The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, August 26, 1898, Image 7

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    I Have
No Stomach
Music for Invalids.
Baid a jolly man of 40, of almost alder-
manic rotundity, "since taking Hood’s
Sarsaparilla.” What he meant was that
this grand digestive tonic had so com­
pletely cured all distress and disagreeable
dyspeptic symptoms that be lived, ate ami
slept in comfort. You may be put into
this delightful condition if you will take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
America’s Greatest Medicine.
The English Archaeological school
on the island of Milo recently unearth­
ed three cities built on top of each
Two belong to the Mycenaeu
Dear Madam:
Your grocer is authorized
to pay you back your money
ii you don’t like Schilling'»
Best baking powder.
Simple Stave Silo.
Cut glassware would l»e more popular
if dealers would cut prices.
A Schilling & Company
A writer has calculated that from a
single pair of New York rats there
will spring in three years 650,000 de­
Cured. So fluor nervouanea
rilQ after lirst day's u«e of Dr. Kline s Gnat
A en*e Restorer. Be nd for FlUt Wa.oo trial
bottle and treatise. DR. R. IL KLLML Ud. tw
Arch street, Philadelphia, pu.
Dr. Albert C. Peale reports to the
government that there are 8,822 known
A powder to be shaken into the shoes. mineral springs in the United States.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner­
vous. and hot. and get tired easily. If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes, 'try
The new improved Stoughton wagons
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and stand the racket. Three more car loads uro
the way. It pays to have the best.
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and Write for free catalogue. JOHN POOLE,
gives rest and comfort Ten thousand tes­ sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Port­
timonials of cures. Try it toduv. Sold by land, Or.
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Sent
I know that my life was saved by Piso’s
by mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package
for Consumption.—John A. Miller,
FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Cure
Sable, Michigan, April 21, 189Ó-
Roy, New York.
Dr. Albert G. Peale reports to the Try Schilling's Best
government that there are 8,822 known
Cut flowers can
mineral springs in the United States. color by means of
are absorbed with
By local application«*, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure d( afness, and that is by constitu­
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in­
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in­
flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper
feet hearing, and when it is entirely closed
deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma­
tion can be taken out and this tube rest »red to
its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
condition oi the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
Absolutely Pure,
..Costs Less THan OHE CENT a Cop..
Be ,ure that von get the Genuine Article,
made at DORCHESTER, MASS, by
E stablished 1780.
To Keep Butter Cool.
Here Is a good plan for keeping butter
cool in summer. Iu the middle of your
cellar floor dig a hole or vault three and |
one-half feet deep and three aiul oue- .
half feet square. Wall it up with brick
laid in lime mortar and cement and
floor it with soft brick. Lay a frame
of good hard wood in mortar upon the
top of this vault. Hinge to the frame |
a trap-door of plank two inches thick. !
making it fit smoothly over the top.
Then after the cream is separated and
cooled put It down In the vault to ripen.
Butter may be kept there 111 the agree­
able coolness, also. If you have no I
separator, put the cream Into your
vault as soon as you have skimmed it.
tliere to cool and ripen. Once or twice
a week clear out tbe vault and wash it
thoroughly to prevent its getting
moldy. Pour cold water ujsm the soft
bricks of tile floor. They will absorb
It and cool the air. This Is a very suc­
cessful way to keep milk, butter and
cream cool In hot weather on farms
where there Is no Ice.—Valley Farmer.
A Germin has Jiret completed a bicvcle that
ha* one wheel nine feet iu diameter. Two
people ride it—one on each side of the monster
wheel. It runs as easily as a smaller bicvcle
btxaiue of its scientific construction. The
scientific formula of Hostetter's Stomach Bit­
ters is the reason of its great virtues in making
the weak strong, and in curing most oi the
every-<lav ailments of men and women. Ii
your health is poor, try a bottle.
No questions asked.
•»“ Fraacisc»
gtinX. whlcn like all others In the body
are strengthened by what they have to
do. if the digestiou is lujured all other
organs must suffer.
Miss Anna Eatell Wilson, of New
York, hat found a decidedly novel co-
cu pation. She prepares music for in­
valids. She puyg that although the
healing power of mngfo is yet only
dimly perceived, nevertheless jdiysi-
ciarw acknowledge that its proper oee
produces highly beneficial effects. Un­
der the influence of certain kinds of
music the nerve cells, if depleted or too
relaxed, may be stimulated to more
vigorous action. Music of an opjosite
character will diminish too great ner­
vous activity and tend to produce a
condition of peace and restfulnesa.
Several physicians commend M iss Wil­
son s system.
She does not say any­
thing about how many different dis­
eases of the nerves one piano in a fiat
house is capable of producing in a very
short time.
The construction of a simple and econ­
omical stave silo is described in
Hoard's Dairyman. A suitable size for
this silo is alxiut 16 feet in diameter aiul
20 feet deep. The hoops are of five-
eighths inch round iron, two at the bot­
tom, then one two feet above, another
three feet above the last, and so on. the
spaces increasing regularly to the top.
j Each hoop is in two pieces, and these
pieces are joined in the rear just the
same as iu front by passing through
bardwood blocks as shown, with wasli-
■ ers and nuts, so as to loosen or tighten
as may be necessary. Iron blocks or
shoes are sometimes used for this pur­
j The stave should be two Inches thick
and may be four, six or eight inches
wide, but the narrower the better. It is
not at all necessary that they should be
i twenty feet long, as they may be easily
spliced. Saw into the ends that are to
come together and insert a narrow
Hasp berries.
tea and baking powder.
be tinted almost any
aniline dyes which
the water.
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These presents are in the form of
The Doctor Slocum System Has
Proven Beyond Any Doubt Its
Positive Power Over the
Dread Disease.
By Special Arrangement with the Doctor, Three Free Bottles
Will be Sent to All Readers of This Paper.
The Doctor Floenm System,
as the name ini d lies, is a com­
prehensive and complete sys­
tem of treatment, w hich at­
tacks every vulnerable point
of the disease and completely
vanquish© it. It leaves no
point unguarded; it leaves
no phase of die trouble neg­
lected; it cures, and cures
forever,Weak I.ungs, Coughs,
Bronchitis, Catarrh.
Consumption and all
other throat ami lung
diseases by absolutely
obliterating the cause.
Renewing Strawberry Bed«.
Mrs. W E P axton . Youngtown.
North Dakota, writes about her strug­
gle to regain health after the birth of
her little girl:
” D ear M rs . P tnkham :—It Is with
pleasure that I add my testimony to
your list, hoping that it may induce
others to avail themselves of your val­
uable medicine.
” After the birth of my little girl,
three years ago. my health was very
poor I had leucorrhcea badly, and a
terrible bearing-down pain which
gradually grew worse, until 1 could do
to work Also had headache nearly
all the time, and dizzy feelings Men­
struations were very profuse, appeas­
ing every two weeks
’• I took medicine from a good doctor,
but it seemed to do no good. I was
becoming alarmed over my condition,
when I read your advertisement in a
paper. I sent at once for a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound. and after taking two-thirds of
the bottle I felt so much better that I
send for two more. After using three
bottles I felt as strong and well as any
■’I think it is the best medicine for
female weakness ever advertised, and
recommend it to every lady I meet suf­
fering from this trouble ”
Maternity is a wonderful experience
and many women approach it wholly
unprepared. Childbirth under right
conditions need not terrify women.
The advice of Mrs. Pinkham is freely
offered to all expectant mothers, and
her advice is beyond question the most
valuable to be obtained. If Mrs. Pax­
ton had written to Mrs. Pinxham be­
fore confinement she would have been
saved much suffering Mrs. Pinkham a
address is Lynn, Mass.
To many persons tbe fruit of the
raspberry in the fall Is a luxury, com­
ing as it does when no other fruit of
this nature is to be had. There are but
two sorts that have proved of any val­
ue of about a half-dozen kinds tried—
tbe Catawissa and tbe Belle de Fon-
tenay. To have these f ¡ill-bearing sorts
produce well they must be cut down in
the spring, so that vigorous young
canes will grow, as from these the crop
of fruit is to come. Tbe stronger the
canes, tbe better the crop of fruit,
hence the importance of applying plen­
ty of manure to the ground, and of
keeping up a cultivation of the soil
while the plants are growing. It is not
impossible to have fruit on ordinary
raspberries when treated as these are,
though there is something In the na­
ture of the two kinds mentioned which
seems to fit them especially for fall
First cut down the woods with a
lawn mower or a scythe. Rake tbe
weeds off and chop out all of the old
plants, leaving runners about a foot
apart in the rows, and hoe between the
plants, as well as cultivate well be­
tween the rows. The object should be
to have the ground deep, soft and per­
fectly clean of grass and weeds. The
runners (which should be those sent
out from the parent Hants of last
spring* will send out runners, and form
a new matted row. Keep the rows
clean and use fertilizer liberally, ap­
plying it close to the plants on the sides
of the rows and working it well into the
piece of galvanized sheet iron—say two
I inches wide and as long as the staves
: are wide. Neither is it necessary to
■ bevel tlie staves, but set them up with
the inner edge close together, and they
; will swell and make a tight joint. Doors
for taking out the ensilage are provided
I for every space except the lowest.
These doors need not be cut out until
I the last thing, and then should be cut
beveling at top. bottom and sides, larg­
est all around on the inside. A strip
of building paper tacked around the
edges will supply the waste of the saw.
Newly Cleared Land.
If any oue wants to know what difll
cutties the early settlers in wooded sec­
tions had to encounter, let him make a
clearing iu some wood lot and then try
to grow a crop among the stumps. He
will break more plow points and har­
rows working this land than the crop
will be worth when grown. *Btit the
early settlers had at least one advant­
age, and that was that their newly
cleared land was free from weeds. In
all the older settleu parts of the coun­
try there are many bad weeds among
the trees in the woods, the seeds of
which have been carried there by birds
or other animals.
Hereford Cattle.
The animal here shown is a typical
Hereford, from a picture printed in the
Mark Lane Express. This breed is au
' old-established one. it being mor-.; than
a century since its founding in Hereford.
England. Early in the present century
it was recognized as a valuable beef
breed. Records of sales *-om 171*1* to
1811 show that twenty oxen brought
for beef an average of £100 6s.. or about
$530 each. The Hereford» and Short­
horns were active rivals during those
early days, and the competition be­
tween them is still very close.
In color, the Hereford Is a red of
varying shade, generally light, with
clear white face, white line of greater
or less length along the back, white
brisket, white brush and white feet
The horns are medium to long, white,
waxy and generally turning outward,
forward, and sometimes downward. In
form they are blocky, square built, with
rather short legs, nn<l all meat points
full and rounded. The quarters ar"
heavy, muscular and low down on the
E ditorial N ote . —The Doctor Slocum System is Medicine reduced to an
Exact Science by the World's most Famous Physician. All readers of this paper,
anxious regarding the health of themselves, children, relatives or friends, may
have three free bottles as represented in the above illustration, with complete
directions, pamphlets, testimonials, advice, etc., by sending their full address to
Dr. T. A. Slocum, the Slocum Building, New York City. This is a plain, honest,
straightforward offer, and is made to introduce the merits of The New System of,
Treatment that Cures, and we advise all sufferers to accept thi3 philanthropic
offer at once. When writing the Doctor please mention this paper. All letters
receive immediate and careful attention.
If You Suffer
From Epilepsy, Epileptic Spells, Fits,
St. Vitus’ Dance, Falling Sickness,
Vertigo, etc., have children or
relatives that do so, or know
people that are afflicted.
My New Discovery,
A Handy Wheelbarrow.
A low-down wheelbarrow has its uses
on every farm. To make one like the
Will cure them, and all you are asked to
do is to send for a Free Bottle and try it.
I am quite prepared to abide by th«
result. It has cured thousands whera
everything else has failed. Please give
full name, AGE, and postoffice and
express address
model in the illustration. Prairie Farm­
er gives these directions; Vse a heavy
iron wheel with a two-inch tread. Get
WM. H. MAY, M.D., May Laboratory,
•• Not to take a cure for an otherwise fatal !
two natural crooks and round one end
94 Pins St., New York City.
disease I* to practically commit suicide."
for handles. Nall Inch boards across,
Gratuitous Export Advice and a Pro*
as Indicated in the Illustration, and set
up head-board, and you will have a bar­ BoUle of thia New Diacovery, which iaan Unfailing Cure for any and all ot the frightful forme of
row handy for hauling rocks, barrels of gpflepav end allied nervoua diaeeaes. When writing Doctor May, please mention thia paper.
grain, salt. lime, apples, etc.
According to Nilsson, the zoologist,
Thistles Among Oat«.
the weight of the Greenland whale is
A Boardlnx and Day School for boyt.
The oat crop ripens so late that if the 100 tons, or 224,000 |«uiids, or equal to
Military discipline in charge of U. 8.
officer. Primary, preparatory
land is infested with Canada thistles that of of 88 elephants, or 440 bears.
and academic department»
Training or Mloyd nas recently been In­
the latter will sometimes blossom and
The attention of tlie public is called
be ready to ripen their seed before the
Special Instruction tn music, modern
lunguage*. stenography. Through col­
oats can l>e harvested. But there Is a to the professional work of Dr. T. H.
lege preparation a specialty. Th a
Christina« term will open Heptember
time when the oats will not lie headed White, No. 271 'i Morrison street,
13th, 1WR. Catalogue on application to
His electrical appli­
Out. while the thistles fully grown are Portland, Ur.
the principal. .T. W. HI Lu. M. D, P.
O. Drawer 17. Portland, Or.
towering several inches above then*. A ances are the most modem, and his
man going through tbe fields with a crown and bridge work is of such artis­
scythe can rapidly lop off the towering tic form and finish, that his patients
thistle heads. There will be other this­ are delighted not only with the looks,
tles come up later, but they will not be but witii tlie comfort they receive from
early enough to ripen their seed» when the use of such artificial work. All
operations are painless under his meth­
the oats are harvested.
ods. See that your teeth are pro|>erly CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.
■«red for and that by a skillful dentist.
Give Weak Auimil« a Chance.
Separate the younger from tbe older There is no need to suffer the discom­
stock when feeding. Tbe natural con­ forts of broken-down and stained teeth
Ver Big at for unnatural
sequence of promiscuous herding is when they can be made useful ami
diachargea, inflammations,
In I to i lay*
or ulcerations
i Miaren
that the largest and strongest take their pleasant to look upon without pain.
not »o atrtatar«.
of ruucoui membranes,
Fra rents contagion.
Painlee«, and nut aatrio-
choice, and leave the refose to Is- eaten
gent or poisonous.
thi E va ns C hemical
by the weaker, whereas the l>est should
by r»rnV*lata,
Is it Wrong?
be given to the poorest In order to help
f. S. A.
them to a condition of thrift and
Keep it Right.
Bishop Scott Icademy r^n,,,d
Beautiful Pastel Pictures
They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows;
Lilacs and
Lilacs and
hocks; the ribs well sprung, but round
ed neatly to a long, deep barrel. The •
head and neck are both short and dose-
fleshed. The whole make-up of the nni- I
I mal indicates strongly the marked '
I characteristic of the breed. They are j
quite common in Canada and have ;
found great ravor on the cattle ranges
of Texas. They are classed with the |
largest of modern breeds, are hardy and
prepotent to a remarkable figure.
To Heal Gall* In Horses.
Feeding for the Dairy.
These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist,
' R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects
1 in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig-
' inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
1 them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit.
One of these pictures
z^^ckaVe of
■ ■ _
Elastic Starch
' purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and
1 is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a
* beautiful picture.
It used to be thought that the heifer
calf, because she was intended to be­
come a cow rather than fattened for
beef, could be starved and stinted on
almost any kind of food during its first
year, and be, perhaps, a better cow
therefor. We do not believe in feeding
calves Intended for cows with food that
has a fattening tendency. Skim milk is
much better than whole milk for them.
and wheat bran with some middlings
mixed with it is a better diet to make
growth than is corn or other grain. But
It does not pay to starve any calf. It
necessarily weakens the digestive or-
Moor.’« Revealed Remedy wllldolt. Three
dwi will make you feel better.
Get it from
“The horse Is galled and still we need your druggist or any wholesale dru< house, or
him In the collar dally.” Keep on work­ from Stewart A Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
ing him, only sponge the galls two or
mor pwnn
three times dally in cold water and cov­
er them with powdered sulphur. The
_ __
Stopped atone«
sore spots will callous over, become D b . J.C. H offman , 4M Isabella Bldg. Chicago,HL
tough and heal In spite of the work.
To Cleanse Poultry Boost*.
Cutler's Carbolate of Iodine.
tifili» »NR
Make money by succesful
UH U 1 R I I|«cu 1st ion in Chicago. we
■W R I 11 I buy and sell wheat un nitr­
ii I IL» fi I fins. Fortunes bare been
made on * small beginning by trading in tw
ture«. Write for full particular* Best of ra^
eretico given. Several years* experience on ths
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know*
ledge of the bualnees. Bend for onr free refer­
ence book
Chicago Board of Trade Broker*. Offices in
Portland. Oregon and Beattie. Wash.
Kerosene oil. 1 gallon; turpentine. I Guaranteed core ftrr < «tarrh »n<i Consumption HILL Uli« ovs
pint, and slaked lime, 1 pound, makes All r>ru*gi«t*. tl.'JO. W. H.Bmatb, BuffiUo. X. Y.» Plain or with Cutter. The beet needle In the mar­
ket. Used by all sack newer*. For sale by all gen­
t a cheap and effective wash for the a»>le proprietor
eral merchandise store*, or by
j roosts, or in fact the whole interior of
W0 Market Street. Han Francisco. CaL
the chicken house.
Mo. SA.
». P. ». L
Beat 1
Buy an Improved ha me fastener and
Mve time and patience