The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, July 29, 1898, Image 5

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G. S. Wright, dentist.
Ride a Columbia.
'•Save her honor” and still lose Cuba, hut what
Fresh Tillamook cheese and honey at
C. Grissen's new stock of wall paper. 6
will you save if you io*e your teeth bv neglect
Bettman A Warren’s.
gnd abufe? To thoa<j of ray patient« who nave
G. S. Wright, dentist.
Call on W. L. Hembree for your picture
frequent dental examination». 1 can assure
(io to J. P. Irvine A Son’s for your framing.
preservation of their teeth and »mall dental
Irvine A Sou’s ie the place to buy your
bills. Not only Crown and Bridge work, but
harvest supplies.
every department of the dental art is made h bread.
Fruit jars and jelly glasses of all si»e
specialty. You are invited to call.
Second-hand Buckeye binder for sale nt Bettman A Warren's.
W. L. Hembree, a^ent for the Yost
cheap. Inquire at fair grounds.
For ice cream, soda water, oranges,
Buy your blank bcoks at W'. L. Hem­ It is common talk among neighbors, emons. etc., go to T. A. White’s
“Were you at the Racket store today?”
McCormick mowers and binders—the
A new line of tobacco and cigars just world’s best—tor sale by F. W. Speucer.
The bast 25-cent meal in the city is oh
tainable at T. A. White’s restaurant. received at Bettman A Warren’s.
Mauniug Bros, are selling immense
Touts to soli or rent. Inquire of Elsia numbers of the celebrated White sewing
Bettman A Warren candle their eggs
before they leave the store.
Bettman A Warren will receive it new-
We now have a fsw tbousand dollars to
Mrs. Mattie Hunsaker of Turner and
loan on farm property, at good terran.
(Office over Braly’a Bank .)
Mrs. Kate Lucas of Derry came down to stock of crockery in a few days.
I rvine A V inton .
The R kpof . ter and Weekly Oregonian • 12tf
M c M innviih
O mïoom . visit the old folk Tuesday and returned
one year for $2, strictly in advance.
The school bouse io district 8 is being
The New Home aud Wheeler & Wil­ Persons wishing to buy sewing ma­ paluted. Rev, James Campbell and his
son sewing machines, needlcB and extras chines should see the White, sold by eon Bruce have tbe job.
at C. Grissen’s.
Manning Bros.
Mrs. Dollie Love of Portland ia visiting
Hay forks, straw forks, barley forks, her sister, Mrs. J H. Nelson. She will
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Martin, ou Monday, the 25th inst. hop forks and knives and forks, all styles ultimately go to California
Rooms in Jacobson Block,
F. J. is proud of his quartet, and tbe fact and prices at Hodson e.
Frank Davey, of Salem, well know>n !
O bkogn . that the apportionment of sex is equal.
Manning Bros have received another here, has secured a clerkship in the in­
Graduates of ITcninnville college supply of White sewing tuaebiues. They ternal revenue office at Portland under :
collector Dunne, at a salary of $1,000 al
are eligible to examination for state are selling like hot cakes.
teachers* diploma.
The families of Prof. D. M. Metzger year.
Frank Rennie returned Tuesday from
Lloyd Henderson, who left with tbe and A. B. Millsap left on Wednesday for
Copper river party eaily in the spring, Gaiibaldi bay, for a season of camping. Foley Springs, the other members of the
Reynolds & Branham, Prop’s. returned home on Thursday. The report Mrs. O. A. B. Grosser of Willamina party remaining He reports Clarence'
is current that there is nothing valuable visited in the city this week and was nc- Irvine as getting fat and much improved
Fresh and salt meats and sausages of all to he found in that country.
companied to her home bj’ Mrs. E. W. in health. Good.
kinds constantly In stock. Cash paid lor
Mrs. E. M. Law of the O. K. lunch .
hides. Highest market price paid tor all kinds
Are you going to paint your house? Wallace.
of fat stock
Consult Elsia Wright about paints and
All persons knowing themselves in- room, was called to the bedside of her
oils. He will give you the best material debted to tue for dental work, will please aged father, at Silverton, ou Monday j
at least cost.
call at once and settle tbe same, at the He is 92 years of age, aud recently bus
tained serious injury from a fall.
Proprietors ot
J. H N elson .
County Judge R. P. Bird w ill move clerk’s office.
Parties buying White sewing machines
from Lafayette to McMinnville this
The Seventh Day Adventists are
having a good attendance at their tout are fully instructed as to use of all at­
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds The complete stock of Butterick patterns meetings near the court bouse. The tachments by a lady o|>erator without'
can now be found at the Grange & Farm­ preaching is being done by Rev. Ward. extra cost. This ie the advautage of buy- ■
Houtli side Third 8t. between B and C.
iug from au agent.
M annino B ros . I
ers store at the lowest prices. Also the
Miss Ellen Strong, h sister of W J.
railway company !
Delineator and Glace of Fashion.
Strong of this city, and a teacher in the
A gentleman from Linn county was in mission schools of Corea, has returued is repairing the plauking on the street
the city Monday desiring to buy a farm, to her home in Portland on account of I east of the depot. We understand it is
their ultimate intention to pave this
and could find no real estate agent to ill health.
street with decomposed granite and to j
show him anj- land. Real estate men
L. E. Walker, Prop.
seem to have taken to the harvest fields. a uew residence on the site of the old I put down a side walk of flagstone.
in planning for next school year,
I am able to furnish loans on first-class one, burned a conple of years ago. Its
< sih paid tor Poultry and Country Produce.
Hides and Tallow bought. Hay, Oats, Mlllfeed, farm security, from $2,0.)0 upward, at 7 proportions of frame work would indi-1 don’t overlook “Old McMinnville,”
Oil Meal, 1 lax seed anil Bae Supplies of all
the home college of Yamhill valley.
I per cent interest; loans to run from 3 to cate a good building.
kinds kept on hand.
| 5 years. Parties wishing to borrow motl­ Clifford Kantner of Salem, son of Rev. Expenses very low. Send for Cata­
ey, call rfnd see me.
R 1 C onner .
Kantner, recently graduated from a con­
Patriotic Entertaiurnent.
The Salvation Army has a new brig­ servatory of music in Tennessee, and is 1
adier-general named Marshall, w ho ban to teach music in the Lafayette semi­ Emergency Corps will give a patriotic '
entertainment at the opera house, Satur­
entered upon his duties with a great nary the coming year.
ileal of vim, and attracts a large crowd.
Remember the Emergency Corps en­ day evening, July 30th,forthe benefit of!
Farmers, your attention is wanted tertainment at the opera house toraor-1 our own brave boys at the front, Co. A,
I am located opposite Burns A Daniels and aim
The ladies of
to "tv<’nil customers good treatment fot little while we say to you, if you need any row evening, proceeds to go for the ben 2d Oregon volunteers.
money. Hath rooms in connection. Your pat- groceries or bread, don't forget that we efit of Co. A, 2d Oregon volunteers, Ad the program committee want it under­
lounge solicited.
stood that the following program is very
can supply you with the same and give mission 25 and 15 cents.
you better prices thadany house in Yam
Large shipment of fall goods are now incomplete, it not being possible to pre­
hill county.
J. P. I rvine A S on .
on the wav for the Grange A Farmers’ | pare a complete one so early in the week |
Chorus, seven boys.
The Kickapoo Indian show No. 54 ar­ store. They will have one of the largest |
Recitation, Muriel Grieaeu.
rived in the city on Tuesday, and pitched and best selected lines of general mer-|
Manufactures ano Deals in
.Soln, Pauline Snyder.
its tent at the corner of Second and G
Violin solo, Walter Iioltnan.
streets. Prizes of Bilver.vare are given
Prof. Frederic S. Dunn, who has held
Recitation, Ethel Harris.
in connection with the sale of medicine, tbe chair of languages and ancient his-| Solo, Mrs. Talmage.
SADDLES, BRIDLES. SPURS, ; and between the sales there is an enact­ I tory in Willamette university, has ac­
Quartette, Misses Hobbs aud
* nd brushes, and sells them cheaper than they ment of farces. Over two hundred of cepted the chair of associate professor of!
can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette these shows are now on the road.
Latin in tbe University of Oregon, at
\ alley. Our all home made sets of harness are
Recitation, Frank Abram Powell.
prouounced unsurpassed by those who buy them.
Piof. Irving M. Glen, now of Eugene, Eugene.
Drill, twelve girls.
is visiting in Portland and taking les­ This item is published for the benefit
Solo, McKiuley Bill.
sons in voice culture under the famous of those who are forgetful. The open
Piano duet, Helen and Evaline Cal-
German tenor, Herr Schott.. The ad­ season for deer is from August let to De-1 breat t.
Dealer in and Manufacturer of
miration for each other’s vocal talent is comber 1st; ducks, geese, etc., from Sep-' Recitation, Charlie Ungormau.
said to be mutual and in largo degree tember 1st to March loth ; grouse, pheas- j Reveille.
Herr Schott has an offer of a free con­ | ants, etc., September 1st to December
“Tenting Tonight," song and tableau;
COLLARS, servatory from three American cities, if
Boarduiau, soloist.
he w ill consent to remain in this coun­ Master Ramsey Spillman, young son
with the other exercises
All work guaranteed as represented. Repairing
Rev. L. D. Beck of Soda Springs has visiting at J. C. Cooper's, having made will be several beautiful and patriotic
of all kinds promptly done. First door south ol
McMinnville National Bank.
been in the city this week soliciting the trip from Portland without escort. tableaux. Admission 25 and 15 cents.
support for Mineral Springs college of His parents are spending a month on
I4cen$»e» to Harry.
that place, which is the only school on the beach at Astoria, after which they
the Pacific coast under tbe fostering will visit in McMinnville.
July 20th—Pearl Oatis, 22, and Edith
care of the Cumberland Presbyterian
M. Knowles, 25, Yamhill county.
Robert Zinzk of Pendleton, who at­
church. The institution Las recently
Third St., between E and F.
Teachers’ Examination.
paid off a large debt, and is now accum­ tempted to commit suicide recently, put
The regular quarterly examination
ulating an endowment fund. It had an his tongue against a cold air-pipe in an
Wilson & fknderson, Props.
ice factory. His tongue was quickly for teachers’certificates will be held at
attendance of 130 students last year.
frozen to the pipe and he could neither
A transient sewing machine fixer who get away nor call for assistance. A cur­ the court-house Aug. 10, 11 and 12. The
Everything first-class. Horses boarded by
examinations will commence at ODe
day, week or month. Commercial travelers has been vegetating in these parts, left
rent of hot air turned into tbe pipe re­ o’clock Wednesday, Aug. lOtb.
conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates.
behind a somewhat unsavory memory if leased him from bis predicament.
Wive us a call.
E. V. L ittlefixld , School Supt.
reports are true. An instance is related
Miss Hattie Williams, who has so suc­
To Farmers.
amine a machine, and afterw ard demand­ cessfully tanght in our public schools, and
Having recently overhauled my ware­
ed two dollars from the lady. The de­ was re-elected, has concluded to go to house and added another cleaner to its
mand being refused he pocketed the McMinnville where a position has been facilities for handling grain, I am better
shuttle and fixtures and walked off. The offered her, as her folks are there. Tbe prepared than ever to serve the public.
moral of it all ie, that in dealing with Dallas people are sorry to part with Miss I It will be our aim in the future, as in the
transients it ie best not to do so, but to Williams as a teacher and member of past, to treat patrons as well as we know
the social circles; ehe has many warm how, and merit a continuance of their
Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful patronize home people.
handling guaranteed. Collections will be made
monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheup.
There is said to be considerable of n friends in our midst. The school board | favors.
M. B. H endrick .
romance attached to a late wedding at elected Prof. C. M. Armstrong to fill the
Roseburg Geo. D. Cone was married position vacated.—Polk Co. Observer.
I.lvery Business for Sale.
to Mrs. Henrietta Nichols, July 24th.
The report of Grand Recorder Clark ofI
The City livery end feed stable« are
The groom was lying at the point of the A. O. U. W., was an eucouraging
for sale. The equiptneut is first-'
death in the hospital of the soldiers’ document, showing the benefits accruing
home. The bride was a wealthy resident from the system of classified assessments class aud is doing a paying business
Thirty years ago the' recently adopted by tbe order in this Term» reasonable.
will repair your Buggies and Wagons, manufac- of California.
W ilbon A H enderson , |
lure Omco Furniture, Book cases, Wardrobes. couple were betrothed, but becoming state. The suspensions of the last year,
Brackets, Whatnots and all kinds oi wood work.
estranged each married another and in according to tbe grand recorder's report, .
Two Doors East of City Stables.
For Sale at a Bargain.
time lost their partners, through all life’s numbered only 249, as against 864 of the '
driving team, gelding and mare, ‘
vicissitudes never forgetting the early preceding year. The receipts of the ’
love, it seems. Now it is said that Mrs. j beneficiary fund were $147,412.36, and color black, age 5 years, of Duroc Prince
Nichols hearing of her old lover's plight, j the disbursements on 91 warrants, $143,- and Altamont stock. Also light driving
insisted on becoming his wife in order to 579 33. Ia the general fund the receipts buggy and single and double harness. All
no osar
properly care for him in hie illness. The were $12,146.68, and the disbursements a rare bargain, and should betaken soon
Inquire at this office.
, groom died 24 hours after the marriage. $11,825.97.
W. T. Macy and family returned from ’ Prof. R. A. Heritage has resigned bis
“I bave used Chamberlain's Cough
1 Ocean Park Saturday, and Wm. De-, position as director of the musical depart-' Remedy in my family for years arid al­
I Haven and family followed on Tuesday, | ment of the Willamette university, and ways with good results,” says Mr. W. B.
—McMinn villa, Oregon.—
| They had a new experience during their in a few days will leave for Helena,
Paid up Capital, $.*$0,000 visit, in going out to sea in a row boat a ' Montana, where be will establish a con­ Cooperof El Rio, Cal. “For small chil­
dren it is especially effective.” For sale |
distance of two to three miles. Macy was i servatory of music of hie own Some by S. Howorth A Co.
Surplus $10,000.
extremely sick for about five minutes,; weeks ago he received a very flattering
Transacts a General Banking Business.
until he disgorged, when he never felt financial consideration from the enter­
Van S. will be at Commercial stables
O flice Hour» 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
I better in hie life. DeHaven couldn’t do I prising citizens of that mountain city, to , Monday afternoons and Tuesdays, Wed- j
this, but was struck with etill eickneae, come there and locate, and in addition to needaye and Thursdays at Sheridan and
LEE LAUGHLIN, President.
and hung to his fish line while his ears this, three of the uoivereities there have Fridays and Saturdays at McMinnville
J. L. ROGERS, Vice-President.
became as white ae cotton. Macy told adopted tbe conservatory as their college Balance of time at North Yambill. The
E. C. APPERSON, Cashier.
II’. S. LINK, Assistant Cashier. ■ the man in charge of the boat that he ’ of music respectively. Prof Heritage : other horse, Baron Douglas, will be at I
. would confer a great favor on him if he expecte to go to Helena next week and Commercial stables all the time except
Oils, oile, oil», oils, machine oils, paint would make hie boat conform a little . bie family will join bim about tbe 10th Wednesdays and Thursdays, when he
I better to the ewelle of tbe ocean.
' of September.—Stateeman.
1 will be at Sheridan.
J. W. H enry . I
pils and oils of all kinds at Hodson’s.
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and Surgeons.
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The light running "New Hom« needs no recom­
mendation. Iu superiority Is established all ovor
the world, it is woman s favorite sewing machine,
beautifully finished end guaranteed for five vears
Why pay traveling agents a fancy price for an infe­
rior machine, when you can get the best 'or 30 per
veut less Come and see for yourselves
£ *
CHAS. URISSEN, McMinnville, Oregon.
Which is becoming so well known and appreciated in Yatnhill County
♦J aud the State. E ESTES introduced this fence three vears ago, anil
sales are constantly increasing. Seo him at the New and Second-Hand w
♦t Stor >, opposite White’s restaurant, McMinnville.
New and Second-Hand Furniture, Baby Carriages,
Spring Mattresses, Camp Stoves, Tinware,
Hammocks, Etc., Etc. Call and see us.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦*♦♦»4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Is fast becoming a household friend. It is far
better than the many patent nostrums now on the
market for the relief of scalds, burns, wounds,
sprains or bruises, toothache, rheumatism, neural­
gia. We buy only the best, made by E. E. Dick­
inson & Co., and fully recommend it as a valuable
household remedy. Witch Hazel and Alcohol
mixed half and half works wonders for soreness
excessive exercise.
ROGERS BROS. Registered Pharmacists.
Opposite R. Jacobson & Co.
Truck and Dray Co.
Is the Road to Travel^^^^
Whether it leads to wealth or not, economy is the safest road *ft
to travel. By economy we do not mean stinginess, we do not £
mean that you shall consider a low-priced shoe the one to buy. ”
The most economical shoe tuyer is the one that sees to it
first, that the shoes are of good quality; second, that they are
fairly priced. Common sense leads tbe real economist to pass
by the trashy footwear so frequently offered at prices that are
little, but not low. I have 6hoes that will meet the require-
mentsof the economical buyer. They combine good quality,
style and fit at a medium price. Come in and see.
2 Sign of the Big Boot.
Boots and Shoes.
Seventeenth Annual Session
Strong Academic and profeMional Courier.
Well equipped Training Department of
nine grade», with 230 children.
Regular Normal Course of threo veari
Senior year wholly profoealonal. Graduates
of accredited high school»and oollegc» ad­
mitted dlreotly to professional work. The
diploma of the school 1s recognleed by law
as a life certificate to teach.
The graduates of the school are In de-
maud as teachers,
Light Expenses—The year for from
Siao to $160.
Beautiful and healthful location. No sa­
loons. Tbe first term will open Tueedav,
September 20th. Catalogues, giving full de-
tails of work cheerfully sent on application-
Address P. L. CAMPBELL, Pres.
OrW. A. Wann, Sec’y of Faculty.
National Bank
“Remember the Name!”
O. O. HODSON lias Camp Stoves, Tents,
Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, and everything
needful for CAMP LIFE. Also a Mitchell
Wagon to haul you to camp. A first-class
tinner and plumber to do all kinds of job
work. Call and see me.