Yamhill County Reporter posterity. Events have demonstrat it is said will poll the principal bulk IVcanoe of the great num'*r of soldiers ( ed that he is the braver soldier, the of the popular vote in his Lome pro- and military demonstration« in Portland ------------- ■ most ready to die for hie country I cinct, where his fitness is best known. last Saturday, the Rev. Dr. Iliff could r. II, BtllMI tHT, l.dilor A: Propr. It is scarcely necessary to say any­ not jrxMibiy get to the train for McMinn­ ville, and, therefore, was not able to till /. G. ECKMAN, Associate Editor. «HH TICKET. thing about the nominee for survey- his appointment at the M. E. church last I or, C. E. Branson, since it has come The republican ticket of 1898, state i to be understood that whatever pn- j Sunday. This explanation he sent over Subscription $1.00 Per Year. congressional, judicial and local, is ' litical party is in jx>wer lie does the I the telephone and at the samo time ex­ one of unusual merit, considered as 1 surveying. J. M. Yocum of Sheri­ pressed his sadness over the great dis­ advertising rates . a whole. At the head stands the dan is the nominee for assessor. He appointment to himself as well as others But Heading notice)tu local column' W cent» per name of T. T. Geer, a native son of is well known in McMinuville, hav­ in not being able to be with uh . Uno for first week and i cent» per line thereafter. ing been at one time engaged in the without fail lie will be in McMinnville Display advertisements annual rate), one inch Oregon and a practical farmer, who livery business here. Dr. T. B. Cum Saturday and preach in the M. E. church per month *1; each additional inch M cents per month. has won his way to the front as a rr.ings of Newberg is said to be a next Sunday morning aud evening. Dr. Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding 10 lines published free, if furnished tn time to public man by years of honest and pleasant man and the usual remark Iliff is one of the most popular preach­ I « current nows. Additional matter lucent* per ability* to sit upon a corpse ers and all should try to hear him. capable service in the various func­ about line. ma)’ be passed by. D. T. S ummerville . tions to which lie lias been called, His nomination for governor is the WIIIIIÜUTVN LETTER. FRIDAY, MAY (J, 1898, I have been a eufferer from chronic result of un independent and manly Architectural Beauties of the City diarrhoea ever since the war and have stand, taken in defiance of the used all kinds of medicine for it. At Hint Speculation «*<« to Com. HEPUBLICAS STATE AND DIS.. last I found oue remedy that has been a would-be bosses of the party, and parative Naval Strength. IÌUCT TICKET. success as a cure, and that is Chamber­ bis vote in June will be a still fur­ Washington, D. C., April 23d, 1898. lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ For Congressman—1st District, Of the natural and architectural beau­ edy.—P. E. G risham , GaarB Mills, La. ther attestation of popular approval. THOMAS H. TONGUE,of Washington county. Hon. Thos. H. Tongue has made ties of the city of Washington, much liae For eale by S. Howurth & Co. For Governor, T. T. GEEK, of Marlon county. an excellent first-year record in con­ been written and much remains to be The CubanbRelief committee at Bort' For Secretary of State, F. 1. DUNBAR, of Clatsop eouuty. gress. He has shown himself alert told if one goes at all into detail. The land bus acknowledged with heartfelt plan of the city streets lauds itself to au For State Treasurer, and able in every interest of his con­ CHAS. 8. MOORE, of Columbia county effective scheme of adornment and beau­ thanks the receipt of *13.70, proceeds of For State Printer, stituency. He is in full harmouy with tifying; the streets are wide, well paved, the Evenden eutertuinment, and say W H. LEEDS, oi Jackson eouuty the party on all questions and is en­ and at this time of year, bordered with they were gratefully surprised. ForSupt. Public Instructiou, J H. ACKERMAN, of Multnomah county. titled to every vote it can muster. trees just budding into beauty, while their Whooping C'ougl). For Attorney General, The judicial features of the ticket being intersected at acute augles by many D. R. N. BLACKBURN, of Ltun county. I had a little boy who was nearly dead For Judges—3d Judicial District. should be peculiarly relishable to avenues give, all over the city, great from an attack of whooping cough, Mj GEORGE H. BURNETT, ot Marion county. Yamhillers. Both Judge Burnett numbers of long jointed epaces, not oc­ neighbors recommended Cbainberlain’ti HENRY E. HEWITT, of Linn county. Remedy. I did not think that For Prosecuting Attorney. and Judge Hewitt were born and cupied by wedgeshaped buildings, but Cough . O. H. IRVINE, of Yamhill county. atty medicine would help him, but after each a gem-like little park, and moat of reared within its confines, while the Member Board of Equalization, giving him a few doses of that remedy 1 JASPER SMITH, of Tillamook county. nominee for prosecuting attorney is them a home of a statue to keep alive in noticed an improvement, and one bottle the memory of the people the record of cured him entirely. It is the best cough Joint Representative—Yamhill and Tillamook, a resident of McMiunville. The ad­ J. W. MAXWELL, of Tillamook eouuty. Home hero or statesman of national re­ medicine I ever had in the house.—J. L. ministration of justice under the re nown. Scattered about all over the city M oors , South Burgettstown, Pa. For COUNTY TICKET, gime of Barnett and Hewitt has been are larger parks, good Bpaeious breathiug sale by 8. Howorth & Co. characterized by dignity, fearless­ places, each with well kept walks, smooth For State Senator— W. A. IIOW’E, ot Carltun. ness, impartiality and dispatch. Mr. sward, and each the home of a bronze or Don’t annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a cold. For Representatives— Irvine, the nominee for attorney, is marble memorial of the doer of glorious Ona Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, E. F. LAMSON, of Willamina C. A. BUTT, of Newberg. an attorney of the first rank and will deeds. From the Peace monument, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and For Bberlff— bring to the office the service of a where the busy avenue impinges upon lung trouble. Rogers Bros.’ Pharmacy. W. G. HENDERSON, of McMinnville. mature legal mind, bucked by years the western boundary of the capital For Clerk— J. H. NELSON, of McMinnville. of experience as a successful practi­ grounds, and on down the broad thor­ The wife of Labe Morin of Wheatland oughfare where the treasury building im- gave birth to triplette April 20th—a son For Recorder— tioner. N PHELPS, of Dayton W. A. Howe of Carlton, nominee jtoses its vast bulk between the noisy and two daughters. Yamhill still ahead ! For Judge— traffic of the avenue and the more quiet R. P. BIRD, of Lafayette. for state senator heads the county surroundings of the Executive Mansion, For Treasurer— ■ ticket. It was fitting that the repub 1 in Dupont Circle, in Farragut Square, in 0. O. RHUDE, of North Yamhill. lican party should select as its fore-; Thomas Circle, before the District Court For Commissioner— I. N. BRANSON, of .Bellevue most color bearer a man whose very | House, in the Smithsonian Grounds, in Far School Superintendent— uame has come to be u synonym of upwards of fifty parks, great and small, E. V. LITTLEFIELD, of McMinnville. Fur Assessor— prosperity in the community. No are found these enduring reminders of Discharge from Her Ears —Top of Her Head Broke out in J. M YOCOM, of Sheridan. man in Yamhill county, probably, the nation's great men. The capitol, For Surveyor— Scrofulous Eruptions C. E. BRANSON, of McMinnville has done so much of late years to pro­ the new library building, the beautiful 1 For Coroner— home of the Corcoran art gallery, each mote the material interests of the T B. CUMMINGS,of Newberg people in his locality as has Mr. Howe. would furnish copious material for vol­ Grew Worse Under Treatment Till We umes if one attempted a description of Gave Her Hood’s Sarsaparilla —She We are fast getting around to the While striving to advance his own their many beauties. To one who can Has Rosy Cheeks Now. interests he has always observed the point where, there is but one party, appreciate perfection of architecture, wise policy of helping others at the and that the party of action. the library furnishes an inexhaustible same time. He is a large, broad­ Bource of patriotic pride, for in concep­ “ When my baby was two months T he Spanish fleet at the Philip­ minded, capable business man, and tion, design and execution the building old she cried night and day, and pines has gone to join the procession the legislative interests of the coun­ is a product of American talent, skill and seemed to be in great pain. She had a discharge from her ears, and the top headed by the lone mule killed in the ty can be safely trusted in his hands. workmanship. There is little use to attempt to tell you of her head broke out in scrofulous Of the nominees for the lower house, bombardment of Mantanzas. Mr. Lamson of Willamina has for of the war with Spain, for events are eruptions. The doctor gave me some­ to stop the discharge aud ease S pain will look foolish when she many years been regarded as a lead­ crowding so rapidly one upon another thing that anything sent by the mails becomes the pain, but his treatment did not ing and influential citizen in the west ­ comes to foot the bill of expenses of ancient history before it can cross the cure her and we were sorry to see this war, to find in Uncle Sam’s ac­ ern portion of the county, where he continent. Spain is not lacking in confi­ She Crew Worse count an item covering the cost of has resided all his life. Mr. Butt of dence of ability to successfully engage in instead of better. The top of those battleships they sunk after they Newberg is an attorney, who seems war with us, nor slow in boasting of her head broke out with scrofula. her A to enjoy the confidence and esteem power and might upon the seas. She crust would form on her head and fall were fairly won by our arms. of that staid community. declares that her navy outclasses ours in off, taking the hair along with it, "I don't know, said the major, It is unnecessary to say anything all particulars, that her ships are manned and tills continued for two or three months, when something seemed to tell “whether the old soldiers will have about Watt Henderson, the nominee by hardy, fearless, trained seamen, while me to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and I ours, she asserts, are filled with incom ­ much influence with the young fel­ for sheriff. He served the public did eo, together with Hood’s Pills lows now so eager for war or not. one term in that capacity and they petents, hastily shipped at our coast and Hood’s Olive Ointment. Soon It is her privilege to disparage We were the same sort of fellows in know him to be capable, honest aud cities. ' The Discharge Stopped us and to extol her own prowese; she is 1861, eager to fight, impatient over faithful. The popular estimate of the at entire liberty to despise us if she and the sores were rapidly healing. delays, criticising everything aud man is illustrated by the vote of two wishes, but it is the part of wisdom to In a short time her hair grew out and everybody that stood in our way. years ago While the entire ticket take , fair account of the strength of one's she now lias rosy cheeks and is all in every way.” M rs . I. L loyd , Most of us believed with Seward, was snowed uuder by the combined enemy. , The sea-fights which are im­ right Spring Valley, N. Y. . that we could settle the whole busi­ avalanche of democratic and populist minent between the two navies, will be Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the Best — in ness in sixty days if Lincoln would votes, Mr Heuderson led the next watched with keenest interest by all the fact the One True Blood Purifier. for the capabilities of the modern Soid by all druggists. $1, six for >5. only let us get at the rebels. When highest on the republican ticket by powers, I N. B. If you decide to take Hood’s the sixty days passed and we were 127 In the selection of a county fighting machines are yet to be tested. do not be induced to buy anv sub* not out of the camps of instruction— clerk the convention labored under Meanwhile we will not fall into Spain’s stitute. Get only Hood’». in underestimating the ability of bad not really entered upon war— an embarrassment of riches in hav- error 1 our adversary in handling her ships. we began to realize the gravity of ing so much excellent material on its ' She will fight them to their full capaci­ Notice of Sheriffs Sale. the situation "—Veteran Curbstone hands, and the choice of Dr J. H. , ties, as we shall ours. If her ships are Comment. Nelson was a happy outcome. He is strong, , she will be strong; if weak, she la the Circuit Court of the Stet« of Oregon for County. a thorough gentleman, fully compe- • will be weak. And that is exactly our Yamhill John E bo rail, Plaintiff. ) N ot every populist can give as tent for the position, has hosts of case. V8. < Meanwhile we are entirely satis­ Peter Martig. Henry Warnock, > good reason for the faith that is in friends, and 80 far as known notun fied with our arrangements. Considered and ---- Warnock, bi* wife, i I Defendant*. J him as did a prominent resident of enemy in the county. R. P. Bird, in the light of their achievements in 1 ‘V'oTICE 1» hereby given that the undersigned, i.1 as »berlff uf Yamhill county, State of Ore­ Spain ’ s forces ashore cannot be Carlton recently Speaking to a re­ nominee for eouuty judge, is an old Cuba, ’ gon. uuder, by virtue of and pursuant to a writ a menace against the troojre we can uf execution and order of sale duly issued out of publican neighbor he remarked that time business man of Lafayette, liis held 1 above entitled court. In the above entitled there in forty-eight hours without the suit, on the 2Uth day of April, 1898, under the seal he'd like to see some of the prosperi­ residence duting back to 1848. His land ' ot said court, and directed to me as sheriff of ty the other fellows were talking reputation is that of a man of solid the enlistment of another man to the said county, upon and to enforce that certain forces already urmed and equipped. The Judgment, decree and order of »ale duly rendered about. “You get more for your character and busiuess capability. blockade of Cuban ports easilj’ main­ by said court In said suit on the 18th day of April, 1W8, wherein it was ordered, aujndged and wheatdon't you?’’ the neighbor quer­ He served the eouuty us sheriff in tained by our navy will bring to the aid decreed by said court that said plalndfi recover of from said defendant, Peter Marilg, the ied. “And more for your wool, sheep, 1872, as county treasurer in 1882, of our invading forces that powerful ally •um aud of 171X1.67. together with Interest tberaun at rat* of ten par cent per annum from April cattle, bogs, hay, oats,1’—“Yes, but and a little later was elected to the always at the service of the successful the 1stb. 181*8, uutil paid, all in Ü. 8. gold culn; and for tue sunt of lit) 68. with interer thereon at the hold on!" remonstrated the pop. state senate Noah Phelps of Day­ beleaguer, starvation. Infact.it is the rateof eight percent per annum from April 18th “I've got a thousand dollars that I ton is vouched for as an eminently opinion of many men oi good military 1898. until paid: forth« sum of 875.00 attorney*' herein, and for £20.00, cost* aud disburse­ want to let out on farm security, and proper person to manage the office judgment, that if we but maintain a fee. ments, aud for the accruing costs, and wherein it was further ordered that the following de­ blockade of Cuban jrorts. permitting only win having bard work to get it out at of recorder The nominee for treas­ scribed real property b* sol.I to satisfy said arms and ammunition, forage and sub ­ amounts, to-wll: 8 per cent I used to get ten and urer, Mr. O. O. Rbude of North The donation land claim of Peter G. Carlile sistence for the insurgents to enter, we and wife, No. 64. In T. 5 b. R. 6 W. of the Willam­ sometimes more Do you call that Yambill, belongs to the ranks of the can stand by aud watch the Cubans rap­ ette meridian in Yamhill county. Oregon, and prosperity?" containing 648.69 acres, more or le*s. (Say« aud boys who wore the blue in former idly achieve their independence and excepting therefrom the following tracta, to-wll ; 132 acres thereof, beiug all that part of said claim days. He is an honest, hard work­ drive every Spanish soldier from the | lying and situated In sections 14 and 23, In sa.d Tn Spaniards thought to be face- ing man About 10 years ago be lo­ island. If Spain feels like indulging in T aud K.. aud .'3 62 acres thereof heretofore told to James and Merritt McKinley by deed recorded tioua when they gave out word after cated a homestead at the summit of a little brag and bluster, it is her privi­ I al pages 192 and 1W, Book Z, of the records of I for Yamhill county, Oregon , aud 100.40 I th* bombardment of the forts at the Coast range and lived upon it lege, but the fact remains that if site deeds actes tUcreotsold to Hannah E Townsend by > deed recorded at page 134, book 24 of the record's I draws the sword she shall surely perislt long enough to perfect title, since Mantanzas that the only loss of lifeon of deeds for Yamnlll county. Oregon, aud also IS' acres sold to Mrs. E. Yocum.) The number of i their aide was one government mule. which time he has resided in the vi­ by it. acres hereby conveyed being 175 67 acres, mor* or ' Let it therefore be recorded in his­ cinity of North Yamhill. No more The opposition already admit the elec­ less, in »aid D L C—also the following tract of land, towit All that part of the donation land . tory that the first to lay down life in enthusiastic, active and capable man tion of Dr. Nelson and are eng tged in se claim of J. W. Pearson and wife, claim No. "0, i Not. 6e0a in T. S 3 R 6 W. of the Willamette me- ! behalf of Spanish sovereignty was a could havo been selected from among lecting deputies for hint. The Dr., how­ ridian. that is situated In section 34 in said town- ship aud range, and containing 1ST acres (save proud and chivalrous government the many bright educator« of Yam­ ever. will attend to that hiiuself when lie and excepting therefrom 75 acres heretotor« sold I to Mrs Olive Dickey.) The uumbet ot acre* bste- mule. There it unmistakable quality bill county for the office of school gets time. i by conveyed being ü»one being in all to be sold i under said decree 237.67 acres. in the mule of pure Castillian deecent superintendent than Prof. E V. Lit­ Now. therefore, by virtu* of aud ¡pursuant to Like most of bis native confreres of tlefield Politically speaking. Mr. L said judgment, degree and order of sale. I w|H. on s.turday. the 28th day of Mav lit», at the the genus homo sect, he is de- belongs to Lafayette, but his efficient hour or one o'clock In ne afternoon of said day, at the court bouse door In McMinnville. YamMli •oended from a line of ancestors. He and satisfactory work as vice prinej- county, stale of Oregon, expose fur sale end sell at public auction, as the law directs, to the high-1 differ« mainlv mainly frnm from hi« bis human human con- pal of the McMinnville schools has Are gaining fgvor rapidly. est bidder tor cash in band, the above described teal premises, to satisfy said execution, costs and trerM in having less pride of ances- earned for him a warm place in the Business men and accruing coats lers earn them In vest try. but stands on about equal foot-' public esteem 1 N Branson of pocket«. Isdie* carry them Dated at Me Minn ville Oregon April nth. 1*98. J. W. HKNKY, tn purses. houwkocpert keep them in medicine Inf with respect to hope of noble Bellevue, for county commissioner, closets, Sheriff of Yam but county. Oregon friend* recommend them to friend*. 25c. J r Pills UHITF.>Ü>. Probutc Court. The family of U'm. Willis have about recovered from the weeslee. John F. Ragsdale, a teacher recently from Missouri, was in town last Satur­ day. La»t Monday W. G. Robbins and fam­ ily started for Nebraska to be gone three months. A few days since Mrs. Lillie Cunning­ ham had the misfortuue to fall into a ditch anti break her arm. Miss Ethel Butman, a student of the conservatory of music of the Willamette university, ia teaching music in our city. Arthur Waddel, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M- Waddel, returned to the home tree after an absence of three years in California. 8. B. Cunningham, foreman of the sec­ tion gang, took the 7 o’clock traiu for Portland last Wednesday to attend the Southern Pacific R. R. Co’s, physical ex- amination. A short time since Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Calhoun of McMinuvillo j-aesod through Whiteson on their way to Brownsville to visit Mrs. Cunningham's sister, Mrs. Catherine Grose. They returned last Friday, stopping at this place and visit­ ing friends and relatives till Saturday. They rejxtrt Mrs. Gross as slightly im­ proved. Estate of Comfort Virgil Remington. Final uecount allowed a.id personal prop­ erty remaining is hereby ordered turned over to the,widow for h.trsole use. Ex­ ecutrix ordered discharged ujton tiling re­ ceipt in thia court for eaid remainder. Estate of Titos. Robots. Final account set for hearing June 7, 1898, at 10 a. nt. Balance on baud ordered distributed as prayed (or iu said accounts. Estate of Rebecca Put man. Report o£ sale of balance of real projierty to .T. A. Hewitt approved, aud said sale .14 hereby confirmed. Estate of Jacob Wiaeearver. Petition to allow widow *25 per month allowed. Estate of Win. Ball. Executors file list oi claims presented during first three months. Estate of John Merritt. Sale of real projterty confirmed. Estate of Abigail Stanbrough. Peti tion to sell real property filed and Tues­ day, June 7, 1898, at 10 a. m. set to bear same. Citation ordered to issue and to be served ou non-resident and unknown heirs by publication for four weeks Estate of A. K. Wright. Real prop­ erty ordered sold at private sale for caelt io hand. Sale to be had after publica­ tion of notice thereof as by law provided. In the New Store TO OUR PATRONS, FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC: We cordially invite you to come and see us in the New Store. Our force of accommodating clerks is prepared to give you the best of attention. It has long been our ambition to have a stock of goods so complete, ho tastefully arranged and ¡narked down to such reasonable prices that our patrons could «ee no necessity to send to any outside city for any article whatsoever. We know we have attained this re­ sult. At your doors, as it were, we have laid down a stock of goods such as has never been approximated in Yamhill eountv, and is equalled by but few stocks in Portland. All lines carried aro more complete titan we formerly had room to make them, and much new stock has been added. A large assortment of Carpets, Linoleums and Window Shades has just been received, and is opened for the Spring trade. I ’ ) . ’ > I . ' > An immense stock of Dress Goods of the latest jtatterns adorns out shelves. The thousand and one articles, which caunot be enu- merated, in the way of Ladies’ aud Gents’ Ftirnisbings, aro die- played to good advantage, enabling the customer to make a quick and satistactory choice. In Men’s and Boy’s clothing we lead any store in Oregon, no mat- ter what size or style is desired, and we ltuve the best values ever of- fered in McMinnville, with quality anti price fully equal to the best bargains in Portland or San Francisco. Our Ladies’ Millinery is given a dignified apartment of its own, where the only embarrassment is to choose among so many rich styles. The lime and opportunity, however, are afforded. I I We are grateful for your past patronage, aud respectful!)’ ask that yon take advantage of our increased efforts to please and to place the very best bargains within easy reach. . Respectfully Yours, <> 8 8 8 Q <> R. Jacobson & Co. ’ oo Dr. Lowe's Sarsaparilla Needs but to be tried to be thoroughly appreciat­ ed. It is not a patent medicine; we have no ob­ jection to outlining the formula, reserving detail only. We make it and know that it will do all that we claim for it. It restores and invigorates the whole system. 7 It enriches the blood, and thereby gives tone and strength to the stomach, ac­ celerating the waning appetite. It is an effectual remedy for rheumatism, and is infallible in cases of general or nervous debility, loss of appetite and prostration of strength. 100 doses 75 cents. ROGERS BROS.’ PHARMACY. 4- i ♦ *1 : : i I ♦ : ♦ •F t- R. M. Wade & Co., As usual are opening up an active Spring Trade in -~.~BUGG1ES And all Lines of Hardware. 1 AAA W TV W w ▼ ▼ Bicycles— More sold already this year than during all of last. They go like hot cakes, because the price is low and the quality equal to the best. ¡Gendron, Four Reliance, Kinds----- ’ Crescent, ( Crawford. Full Line of Fishing Tackle. See us for bargains. | Cbe Battleship JMatne-^ That ill-fated craft went down in Havana harbor .... and created more excitement than any one incident pJ. of late years. ' Its the same way with Our New Footwear, b Everybody is talking about them, and they all say b’i* that they are the best specimens of shoemnking in Ladies , Misses’ and Childrens’ Shoes that the world ever saw, and they won’t be blown up either. Too * good for that. [ ‘ | t 1 ; I F. DIEUSCHNEIDER.