tè >k Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville, as Second-class matter. VOL. XXIX. M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 1891). WHITESON. The Chicago Store We place on Sale Saturday Morning our first shipment of New Spring Goods. 250 pieces New Wool Dress Fabrics, all the New* est New York Novelties. 300 pieces New Wash Dress Fabrics consisting of PARIS BRODIERS, MADRAS WASH SILKS, ZEPHYR GINGHAMS, PERCALES, DIMITIES, OUTINGS, PENANGS, SATTEENS, Etc. Some of the most beautiful designs ever originated in Wash Goods. 40 pieces New Spring Silks in Plaid, in Stripes and Brocades. Full line TAFFE'J'A SILKS in colors. Complete line Housekeeping Goods, Sheetings, Seamless Pillow Case Muslin, Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases, Table Linen, Silkolenes, Prints, Ginghams, etc. 50 Cases New Shoes. We’re going to do business this spring if Stock and Prices talk. CHISAGO STORE. Mrs. H. L. Bancroft of Portland was doing business in town Tuesday. Mrs. James L. Masters of McCoy vis­ ited friends in town a part of Monday. Loran Cos of Portland is spending a few davs with his mother, who is quite ill. Edgar Conner and family spent Batu- day and Sunday visiting relatives in Ball- stou. Mrs. M. E. Percival spent Monday in McMinnville returning on the night ex­ press. Miss Edith Percival made Portland friends a visit Friday, returning Satur­ day. Mr. Ball of Harrisburg spent the day in Whiteson while on his way to Ball­ ston. We are very sorry to bid Mr. Barnhart goodbye, but we extend the welcoming hand to his successor. Rev Turner of the Methodist church will fill his. regular appointment Satur­ day evening and Sunday. Among the many who have been vic­ tims of the grip are Mrs. M. A. Cox and Mrs. Jerome Franklin. Rev. Scott will begin a series of meet­ ings on Thursday next. Beginning with Monday next he will be assisted by Rev. tVliiteman of Independence. Win. Robbins and Ed Pratt with their families surprised their home folks by returning from Nebraska on the Monday evening train. After the severe cold of Nebraska they are willing to settle down in Yamhill county. Yamhill can boast of a little boy two years and two months old who can tell his letters and all the figures to ten wherever he sees them. His name is Master Carl Parrot of Whiteson, and his parents are justly proud of him. THE SCHOOLS. COOK Bl'ILPING. The boys have been playing ball this week. Several new pupils are enrolled this week. Miss Mann resumed her duties as teacher of the 3d and 4th grades Tuesday morning. We finished five months of school last Friday. We have finished over half the school year, but have we half completed our grades'* The writer thinks we have not. Lincoln’s birthday was celebrated at our school by a short program, also by raising our flag. The flag was up again on the 15th, being the fiist anniversary of the destruction of the Maine. Real Estate Transfers. count From regular Cash prices this month on all Musical Instruments and Sewing Machines. Emerson Pianos, x Kimball and Cottage Organs. CHAS. GRISSEN, McMinnville. Oregon Take The Reporter and Get the News One Dollar Per Year. ¿51 Come to The Reporter Office for Typewriter Papers Marriage Certificates Probate Court. Estate of Alexander Stoutenberg Bond filed and approved. J. R. Forrest, Andrew Hewitt and Dingman Stouten­ berg appointed appraisers. Guardianship of Geo. H. Walker and John W. W. Walker. Bonds presented and approved. John Kuns, C. F. Dan­ iels and C. E. Branson appointed ap­ praisers. Inventories filed and approved Petition for license to sell real estate At ti e Salvation Army beginning filed and March 8th at 1 p. m. set to bear Thursday, Feb. 16th, midwinter camp- the same. Notice to be given by publi­ cation. fueeting. Legal Blanks Week ending Feb. 15th : U S to Jos Kenny 160 a sec 10 t 2 r 6............................ Pat (J S to Edw Griggs 164.20 a sec 4 t 2r6.............................................. Pat U S to M F Nessly 164 a sec 4 t 2 r 6 Pat U S to W W Espey 160 a sec 4 t 2 r •Pat U S to Elmer Espey 160 a sec 10 t 2r6............................................... Pat U S to Edw P Kenny 160 a sec 10 t 2 r 6.............................................. Pat U S to Frank E White 160 a sec 10 t 2 r 6........................................... Pat U S to Jno H Rankin 165.20 a sec 4t2r6......................................... Pat Arthur Barnard and wf to A F Bliss 124.20 a sec 4 and 10-2-6 $8579 39 Tbe Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co to Jos Williams 160 a sec8-2-4 .$ 800 L H and S W Baker per assignee to P C Melotte 10 a near Willam­ ette river.................................. 16 John W Warren to N C Simpson parcel of land in Sheridan......... 160 Thos G Turner and wf to Jacob Grauer 87-28 a pt O P Turner d 1 c t 5 r 5..................................... 2674 76 John R Cave and wf to Nathaniel Crosier 29.81 a t 5 r 3 .............. 1000 Joel A and John R Harris to C W Peckham lots 3 and 4 blk 12 Oak Park add to McM........................ 80 J F Peterson and wf to Frank W Fenton lot 1 blk 16 original town of McM......................................... 3000 T R Warren and wf to Nicholas Wall lots 11 and 12 blk 50 Dun­ dee................................................ 125 CASTORTA Seers th» (¡(nature of C hai H F lbtcbn . la use for more than thirty years, and Thf KinA Y< h Havt Alwajn fin/kl Judge Uurnett on the Frauds. One Dollar if paid in advance, Singlenumberstive cents. NO. 9 Election R o U l A At the February term of court in Mar­ ion county now in session, Judge Bur­ nett did not fail to call the attention of the grand jury to the charges of fraud in connection with the returns of the elec­ tion in that county last June. In his T ABSOWTEKYP u RE charge to the grand jury the judge called Makes the food more delicious and wholesome attention to the matter as follows: “I deem it to be my duty at this time aovsi sakimi powmr co ., « w vosk . to direct special attention to the charges and reports that some of the tally sheets Obituary. Council Proceedings. and ballots of the June election, held on the Cth of June last, were altered with The city council met in called session Mrs. Patsey Ann Todd, wife of Jona­ the design to change the result in the than Todd, died at her home in this city on the night of the 15th. Present, Coun- election of one of the circuit judges at Saturday night, February 11th. Mrs. cilmen Wright, Peery, Nelson and Mc­ that time. At the last term of this Todd, formerly Brock, was born near Donald. Tbe following wood bids were court the grand jury returned indict­ Zanesville, Belmont county, Ohio, May accepted: ments against seven persons, charging 26th, 1825. At the age of 14 years she re­ 50 cords 2d growth fir @ $1.71 J W Draper them with tho crime of forgery in con­ moved to Missouri, where on June 21st, 200 “ “ 1.80 M Hillary nection with this transaction. Owing to 1846, she was united in marriage to Jon­ 50 “ “ 1.74 J II Wilson an inadvertenco that grand jury was not athan Todd. The family emigrated to 40 “ “ 1.75T11O6 Draper properly empanelled, and, on motion of Oregon in May,1865, and since that time 75 “ “ 1.76 E Ladd the defendants, these indictments were they have been esteemed residents of 50 " 1.74 Geo Braithwait set aside. This objection to the indict­ this city. Tbe living children are : R. 50 “ 1.84 G Howenstine ment being a technical one, and one that H. Todd, Davenport, Wash., Mary E. 30 cords old fir at $2.19 J W Draper might have been waived by the defend­ Burnett, wife of Rev. P. R. Burnett of 50 '■ “ 2.24 II Johnson ants, the court ordered that they be held Eugene, Or.; Joseph A. and I*. W. Todd 100 “ “ 2.24 George Easterly “ 2.15 to the grand jury empanelled at this term merchants, Tillamook, Or.; Cynthia J. 30 “ Jno Willis *• 2.25 of court, and so they ara for your consid­ Sparks, Martha and George B. Todd of 60 " Lewis Forbes “ 2.15 eration.” F M Heater McMinnville. Mrs. Todd was one of a 50 “ “ 2.18 The statute found at section 70 of the family of eleven children, of w hom Muh- 30 “ G Bruithw ait “ 2.25 act of February 13, 1891, known as the Ion Brock of Woodburn is the only one 100 “ C F Heury “ 2.26 Australian ballot law was here quoted I now living. She had been a member of 75 “ G II Hibbs Peery introduced new ordinance No. by the court, after which he continued : , the Christian church for 50 years, and ‘‘You will observe by the provisions of j the funeral was held in the new church 196, providing for the repeal of ordinance this section, that it is a crime for any | here on Monday at 2 p m., conducted No 181, which w as the ordinance provid­ person whatever to willfully or fraudu-) by Rev. Powell, being the first funeral in ing for free water and light to the may­ lently alter or destroy or break open any J the new church. AH of the above chil­ or and council. The ordinance was return of any election regulated by the ' dren were present at the burial except passed unanimously, and this is believed act from which the section is quoted. the first named, who was unable to be to be the burying of the hatchet. It is “Willfully implies the simple purpose be present. well. Mr. Harding was granted the or willingness to do the act or omission privilege of putting in a water motor. It referred to, and does not require any in­ Mrs. Rachel E. Peery died at the was ordered that the resignation of Supt. tent to violate the law or injure another home of her daughter, Mrs. M. D. L. Sliger be asked for, all members present or acquire any advantage. An act done Rhodes, in this city, early yesterday voting in favor of it except Peeey. No purposely as distinguished from accident-. morning, of inflammatory rheuma-| reasons for this were discussed. There ally, is 6aid to be done willfully. To do tisrn, which affected tbe heart. Mrs. is likely to be a petition circulated for an act fraudulently is to do it with a de­ Peery was born in this county October l Mr. Sliger’s retention. sire or purpose to wrongfully deprive 26th, 1851, and was married to M. S. | another from tbe enjoyment of his Peery in 1872. Her busband survives 1 Wednesday evening, February 15th, rights. her, with two children, Mrs. P. Lung of I promptly at G o’clock, Mies Alice Jones “The tally «bests delivered to tbe offi­ Dayton and Mrs. Rhodes, and a brother. ot this city was united to Mr. Oscar Tay­ cers are properly included within the | W. A. Kimsey of Albany, and two sis-1 lor of Perrydale. The ceremony was per­ term 'returns,' as included in this stat­ ters, Mrs. M. J. Peery of Sodaville and ' formed in the lecture room of the new ute. Thsrefure, if you should find that: Mrs. Anna South of Scio. Mrs. Peery | Christian church, Pastor Powell officiat­ any person altered, or in any manner ' was a member of the M. E. church at ing, being the first wedding ever held changed, any white ballot cast at the Webfoot. The funeral will be held in in the building. One hundred invitations general election in this county, or any of the M. E. church at Dayton at 1:3d p. were issued, and every person receiving tbe tally sheets returned to the county tn. today, and interment will be made in one seemed to avail himself of the oppor­ clerk, and that such alteration or changes Oddfellows’ cemetery at that place. The tunity to enjoy the happy occasion. Tho were made for the purpose of making it procession will leave this city at 11 a. church was beautifully decorated and festooned with the materials so abun­ appear that some candidate received m. for Dayton. dant in Oregon for wall garniture. The more votes than were actually cast for bride and groom stood under an arch of him, or with a design to change the re­ Card ot Tlisnki. laurel from which was sus|>ended a clus­ sult of tho election, you should indict all We desire to express our heartfelt grat­ ter of mistletoe. The bride was beauti­ persons making such change, as well as itude to all kind friends who aided in fully adorned in a dark traveling suit and those who aided or abetted those persons the sickness and burial of Mrs. Patsey hat. Tho groom was well dressed in in doing the act. Ann Todd with their personal kind of­ black, but of course wasn’t so much no­ “Section 1808 of the code also makes fices and sympathy, and trust they may ticed. Both wore gloves. They entered it a crime for any person, with intent to be abundantly blessed. to binging by Misses Spencer and Ram­ injure or defraud any one, to falsely J onathan T odd and F amily . sey and a wedding march was played by make, alter or forge any public record Mrs. Evenden during congratulations. whatever, any certificate, return, attes­ The oratorical contest of McMinnville The groom is well-to-do, and his friends tation of any clerk, notary public, or college, to bring out the best talent to speak of him as an excellentyoung man. other officer. Within the meaning of represent this institution at the intercol­ The bride is well known and much es­ this act the judges and clerks of election legiate con Lest to occur March 10th in teemed in McMinnville. The new house­ are public officers, and the tally sheets this city, was held in the college chapel hold will 1 k > set up in Dallas, for which are certificates, or returns, or attesta­ last Friday evening. There were but the train was taken the same evening. tions of those public officers, and are tbe two contestants, viz: B. F. Blood and A liberal supply of rice was noticed on legal evidence received by, and upon V. E. Rowton. Mr. Blood spoke on the the sidewalk in front of the church next which the canvassing board actually de­ subject, “Is War Ever Just?” He morning. The local editor believes in termines the results of the election, claimed it was just under two conditions church weddings—es|>ei'ially for the other hence they are the subject of forgery —to defend our liberty, and to protect fellow, and is always better able to give a witbin the meaning of tbe law, inde­ downtrodden humanity. Mr. Rowton description of the bride’s dress when he pendent of the provisions already quoted was unable to deliver bis oration because is invited. from the election law. There are there­ of sickness, and his paper was read by fore two statutes bearing upon the act in Nolle.« tor Hide. Mr. Wallace. The subject was, “The question, and parties may be indicted Sealed bids will be received by the un­ Call of the West to her Sons and Daugh­ under either statute. ters.’’ The chief call is to protect onr dersigned for the furnishing of 15 cords ‘‘All persons concerned in tbe commis­ country from socialism and class distinc­ of old fir, 15 cords second-growth fir of sion of the crime, whether directly com­ tion, and the strife between capital and good merchantable quality, and 25 cords mitting the crime, or aiding and abetting labor. With the rapid development of of ork grub wood. All of the above wood in it, are principals, though not present, the west comes tbe influx of greedy capi­ to be full 48 inches long, tho oak to be and are to be tried and punisned as such. tal, and we have not the time to settle nothing less than 3 inches in diameter It may be that only one poison actually these questions with the deliberation at small end. The fir wood to be split bandied the pen, but other persons that was afforded the cast. Tbe judges into sticks small enough for use in com­ knowing about it, and aiding and abet­ of the orations were Revs. Fender and mon sized heating stoves. Bids will be ting by encouraging it, were equally B.F. Rhodes of thia city and Prof. Metzger received for all or any part of said oak or guilty, and should be dealt with in like of Lafayette. Mr. Blood won with an av­ fir wood, the same to be corded up on the manner.” erage of 91 per cent, and Mr. Rowton ground just north of the court house, and had 90^ per cent. Other parts of the also for the same sawed in two twice and Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. program were an instrumental solo by neatly ricked up in the basement of tho All druggists refund money if it fails to Mrs. Virginia Watson, a vocal solo by court house on or before September let, cure. Tbe genuine has L. B. Q. on each ( Miss Jennie Snyder, a duet by Misses 1899. Right to reject any or all bids re­ served. These bids will be opened at the Glen and Christa Seittera. tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros. regular term of the county court on tbe ------------------ ---------- 9th day of March, 1899, at one o’clock p. CASTORIA Advertised betters. Beers the »¡(ssture of C has . H. P i . btckb & The following letters remain uncalled m., in the county court room. In use for more than thirty years, snd J. H. N ilson , for in the McMinnville poetoffice: Cllne, Mrs Polly 9-2 Clerk of Yamhill County. T>u Kt»4 Fa« /few Alwapr Bng/U. Merkt, Mn Kate OCR CLt BBttG LIST. We have special arrangements with the following leading publications, whereby we are able to offer them in Yambill county has 31 indigent wards connection with our own at exceedingly . whom it is now providing for, not count­ low rates, as follows : The R efortik ing children. The matter of seen ring a •nd suitable place where these wards could Weekly Inter Ocean......... ..... .. ........................ be kept together and the expense of their St. IxxilsGlobe-Demoerat. seml-weeklp----- - 1J0 keeping reduced, js receiving tbe serious Rural Northwest, Portland, semi-monthly... 1.26 j consideration of tbe county board at the Ofegonlan, weekly..... .................... -............. - 2.00 ’s Magazine, monthly....................... 1JV> present time. If each a course were McClure Cosmopolitan Magarine, monthly................ 1 M adopted, probably about 20 out of the 31 The Weekly Sen Praoclsco Call........ ............ 1.70 would be admieeabie to the poor bouse. The Weekly New York Tribune ....—..... -...- 1 26 Cstllne, Wtn Csllings, Jesse Coyle, Ebert Gregory, Cbes Johnson, Mn C A Johnson, Mn Suda Kelley, L H Merchant, Carrie <2) Pearson, Miss Beede Price, I K Robertson. Mrs • Hauterbtiry. B F Spenser, G Thompson, Miss Ory ¿ebenen 4 New Mallett •! keeled Hide. Sealed bids will he received by the un­ dersigned for furnishing of lumber in the several road districts of Yatnhil) county in wagonload lots, to be delivered when and where directed by the super visora of J ames M c C ain , P. M. each road district, for the year 1899. Feh. 15th, 1899. The county reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. These bids will be Cure ■ Csld in One Day. ojiened at the county court room on Wed­ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. nesday, March Sth, at one o’clot k p. m., All druggists refund money if it fails to said bids not to apply where bri laes are J H. N elson , cure. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each let by contract. 9-2 Clerk of Yamhill County. tablet. For sale by Rogers Bros. 46m6