I.riter I'roni Calitornin. EAST AND 8OUTH S aticoy , Ventura Co., Cal , VIA (A prize-winning essay by Harry Guild, in the March 29,1898. , contest held in the city schools of McMinnville, | To the Editor:—Tossibly a few lines | the prize being a book.) The present rising in Cuba began at' from a former Yamhiller, descriptive of present season in this southern coun­ Rev. W. A. Dunnett, a Man Whose Good Work Is Ybarra, province of Matanzas, February the OF THE : 24th, 1895. It has been in progress try may cause the people of your part of! Widely Known—He Relates Events in His Webfoot to more thoroughly appreciate [ therefore, nearly three years. Career of General Interest. Beginning in one of the western prov­ their bountiful rainfall. This couuty is GIVES THE CHOICE OF inces it has rapidly spread to all parts of immediately south of Suutu Barbara, 60 TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL Express Trains leave Portland Daily fYom the Smith'» fall» Record. the island, aud seems to be as strong, miles from 1 ah > Angeles and 400 miles , from San Francisco, and lies directly on LEAVE. ARRIVE Throughout Canada, from the western people in the Franklin Street Congregational confident and determined today as at any­ Portland.......... 6:00 I’ M ! San Francisco., .7:45 Sau Fraiietseo.8:00 F M I Portland............ 9:30 boundary of Ontario to the Atlantic Ocean, Church, at Manchester, N. H. Fire doctors time since it liegau. The causes which the coast. When the rainfall is sufficient had arrived and were in attendance befon there is no name more widely known in tem- he regained consciousness. In all these cities led to the rising were the refusal of the ami when the frost doesn’t nip the or­ Above trains stop at all stations between Port­ hind aud Salem. Turner. Marion, Jefferson« p«rauoe and evangelistic work than that of the and towns the newspapers freely mention rd Spaniards to recognize the political lights anges aud lemons, and when the wind Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Hal»i‘y, Harrisburg. Rev. YV. A. Duunett. Mr. Duunett has been his affliction at the tinn- Mr. Dunnett said of the Cubans, treating them as an in­ j doesn’t blow the bean seed out when Junction City, Eugene, Cottage Grove, Drain, he had consulted many phvucians, though lie the Grand Vice-Councillor of Ontario and said, Oakland and all blutious from Roseburg to Ash­ to be entirely fair, lie naJ never been any ferior class of people, instead of allowing - planted or blow the beau crop oil' the land inclusive. Quebec in the Royal Templars, aud so popular I great length of time under treatment by any VIA farm when piled, this part of the coun ­ Hoaeburg Mail Daily. i« he among the members of the order that in one doctor because of his itinerant mode ol them to cleet their own officials and have try is wonderfully productive. But the ARRIVE: Spokane Salt Lake Portland LEAVE Montreal there is a Royal Templars council life. In the early purl of the aunitner of 1896, a voice in the government. The Cubans ..........8:80 A M I Roseburg........ 5.20 P M I while in Brookville assisting the pastor of the present season promises to be the most Minneapolis Denver Roseburg........ 7:30 AM | Portland......... 4.30 PM named “Dnnnett Council” in hie honor. For Wall Street Methodist Church in evangelistic j were taxed heavily, and received no ben- Since last ! more than ten years Mr. Dunnett has been go­ services, lie was speaking of his trouble toe ' elite in the way of education or protee- ; serious ever known here. Omaha St. Paul DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. ing from place to place pursuing his good friend who urged him to try Dr. Williams’ lion of their lives and property, ’ March, C97) the rainfall is only slightly Thit AND PULL.ivfaN * BUFFET ANO work, sometimes assisting resident ministers, i Pink Pills, aud next day presented hila with u sometimes conducting a series of gospel tern- | dozen boxes. “I took the pills,” said Mr. amounted to “taxation without repre- j in excess of four inches, and this little ¡ Chicago Kansas City SLEEPERS peranee meetings independently, but always Duunett. “and I declare to yon I am a well sentation,” and was the same can »e has been scattered along between winds laboring for the good of his fellows. While W hile man to-day. 1 used to worry a great des) SECOND CLASS*SLEEPING CARS, in such a manner that every bit of mois­ LOWEST RATES TO ALL iu Smith’s Falls a few months ago in connection over the puin about my heart, hut that is ali which led the American colonies to de­ I with his work he dropped into tne Record office gone now, and 1 feel like a new man.” All clare their independence from Groat ture is sucked from the ground, and con­ EASTERN CITIES. Attached to all Through Trains. for a little visit with the editor. During the tills the reverend geutleiuun told iu a simple sequently there will be no crop except in West Side Division. oouversation the Record ventured to remark conversation a I way, aud when it was sug­ Britain in 1776. The Cubans wanted a OCEAN STEAMERS that hi« duties entailed an enornioua amount of gested that he let it be known, he rather government of tlieir own, but subject to the very limited area that is under irri­ BETWEEN PORTLAND a ND C0RVALLI3 hard work. TothiaMr. Diinuett assented, but demurred, because, as he put it, “ 1 am almost gation. The farmers are killing their Leave Portland Every 3 Days Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) added that in his present physical condition afraid to say I ant cured, and yet there is no the crown. Tins Spain refused to do, • • FOR • • he was equal to any amount of hard work. tuan enjoying better health to-day than I do.” preferring to keep them in total subjec­ horses and feeding them to the boga to 1 7.S.) A M 1 Lv Portland Ar 5:50 P M Bat it was not always so, lie said, and then At that, time, at Mr. Duuuett’s requtst keep both from starving, The barley Lv 3:06 P M I 10:15 A M 1 Lv McMinnville he gave the writer the following little per­ his statement was only published locally, tion. The Cubans then declared their Corvallis 12:15 P M 1 Ar Lv 1.-05 P M ••• independence of Spain, and thus the war sown in December and January has sonal history, with permission to make it but now writing under the date of Jun. 21s At Albany and Corvallis connect with public. He said that for the past thirteen from Fitchburg, Mass., where he has beci. begun. turned a hopeless yellow, and no beans— ¡ years he had been greslly troubled with a conducting a very successful series of even trains of Or. Central . T. S immebvillk , Pastor pil be present next month. C omb . P kesbvterian Her vices everySab­ received at Bettman A Warren’s. in New York, there are 35,500 men in We need a library in our school. Some bath 11:00 a in and 7:30 p. tn. Sunday The Orange & Farmers’ Co. carry the arms, of whom nearly half are in the cav­ of the patrons should awaken to the school 9:30 a. tn. Y. P. E., Sunday 6:30 that their little boys and girls p. ni. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m Salem woolen goods. 15-4 alry branch of service. In the two knowledge UNDERTAKER’S SUPPLIES WALL PAPER. E E. T hompson , Pastor. will some day be men and women, and The ladies of the “Treble Clef” club provinces of the eastern department, will need an education to battle with the Services in the <’hristian church : Preach- ingeverv Lord's day at 11 a m. and 7:30 will make their first public ap|>earance Puerto Principe and Santiagode Cuba, world. p in Young people's meeting at 0:30 p. The graded system of our public schools there are about 12,000 men, most of in. Sunday School at 9:45 a. in. Prayer on decoration day. throughout the county is a blessing meeting Thursday’, 7 :30p in. Good wringers, all styles and pnce» whom are under the command of Gen­ needed for years. A* child started to F. A. P owki . l , l’astor. eral Gomez. The Spanish forces are said school at the age of 6 years can, if kept from |1.50 up. Hodson sells them. S t . J ames E piscopal C hurch —Lay-Ser­ in school and encouraged, complete the i Hoskins will repair your harness or to exceed 150,000 more under Captain- 8th vices every Sunday’ at 11 o’clock a. m. grade in 8 years. He will, thus, at General Blauco. In Cuban waters is a sell you new, and put you in good shape the age of 14 years, have a good common S t . J ames C atholic —First st., between considerable Spanish navy, consisting of G and H. Sunday school 2:30 p. tn. Ves­ for spring work. See him. education. What boy or girl is able to seven cruisers, 19 gunboats, one trans­ pers 7:80. Services once a month. hard work at or before that age ? Then In the spring is the time to paint your port, five torpedo boats and 24 launches. do parents, why not give your boys and girls house. Let R. M. Wade A Co. figure on w. c It is the purpose of this fleet to prevent the opportunity that is open to them? THE GREAT pupil kept at home 2 or 3 days in the your paint bill. the insurgents from receiving supplies. No week can expect to progreps. Mrs. R. S. Goodrich’s two sons, Robert In most of the battles fought in this war National Family Why not make our school the foremost and Edgar, arrived Monday evening from the insurgents have been victorious. At one in Yamhill? Respectfully, Newspaper Kansas City, on a visit. M aud W illiamson . the first of the war the Spanish attained rkcrit orders . F. W. Spencer will give you the inside some success, but it was only temporary, K nowles C hapter No, 12, <>. E. H. -Meets Ht For FflRiDERS M amnio hull the 2»i hir I 4th Monday evening in each month. Visiting members cordially in­ on price if you wish to purchase a new as the lose of life amounted to more than vite« t. MYRTA AI’PERHON W. M. buggy this spring. the fruits of victory. General Gomez, R. L. CONNER, Set and VlLiUfiGERS Themes at the Christian church next commander-in-chief, is a thorough pa­ A. <). U. W.—Charity Lodge No. 7 meets first and third Fridays of each month, 7:30 p. in. ixidge Lird’sday: “Cooperation” at 11a. m., triot, and cannot be discouraged by de­ sad your favorite borne paper room In Union block \V. JI. FLETCHER, M W. and “The Watchman on the Wall” at feat. Spain claims to be a civiliied na­ J. D. BAKER, Becorder. io tion, yet they have been guilty of cruel­ Yamhill Lodge No. 10 I), of II meet# in Union 7 :30 p. m. hall second and fourth Friday evenings of each Children and adults tortured by burns, ties that would shame an Apache Indian. month. scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases Innocent women and children have been C vstbm T ost N o . 9 Meets the second and fourth both 1 YEAR for $1.25. Saturday of etu h month In Union hall at 10:31 may secure instant relief by using De­ butchered by the Spaniards without the a. m. on second Saturday and at 10:30 h . in. on ■ a ’ ;■ . • . Under the rule of CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to 4th Saturday. All member* of the order are Witt’s Witch Hazel Halve. It is the great least provocation. cordially invited to attend our meeting». “Butcher Weyler,” spies were hired to THE REPORTER, tk pile remedy. Hill’s Pharmacy. E F. M anning , Commander. B. F. CLÜBINB, Adjt. lead the brave Cuban generals into am­ Which is better, to thoroughly The Grange store has purchased the bush. Generals Maceo and Arangurien E lvira amf . mih . y N o . in , U nited A rtisans - cleanse aud purify the blood just Meet firat ami third Monday nightaofeaeh month Redmond counters, and they have been were victims of Spanish treachery. The , ,, . , v information. Contains the Constitu­ now, or make yourself liable to . , . St 7:30p. in. in Union block. put in place of the old ones, making a tion of th« t. nlted States, the Constitution of the State of New Y'ork. the Dluglev Tarlfl bill with a W G. HENDERSON. M. A. Cubans are outnum*>ered three to one. the many dangerous ailments comparison of old and new rates Pusi'tenl McKinlev ’ s Cabinet and appointees, Ambassadors J. W. BONES, Hec. 52 marked improvement. but, thanks to their unswerving purpose* which are so prevalent during Consul«, etc.; the peisonnel ot Confrere, names ot print lpal orticers of the dlrteient States, com manding otneers of the Array and Navy, with tbelrsalaiies; Tables of Public Statistics, KlectIon-< Don't annoy others bv your coughing, they do not become discouraged. summer? Impurities have been Returns, Party Platforms and Committees, complete articles on the currency, Gold and Silver and 60 YEARS' a vast amount of other valuable Information The standard American and risk your life by neglecting a cold. The cost of the war to Spain has been accumulating in the blood a 11 complete, corresponding In rank with Whittaker’s Almanac In Europe. olmana.- authoritative aud EXPERIENCE One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, so far, $280,000,000, and tlie yearly ex- winter, and right now is the time PRICE 'J5 CENTS. Postage patd. Send nil orders to J THE REPORTER, McMinnville, Oregon, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and penditure iB about |85,000,000. The; to get rid of them. A thorough lung troubles. Hill’s Pharmacy. Spaniards have not accomplished what course of Swift’s Specific is needed Mrs. Clarissa Allison diet! at the home they expected to eo far. The Cubans to cleanse the blood and puri­ of her son-in-law, Chris. Christenson, ut with their poor supplies and necessaries fy the system, toniug up aud A Newberg, Saturday morning, aged 8(1 have accomplished what the Spanish strengthening it all over. Those T h « oe M ark » D esign * years. She was buried in the Masonic cannot with their vast resources. who take this precaution now are They banish pain C opyrights 4 c cemetery at Lafayette on Monday. YVe have been informed of the explo­ comparatively safe all summer; Anyon. sanding * «ketch and description may GIVES quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an and prolong life. Whoopi ng cough is the moat distressing sion of the Maine. This is a serious loe» but to neglect it is to invite some Invention in probably imtentablo Com num lei» tlun»«tnetly eoufl.hmilHl Handbook on Patents form of sickness which is so com ­ it an to the United States, as the Maine malady ; but its duration can be cut short ••ut rret». Olde«t Hveticy for •»‘curing patents. RELIEF Patent» taken through Munn A Co. receive by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, one of the most efficient vessels in the mon during the trying hot season. rprctal notk*, without charro, In the which is also the liest known remedy for navy. It is generally believed that the It is uow that a course of Swift’ croup all lung and bronchial troubles. Spanish were connected with the ilis- Specific A handsomely 11 lUMtrated weekly. Laruest dr. Hill's and aster, but the general public will not vulatlun of any adentiUc journal. Terms, $;» a Pharmacy. year; four months, fl. Solti by ail newsdealers. Frank Wisecarver will return to the know until the Imard of commissioners Co.38”"’*11"» York mines in southern Oregon, lie is strong hand in their report. Spain, the once Brandi Ofltee. ttia F Mt., Washington, D C. in the faith that there is big money in powerful nation, is gradually decaying will accomplish so much toward the earth down there, and that there is before the other great powers, who, on rendering tne system capable of No deception practiced. no need of going way otT to Klondike to the oilier hand, ure rapidly advancing in resisting the evil influences which No $100 Reward. find it. The lack of water is a drawback the educational and mechanical arts of are so liable to attack it during A8K YOUR DRUCCI8T to life. the work this spring. for n generous the summer when sickness is so For the next 30 days 1 will sell wall abundant. It is the beet tonic 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. for Halt*. pa|>erat wav down prices to make room and system-builder on the market, Two acres of land one mile from Mc- because it is a r*al blood remedy for new stock on the way. I do not carry wall paper as a side issue. This is your Minnville, for sale at a bargain, Six- and is made solely to search out room house, barn 24x32 ft., young or­ aud remove all impurities, and golden op| ortunitv. chard and all kinds small fruit. Inqnite supply an abundance of pure, rich 9tf IL C. B yuns . 9m2 and red blood. S. S. S. is made The battleship Oregon, of whose crew of W. 8. Houck. TUF. ( I BIX W IH. A SUCCESSFUL EVANGELIST The Shasta Route ROUTES OREGON GREAT NORTHERN RY. SHORT LINE FRANCISCO H. C. BURNS FURNITURE, York Weekly Tribune DoriT Invite ^Sickness The Reporter, The N. Y. Tribune Almanac P atents Scientific American. MUNN & S.S.S.rX. Blood New E ly ’8 C ream balm rostama an cocaine, inrecury nor any other la- lyrtow liras It open, and cleanses th* Nasal Paasagre Allay« Pain and Inflammation Ores and Protect* it» Membrane Rettore* th* Sense* of Fret* and Smell. I« quickly alteorbed. (livre Reliai al osee. *o eta al Druggists or by mail: Trial »Ise lncta M Dmgafst» or by mall. KLT BRU 1 HERS, M Warren Sir*«, New Y orti Fret! Ramaev is now a member, is one of the most formidable warshi|«of the Unit­ ed States. She is 348 feet long and has a displacement of 10,288 tons. She cost 13.180,000 and steams 15 knots an hour Her crew consists of 424 men. Four 13- inch guns. 8 8-inch, 4 fi-ineh and 30 smaller guns compose her armament. In case war is declared, the Oregon will be ordered from the Pacific to eastern waters. l*o you know, that Elsie Wright carries a full line of lubricating oils for machin­ ery T Owners of valuable harvesting and other machinery cannot afford to exper­ iment with poor oils. He carries the best on the market and they are warranted not to gum. tf exclusively of roots and herbs, aud is Nature’s own remedy. It ie purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed U contain no' potash, mercury or other mineral. Be sure to get 8. What pleasure is there in life with a 8. 8. There is nothiug half as headache, constipation and biiiousness** good. The W. C. T. U. will hold their annual election oi otlkera on Friday, April Sth. A full attendance is desired. V irginia G ro \ kr . Pres. E ly a N kal , Sec’y. Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthv by using De­ Witt*# Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Hill’s Pharmacy. Our shirts, collar« and cuffs are unsur* peered. Noet of the business mon in McMinnville will confirm thia. Those who havn't had work done by us, send in your laundry end be convinced. W m . L ambert . the Blood No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. À rew rw re ski t rereaintrer rw B-rtrs r *« KU. dril» «torre-roa rtva enrs ta«lo reí 2"« a«rea«»»rent sano», .»u k> U m R itim caaanu. coartar, ¡to »