The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 21, 1898, Image 1

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Entered at the Postofllce in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
A Pioneer Oregonian Drink, from
Hie Old Sprins and Hcneiia Ac-
qua! ■■■ancen of Hoy hood.
H Clothing
The Great House of HENRY W
KING & CO., Chicago,
Largest Clothing Tlanufactures in the
World forced to retire from business on ac­
count of the death of the Senior member of
the firm. The positive orders of the Admin­
istrator was to convert this mammoth
One and One Half Million
Dollar Stock
into cash inside of 6o days. We were fortu­
nate enough to secure from this stock, at about
50 cents 011 thedollar, NEARLY 500 SUITS
of Men’s, Boy’s and Children’s Clothing,which
will all be in and placed on our counters during
the week and ready for sale
We can assure our Friends this is one of
the greatest buys we have ever made and our
customers will get the benefit. Remember
these are all NEW FRESH GOODS OF
by one of the best concerns in the United
States. Nothing the matter with them except
the price, and that is way off.
8=Day Strike and Alarm
You can’t afford to do
a clock when you
can buy an eight-day
striking one that is guar-
’ anteed and has an alarm
to wake you up in the
5 without
Remember I keep clocks
from the small nickel
alarm up to the handsome
parlor ornament. Prices
better than you can get
in Portland or anywhere
else, and I am right here
where you can find me to
back up my guarantees.
Wm. F. Dielschneider, Jeweler
Two Doors below P. O,
Any Old Thing
Suits some people, because it's cheap, while as a matter of
fact, dirt cheap goods are usually dear at any cost, especially
in our lino of trade. We keep some cheap goods in order to
please those who must have them, but weconstantly preach as
An business principle the w isdom of buying a good article tlio it
cost a trifle more. It's a saving in the long run of money and
temper. Hence the quality of our goods, and the pleasant
countenances of our customers.
See these Late Bedsteads, Tables, Carpets, Etc.
H. C. BLR><S,
House Furnisher.
Take The Reporter and Get the News
On the 20th of September Mrs. Hun­
saker and I left Portland for a ishort stay
east of the Rocky mountains. After four
days run we arrived at Omaha, where
we remained five days , taking in the
city and the international exposition,
which well compensated ub for the time
and expense. All the exhibits are fine.
Each state made excellent showings of
some one product particular to its cli­
mate and soil. Texas and other south­
ern states gave unmistakable evidence
that “cotton is king,” while Kansas,
Nebraska and other northwestern states
exhibited corn as the ruling power in
their localities. Colorado's chief exhibit
was the ores, while other states also had
fine specimens of ores. Oregon is well
represented by a fair exhibit of our ce­
reals, minerals, timbers, lumber and
vegetables, but our fruits are not doing
us justice. The greater portion of our
fruits were stale, having been too long
on exhibition, and fresh fruits were great­
ly needed to take the place of the old.
This done, we can boast of our exhibit
all along the line. While at £>maha we
visited the stock yards, where they claim
to feed daily 10,060 head of cattle, and
as many sheep and hogs. These yards
are well worth a visit by anyone who has
never witnessed such an exhibition of
stock as they have here.
From Omaha we visited Hamburg, la,
where I met four cousins, two of w hom I
had met in my childhood, 54 years since,
We spent pleasantly t ight days in this
vicinity, preaching several days in a re­
vival meeting that was in progress when
we arrived. Before leaving here we were
fully convinced that they are subject to
more frequent and sudden changes in
climate and temperature than we are in
Oregon—one da}’ hot enough to fry the
oil out of a man in the shade, the next
day have to wear hie overcoat. We left
Hamburg on the 7th for this place, com­
ing by way of St. Joseph. There we spent
six hours in lookingover thecity, a place 1
passed through in ’44, when it was but a
very small village; now it numbers 75,-
000. It is beautiful for situation, and a
lovely city, in-fact, the most lovely we
have seen this side of the Rocky moun­
tains. Since coming to this place we
have enjoyed the privilege of a visit to
the home of my childhood, and a drink
of water from the old spring, and also to
see the old “graveyard,” where some of
the family were buried 53 years since, all
of which scenery was, to some extent, fa­
miliar. The creek, the directions, etc,,
were perfectly familiar, but we found but
one person in the community who was re­
siding there when we went away. She
then was a young lady of 20, now an
aged woman of 72, the very picture of
her mother when I was a boy of 13 sun -
The Yamhill Locke.
Congressman Thos. H. Tongue came
up to McMinnville Tuesday evening, and
Wednesday morning, accompanied by a
number of citizens from here, who were
joined by others from Lafayette, visited
the Yamhill locks. Mr. Tongue has ta­
ken a live interest in the accomplish­
ment of this improvement, as indeed he
has in every public enterprise in his dis­
trict and state, and in order to lie thor­
oughly informed in regard to the progress
of the work, made it a point to visit the
locks in person. A person cannot fully
appreciate the magnitude of this enter­
prise until he has seen it with his own
eyes. Having witnessed it, he can com­
prehend the necessity for its apparently
slow progress. The work accomplished
up to this date involved the deepening of
the channel of the river to carry the wa­
ter to one side; the erection of a coffer
dam about the space occupied by the
locks, the driving of piling for a founda­
tion, upon which rests a superstructure
of wood and concrete 21 inches in thick­
ness. All this has been done, and the
workmen are now engaged u[>on the
side walls, which are also of concrete.
These walls will be 270 feet long, and 26
feet high, with an intervening channel
40 feet wide and gates at the upper and
lower ends. The wall against the left
bank will be 12 feet wide at the base, ta­
pering to 8 feet at the top; the one fac­
ing the river will be uniformly 12 feet.
At the rate of progress now being made
it is estimated by the civil engineer in
charge that 30 days will be required to
complete the side walls and twice that
time to finish the locks. About 1(M) men
are employed, and two steamers are en­
gaged in towing gravel barges from the
Willamette. The magnitude of the con­
crete work can be judged from the state­
ment that 7000 barrels of cement are re­
Th ree Doctor« in Consultation.
From Benjamin Franklin.
•‘When you are sick, what you like
best is to be chosen for a medicine in the
first place; what experience tells you is
best, to be chosen in the second place;
what reason (i. e., theory) says is best,
to be chosen in the last place. But if
you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experi­
ence and Dr. Reason to bold a consulta­
tion together, they will give you the best
advice that can be taken.”
When you have a bad cold Dr. Incli­
nation would recommend Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy because it is pleasant and
safe to take. Dr. Experience would rec­
ommend it because it never fails to effect
a 'speedy and permanent cure. • Dr.
Reason would recommend it because it
is prepared on scientific principles, anil
acts on nature’s plan in relieving the
lungs, opening the secretions and restor­
ing the system to a natural and healthy
condition. For sale by S. Howorth ACo.
Cook School Notes.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Singlenumberativecents.
NO. 44.
Our sick folks are improving.
The cider factory is running full blast.
All the dwelling houses in Whiteson
are rented.
Our public school is filled to overflow­
ing, every desk being occupied, with
about twenty more to follow.
Mr. Belat has moved into the jelly fac­
tory building. Miss Edith Percival and
mother will occupy the dwelling house
thus vacated.
A little excitement was caused in town
by Andrew Kneedler's team getting loose
from the wagon and traveling at a 2:40
gait through town. They stopped wheu
they got home. A broken tug was the
Mr. Hostetler, an aged German,
while in a dazed condition a few days ago,
wandered onto the railroad track and was
struck by the south bound extra and rath­
er severely injured. His complete recov­
ery is doubtful.
The Holmes brothers have three large
buildings finished, for storing and curing
their onions. Their aggregate capacity is
about 12,000 bushels. If they succeed in
suving their entire crop the buildings
will be full. They are rushing the work
with all the force that can be mustered.
Newberg fair this week.
After a busy season in the hopfields
and prune dryers, people are returning
to their various duties.
, The eighteenth occurred the marriage
of Fred Kinney to Miss Kate Harger at
the home of L. W. Harger.
J. C. Nelson and wife have been at-
tendiug the golden wedding anniversary
of the Hon. J. McDaniels and wife of
Polk county.
The funeral of little Gladys, only
daughter of l)r. and Mrs. E. W. Rossiter,
took place from their home on Sunday.
The services were beautifully conducted
by Rev. Watte of the M. E. church, and
the children of the Sunday school, The
sympathy of all is extended to the fam-
Hello to Nan Francisco.
Oregon is.uow connected by telephone
with California. The work of stretching
the wires was completed Friday, and
several test messages were sent, showing
the wiresfto be perfect. Yesterday a cir­
cuit was established between Spokane
and San Francisco, a distance of 1300
miles, and conversation was carried on
as distinctly as though the distance was
a mile. Continuous circuits will be es­
tablished this week between Spokane
and San Diego, a distance of 2000 miles.
In the construction of the new line,
there has been employed copper wires
weighing 810 pounds to the mile—the
same weight and carrying capacity as
the line between New York and Chicago,
which haB been considered the best tele­
phone line ever built in the world. In
some respects the new Pacific coast line
will be even superior to it.
Tueeday the line was open for regular
business. The minimum rate between
Portland and San Francisco will be 75
cents. The minimum rate between
Chicago and New York is $10, but this
is for five minutes’ conversation. It will
be the policy of the Sunset Company to
eucourage short conversations, hence the
low rate. The tariff for one minute’s
conversation is $2.25, and 5 cents for
every two seconds thereafter.
Our spelling match will come off a
week from Friday.
In this part of the state I find that
County Schoo) Superintendent Little­
corn, cattle and hogs are the ruling com­
modities. Farmers are doing well who field was a visitor Monday. Come again
feed their corn, but those who sell it Professor.
New pupils are coming in all the time.
come out in debt. Think of it. Corn
that costs more to raise than wheat costs We have more enrolled now than at any
us, and the very highest price is 25 cents time last year.
per bushel, and sometimes only 17 to 20.
We extend to the patrons of the school
Last spring calves are selling here for a warm invitation to visit the school at
from $17 to $22; yearlings, $30; cows for any and all times.
beef, 3‘2 and 4 cents gross; pork, 4 cents
Liverne Fenton, Walter Wilson and
on foot; wheat, 60 cents, has been as low Ralph Martin were promoted from thefith
as 48 cents; oats, 18 ce.its.
to the 7th grade Monday.
Mrs. Hunsaker has found here four
The written reviews of the first month
aunts, all widows; three of them are sis­
were not very good, but the pupils are
ters to hermother, the other a widow of
working harder this month.
the mother’s brother, and more cousins
Licenses to .Harry.
It would be convenient for us to have
than she could see if she was to remain a
Oct. 15—Fred Kinney, 23, and Cather­
whole year. We shall leave here on the the program of the debate sent up each
17th for Kirksville, Mo., where we shall week in time for those who are to take ine Harger, 20, of WestChehalem.
Oct. 15—Geo. W. McFarquhar, 27, of
remain until the 21st, when we shall go part to prepare for it.
Polk county, and June Lebold, 18, of
to Seymour, Iowa, for a few days, from
Columbus School Sole..
Gopher valley.
whence we shall turn our faces westward,
Howard Heath went to Portland Fri­
hoping to reach home by Nov. lOtb.
We received twj> copies of The Report­
er while at Hamburg, and you may be
We have special arrangements with
assured we both were glad to look upon and Friday.
Florence Dielechneider was a visitor at the following leading publications,
its familiar face. We arranged to have
whereby we are able to offer them in
them forwarded to us from that office if the high school Tuesday.
others came, but none have since reached
Prof. Barzee visited the 3d and 4th connection with our own at exceedingly
us. In conclusion, we must say that grades Thursday and gave them a short low rates, as follows: The R eporter
what we have seen of this western coun- i talk.
try, we are made to ask, why did our] The literary society is progressing nice­ Weekly Inter Ocean
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, semi-weekly
parents 52 years since decide to take their ly. The subject for debate last Friday New York Weekly Tribune.......................... 11.25
families and stow them into ox w agons, . night was: Resolved—That Chinamen Rural Northwest, Portland, semi-monthly... 1.25
and start on a six months’ journey across ’ are a detriment to the United States.
the plains, over the mountains, through . Some good arguments were brought out
Livery Hutlnrsi for Male.
the canyons, along a trackless way, amid [ on both sides, but the judges decided in
The City livery and feed stables are
the ravages, for an unseen and unknown . favor of the affirmative.
offered for sale. The equipment is first-
class and is doing a paying business.
land? And this question remains unan­
Terms reasonable.
Probate Coart.
swered to us. Yet we love otir dear Ore­
W ilson A H enderson .
gon home, and it will be sweet to us when . Estate of Char. Joseph Schreyer. Will
we reach it.
A. J. H inraker .
admitted to probate on proof taken in
Notice in Taxpayer,.
Maryville, Mo., Oct. 15, 1898.
open court. Bertha Schreyer appointed
Costs will be added to all taxes not paid
executrix without bonds. A. M. Perry, by Nov. 7th, 1898. By order of the
The ladies of McMinnville Red Cross E. C. Walker and Wyatt Harris ap- county court.
society have been asked to assist in fur­ ' pointed appraisers.
W. G. H enderson , Sheriff.
Estate of Elizabeth J. Landingham.
nishing hospital supplies for Oregon (toys
at Manila. It is ho;>ed the citizens will B. F. Hartman appointed appraiser in
a^ist them generously. Anyone wish­ i place of T. R Mills, who is unable to act.
Bear, the ,i<n,ture of C has . H. Fl »re wax
ing to do so can leave their donations
la use for more than thirty years, and
Everybody should attend the concert
with Mrs. Luger man, where they will be
Th» Kui F vm ZZatt Ahutjt Ao»fhl,
at the opera bouse, Oct. 28th.
thankfully received.
Assignment of J G Wisecnrver. Con­
tinued .
Assignment of Ella and Butler Delash­
mutt. Report to be filed.
Assignment of L II and S W Baker,
Motion by assignee to sell real estate
without notice granted.
Assignment of E L Weed. Report to
be filed. Order granted to sell to best
anvantage book accouuts and choses in
Assignment of F W Redmond. Con­
Union Saving A Tztan Association vs
Wilson. Default and decree,
Adams vs Adams; partition. Con-
Crandall vs Daniel; foreclosure, De-
fault and decree ordered.
Moody vs James; foreclosure,
I >e-
fault and decree ordered.
Allen A Lewis vs Wilson ; foreclosure.
Default and decree ordered.
Assignment of A J Apperson. Passed
until adjourned term.
In tne matter of the estate of E M
Adams. Petition for payment of annu­
ity. Appeal from county court. Motion
to dismiss.
Cross motion to perfect
Eborall vs Marteg; confirmation. Con-
Senn vs Sax ; foreclosure. J II Nelson
appointed guardian for minors. Default
as to other defendants.
Bewley vs Heath ; confirmation. Con­
Irwin vs Parrish ; confirmation. Con­
Jellison vs Landingham ; confirmation.
McChrisman vs DekoH; confirmation.
Fenton vs Tustin ; foreclosure. Con­
Enery vs Conner; confirmation. Con­
firmed .
The Alliance Trust Co. vs Coatney;
foreclosure. Settled and dismissed.
Wright vs Forest, as executor; fore­
closure. W T Macy appointed guardian
ad litem for defendants Fred and Gordon
Day and complaint amended by striking
out the name of E C Mellen. Default as
to other defendants.
Laird vs Osborn; foreclosure. Decree
according to pleadings.
Cox vs West and Beacom ; foreclosure.
Default and decree ordered.
Crosiar vs Hill; petition. Continued
for service.
State School Board of Commissioners
vs L H Baker; foreclosure. Default and
Batchelor vs Batchelor; divorce. Di­
vorce granted.
Kruger vs Kruger; divorce. Divorce
Scott vs Scott; divorce. Divorce grant­
Smith vs Perkins; foreclosure. Settled
and dismissed.
Moore vs Holmes; foreclosure, Dis-
missed on motion of plaintiff without
The Canadian A American Mort. A
Trust Co L’td vs Yates; foreclosure.
Sitton vs Lambert; motion to require
present sheriff to make deed. Motion al­
Board School Land Commissioners vs
Harrison; confirmation. Confirmed.
Reid vs Mauritzen ; confirmation. Con­
firmed .
Board of School Land Commissioners
vs Watt; motion for deed. Motion al­
Shadden vs Parker ¡confirmation. Con­
Fuller vs Fuller; divorce.
Hallett vs Hallett; divorce.
granted. Custody of child to plaintiff
Helmer vs Helmer; divorce. Divorce
Bears the Signatare of Caos. H FtcTcm.
In use for more than thirty years, and
Th» KtnA )'<w ZZaw X/ao/t 2/vwjAA