o CLEARING A UNITED STATES MAN-0’-WAR FOR ACTION. and all excitement, they listen as the lieutenant’s voice calls out clear: 3 “Five thousand four hundred meters; ' » five thousand two hundred meters; five thousand----- ” The Battle Begins. knowing how to lift our hearts up and give them help unto those who are in EGIN as early as Thursday, need. It Is a good fight—this one when you can clean and clear up against allowing one’s self to be sub­ the pantry. Give the beds an ex­ merged in personal griefs—It Is a good tra airing; peep into the cellar and fight, ev­ and out of It you can come con­ ery other nook or corner, and determine queror If you will. Do you Intend to that you really will cease from your give up the fight and fall by the way­ usual labors on Sunday after this. Fri­ side overcome by a heavy heart, or to day Is generally acknowledged to be go along through life as a brave wo­ the regular day for sweeping, dusting, man should? You must decide this general cleaning and straightening up early in your life.” all about the bouse. Saturday morning Beautiful Hungarian. Is left for kitchen cleaning und Sunday Hungary, famed for the beauty and cooking. To economize In time and other mat­ wit of its women, has none more charm­ ters, a good-sized piece of meat to roast ing than Baroness Daniel, the most or boil can be cooked for Saturday din­ popular of her countrywomen, the lead­ ner; and any neat, smart woman can so er of Hungarian fashion and a power in prune, and at the same time keep In­ the kingdom’s politics. She Is the wife tact, such piece of meat that It will of the minister of commerce, and seem as though first cut when served the next day. If a fowl Is ordered. It can be dressed and cooked on Satur­ day and set aside till wanted for Sun­ day dinner. A pan of escollo;»ed pota­ toes can be prepared Saturday morn­ ing, or a pot of beans can be baked by Saturday night. Either may be heated quickly next day, and will be found as good as if freshly done. Cold mashed potatoes are as fine as when first, cook­ ed, If they are thoroughly heated through and stirred briskly just before serving. Then conventional cookies, cake, pie, pudding or whatnot for Sun­ day dessert on this occasion I would scorn. If too good to keep good over one day, which cannot be done with some good victuals, with good bread and butter, gravy with the meat If liked, vegetables quickly warmed or served cold, pickle and fruit, you will have not only a good dinner, but a BARONESS DANIEL. pleasurable meal, as you eat in rest, through her husband wields great In­ joy and peace on this fluence In public affairs. She is at the Pay of all the week the liest, head of almost every charitable insti­ Emblem of eternal rest; tution, and there is no movement of but which with most mothers who do any public Importance In which she their own housework is in reality the does not take part. On the occasion of hardest and most tiring day of the the visit of the German emperor to week. Where there are several small Budapest her excellency did the hon­ children In the family, one or two of ors of the Park Club, which was visited them can have the weekly bath as early by his Imperial majesty, who on taking as Friday evening, the others as early leave of the baroness complimented her as may be Saturday, and yourself on by kissing her hand In accordance with retiring. the custom prevalent In Hungary. That mother who finds herself nnd household ready for Sunday will not The O1<1 Dress. fall to enjoy ami use rightly the Sab­ What shall we do with the poor old dress. Fit to be cast aside bath. Being prepared, there Is time, and strong inclination, partly because Long ere out of life's stonn and stress Its busy owner died? there Is time, to show real mother-love. She has one opportunity each week to Not worth remaking, and room is scarce. make her love appear tangible to the And to leave it hung in its place children.—I Iousekeeper. Means sudden pangs of a scarce-healed GETTING READY FOR SUNDAY. B Able Girl Violinist. The latest American triumph In Lon­ don Is that of Miss Leonora Jackson, the Boston girl who has astonlslied the metropolis with her abilities as a violin­ ist. Born nineteen years ago, Miss Jackson displayed as a child a remark­ able talent for music, nnd at 15 was sent to Europe to study the violin with Mts» I.KONOr.A JACKSON. A While the boats are being taken care of, other squads of men are removing tlie stanchions, tlie running rails, the skies of the bridge and everything that can be put below tlie armored deck. Down in the boiler rooms the tires are already being spread, forced draughts applied in order to have the greatest amount of possible lower on hand should It be required. In the meantime the decks have been sprinkled W’ith sand to prevent tlie men from slipping as they run back and forth, and at the call “to general quarters” they jump to their assigned places. The captain's position is in the conning tower, from which place he has electrical connection with every part of his ship. From tlie interior of tide turret he can watch every part of tlie ship, and lias a view of the hori­ zon In all directions. The pressing of a button regulates the sj>eed of the ves­ sel, another guides her course, a tlitnl controls all the guns, directs the train­ ing of them and allows the captain to Are one or all, In groups or one crush­ ing broadside. While the men are awaiting the at­ tack in general quarters, down below, the ship's doctor and his assistants are also preparing for the struggle. As a and chests of drugs and antiseptics. The baymen, as the nurses on board the ship are known, stand ready to care for their comrades as they are brought down on stretchers, torn and mangled by shells and flying iron. There, below the decks, ns uncon­ WAITING FOR TIIE FIRST SHOT. scious as the engineers and firemen of the trend of the battle, must the sur­ geon and nurses work, their hands al­ ways steady, their nerves firm and with no thought of anything but the work woe before them. Not until the order of And a lost beloved face. “Cease firing” rings out under the vic­ torious flag above them, or they feel Yet that dress was shabby that close be­ the list of the ship as it sinks, do they side know how the fight is going. And Another of silk might hang, If the ship Is struck they go down only Ami it brushed its neighbor nestling there with the consciousness of duty well With never a grudging pang. performed. Too often their bravery For the heart that beat In the shabby is lost sight of in the more pretentious gown acts of others. Loved the henrt in the silken dress. With every man In place, every detail And left it a lesson of lifelong love looked after and a knowledge that noth­ And patient unselfishness. ing save an accident can cause his plans I to miscarry, the captain stands on the O silent witness of mother-love bridge with glass In hand and watches Till the warm heart fell asleep! the approaching enemy. Above him on Good enough for the mother's wear— the fore military mast an officer Is sur- Then good enough to keep! | veylng the distance between the two I vessels. As he makes his observations Fold it away with reverent hands And quiet and loving tenrs. the result is called out by a lieutenant. Tin n pray for the heart in the silken dress By this time both vessels are In full Through the motherless coming years! view. If the day Is calm and the air LOWERING T1IE WOUNDED INTO T11E SICK BAY. —Harper’s Bazar. clear, the men on the one iron monster splinters of wood that are thrown usual thing the sick bay, or ship’s hos­ can see the other, with its flags fly­ The Bathtub. If a bathtub is zinc-lined, It enn be alxiut when a boat Is struck by a shot. pital, Is too small for use In a battle of ing from every point where they can be made to look like a silver tub If rubbed Experience In the civil war taught tlie any length, and other quarters are pro­ attached. They can see the polished vigorously with a cloth moistened by men that the wounds made by these vided, usually in one of the mess muzzles of the heavy rifles os they kerosene. In fact a housekeeper would splinters were not only as dangerous cabins. Here the surgeons hurry with gleam In the sun, the glitter of the offi­ do well to see that such a tub gets a as those made by bullets, but far more their operating tables, their shining cers' buttons. With muscles strained, tools, their baskets full of bandages their hearts thumping In their breasts weekly rub of this kind all through the painful. year. That distressing water mark which occurs often In the tub of the A MODERN NAVAL BATTLE. beat-regulated families needs to tie watched, nnd It can surely lie avoided by the weekly kerosene rub. If the tub is marble, and has been discolored by drippings from the faucet, scour it with pulverized chalk, moistened with ammonia. Another good way to dean marble is to use a strong solution of washing soda, into which a little whi­ ting has tsH*n dissolved. Cover the marble with the mixture, nnd let It re­ main on for about an hour. The rub It off, and iMillsh the marble with al­ cohol. Pr. Joachln at the Berlin llochschule. She made such excellent use of her op­ portunities that she carried off the Mendelssohn state prize In Berlin from all the German comix'tltoni. In Octo­ ber, ISflit, Miss Jackson appeared on the concert platform with the Berlin Phllharmanlc Orchestra, the conductor being l)r. Joachim, and has taken part since then in concerts In various con­ Ignorant Spaniard* and Italians. tinental towns, her playing having lxs*n Italians and Spaniards are distin­ spoken of everywhere in laudatory guished above all other women In Eu­ terms. rope by reason of tla a- profound Ignor- Emotional Women. puce, due In the main to their Incurable Emotional women, nnd such are the Indolence. They do not even possess majority, who spent! their nervous the art of elegance of dress, and while forces through the emotional nature, the fair Spaniard may lie said to excel suffer physical prootratlon without any in the management of the fan and in apparent cause. They are of the kind the wearing of the mantilla, her Italian that lireok down without suspecting slater is without a single redeeming what is the servt canker. One of the point, save her beauty. Perhaps the new discoveries of hygiene Is the fact most accomplished woman in Eurofie, that In the emotions we have within at any rate the most brilliant, 1» the ourselves an effective means of suicide. Russian, who unties to her vlvadty of If the emotions are not properly re­ temiierament a marvelous facility for strained and regulated the body may the acquisition of foreign languages, be slowly but surely worn out, and a power of adaptability that la al­ together American. She picks up When the Heart la Heavy. knowledge quickly, and makes the most •There Is always a remedy for a of It. henvy heart,” writes Ruth Ashmore In School for Wlvea. the Ladle«' Home Journal. “It may t>e A certain enterprising woman here, in work—it oftenest Is. It may be in thinking out the joys that have been says a New York letter, has sent out given to you, and the sorrows from ' prospect um* of a "school for wives." which you have been saved. It may be : The art of hou»ek<>eplng and home­ In helping others by syni|>athy, or in i making are not to lie the only advan­ whatever way help la most needed. ! tages. Training for peculiar cases la But the henvy losirt can always lie | to tie a feature. One Interesting Item made light if self is forgotten, and tlie , bi the course laid down for girls who needs of others are remembered. nnd, ■ Intend to marry poets and painters is, as far as possible, relieved. Not one ’ "One imsil a outlug up like a fantastic fountain. The battle has begun. The steady plomb, plomb of heavy guns, the sharp, rapid, crocking shots of the quick fire guns os they blaze out a stream of death, tlie patter of Iron balls ngalnst the steel plates of the ship, the louder, tearing crash of heavy shots, the shouts of officers, the rumble of trucks loaded with projectlies over the deck, the smoke and dust and noise, aye, and the cry of comrades os they fall, torn and bleeding. Such Is war! After the first shot the Intensity of suspense Is broken, the sight of the mangled forms on deck Is blotted out by smoke that stings the eyes until they pain like balls of fire, and the men fall Into their work like veterans. They forget everything except the fight, and It Is not until the engagement Is over that they notice their bleeding wounds and realize the terrible amount of eu- ergy und force that has been expended. While there have been but few bat­ tles since the introduction of the iron­ clad, enough Is known that the strain on tlie men Is something awful. The ceaseless din of heavy shot on the heavier plates, the tremendous concus­ sions from the heavy guns cause hem­ orrhage, destroy the nerves and actual­ ly blister the flesh. Men who have been In turrets and taken no part in the conflict have come out of the steel towers with their clothes in shreds and so unnerved that weeks of rest was necessary for re­ çu is-rat Ion. The possibilities of naval warfare un­ der these conditions are a matter of conjecture. Engagements will, of ne­ cessity, be short. Squadrons may be destroyed In a day, whole cities laid low’ by the tremendous force. Spain's Sulwtitutes for Telephones. In Spain, where the telephone is largely used in place of the telegraph, 1 an ingenious application of the phono­ graph to record the telephonic mes­ sages has been made. The receiving operator repeats the message Into a phonograph, from which It can after­ ward be transcribed at leisure. This saves tlie delay caused by writing the message during Its reception and in­ sures greater accuracy, because the repetition of the message for the pho­ nograph is heard simultaneously by the original sender at the other end of the line. Some people laugh as if it hurt them.