i ♦ HAXZANA. ------------------------- : X block, and It is all under a single r«xf. There are numberless booths in which i are exposed for sale all the fruits of the I tropics, sea fish. fresh water fish, meals, game, leather goods, jewelry and such I curios as only a swiport visited by the I commerce of the world can pick up. i There are seen men. women and chil­ dren of every nationality upon the earth. Th»? wonder Is bow so small a town can gather to Itself such a wide range of humanity. The population of Havana Is mixed and Its morale Is very low. The condi­ tion of the tvomen remind a widely traveled man of the women of the Orient. They are closWtept and live In tropical Idleness. Mlscegeneratlon is common, and It Is no rare matter to find a Culetn family of very good social po sltlon ami of considerable wealth com posed of persons that would l>e classed ERRORS MADE BY PRINTERS. Sotne Ludlcrons MistakeaCompotinded iu the Composing-Room. “What is this?” exclaimed a com­ positor who was expecting to be pr«> nioted to u proofreadership shortly. “ ‘Sermons iu atom's, books in the run­ ning brooks!’ Impossible! He means, of course. ‘Sermons In books and stones in th«' running brooks.’ ” And a new AVANA, the capital of Cuba, Is the llv<-ly life of Havana. The city reading of Shakspeare appeared next Is a world-city, known wher­ has not been very businesslike under morning. A s;iortlng compositor ever the fame of cities lias Spanish rule. Most of the men are thought “Cricket on the Hearth” must readied, and deserving of its fame, too, worthless and dissipated. They lounge be a slip of the la'u. He made it for like all great cities of Industry and in cafes ami look only to pleasure such "Cricketthe Heath.” A writer on art, it is unique. Cuba’s capital is as the Spaniard delights in—gambling, angling had tlie Joy of seeing ills sen­ coeval with the Mediterranes«? conquest cock lighting, bull baiting. No thought tence, “The young salmon are bi'glu- of the Western hemisphere. The name of the morrow Is taken, and the result nlng to run,” printed. “The young of the city Is characteristic of the re­ is that a more Improvident population salmon ar«? beginning to swim.” an­ ligious Latin races, for when Diego de «•an be found nowhere. Sunday Is Ha­ other thoughtful compositor having Velasquez laid its foundations, in 1515. , vana’s holiday. been at work. Happier was the trans­ he christened it San Cristobal de la 11a- As for the church»*, thousands of bana—St. Christopher of the haven or formation of th«' sentence, “Bring me harbor—in honor of Columbus, the dis­ my toga,” into “Bring me my togs.” coverer of the island. This name, be­ There is a less subtle vein of humor stowed upon the city by the conqueror in the story of the editor who wrote of the island, has remained unchanged, during an election, “The battle is now and it is still officially so called. Hut opened.” The compositor spelled "bat­ its popular name has been shortened to tle” with an “o,” and the other side Habana In Spanish ami Havana in oth­ said, of course, that they had suspeeted er tongue«. The city has a population it from the first. It was by a similar of about 200,000. mistake that the late Baker Tasha, Havana is sited on the west side of who might fairly be described as a the bay of its own name—one of the “battle-scarred veteran” was called a most la-autiful bodies of water of its “battle-scared veteran.” tlie libel be- kind found anywhere. The city stands Ing by no means purged when the on a sort of peninsula thut Is formed newspaper called the gallant officer a on one side by the waters of the bay. “bottle-scarred veteran.” Owing to an und on the other by those of the gulf. error iu printing the announcement, “A In olden times it was one of the strong­ sailor, going to sea. his wife desires the est of the places of the civilized world. prayers of the congregation.” became When ships of war were of wood and “A sailor going to st*« his wife deserves carried a few guns whose bullets were the prayers of the congregation.” It is BLANCO’S PALACE. repelled by granite masonry, Havana not necessary to believe this in order was impregnable. But the “oak levia- I women religiously attend. In Cuba the ns quadroons in America. Havana is to enjoy it. The statement, “Messrs titans” and the “rock built cities” of ■ church and her children are a woman's a city of grand surprises for the foreign ----- ’s preserves cannot be beaten.” was Lord Byron are now historical. On life. She soon loses her husband as her visitor. A political mite as it is in com­ rather vitiated as an advertisement by the one hand the recent destruction of companion In the home. She does not parison with London, there are slums the omission of “b” in the last word. the Maine Indicates the cause why read. She never heard of a new wom­ In Havana that cannot be matched In Innocently gay was the newspaper re­ granite walls are no longer needed, and an. She has her little circle of friends the metropolis of the world. port which said that the London ex­ on the other it Is seen how the subma­ like herself, and some day dies. But press had knocked down a cow nnd As Place of Residence. rine mine and torpedo have developed she has been faithful to the church, and cut it into “calves.”—Gesta Typograph­ grin powder, which enables a ship to the most striking thing al*out a service Havana has infinite charms as a ic^. stand miles without a harbor and land in the great cathedral Is th«' presence of place of residence. Its climate. Its veg­ ALTON’S EXPENSIVE BOY. shells in a city's heart. the women of Havana and the absence etation, the cheap rate at which one Yet if it were not for Spanish poverty of the men. It is said here that most i can buy all the delicacies of the tab!'?, Taxpayers Put I’p Nearly $t,2OO a and decline, Havana to-day might have ' men go to church but three times in ! the romance in the very air. tin? ease Year for Ilia Schooling, been as relatively strong as when, in their life—when baptized, when about with which a little labor will yield a It costs the public of Alton, Ill., 1585, It drove the fierce Sir Francis to 1»»“ married and when dead—and the large return, the proximity of the sea, $1.1SG.O8 annually to educate one black Drake away from its coasts. The fact church is as rigid in Its requirement of I its middle distance between the Invig­ Is that tile Spaniards have not kept step the first two visits as tho departed is to orating north and the tropical coun­ boy. This is the largest sum ever ex- pended by the pub­ with the march of progress. The in­ be receiv»>d there at last. tries of the southern continent, the pro­ lic on the education sanity of attempting to defend Havana The cathedral is really one of the fusion of Its fruits and (lowers—all of one simple indi­ with the same implements and methods finest edifices in Havana. It is built to these things make it a most desirable vidual. His name is Arthur Odey. For him a teacher is employed at $270 per annum, for him a principal is en­ gaged at $315 per annum, to keep his AllTUUK OBEY. school-rooms in or­ der a janitor is kept at a yearly expen­ diture of $135, and to prevent Arthur from getting cold $50 is expended on fuel. The interest on the $5,944 that it cost to build tin» handsome two-story brick schoolhouse iu which he is taught amounts to $410.08. Thus the total cost of the schooling of this one child is $1,180.08. Arthur is a quiet little chap of 8 years, as black as the fabled Egyptian darkness, with big round eyes that look out upon th«' world without the least sign of astonishment or concern of warfare that were successful three last for ages. In It are the remains of place to live, and there Is no doubt that at the extravagance of his education. centuries ago Is in perfect keeping with Christopher Columbus—that Is, the thousands of Americans had been there That lie drinks iu knowledge at the Spain's anachronism In civilization. tomb Is there, beside the altar and the long ago were it not for the blighting public expens«' at th«' rate of $30.41 per The town, as lias already been said. Inscription. It is also duly authenti­ and repressing rule of Spain—a rule week, or $G.t»8 per day, is no cause of Is unique. It is not Spanish, it Is not cated that the remains nre there, too, that tends to ruin commerce and enter­ wonder to him. It has not been charg­ Oriental. It Is not European, nor does but even Spaniards nod doubtfully prise wherever it litis sway. ed that his teachers quarrel over it at all resemble anything in the Uni­ when asked, “Is It true?” In 1550 the seat of Spanish official­ which shall instruct him, but it is a ted States. It Is Cuban. The bay. The lottery Is the curs«' of Havana. dom in Cuba was transferred from Sor­ ordinarily. Is one of the most vividly Out' of tin- first eric's heard on tile ting« de Cuba to Havana, an early rec­ known fact that he lias to furnish the beautiful sights to be seen anywhere. street In tli«‘ morning Is th«' sehrlll voice ognition of the city’s 1 nqiortaiice. On,' excitement for the school, because he Humboldt's description of the ap­ of a Cuban yelling that h«> has lottery year later pirates under the leailersliip is th«' only scholar in th«* new Lovejoy proaches to Havana fails to do It jus­ tickets for sale. If is ofti'ii th«' last of the notorious Jacob Sores attacked school, erected solely for the colored tice. and that distinguished traveler sound heard at night. It would seem the town, sacked its church ami the children. | Gay and Picturesque Cuban Capital Has ♦ f a Famous History. ♦ H that all Cuba must gamble to support so formidable a company of fakers. All the storekeepers are courteous and unobtrusive. A visitor experiences gri'at difficulty in purchasing anything characteristically Cuban In th«' stores, but that is Ix'caus«' Cuba produces only two things, sugar and tobacco, and buys everything she uses—even buys back her sugar retim'd. Th«' easiest thing to buy Is cigars, and they cost astonishingly l«'ss than tn the States. There is an e.xi»erience in buy­ ing them, Iss-aus«' the great cigar fac­ tories of Havana, producing brands that .are known to snickers all over th«' world, are Interesting institutions. They occupy buildings so nearly resembling tli«' ordinary dwelling hous«> that they would lie mistaken for them by a stranger except for the odor. dwellings of the wealthy and compelled the commander of th«' fortress to sur­ render. Sores soon grew tired of the place and withdrew. But his example was frequently follow,si, and numer­ ous attempts were made by bueeinu'ers to capture the city and loot it. Notable among these efforts was that of the En­ glish buwnnt'er. Sir Francis Drake, who assault,si Havana in 1585, but was compelled to retire. Tho first scourge of yellow fever appeared in th«' ship­ ping «luring the summer of 1701. In 1702 Admiral Pocock. with an English squadron, attacked Havana and forred It to capitulate. For two mouths th«' city put up a brave defense. In 1703 Havana was restore«! to the Spanish by th«' treaty of Paris. Th«' tlrst newspaper published In Ha­ vana was La Gaceta de la Ilabana. The Grave of Eve. admits that the picture Is indescribable. Cuba ami Havana have ways and wards that are all their own. Slaves to Precedent. Havann Isa mystery to the European and the American. The question, "Why »Io you this ami do you thatis alwct; why dark women and even black women powder their faces until they look as if they had been tlnubetl with flour; why houses nre built to a line within two fe»-t of the curbing, so that pedestrians cannot walk two ■breast; wliy the houses are all painted in whatever vivid color pleases the owner moat; why an unearthly clangor of lwdls drives sli'ep from the city at daybreak; why no one ever keeps an npi*olntnumt «and never apologizes for tlie offense». are questions that Havail- es«> and Cubans do not explain or at­ tempt to explain. The almost equatorial sun twat* do.vn upon the atreets with terrifle heat dur­ ing the day. and none but business pro- ph> and ‘flow p«>ple” are seen during th«' early an«l middle «lay. When the nun «Inks, however, the lazy inhabit­ ant« turn out. and the life of the night TL i F rt)A,she sAyt jlje dorj} ft go» CAcije Stje's AtfAid, 1 guess. An’50, las’ QigW3be WAS A-cryio’ so Wfjen Jinj jAtd I jat açless , Sbe’d warjr to IjAve a cowAra for a $ot) He'd l)3'''® îo,5° 1 I Tb^t $eeiped‘j’dsl’l(keii$be oever would gei doge B^t cric wept- Away ’P waj . a la«Je; CAJ> At} jo ' cried just like a $ iijoagl) lovji) -frjere I BJuf hA you know, he never $AÌd AWorJ, he qoulâp'f fAlk.’. B ut just sf)opk wit^ Jing,like t^ij,real fjwa Acj went to like a walk; Ao’ binjeby lweof oar to fry ao ’ njeet' Tlje kias.yoa kgow.AO’dq Sometf)iÓ3,Ao’[>i.WAS WAlKirj’upftge street* Ar)’1)e wXj tryiQ’foo! Zèzf/y/r X.J7H/K oaj J. WHERE WATER IS SCARCE. A Disastrous Drouth Is Devastating South Africa. A most disastrous drought is devas­ tating South Africa, the worst known ■for many generations. Stock is perish­ ing in such vast numbers that farmers are' being ruined whok'sale. The illus­ tration shows the process of boring for Structure Which lias More than Com­ mon Interest for Masons. BORING FOR WATER. water. At a little expense the Cape government provides an apparatus for the us«» of the farming community and | drilling operations are in progress in ' nearly all parts of tlie country. It is generally believed that there is abund­ ance of water at a depth of from fifty to it hundred feet, but the finds are few ami weak. Vnllke Australia there are no subterranean rivers to tap. The' hopt> of the farmer lies in the conser­ vation of the rainfall, which, if not stored in dams, quickly runs off into the "slults” ami “spruits,” and leav‘*s the parched earth but little refreshed. In many places the drinking supplies ! regularly fall short and the farmers are reduced to the thick, opaque con- ' tents of a dam. In the remoter dis-' trlcts the Boers experience this acute­ ly. A Boer recently called at an En­ glishman’s house while on a journey and asked for a drink. The English­ man had a good supply and gave him a sparkling draught. The Dutchman was greatly surpris, «1 and in his kitchen “taal" express«?«! himself highly de- | lighted with such a sweet drink, as j he observed, "it had neither taste nor smell.” Atlv> rtisers Are Immortal. Great advertisers live in tin' history of the city and the prosperity of their firms long after they themselves have "shutlled off this mortal coil;" tlieir an­ nouncements in the newspapers contin­ ue to bear fruit after tlie advertisers ar«' dead. On the other hand, the non­ advertising business man is dead to the community long before he leaves this life: and his business is more tliau apt to di«' with him.--Savannah News. HOTEL 1NGLATKRRA, RESORT OF FOR­ EIGNER«. which apiwaretl in 1782. In 178!» the Jesuits were expclleil from the city. ami their church was convert,si Into th«' eatlnxlral of th«' diocese. This Is th«» church in which It is said the ashes of Columbus were de]»oslte«l In the year 18f‘0. In 1818 Havana was opened to the commerce of the world. 1 ; i Is your coffin.—Rory of the Hills.” Tho men who issui-d the posters were im­ prisoned for their offenses, but the country was placard«! as daringly dur­ ing their imprisonment as before. Now a copy of one of these posters is as scarce as hen’s teeth, and, though not a bit artistic, they are treasured by lKuster collectors as If they were print- «1 in letters of gold after a design by’ some master draughtsman. HOUSE WITH A HISTORY At Jiddah iu Arabia, th«' Mohamme­ dans locate the grave of Eve. A small temple, utterly out of proportion to tlie Moslem conception of tli«' first woman (they claim she was 200 feet tall) is erected above the ashes. Tin* structure is in l ad repair, and if it rained often in Arabia, Mother Eve would have a rather damp resting place. As it is, a big palm tree has forced its way through the room. The spot is the uieeca of a seven-year pilgrimage. MESSAGE THAT MEANT DEATH. Oil June 3, which is alleged to be the anniversary of tin» death of Abel, the The Famous “No Rent” Poster Which doors of the temple remain open all Landed Many Irishmen in Prison. night. On tiint night tlie spirit of Eve Here is a relic of a time made excit­ mourns for th«' loss of her murdered ing by “agitation" in Ireland. It is the sou. In fear and trembling the pil­ famous “No Rent" poster, which was grims listen to awful sounds of la­ one of the features of the movement of mentation emanating from the tomb. 1.881 that lamled so many ardent Irish­ Tlier«' are usually in the throng one men in prison. or two scoffers, who claim to recognize The National League of Ireland, the the voices of th,' priests in the doleful wails, but their opinions do not carry weight with the majority. Qunirit Cuban Houses. The Culian house of the Is'tter class Is of th«' ordinary, typical «instruction. It ■ Is enormously heavy, built of adobt* or | soft stone, to withstand earthquakes and to resist heat. Th«* rooms nr«> enor­ mous, with ceiling from fifteen t<» twen­ ty or twenty tlv«> feet high, all fl«»ors. I «•ven in tin' bedrooms, being of stone, I and tli«' windows covered with great iron bars. Tlie lions,>s of th,' lower class look no different from without, but are awful within, and tliere tit«' call-«' of Havana's swurg«* of yellow fever Is at «me«' ap- I parent. The city Is badly drained. Th«' Imy. with no fr,s' coins«' of water, ami comparatively littl»> tide, 1* a reservoir, nticleans,si, of the city’s offal. It bre,'d* ,lls«-ase. and in squalor where personal uncli'anllness is added to tlie perils in- ' cm-red by municipal neglect, th,' houses of th,' |*M>r have becoim* th«' IncuKators of pestilence. Havana has many hean- tlful parks, squares and public places. Th«' squares are all ornament,si with royal palms ami here and tlu're an or- 1 atige or lianana tree, and here ami tliere an Indian laurel. No city in the world is furnish,si with such an abumlam'e an«l variety of foods as is Havana, with th«» possible excep­ tion of San Francisco. Th«' earth and the sea give to its people all the Ixret of their fruits. Tho great market of Ila-1 vnna Is without an equal. surpassing. | as it doe«, the fanusl French mark,"t of New Orleans. This market covers an area equal to that of aai American e'j $o«rf dowrj To ft' ihe soldiers çter sùr-t, aq ‘ head»—l‘s pow«'rful gla«l to say eeause of the mixture of Slanies«' and Chinese characters, was unearthed and shown to the Siamese visitor. Tlie King gl.anc«! at the precious paper and then laughisl heartily, after which he went on to explain that this carefully guarded and highly prized «locument was merely a tire* insurance policy drawn up for a Chinese ciMnpany by some Siamese firm, and that his own signature, which it bore, was such as all similar documenta contain. It was. moreover, written by one of his secre­ taril's detailed for that work. That d«x?ument is not so highly prized as it was. Definition < f Eternity. Her«' is a schoollioy’s definition of eternity: “When our ships all come in; when the sea gives up her dead; when Father Time bangs up his scythe: when the heavens are rolled up like a scroll; when Gabriel blows th«' ram’s horn; when the solar system collapses; when we find th«' lost Charlie Ross and the man who struck Billy Patterson: when Johnny g«*ts his gun; when society l>e- comes pure; ami 'after the bnll is over* —then will be eternity.“—New Orleans Tlmes-I>emoerat. “Cooper's works T’ replied the shop­ man. "Yes, madam; here the the ‘Lentherstocking Tales.' ” “I don’t think I want them." replied the sbop- per. "Hasn't Mr. Cooper written any ■Goif-Stocking Tales' yet?“—Harpers B oom .