The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 07, 1898, Image 2

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    Tamhill County Reporter
Coast« of Georgia and South Carolina)
Swept—Property L oh Heavy.
Ponce, Porto Rico, Oct. 5. — It is the
Andus river, and 100 passengers were
well-grounde«! ami almost unanimous
Being Rushed by the Amer­ opinion of the medical staff of the
M c M innville
The Hawaiian Star says the new gov-
American army in Porto Rico that the
icans at Paris.
' ernment of Hawaii is to be territorial
condition of the volunteer forces here
in form, with one representative in
necessitates their immediate removal
north. Sickness is increasing, and has
Dr. David J. Hill, of Rochester, N.
been increasing dining the past three
Y., has been appointed first assistant
weeks at an alarming rate. Today the
secretary of state to succeed John B.
sick report shows over 2,700 in hos­
Report of Retention of the Philippine»
Interesting Collection of Items From Moore, resigned.
pitals or in quarters, out of a total com­
Stupetie» Madrid — Will Re»i»t to the
Many Places Culled From the Pre««
mand of 10,000 men; that is, over 25
The Paris Figaro states that Count
Verge of Hostilities.
Reports of the Current Week.
per cent of the troops are on the sick
D’Aubigne, French charge d’affaires at
list. This, however, does not mean
Munich, will replace M. Cambon as
German exports to America are said
Paris, Oct. 5.—Major-General Mer­ that there is an effective strength of
j go to Madrid.
to tie decreasing.
ritt reached Paris today. The Ameri­ 7,500 men. The soldiers discharged
fiom the hospitals as fit for duty are in
Thirty thousand people were present can peace commission held a session nine cases out of ten incapable of serv­
In Wisconsin it is estimated that
600,000,000 pine trees have been de­ to witness the launching of the battle­
ice, and if ordered on duty are almost
ship Illinois at Newport News, Va. meeting with the Spanish commission­ invariably back in the hospitals within
stroyed by fires.
ers this afternoon.
Spanish forces are preparing to leave
Today’s session lasted until 4 o’clock, a few days.
The medical officers have found that
Marching orders have been from the national capital.
at which hour the commissionerr ad­
T'he American authorities in Manila journed to meet at 2 o’clock next Fri­ the convalescents do not, and seeming­
given at several points.
An authentic report received at San have invited all the schoolteachers to day afternoon, such interval being de­ ly cannot, recover their strength in
Francisco, says the seal herds of the resume the instruction of their classes. sired and neccessary to allow separate this climate, anil for this reason they
The schools have been close«] since the
oorthern waters are being rapidly ex­
i consideration by each commission of are being sent north as rapidly as pos­
matters before the joint commission. sible, eeveral hundred leaving every
Upon separate ballots being taken in , The interval will be thus filled with week.
It is reliably reported that the ulti­
matum of the powers to Turkey regard­ the Oregon legislature Tuesday in 1 work by each commission, the ultimate
ing the island of Crete, has been pre­ .Salem, H. W. Corbett received 36 • results being so facilitated. The sec­
retary of the Spanish commission will Several Live» Were Lott in Wisconsin
sented to the sultan.
j George, 10.
Forty-six votes are re- arrive tonight, and the interval will
Advices from Van, Turkey, say fight­ quired on joint ballot to elect.
also be employed by the secretaries
Cumberland. Wis., Oct. 5.—T)ie
ing occurred at Alaahgord between
A. P. Swineford, ex-governor of I jointly in maturing plans for the work bodies of a man and a boy were found
Turks and a number of Armenians Alaska, while in Chicago declared the , of procedure.
While the American today in the woods between Amena and
from Russia, About 50 Armenians prospectors who have returned gold less commissioners were at luncheon today, Poskin Lake, burned leyond recogni­
were killed.
I from that region were unsuccessful be­ General Merritt called at their hotel, tion. Several nersonsare still missing.
A Quebeo special says that Skagway cause of lack of foresight in failing to but did not wait to see the commission. Peter Ecklund, who was seriously
I He will call again tomorrow to see burneil by forest fires, was brought to
or Dyea are to be placed under British prepare for life in a new country.
members of the commission.
this city today in a critical condition,
administration, and that Canada will
In consequence of serious disorders
be allowed access to the Yukon by way due to the presence of the insurgents , The Spanish and American commis- and it is thought he cannot live. A
of Lynn canal under the treaty now be­ j in the vicinity of Manzanillo, General i sion6rs will be received tomorrow by 4-year-old daughter of Rudolph Miller,
President Fauro. The hour fixed for and the 7-year-old eon of Nels Swanson
ing perfected at Quebec.
Lawton has dispatched thither the
the reception of the Americans is 3:45 were found in the woods, lj® miles
It is estimated that the total hop steamer Reina de Los Angeles with one in the afternoon. General Merritt will
northeast of Almena, so badly burned
crop of Washington this season will be battalion of four companies from the accompany the Americans to this func­
that they cannot recover.
between 27,700 and 30,000 bales. A
tion, which will be held at the Palace
Mrs. Frank Heinricbmeier, at Poskin
considerable portion of the crop has
Evacuation is well nigh completed de Elysee.
Lake, died this morning, as a result of
been already contracted for on a basis anil the Stars and Stripes will soon
The opinion is now held that the fright an«l exhaution in fighting fires.
of 10 and 11 cents per pound.
wave over the entire island of Porto work of the commissioners may be fin- Relief rooms were opened today, and
The story of the loss of the fishing Rico. The Spanish and American com­ inshed within a month from the pres­ relief is being extended to starving
schooner Bella has reached Seattle. missioners have worked in peifect har­ ent time. While it is the general im­ families. The fire is still roaring on
rneeting was one side of this city, but the greatest
The captain of the vessel was washed mony. The Spanish made no attempt pression that today’s
overboard and drowned. A member of to delay the carrying out of the terms again devoted to preliminary work, danger is believed to be over. Near
the crew was also washed overboard, of the protocol, but on the contrary ami that the adjournment to Friday the town of Johnston, Polk county,
was taken only to enable the secretaries eight miles distant, heavy loss of farm
but rescued.
The wreck hay been were anxious to return to Spain.
beached by the Farallon.
Isaac Schlesinger, hie wife and two to draw up a schedule of work, the property is reported today, and tires
Fire, supjKisod to have originated children were held prisoners 14 hours representative of the press learns that are still raging.
from forest fires, burned half of Cum­ at their home in West Taylor street, the session was highly important, and
berland, Wis., caueing a property loss Chicago, by a crowd of 200 hoys. Dur­ tiiat the Americans have made a de­
estimated at *225,000.
About 25 ing most of this time the family were mand of such character that the Span­ Thousands of Tons Ilnve Filtered
families are homeless. Five children compelled to go without food, as their iards find it necessary to ask for an ad­
many Without a Certificate.
are reported burned to death. A large larder was empty. They were in con­ journment in order to enable them to
Berlin, Oct. 5.—A most important
saw mill is among the buildings stant fear that an attack would be consult with the government at Madrid.
It is believed that the question con­ revelation regarding American pork was
burned, throwing many out of employ­ made upon them.
cerns the Philippines, and it is known made by the German government an­
ment. Rain saved the entire city from
In the case brought by Governor
that the Americans are highly pleased nouncement in the semi-official press
being burned.
Pingree, of Michigan, to compel the
at having so soon reached what they today, that it has received information
The steamship Gaelic has arrived in Michigan Central ruilway to sell mile­ consider a very important phase of the showing that American pork had en­
San Francisco from Hong Kong and age tickets at a flat 2 cents, the Wayne negotiations, and consider the two ses­ tered
Germany without certificate.
Yokohama via Honolulu, bringing the county district court holds that the sions thus far held as very satisfactory Tne United States embassy confirms
congressional commission from the lat­ company, under its special charter, has to America.
the report that the discovery had been
ter place. In speaking of the work of a right to fix its own tolls, and that
The fact that a member of the com­ made that thousands of tons of Ameri­
the commission Senator Cullom said:
mission expressed the belief that work can pork have been imported through
“We have done as much as was possi­ must pay for if it takes it away.
would be completed within a month a number of custom houses for years
ble in the time at our disposal, and we
A report from General Otis to the indicates a happy frame of mind.
past without certificates. Theembassy
have covered the groiiml thoroughly. department states that the total num­
In the Spanish camp great hopes are has requested the foreign office to in­
When we meet in Washington we will ber of deaths among the troops at the built on what they believe General struct the custom house to insist in
go to work at once on a report.”
Philippines in three months was 87.
Merritt will advise, namely, that the every case upon a certificate.
Senor Agoncillo, the Philippine rep­
No American firm is implicated in
The Btate department has issued a Philippines are incapable of self-gov­
resentative who has gone to Washing­ circu'ar instructing the United States ernment, and that the whole situation these transactions, which explain the
ton to ask that the insuigents be heard consulates to half-mast their flags in does not warrant America in taking the alleged discoveries of trichinae in
by the peace commissioners at Paris, memory of the late Ambassador Bayard. responsibility for th« entire Philip­ American pork. German dealers in
has made public a translation of ths
pines. The Spanish commissioners are American pork offered in July last a
A warrant is out for the arrest of
Philippine constitution, which Aguin-
quite ready to give whatever America reward of 1,000 marks for a case of
aldo was to have proclaimed at Malo
asks in the way of coaling stations, bnt human trichinosis due to American
Los. By this constitution Aguinaldo and son and other prominent Pennsyl­ will resist more, to the verge of a re­ pork, and three months have passed
formally renounces the title of dictator, vanians are charged with having used newal of hostilities.
without anybody claiming the money.
and assumes that of president of the state moneys from tho People’s bank to
Madrid Worried.
revolutionary government of th« Phil­
Thirty miles from Murfreesboro,
Madrid, Oct. 5.—The reported inten­
The aged Queen Louise of Denmark Tenn., four prominent men were assas­ tion of the United States government Foreign Minister« at Peking Hold an
Emergency Meeting.
sinated by John Hollingsworth and to retain the whole of the Philippines
died at Copenhagen.
several of his friends, who tire«I upon has created almost a state of stupefac­
Oct. 5. — A special dispatch
American and Spanish commission- them from ambush.
Hollingsworth tion here, and it is semi-offlcially an­ from Shanghai says that telegrams from i
ere met and bi eak fasted together in
was later captured and shot by a posse. nounced that the Spanish government Peking have been detained two days.
Paris Thursday.
General Fitzhugh Lee's corps will go has resolved to vigorously combat any The l ist telegram received, according
In Colorado, forest and prairie Orea
to Cuba this month.
Thu general action which, it is claimed, the terms to this dispatch, announce«! that the
have done tremt dous damage in Routt
health of his command is excellent. of the peace protocol preclude. Gen­ foreign ministers bad held an emer­
county, along the Roaring Fork river,
The camp at Jacksonville, Fla., is well eral Rios, governor of the Visayas gence meeting. The German warship
and down in the San Juan region.
watered and in splendid sanitary condi­ islands, reports to the government an­ at Kiau Chou, it also stated, had start­
In addition to the troops already or­ tion.
Cuba, the general thinks, will other defeat of the insurgents. The ed hurriedly for Taku the day before.
dered to go to Cuba not later than Oc­ be divii'eil into military departments. Spanish volunteers, he says, also re­
Marquis Ito. who, it is understood,
pulsed an insurgent attack on the town is visiting China, for the purpose of
tober 20, there will follow four more
The steamer Fastnet has arrived at
divisions, three of infantry and one of Vancouver, B. C., from Skagway with of Basan, and killed 31 of the attack­ arranging sn offensive and defensive
alliance betwen China and Japan, has
half a million in dust, and with news ing
Secretary Alger has returned to that a million more was on the wharf TO CORNER WAR IMPLEMENTS. left Tien-Tsin for Shanghai, owing to
the impossibility of prosecuting nego­
Washington, after his inspection of the when tho Fastnet left. There will be
tiations during the crisis.
army camps.
He says the troops did but one mure boat fiom Dawson, the
The foreign ministers, it is stated,
not take care of themselves, which ac­ Columbia, which will bring down a Reported Scheme to Form a Combine
of Warship und Gun Factories.
forbade any foreign residents going to
counts for their present condition.
large amount of treasure.
Cleveland, O., Oct. 5.—An evening Peking. It is expected that Sir Claude
Captain Dteyfus, whether guilty or
A man bus been arrested at Orsova
paper says one of the most gigantic pro­ MacDonald, the British
charged with complicity in a plot to innocent, hits cortainlv caused a verita­
jects for a combination of capital is be­ shall surrender Kang Yu Wei.
assassinate the king of Roumania. The ble cyclone of passion to be let loose,
Yamantsu, leader of the rebellion,
ing examined in this city. It is noth­
police received timely warning and the and Paris was in a turmoil nil Sunday.
in the Hze Chuen province, has iseued
attempt was frustrated.
A phial of Crowils, scuffle, uproar and »rests was
warship building interest and armor a proclamation ordering tho extermina­
About a
poison, a dagger and several other the programme of the day.
plate ami gun-making interests of the tion of all foreigners.
weapons were found in the man’s pos­
world into one great syndicate. Men
seriously wounded in the various free
Mob Mmaeing Foreigners.
of international reputation in the
London, i'Jt. 5.—The Peking corre­
Striking union coalminers and im­
financial and manufacturing world are
Secretary Long, upon advices received in the deal.
ported negroes engaged in a pitchod
The projectors claim spondent of the Daily Chronicle, tele­
battle in the main street of Pana, III. at the state department, which show they can raise » capital of *200,005,000. graphing Saturday by way of Shanghai,
Several hundred shots were fired, No tho existence of threatening conditions
Among the Clevelanders who are in says: “A mob is menacing foreign-
one was wounded in the ranks of the in China, has ordered Dewey to send the deal is said to be Colonel Myron T. ers. The wife of the Italian minister
union men. The negroes, it is l»e- two warships immediately from Manila Herrick, president of the Society of was attacked yesterday, while on her
lieved, had seveial wounded men, and to a point as near the Chinese capital Savings, and Robert Wallace, president way to church, and several Americans
one died after reaching the stockades. as possible for a warship to approach. of the Cleveland Ship Building Com­ coning from the railroad were wound*
The vessels selected are the Baltimore
pany. Dr. Gatling, the famous in- ed by stones.
A dispatch to the New York Herald and Petrel.
“The foreign ministers have sent a
vetor of guns, has been here in confer­
'from Panama, Colombia, says:
Bertha Beilstein killed her mother ence with other men in the «leal. Arm­ collective note to the government, ask­
may be stated with entire confluence
that Colombia has not defied Italy by in Pittsburg, Pa., and later put several strong, the inventor of the gun which ing for the suppression of these out­
declining to pay the Cerruti olaim. bullets into her own body, from thtf* bears his name, has also been here. rages, ati l the punishment of the cul­
The dispute with Italy is regarded as effects of which she cannot recover. Andrew Carnegie is one of the chief prit.”
settled so far as the award of President The only explanation the girl has given men in the negotiation. Robert Wal­
Wheels Moving tgain.
Cleveland in the case is concerned. for her terrible <lee«l were these words: lace is now in the West with several
Mass., Oct. 5.—The Wash­
It held no pleas­ foreigners. Before he returns he will
Sixty pounds sterling has already been "I was tired of life.
ington mills started up in all depart­
stop at San Francisco, an«l the proprie­ ments this morning, after a partial
paid to Ernesto Cerruti for personal
damages, and «he payment of the lia­ not want mother to live an«l fret over tors of the Union Iron Works will be shutdown of several weeks. About
approached as to whether they will i,500 hands are now employed.
bilities of Cerruti «Sc Co. bat been guar­
come into the deal.
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 4.—For 15
hours, from 3 o'clock this morning
until 6 o’clock tonight, Savannah has
been in the grasp ol a West Indian tor­
nado. During the day tlie wind blew
steadily from 60 to 70 miles an hour.
While the city escaped with compar­
atively little damage, the loss of prop­
erty among the sea islands of the Geor­
gia and South Carolina coasts is be­
lieved to be heavy.
For miles in every direction around
Savannah the towns along the rivers
are submerged. Only one fatality has
so far been rejiorted—the drowning of
a negro while attempting to reach th»
land from a small island near Thunder­
bold—but heavy loss of life is feared,
on the South Carolina sea islands,
where such fearful loss of life occurred
during the great tidal wave of 1893.
The conditions now are similar to those
during that storm.
Owing to the sub­
merged country and the isolated loca­
tion of the islands, no news can be had
from them until the water subsides.
For eight miles north of Savannah
the entire country is a lake, with only
the hummocks visible.
At noon the
water was eight feet above the highest
tide. Driven on shore by the northeast
storm, it filled up on the islands, swept
over banks, and dams, carrying away
the remnant of the rice crop that was
left by the August storm, and had not
been gathered, and wiping out farm
The loss to ricegrowers alone
will be from *50,000 to *75,000.
the entire rice crop along the Savannah
river, valued at *250,000, all but about
15 per cent was lost in this and the pre­
ceding storm.
The damage to shipping is considera­
The schooner Governor Ames,
which was on her way to sea with a
cargo of 1,500.000 feet of lumber, went
adrift in the harbor, but was secured
The whaives at the quarantine sta­
tion, at the entrance to the river here,
were partially carried away.
The telephone, police, light and fire
alarm wires are down, and the city is
in darkness.
On Hutchinson’s island, opposite
Savannah, anil separating the city from
the South Carolina shore, many negro
families were rescued by boats from
the revenue steamers Tyhee and Bout­
». H. HAKSHAKT. Publllb.r.
Minor New« Items.
The North Atlantic squadron Is to be
reduced from a force of about 100 ves-
•els to 89.
A boiler burst at a sawmill near
Svergreen, Ala., and Bud Archer, tbs
engineer, bis wife and child and bis
wife’s sister were instantly killed.
A special train on the Chicago A
Northwestern railway establish«! a
new record between Chicago and
Omaha, making the rnn of 498 miles
in nios boars and 99 Minutes.
A London special from Bombay says
a ferry-boat capsized while crossing the
Rev. E. Fullerton, who has been ap­
pointed United States consul at Naga-
saki, Japan, is a Methodist missionary.
The American Indies company has
been formed in New York with a capi­
tal stock of *18,000,000. Its object ia
to develop the resources of Cuba and
Porto Rico.
President McKinley an«l as many
members of hie cabinet as can do so
will attenii some portion of the peace
jubilee which begins at the Omaha ex­
position October 10.
Killed HI« Wife and Hlm«*lf.
Condition of the
Porto Rico.
Klondike!-« on th. Discovery.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 4.—The steam
Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 4.—This
Schooner Discovery arrived at midnight
evening Robert Lasb, a desperate char­
from Alaska with 100 passengers and
acter, went to 824 Court street, where
about *50,000 in gold dust. The trea­
his wife was stopping, and, calling her
sure was owned hv a few men. A.
into the hallway, shot her dead. Lash
Helwerth is erwiited with *15,000 and
then killed himself with the same wea­
George McCotd *10.000. Dan McDon­
pon. The tragedy was the culmination
ald, a brother of Alex McDonald, the
of many quarrels.
mining king, ia said to have brought
In the hotels built in China for the out »10,000.
nee of foreigners the highest stories are
Croesus, of ancient times, possessed
the moat expensive because the orees- about *20,000,000.
Rumor of His Taking Off
Which la Understood to Mean That He
Waa A »sanai nateti—The Auti-Engltab
Feeling Is Spreading.
London, Oct. 4.—A special dispatch
from Shanghai says:
The announce­
ment of the death of the emperor is
The reports as to the
means employed in his taking off differ.
One story has it that he died of poison,
and another that death was caused by
strangulation, while a third states that
he was subjected to frightful torture, a
re«lhot iron being thrust through bis
Another dispatch from Shanghai
says: Telegrams furnished by the tai-
tai, or local governor, to a Chinese
paper allege that the emperor commit-
tejl Buicide September 21, after signing
a decree which placed the dowager em­
press at the head of affairs in China.
This, it is added, is understood to mean
that the emperor has also beeu an­
nounced semi-offlcially.
All the
English-speaking secretaries and the
principal members of the Chinese for­
eign office, it is further announced,
have been banished.
The British foreign office today re­
ceived a dispatch from her majesty’s
minister at Peking saying Mr. Morti­
mer, a member of the British legation,
on returning home yesterday with a
lady, was insulted and attacked by a
mob, which stoned him and covered
Later in the day, the
him with mud.
dispatch adds, some American mis-
sionaries were similarly attacked, as
was the Chinese secretary of the United
States legation. The latter’s ribs were
Sii Claude McDonald, the British
minister at Peking, repoits that there
is a dangerous feeling abroad.
Execution of Alleged Conaplratora.
Washington, Oct 4.—Minister Con­
ger has cabled the following to the state
“Peking.—Six alleged conspirators
were executed by order of the empress
yesterday. Kang, the leading reformer
and adviser of the emperor, escaped in Surgeon Protests Against Overcrowding
on the Obilain.
a British vessel. Order and quiet pie-
Santiago de Cuba, Oct. 4.—Surgeon-
vail here, Trouble is feared at interior
Major Seaman, of the transport Obdam,
points. ”
declares that there will be a repetition
of the awful horrors that have charac­
terized the voyage home of the other
Foreigners Are Preparing to
transports if more sick soldiers are sent
the City.
on board the vessel for transportation
Paris, Oct. 4.—The Dreyfus demon­ to New York.
lie says that when the
stration organized by M. Pressence, on» Obdam left Porto Rico many on board
of the leaders of the agitation, for this were sick, yet the first quartermaster
afternoon, was prevented by the closing refused to furnish wine for their use,
of the Salle Wagram. M. Pressence but supplied them with hardtack and
and his friends tried to force an en­ canned food, saying that he had no
trance, and an uproar resulted.
The authority to furnish wine.
police then intervened and arrested M. Seaman said he would hold him re-
Pressence, M. Vaughn, editor of the sponsible should any deaths occur, and
Aurora, and Deputy Mory, amid shouts finally succeeded in obtaining suitable
and counter-shouts of “Vive revision!” food for those who were ill. He asserts
“Vive arnree!” “Vive Zola!” and “A that the ship has every man that she
has les juifs!” and the crowd was dis­ can carry, and that if she reaches New
persed. The persons taken into custody York without any deaths occurring, she
were subsequently released.
will be lucky.
Disorders, most of them in the vicin­
Hearing that a number of other sick
ity of the offices of the Libre Parole, soldiers were to be sent aboard her, the
occurred during the evening. Many surgeon-major made a protest, and
persons were slightly injured, though stated that he was informed by General
sticks were the only weapons used. Lawton that his protest showed lack of
Several arrests were made.
discipline, and that an officer had beeD
An ugly statement is made by the appointed to see how many additional
Petite .Republique to the effect that men the Obdam could carry. Surgeon
Colonel Piequart, who ha«l previously Seaman snvs he will cable to Surgeon-
taken exercise in the courthouse yard General Sternberg a piotest, disclaim­
of the jail, had not left his cell since ing responsibility for whatever may
Thursday, when he was seized with happen.
symptoms of cerebral congestion, fol­
Mayor McCleary, of Santiago, is en­
lowed by coma. There is no means, deavoring to compel the merchants to
however, of verifying the statement.
sell necessaries of life at reasonable
The disorders have created intense rates.
alarm among the foreigners at the
hotels, and it is probable that an exo­
dus will occur, the guests fearing grave
Serious Klow to the Town of Colorndc
Springs—Kight Blocks Burned.
The working class, so far, has held
Springs, Colo., Oct. 4.—
aloof, but the leaders of the rival par­
ties are «loins their utmost to etir them This city had a visitation of fire this
up, and it is believed that the disorders afternoon which threatened for four
hours to destroy tire entire business
will be repeated.
district. The wind was blowing at the
Le Matin publishes a dispatch from
rate of 45 miles an hour from the
Cayenne stating that the French cruiser
southwest when the fire etarted at the
Dubordieu is lying off the Salut islands
Denver & Rio Grande freight depot, at
waiting to bring Dreyfus away.
the foot of Cncharis street, at 2:10 P.
M., and the flames spread with great
A strip four blocks long
Troop« to Be Sent to the Philippines to from north to south, and two blocks
wide from east to west, has been burned
Protect the Viaayas Islands.
Madrid, Oct. 4.—The cabinet has over, but at this hour the conflagration
decided to authorize General Rios to is believed to be under control.
grant reforms in the Visayas islands, flames are still leaping high over the
on the lines demanded by the inhab­ burnt district, but the wind has died
itants. and to concentrate bis forces at down, and there is no doubt that the
Mindanao, as there are only 450 men fire engines, whioh have come from
Denver and Pueblo in response to ap­
garrisoning the Visayas.
The Spanish ministers also decided peals for aid, will be able to confine
to protest to the government at Wash­ the flames within the present limits.
The Antlers hotel, one of the largest
ington against the refusal of the Amer­
icans to permit Spanish troops to be in the West, three lumber yards and
sent to the Visayas, while it is claimed two blocks of business houses have been
the insurgents are constantly receiving destroyed. In round numbers the lose
arms and cannon with which to attack is estimated at $1,000,000, and insur­
other rslands, “which the Americans ance at one-half of that amount.
permit without even pretending to in­
San Jnan de Porto Rico, Oct. 3.—
The meeting of the military commis­
The Spanish cabinet, it is added, wtll sion yesterday was private, and no
acquaint its P>ris commissioners with news was given out regarding what
these contentions, in order that they transpired. The American troops now.
may be used in the peace negotiations. occupy fully two-thirds of the islanJ. <
Finally, it 1s announced that the gov­
Xew Steamship Line.
ernment will inform the government at
Washington that it has decided to send
Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 4.—The
reinforcements to the Visayas, and Canadian Pacific railway will estab­
has ordered several batteries of artil­ lish another trans-Paciflc line. The
lery in Andalusia to get ready to start steamers Tartar and Athenian, of over
for ths Philippine islands within 24 4,500 tone, will run between Vancou­
hours In addition to this, the cabi­ ver and Vladivostock, the termini of
net will repeat its protests against the the trans-Canadian and trans-Asian
insurgents continuing to hold Spanish lines, respectively.
The Athenisn
prisoners in the Philippine islands.
will eail first, loading here and then
proceeding to Seattle and Portland,
A Russian doe* not become of
where grain will probably bo placed oa
until be is 26
board for Russia.