How Are You times the collar should be pulled for­ ward so as to allow the air to strike the part On no account should the horse for the first week or more be allowed to work In the rain, or be hard pushed when he Is sweating. Care in the be­ ginning of the season will save the horse perhaps from being disabled for work during a large part of the sum­ mer. An Arbor Gateway. The parsnip Is not only one of the hardiest of garden vegetables, winter­ ing in the open ground without Injury, as also does salsify or vegetable oys­ ter, as It Is generally called, but, like the last meutioued plant, it starts to growing very early In the spring. So soon as the leaves start on either, the roots should be pulled up and carried to a cool cellar or pit, as the growth of leaves will very quickly make the roots unfit for use. All the first leaf growth Is taken from the root, and is the begin­ ning towards seed formation. The root rapidly shrivels and loses Its succu­ lence when the leaves grow larger. The part of the parsnip at the surface of the ground will taste acrid, and It doubtless possesses some poisonous qualities, as Is the common belief among farmers. No kind of roots which are biennials are fit to eat after their second year growth has begun. Replying to an inquiry about graft­ ing tomato slips on potato vines, the Philadelphia Record says: “As tomato cuttings will take root, it is not diffi­ cult to handle them. The process of grafting tomato on the potato is as yet experimental, and is not always suc­ cessful. Whole potatoes should be planted, removing all eyes but one, so as to get a stocky plant. The tomato slip should be only large enough to be of service (about three Inches), and may be Inserted into the potato vine by slitting the vine, leaving no bud of the potato vine. If the bark of the potato and tomato are united it will be better, tut It is claimed that such is not al­ ways necessary. Keep the vines moist at the ground and shade the plants If necessary. Gnessing Weight of Stock. How to See Plants Grow. It Is surprising how many farmers who grow live stock which they some­ times expect to sell on the hoof take sc little care to ascertain Its weight. Their Ignorance In this matter often costs them dear, as the butcher or oth- et person who buys of them generally is supplied with scales, and can gener­ ally guess within a few pounds what an animal will weigh. In the writer's boyhood, his father frequently bought cattle and sheep to be fed awhile, and then butchered, to supply his custom­ ers with beef and mutton. It does not take long to learn how to guess on the weight of a beef. The size alone Is not always a criterion. Old cattle, and es­ pecially old cows, will not weigh so heavy as they look, and will usually have more of their weight in Inside fat, now worth very little, owing to the competition of cotton-seed oil and other vegetable oils.—American Cultivator. To observe plants growing under the microscope the American Monthly Mi­ croscopical Journal says: “Procure a little collomia seed. Take one of the seeds, and with a razor cut off a very tiny slice, cover with a cover glass and place under the microscope. The In- strument must be In a vertical position. When It is well focused and lighted moisten It with a drop of water. The seed will absorb the moisture and throw out a very large number of spiral fibers, giving the appearance of vent- able germination. Beginners will find It easier if one applies the moisture while the other looks through the In­ strument.’’ | IT WILL PAT. I | It will pay to cnrefullv read the descrip­ | tive advertisement of Afabastlne appearing in this paper, explaining the difference be­ tween those goods and kalsomines. , Consumers should bear in mind that ] Alabastine is unlike all the various kalso­ mines sold on the market under different names. Alnbastine stands pre-eminent * 1 and alone as a durable wall coating, and all consumers in buying should see that the goods are iu package« and properly labeled. Captain Cuttie In Safety. Milking Device. Slovenly milking Is often to be ac­ counted for by the small size of the pall's top. A good deal of the milk will persist in running down the outside, Horns on Domestic Animals. To make easier All the reason for horns on any do­ milking, have a mestic animal ceased when they came top made as shown wholly under man's protecting care. It in the cut The was sill right for the animal to defend flaring sides will itself with horns while exposed to pred­ catch the stream atory animals, llko wolves and nears. of milk and con­ When cattle run wild, us they long did duct it into the in the State of Texas, and as they still pail. It will be do on the plains of South America, well to tie a piece their horns constantly Increased In of muslin over the length and formidableness. But under bottom of this top piece, thus straining civilized conditions there is no need the milk as it goes In to the pail. Let for horns. In some breeds they have this flaring piece just fit Into the top of already been bred off. This will doubt­ the pall.—American Agriculturist less become more general, as dishorn­ ing at least the cows has become a Seeding Clover. quite general practice. Cnlves may I m » There are customs which are rigidly prevented from ever growing a horn adhered to in the sowing or planting of by applying a stick of potash on the the staple crops. Clover Is usually head where-the horns would start, and sown on the wheat land In the spring, removing the hair, so that the potash the seed being scattered over the will make a slight sore on the skin. ground when it is covered with snow in order to facilitate the work. One of the Substitute for Roller. An easily made substitute for a rigid rules Is to sow a certain quantity roller Is shown herewith. It Is from of seed (as little as possible if seed Is the Farm Journal. The sides are cut high), and should the stand be light from two planks, and narrow stripe are the cause is ascribed to everything but then nailed to the lower edges. This the seed. The fact is that seed should contrivance can be weighted to any de­ be use more liberally, as much of it is gree desired and will do good service in destroyed in various ways before germ- fining or firming the soil. A roller is Inatlon, the saving in seed causing a one of the most valuable Implements loss of clover. Another point Is to har- that a farmer can use In making a fine row the wheat, seed down the clover and then use a roller on the land. The better the preparation for clover the more seeds will germinate and the more perfect the “catch.” Fertilizins. , i ! ; i ■ | i Many are the prayers that are breathed for those that have gone forth to brave the dangers of the open ocean, remarks a writer in The Illustrated American, yet catastrophes on record have occurred in still water within sight, almost within touch of land. The Episcopal prayer book contains a formula of praver for those at sea, which may perhaps include those that are upon the waters of riverB or an­ chored in harbors. The horrors that have occurred within close range of land make more grewsome than humor­ ous the remark of Captain Cuttie, who, when in a stress of weather, under close-reefed foresails, with the hatches battered down, used to retire to his eabin and murmur as he sipped his grog, “God help the poor creatures on shore tonight!” HOMS PRODI CTS AND PUKE FOOD. ' | | i I | ' j | j : All Eastern Syrup, «o-called, nsnaliy verv light coloxed m of heavy body, is made from glucose. “Tcfl Garden urwt" is made from Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac­ tured br the P acific C oast S yrup C o . All gen­ uine "Tea Garden Dript” have the manufac­ turer’s name lithographed on every can. First Work for Teams. Pole varieties are preferred by those again, and It will require several days of light work to renew the cuticle which disuse had allowed to disappear. There should bo frequent rests, and at such earlier than the pole varieties, and are fully equal In quality to the others. They make a valuable addition to the garden crops. almost immediate­ ly. I have taken two bottles of the Vegetable Compound, three boxes of Pills, and have also used the San­ ative Wash, and must say I have never had any- thing help so much. I have better I ever had In my life. I health than _____ feel like a new person, perfectly strong. I give the Compound all the credit. I have recommended it to sev­ eral of my friends who are using it with like results. It has cured me of several female diseases. I would not do without Mrs. Pinkham’s remedies for anything. There is no need of so much female suffering. Her remedies are a sure cure.”—M rs . E lla K iunkb , Knightstown, Henry Co., Ind. By the way, the leading druggists tell us that the demand for Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is simply beyond their power of under­ standing ; and, what is best of all, it docs the work promptly and well. CIT« Permanently Cured. N o fits or nervonenee rlla after fir«» day's use of Dr. Kline’s Greet Nerve Restore«. Bend fbr FRF. K M.O, trial bottle and treatise. lifL R. IL l< I -I N E, Ltd., '.no Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Tn the spring cleanse your system by using I>r. l’fnnuer's Oregon Blood Purifier. Good Health Is the working capital of humanity. He who lose» that I m wrecked indeed. Is your health falling you, your am­ bition, vigor, vitality wasting away ? When others fall coo- suit DOCTOR RATCLIFFE, For tlie speedy, safe and permanent cure of all Nervous, Chronic aud Special disease», even in their moil aggravated forms. There is no man iu the world who has effected so many permanent cure« In both Men aud Women of troubles which other phyalcans of acknowledged ability had given* up as hopeless as this eminent specialist. NKKVOVg DEBILITY and all Its attending ailment«, of YOUNG. MIDDLE-AGED and OLlJ MEN. The aw Ail e fleets of neglected or Improp­ erly treated cases, causing drains, weakness of body and brain, dizifness, (Idling memory, lack of energy and confidence, pains In back, loins and kidneve, and ninny other distressing symptom«, unfitting one for study, business or enjoyment of life. Dr Ratcliffe can cure you, no matter who or what has failed. WEAK MEN. He restores lost vigor and vi­ tality to weak men. Organs of the body whlq^ have been weakened through disease, overwork, excesses or lndle<*retlon« are restored to full power, strength and vigor through his own successful ays* tem of treatment. VARICOCELE, hydrocele, swelling and ten* deme of the glands treated with unfailing success. SPECIAL DI8EARIR, Inflammation, dll. charges, etc., which, Lr neglected or Improperly treated, break down the system, cause kidney and bladder diseases, eta di N uanes O f women . Prompt «nd ee. pedal attention given to all their many ailment», WRITE If yon arb aware of any trouble. DO NOT DELAY. Call on Dr. Ratcliffe today. Ifyoft cannot call, write hint. ills valuable book free to all sufferers. CONSULTATION FREE and eonfl- dentlal at office or by letter. E. M. RATCLIFFE, TO first In, KHIII. RBI *—pfunder's~^-*' e HÉGONBlOODpíWítft s e rrf Waterloo, la., has a church for which one glacial boulder furnished practical­ ly all the materia). THE BEST LEAD IS THE LEAD THAT WEARS LONGEST. After lining swtndlod by all others, send neetamr for partlenlnra of Kmg Solomon’« Treaenr«, th. ON LT renewer of manly strength. MAShS CHEMICAL CD., P. O. Box ?<7, Philadelphta. Pa It I h Known »n The law which at present governs the practice of law in France forbids tho simnltnenous practice of medicine and pharmacy, even by a person who may be in possession of diplomas in both subjects. Use Dr. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier now. They Rejected Money. WESTERN WHITE LEAD Write to ns about it. Our book on painting BENT FREE. s Cleveland Oil A Paint Ml;. Co., In this country and in the trivilised world generally wo are so accustomed PORTLAND, OREGON. to the circulation of coinB that we are apt to forget that there are millions of human beings who know nothing what­ ever of coins, and conduct their transac­ ...ABOUT... tions by means of cowries, brass rods, pieces of cotton or cloth and divers othor articles. On the West coast of AND... Africa brass and copper rods are in vogue, and form an important article of commerce from the Birmingham dis­ How to go, when to go, where trict of England. Recently an effort to go, wind to take and where to get it. has been made to displace this form of currency by forcing the natives to use With maps showing trails, etc., FREE for asking. There died recently in the village of Mauvages, Alsace, a man by the name silver coins, but without success. of Becu, who is the last of the family ALASKA OUTFITTERS, from which Mme. ”4 Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Excellence in Manufacture." < l>orn in Vancouleurs, a short distance \ BUY THE GENUINE from Mauvages. FACTS and FIGURES^ ...THE KLONDIKE THE SEATTLE JRMDIMG CO., SYRUP OF FIGS It is said that one person in 800 is King is the most ancient of titles. blind to the X rays: that is, when It, or its equivalent, is found in every looking through the fluoroscope they cannot see the bones of the hand, coins known language. in a book, etc. This is no doubt an­ I believe mv prompt use of Piso’s Cure alogous to color blindness. ... MAKTrFACTURKD BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Breakfast prevented quick consumption.—Mrs. Lucy Wallace, Marquette, Kans., Dec. 12, ’95. nr-NOTE THE NAME. < AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting In the court« our right to the Pictures can be adjusted at any exclusive use of the word ” CASTOKIA,” and height by a new device consisting of a " PITCHER’SCASTOKIA," as ourTrade Mark. rod with a flat hook at the upper end I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, to fasten it on the molding and a series was the originator of “ PITCHER'S CASTOKIA,’’ the same that has borne and does now bear the of ratchet teeth on the back Bi. RODS Ore. roWLJKH, Box 07, Southington,Conn. Beet Cough Byrup in time. Woli No. IS. ’•«. ALABASTINE are «tuck on the wall with decaylnR animal! ■nne. Alabaatln. is a cement, whirh goes j through a pro<-«M of ««tting, harden* with age, , Alabaatlne Ik • durable and natural ooetlng ran be re-coated and re-deoorate'l from tlm. to for «.11« «nd celling, entirely different from time without having to waah and ecrape off lta all kalaomine preparation«, made ready f.r n«e old coat« before renewing. in white or twelve beautiful tint, b? tbealmpl. , addition of water (l*te«t make belnf adapted MUCH SICKNKSS to mix with cold water) pat up In «rr powder form. In 5 pound packaxeo, with tall alrectlona •n .very p^tkage._________ _____ Particularly throat and lang dlScaltlM. wrongly attributed to other eauae., 1« th. ra- WHAT ARE KALSOMINBSf ■ult of aaaaaltary condition«oi walla and 0.11- Ke'somfnM are cheap temporary prepuetlmn ¡ lnga. Think of kavlng b^lroom« covered with Manufacturad from chalk., slays, whiUng. *W., | layen of molding Roar paste to feed verai., ALABASTINK IS WBATT with paper to bide tb.m and absorb the mot(- tnre of retplratlon, and an animal gin. enltare ground on II. fac. for dlaeaM germa; thia hav­ ing «trong color, added, Ilk. a colored ihlrt, to bide the dirt; then think of “the naity practice” of repeating thl. papering, without removing tho old, and a number ol Umm, at that, a. many do. Than think of a room coated with pare, paroa., permanent Alaba.tine, which I. minted with but little trouble or ex- penae, and la purifying and .weet-em.lling and fill, ar ack.. Wall paper free would bo dearer than AlabaatlnoU eoot of removing paper la Alabaatln« I. wild by paint dealer, every where. Aik your dealer for card of Unta. TO DKALKR8. Do not bny a law suit or an Injunction with cheap k»1 nominee, which are all Imitation, of Alabaatlna. Dealer, aaanme the rl.k of a ault tor damage, by Mlllng an Infringement. Alm ba.tlne Company own the right, covered by letter, patent, to make and mil wall ooatinga a.lapted to be mixed with cold weter. Alabem tine C.., Grand Rapid., Mloh.