ I 70 Walling, J li beg 3.3.57 ch e of nw Johns add to McMinnville 6 60 s 77 deg 20 min w 21 deg e 9 31 Massilon Engine & Thresher Co Holman d 1 c e 011 11 bdry 51.36 lleatli, l.ouis coin at a jit formed cor of H C Williams’ die s 16 Est<;s, B J int in North Yamhill chs s 8 deg e 6.90 chs s 22 deg 30 sw qr of ne qr sec 25 t 2 r 6 40 a 1 70 chs s 40 deg w along center Co by the intersection of se side of ch e 1 >4 ch ll 16 ch w 11-4 ch sec Record..................... .................... 3 30 min w 12.60 chs to s line said d Rd 22 chs ti 49.57 clis to beg Mead, Charles L w hf se qr and w 20 Dayton and Portland Co Rd w 34 20, 29 t 5 r 4 2 a...................... 1 15 Everest, Irine lot 2 blk 4 lots 5, 6 o 10 1 c s 72 deg e on s line claim hf neqr of sec 36 t 4 r 8 luO a . . Belding, Clieley lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk side of Blaine St in Newberg run Walling, Adam L Hobson's fruit blk 9 Everest add Newberg. 1 65 30.40 chs to beg t 2 r 4' 65.72 a Messinger, S E 6 7th ill lots 72, 73 Foster’s add to Sheridan 2 70 l-'urnsworth, Freeman w hf n hflot s 350 ft to center of 4th St along farm sub div blk 7 4 56 a. .... 1 70 part of David Bridgefarmer d 1 c Bell, A B lots 7 ami 8 blk 1 in 74 Dayton.... .......................... .... 1 same 125 It 11 225 ft w se line of Warner, T R lots 11, 12 blk 50 4 blk 4 Amity.......................... i 90 beg at a stake on s line of land Whiteson..................... ............ said Dayton-Portland Co Rd Messinger, Michael sr Robert Reed 30 Faulcotier, Mabel lot 3 blk 22 Dundee ............................................ 1 50 sold by A Matterson to said L P Bellig, Otilla lots 1 and 2 blk 31 and n 45 deg e along same to il c 1 exc 126 a off e and des « Watt, E B and M C lots 3, 4 blk 3 Faulconer’s add to Sheridan 3" W Quimby thence s 25 deg 29 Oak Park add to McMinnville exc 125 UXI54 ft sold 111 Vol 27 P 70 l-'aulconer, Ten lots 4, 5 blk 17 deeds vol X 12-222 195.70 a........ 21 .50 lots 5,6 blk 3 Watt’s add to min e 243 *1 w 72 deg 36 min e Belluigtou, C F and 1- lots t, b blk 378 125x71 it lots blk 10 Central Miles, A E lot 12 blk 17 Whiteson 30 Faulconer’s add to Sheridan Amity................................................ 6c. 95 554 1 j ft to stake ou line sold by 42 in Lafayette ................ 2 add to Newberg.............. ............ 2 20 Myers, Wm II H beg s 47Ji deg e Watt, Lavina lots 1, 2 blk 3 Watt’s l-'erris, II S com at a pt center Co by A Nfatterson to L P W Quim ­ Blood, W 11 that part which lies Hickey, Win ne qr se qr sec 20 t 3 18.86 cli from extreme n angle add to Amity.................................. »5 Rd n 55 deg e 1.50 chs from tie by 77 deg 20 min w 5 li) 011 s side of road which passes 2 7° of John Flett d 1 c s 47 deg e r 3 40a.... .................................. Whitmore, A J all that part of lot cor of C Goodrich d I c n 7 deg ft to beg secs 2, 10, 3, 11, t 2 r 4 through se qr of ne qr sec 11 t 3 Higgins, Arm int a e hf lot 3 blk 1 16.84 ch to range line n to pt 28 Chelialem Orchard Home ly­ e to clis w 1 cli 11 7 dege it 1. chs .47 a.................................................. 20 90 r 6 20a............................................... 2 cxi 8675 ft North Yamhill .............. I 55 66'4 deg e from beg thence 13.26 ing n and e of the present Co s 31 deg e 9'2 chs a 26 deg w 13 Radcliff, Wm N beg at the ne cor Bodie, Mrs L M lot 5 blk 7 Chand­ Heldyard, Charles A beg at ne cor ch to beg sec 12 t 3 r 4 10 a . 1 70 Rd run thence lot 28 sec 27 t 3 .60 chs s 55 deg w 85 Iks sec 16 of tract ol land owned by S W ler's 21I add to McMinnville. 6 95 sec 3 w 011 tp line 26 chs s 1.36chs Millard, Minnie lots 11, 12, 13 blk r.’liitiJa ....... 2 05 t -I r 5 a . . .............. .................... 2 00 Johnson s 112 rods e 29 rods 11 Bond, A 11 lot 5 blk 2 Poster’s add to angle s 46 deg e 6.29 chs n 75 5 Bibee’s add to Sheridan ........ 3 70 Whitmore, E O J lots 9, 10 blk 20 Flvnn, John Estate 11 lit sw qr sec 112 rods w 29 rods to beg see 21 to Sheridan 20 deg e 22 50 chs to beg 8 a sec 3 t Millard, Win A lot Hi blk 51 Ed­ Edwards’ add to Newberg.......... 1 40 34 t 4 r 6 80 a sec 33 t 4 r 6 8» u 9 30 7 70 t 3 r 3 20 a . . . Beggs, Jas II nw qr ol nw qr sec ward’s add to Newberg................ 55 2 r 4 ............................................... 2 55 Willis, Mary P beg at ne cor W J Forehand, S 2.97 a lot 7b lot 8 blk Ralston W O Bibee ’ s addSheridan 27 t 4 r 6 containing 40a i 35 Mitchell, Anna lots 1, 2, 3 blk 24 76 Dundee Orchard Homes No I 1 40 Hill, 11 I) anil Morris. A J com at Robertson land t 33‘o w 10 62 eh 30 lot 8 blk 1 .................... .................. Bradley, Nellie and Willie lot 5 blk ne cor Dave Bird dies on e line Dundee.......................................... ... 5 35 Foster, E R lot 12 blk 2 Foster's to Panther cr along middle cr s Reidt, Wm n hf sw qr and nw qr 12 Faulconer’s 1st add to Sheri­ d 1 c about 370 paces to ne cor Minthorn, H J beg 74.31 rods w add to Sheridan............................ 2<> and selv to e line John Carlin’s se qr also w hf of nw qr sec 36 t dan .................................... .. Quimby wly oil 11 line to right 175.14 ft s of se cor sec 18 t 5 r 2 5 on Foster, Sarah li lots 1, 2 blk 1 Fos­ land n 33.10 ch to center Co Rd 2 r 6 200 a........................................ 5 10 Brisbme, John lol 1, 8 blk 5 in of way of O & C R R 11 380 run s 60 ft w 4.39 ft n 60 ft e 4.39 11 55 d?g w 13.25 ch s 3.52 ch to ter’s add to Sheridan................ 45 Willamina. Reid, Agnes D lot 7 blk 26 lots 1, paces more or less t<> said d 1 c rd to beg 60 ft x 4.39 rds 1.33 a 55 Frank, C G e ef ol nw qr anil w lif beg sec 41 4 r 4 7 a........................ I 85 Buiiuin, Hess and Geo beg at pt 2 blk 61 Dundee.......................... 75 on line 117 paces to beg also 6 a com 4.39 rds w and 90 ft s of nw Wilson, Joseph s hf tie qr lot 6 blk e hl sec 36 t 5 r 9 270 a ... 5 60 on VanBiiskirk's w line said part Rufenrath, Peter e hf nw qr see 8 from D J Quimby 14 a sec 2 t 2 r cor of tract of land deeded by 3 exc e 25 ft Edward’s add to Ferguson, J L coin 38.17 chs s of being 144 62 roils s and 5b rods t 2 r 4 80 a...................................... 4 05 46a sec 2 t 2 r 4.......................... i «S Jesse Edwards to Chehalem Newberg .......................... tic cor Joel Perkins claim tn 4 s 18 90 16 ft e ol nw cor ol T j Jellison Ridgeway, W111 lot 8 blk 5 Bibee's Hilton, J A and Olive A com at se monthly meeting of ’Friends 3 w w 13.42 chs s 11.90 chs s 72 lot deeds Vol 11 291 thence w 16 add Sheridan.............. ............... 2 Robinson, J S lot 2 sec 36 t 2 r 4 se qr sw qr and lots 3 and 4 sec line n 20 rods to beg.................. i 3 1 o 50 ple Park add Lafayette t 3 r 2 40 a ........................ 2 70 85 a lot 9, 10,11, 12 blk 38 10x50 ft 33.80 a .............. ................ 16 and lot I see 17 secs 16, 17 t 3 Bill, Mrs Ella I, this land wassold blk 33 Edward’s add to New- Wo >d.E J lots 1, 2 blk 21 Row- Robinson, C E sw qr sec 30 t 2 r 3 Hiatt, Louis lot 8 blk 11) Central r 3 192.09 4 com at se cor Lem­ to Jas B Miller 30th March as­ .................................................... 7 10 lands add McMinnville.... 8 45 add Newberg ... ...................... 9 00 80 158.99 a...................................... uel Scott claim in t 4 s 3 w w 3.05 sessed to Bull n hf ne qr ot se qr MOrns, Francis A Newberg by Ed­ Hobson, Samuel 11 40 ft lots 21, 22 Roe, Henry 40 a sec 29 t 4 r 6 1 4u Wood, Willard lots 1, 2 see 30 chs 11 7 chs e 7 chs sthlj- to beg see 22 t5 r 3 Marell to J B Miller wards n hf blk 13 and a strip 50 70 blk C Hobson's add Newberg Sale, F Blots 1, 2, 3 blk 64 Lafay­ I 20 t 5 r 3 16.92 a sec 25 t 5 r 4 included in home 3 50 a the Geo Buell, M lot 1, 2 blk b Faulconer’s ft wide adjoining blk 13 on west 16 25 Hobson, Jesse beg 44 rods e of sw ette .......... ............ ........ . ... 4 15 L Wood d 1 c secs 3, to t 3 r 5 40.98 a ................................ 24 10 udd to Sheridan ........ Miles & Morris 7-> ft off ne lots 5 IO Sales, A H e hf ne qr ne qr se qr cor of O J Walker d 1 c run e 44 322 30 a Woodcock, A E lots 1, 6 blk 42 133 '’5 Burton, J J 311 undivided lilt sec 13, 14, 15, 16 blk 57 Edward’s sec 26 t 4 r 7 120 a...................... 4 55 rods n 80 rods w 43 rods 3'. ft 361 2 r 4 3.3311................................ 20 Gaunt, Samantha Jane coin sw cor Lafayette............................. 1 70 add to Newberg ............................. ' 125 40 Savage, Mrs N C w hf sec 161 2 r 5 and s 80 rods to beg exc 15 4-10 blk 6 Rowland's add McMinn­ Byers, Alsou G e 111 sec 6 t 3 r 5 Mortenson, O C C beg 70 ft of ne a Vol 32 p 376 leave 6 35 a lots 1 320 a.................................................. 8 15 Worthington, Helen lot 3 blk ville n 90 it e 67 ft s 90 ft w 67 ft 158.49a sec 6 t 3 r 5.......... cor lot 2 blk 6 Deskin’s add to 4 90 30 Faulconer’s add to Sheri­ n hf lot 2 blk 10 O S by Ed­ Savage, Ansel lot 16 blk 44 Ed­ 67x90 tt .............. 8 20 Bynum, Sarah li lot4,2311 sec 3 t 3 Newberg e 93 ft s 25 ft w 93 ft u dan ...................................... wards add Newberg 6 35 a sec 18 wards add Newberg.................... i 70 Gares, Titos M Foster's add to 1 00 ri ............ 25 It lot 54 blk 7 Deskin'ij 2d add 1 80 Sharnighousey, O R C Moore sw t 3 r 2 .................................. II 80 Worthington, Minnie lot 6 blk Sheridan lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 Bewley, R I, s 5 deg e 2,1 91 chs Morrow Fannie beg 59 Iks n of sw qr ne qr sec 17 t 3 r 5 .'j<> a . 1 50 blks I, 4 .............................. .. 30 Faqlconet ’s add to Sheri t 75 Hobson, M C lots 5, 6. 7, 8 blk 56 from ne cor 1 N Branson d less cor blk 3 Amity run n 60 ‘j Iks e Edwards add Newberg 2 20 Shartzer, Henry and E A s hf se dan 15 Gardner, I. 0 all ol lots 3 and 4 deg e 23.91 to intersection Mill 80 Iks s 60 Vi Iks and w 80 Iks to 1 Halloway, Mrs S B lots 10, 11, 12 qr sec 10 sw qr of sw qr sec line Hobson's Fruit Land sub t 3 r 3 Wright, O C lots 12. 13 blk A Creek Co Rd s 59deg w 27 95 beg lot 3 blk 6 lots 3 and 4 blk 7 4 blk E Hobson's add Newberg. . qr of ne qr sec 15 t 3 r 5 JÖO a. . 4 3 05 i to a Hobson’s add to Newberg chs n 37.73 chs to sw cor of T J Hobson's add Newberg . .. 3 60 Moore A lots 1 and 2 blk 15 Des- Sheffield, W II s hf of w hf of nw llonevman, DeHart & Co coni at lot 14 blk D .......... 2 »5 Dicky 4° a tract e 21.60 clis to kin’s 2d add to Newberg . 2 80 se cor blk 12 O S McMinnville n qr sec 26 t 3 r 2 40 a .................. 2 05 Wright, Abraham no qr sec 28 Gates X Henry nc qr of sec 36 t 2 beg containing 70.32 a in secs 33 McCain. James lots 1, 2, 3, 4, blk t 5 r 7 160 a beg 60 ft n of ne Sherman, I) F beg ne cor Henry I .’5 ft w 112 ft s 125 ft e 112 fl to r 6 160 a ............... 10 5° 34. 35 t 5 r 6.............................. 28 Lafayette .................... .............. 10 40 99 40 beg . .................................... t2O 3° Cooper d 1 c w 24.57 chs s 61.011 cor blk 25 Faulconer’s add n George, M C Dundee Orchard Calahun, W il lot 6, 7 blk 2 Fos­ McGaffrey, Henry s hf s hf sw qr chs e 24.57 chs n 61.06 chs exc I Hudson, John e hf sw qr and s hf 1-32 ft w 132 ft e 132 ft s 132 Home No 1 5 a in lot 47 <; a in It ter’s add ^lieridan sec 16 t 5 r 7 40 a .................. 1 70 45 se qr sec 4 t 4 r 5 120 a ............ 6 95 luO a secs 22, 27 t 2 r 4 bo a 15 25 ft.............. ........................... 7 50 48, 64 3.86 11 in lot 64 3.86 a in Calkins, A li Dundee Orchard McDaniel, A L nw qr sw qr n hf Hudson, Alex beg n side of Yam ­ Smith, Alvira lots 5, 7, 8 blk 12 li Wright, Louis R beg se cor of lot 68 1.63 a in lot 69 2.9" a in Homes lot 77 2a lot 78 la lot 85 se qr and nc qr sw qr nw qr sw hill river where it crosses w line & L's add Newberg.................. 3 75 lot 63 22.32 a Dundee Orchard ne qr sec 36 thence n 17 rods 1.32U also lots 2. 3, 4, s blk 7 4 7° qr 160 a secs.14, 15 t 5 r 6 40 a of H I> Martin d I c down same Smith, John E lot 12 Little Homes Home No a5 a in lot 64 5 a in Calhoun, T J lot 2 blk 5 Everest w 80 rods s 33 rods e 80 rods sec 15 t 5 r 6 120 a sec 16 t 5 r 6 10 85 to s lineot McCall land Hee deeds t 3 r 2 1.50 a................................ 3-5 lots 1, 2. 3 blk 4 10 a ................ add to Newberg. 17 7° McKercher D C lots 9, 15, 16 blk also 1 sq a on 11 side of Co 55 K 075 along s line to augletherein Smith, F A lots I to 10 inclusive Gilmore, DJ lot 30 Cove Orchard Criilan, Hum.is lot lb Little Home 10 Whiteson lots 1, 2, 7, and 8 lid opposite land des t 2 r 3 and s to beg sec 6 t 5 r 4 8 a 70 blk 1 Newberg Orchard Homes sec 2t t 2 r 4 10 a .................. 2 05 sub Newberg...................... ............ blk 8 lot» 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 55 Hurlburt, I> R lot 7 blk 32 Oak No 1 ............................ 2 90 13.50 a....................... .......... 4 0 Gimler, Nancy lot 4 blk 8 Deskills Carter, M A lot 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12 and 11 blk 9.................................. 45 Smith. I R lot 1 blk 11 Newberg l’ark add to McMinnville I 7 05 Zeitfuchs, Tillie lot No 6 Cove blk I Maple Park mid Lafayette 1 30 add to New berg 55 Hutchcroft, Murk se qr of se *lr McKinley, Elisha 1-lbth int of Smith, Elizabeth J lots 1, 2 blk 5 Orchard t 2 r 4 9.78 a......... 4 25 Glemion, Janies nc qr lie qr see 28 Carse, John 11 la g at se cor of J B land assessed to Merritt McKin­ and w III se qr and sw qr of ne Wheatland ...................................... 1 l(l Willamette Valley Telephone Pennington d 1 c 11 17 19 chs s 1 t 3 r 3 40 a .................... .................. 7 20 ley 239 u sec 1 t 6 r 4 2 ’ 3.50 a 4o qr sec 22 t 2 r 6 160 a . 2 Snawise, Anna ne qr of se qr sec 5<,,r deg w 27,07 chs e 20 86 clis Glenn, John com ata pts 131. deg McLeod, Jabe Johns’ add to Mc­ Hutchcroft, J W beg at nw cor W 17 t 3 r 5 4ti a .............................. 1 36 i Co e hf of lot 9 blk 14 Des­ >) tn beg 17,82 clis in sec 33 t 3 r 4 I kins add Newberg............. 11 65 w 2.50 eh from nw cor of Comic Minnville e hf w hf frac blk 24 40 R Johnson tract ot land in Carl­ Soper, John 65 a sec I3 t 2 r 4 6 60 1 Cation, David e lit lie qr 78 41a see Goodrich d 1 i’t 4 S R 13*, deg w McMerry, John lot 5sec 2V t 3 r 3 ton run w too ft s 162 ft e too ft Southmayd, A Clots 2, 12, 4 blk 1 Now, therefore, on Saturday, the 15th day of 8 o< 5 t I ' S 14 98 ch to mouth of 1st ravine 13. .5 u . . . .......... .. 3 00 II Ib2 It to beg t 3 r 4 lots 2, 7, 12 blk 2 lot 2 blk 3 lot April, A. D. 1SS9, between the hours ot 10 o’clor k 9<> Christenson, C ll lot I, 2 blk 1 lacing Dayton graveyard lip said McTier, Sarah and J A Odell the Hutt, Janies W L ne qr sw qr sec 6 blk .1 Bibee's add to Sheridan 6 35 a m and 4 o’clock p. m. of said day, at the .South Park sub to McMinnville d 1 c ot Elias JCrandall Noth) ex ravine 9-59'1 cli to center Co Rd 21 t 2 1 4 40 a .............. 8 10 Spencer, J \\ beg at a pt 17 rods court house door In McMinnville, Yamhill t 4 r 4 2H 2 from Davton to Matheny s terrv w 200 a s hf 300 a hf int see J A Inv< stment Co of Portland lots 7, 24 links s of ne cor of lot 1 sec | County, State of Oregon, I will sell the above Christenson. Peter No I sw qr see n 20 deg w 8 26 eh n 50 deg w 20 Odell 180 a .............................. ... 8 blk 34 lots 5, b blk 4b lots 5. b, 32 w 13 rods 19 links to center , described real property at public auction to thq :,3 t 3 r 5 )6oa ........ 8 08 ch sec 1 t 4 r 3 5 46 1 a 7 H» 3 4° 7, 8, 9 blk 54 lots I, 2. 3, 4 blk Marnan, F E lot 92 Dundee Or Co Rd s along said road 5 rods 1 highest bidder for cash in hand, subject t® m Christenson, Peter No 2 beg 60 It Gobbett, Rhinehart lots 15, 16 blk bo lot 7 blk bo lot 13 blk 20 Oak link e bearing n to a pt 21 rods cluird Home No I 1.94 lot 9 blk 1 demptlon, to satisfy said taxes charged thereon, w ot sw cor blk 3 11 X L mid to 42 Edward's add to Newberg . 4 lu /lot 1 10 Park.add to McMinnville 6 15 Nelson. W W undivided hf of s hf 22 links s of ne cor ol together with the costs and expensae of levy and Newberg 11 174 it 4 in w 41 rods t'.oodrich, Win C lie qr nw qr ami Jackson, Jennie corn at a pt 15 ft s of J C Nelson d 1 c sec 14. 15, 10, rods 18 links n 3 rods 23 links to ’ sale. to creek down creek to a pt due sw qr nw qr see 15 t 3 r 6 40 a 70 of nc cor blk 7 run w 93 ft s 15 ft 11 t 3 r 3 125.76 a ...................... H 15 beg t 5 r 3 50 a......................... 3 80, Date l at McMinnville, Oregon, thia 14th daj w ot Iwg nml e to beg 3.1 t 3 r 2 6 05 Gragg. Mrs M li beg at a pt 117 e 143 tt II N i.'s aiid Ne wberg I ot March, A. D. 13». Spies, Jacob and Sewert, A begat 3 90 Nixon, Eliza beg at sw cor A S Clark, C ami Gould. J F lot 16 blk rods und 27 roils and 6 ft e of nw Jacobs. C N Co lot 17 Dayton Phillips homestead e 20 ch n In a pt 4.53 chs 11 12chs w of nw cor 65 W. 0. HENDERSOX, tb Whiteson cor ol T J Jellison lot 1 deeds vol 30 James. W 11 lie qr sw qr sec 3b t 3 ch w .n ch s to beg living n 1* J F Hash die s I, ,95chse ll.dOch 5herlff oi Yamhill County. Or., and ei-otticfo Cleland, J G lot 7 blk 1 Oak Park II 291) thence e 29 rds to ft to 8 25 of nw qr of se qr sec la t 3 r 2 30 s 19.67 chs w 14 16 chs s 2S chs r 5 41’ a Tax Collector of said County. 84» add to McMinnville Van Buskirk’s w lines torods 15 Jenson, Lillie lot 3 blk 10 Whiteson a . .. ........................ . 60 to Co Rd n 18'2 deg e 9.20 chs s 3° Coatney, I-. lith May In g nw corot ft w 3) roa °5 Greeu, Willard and Mace lots 5. 6 3, 4, 5 sec 7 t 3 r 3 43154 a place of the Geo Nelson die 4 as shown m referee's report 55 30 Cook. J W lots 1, 2 sec 1)1.04 13 blk 4 Willamina 45 Jones, C 1 lot S blk 12 11 X L s ad sei s t. 2t3 r 3 137 a lots 11 to 2l Cir Crt sec 35 t 2 r 5 100 a 26 I 10 Guiles. 11M lots t, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6 frac •34« Ncwne-rg exc 11 30 ft 6 5 inclusive blk 1 lots t to 10 inclu­ Steigleder, Rilda W n hf lot I blk Cornett, Pol 1\ A coin at 11«* cor ot 7, 8 blk 27 ll A 1 add to New Joseph S li l-< , 1» f t s of tie cor of sive blk 2 lots 23. 21. 38, j 1, 40, 31 Edwards add Newberg 5 nw qr sec 5 w 20 rods s 40 nals la-rg 4 S5 41. 42, 16, 17, 18. 19. 29. 2' i '22. 28 lot 3 blk 3 Ni wlwrg run s 18 ft Stewart. MrsOrry L lot 107 Day­ e zo roils n 40 nals to la-g 5a slk ton 5 00 I *s5 blk 5 b\•‘»tvr s a»bl It» SbvrbLiii 5 1 .0 5 45 wants add NeevbeTg 4 I 4<> Simpson. 4nqa G all af blk 13 It art iflclally digeststhe food and aids Coulter, Win I lots 1. 2 Newby’s Gulhk)f mtn on so cor qr sec I7 t 4 r 5 39 a 8 Stilwell. J B com sw cor 10-acr. lot 5 blk 13 Johns mid to Me- structing the exhausted digestive or­ Coulter. Mnrv O lot 5 I lk 15 O S said lot 7 n to 11« <’ixr vlv fol Co Orr. S H lots 1. 3, 6, 7 blk 1 Vau tract conveved to Sarah C Nicn Mmnville lot I blk 1 Willis, add gans. It is the latest discovered digest­ McMinnville R«l to anxlc 15 s 7b «leg c 2 ch s 9 6O Ostrum's ad i to Sheri lan 75 ola Vol 24 p 464 Y C D R 7.50 to McMinnville 10 40 ant and tonic. No other preparation Coulter, B li la-g at a pt ou <• side 35 cleg w I hank of Willamette Pa< iiic Real Estate lots 7, 7, chs n 4 chs e to w line said Nich­ May. T ll lot 5 blk 15 Central add can approach it in efficiency. It in­ of A St in McMinni ille 8o It a of nver nwh along branch of river 5 i. 84. 86, MS. Dundee Orchard ols tract swly to beg sec 33 t 4 r Newberg. 2 75 stantly relieves and permanently cures where line ot W 1' New bi an J to l»eg t t r a b a Homes 2U.44 a .... ........ 10 65 70 Kertvit, \V s lit sw anti s hf nt 4 55 Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Heartburn, 3 3»'* ...................... S Coxtne int said e line ot A St Gwinn, A lot 7 blk 2 S Shrmlan Palmer. Joel Est lots 37, 88, 41, Stott. Raleigh and Sam R the Geo qr sw qr sec 27 t 3 r 5 too a 5 5° Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, thence e 84 tl n 7 ll 878 deg e rxc ft lot 6 blk 2 south 4'_‘, 43. 44, 45. 4b appear to be­ Stewart die also beg se cor of Kimlorf, Fred and Arthur e hf nw Sick Head ache, Gastralgia.Cramps. and along said <1 Ic ton line of H St Sheridan etc ft long to this estate but claimed qr sec 27 t 3 r 5 80 a John MitchaU ill ce to Stewart 45 4 OS •Mother results of imperfect digestion w 32 ft 8 in w 140 sw cor of Juel Hailstone, tiro lot 5 blk 7 H X L by others lots 293, 157 Davton 3 1 c n to co line w to Mitchell's Knapp, A J Foster's add to Sheri­ Préparas by g. C DaWitt a Co . CbKap* T ileuibree tract n 45 It 8 in w add to Newberg , . .... ........... I IO Palmer, Noah trac lot 5 blk 12 L’s 3 1 c a to beg secs 16, 17 t 2 r 3 dan lota 5. 6, 7 blk 1 lots 8, 14, SHERIFF'S TAX SALE. C I« Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ROGERS BROS. x. •>