The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 15, 1898, Image 1

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Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville,
as Swond-ciass matter.
Wants to call your attention to their line of
Clothing in Tien’s, Youth’s and Boys.’
Every dollar’s worth of this spring’s production is made by New
York’s best tailors and marked by us at a very low range of profits.
We have no old shop-worn goods to show you, but the brightest
and best made line you have handled in many a day.
We offer Ten Different Styles Men’s All Wool Suits in Neat and
Nobby Patterns
At $7.48 per Suit.
If you want something better, we can give yon
A Choice Suit at $9.75 to $12.50 per Suit
We have them also at
$3.50 and $5 per Suit
Boys’ Suits from $1.48 to $5
10 doz. Boys’ Knee Pants 19c a pair ||
Some seem to suppose that C. D. JOHNSON
is out of business, but such is not the case, He
is again “in the swim” with a good line of
AU fresh goods. He has had experience enough in this
line to know what such goods can be sold for.
At the old Stand, north of Grange Store.
¿S, for people inclined to sickness to purify the bloody
and place the system in proper condition for change^
in weather and in diet. Nothing better for this
Clark’s Sarsaparilla.
You can never realize the full merit of this medicine until
you try it. The YAMHILL PHARMACY sells it and all
other goods kept in a first-class drugstore.
filled with the utmost accuracy.
A. T. Hlhh
Street Produce and Meat Market
L. E. WALKER, Proprietor.
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Garden Seeds in Package and Bulk.
Highest price paid for Poultry and Produce
Hides and Tallow bought.
Department No. 2, of the circuit court
for Yamhill county, Judge Hewitt pre­
aiding, will convene in the court house
next Monday, April 18th.
Following is the docket :
R L Sabin vs M Fisk et al ; foreclosure.
Assignment of J G Wisecarver; C A
Wallace, assignee.
Assignment of Ella and Butler Del.ash­
mutt; J 8 Martin, assignee.
Assignment of L H and S W Baker;
W G Henderson, assignee.
Assignment of E L Weed ; B F Rhodes,
Assignment of F W Redmond; Jacob
Wortman, assignee.
The Union Savings & Loan Association,
a corporation, vs Joseph and Miriam
Wilson ; foreclosure.
The Union Savings & Loan Association,
a corporation, vs E H Disbrow; confir­
Tne Union Savings & Loan Association,
a corporation, vs Orlando F Winslow;
Mary Barker Fenton vs August H Pape
et al ; confirmation.
Amelia Zimmerman vs Mary Gildner
et al ; confirmation.
John Eborall vs Peter Martig, Henry
Warnock and wife ; foreclosure.
R L and Anna R Bewley vs Paulina
Heath ; suit in equity.
Hattie A Johnson vs G R Johnson ;
Dilla B Fenton vs W I and Julia Tus­
tin ; foreclosure.
Portland Adams vs Hiram Adams et
al; partition.
Ammon Sbadden us L W Parker, Ella
E Parker and E B Parker ; foreclosure.
Inez Finnell vs A L Finnell; divorce.
Clarence E Cundall vs B N Daniel,
Adtn’r estate John H Maddux et al;
Wm McChristnan vb Clara M Weed et
al ; foreclosure.
Wm McChristnan vs Edna Dekoff et
al ; foreclosure.
D H Lafollette vs Joseph L Aldrich et
al; foreclosure.
Union Savings A Loan Association VB
R R Coleman ; foreclosure.
James Reid vs Andrias Mauritzen ;
Union Savings & Loan Association vs
Wm K Allen et al; foreclosure.
Geo Thompson vs S C Force et al ;
motion for deed.
London & San Francisco Bank, Lt’d vs
F Barnekoff et al ; confirmation.
D J Irwin vs Wm N Parrish et al ;
Emma Hawley vs Henry Schenk ;
motion to dismiss.
T J Jellison vs W T Landingham ;
T C Smith vs Isaac and Lucinda Amy ;
W E Burkett vs F A Lasbier et al ;
The Amer. A Gen. Mtg. & Inv. Corp.,
Lt’d vs Thos Anderson et al; confir-
John Giebish vs Geo W Bell et al ;
confirmation. ,
T J Scroggin vs Susannah C Wright et
al; confirmation.
Richard Parrott vs Rodney Jones;
Nathan M Moody vs W H and Nellie
J James; foreclosure.
Isaac Lambright vs Wm Millsap et al ;
Board of School Land Commissioners
vs Mary Jane Harrison; foreclosure.
Mrs. Thos. Glover has been quite sick
this week.
The peach crop will be ebort in the
Willamette valley this year.
“Uncle Dick” Phillips and Jas. Cruik-
shank made a business trip to Portland
last Friday.
Elder E.C. Sanderson, dean of Divini­
ty school at Eugene was in town the last
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Sheridan were
visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Conuer the
first of the week.
Rev. Turner will preach in tbe Presby­
terian church Saturday evening, and
Sunday morning and evening.
Mrs. Dick Phillips, superintendent of
the junior C. E., treated the little ones
to colored Easter eggs Saturday.
W. G. Robbins’ sale of personal prop­
erty last Tuesday was well attended. He
realized a fair price for all articles sold.
Some of our people are remarking that
it is a very common occurrence to enter­
tain professional men, i. e., “After din­
ner speakers.”
Last Monday the school directors of
this district entered into a written con­
tract with Mias C. Edith Percival to teach
the fall term of school, thus securing her
services for another year. The wisdom
of this move is apparent to every one in
A letter to A. M. Hoffman from his
son-in-law, E. J. Pratt of Giltner, Neb.,
conveyed the intelligence that Mr. Hoff­
man's son, Sidney, who is with his sis­
ter, is very ill. Mr. Hoffman started im­
mediately for Nebraska, intending to
bring him home as soon as he is able to
Easter services were held at the Pres­
byterian church last Sunday. An ap­
propriate program, consisting of songs,
and recitations was given by the mem­
bers of tbe Sunday school. All sustained
their parts well. A duet, “Some Sweet
Morn,” by Misses Jean Waddel and
Phoebe Lafevre, and a duet by the Misses
Robbins, being especially well rendered.
The recitations, “Risen Today,” by little
Sberley Chaney, and “Easter Joy,” by
little Blanche House deserving special
J K Wright, bouse rent................ $ 4 50
I N Collard, janitor......................
20 75
Sheridan Sun, printing................
2 00
City of McM, water & lights........ 14 00
Paul Fundman, mdse for poor .. 8 00
C Welch,
“................ 15 00
Nichols & Gabriel, “................ 10 00
H L Heath, printing.................... 10 00
C J Taff, overpaid charges.........
3 00
Dresser &. Hendrick, broom.......
Taylor & Heath, tile......................
7 05
Sue Dudrow, care of poor......... 10 00
Thunk« Tendered.
Morris A Miles, mdse for poor. .. 30 00
Rejiort of committee on resolutions of
O E Hall, care of poor................
7 00
Salem District Epworth League :
Hannah Bond, “........................
9 00
Resolved, That we hereby express our
Transcript, printing......................
gratitude to the pastor, Rev. Summer­
Portland hospital, care of poor . 18 60
ville, the Epworth League and the peo­
Dayton Herald, printing...........
4 00
ple of McMinnville for the excellent man­
J W Briedwell Jr., mdse for poor 16 00
ner in which they have provided for and
entertained the convention.
S Simmons, repairs in assessor’s
Resolved, That we express our most
office............................................ 11 50
hearty thanks to the merchants of this
J D Hibbs, mdse for poor...........
5 00
city for the elaborate way in which they
J F Calbreatb, prof service.........
5 00
decorated their windows in our colors.
Isaac, Peart, W. B. Cornutt, Addie
D M Caldwell, salary.................. 50 00
Simpson, committee.
E J Wood,
“...................... 162 00
........................ 104 25
For Rale or Trade.
Lee Laughlin, house rent...........
3 00
A good, well established business in
1 was reading an advertisement of J N Reed, care of poor ................
8 00
McMinnville. Will sell or trade for a Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­
W V Telephone Co., rent...........
3 00
farm near this city. For further particu­ rhoea Remedy in the Worcester Enter­
Ramsey & Fenton, atty fee........... 100 00
lars inquire at this office.
prise recently, which leads me to write Yamhill Co Reporter, printing .. 52 60
this. I can truthfully say I never used C E Dukenfield, salary etc........... 150 50
116 66
Mohair and wool. Highest price paid. any remedy equal to it for colic and W T Macy,
I have never had to use J W Henry,
“ and board pris 168 81
M. B. H endrick .
more than two or three doses to cure the J E Magers,
66 65
Rew E. Edwards, pastor of the English worst case with myself or children.—W. Ivis Bros, blacksmithing..............
5 95
Baptist church at Minersville, Pa., when A. S troud , Popomoke City, Md. For Grand jury witnesses.................... 258 00
suffering with rheumatism, was advised sale by 8. Howorth & Co.
State vs Isaacs
5 00
to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. He
Juror excused...................
2 00
Farm to Trade.
says: “A few applications of this lini­
State vs Lehman........................... 42 10
A farm near Newberg, consisting of Grand jurors.................................. 72 20
ment proved a great service to me. It
subdued inflammation and relieved the 240 acres, 100 in cultivation, to exchange Petit jurors.................................... 183 90
pain. Should any sufferer profit by giv­ for a larger place. Inquire at this office. J W Worden, serving subpoenas
5 00
ing Pain Balm a trial it will please me.”
J W Henry, depy and livery hire. 27 05
For sale by 8. Howorth & Co.
For Stole.
O O Hodson, plow and scraper . 22 75
■ ■ « »«■-»------
Small farm adjoining Newberg. Good H S Maloney, surveying ............. 8 00
Are yon going to paint your house? location, good improvements. Inquire W L Hembree, stationery...........
4 50
Consult Elsia Wright aliout paints and of W. L. W arhen , McMinnville, Ore.
J C Porter, mdse for poor........... 14 00
oils. He will give you the best material
J W Hobbs, work on road diet
3 00
at least cost.
D I Pearce, Comr salary............... 29 40
A New Departure.
27 00
"A.word to the wise is sufficient” and
The latest and newest patterns of wall A Nelson, ••
2 50
a word from the wise shonld be sufficient [ paper just arrived at C. Griesen’s. 9tf
H M Brown, livery hire..............
1 50
but you ask, who are the wise’ Those
C W Talmage, atty State vb Miller 2 50
For Male.
who know. The oft repeated ex|x*rience 1
1 35
of trustworthy persons may be taken for * Two acres of land one mile from Me- A McPhillipe, justice
knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Cham­ Minnville, for sale at a bargain, Rix- A McPhillipe, justice state vs Fay
and Bogue..................................
1 35
berlain's Cough Remedy gives better sat- room house, barn 24x32 ft., young or­
iafactoin than any in tbe market. He has
C W Talmage, atty state va Fay
been in the drug 'business at Elkton,Ky.,
and Bogue...................................
5 00
for twelve years; has sold hundreds of! of W. 8. Houck.
Contracts for furnishing lumber in dis­
bottles of this remedy and nearly all i
othet* cough medicines manufactured,
Two desirable upstairs rooms in St. tricts 22, 4 and 7 awarded to R. A. Stew­
which shows conclusively that Chamber- | Charles building for rent. Suitable for art in district 4 for (7.85; district 7 to J.
Iain’s is the most satisfactory to the peo-
F. Byers, for |7; in district 22 to R. A.
1 pie, and is tbe best. For sale by 8. ffo- offices or living rooms. Inquire of N. E. I Stewart for 17.74.
[ worth A Co.
p. fisher
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents.
NO. 17.
Petition of J. R. Cave and others to
have voting place changed from Wheat-
land to Hopewell dismissed because of
equal number of signers on remonstrance.
C. T. Long awarded contract for build-
Bannister and Holdredge bridges at
♦439.95, being tbe lowest bidder.
First Baptist Church.
Next Sunday will be observed as Edu­
cational day. Tbe subject of Christian
education will be discussed and a collec­
tion taken for the work.
The choir will render the following
morning ,
Opening voluntary.
“Praise ye the Lord,” McPhail, an­
them by choir.
Voluntary, (offering )
Song, selected, ladies’ quartet.
Closing voluntary.
Opening voluntary.
“Wake tbe Song,” McPhail, anthem
by choir.
Voluntary, (offering.)
Solo, Miss Glen.
Closing voluntary.
Colutnbui School Notes.
Director Evenden paid us a visit Mon­
The literature clasB have lately finished
reading ‘Merchant of Venice.”
Friday tbe tenth grade planted a tree,
which they named Edgar Allen Poe.
The girls all seem to enjoy playing a
game of baseball occasionally as well as
tbe boys.
Among our visitors Arbor day we no­
ticed Mesdames Klyver, Lynch and
Scott, and Miss Scott.
Without doubt the best thing on the
program Arbor day was the quartet,
“Rose of the Garden” by the Misses
Hobbs and Patty.
Cook School Notos.
There are only five weeks of school re­
Director Evenden was with us a short
time on Monday.
Tbe first grade are reviewing all stud­
ies except geography.
Cecil Peckham has resumed her work
after a two weeks absence.
All are working with a will, knowing
that finals are not far away.
Arbor day was observed in our school.
A short program was rendered, after
which the pupils had a very pleasant
hour on tbe school grounds.
Probate Court.
Estate of Tabitha L. Taylor. Third
semi-annual account approved.
Estate John C. Hoffman. Margaret
Hoffman, Anna B. Litscher and Samuel
Hoffman appointed administrators with
bonds fixed at 15000. Bonds approved.
Milt Peery, Claude Wilson and John
Eisle appointed appraisers.
Estate of E. M. Adams. Decree for
the annuity prayed for in petition of
Portland Adams.
Estate of Hans Jenson. Administra­
tor discharged and his bondsmen exon­
Petition of 8. D. and Eva Nelson to
adopt Chas. Loy, a minor, granted, and
his name changed to Chas. Richard Nel­
Estate Nels Christenson, First annual
account approved, subject to objection on
bearing of final account.
Estate of Stow A Brower. Fourth an­
nual account approved ; 35 per cent or­
dered distributed as prayed for.
I will make special rates on family
washing and guarantee work cheaper
and better than you can gen it done any­
where else in the city. W m . L ambcbt .
We are anxious to dp a little good in
this world and can think of no pleasanter
or better way to do it than by rec­
ommending One Minute Cough Cure as a
preventive of pneumonia, consumption
and other serious lung troubles that fol­
low neglected colds. Hill’s Pharmacy.