The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, June 24, 1898, Image 6

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    candle time to cool. Each grew slowly
in size till all were finished. Deer suet
Captain Don Luis Carla rao, of the | was used as well as beef tallow and
Keiua Cristina, Killed at Manila.
mutton tallow. Wax candles were
Capt. Don Luis Cadarso. who com­ made by pressing bits of half-melted
manded the cruiser Reina Cristina and wax around a wick.
was killed at Manila, was one of the
most brilliant officers in the Spanish
navy. The following description of his
personality is given by the Londjn The System that Prevailed in Great
Britain Up to 1871.
Lost nmong the survivals in conflict
In appearance he resembled rather
an Englishman than a Spaniard. Ills with the spirit of the nge may lie noted
hair was fair, and his eyes blue and promotion by purchase In the army—
piercing, which gave one the impres­ which retarded indefinitely the ad­
sion of restless energy. Ills activity vancement of efficient officers and con­
was proverbial. He had been in com- spired to drop all the honors of the
service Into the laps of wealthy indi­
viduals of no special talent, who could
afford to pay for them, which only
came to an end tn 1871. Under the sys­
tem merit and fitness went for nothing,
and so difficult was It for a man with­
out money to get on in the British
army thut a good officer without the
wherewithal to purchase a company
might remain a lieutenant for twenty
years, to be soured in all probability
by seeing brother officers of less stand­
ing raised above him by the power of
money again and again, and even then
only obtain his captaincy by some tin-
looked-for augmentation in the estab­
lishment. Strangely enough, in the
navy brains and hard work were given
scope to carve out advancement at the
same time that in the sister service
promotion had to tie bought, ai.*. that
at a price frequently double the official
tnand of the Reina Cristina for the value of the post.
past three years, and his ship was a
While traffic In commissions was
model of order and of efficiency, his largely affected by the district in
officers and csew practicing frequent­ which the particular regiment was
ly. Still, he found time for reading a likely to be quartered for some years
great deal and for writing much. His ensuing, the price was almost invaria­
signature was well known in papers bly 60 per cent, or more above the nom­
and reviews. He wrote chiefly on na­ inal value of commissions as given in
val and colonial matters. A few years the Army List, which tariff in 1804
ago, when governor of the Caroline isl­ gave the price of commission as lieu­
ands, he wrote to the Madrid paper. tenant colonel in the Life Guards or
El Imparcial, some letters which great­ Horse Guards at £7,230, in the Foot
ly displeased the Minister of Marine, Guards at £4,800, and in cavalry and in­
and which caused his recall. Capt. Ca- fantry of the line £4,500; while a major
darso's worth was, however, so well in the two former corps had to fork
appreciated that lie was soon appoint­ out £5,350 for ids commission, in com­
ed to another l ost. During the Phil­ parison with £3,200 exacted for the
ippine rising, a little more than a year same position in the line regiments.
ago, Capt. Cadarso was constantly en­ Captaincies cost £3,300 in the Life
gaged In supporting from the sea the Guards and Horse Guards, £2,050 in
o[>erations of the Spanish army on the Foot Guards, and £1,800 in the cav­
land. Tlie work was hard, yet every alry and infantry of the line, and lieu­
evening lie would sit and write two tenancies might be purchased for £1,-
columns descriptive of the doings of 785 in the Life Guards, £1,600 in tlie
the squadron during the day for the Horse Guards, £1.200 in the Foot
editor of the leading Manila paper. El Guards, and the trifle of £700 in the
Commerclo. who was his friend. Capt. less considered cavalry and infantry
Cadarso, who was about 50 years old, of the line.—Gentleman's Magazine.
leaves a large family.
ENERAL MILES Is reported to more suggestive of the martial spirit
be contemplating Important that Inspired Its wearers to their brill­
changes in the uniforms now iant deeds of valor in the struggle of
worn by tlie soldiers of the United
that year. But the day of the pot hat
States regular army. At a recent re­ was not yet done; in 1821 the cadets
ception at the White House the Gen­ at the Military Academy at West Point
eral appeared In a gorgeous new tunic were requested to adopt the pattern
of his own design, liberally adorned which had been condemned as an un­
with gold and lace, toil wearing a sash soldierlike hat-covering but nine years
of alternate yellow and gold stripes. la-fore, and great was the wrath of
The most remarkable point about the these embryo Washingtons and Jack-
uniform, however, was not the splen­ sons at the Indignity which, they de­
dor of the facings as the prominence clares], had been put upon them. But
of the oak leaf and acorn decorations; their dislike spon gave way to a feel­
ing of respect for the uniform, and per­
haps to this fact is due the enormous
popularity of the tall hat among Amer­
ican citizens.
President Monroe decided, toward
the end of 1821, that the uniforms of
tlie various regiments should all lie
dark blue in color, and that this was to
tie In future the national color; the
West Point cadets to have gray coats
and trousers, while the regimental mu­
sicians were to be distinguished by
their red coats.
Some of the uniforms of the old Con­
tinental army days were undoubtedly
very picturesque and Imposing; for in­
stance, let us take the Governor of
Connecticut’s regiment of foot guards,
organized in 1771. There were two
companies, the first of which wore scar­
let-colored coats, richly covered with
gold lace and faced witli black; buff
casslmere waistcoats and buff cloth
breeches, high bearskin hats or “bush­
es.” and black leggings. The second
a curious fact, as these are supposed company, however, outdid the first In
to be the distinctive military emblems magnificence by the adoption of white
of the British crown. General Mlles, ! vests, breeches and stockings, rutiled
hcwever. Intimates that lie Is going to I shirts and silver buttons! In addition
take the best features of every nation’s one must remember the long powdered
dress regulations and Incorporate them cues anil clean-shaven faces of the pe­
Into his new system for the clothing of riod, so as to form an adequate idea
the American army.
of the imposing appearance of those
In the stirring times of the Revolu­
tionary period the dress of many of the
patriot regiments was at once quaint
uud picturesque. Many of the troops,
prominent among them the First Vir­
ginia regiment in 1775, were clothed at
their own expense) In leather hunting
shirts, leggings and caps, trimmed with
fur—a dress tliut Washington recom­
mended to all those who were unable
to obtain the regular uniform, saying
that “the leather hunting shirt Inspired
terror In the heart of the British sol­
dier. as the latter believed that Its
wearer must necessarily be a sharji-
shooter.” On reflection, one can hardly
blame the Britisher for his timidity
In approaching the fearless backwoods­
men. Tlie Pennsylvania regiments,
facetiously dubbed the “Quaker brig­
ade,” were remarkable for the excess­
ive plainness of their uniforms, which
were modestly made of buff-colored
cloth, trimmed and faced with brown.
What a contrast to the gay trappings
of the troo|x>rs known as Moylan's dra­
goons, described as wearing "green tall, well-built sons of Mars. But think
short coats turned up with red, waist­ of a soldier wearing white stockings
coats of red cloth, buckskin breeches and breeches!
Washington’s own uniform as com-
and a leather cap, trimmed with l>ear-
skln, a (lowing mane of horsehair mander-ln-chief of the army was very
hanging from a curved brass crest at simple and unpretentious as comparisi
with General Miles’ latest “turnout”
the top.”
In 1802 the then commander In-chlef
Is. tied an order that the collars of all
privates’ coats should not be less than
Prince Fuad Wounded in an Affray
Resulting from a Family Quarrel.
I’rlnce Ahmed Fund, who was shot
by Ills nephew, Prince Safeddin, in
Cairo recently, is the youngest son of
the Khedive Ismail ano uncle of the
present Khedive. A sister of Prince
Relief Association Furnishing Money
for Various Purposes.
three inches high nor more than 3Vj;
ten years later the height was Increas­
ed "to reach as far as the tip of the
ear at the side and Kick, and In front 1
ns high as the chin would (termlt In
turning the head.” These priqioster-
ous collars were afterward replaced by
the equally uncomfortable stocks but
n more rational measure brought Into
vogue the present low collar of soft
cloth, supplemented In the case of offi­
cers by an ordinary civilian collar.
In this connection It Is Interesting to»
recall some of the curious uniforms
which the brave defenders of our great
republic have from time to time adopt­
ed, either through choice or necessity.
Who would ever Imagiue that our sol­
diers once wore the tall silk lint of the
modern society gentlemen? Yet In
1810 an order was Issued directing that
all the privates be supplied with the
•’chimney pot hat" of to-day. and this
extraordinary kind of military head­
gear continued until 1812, when It was
replaced by a more ornate covering, de-
scrlbed In the regulations as “a leather
cap, bell-crowned. ndorned In front
with a yellow eagle made of brass­
work. embossed with the regimental
number; a white pompon In front and !
n black cockade at the side, made of
loather.” Certainly It was a more ser­
viceable bat than its predecessor, and
It only costs 25 cents to liecome a
member of the Woman's National War
Relief Association, l-'or the amount
named any woman may secure the
privilege of signing this pledge:
“I, the undersigned, hereby declare my
allegiance to the United States of Amer­
ica and my fiestrv to contribute to the
general welfare. health and comfort ot
the men engaged In the military and naval
service of the republic in the present
The executive committee of the as­
sociation includes a number of society
leaders in New York. Including Mrs.
John Jacob Astor, Miss Helen Gould
and Mrs. l>anlel Lamont. Originally
the plan was to outfit and man a hos­
pital ship with nurses. On applica­
tion to army and naval officials it was
discovered that such a project was Im­
practicable. Secretary I «mg. Surgeon
General Sternberg of the army and
Surgeon General Ian Rtiypen of the
navy all advised that the relief asso­
ciation collect funds only, which the
authorities would disburse for supplies
and nurses as need demanded. Gener­
al Wesley Merritt lent his Influence to
further the organization and the asso­
ciation promptly devoted Itself to the
collection of money. From time to
time the surgeon generals will send a
list of the objects for which the osso-
Safeddin is the wife of Prince Fuad.
I’rlnce Fuad was at tlie Khédivial Club
when Prince Safeddin came in with a
revolver in his hand. Before he could
be seized by the servants, he managed
to fire three shots at Prince Fund, who
fell badly wounded. The affray was-
the outcome of n family quarrel.
Evaporation of Itannnaa.
The American consul at Nicaragua re­
ports that experiments are being made
there to develop an industry of evapor­
ating bananas, and that a trial ship­
ment hits I>een made to this country.
If successfully established, this indus­
try will be of the utmost Importance
to many Central American states. The
men engaged In the experiment, accord­
ing to consular reports, have no practi­
cal knowledge of the business of dry­
ing the fruit, but If it was taken up by
men experienced in tlie manufacture of
machinery and appliances adapted to
tin* emigration of fruits a modifica­
tion to suit thia case could easily be de­
vised, and there would be an immense
demand for such machines Immediate­
ly. At present there are millions of
bananas yearly thrown away or allow­
ed to rot on the ground because they
are too small or too ripe for shipment
to the United States.
Primitive House Lighting.
clatlon’s contributions are expended, so
that the women may keep in actual
touch with every dollar that goes to
the relief of the wounded as well os If
themselves applying It. Many auxil­
iaries are already formed.
We have our opinion of a man who
writes us an Item and marks It “confi­
dential. ”
After a man lias dropped a few thoo-
sand dollars In stocks It Is useless to
tell him there la no money in them.
The first and most natural way of
lighting the houses of the colonist* was
found in the fat pitch-pine, which,
says the Chautauquan. was plentiful
everywhere; but as soon as domestic
animals Increased candles were made,
ami the manufacture of the winter sup­
ply U'camt- the special autumnal duty
of the thrifty housewife. Great ket­
tles were hung over the kitchen fire
and filled with hot water and melted
tallow. At the cooler end of the kitchen
two long poles were placed from chair
back to chair back. Across these poles,
like the rounds of a ladder, were placed
shorter sticks, called candle rods. To
each candle rod were tied about a
dozen straight candle wick* The
wicks were dipped again and again, In
regular order. In the melted tallow,
the succession of dippings giving each
Negotiation are said to lie going on between France and Spain whereby
France is to secure territory on the coast of Morocco directly opposite
Britain’s formidable and famous rock of Gibraltar, thus competing with
Great Britain for control of the entrance to the Mediterranean. Russia is
credited with having agreed to the arrangement, and Spain’s compensation
is to be France’s support in the war against the United States.
How the Famous Old Statesman Is
Spending His Declining Days.
Every evening after dinner an old
man sits at the library window in his
handsome white' stone house. In K
street. Washington, and watches thy
people as they pass along the street
or gazes abstractedly at the beautiful
park across the way, says a correspon­
dent. He holds a cigar in his hand,
but he seems to smoke little. He sits
there quietly till the man comes in to
turn on the lights. Then he gets up
and seats himself by the tab'“ covered
with the papers of the day and his fa­
vorite books, or goes upstairs to join
his family In the sitting-room. This is
John Sherman, the statesman who has
been a conspicuous figure in the af­
fairs of the nation for more than two
score years, and is now entering upon
a period of well-earned rest.
An old neighbor or n distant relative
can always find the way through the
stridnlatlng organs situated like little
drums on the openings of the air tubes;
for the adult mosquito breathes no
longer by one or two air entrances on
the tail or back, like the larva, but by
a number of spiracles, as they are
called, arranged in rows along tlie
sides of the body and communicating
with the network of internal air chain­
The curious mosquito music thus
generated by the little drums serves al­
most beyond a doubt ns a means of at­
tracting male mosquitoes, for it Is
known that the long hairs on the an­
tennae of the males vibrate sympathet­
ically in unison with the notes of a
tuning-fork, within the range of tlie
sounds emitted by the female. In oth­
er words, hair and drums just answer
to one another. We may, therefore,
reasonably conclude that the female
sings In order to please and attract her
wandering mate, and that the anten­
nae of the male art* organs of hearing
which catch and respond to tlie buz-
Stock Raising and Beets.
In all countries where the sugar beet
is made a specialty much considera­
tion is given the value of the fleets as
cattle food; that is, the residuum, af­
ter the sugar is extracted. By feeding
stock In connection with the growing
of the beets for sale to the factory, car­
rying home tlie pulp for stock food, the
farmers' opportunities from the grow­
ing of beets are increased. Experi­
ments in Pennsylvania show that tho
yields of beets range from ten to fif­
teen tons per acre, and the average
amount of sugar to exceed 12 per cent.
The farmer will have to contend with
wet and dry seasons, and his profits
will be more some years than during
others, but it is believed that farmers
have neglected the beet as an import-
ant food for cattle, Independently of
its use as a source for procuring sugar,
not that the beet Is as valuable as
grain, but IsH-ause farmers will find a
larger Increase in production from
cattle by reason of the feeding of suc­
culent food, anil although there Is
some preparation required for all
kinds of roots before feeding them to
stock, such labor is unnecessary when
the beet pulp from the factories is
used, the combination of the pulp with
grain giving better results than when
beets or grain are fed separately.-*
Philadelphia Record.
More Days to Come.
’ In Spain the people take no note of
time, not even from Its loss. Every­
thing is to be done manona. to-morrow.
A wealthy Englishman, who had long
lived In Spain, had a lawsuit He
pleaded his cause In person, and know­
ing the customs of the country, won
his case. The victory cost him three
days of trouble and expense, so that
when the Judge congratulated him on
hts success, he replied:
"Yes, that's all right; but it has cost
me three1 days, and time Is money. 1
am a busy man, and these three days
are lost forever.”
“Oh, yon English!” answered the
judge; “you are always saying that
time is money, now ore you to get
your three days back? I will tell yon.
Take them out of next week; surely
there are plenty more days to came!”
Feeding Oatmeal to Chicken».
Theoretically, and judging by analy
sts, oats and oatmeal ought to be till
best feed for hens or their chickens
But whole oats have too much chaff tc
be profitably fed to hens. Their crop it
limited In size, and the chaff of the oat
besides being Itself Innutritions, is soil
and Interferes with crushing the grain.
Tlie same objections apply to feeding '
oatmeal, either dry or wet to young
chicks. Even if fed without the chaff,
tho oatmeal is liable to compact in the
chick’s gizzard. We believe that meal
for chicks should always be cooked,
and the harder the cakes made from it
the bettor. Crush these cakes Into
small bits and fowl will eat them greed
English Stamps.
Postage stamps may be reproduced
once more In England In stamp al­ I
bums and catalogues by a recent or­
der of the British Board of Internal
Revenue. They must be printed In
block and not be like enough to the
originals to cause deception.
Charity never l>eglns at home while
bouse cleaning is going on.
cold formality of Sherman's manner to
his kindly heart. Altlwugh he will
probably make occasional visits to hts
old home in Ohio, Mr. Shermau will
continue to live In Washington. He
has established his home there and has
made large Investments In real estate
and other Washington properties.
A Madrigal, Not a War Cry-How to
Catch the Finger.
You can best observe the mosquito
in action by letting one settle undis­
turbed on the back of your hand, and
waiting while she fills herself with
your blood; you can easily watch her i
doing so with a pocket lens. Like the I
old lady in “Pickwick.” she Is soon j
“swelling wtslbly.” She gorges herself i
with blood. Indeed, which she straight- .
way digests, aosiinllates, and converts
Into 300 eggs. But if. while she is i
sucking, you gently and unobtrusively 1
tighten the skin of your hand by !
clenching your fist hard, you will find :
that she cannot any longer withdraw
her mandibles: they are caught fast in
your flesh by their own harpoon-like
teeth, and there she must stop accord-
ingly till you choose to release her. If
you then kill her In the usual manner,
tiy a smart slap of the hand, you will
see that she is literally full of blood,
having sucked a good drop of It.
The humming sound Itself by which
the mosquito announces her approach
ing visit Is produced In two distinct j
manners. The deeper notes which go
to make up her droning song are due
to the rapid vibration of the female in­
sect's wings as she flies; and these vi- j
brat Ions orv found by means of a siren
(an Instrument which measures the
frequency of the waves in notes! to
amount to about 3,(KM) tn a minute.
The mosquito's wings must therefore
move with this extraordinary rapidity,
which sufficiently accounts for the dif­
ficulty we have In catching one. But
the higher and shriller notes of the
complex melody are due to special
zing music she pours forth for her
lover’s ears. A whole swarm of gnats
can be brought down. Indeed;, by ut­
tering the appropriate note of the
race; you can call them somewhat as
you can call male glowworms by show­
ing a light which they mistake for the
female.—Strand Magazine.
Cats for Rabbits.
Cats have served heretofore as a sub­
stitute for rabbits. No particular com­
plaint was made in Paris against the
substitution until recently. For some
reason there has arisen a great out­
cry against the slaughter of marketable
cats, and French ingenuity ha* been
taxed to supply the deficiency. This
is found in a particular breed of Afri­
can monkey, anil these animals are
being importixl Into France in large
numbers to furnish the basis for ruble
de lievre—broiled backs of rabbits.
The African monkeys lend themselves
very readily to the disguise, as their
backs are very fat and fleshy. Rab­
bits, under any culinary treatment. are
food. They are mainly valuable as
strengtheners of sauce and soup
stocks. For this purjiose they are su­
perior almost to any other sort of game.
—New York Sun.
Bicycle in the Pulpit.
A queer story comes from Spring­
field. Mass. A minister of that city. It
is said. received his bicycle as a present
from the company on condition that It
should be advertised by him from the
pulpit. In order to fulfill his contract
he preached a sermon on “Sunshine
from Between the Wheels.” and at the
close he announced to his hearers the
name of the wheel be rode and advised
them to get only good ones.—Boston
Tallest of Royal Women.
The tallest of the royal women In
Europe are the Queen of Portugal and
the Crown Princess of Denmark.
Time ami