The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, July 22, 1898, Image 4

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    - —
W hat next? The government is
capturing Spanish soldiers and send­
ing them home on Spanish ships.
Why not hire Spaniards to light the
Yamhill County Reporter
F. II. HSKSHAHT, Editor A Propr.
J. G. ECKM AN, AMMOCiutv Editor.
Subscription $1.00 Per Year
Reading notices in local columns tn cent» per
line for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter.
Display advertisements, annual rates, one inch
per month 11; each additional inch 50 cents per
Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding
10 lines published free, if furnished in time to
ho curreut news. Additional matter 10 cent* per
FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1898.
T he war with Spain has taught Us
that merchant ships are quite as
much a portion of the nation's mill
tarv equipment, when engaged in a
foreign war, as are armies and navies
themselves, and that trained Ameri­
can citizens who are competent to
perforin the duties of engineers, sea
men and firemen are just as necessary
as is any other portion of our naval
resonrees.—New York “Commer­
THE’annexation of Hawaii by this
country was a foregone conclusion
Foreign papers hardly
make a reference to the matter, and
none has offered an objection.
O ne of the signs'of prosperity is
the revival of railroad construction.
The estimate is that $60,000,000 will
be expended on new roads in 1898,
the largest showing since 1893.
■....... * •«-------
T he conviction is growing in Spain
that a tremendous mistake was made
in courting war with the United
States. Even Spanish foolishness
can be modified with 13-inch guns.
B y turning to the county court proceed­
ings in another column you will see that
the deputy salary of clerk and sheriff is to
be paid by the county. This may be poli­
tics but it is not businesB.—Telephone-
A mong the cities of the United
States, Honolulu will be one of the
first favorites as both a winter and
summer resort. The thermometer
there is noted for its moderate range
and uniformity.
S wift & Co. of Chicago have se
cured the contract for supplying re­
frigerated beef for the troops in
Cuba. The government guarantees
the demand will last for three months
and estimates that before the time is
up more than 100,000 pounds will be
required daily, as it is expected that
much wilt be needed for Cuban sol­
diers and for starving Cubans in ad
tion to that required foroursoldiers.
C ongressman T ongue arrived
home last week. No announcement
of his vacation plans has been made,
but presumably he will need most of
the time to look after his private af
fairs. He is entitled to it, having
labored energetically and to good
purpose for the public during the im­
portant session just closed. Con­
gress meets again in December, and
he will just escape the hot season
that is so oppressive in the national
T he movement for organization of
the Native Sons of Oregon is meeting
with no little adverse criticism.
There are some things pleasant to
contemplate in connection with such
an order, and there are grave dangers
also to be avoided. The danger is
that it would sooner or later invade
the field of politics, as it has done in
the state of California, and become a
disturbing factor in social and busi
ness circles as well. The sentiment
of the Tillamook Headlight that
“the one great thing to be remem
bered is tha* we are all Americans '
ia correct.
T he first installment of troops for
I’orto Hico has gone forward, headed
by Gen. Miles. Operations may not
begin for several days. It is the
avowed purpose of the war depart
inent to send an overwhelming force
to the island, and it is hoped that
the Spanish forces will be induced to
«apitulate without bloodshed. In the
meantime Commodore Watson's ex­
pedition is getting ready to sail for
the Spanish coast, it will probably
be off in ten days. There are indi­
cations of a growing peace sentiment
in Spain, which will probably in­
crease in ardor us Watson's fleet ap­
* • •
T mehe has lieen no unfavorable crit­
icism of the conduct of the war from
any eminent military authority,
American or foreign. la fact, such
seem to agree that it ha- been planned
and carried on with remarkable
brilliancy and dispatch The world
never saw an army of 300,000 men
recruited, drilled and equipped in
three months. It never witnessed
such stupendous achievements in
naval warfare, in as brief a space of
time and with so little loss to the
It is possible, it is prob­
able. that in some minor details er­
rors have bi*en made, but it is results
that tell the story of capable or in­
capable management.
There are
people who think they could have
done in six weeks all that has been
done and more, but it is a good thing
that they were not in command.
T he tremendous exports of manu­
factures show that the United States
will not have to depend in the future
upon its agricultural products for its
balance of trade. Inspiteof warand
the increased home demands for pro­
ducts, America is the creditor of the
world bv an enormous amount. Chi­
cago “Times Herald.”
It only appears that way to persons
who thought a majority of the voters
could be induced to surrender their
political convictions for a ten-cent
bribe. If the fusion crowd had off­
ered to run those offices free of charge
for the next two years the result
would have been the same. It is very
humiliating, but the people are not
to blame for their lack of confidence
in popocratic professions or doctrines.
T he dispatches state that the Cuban
troops were very much chagrinned
because they were not allowed by
Gen. Shafter to enter Santiago. Their
course in putting to the sword help
less refugees from the Spanish fleet,
showed what would have been the
result of turning the Cubans loose in
the city. Had President McKinley
yielded to the loud clamor for recog­
nition of Cuban independence, Gen­
eral Shafter would simply have been
an assistant and the United States a
helpless partner to every atrocity in­
spired by Spanish cruelty and injus­
tice in the insurgent heart.
T he Oregon Agriculturist thinks
that as a general thing the best time
to sell wheat is just as soon after har­
vest as possible. We doubt if the
aggregate of experience among far­
mers would justify the opinion, but
as to this season's crop it adds:
■‘There is a pretty general impression
that wheat is not now selling at as
high a price as the conditions of the
markets of the world would justify.
It has also been a long time since the
farmers have before been in as good
condition to hold wheat as they are
at the present time. Unless the
opening price for this season's crop
seems satisfactory grain will be mark­
eted slowly in the United States.'
N aval departments abroad are
asking themselves the reason for this
wonderful triumph of American
arms. The answer will not benefit
them much, because they cannot,
utilize the information in their own
navies. To get at the true answer,
it is necessary to go buck to the early
settlement of the country uud study
the character of the men who founded
its institutions and left their impress
upon the generations that followed
President Boardman says
they were God s people, and that is
the reason we can build better ships,
furnish better disciplined and more
courageous armies, better marks­
men, and all that makes for success
in war as well as in peace, than the
older nations of the earth.
back from Hawaii upon the Philip­
pines, but, as Senator Teller says,
they will have to reckon with the
great body of the American people.
They may form a party and adopt
resoultions, and resort again to ob­
structive tactics to stay the west­
ward progress of the flag, but the
result at Manila will be the same as
at Honolulu,
“The last of the down-haulers was
Grover Cleveland, and the last, down-
hauling was performed under his or­
ders by Paramount Blount at Hono­
lulu on April 1st, 1893. That was
five years ago, and the performance
will not be repeated within the life­
time of any American now living. "
T he Loganberry is a new berry
recently introduced from Japan. D.
W. Coolidge of Eugene, who is a hor­
ticulturist of same note, has experi­
mented with them and pronounces
them a success. The editor of the
Oregon Agriculturist who recently
visited his place writes as follows:
“Loganberries, to the merits of
which Mr. Coolidge has done much
to call attention, were in full fruit,
and the amount of fruit which they
mature is beyond comprehension by
those who have not seen the vines
loaded as they were in Mr. Coolidge's
garden. The berries are not very
different in size and form from black­
berries but in color and flavor are
more like red raspberries, with also
a strong suggestion of our wild black­
berry which is in fact a dewberry.
They are too soft for market but are
excellent for dessert with sugar and
cream, and when canned are consid­
ered by Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge to be
fully’ equal to wild blackberries which
are generally preferred to all other
small fruits.”
There are signs that the American
people are hero-worshippers. Hob­
son is to be admired and respected,
and yet the seven men who went
with him faced just as deadly a death
and braved just as many perils as
did he. The same is true of the 400
brave unknowns who volunteered to
go with him to sink the Merrimac.
And what of the thousand or more
gallat fellows who faced the Spanish
cannon at Santiago, and died there
fighting for their country. Far be
it from an American to disparage
the feat of Hobson, but along with
Hobson why should we not give the
other brave boys a share of our
gratitude and plaudits. A hero is
none the less a hero because ho died
in the act that won him glory, and
we should all remember that the
true insignia of a hero is not an offi­
cer's epaulettes.—Corvallis times.
Dr. Young's condition is retried less
favorable the pn-t few days.
Ralph Wortman and his young brothel
Fred are tip from Portland visiting their
R ig discount sale
New Home Wheeler & Wilson
Morgan Baker lias located an office for
his private business with K. L. Connor
in Union block. He Ims an office desk •
with as many conveniences as a portable
Word wan flashed over the telephone
Tuesday that Olis Thomas, well and
favorably, known in this community,
where lie hits lived a good portion of the
time during several years past, had com- j
mitted suicide at the home of his parents
twenty miles west of Forest Grove, while
tailoring under temporary insanity '
brought about by illness.—North Yamhill
G. D. Peebler of Stage Gulch was in
Pendleton Saturday. He says the wheat I 1
of that section is better than it has been
in 10 years. The yield will he 25 bushels
to the acre, which is at least five bushels
more than usual. Mr. Peebler thinks
the farmers will sell their wheat for 60
cents a bushel, but before they w ill take
less they will hold it several months. He
says there is not a man in his locality
who is compelled to sell, but they are all
independent and can afford to wait for
better prices.
world ; it is
tin ¡shod and
Judge Burnett dissolved the injunction
of D’Arcy, to prevent It. P. Boise from
taking tils seat on the liench, and the old
man is now holding court in Marion
county. There are lots of people still
living who believe Judge Boise is the on­
ly man who knows h<>w a court ought to
be run, ami to them seeing him on the i
bench again will be like a reminiscence > f,
the good old times.
McMinnville, Or.
# “Remember the Name!
(). (). HODSON lias Camp Stoves, Tents,
Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, and everything
needful for CAflP LIFE. Also a Mitchell
Wagon to haul you to camp. A first-class
tinner and plumber to do all kinds of job
work. Call and see me.
While (»liver Lee and three other boys
were bathing Monday afternoon about a
half mile below Salem, Lee got beyond
his depth and was drowned. Assistance'
was called, but the body had been in the
The new grand master Workman of
water a halt' hour and all efforts at resus
citation were of no avail. An inquest J
will be held.
The boy was about 13 ; honor of the degree.
years old. Both his parents were away '
from home, his father being at Grass
Valley, Cal., while his mother was near
We will give one of the latest im­
Stayton, attending a campmeeting of the proved White sewing machines to any
Saints of God.
lady who will send us the name and
Judge Ramsey lias an interesting let­ number of the oldest sewing machine,
ter from his son, Sergeant Fred Ramsey no matter what make. Offer stands
of the battleship Oregon, dated July 7th good for 90 days. Send address with
Fred is of the opinion shared by many information to Manning Bros’, store or
others that the Oregon is the greatest to J. K. Love, agent, McMinnville. 3m
tioat in tfie world, and that she was the
leading factor in the naval fight off Sant i­
Harry and Oscar Allen haveco’mpleted
ago. He mentions three shots fired arrangements for building a large twelve
from her big guns at the Cristobal Colon. tunnel Allen fruit evaporator in Newberg,
Die first was from a distance of five with a capacity of five hundred bushels
miles and went about 100 yards to the of prunes a day, and will begin work at
rigtit. The next struck the pilot house once in order to have it completed in time
and scattered death and consternation for the first ripening of the crop. The
among the crew, and the third, from a location of it will be at the head of the
distance of 7000 yards, passed completely canyon near the Terrell tile factory.
through the Colon from stern to bow. They will be prepared to buy green
Fred will likely be next heard from off prunes and the price will probably be 18
the coast of Spain, it being understood per ton for green fruit, delivered at the
that the Oregon will be Commodore evaporator —Graphic.
Watson ’s flagship in the expedition about
to start.
into it are tar. cement, brimstone and
graphite, which it is claimed render it
tire-proof, water-proof, very elastic and
durable Testimonials which Mr Sar­
gent brings from San lose show that roofs
painted five years ago are »till apparent­
ly as good as new.
- OF
Forest Narver is don n from Sprague,
Wash., superintending the harvest on
the home place.
A Washington dispatch of the
20th says? Arrangements practically
were concluded by the government
tonight for the transportation of the
Spanish prisoners at Santiago from
Cuba to Spain. The contract was
PAIW vol It KOO».
awarded to the Spanish Trans-At
lantica company, represented by J. t ouimon Sense Advice That tla II y
are Heeding.
M. Ceballos & Co. of New York. The
common sense everybody
company agrees to carry the prison­
cun understand, that from an economical
ers from Cuban ports to Spain at the
point of view, the roof of a building needs
rate of $20 for each enlisted man and paint even more than the sides. To pre­
$55 for each commanding officer, sub­ serve it from decay, prevent the growth
sistence to be furnished by the com­ of-moss, and more especially to stop the
pany on the army rations as provid­ present leaks and prevent others, is the
ed for in the government's advertise mission of a thoroughly good roof paint,
ment for bids. The award provides which until now has been rather difficult
also that the company shall have five to find. So far as this community is con­
ships at Santiago in nine days and cerned, however. Mr. A. J. Sargent of
enough to complete the transporta­ San Jose, Cal., has supplied the want by
introducing his patent elastic cement.
tion of the prisoners in 21 days. The
Mr. Sargent came here about six weeks
bids of the several companies were ago, well endorsed by many patrons in
considered, that of the Spanish the neighboring town of Independence,
Trans-Atlantica company finally be­ and alter he hud secured one job be had
ing accepted, as in all respects it little difficulty in getting many others.
was regarded as the best made. On He has covered two buildings for Elsia
basis of 24,000 enlisted men and 1.000 Wright, the Cook brick, south side of
officers, it will cost the government Third street. Manning Bros.’ block, H.
$535,000 to transport the prisoners. C. Burns' business block, Mayor Chrir-
The ships will fly the colors of Spain mnn’s dwelling. O. H. Adams' block,
Oddfellows' and Masonic buildings, both
and will be manned probably entire­
school buildings. Mrs. M. J. Clark's
ly by Spanish crews. It was re­ dwelling, and some others. To any or
marked tonight, as one of the curious all of these Mr. Sargent can refer, and
developments of the war, that the they are among our most siilietantial cit­
United States should enter into a izens. Fortunately for him, a brisk rain
friendly contract with a company, came after he had applied the cement to
many of whose vessls are auxiliaries several of the worst leaking roofs in tow n
to the Spanish navy, and some of and the result was that not a drop of
which have been captured or de- water went through. It is just the thing
strayed by the navy of the United for metal roofs and works equally well
on wood. The ingredients which enter
The New York Sun of the 11th
¡list prints the following, under the
heading, "No More Down-Haulers."
as its leuiling editorial article:
“The right principle to govern
the settlement of territorial questions
with Spain has been stated bv no­
body more forcibly and at the same
time more concisely than than bv the
Hon. Henry -M. Teller, senior sena
tor from Colorado ‘I believe that The Portable Pantry company have
wherever our flag flies by right of received a carload of their goods and
conquest or bv the consent of the were busy yesterday delivering to cus­
people who will let it be put up.
there it will remain, and the party 1 Davy Caldwell took final farewell of
or the men who propose to take it the county treasurer's office this week,
down will have to reckon with the and is now looking for another job. He
grant body of the American people, lias made an efficient officer.
who believe that it is the best flap
Revenue Inspector Iloblw «a- talking
and the best government, better cal­ an official survey of the town yeeterdav.
culated to bring peace and prosperi­ Ke eave people pay the revenue tax cheer­
ty than any other flag and govern­ fully, and seem to enjoy contributing to
the war fund. Most of them would rath­
ment under the sky.’
“The down-haulers will now fall er lick revenue etampa than Spaniard*.
The discovery is made about even-
other day that Germany is friendly
toUucleSam. She has new outbreaks
of affection every time she hears of
the Spaniards getting licked.
Ralph Storey, who has been studying
at Brown university the past three years,
arrived home Saturday.
Uorval I is & Eastern
No. 1. For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany...
12 •50 P Hr.
Train leaves Corvallis....
rrain arrives Yaquina.... ... 6:ÜÜ p. in.
No. 2. Returning:
Leaves Yaquina.......
...... >:00 a. in.
Leaves Corvallis. ...
.... 11:40 a. in.
Arrives Albany
.... 12:25 p. IB.
For Detroit :
Leaves Corvallis............
.7 ’00 a. in.
Leaves Albany ......
..... 8:05 a. in.
Arrives Detroit.......
.... 12:20 p. in.
Returning :
Leaves Detroit ...
... .12:40 p. m.
Leaves Albany..............
..... 6:05 p. uc
Arrives Corvallis..............
...... 6:55 pin.
No. 1 and 2 connect al Albany with Southern
Pavlik- traip, giving direct service to and from
Newport Hiid adjacent beaches.
Train for the mountains arrives at Detroit at
noon, giving ample time to reech camping
grounds on the Breileubusli and Santiam rivers
same day.
T. F. 4 P. A.
Manager. .
if. H.CRONISE, Agent, Corvallis.
_________ <
Headache ? *
Often a headache will not
yield to favorite remedies that
cure for others. The cause
is not the one supposed. De­
Breaks Down the Health of an fective vision causes more
headaches than any other one
Oregon Man
bodily ailment. It is needless
What a Few Bottles of Hood's
too, for the proper glass­
Sarsaparilla Did for Him.
•‘Our home is In Clark codpty, Wash­ will relieve.
Change of Climate
ington. My little boy was taken with
asthma when only two years old, »nd
grew worse until he was live, when the
physician advised us to take him to a dry
climate. I resolved to go to the great
wheat fields ot Eastern Oregon and work
in harvest, but 1 soon found my own
health was failing. I could neither eat
nor drink without getting sick. 1 was
blind and dizzy. I procured a bottle ot
Hood's Sarsaparilla and began taking it,
and in a few weeks I was well and able to
work every day. My little boy is now
taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla with good
reaults.” D. P attee , Wasco, Oregon.
W m . F. D ielschneider ,
Two doors below P. O.
Is the best—In fact th» One True Blood Purifier.
Sold by all druggists, fit; six for $5.
Hand’« Pille do not pur?e' P*1“ or
IIUUU a rills „lpe Druggists 26«
Thouundi are Trying It.
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely’» Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for t'atarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cent«.
Get it of your druggist or eend 10 cents to
ELY BROS., M Warren St., N. Y. City
General Blacksmithing and Repairing.
I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind First-Claa* hor«e«hr>eing. Track or road shoeing
ever since a boy. and I never hoped for
done in the bet-t style of the art. Farm and
cure, but Ely’» Cream Balm seems to do
even that il.iny acquaintances Lave used Threshing machinery repaired.
it with excellent results. — )scar Ostruni.
Shop Opposite Hotel Yamhill.
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, Ill.
all the delicate «igKtiT. or ■
■ ■ ■ »»
gani.m in perfect condition Try them r- cent».
Frvparou only by C. 1. iluod a Co., Lows.1. Maaa
Ely’« Cream Balm is the acknowledged
eure for catarrh and contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Pries,
tO oents. At druggists or by mail.
Restore full, regular action
of the bowels, do not trrl-
Ute or inflame, but leave
■ ■ ■
Ladies' shirt waist« and waist goods at
cost for next two weeks at Grange <5s
Farmers' store.