SPAIN MIGHT “Save hi_______ uuo uut r honor” »nd still wct lose ' Cuba, but wn w hat i yill you Kuve : it* it you )uu ioae ione your your teeth teeth *bv by neglect tieni And To those of my patients uho who haw h _^trequriit dental examinations, I van assure prescrvAtion of their teeth and small dental bills. 5<>t only < Town and Bridge work but evert department of the dental art is made a specialty. You are invited to cal). m u.i RnLKROV LEWIS, Dentist. McMinnville. L LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. E. 8. Warren and daughter Mil­ G. S. Wright, dentist. dred have been visiting in Brownsville. Ride a Columbia. A reduction of ten per cent on all C. Grissen’s new stock of wall paper. 6 straw hats, ladies’ waists and all bummer Call on W. L. Hembree for your picture ■ goods at the Grauge store. 27-4 framing. The Reporter, by means of its excel­ Frank C. Ferguson was over to Salem lent news service, is able to give full otl^ on Tuesday. cial returns of the state election in this For ice cream, soda water, oranges, issue. etuons. etc., go to T. A. White’s. I am able to furnish loaus on first-class Miss Fern Stout will attend Pacific farm security, from *2,01» upward, at 7 university at Forest Grove next year. per cent interest; loans to run from 3 to McCormick mowers and binders—the 5 years. Parties wishing to borrow mon- world’s best—for sale by F. W. Spencer. I ey, call and see me. R. L. C onner . Ride the Monarch Cycle Co’s Cum­ Mr. James M. Pugh of Salem has berland. *35, Racket Store. bought the abstract business of Frank C. New stock of mixed paints at R. M. Ferguson. He will move to this city in Wade & Co’s. about two weeks. Mr. Ferguson says All necessary bicycle sundries may be he ss open for a job. found at R. M. Wade & Co’s. Mrs. M. N. Graves of Centralia, state Bettman A Warren candle their eggs organizer of the Women's Christian Tem­ before they leave the store. perance Union, of western Washington, If you wish a perfect physique throw­ will speak at McMinnville, on Sunday corsets to the dogs and take my breath­ next, 11 a. m., in the Christian church. All are invited. Mrs. Graves will speak ing exercises.—Gove. The old reliable Bain wagon, all sizes in the Methodist church in the evening. The ladies’ guild of the Episcopal and styles, broad and narrow tires, for church will give a patriotic entertain­ sale by F. W. Spencer. 24tf N ew I dea P atterns at Eva Martin’s. ment at the opera house tonight. The Guaranteed to be equal to the best, and program will consist of violin selections by Mr. Henry Bettman, songs by Miss all at the uniform price of ten cents. Snyder and Mrs. Talmage, “Yankee Hot weather is here and you will need Doodle up-to-date” by Willie Snyder, garden hose, sprinklers and lawn mow­ tableaux and recitations. Admission 15 ers. Hodson has them. cents. Ice cream and cake, 10 cents, Always in the lead—the “Stearns Yel­ served after the program. low Fellow,” with the King, *35, second Chas. P. Nelson, manager of the best, at C. Grissen’s. 23-4 Grange store, expects to start next Tues­ New wagons, buggies, hacks, Garden day morning for Nashville, Tenn., to at­ City and Morrison plows, etc., for sale tend the national Christian Endeavor by C. D. Johnson, B street. 20-tf convention. He will be absent about Tents, stoves, fishing tackle, fish eggs, three weeks, and will visit the Omaha ammunition and everything for camp­ exposition on the return. This will be life at Hodson’s. Mr. Nelson’s first view of the great world The new county officers will enter up­ east of the Rockies, and he naturally on the discharge of their duties with the contemplates it with much pleasure. sitting of the county court, July 6th Notice for Hid«. Prof. Thomas Van Scoy of the Portland Bids are invited for the several mater­ university, has accepted the presidency ial and work required to construct a one of the Montana Wesleyan university. story brick, as per plans and specifica­ Died—On the farm of John Goodrich tions. Plans at Dresser & Hendrick’s on Dayton prairie, Sunday, June 19th, store. M. E. H endru - k . Ray Wood, aged 25 years. Deceased leaves a wife and one child. For Sale. Three heavy young horses. Also light J. O. Rogers will Ise deputy county clerk under J. H. Nelson. This is 3-inch wagon to trade for heavy one. In­ 27tf believed to be a wise choice, as Jim is quire at F. W. Spencer’s. a fine penman and a very courteous and Dr. A. A. Barr obliging gentleman. The skillful optician of Portland, will Mrs. W. J. Simonds and Mrs. H. A. be in McMinnville Tuesday, July 5tb, Reasoner of Whatcom, Wash., are in the and remain through the week. The city on their annual visit to their par­ doctor will outfit your eves at a very ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Adams. These reasonable charge if you give him the ladies are twin daughters. opportunity. At. the annual meeting of the Oregon Hare Chance. Pioneer association in Portland last week, A good house and barn three lots Judge Wm. Galloway presided. Benton Killen was elected president and Geo. 80x100 feet each, centrally and nicely lo­ cated in Lafayette, for sale for less than Himes secretary. Frank Rennie’s friends are petitioning one-half its value, if taken at once. In­ Governor Lord to appoint him to the po­ quire of J. E. Hubbard, Lafayette, Ore. sition of a commissioned officer. Frank Boh Moore, of Lafayette, Ind., says is an altogether worthy and capable that for constipation he has found De­ soldier, and would discharge such duties Witt ’s Little Early Risers to be perfect. with fidelity and ability. They never gripe. Try them for stom­ Prof. Henry Bettman, the proficient ach and liver troubles. Rogers Bros.’ violinist and instructor of San Francisco, Pharmacy. is spending his summer vacation with his parents in this city. Mrs. Strehl and Van S. will be at Commercial stables son of that city are also visiting at Mr. Monday afternoons and Tuesdays, Wed­ Bettman’s. nesdays and Thursdays at Sheridan and Surveyor C. E. Branson has been given Fridays and Saturdays at McMinnville. the government contract for surveying Balance of time at North Yamhill. The townships 8 south, lange 10 west and 4 other horse, Baron Douglas, will be at south, range 9 west. The former lies in Commercial stables all the time except the Siletz reservation, the latter around Wednesdays and Thursdays, when he will be at Sheridan. J. W. H enrv . Heb A Todd being desirous of closing *40, or a grand total of *252. It ie ap­ day. His condition is very weak, the lip their company business, have placed parent that he would receive considerable paralysis remains about the same, and all their Dotes and Kook accounts in my more than enough to pay a first-<-lass but little hope is entertained by his phv- hands for collection. All parties in­ passage home. However, the govern­ sicians, Drs. Cable and Galbreath, or his General Blackiun ithing and Repairing. Do It is under­ First-Class horseshoeing. Track or road shoeing debted to them in the way of book ac­ ment reserves the right to transport fandly, for hie recovery counts and notes overdue, will please regiments to the place of enlistment be­ stood the Doctor had expressed to friends don« in tb« best style of the art. Farm and fore discharging them, and this would 1 a few days before that he felt some Thrashing machinery repaired. call and settle the same with me. probably be done in the Manila case. symptoms of heart failure. R. L CONNER. Shop Opposite Hotel Yamhill. BARBER. National Bank THE RACKET STORE. “Tall aches from little toe corns grow,” This Calf would bring you ail a Shoe, easy and comfortable. We are adding to our Shoe line a larger anjd better ort- ment than ever of those ass » 5 ♦ -J»- SHOES. H.MILLS&Son ASSIGNEE’S SALE! OF MERCHANDISE. The entire stock of General Merchandise belonging to A. J. Apperson will be closed out af bed rock prices. Those wanting Good Goods at Low Prices will do well to call early while the stock is complete. McMinnville, Or. LEE LAUGHLIN, Assignee. « » » » » » » » » » Or » War with Spain » » t» è» Yamhillers may go, but we remain to supply your » » wants in the Grocery line. Among these wants will be » to Garden Seeds, » » Seed Potatoes, » » » Staple Groceries, » S » Crockery, » » “Men may’come, and men may go, But I go on forever,’’—said Teniiysoneoncerning the river. To Alaska « « « « «V « « « Queensware, è» « « Glassware è» a» è» « » « The country will not be depopulated, and those » » remaining must live. « « » Necessaries of life cheapest at our Grocery. » « » « Wallace & Walker. » è* i» R. M. Wade & Co Headache ? As usual are opening up an active Spring Trade in ........BUGGIES And all Lines of Hardware. Bicycles V More sold already this year than during all of last. They go like hot cakes, because the price is low and the quality equal to the best. Gendron, Four I Reliance, Kinds------ Crescent, Crawford. Full Line of Fishing Tackle. See us for bargains. o «Champion BianS„wers * 2 » MITCHELL WAGONS STEEL HAY RAKES MACHINE OILS I HODSOfl HAS THEiD Take The Reporter and Get the News