The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 21, 1898, Image 2

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    Yamhill County Reporter
». H. BAHXIIAHT, Publisher.
M c M innville
Intero.tlng Collection of Item* From
Many Placea Called From the Pre»*
Ke port, of the Current Week.
A reception was tendered the army
heroes at the Omaha exposition.
Colombia will risk no future trouble
and diplomatic relations with Italy
have been reversed.
It is reported that Gen. Maximo
Gomez has been selected for president
of the Cuban republic.
A military plot against the French
government was discovered and frus­
trated by prompt action.
The International Typographical
Union in biennial session at Syracuse,
N. Y„ voted to abolish the referen-
A cabinet crisis hns occurred in Cape
Colony, South Africa, and the assembly
has voted a want of confidence in the
Murderer John Miller was hanged at
Ran Quentin, Cal., for the killing of
Jatnes Childs in San Franoisco, in No­
vember, 1890.
The American peace commissioners
were entertained in Paris with a pri­
vate theatrical performance, arranged
in their honor by Figaro.
Frauds amounting to millions of dol­
lars have been discovered in the Chilean
arsenal. Senor Navarre, the chief ac­
countant, has committed suicide.
It is reported in Manila that Macab-
ulous, chief of the five northern prov­
inces of the Philippine islands, has
rebelled against Aguinaldo, and that
fighting has taken place between the
opposing factions.
News to the effect that large num­
bers of political prisoners have been
horribly tortured in Ecuador by order
of the government, has been brought
to San Francisco by the steamer Pan­
Han Ky, the Corean minister of
justice, has been dismissed for having
permtited the brutalities perpetrated
by the populace on the bodies of the
men recently hanged for conspiracy to
poison the emperor.
Chief Sweenie, of the Chicago fire
department, while directing hie men at
work on a tire, fell into a manhole and
was severely injured. The engineer of
the building, John Meldrum, was
killed, and two other men were scalded
by escaping steam.
Lieuteuan Briands has written a let­
ter saying that the voyage of the Obdain
from Forte Rico was not fraught with
dangor or suffering.
The sensational
newsnapor stories of fire on the trans­
port and to the effect that the wounded
and sick soldiers being brought home
were badly fed. aie denounced as un­
founded and ridiculous.
A plan to dismember the republic ot
Switzerland is under discussion in
Mrs. Nancy Geer, wife of tho gov­
ernor-elect of Oregon, expired suddenly
of heart disease in Omaha.
All Spanish civil courts in Philippine
territory now subject to American con­
trol have resumed business.
The government now haB 55 warships
in course of construction, When coin­
pie ted, the United States navy will
rank third.
Secretary Alger has wired Governor
Tanner, of Illinois, placing the Fifth
Illinois volunteer infantry at Tanner’s
orders, in case the state militia is in­
sufficient to end the coal tioubles.
The Spanish mail steamer Reina
Maria Christina has sailed from Ha­
vana for Spain with 1,073 officers and
troops, (¡51 oases of military archives
ami a heavy cargo of ammunition.
As a result of eating canned lobsters,
shrimps, and olaius, two Knights of
Pythias, J. I. Jones and Charles Young,
who live near Rainier, Or., are dead,
and Walter Furrow, of the samo lodge
and town, is critically ill from the same
The government has apportioned the
prize money for tho men of our war­
Sampson gets the lion'* share,
Dewey the next largest sum, while
Schley will receive lees than some of
the captains.
The meu will receive
from <30 to <200 eaoh.
The ini|>erial Chinese govornment
ha* granted to tho Peking syndicate of
London the right to open and work
mine* and to construct and operate
railroads in the empire free from Chi­
nese control. This is the first conces­
sion ever granted by the Chinese gov­
ernment to a foreign syndicate.
The anuual report of Land Commis­
sioner Hermann estimates that over
11,000,000.000 feet of publio timber
has been destroyed by fire during tho
past 25 year*. The report says forest
files form the main subject for the at­
tention of the land office, now threaten­
ing, as they do, not only the growing
forests but the foieet lands whose pro­
ductiveness they retard indefinitely.
Minor Now. Item..
Dr. G. Q. Colton, the noted Ameri­
can dentist who diet! in Rotterdam
some time ago, bad pulled over 1,000,-
000 teeth in the course of his practice,
and was the first dentist to use “laugh­
ing gas” in practice.
Robert Roberts, an English writer
on religious affairs, the author of over
100 books and editor of the Christadel-
phia, of Birmingham, England, was
found dead in his room in San Fiancis*
co (rum heart disease.
The Fifth Illinois volunteers have
been mustered out of service.
Services in honor of Ohio’s soldiei
dead were held at Columbus.
All hostile Pillager Indains, except
one, have agreed to surrender.
A large Anglo-American syndicate is
being formed to buy up Cuban bonds.
Jerusalem is crowded with Germans
awaiting the arrival of Easier Wilhelm.
A new president and a cabinet will
be elected in Cuba the latter part oi
the present month.
The immediate establishment of a
fever hospital at Havana is urged by
surgeons in charge there.
The transport Pennylvania arrived
at San Francisco from Manila and Hon­
olulu, with 29 sick soldiers.
The w$r investigation hoard has left
Washington for the Southern army
camps on a tour of inspection.
Naval Constructor Hobson expresses
himself as confident that the wrecked
Spanish cruiser Cristobal Colon can be
The departure for camps of the South
of troops now in the East has been post­
poned, owing to the prevalence of yel­
low fever.
A cash balance In bank exceeding
<300,000 now stands to the credit oi
the Trans-Mississippi exposition, The
attendance is also increasing.
Illinois manufacturers have urged
President McKinley to establish open
ports in the new American possessions.
The president’s reply was encouraging.
Insurgents at Lagaspi, Philippine
islands have refused to allow the Ameri­
can steamer Hermossa to land there, on
the ground that there were Spaniards
Eight hundred soldiers have sailed
from San Francico for the Philippines.
The expedition included the Oregon
recruits and the Washington volun­
The United States is now formally in
possession of the island of Porto Rico
as a sovereign. American flags have
been raised on the public buildings and
forts iu the city, and saluted with
national salutes.
Advices form tho North say Ameri­
can doctors and American lawyers are
forbidden to practice in Dawson. In
the meantime the hospitals are crowd­
ed with patients, and typhoid fever has
been epidemic.
The discrimination
will cost, many lives in the Klondike.
The O. R. & N. steamer, T. J. Potter
ran into and sunk tho G. W. Shaver on
tire lower Columbia.
The accident
accurred off Deer Island, five miles
from Kalama. The Shaver was struck
in the middle and in a short time was
lesting at the bottom of the river. The
night was dark and a heavy fog pre­
The Oregon legislature adjourned sins
die Saturday.
A genuine blizzard visited the Middle
Western states, doing considerable
A Polish priest has sued the Catholic
church for <50,000 for excommunicat­
ing him.
It is said in London that the French
must either withdraw from Faslioda oi
go to war with England.
Tho German government has now-
decided to appoint permanently a naval
attache at Washington, who will reach
his post in January.
The British ship Blengfelt, from New !
York, burned off Margat, England, |
eatly Monday morning. Eleven uf the
crew, besides the captain’s wife and I
children, perished.
Seven barges, containing 800,000 |
poods of naphtha have been burned at
the petroleum jmrt of Astrakhan, Rus­
sia. Three persons were killed in the I
conflagration, and several others in­
The war department has received a
detailed description of the fortifica- I
tions of Havana.
Besides old guns,
there are 43 new gons. These gun* are
principally ot the Hontoria and Ordonez
pattern, but there are a few Kruppe
among them.
In a head-end collision between twe
freight rains near Great Falls, Mont.,
<lue to a misunderstanding of orders.
Engineer Charles Goddard and Brake-
man Robert T. June were killed, and I
Fireman A. L. Ritchie was probably
fatally injured.
The government will undertake the
transportation of Christmas boxes for
soldiers at Manila.
A steamer will |
start from San Francisco early in No­
vember. so packages must be forwarded
soon. Only small quantities of sweet
things will be accepted.
It is announced that Montreal and
Quebec are to be thoroughly fortified
as part of the scheme for the defense?
of Canada. Colonel Dalton, chief of
the imi>erial defense commission, is in
Montreal, completing plans for the
fortifications of the cities.
A curious method of aiding ohaiities
has been initiated in Paris, where, it is
announced, the saloons of tho high
aristocracy, which have hitherto been
extremely exclusive, will be opened tc
sit angers, on reception davs, for a
money consideration, which will be ap-,
plied to the charitable works of which
the lady of the house is a patron.
The French wheat crop is estimated
at 123,WM,000 hectoliters, the largest
since 1874.
Owing to the overproduction of yarn,
the ingrain carpet spinners of the
Pennsylvania district have decided to
shut down their mills for an indefinite
At white lake, near Forestport, N.
Y.. a deer hunter while sta'king mis­
took a moving object in the woods for
a deer and tired, tilling instantly his
16-vear-old son
Warlike Preparations at Port
Report That Great Britain Ht* a De.
mantled the Restoration of the Eiu-
ptior of China.
London, Oct. 19.—The Odessa corre-
•pondent of the Standaid says that Rus­
sia has hastily concentrated 40,000 men
at Port Arthur, to be in readiness for
any emergency at Peking.
Mult lie Itestored.
London, Oct. 19.—A dispatch to a
London news agency from Shanghai
‘‘Reports from Japanese sources are
in circulation here to the effect that Sir
Claude MacDonald, British minister at
Peking, has informed the Chinese gov­
ernment that sovereignty appertains
solely to tlie emperor, who has been
forcibly abducted and deposed, and
that he must be restored to his posi­
tion, while Kang Yu Wei and the oth­
er reformers must be pardoned. Fail­
ing in compliance, Great Britain will
enforce these demands.
"A rebellion in Hunan province is
certain. Foreigners are preparing foi
a hurried depaituie.”
Liberia Seeks the Shadow of the ’Stare
and Stripes.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 19.—Bishop
Joseph C. Hartzell, of the Methodist
Episcopal church, whose bishopric is
in Africa and who is attending the
meeting in this city of the Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity, stated tonight that he
had been commissioned by the negro
republic of Liberia to go to Washing­
ton and ask that the republic be taken
under the sheltering wing of the United
States. Threatened inroads upon its
territory by the Germans, French and
English prompted the government to
seek the shadow of the Stars and Stripes.
“1 am on my wav to see Secretary
Hay,” lie said, “as the special repre­
sentative of the republic of Liberia, to
secure a protectorate, either quasi or
actual. What they want America to
do is to say to the European powers in
Africa: ‘We have an interest in Li­
beria; this country belongs to us.’
"Whether the actual protectorate
can be established or not will depend
upon how far the Liberian government
is willing to go, assuming that the
United States answers favorably.”
Alger Seriously and
Cause for Regret.
Made Positive
ou Spain.
Fate of a Young
Florence, Colo.
Denver, Oct. 19.—A special to the
Rocky Mountain News from Florence,
Colo , says: On Saturday William Lel-
lin and his 10-year-old boy came to
Florence, from their homo, six miles
from Florence, to do some trading.
After spending the day about town, nt
6 P. M. tliey started home in their
wagon. It was raining when thev left
town, but when out about five miles
the rain turned to a blinding enow
storm. The father lost his way, and
wandered about among scrub pines and
in the hi Us all night. The wagon and
team was abandoned, and an effort was
made to reach home on foot.
As the night wore on the little fel­
low became cold and numband froze tc
death in his father's arms. The fatlrei
managed to keep alive by walking, un­
til he could walk no more from numb­
ness of limb. Daylight broke, and Lei-
lin knew he was not far from home,
but was unable to walk. At 9 o’clock
his cries were heard by his wife, whe
went to his rescue. Neighbors were
summoned and the old gentleman was
assisted to his home, but he was so neat
dead that he could not give an intelli­
gent account of the night’s wander­
ings, but the dead body of tlie boy told
a pitiful story of a lack of sufficient
clothing to keep him warm. He wore
knee pants and a small coat, but no un­
derwear nor outer coat. His shoes and
stockings were almost completely worn
Bodies of Many of th« Victim*
Keen Ke«-o, er<-<!.
London, Oct. 19.—A dispatch to the
London News Agency from Paris says:
“Today the confeience reached a
crisis for the first time. Judge Day
presented the demands of the American
. commission in threatening words. He
* said that delay was the only possible
I abject obtainable by the persistent
i efforts of the Spanish commissioners to
1 -¡addle the United States with the Co-
} ban debt, and would be tolerated no
longer, as the United States would
neither assume nor guarantee any part
of the debt.
“The Spaniards replied that this
placed Spain in a position of repudiat­
ing or of reducing the face of the Cuban
bonds from 50 to 60 per cent, paying
only half tho stipulated interest on
reduced value.
Before they would
adopt either atlernakive they would sur­
render to the United States the entire
"Judge Day responded that the sur­
render of the Philippines would proba­
bly be demanded, irrespective of the
Cuban or any other debt.
“This, to the Spaniards, the first in­
timation of the intentions of the Unit­
ed States as to the Philippines, resulted
in a whispered conference, followed by
a request .or an adjournment in order
to communicate with Madrid. Judge
Day said that President McKinley had
instructed him to demand the entire
surrender of Porto Rico, and the deliv­
ery of every town to the United States
officers before midnight, together with
the evacuation of Havana on or before
November 1, when the United States
would be at the gates of the city ready
to take possession.
"There was no alternative offered in
the case of either of these demands;
the session consequently was very
Flatly Refused by American
Peace Commission.
American. Positively Decline to As­
suma lte.pon.ibllity for the Cuban
Debt—Two Week'» Labor».
Paris. Oct. 18.—The American and
Spanish peace commissions closed their
first two weeks of labor here today,
and the progress made has been chiefly
by negative action, owing to the atti­
tude of the Americans.
The first article of the protocol pro­
vided that "Spain will relinquish ail
claim to sovereignty over and title to
Cuba.” Tlie Americans opened their
case by the assumption that littlo or no
action was necessary regarding Cuba on
the ground that its disposition was
definitely fixed by the terms of the pro­
tocol. Notwithstanding at the meeting
last Thursday, the Spaniards submit­
amounting to holding that the United
States should take over all or part ol
the Cuban debt. Tuesday, Senor Mon­
tero Rios, president of the Spanish com­
mission, verbally repeated it at length,
and reiterated the same in summarized
The Americans at their own session,
Wednesday, took up the Spanish pres­
entation and determined the formula­
tion of the answer of the United States.
Careful, exact, and full was the prepara­
tion of the answer, and, therefore, it
became impossible, as intended, tc
serve a copy of it on tlie Spanish before
I the hour of opening the session, so that
! the oral discussion might begin
Whatever may have transpired at yes­
terday’s session, whether the Spaniards
were or were not advised that tlie
United States declined to assume the
Cuban debt, it may be distinctly said
that with such light as it now has. the
, United States commission will consist­
ently and to the end refuse to assume
all or any part of the Cuban debt. The
Spaniards will, if indeed it has not al­
ready been done, have impressed upon
them the fact that by the signature of
the protocol, they utterly relinquished
all claim of sovereignty over and title
to Cuba.
Thus possibly progress has been
achieved negatively, for, with the pres­
ent light, the Americans decline, ot
will refuse the responsibility of a single
peseta of the so-called debt.
New York Regiment Kilters the Capital
of Porto Rico.
London, Oct. 18.—The Atlantic
Transport Company issued the follow­
ing statement this evening regarding
the fate of the passengers and crew of
the steamer Mohegan, which was
wrecked last Friday evening off tho
Lizard, between the Manacles and Low­
"Of the passengers, 11 have been
saved, 10 bodies have been recovered,
and 81 are missing. Of the crew and
cat .)'men, 89 have been saved, 14 bod­
ies lave been recovered, and 51 are
Since this statement wae issued, nino
other bodies have been picked up, in­
cluding two that have been identified
as those of passengers. The reports of
the various correpondents differ widely
as to the rescues, recoveries and losses,
though none agree as to the exact num­
ber of those saved or of the bodies re­
The bodies of the following passengers
have been recovered: T. W. King.
Edna King, Master King, Mrs. Weller,
James Blackey, Miss H. M. Cowen, M.
Fallows, B. Franklin Fuller, Mrs. L.
M. Luke, Geoige Seymour, Miss L. H.
The latest advices from Falmouth
this evening say that 88 bodies have
been identified, mostly tlie bodies of
sailors. Four are as yet unidentified,
including those of two elderly ladies.
One appears to be German. She wore
a watch and wedding ring, both en­
graved “1871.” The other wore a sil­
ver brooch with the letters “D” in
pearls. This is probably the body of
Mrs. Charles Duncan. Nine of the bod­
ies have been brought to Falmouth;
the others were taken to the village
church at St. Keverine.
The rescued passengers are being
sheltered in cottages along the shore,
and the crew at the sailors’ home at
Tugs have been cruising in the vicin­
ity all day. despite the very rough
weather, in the hope of picking up
other bodies.
The cause of the disaster remains the
profoundest mystery.
Nobody at­
tempts to explain how the Mohegan got
so far north of her true course—from
six to seven miles. There was no fog
at the time, while the wind on her port
quarter wae not sufficient to prevent
her answering the helm. It has been
suggested that her compass was faulty;
but daylight lasted long after Eddy­
stone light was passed. Tlie sailors
say the fact that the Lizard light was
visible should have served to give the
The Caban General Refuses to Disband
His Army.
New York, Oct. 18.—A dispatch^
from Havana says: It is generally be­
lieved a serious breach has taken place
between the executive department of
the Cuban republic and the leaders or
the military forces. Word was received
here that General Wood has received a
communication from President Masso,
advising that nothing be done by tlie
Americans that can be construed as re­
cognizing the Cuban government. Mas­
so has been joined by his colleagues in
declaring that the time has arrived for
disbanding the Cuban forces.
course will be vigorously combatted by
General Gomez.
General Juan Ducasse, one of the
closest advisers of Gomez, has arrived
in Havana to consult the opponents of
Masso and all those who favor a Cuban
republic and oppose further American
intervention. General Ducasse declares
that Gomez will lead the insurgents
back into the field before he will sub­
mit to disarming them while the Amer­
ican and Spanish soldiers remain in
Washington, Oct. 18.—The follow­
ing dispatch was received at the war
Washington, Oct. 19. — Information
department this evening:
has reached the war department that a
"San Juan. Oct. 18.—The Forty­
high officer of the Spanish army, very
seventh New York arrived at San Juan
recently made the statement that had
at 6 P. M.
EDDY, Colonel.”
the Spaniard« been aware of the condi­
It is presumed by the war depart­
tion of the American army, its inability
ment officials, inasmuch as nothing is I I
to withstand the hardship s of a cam­ I
said to the contrary, that the regiment
paign, its lack of medical and other
was permitted to land at San Juan. It
supplies and general inefficiency, as
was feared objection might be raised by I
told in the American paper», the Span­
the Spanish officials to the landing ol
iards would not have given up, but
the regiment at San Juan before formal
would have continued the fighting foi
possession was yielded to the American
a long time to come, fully believing
forces on the 18th inst.
The Forty-1
“Booty” Tobacco Admitted Free.
that they would have been able to pre­
seventh New York has the honor ol
Washington, Oct. 17.—Assistant- being the first American organizatim
vent the capture of Cuba by American
arms. This statement is known tc Secretary Howell, of the treasury de­ to enter the capital of Porto Rico.
have been made to the American of- partment, has consented to the admis­
Commands of the Districts.
cers now in Cuba, and causes some un­ sion, free of duty, into Santiago, of
Ponce, P. R., Oct. 18.—The Stars
easiness in official circles, as it may 100,000 pounds of Cuban tobacco in the
mean that the Spaniards are not yet possession of General Franco Sanchez, and Stripes will be formally raised at
ready to yield the island, under tlie having charge of tlie insurgent army at San Juan Thursday.
Mayari. This is a lot of "booty” eral Fred Grant will be given command
terms of the protocol.
tobacco, and the proceeds of the sale of tbe district of San Juan, comprising Cuba.
will be expended for the benefit of the the jurisdictions of Arecibo, Biivamo
Colonel Waring’s first inspection of
Cuban army, which needs supplies oi and Humacoa. with the adjacent the city tilled him with surprise. Con­
Efforts to Have International Postage clothing and subsistence.
The ques­
ditions are much worse than he expect­
Reduced to Two Cents.
tion wae referred to the war depart­ Henry will be given command of the ed. Everything is favorable for an out­
Washington. Oct. 19.—Third Assist­ ment by General Lawton, and in turn other portions of Porto Rico.
break of fever. In normal times deaths
ant Postmaster-General Garrett, in hit sent to the treasury department for its
in Havana number about 300 a week.
annual report, recommends immediate recommendation.
They now average fully 100 a day.
negotiations with the postal adminis­
Is Confident of Raising th«
Preparing for War.
The deaths are mostly the result of per­
Spanish Cruiser.
trations of England, Germany and
Santiago de Cuba, Oct. 18.—Naval nicious fever.
France to reduce the international
postal rates to 3 cents a half ounce or given at the ministry of marine to the Constructor Hobson, who has arrived
report that Admiral Fourar, now al here from the wreck of the Spanish
fraction thereof. The report says:
cruiser Cristobal Colon, will leave to­ King number!, a. Welt aa the Em-
“The department now realizes noth­
peror, Was to Be Assassinated.
ing in the way of ievenue from ocean mediate active service, and orders have morrow for Guantanamo on business
London, Oct. 18.—The Alexandria
letters, practically all the postage paid been issued that the largest possible connected with the Infanta Maria
on them going to the steamship com­ number of gunners go to Brest to man Teresa, which he expects to get off to correspondent of the Daily Mail, tele­
These preparations are the United States before the end of the graphing regarding the anarchist plot
panies carrying the mails. If the rate tiie forts.
should be reduced, the same state oi thought to be the result of the Fasho- month. For the last few days he has against Emperor William, which was-
been engaged in preparing to raise the discovered Friday, says:
tilings would exist; the steamship com­ da affair with Great Britain.
Papers here say three British iron Cristobal Colon, a work which is prac­
panies would suffer no hardship and
The plot against the kaiser is hourly
the stimulus given to correspondence clads are engaged in gun practice ofl tically impossible from the sea because proving more important, each arrest
of the dangerously heavy swell.
The disclosing new ramifications. The doc­
by the reiuction ot rates would nc
operations will, therefore, be conducted ' uments found disclose a plot to kill
doubt eventually give them as much
from the ehore. Mr. Hobson has built King Humbert already well matured.
compensation in the way of postage as
Near Boiling Point.
they now get.”
Bayonne. France, Oct. 19.—Advices a trolley line out to the ship, a distance Fifteen persons, all Italians, have been
The original plan was to
received iiere from Madrid point to ef­ of 150 feet, with a suspension bridge; I arrested.
Murder and Suicide*
fervescence in military circles there. and the compressed air pump is now in throw a bomb of guncotton and ful­
Flint, Mich., Oct. 19.—W. P. Mur­ Members of the Military Club openly position.
On his return from Guan­ minate of mercury on Emperor Wil­
ray, of Clinton. la., today shot and and severely criticise the government tanamo he will push his operations vig­ liam’s carriage in a narrow street of
killed his wife. Harriet, an incurable for concluding what they term as a orously, as he feels absolutely certain Cairo. When the Egyptian trip was
inmate of Oak Grove asylum, located "humiliating peace,” and some of them of raising the hull uninjured.
abandoned,elaborate arrangements were
here. A letter was found in Murray’s even suggest tl e establishment of a
made by the conspirators to send con­
pocket, saying that the only way to re­ military dictatorship under the present
federates to Jerusalem to carry out the
lieve his wife from her suffering was tc dynasty.
during the dedication of the Ger­
in the conflict which resulted in ths
kill her. and that, as it was against
Tlie officials at Madrid deny the re­ destruction of Cervera's fleet, find that man Church of Our Redeemer.
the law to do so. the only thing he port current on tlieContinent that Cap­
Insurgent» Overdo It.
"although the American fleet in the
could do was to shoot himself also.
tain-General Blaco has resigned.
battle off Santiago on July 3 obeyed
Manila, Oct. 18.—The insurgetns at
Many Lives Lost.
tbe general orders of Rear-Admiral Lagaspi have prevented the American
Death Before Disgrace.
Margat, England, Oct. 19.—Th« Sampson, given in advance to meet steamer Hermanos from loading or un­
Berlin, Oct. 19.—Gruenenthal. su­
perintendent of tiie imperial printing British ship Blengfelt, from New York, just such an emergency, it was essen­ loading, on the ground that there are
Much Spaniards on board. They also refused
office, has committed suicide. He was burned oft this place eatly this morn­ tially a ‘captains* fight.' ”
charged with the theft of bank notes ing. Eleven of the crew, besides the credit is given the battle-ship Oregon} to allow any of the men of the United
States cruiser Raleigh to land without
captain’s wife and children, perished. for its good work.
to the amount of over 4,000 marks.
permission from General Aguina'.W> -
Flour for »lapan.
Four W.r» Killed.
Washington, Off. 19.—According to |
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 17.—Louie Kay­
Reading. Pa.. Oct. 19.—Four men
figures transmitted to the state depart- I
ser, aged 88. an engineer, was killed
nient by Consul Gowey. at Yokohama,
this morning in the Seattle steam Opened With a Service ef Thanki-
there has been astonishing increase in mington Ct Northern height engine at laundry, as a result of a shock received
The while putting in an incandescent lamp.
The exports of American dour at Japan. Joanna station this afternoon.
18.—The national
In 1892 tbe total import of that flout
Or» K.rj. Sank.
peace jubilee, of Chicago, was tonight
William Herflicker, engineer, aged
was 1,200,000 pounds, but in 1896.
Chicago.Oct. 17.—The barge Church­ inaugurated with a thanksgiving ser­
the business had swelled to a total of 50; George Mills, fireman, aged 83;
32,000,000 pounds, with a marked in- i Willis Woolward, a btakeman; Harry ill. loaded with ore from Duluth, sank vice at the Auditorium.
in the rough water off Waukegan to­ McKinley attended and listener] to ad­
creasing tendency. During 1897 the Huvdam, conductor.
quality of imports fell off slightly, but I All lived at Birdsboro, this county, day. Captain Kane, of Detroit, and a dressee by a Jewish rabbi, a Roman
the value increased <86,183 as com­ and all were married and leave famil­ deck-hand, John Hansen, were drowned. Catholic priest, a Presbyterian clergy­
man and a noted colored orator. The
The barge was valued at <10,000.
pared with the preceding year.
, ies, except Huydatr
applause for the president wae terrific.