The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 29, 1898, Image 1

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    Entered at the Postoflice in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
♦ Wants your patronage j. Low prices tell the
; story. I Look through this list and see if it is
not a money saver for you.
Pius, 2C per paper.
Safety Pins, 4c.
Mourning Pins, 2 boxes, 5c.
Aluminum hair pins, 10 and
15c a doz.
Bone hair pins, 10, 15 and 20c.
ic a bunch.
5 and ioc a bx
Kid curlers, 5 aud ioc a bunch
Curling irons, 3 and ioc.
Collar buttons 5c a doz.
1 gross agate bottons, 5c.
Finishing braid 5c a bunch.
Ric rac braid 5c.
Combs; 3, 5 and ioc.
Side combs, 5, 10, 13c a pr.
Lead pencils 8c a doz.
Silk hair nets 5 and ioc.
Silk binding ribbon 13c a bolt
Aluminum thimbles 3c.
Tooth brushes 5 and ioc.
Silk elastic 15c a yard.
Corset steels’9c.
Dress shields 10, 15 and 19c.
Darning cotton 2 for 5c.
Summer corsets 39c.
Fancy summer corsets 50c.
4 pairs ladies fast black seam-
less hose 25c.
12 sheets writing paper 3c.
25 envelopes 3c.
Writing tab 3 and 5c.
And the prices on other goods in proportion
p. fisher . I
All kinds of Fine,
Difficult and
old Watches re­
paired and made
to run as good
as new at
For Sale or Trade.
All kinds of Watches, Clock»
and Jewelry for sale at
hard times prices.
A good, well established bufliness in
McMinnville. Will sell or trade for a
farm near this city. For further particu­
lars inquire at this office.
Jemelry Store * * *
Rev" E. Edwards, pastor of the English
Baptist church at Minersville, I’a., when
suffering with rheumatism, was advised
to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. He
says- “A few applications of this lini­
ment proved a great service to me. It
subdued inflammation and relieved the
pain. Should any sufferer profit by giv­
ing Pain Balm a trial it will please me.”
For sale by 8. Howorth & Co.
i: necessary)
The house of W. 8. Walker nortli of
St. Joe was destroyed bv fire Snnday
night, supposed to have been incendiary
in its origin.
for people inclined to sickness to purify the blood
and place the system in proper condition for change
in weather and in diet. Nothing better for this
Clark's Sarsaparilla
“A word to the wise is sufficient” and
a word from the wise should be sufficient
You can never realize the full merit of this medicine until
but you ask, who are the wise? Those
& you try it. The YAMHILL PHARMACY sells it and all | A who know. The oft repeated ex|>erience
other goods kept in a first-class drugstore.
Prescriptions'^ of trustworthy jiersons may be taken for
filled with the utmost accuracy.
knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Cham­
berlain’s Cough Remedy gives better sat-
A. T. HlLli.
isfactoin than any in the market. He has
been in the drug business at Elkton,Ky.,
for twelve years ; has sold hundreds of
liottles of this remedy and nearly all
other cough medicines manufactured,
which shows conclusively that Chamher-
Iain’s is the most satisfactory to the peo­
ple, an<l is the beat. For sale by S. Ho-
j worth A Co,
0 0 Street Produce and Meat Market
L. E. WALKER, Proprietor.
Thl. I. Tour Opportunity.
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Garden Seeds in Package and Bulk.
Highest price paid for Poultry and Produce
Hides and Tallow bought.
Having decided not
permanently in McMinnville, I desire to
dispose of mv stock of Boots and Shoes at once, and to this end all goods
will be sold at cost from this date. Ladies’, Gents’ and Children s Shoes
|h all qualities and Latest Styles. All last Fall’s and this Spring’s goods.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely’s Cream Balm sufficient to demon­
strate the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren St., New York City.
Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely’s Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, “It is a poai-
tire cure for catarrh if used as directed.”—
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Prea.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely’s Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Pnce, 50 cents.
One Dollar tf paid in advance, St ng ten um bersttve cents.
NO. 19.
levied on the people. That we favor the J
Royal aiakaa the food pure,
enactment of a carefully drawn registry
law to prevont repeating and illegal vot-1
Put» n County Ticket in the Field
niter an I ■■pleH.uut Wrangle iu
That we endorse the union platform,
which Clerk .Uukenileld wae
adopted by the conventions of the peoples
the democratic and the silver republican
’ Sorely liefeated.
The three-ply convention met in the parties in Portland, in March last.
That all the candidates nominated by
court house on Monday. It was called this convention lie required to sign these
to order by H. C. Burns, chairman of the resolutions as a personal and individual
democratic committee. C. W. Talmage pledge that these resolutions will be faith­
and C. C. Linden were nominated for fully carried out.
That these resolutions with signatures
I chairman. The former proposed to save be published.
! time by withdrawing in favor of his op­
Courtney moved the adoption of the
ponent, but withdrawal was not accept­ report uh read. The motion carried, with
ed. and a ballot was taken resulting in one dissenting vote by a man iron: La­
the clioiee of Linden by a vote of 83 to fayette.
74. Vine Pearce of North Yamhill was
Burns suggested that it was an excel­
nominated for secretary. Mr. Linden lent time to take up a collection before
gratefully acknowledged the honor con­ the nominations were made, and money
ferred, as well as dilated upon the great­ was needed to pay expenses. The con­
ness of the convention ami the great tribution amounted to $26.30.
things it would do for the people. Har­
Watkins then nominated Mose John­
ry Watkins suggested a good democrat son for Htate senator as a man who could
for the secretaryship. Mr. Snuffer want­ get 100 votes outside the party. He was
Chas. Sating, B. F. Sparks nominated
ed Mr. Gist of North Yamhill, Mr. Van- nominated by acclamation.
O. I). Scott, and A. I’. Magness, Henry
Orsdol wanted Mr. Pearce and Ward
For representative Rev. Powell nomi­ Fletcher, Wm. Gunning, J. 1). Carter
Lamson of Willamina was nominated. nated Dr. Courtney, whom he had
Cain of Sheridan objected to the sugges­ learned to love and whom he thought u and Allie Houck were also named. Gun­
tion of Watkins for a democrat, a popu­ good man in everj’ respect. Mr. Burns ning withdrew on the third ballot, up to
which time Saling led the vote and Mess­
list or even a free silverite, as it wasn’t nominated C. C. Linden, and asked all
was nominated on the next ballot
that kind of a convention. Pearce and democrats to support him. This fired
by a vote of 112 to 104.
Gist declined, but Henry Gee came to John Gill, who didn’t wish to hear any
Rev. Powell nominated “the popular
the rescue by moving Lamson for secre’ further reference to democrats or party
peerless” W. T. Macy for recorder.
tary and Pearce for assistant, and they names. Burns explained his innocent
were chosen without ballot. On motion intentions. Derby nominated L. W. On motion of Baird the rules were sur-
pended and the nomination made loudly
of Robbins a committee of five on cre­ Harger, whom he called an old wheel
dentials was appointed by the chair as horse in Yamhill county.
Rev, Powell stated he was not a candi­
follows: C. G. Robbins, A. M. Peery,
A resolution was adopted providing
Chet Babcock, R. L. Booth and E. B. that the county committee be the execu­ date, hut a little speeehmaker, which ac­
Collard. Dr. Baker moved a committee tive committee for the campaign, with counted for his frequent ap|>earauce on
the floor. He is evidently not discour­
of five on permanent organization and power to fill any vacancy on the ticket
iu his work of reforming politics by
order of business. Thos. Row land asked from any cause.
his failure to secure the nomination of
to amend that thia committee have no
Ilarger was nominated on the fifth
candidate for office put upon it. The ballot, thotglh Linden led the vote from Harry Watkins for congress. He read
an affidavit which set forth that C. E.
chair thought no amendment was neces­ the start. Harger was asked to stand up
Dukenfield had never had any relation
sary. Snuffer wanted this amendment before the convention previous to his
to a certain suit now pending against the
voted down, as the idea would go over nomination, lie complied, and said he
county for deputy’s salary, that Sheriff
the county that they were all after the was there for their votes, but if he didn’t
Henry had never consulted or asked any
offices, and said: “I wish you would get them he would heartily support the
favor from Dukenfield in regard to the
withdraw that, Tom.” Tom w ithdrew. nominee. Dr. Courtnej’ was also called
matter. He said it was all misrepresen­
The motion then carried and the chair and stated that after repeated urging he
tation designed to injure Mr. Dukenfield,
appointed Dr. Baker, H. L. McCann, T. had allowed the use of his name. After
and that it was a noble cause to stand up
VanOrsdo), Wm. Raleigh and Dr. Court­ Harger was chosen came the first warm
in defense of a man who has lieen mis­
ney, who declined in favor of Fred Wirfs. time. Watkins is under contract with
represented. C. G. Scott nominated
Derby of Lafayette moved a committee the national populist committee to de­
Frank Wright, McCrea nominated 1. E.
of five on resolutions. The appointment liver the state to that party for the next
Holt, Talmage nominated W. V. Spen­
was Messrs. Derby, Heath, Watkins, U. S. senator, hence securing a populist
cer and L. L. Hewitt and Henry Bertram
Payne and Wheeler.
legislature is important. He had person- were also named. Dr. Matthews spoke
While the committees met to make re­ ally requested both Courtney and Linden
in the interest of Wright. Here ensued
port, the chair called on Mr. D’Arcy of to run, and he emphasized the fact that
another “scene.” Snuffer recalled his
Salem, nominee for circuit judge, for a the populists had conceded the democrats
statement made two years ago pledging
speech. He came forward and said it the judgeship. Snuffer, for the demo­
the recorder and clerk against claiming
was not his purpose to make a speech. crats, said that as nominations wero in
deputy hire before they were nominated.
He was here Fo get acquainted with the
order, he felt called upon to place in He called on the incumlients to confirm
people of the county and to talk with the
nomination for representative a man who this, which they did. This was intended
people privately as to the success of the would be able to carry the election in
as a defense of Dukenfield. Then Jar­
cause in Marion county, where, he said,
June, a fine man in every respect and rett Todd wanted to ask Mr. Dukenfield
the best of feeling prevails. The same
who had not asked to be a candidate. a question regarding a former conversa­
condition existed in Polk county, he said,
This man was Dr. Matthews of Amity. tion on the street with Wm. Gilson as to
and in the localities where he was known,
This placed Watkins very much on net­ whether Dukenfield would jointly claim
he asked the people to watch the returns tles, requiring a couple of democrats to
with Henry the deputy salary, aud that
and see if there wasn’t a big majority
quiet him, the chair twice declaring him Dukenfield had answered that he hadn’t
rolled up for him. He had an agreement
out of order. Ho asked any honest dem­ fully decided, and that if he didn’t it
with Judges Burnett and Hewitt not to ocrat in the house if hie position wasn't
would cut his salary down to $75 per
make any [olitical speeches, ami hence fair. (Cries of “sit down.”) Then ques­
month, and he didn’t know whether he
could make noneat this time, blithe was
tion arose as to Harger’s former affilia­ could afford that. Mr. Dukenfield re­
very sore of carrying Marion county on
tions. He stated that up to two years called the conversation as well as he
the day of election.
ago he had voted with the republicans could, and it was to the effect that Gilson
Rev. F. A. Powell was then called for
for twenty years. He voted for W. J. had told him he could resign if it cut hiB
a speech, but asked to be excused at this
Bryan and was es)>ecially pleased with salary down, and he hail replied that lie
the initiative and referendum, and he wouldn’t do that. Dukenfield called on
S. L. Hayden was called for, but
guessed the people knew where he stood. Lohan and Burns to corroborate him,
speech-making didn’t seem to be in hie
Kirkwood asked if he wasn't a delegate which they did. Derby thought it was
to a populist convention in Salem two time to come to order and stop quarrel-
The convention then adjourned till one
years ago. He said he was there by ing. Chair thought. Derby’s remarks
o’clock, on motion of Snuffer.
proxy. Cain wanted to know if he was were highly pertinent, Mr. Reid nomi-
After dinner the report of committee
ahi-met, Johnson came to the defense nated M. Richardson, Dukenfield led
on credentials was read and approved,
with the statement that Harger’s record on the first two ballots, but the declina­
and it |>ermitted tegular delegates to cast
would be good, no matter what the party. tions of Wright and Hewitt threw against
proxy vote.
Watkins still wanted concessions, and him, and Holt won on the third by 126
The report of committee on |>ermanent after a conference with Snuffer, the lat­ to 97. Vote was made unanimous Oil
organization and order of business rec­
ter withdrew hie democratic nominee, motion of Watkins.
ommended that temporary officers be
Matthews. Cain spoke for harmony,
Caldwell for treasurer, Wood for as-
made permanent, that order of nomina­
and said if they didn't have it, they’d sessor and Prentiss for superintendent
tions be as published in the call, and en­
get licked. The balloting proceeded, and
dorsed T. J. Lucy far joint representative Linden waschosen on the seventh ballot. were nominated by acclamation. Snuffer
thought the republicans would nominate
and the various justices and constables
For county judge, Rev. Powell nomi­ Prentiss if they didn’t.
nated Arthur Mcl’hillips, Watkins nomi­
For commissioner Burns nominated R.
The committee on resolutions reported
nated H. 8. Maloney, with the statement L. Booth of Willamina, Collard nomi­
as follows:
that he could carry 700 votes above hie nated W. A. Morris of Newberg and B.
Resolved :—That the nominees of this
convention for senator and representa­ ticket, that he was an old soldier, ami F. Sparks was also named. The vote
tives hereby pledge to do all in their while he didn’t know whether he had stood, Booth 108, Morris 27, Sparks 42,
power, if elected, to reduce the expenses captured hie brother, who was in the
of the state government to the lowest confederate service ami in Jeff Davie’ Ohls 3.
Kuykendall moved to leave the office
amount consistent with good govern­
ment, and to oppose the employment of cabinet, he felt that it was the occasion of surveyor vacant to be filled by ex­
more clerks in the legislature than shall of his life to nominate him, and that the ecutive committee if necessary. Carried.
be absolutely necessary to do the clerical convention wonld do it by acclamation.
work of the legislature.
But they didn't. Jarrett Todd nomi­ Dr. Courtney nominated Fenton for
That the salaries now allowed by law
coroner and Dr. Matthews named II. C.
to the sheriff, the clerk and the county nated Chas. Burch of Amity. The vote Burns. The vote resulted Burns 91,
recorder are sufficient to pay for all the
work required to be done by those officers 37. Prior to the vote Linden introduced Fenton 41.
and their deputies, and that the nominees Maloney as “the man who came near
The ffiotion on surveyor was recon­
of this convention for those offices are
sidered, anil Talmage named Jno. C.
hereby pledged to pay their deputies out
of the salaries now allowed by law to Maloney said he was in the service, but Snuffer for the place, and he was given
said officers and not to present to the this wasn't the time to say whether he it.
county court any bills or claims or salar­ had done his duty or not, and he was too
Since the convention harmony seems
ies or pay for deputies, and the nominees full to express his feelings on this oc­ to have gone to the mountains to join
of this convention for county judge and
commissioner are hereby pledged to do casion. Mr. McPhillips was introduced the democrats’ old man Prosperity.
all in their power to carry out the spirit anil said he had no illustrious relatives.
of this resolution and to reduce the ex- His nomination was unsolicited, ami he
We are anxious to do a little good in
liensea of the county to the lowest amount
did not come before them to ask them this world and can think of no pleasanter
consistent with good government.
That we denounce recent republican ior their votes, and whoever it was he or better way to do it than by rec­
legislatures for their corruption and ex­ would get in the ring and vote her ommending One Minnte Cough Cure as a
travagance and for their pledges of re­ ithrough.
preventive of pneumonia, consumption
trenchment and reform made to the peo­
ple ami for their employment of hordes, For sheriff M. B. Hendrick nominated ami other serious lung troubles that fol­
of useless clerks to be paid with taxes | P. H. Messner; E. B. Collard nominated low neglected colds. Hill’s Pharmacy.