LONG VOIR LIFE ^PbEXT \I. oil«. W< i i mu -« ’ Wm promoting g«»o«i ti«»r, ^Kne factor ot périr« t health, ^vto call frequently at inj oilier Mn of the condition of your teeth Firs of dentistry are practiced, and Modern and conscientious methods. LEROY LEWIS, I). D. S. le. PHYSICIANS REATH & GOUCHER, Physicians and Surgeons. (Office over Braly's Bank.) M c M innville • • O regon . • ÇOOK & CABLE, Physicians and Surgeons. Rooms in Jacobson Block, O regon . ÌXNVILLE, MEAT MARKETS STREET .MEAT MARKET, 0 Reynolds & Bond, Prop's. Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all kinds constantly in stock. Cash paid for hides. Highest market price paid for nil kinds of fat stock. jy|ATTHIES & BOOTH, Proprietors of CITY MARKET. Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds Smith side Third St. between II »nd C. PRODUCE MARKET. ___ Q STREET PRODUCE HARKET, C. F. Daniels, Prop. ash paid for Poultry and Country Produce, j,’des and ¡'allow bought. Hay, Oat.', Millfeed, (j,*, M’ h I, Flaxseed and Bee Supplies ot all finds kept on hand. ba R b E ns._______________ yy H. LOGAN, BARBER. I am located opposite Burns & Danielsand aim togiveull customers good treatment for little money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­ ronage solicited. H 1RNE8S J2LSIA WRIGHT, Manufactures ana Deals in k HARNESS, DLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, jn -i. and sells them cheaper than they might anywhere else in the Willamette ■ Jur all home made sets of harness are |e«l unsurpassed by those who buy them. I STRONG, Dealer in and Manufacturer of HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, Etc. COLLARS, WHIPS, All work guaranteed as represented. Repairing of a’l kinds promptly done. Located al corner of Third and B Strut ts. UKA,YMEN yy j. stow , McHINNVILLE Truck and Dray Co. Goods of all descriptions moved, ami careful handling guaranteed. Collections will be made monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap. WOOD WORKER. HOFF, ” WOOD WORKER will repair your Buggies and Wagons, manufac­ ture Ottlen Furniture, Book cases. Wardrobes, Brackets, Whatnots and all kinds or wood work. Two Doors East of City 5tables. BANKING NO 3857 THE McMIMMWlLLK National Bank —NIoM Inn ville, Oregon.— Paid up Capifttl, $50,000 Surplus $10,000. Transacts a General Banking BuaineM. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. LEE LAUGHLIN, President. J L. KOGERS. Vice-President. E. C. APPERSON. Cashier. W, S. LINK, Assistant Cashier. 1.00 AVIU cure von Then why par expen.ive «Pa­ ton* bills, and receive no toneflt. when '»u h.ve ■ nHti>r»l remedv at hand -one not made t.y nun. but prepared hv the great Creator VI- tae Ore cornea to you ju«t as it is taken fiotn the <*arth, with only such chant«** a* is wrought by time and nature—nothing added «»r nothing taken from If vuuare afliichd with Stomach. Liver, Kidnev. Throat or Blood trouble*, ad- ,990, , In addition to the above special prices we can give you though, in reality they consider it worth the lowest prices ever offered in Dry Goods, Men’s Furnish­ a good deal more to them. The seating ing Gocxls, Groceries, Lamps and Crockery. capacity of the auditorium is 40«), while the entire bouse will scat 800. The new seats are installed, and are very com­ fortable. They will not be varnished for some time, it being considered better CHAS. P. NELSON, Manager. to defer until the wood is thoroughly seasoned. The church will be lighted with electricity, and heated by furnace. The new lecturn which will adorn the 44 pulpit, is unique in design and finish, ’ and is the handiwork throughout of Pas­ Suits some people, because it’s cheap, while as ¡1 matter of j tor King. fact, dirt cheap goods are usually dear at any cost, especially °« Clearance« At 20 Per Cent Discount McMinnville Grange & Fanners Go., nmmi □ Any Old Thing” llm I l>»ritll>Sanr Cuitomen. We wish to say that we are in better shape than ever to do horseshoeing and and plow work. Woodwork and carriage painting in connection with shop. Re­ member the place. Seibert Bros.’ shop. Please l ake Notice. Parties indebted to the firm of R. Jacobson & Co., will greatly oblige by settling account at once, as we need the money. Yours Truly, IL J Alonsos & C<>. I The young folks of McMinnville, who; were recently entertained by their friends in Lafayette, returned the compliment at the band hall last evening. Indications are that trade will not J close down after the holidays to the ex­ tent that it has in former years. In fact the tendency for three or four years has been to distribute business opera­ tions more evenly. This is owing largely to the growing diversity of industries among farmers, partly to improved I roads, and this year especially to the fact that so much of the wheat is still in the hands oi the growers, it« effect on trade likely Io lie felt when it changes hands. I I i MORE ROOM! LARGER STOCK ! LOWER PRICES! I linvo enlarged my store quarter-, to make room for rnv increased » Stock, and the people of Yamhill Coumv will find me right to the front this Fall and Winter ax usual, with the La meet and Bexl Assortment of Footwear in McMinnville. They can feci assured I will sustain my rep- Z utxtion. gained in Twenty Years bnsineea in McMinnville, of giving the best value for the money and carrying the fjitest Styles. V Sign of the Big Boot. F. DIEUSCHNEIDER. Boots and Shoes. Come to The Reporter Office for Typewriter Papers CASTORIA Bears the signature of C has . H. F li T c MI. In use for more than thirty years, and Tht Kind Yun Htvt Altkayi castoria Bean the signature of CBAS. It. P lstcwmu la uee for more than thirty year», and Thr Kini F ob Havr Sergkl, sài