M'KINLEY'S OFFICAL FLAG. It is Mude of Scarlet Bunting, I . Thlr- teen Feet Louu, und Eight Lit... Tlie Ox Warble Fly. The warble or swelling on the back of cattle Is caused by the larva of a fly which attaches its eggs to the hair on the legs, flanks and neck of the ani­ mal. These hatch and the larvae estab­ lish themselves under the skin, usually on either side of the backbone. Here they feed upon the animal juices until ready to pupate, causing the swelling or warble. When growth Is completed the grab leaves the warble, drops to the ground, crawls under the most con­ venient shelter, such as a piece of board, log. etc., and there transforms into the fly or adult stage. There Is a difference of opinion as to how the grub gets under the skin. Some ento- BECTION OF WARBI.K. mologists claim that the eggs are taken Into the stomach by the animals lick­ ing themselves, hatch there, adhering to the walls, then the grubs gradually work their way toward the surface, where they remain until fully grown. Others hold that the eggs hatch where they are laid and the young larvae bury themselves at once under the skin. Whatever method is employed the results are the same. The best way to get rid of the pest Is to kill the maggot. This may be done by squeezing them out. I’lace the thumbs near the base of the swelling and press firmly until the grub Is forc­ ed out. To prevent the attacks of the fly in summer, a mixture of four The President now has a field flag. He lias always had a naval flag of blue silk, but never one for use as the head of the army. Recently, by order of the Secretary of War, a flag of scarlet bunting was made thirteen feet long and eight feot hoist. In each of the What does it mean? As tired in the corners is a five-pointed white star morning as at night, can't get rested, nerv­ ture, but by tlu> time the potatoes had and in the center a large white star. In- ous, sleepless, dull, languid. It means that the blood is poor. Mus­ matured the vines covered the ground, cles cannot be elastic ami strong, nerves and from an exact square rod the yield cannot lie steady, energy and vigor can­ was over five ¡ mh 'U s of large tultera. at not be felt when the blood is impure, im­ the rate of 2HD bushels per acre. Mr. poverished. without nourishing power. Terry does not recommend the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla imparts to the blood one-sixth of an eye tn planting, but the qualities it lacks when that tint! feel­ he thinks that one eye to a hill Is suf­ ing troubles you. It makes the blood ficient; Ids experiment ought to prove rich, pure, full of vitality. It cures spring languor and eradicates all foul taints front this. He says only potatoes of strong the blood, thus guarding against future vitality would be capable of making danger front fevers, malaria, and «Alter such a yield as this potato made.—Hu­ serious illness. Be sure to get ral Canadian. Hood’s Things that I>on*t Pay. Keeping too many fowl In too small quarters. Keeping two or more breeds when jx>u art* only ¡xjstetl on one. To send out inferior stock. Better use the hatchet freely and not kill yonr reputation. To dose or doctor fowl In health to keep them healthy. “What fools these mortals be.” To fall to advertise. The man who keeps his name before the public year in and year out gets there. To visit the shows and tell the people you had better ones at home, ami that you can beat the prize winners, etc. If you really think so, just trot them out and let the judges settle the matter. To breed from pullets where healthy, strong chicks are wanted, or from old cocks with old hens—one just as bad as the other. Better mate a strong yearl­ ing cock on 2-yvar-old hens. This mating pays best.—Kansas Farmer. Varieties of Corn Every year new varieties of seed corn are offered which are claimed will give extraordinary yields. Farmers should hesitate before Investing In new seed corn, except with a small quantity for experimental purposes. Corn produces only when the climatic conditions are favorable, ami varieties that flourish south of this section may fall when brought North. Frequently, when the frost has appeared late In spring, and delayed planting, an early maturing va­ riety may be required, as an early frost in the fall of the year may destroy a variety that requires plenty of time for maturing its seed. Do not abandon the old and tried varieties until experiment demonstrates that newer kinds are much better. FRESIDEXT'S OFFICIAL FLAG. side of this Is another, separated by a bond of white three inches wide This inner star Is a blue field, on which the coat of arms of the United States Is in- scribed. Then» are other stars scat­ tered over the flag, one for every State in the Union. Presidential colors have also been provided of scarlet silk, six and one-half feet fly and four feet on the pike, which is ten feet long. Tills is surmounted by a globe and an American eagle four inches high. HEAD OF THE SPANISH NAVY. Señor Villamil, Commander of Torpedo Fleet, a Great Naval Strategist. Señor Villamil, the commander of the Spanish torpedo fleet is one of the great naval strategists of Europe. He is a man of ripe experience, having been In engagements off the coast of DIFFERENT STAGES OF PVPA. ADULT FLY To Destroy Weeds. The easiest and best way to destroy all kinds of weeds is when they are just beginning to appear above ground, as | even a slight stirring of the soil will then seriously cripple them in growth or destroy them. If weeds are permit­ ted to grow, however, they make excel­ lent green material for plowing under, but while they may nearly reach ma­ turity before thus utilized, under no circumstances must they be permitted to produce seed. If no weeds are al­ lowed to scatter seeds it will be but a few years before the farm will be en­ i tirely clear of them. It will pay the farmer, however, to keep weeds down by stirring the top soil when the weeds are young. To Make a Good Roller. The statement is often made that eggs from old hens are best for hatch­ ing. Recent experiments at the Utah station indicate the contrary, so far, at least, as concerns the per cent, of fertile eggs. The comparative size and strength of the chicks is not stated. The percentage of fertility was highest with the early hatched pullets aq,l low­ est with the old hens, though the re­ sults are not conclusive. Tlie fertility of eggs averaging five days old was 300 per cent higher than of eggs aver­ aging twenty-two days old. llolding Up the Waspon Pole. Where two horses are driven the weight of the wagon pole is often a very considerable factor in making the team tired or fretful. Help the Points in firmly in place by "shrinking on” two iron hoops at the ends, as shown. The frame is attached In the usual man­ ner.—American Agriculturist. Corn Planting. Before planting the corn crop be care­ ful to have the land worked ns fine as possible. Many farmers are satisfied to plow the corn land, harrow It and plant the seed, trusting to the corn rots to spread and Increase, as the corn is a gross feeder, but while corn may thrive under such conditions yet an in­ creased yield over the average can only be obtained when the ground is mane as fine as that of a garden, as then the feed! ng capacity of the rootsis increased and a larger available supply of plant | food can be obtained. prayinu. When to spray apple trees depends on the purjswes desired. Use Bordeaux mixture when the buds are swelling, and if canker worms are abundant spray also when the blossoms are about to open. After the blossoms fall spray again with Bordeaux mixture and also parts green. re]>eatlng both applications a week or ten days later. In altout ten days or two weeks another application may be made of Bordeaux mixture. These remedies or preventives are for scab, bud moth, codling moth, tent caterpillar, curcullo ami canker worm. Early Plants. Seeds for early plants may l>e sown in boxes of rich earth and kept In a win­ dow of the bouse where the warmth of the sun will reach them. Flower pots, old fruit cans, small fruit boxes or egg shells are also excellent. For a garden Potato Experiment. supply nearly all of the early plants T. B. Terry, of Ohio, made an inter­ I can be grown in the windows. esting experiment wtth a potato last year. This potato he cut into seventy- Peaches Without Fnzz. A Maryland fruit grower has suc­ four pieces, each piece having one- sixth of an eye. The pieces were plant­ ceeded in raising a crop of peaches with ed in seventy-four hills 33 Inches apart skins as devoid of the annoying fuzz each way. The land was clover sod. as Is an apple. Next year he proposes the planting being done late, after a to raise peaches with a skin that can crop of clsrer had been cut, and the tie removed like that of an orange.— crop suffered from the lack of moie- Farmer’s Voice. Directions A dull, throbbing pain, accompanied by a sense of tenderness and heat low down In the side, with an occasional shooting pain, indicates inflammation. The region of pain shows some swell- ing. This is the first stage of ovaritis, inflammation of the ovary. If the roof of your house leaks, my sister, you havs it fixed at once; why not pay the same respect to your own body ? Write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., und tell her all your symptoms. Her experi­ ence in treating female ills is greater than uny other living person. The fol­ lowing from Mos. A nnie C vrtib , Ticon­ deroga, N. Y., is proof of what we say: “ For nine yeurs I suffered with fe­ male weakness in its worst form. I was in bed nearly a year with conges­ tion of the ovaries. I also suffered with falling of the womb, was very weak, tired all the time, hud such head­ aches us to make me almost wild. Was also troubled with leucorrhoea, and was bloated so badly that some thought I had dropsy. I have taken several bot­ tles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and several of her Blood Purifier, and am completely cured. It Is a wonder to all that X got welL" The soil of Hawaii is of a «lark choco­ late or reddish brown, and the darker is best adapted to growing coffee. The Romans used a circular fan on occasions of state aixl the Greeks made fans of the flat leaves of the lotus. Nearly 70.000 tons of cork are con­ sumed by the bottlers of aerated wa­ ters, boers, etc., in England every year. A Boston woman sued a Roxbury hotel keeper because, she alleged, she caught pneumonia owing to lack of While It Is quite true that the proportion of deaths from malaria as an inline Hale cause is heating, an 1 recovered i 1.000. proportionally small as cited In annual mortu­ ary statistics, yet physicians are thoroughly convinced that it causes maladies of a tatal character, and begets dangerous nervous pros­ tration. This malady is eradicated and pre­ vented by Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, which also cures blliuusues, constipation, rheumatism and dyspepsia. _____ ____ For Children’s Pictures. CLEVELAND COTTAGE COLORS An Englishman has designed a neat mounting for children’s pictures con­ PURE PUNT REW MIXED Must Wear a Brasi* Collar. sisting of a cardboard frame which They had an excellent way of check­ supports a swing, in which the picture ing excessive drinking in Manitoba. is placed, the latter being cut from the Best Reputation. When a man bad been twice or thrice print ami mounted on zinc, which is Best Paint for Dealer or Consumer. convicte«l of drunkenness he wsa sen­ then dressed to represent the child. tenced to wear a brass collar, which Color Cards Sent Free. • 1OO REWARD SIOO. marked him out among hie fellows as a person to whom no publican could The readers of this pa|>er will be pleased to with impunity serve liquor. The learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been ablo to cure in all Its drastio measure often proved a cure. stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure PORTLAND, OREGON. On the authorities being satisfied that is the only positive cure known to the medical fraterulty. Catarrh being a constitutional dis­ the branded individual had served n ease, requires a Constitutional treatment. sufficiently long teim of probation he Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting upon the blood and mucous surfaces was uncollared and endowed with the directly of the system, thereby destroying the founda­ liberty of drinks.—London Telegraph. tion of the disease, and giving the patient Cleveland Oil i Paint Mfj. Co., SEÑOR VILLAMIL. Chili and in the Phillipine Islands. This man is 52 years old. He is of commanding presence, with a deep, sonorous voice and a thunderous ac­ cent that can be distinctly heard through the din of battle. He person­ ally commands, and is the only Span­ iard who leaves nothing to his lieuten­ ants. INSPIRED THE SIX HUNDRED. Bugle that Sounded the Charge "Into the Jaws of Death.” Here is the bugle that sounded the “gallop" and the "cliarge” that sent heroes to death at Balaklava- After the famous battle or sacrifice the regiment wanted to present to the trumpeter a silver duplicate of his horses all that Is possible. Put a light pulley on the pole, as shown In the 11- lustration, and carry a small piece of rope so as to attach to the load In the way suggested whenever it'r possible to do so. The best farmers are most thoughtful of the comfort of their ani­ mals. Cast-off mowing machine wheels Farm Furrows. may be utilized very readily for mak­ Like seed, like crop. ing a land roller. Use narrow strips of Don't ask the farmer, ask the farm. plank with slightly beveled edges, put­ Thrift Is better than a bequest from ting them around the wheels in the your old uncle. manner shown In the cut. making slots The farm is no mint, but It Is a mine in the plnnks to fit the cogs on the rims of manly health. of the wheels. These strips are held Before you l>egin work think where the pay Is coming from. Weeds an* the farmer's faithful over­ seers: they make him stir the soil. When the bugs get a mortgage on your orchard. i. April 20 a number of deserters from Prepared only by C. I. Boon A Co.,Lowell, Mass. the Seventh infantry appeared at the fort and surrendered. They sai«i they Hrwvl’c Dilla C’ire Liver Ills; easy to liuvu o ■ ilio take, easy to operate. 25c. had heard tlie rumors of war an«l were anxious to participate. Col. Benham Thia Great Country. ordered them to the guardhouse, but it We make our own Cuban cigars. is understood that the stern ohi warrior We manufacture better news from will be lenient and give the prodigals foreign lands than is to be found there. an opportunity to fight. We raise our own European wines A boy—six years old—in Iowa swal­ and mineral waters. They The finest French sardines in the lowed several lemon seeds. sprouted in his stomach and nearly world come from Maine. The choicest an«l most expensive of killed him before they were removed. Dresden china is grown in New Jersey. In the towns of Chile most shops are We declare war in more places in a minute than some other countries etui open till midnight, and during the hot afternoons, when everybody takes a declare in three hours and a half. siesta they are locked up. We don’t want the earth. We are it. Certain butterflies have very trans­ Hurrah I—Truth. parent wings, and these are thought by Haase to be even more effectual for In tropical regions when the moon is protection than conspicuous “warning” at its full objects are distinctly visible stripes or other markings. several miles away. By starlight only, THE DEATH KATE. print can be read with ease. in every package of Schil­ ling's Best tea. FoIIow them—no matter what tea you use. 627 Which Etrgs Are Fertile? ounces of flower» of sulphur, one gill of spirits of tar with a quart of train oil rubbed along the spine, loins and ribs is useful. Train oil can be used alone. As the fly does not move about from place to place freely. Its eradica­ tion on individual farms depends al­ most completely upon the owner.— Orange Judd Farmer. That Tired Feeling No Longer an Experiment, The order for 100 steel ears recently given by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to the Schoen Pressed Steel Company of Pittsburg is a good illus­ tration of the fact that the steel car is no longer an experiment but an accept­ ed type of railway rolling stock, says the Engineering News. It is a noticea­ ble fact, however, that a large propor­ tion of the steel cars conltructed are designe«! to carry heavier loads than cars of timber construction. The new Pennsylvania cars, for example, are to carry 110,000 pounds of ore. or 104,000 pounds of coal. Their dea«l weight will be 37,000 pounds and their length will be 83 teeL The conqietition of the steel car with the wooden cars of ordi­ nary capacity will not be apparent probably for some time, blit that it will oome eventually tlie increasing cost of timber and the decreasing oost of steel construction makes very certain. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting in the courts our right to the exclusive use of the word " CASTORIA," and “PITCHER S CASTORIA,” as our Trade Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” the same that has borne and does now bear the fac-simile signature of CHAS, H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the original “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA ” which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought, and has the signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the wrapper. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March 8, 1897. SAMVEL. PITCHER, M.U trumpet, but he preferred the old one. On it was inscribed: “Presented by the Colonel of the Seventeenth Lancers to Trumpet Major Joy, on which the Balaklava charge was sounded, Oct. 25, 1854.” Joy died In 1803. and now the fa­ mous bugle Is to be sold at auction in London. Origin of the Bedbug. Doubtless there are many miserable people in the world who have asked themselves, as well as others where that little torment the bsdbug, comes from. Long ago this Insect was known to come from wood, but why it should confine Itself to the wooden parts of beds and the framework of old houses was somewhat of a mystery. One «lay a scientist found a bedbug in the stom­ ach of a woodpecker, which he was engaged in dissecting. Pursuing his Investigations further he found that bedbugs are plentiful on pine trees. Pine cones are often infested wtth them, and It is now the accepted belief that It Is from the pine tree that the bedbug gets Its origin. It should In­ terest a good many people to know this, though It will not make close acquaint­ ance with the parasite any more agree­ able. Better than Chewing Gum. Mr. Lea. of Worcestershire sauce fame, left an estate of >5.350.000; bis partner, Perrin, left nearly as much. They began life as druggists In a small way in an English country town. I The quaint little chimney sweeps odd to tlie pictnresqueness of Charles­ ton, N. C., where they me stil in con­ stant demand to clean chimneys of the soot from the soft pine wood so largely in use. A Paris florist after many experi­ ments is able to grow chrysanthemums with the odor of the rose, sunflowers with the perfume of the jasamine, and oalla lilies with the scent of the violet. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE« A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner­ vous. and hot. and get tireil easily. If you have smarting feet or tig lit shoes, try Alien’s Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort Ten thousand tes­ ONE ENJOYS timonials of cures. Try it todau. Sold by all druggists ami shoe stores for 25c. Sent Both the method an«l results when by mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant Roy, New York. and refreshing to the taste, an«l acts Black rot, the dangerous enemy of gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, grapes, has been treated successfully Liver an«l Bowels, cleanses the sys­ by sprinkling the green grapes with tem effectually, dispels colds, head­ calcium carbide. M. G. Rodier, a aches ami fevers ami cures habitual Frenchman, is the discoverer of this constipation. Syrup of Figs is the remedy. only remedy of its kind ever pro­ HONK PRODUCTS AND PIKE FOOD. All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually vary light colored and ol heavy body, is made from glucose. “Teo Garden ¡trip,” Is made fr«un sugar Cane and is strictly piire. It is lor by flrst-cia.s grocers, in van* only. Manufac­ tured hr the Pscinc C oast HYKCF co . a g gen- uine “Tra Garden brim" have the manufac­ turer's name lithographed on every can. The tobacco raised in Beloochistan is exceedingly strong an«l cannot be smoked by any but the most vigorous white man. From the 140 pounds of gas tar ex­ tracted in coking a ton of coal, over 2,000 distinct shades of aniline dye are made. CITf Fermanentlv Cur«o1 No flu ,,r nervouso«» Sil» after first day’s use ol Dr. Kline «.real Nerve Restorer. Seud for FK kk sa . ou trial bottle and ireHtlev. lilt. It. u. Kt.INv, Ltd.. aac Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. If we moved our legs proportionately as fast as an ant, it is claime«! we could travel nearly 800 miles an hour. Piso’s Cure for Consumption has been a family medicine with us since 1*15—J. R. Matiison, 24011 42<1 Ave.. Chicago, III. Jnst as a letter was being rea«l in a Farmington, Me., household from a daughter in California announcing her gissl health and well being, a tele­ gram came announcing her death. r; N 5 r T ION Good Health strength by bulldiug up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro­ prietors have so much faith in ita curative flowers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars or any ease that it fall, to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 8ol«1 by druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Is the working capital of humanity. He who loses that is wrecked Indeed. Is your health failing you, your am­ bition, vigor, vitality wasting away T When others fail con­ sult DOCTOR RATCLIFFE, For the speedy, safe and permanent cure of all Nervous, Chronic and Hpeclul diseases, even In their most aggravated forms. There is no man in the world who has effected so many permanent cures in bosh Men and Women of troubles which other physlcan.4 of acknowledged ability hud given up us hopeless as this eminent specialist. NEIIVOUS DEBILITY and all its attending alimenta, of YOUNG. MIDDLE-AGED and OLD I MEN, The awful effects of neglected or inrprop- ■ erly treated ca- gists. Any reliable druggist who eral merchandise stores, or by WILL & FINCK CO., may not bave it on hand will pro­ 820 Market Street, Hun Francisco, Cai. cure it promptly for any one who trn‘‘în« kod locating Gold or Silver wishes to try it. Do not accept any DAA0 nllllkk i>r‘* or burled treasures. M. !>• RVVU roWLIR, Box M7,Boutbington,Conn. substitute. YOUR LIVER CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUI8VILU. Y0ML MB N. P. N. C. No. BO, *98. HEN writing to advertisers pleas« mention thia paper. W