The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 28, 1898, Image 1

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Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
5or (Tomina
A continuation of tho Clothing sale from the great Henry W.
King stock, bought by us at about 50 cents on the dollar, and re­
tailed less than regular wholesale price.
Men’s Mackintoshes
New Nobby Neckwear
Men’s Fancy half hose
All the new shapes in
men’s hats
Men’s rubber lined duck
Solid gold and plated jew­
New fine wool underwear
New Sweaters
New dress and working
gloves for men
New umbrellas
New short waist corsets
New black dress goods
Plaited chiffon in black
and cream
New dress trimmings
New fancy ribbon
New feather boas
New designs in hat pins
New kid gloves
Ladies’ and misses’ wool­
en hosiery
Jeweled belts
Ladies’ stock ties
We are constantly adding to our stock in all de­
partments. Our friends can rely on finding something
new whenever they visit our store. This, coupled with
our well-known low range of prices, makes the Chicago
Store the most desirable place to trade in Yamhill
50 Cases New Shoes to be
opened the Coming Week
People are very busy plowing, seeding,
sawing wood, hauling clay, etc.
Mrs. Garrick and Miss Myrtle Morse
were visitors at our school last Friday.
School commenced the 10th inst. with
an enrollment of thirty pupils the first
Paul Fund man, our enterprising dry
goods merchant, returned from Portland
this week laden with goods.
We were agreeably surprised by a visit
from our new school superintendent
last weeek. Come again, professor.
Preaching last Sunday by the Congre­
gational minister, and the preaching
next Sunday is by the new Methodist
The hop business in our community
came to a close last week, Mr. H. Z.
Foster being the last to sell. He re-
ceived 14'..c a pound for his last lot.
Licences to Marry.
Oct. 19—Joseph Emmerson, 24, and
Lillian Andrus, 18.
Oct. 20—Niels P. Anderson, 28, of
Multnomah, and Clara E. Fryer, 21, of
Oct. 22—Wm. Coovert, 27, and Amy
C. Decker, 18, of Dayton.
Oct. 22—A. D. Seibert, 25, and Mr?.
Inez Finnell, 23, of McMinnville.
New Term at the College.
The second term of the fall quarter at
the college will begin on Monday next.
The first term has seen an enrollment,
in all departments, of 100 students. The
work of the institution ¡8 progressing
finely along all lines. The beginning of
the term is a good time for those antici­
pating entering soon, toenroll. Any such
persons are urged to begin next Monday
with the beginning of the term. The new
art studio is fully furnished and offers
facilities for the study of art never before
offered in McMinnville.
The depart­
ments of music and elocution are also
more efficient than ever before It is ex-
pected that many new students will en­
roll at the beginning of the new term.
Reynolds, 9th and loth.
131 579
Redmond, 7th and 8th.
33 558
Akin, 5th and 6th ..........
17 875
Greene, 3d and 4th...............
Kingery, 1st and 2d.
I41 683
Scott,7111 and sth ............ 31 600
Beamis, 5th and 6th
47 852
Mann, 3d and 4th............... 51 957
\\ illiams, 1st and 2d
44 753
: ¡ £
24 30
14 42
21 4x
o. v isito rs
¡P e rc e n t a tte n d a n c e
The following program will be ren­
dered at the opera house Friday evening,
Oct. 28th, under the auspices of the Y.
P. S. C. E. of the Christian church, for
benefit of new church building. Admis­
sion 25c, children 15c:
Music, Treble Clef Club; tableau;
recitation, Miss Ethel Harris; vocal solo,
School Report.
Report of McMinnville schools for Miss Katherine Glen ; Tennyson's Dream
of Fair Women; instrumental solo, Mrs.
month ending Oct. 14, 1898.
Evenden; tableau; music, Treble Clef
recitation, Mrs. F. A. Powell;
» <
S Club;
vocal duet, Mrs. Dr. Hoople and Mrs.
cr Wm. Campbell; series of tableaux; vo­
S O.
a cal solo, Miss Virginia Spencer; tableau.
D ays a tte n d a n c e ..........
Ray Ilarpole returned from Pendleton
last Saturday.
M. F. Glover is having an addition put
on hie residence.
Miss Edith Brooks of Lafayette was in
town this week.
Rev. Scott preached in the Presbyter­
ian church Thursday evening.
Joe Draper and wife of McMinnville
were pleasant visitors in Whiteson last
The missionary’ society of this place is
meeting regularly, and doing some very
good work.
Mrs. C. C. Linden and daughter of
Sheridan were in town on business last
The Whiteson greenhorn, who wns in
McMinnville Saturday evening, got home
safe on Sunday.
Aca Robinson of Independence spent
Monday of this week with Mr. Cary, the
station agent.
The hop crop is about all disposed of
in this section at prices ranging from ten
to fifteen cents.
Mrs. L. Bennett is now in Marion
county caring for her daughter, Mrs. Roea
Murphy, who has been quite sick.
Mrs. Amanda Kneedler returned lawt
Monday from a three weeks’ visit with
her daughter, Mrs. H. K. Tolson of Carl­
W. G. Robbins will start a store in
Whiteson this week. He will occupy
the store building owned by Mrs. M. E.
James Savely’ has secured the position
of news agent on the Portland and Sheri­
dan train. He reports doing a fair busi­
C. E. DeLashmutt, who has been
quite ill for the past six weeks, has re­
turned to Whiteson. He starts Friday
for southern Oregon, to visit his sister.
Alex Taylor, an old resident of this
place, was in Whiteson Tuesday. He re­
ports the recent death of his wife in Sher­
idan. She was a daughter of W. J.
Garrison, who lives south of McMinn­
At a special meeting of the board of
directors in this district, it was decided
to divide the school. A separate build­
ing will be prepared for the accommo­
dation of the smaller children and an
assistant employed to teach them.
........................ A p iS lII
15 3
95 2 8 1
98 1 9 o
98 1
9.) 4 3 1
97 ...
Pupils who have 100 per cent in de­
portment and do not fall below 75 per
cent in any one study are on the roll of
First month, 9th grade—Nannie Ma­
loney, Elmer Dodson, Claud Sparks, Ber­
tha Wood and Georgia Reynolds.
Tenth grade—Lucy Patty, James Pot­
ter, Kathleen Bird, Lillian Peterson,
Raj’ Wisecarver and Lily Baxter.
W. I. R eynolds , Prin.
CoAimbu. School Nolt«.
Three Doctor? in Conntillation.
From Benjamin Franklin.
“When you are sick, what you like
best is to lie chosen for a medicine in the
first place; what experience tells you is
best, to be chosen in the second place;
what reason (i. e., theory) says is best,
to be chosen in the last place. Rut if
you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experi­
ence and Dr. Reason to hold a consulta­
tion together, they will give you the beet
advice that can be taken.”
When you have a bad cold Dr. Incli­
nation would recommend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy because it is pleasant and
safe to take. Dr. Experience would rec­
ommend it because it never fails to effect
a speedy and permanent cure. Dr.
Reason would recommend it because it
is prepared on scientific principles, and
acts on nature’s plan in relieving the
lungs, opening the secretions and restor­
ing the system to a natural and healthy
condition. For sale by 8. Iloworth&Co.
Directors Irvine and Nelson were visit­
Advertised Letters.
ors the first of the week.
Oct. 26, 1898.
: / e
May Reynolds is again in her place
Lr • rfl
The following letters remain uncalled
after a few days sickness.
a # r
for in the McMinnville postoffice:
Harry Hobbs was absent a part of last Barclay, Miss Mabel Phifer, T. D.
Conner, Mrs. T. E.
St. John, Miss Dora
week on account of sickness.
Waterman, Mrs. Hattie
Five Physicians and Surgeons, all Graduates from the best Medical Colleges in the World.
There were eight tardy marks in the Glle.
Wood, Miss Josie.
Incorporated under the Laws of California for $250,000. Established Twen­ Columbus school last month. That is a McCoy, Miss Buna
J ames M c C ain , P. M.
ty-Six Years.
bad record to begin with.
A port of the staff of the English and German Expert Specialists and Dr.
New scholars in the high school thin
Meyers & Co. w ill make their regular monthly visit to
week are John McCann, 10th grade, and
M c M innville , T hursday , nov . 17.
Lois Weed and Hugh Shelly ninth grade.
We have special arrangements with
the following leading publications,
They will be at the Hotel Yamhill.
I'rnbate Court.
whereby we are able to offer them in
The staff of the English and German Expert Specialists is composed of five
Estate of Robt. Atkinson. Petition to
regularly graduated doctor?, each a physician who has had many years' experience compromise claim against John Atkin­ connection with our own at exceedingly
low rates, as follows: The R epórter
in curing all manner of chronic disease?.
During the past quarter of a century the success of this most worthy and pop­ son, $265 allowed. Final account filed and
ular institution has been phenomenal. Diseases which have battled the skill of ' and Dec. 6th set for hearing the same.
Weekly Inter Ocean.................................................. fl.35
other physicians and stubbornly refused to yield to ordinary medicines, methods]
St. fxiuiwGlobe-Democrat, semi-weekly......... 1.75
and appliances are quickly subdued and mastered by the English ai.d German Ex­
New York W eekly Tribune.............................
fl .25
pert Specialists. They have the largest and best equipped medical institution in ! Guardian authorized to compromise judg­ Rural Northwrcat, Portland, semi monthly... 1.25
America The English and German Expert Specialists sre not only competent : ment against J. G. Wisecarver as prayed Oregonian, weekly.................................................... 2.00
anti reliable, but are responsible, being backed by ample capital and ably managed. for.
HOME CURES—While it is preferable in many instances to see a patient,
The general appropriation bill
Livery Bu.iur.. lor Sale.
the Engli.-h and tierman Expert Specialists have cured thousands of persons whom
thev have never seen. If yon can’t see the doctors write the home office for ques­ The City ^ivery and feed stables are passed at a recent special session of
tion list and free advice in regard to your ailment.
offered for sale. The equipment is first- the legislature was filed, on Friday,
Callon the Doctors when They Come—All ailing people should see the class and is doing a paying business. by Governor Ix>rd, who allowed it to
English an<l German Expert Specialists. A friendly talk, which costs absolutely Terms reasonable.
become a law without his signature.
nothing, is bouud to result in a great deal oi good, whether treatment is taken or
W ilson fc H enderson .
-------- a-
English and German Expert Specialists,
A Miff of the Mont Eminent Physician« and SnrgenM in the World.
731 .Tarket 5t., San Francisco.
Bears the aignature of C has . H Fr-ercsn.
Bewr. th* signature of C has . H. P lstchrb .
In use for more than thirty year? and
In aae for more than thirty years, and
TV Head >0« Havt A/wa/t Bought.
The Kind i'vu Have Almji Hn/kl,
One Dollar If paid In advance, Single number, tivecenti.
\ lvian McKinney has dropped her
studies in the5th grade.
Miss Beamis made a business trip to
Forest Grove last Saturday.
Last Friday being Columbus day each
teacher gave a short talk to the pupils.
The compositions that are being read
arc very good, and some are quite inter­
We have only had one tardy mark in
this school this week ; this was in one of
the smaller grade.
Teachers’ institute next Saturday in
the Cook building. Pupils and patrons
of the school invited.
Directors Nelson and Irvine were visi­
tors Tuesday. Each made a speech and
said they were well pleased with our
The Sth grade has taken up section
VII in mental arithmetic, This is the ------ ------------------------------------ —
Heal Estute Tran.ter..
last section that is taught in the grarn-
mar grade.
Week ending Oct. 25th :
Prof. Scott has adopted tho following W W Jones et al to J P Dorsey
56.59 a pt of II Hewitt dl c 15 r 3$ 2122
rules for the 7th and 8th grade: one-half
per cent off for lounging in a careless American Mt'g Co of Scotland toC
H Parrett lots 4 & 6 blk 43 Dun­
■way, three per cent off for whisj>ering,
ten per cent off for writing notes; 25 de­ dee..............................................
merits takes ten per cent off of monthly American Mt’g Co to J G Gehr lot
1 blk 75 Dundee................. ...
Wm P Frazer & wf to Thos Bird
Circuit Court.
44.97 a pt of of Eldred d I c 13r 4 2100
The following cases were disposed of T II Frazer & wf to W P Frazer
141.24 a pt Carey d 1 c t4r4... .2471.70
by the court since last publication :
Sabin vs Fisk; foreclosure. Continued. W L Warren & wf to S 8 Turner
55 a sec 35 t 2 r 5....'.................
McChrisman vs Weed; confirmation.
Emma A Moore to Jno II Moore
Continued to adjourned term.
340 a pt Joel Palmer d 1 c t 4 r 3 2000
Union Savings A Loan Association VB
Rich ard P Osborne to Ira B Os­
Allen ; confirmation. Confirmed.
borne .49 a pt E C Williams d 1 c
Union Savings & Loan Association V*
Haworth; foreclosure. Continued for ser­ t5r 4.........................................
M E Hendrick to I B Osborne lot
Smith vs Amy; confirmation. Contin­ 4 blk 3 Walling's add to Amity.
J N Wisecarver et al to Rachel S
ued till adjourned terra, Dec 12.
Hartman grantors’ interest in
Osborn vs Wright; Mandamus, Dis-
Wisecarver estate......................
Osborn vs Newberg Orchard Associa­ J N Wisecarver & wf to Rachel
Hartman right of way through
tion ; petition for receiver. Dismissed.
Wisecarver estate......................
Hanson vs Churchill; foreclosure. De­
J N Wisecarver to Jane Wisecar­
cree as per stipulation.
int in lots 5, 0 & 7 blk
Assienment of M. S. and J. A. Coch­ ver all
18 McM......................................
ran. Nunc pro tunc order entered.
Jane Wisecarver to J N Wisecarver
First Baptist Church.
her int in Wisecarver estate ...
The pastor is preaching a series of ser­ Jas Webster to Mary M McClure
16.64 a pt Joel Chrisman d 1 c 14
mons in the morningB on “Loyalty to
God.” The subject next Sunday morn­ r 3..............................................
ing is “Various ways in which our loy J N Wisecarver etux to Jane Wise­
alty may be manifested.” In the even­ carver 92.10 a pt J esse Henderson
ing he will preach the fourth in a series
of sermons on “Possibilities,” the sub­ J B Brown to J W Hobbs lot 3 blk
34 Oak Park add to McM .......
ject being "Developing our Possibilities.”
The new choir will sing for the first next J G Wisecarver et al to J N Wise­
Sunday. Prayer meeting next Thurs­ carver 281.50 a pt Jesse Hender­
son d 1 c and nw qrof sw qr sec
day evening in the chapel.
35 t 3 r 5................................ . .
Teachers’ Examination.
The regular quarterly examination for
teachers’ certificates will be held in the
court house, McMinnville, November 9th,
10th and 11th. Examinations will com­
mence at 1 o’clock, November 9th. Ap­
plicants for state papers report Novem­
ber 10th, at 9 o’clock a. m.
E. V. L ittlefield ,
School Supt.
L afayette , Or., Oct. 27, 1898.
I will ask all persons knowing them­
selves to have debts or credits with me
to call at my residence within three
weeks from the above date, as my book­
keeper will be away after that time.
If parties owing me cannot pay within
that time I will ask you to come just the
same and compare accounts so that my
books may lie balanced.
Very truly yours,
P. A. B ates .
The death of Klliott W. Ordway of
Co. H., Oregon volunteers, who
died on board the transport Rio de
Janiero en route home from the Phil­
ippines on sick leave, after an at­
tack of typhoid, makes the tenth
death among the Oregon boys that
went on the first expedition across
the Pacific. There were six other
deaths of returning soldiers on the
Rio and she arrived with 140 sick
and 24 discharged men, from Manila.
The sick however are mostly conva­
The Companion's New Calendar.
The calendars given by the Companion
in former years to all subscribers have
been remarkable for their delicacy of
design and richness of coloring. But the
calendar for 1899 far surpasses any of
those. The publishers have endeavored
to make it the finest calendar of the cen­
tury, and readers of The Companion will
not be disappointed in it. Those who
subscribe now will receive not only the
gift of the calendar, but also all the is­
sues of November and December from
the time of subscription free. The new
volume will be the best The Companion
has ever published. Among the contri­
butions already engaged are “The Little
Demons of War,” by Hon. John D. Long;
“Opportunities for Young Explorers,”
Sir Clements Markham ; “The Boy with
a VoiceDavid Bispham ; "The Won­
ders of Somnambulism,”Dr. William A.
Hammond; “Police Spios in Russia,”
Poultney Bigelow ; and “Where Living
is Cheajiest,” Hon. Carroll D. Wright.
Fine illustrated announcement and sam­
ple copies will be sent to any one ad-
dressing The Youth's Companion, 211
Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass.
T he effect of the law reducing the
legal rate of interest in this state to
six per cent, will be sweeping.
actually cuts off twenty-five per cent
of all the interest annually paid on
state, county and municipal warrants
hereafter to be issued, It will re-
suit annually in saving a sum im-
mense in its aggregate, The out-
standing indebtedness of Lane
A dmiral Schley's younger broth­ county, for instance, is now almost
er, Mr. Fredrick Schley, has blos­ $50,000. If it remains the same un­
somed out as a campaign speaker. til all the eight per cent warrants
The other day he addressed a public are canceled, the annual saving to
meeting in Baltimore in behalf of a the county will tiiereaftcr be $1000
republican candidate for congress in jieryear. The annual saving in Ore­
that city. When he advocated the gon will be more than will be saved
retention of the Philippines, declar­ bv the abolition of all the commis­
ing it made his blood boil when the sions about which so much complaint
mere suggestion was made to sur­ i has been made.
render territory that had fieen won
bv American valor, the applause that
T he election for the purpose of
echoed to his remarks was as tumul- ! choosing a state senator from Mult­
tuous as the sound of the guns of his nomah county to succeed Senator Si-
big brother's ships.
I mon will be held November 15th.