The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 08, 1898, Image 2

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    Yamhill County Reporter
President Will Aik That Troop*
Sent to Stop Cuban U ar.
But Little Left to Show Where Shaw-
ueetoMii Stood.
F. II. IUKNHAKT, Publisher.
Washington, April 7.—The presi­
Chicago, April 6.—A Chronicle spe­
dent’s message recommends armed in­ Spain’s Answer Is Entirely cial from Carmi, III., nays: The disas­ Chinese Foreign Office Ac­
ter at Shawneetown, Ill., came when
tervention—but, so far as known, with­
cused of Treachery.
the great majority of the people were
out stating that this should be imme­
in their homes eating supper. The
diate—by the United States, to prevent
break in the levee occurred a mile
hostilities and afford such assistance as
CONGRESS above the town, and was within 10 SAID TO HAVE BEEN BRIBED
j is possible to the starving people. It
minutes more than a half mile wide.
i makes an argument against recognition
A stream of water 12 to 20 feet deep,
Comprehensive Review of the Important of independence at this time, and An Important Cabinet Meeting field—* carrying half the current of the flood- Li Hung Chang Accused of Complicity—
Happenings of the Past Week Culled leaves it clear that, in the opinion of
A Demand Has Been Made That He
Administration Has Done All in Its raised Ohio, descended on the unsus­
pecting people. It came in a great
Power to Settle Matter Peaceably.
From the Telegraphic Columns
Be Beheaded.
the administration it is the duty of this
rush, like a tidal wave. There was no
A Victoria dispatch says: Jack Carr, government to supervise the affairs of
Shanghai, April 5. —It is announced
Washington. April 4.—There is lit­ slow rising of waters to give warning.
former United States mailcarrier, has the island until in the light of fuller tle doubt that the president and mem­
The house* on the outskirts were that a person of the highest rank has
arrived at Departure bay from St. and later knowledge a stable govern­ bers of his cabinet now regard a con­
lifted up and rolled over and over. memorialized the emperor in the moet
Michaels, via Dawson, with advices ment can be established. The attitude flict with Spain as almost inevitable.
Most of them were torn into splinters. vigorous language, accusing the whole
from Andree, the balloonist.
of congress in this policy cannot be In his message to congress, which in Their inhabitants were drowned in tsung-li-yamen (Chinese foreign office)
of being” in the pay of Russia. He
all probability will be sent in early in
A dispatch to the London Daily Mail
foretold in advance of its official pro­ ¡ the week, it is understood that the them. Nearer the oenterof town brick asserts that Russia expended 10,000,-
from Odessa sa^s that, owing to the
American war scare, the price of wheat mulgation in the president’s message. president will review at some length water for a few minutes, but about two- 000 taels in bribery during the recent
The day has been prolific of reports the record as it stands between this thirds of the dwellings were floating, negotiations regarding the cession of
is rapidly rising there, the stocks being
of mediation on the part of the Euro­ government and Spain, but will not in­ careening out into the current of the Port Arthur and Talien Wan, etc., and
sist upon further time in which to con­ river.
claims that Li Hung Chang’s share was
Two killings and a lynching hap­ pean powers, but a summary of all the
pened in Brownsville, Tex., within news on this point is that the powers
After a few minutes the horror of 1,500,000 taels.
ful settlement of the Cuban problem.
The personage referred to demands a
three-quarters of an hour. Sam Cobb, of Europe cannot agree, and that their
the situation was added to by the
The cabinet meeting this morning
a deputy sheriff, and his brother, interference would be unacceptable to
catching fire of a large house that had full investigation, and asks that Li
Felipe Cobb, a constable, were shot the government of the United States. was unquestionably the most important started down stream with the others. Hung Chang be beheaded if the accusa­
held in many years. It received Spain’s
tions are proven, the memorializer offer­
down by Carlos Guellen. Guellen was
The safety of General Lee, of the answer to the ultimatum of this gov- Í The people on the roof were already in
wounded by Sam Cobb. Later a mob consuls and other Americans in Cuba is
! danger of being thrown off by collisions ing to be executed himself if his charges
eminent, anil finding it unastisfactory,
lynched Gullen.
a matter of concern to the state depart­ practically decided upon a policy which with other floating houses, but the are not sustained.
The Russians have permitted two
A bill is to be introduced in the ment, but advices from General Lee in­ at this hour seems certain to involve occupants of this floating firebrand
Maryland legislature, copied after the dicate the transportation of all Ameri­ hostilities. The whole record will be added horror. As it struck one house British gunboats to enter and leave
pattern of that in Ohio, which provides cans from Cuba would take some time, laid before congress, and the question after another in its oourse, some others Port Arthur freely.
The British first-class cruiser Graf1
that all applicants for marriage licenses and apparently show that he does not is now under earnest consideration of caught fire and their unfortunate occu­
flagship of Rear Admiral C. P.
must pass an examination before a duly share fully in the apprehension felt what shall be the particular form our pants were compelled to trust them­
Fitzgerald, second in command on the
appointed board of physicians. It also . here.
policy shall take in bringing to an end |
water on pieces of wood to avoid a ’ China station, and the first-class ctuiser
provides that the salaries of the physi­
Considering a War Revenue.
the horrors in Cuba, and securing the
Narcissus, the second-class cruiser Rain­
terrible death by fire.
cians composing the board shall be
Representative Adams, of Pennsyl­ independence of the island.
bow, and other vessels of the squadron,
11,000 a year.
vania, acting chairman of the house
Propositions ranging from a simple :
left Che Foo Saturday. Their destina­
Fire at Congress mining camp, Pres­ committee on foreign affairs; Chairman recognition of Cuban independence to
tion is unknown, but it is reported to
cott, Ariz., destroyed nearly every bus­ Dingley, of the wavs and means com­ a straight out declaration of war have
be Chemulpo, the port of Seoul.
iness house in what is known as Lower mittee; Representative Grosvenor, of been urged at the capitol, but there is O. Soautli western and the L. & N. movements of the various ships excite
Town. There was no water, and the Ohio, both the president’s warm per­ hardly a doubt that the majority of
the greatest interest among foreigners
lire spread rapidly. The loss is $40,- sonal friends; Senator Allison, of Iowa, congress await the executive lead be­ what, many houses were still standing, ■ here. It is supposed they will make a
000. James Vidant, proprietor of the and Senator Frye, were early callers at fore taking action, and are disposed to but it was quickly seen that the frame j demonstration, possibly in support of
Silver Dollar saloon, and a woman of the White House, most of them coming adopt Mr. McKinley’s suggestions on ones would not last in the flood. By ! some British demands for concessions.
the town named Gertie Thompson, separately.
this point. It is not thought that any means of rafts and swimming in the
alias Graham, were burned to death.
■ A disagreeable downpour of sleet and of the resolutions, except, possibly, a cold water 70 or 80 people were trans­
ferred from their garret windows and
The following utterance was made by rain tended to keep away the crowds simple recognition of independence, roofs to the flat top of the Gallatin ,
Question Will Be Datermlned by the
Chandler (Rep. N. 11.) in a carefully from the White House. There was a would lead to war.
President’s Message.
There were, of course, all sorts of county bank, a brick and stone build- :
prepared statement of his position on considerable contingent front congress,
ing, and the courthouse, which is of
April 5.—The opinion |
the Cuban crisis in the senate Wednes­
brick. It was hoped that these would j almost universally held in Washington
day: “The United States ought im­
withstand the pressure and the under­
mediately to declare war against Spain on the part of these leaders, it is under­ powers, but no such suggestion has mining, but when the single courier, tonight by public men and diplomats is
and maintain that war until the people stood that the raising of revenue to ' come to this government, for as late as who rode for help to Cypress Junction, that the crisis will reach its climax this
of Cuba are free from Spain’s starva­ meet war emergencies was the purpose 5 o’clock, in response to a direct ques­ left Shawneetown, only those two; week and that the question of war or
peace will be determined within the
Dingley, when asked ' tion, Secretary Day said there had I
tion and cruelty and the government is of their visits.
buildings showed above the broad sheet
Senators and repre­
firmly established as an independent about the revenue, suggested that the | been no offer of mediation by any for­ of the flood in the lower part of the next few days.
sentatives conferred all day about the
president was the one to state the eign government.
town, and it was doubtful if they gravity of the situation, and at the
nature of the conference, but made no
Cabinet Member’s Statement.
In accordance with a resolution
would not collapse and throw the ref­ White House the president consulted
effort to deny that a war revenue con­
One member of the cabinet, in | ugees into the river.
passed some time ago by the interna­
with several members of bis oabinet
sultation had been in progress.
speaking of the meeting today, said:
tional union, the book and job printers
Besides the hundred or more who and other confidential advisers regard­
Want Peace at Any Price.
“In the morning, it was apparent to | were on the roofs of the two sound ing the message he is pieparing to send
of San Francisco went on a strike Mon­
Members of congress are receiving all of us that, having exhausted all j buildings it is known that nearly 1,000 to congress.
day. The bone of contention is a 9-
At the state, war and
hour day instead of a 10-hour day. scores of telegrams from bankers and I diplomatic efforts to bring about a bet- ¡ of the inhabitants managed in one way navy building, active work was going
corporations appealing to them to sus­ ter condition of affairs in Cuba, the or another to make their way to high on and altogether it has been a day of
About 800 men are out.
tain the “wise peace policy” of the whole question must be submitted to hills back of the town, or to houses in
European dispatches announce the
suppressed feeling.
president. Many of the telegrams are j congress. At our afternoon meeting, j the higher section of the village. A
No day has been announced as the
butchery iu France of an entire family
couched in practically the same Ian- I the president requested each member ! few of these survived the sudden buist day when the message will be sent to
of six persons by a robber named Cail-
lard. This human wild beast shot and guage, showing they are inspired from I of the cabinet to express freely his in- i of the waters, but the first and some­ congress. Besides the physical work
the same source. This pressure is vig­ dividual opinion as to what should be times the second floors were under of preparing the comprehensive docu­
killed the husband, wife and two chil­
orously resented by the members.
done. The discussion was entirely on water. Those who made their way to ment, upon whioh the president expects
dren, cut the throat of a little girl ami
There have been no further negotia- | the lines indicated by the members. them went only in the clothes they | to rest his case with the world, there
blew out the brains of a bed-ridden old
tions with Madrid, but the president Nothing definite was decided upon, j were wearing when the water came. are reasons why those in charge of the
has kept in dose touch with Minister and no conclusions reached. The pres­ No one had time to secure either treas- ! war preparations will welcome every
The steamer La Bretagne has arrived Woodford and General Lee.
ident will now take the views submit­ ure or clothing. The property loss is hours’ delay.
War material which
in New York with 11 survivors of the
Assistant Secretary Adee, the cipher j ted to him under consideration, pre­
we have ordered abroad is not yet
crew of the British bark Bothnia, expert, was present this evening, and paratory to his message to congress, very great.
The scene at the upper end of the shipped, and the factories in this coun­
which was wrecked off the Irish coast messages passed, but of their source or which will be sent early in the week.
town, where men and women were try will work day and night making
on March 28.
The Bothnia sailed tenor nothing was given out.
“President McKinley has done a struggling against the muddy water to powder and projectiles and are anxious
from Lobos de Afuera, off the coast of
The administration confessed anxiety great deal of work recently, and ap- j
Peru, November 5. When 50 miles off as to the situation in Havana, and con- I pears pretty well fatigued. Conse- ! higher ground, some carrying babies on for delay. Some of the factories in
the Irish coast, on March 23, a squall stant communioation is kept up with j quently, he will tak9 some little rest ' their heads where water was up to their Connecticut with contracts have tele­
necks, others half swimming, half graphed Representative Hitt, urging all
etruck the bark, upsetting her.
General Lee, in fear of a possible out* before beginning work on the message. ■
They say every day
floating on odds and ends of lumber delay possible.
A seaman belonging to the British ■ break. It is thought over 1,000 Amer­ He has not yet determined what rec­ from homes that had gone floating now is precious.
battle-ship Resolute was sentenced to icans will be eager to leave Havana to- j ommendation will be communicated to down the river, many struggling in
Pacific Base of Supply.
u fortnight’s confinement and deprived morrow. Whether any armed vessel congress.
vain and sinking in the roaring waters,
Honolulu, April 4.—The United
of his good conduct badge, for wearing from Key West would be at band when
“My own individual opinion is that was one that will live in the memory
States ship Mohican arrived on the
the shamrock on St. Patrick's day, in the exodus begins could not be learned, but little faith can be put in promises of every beholder.
19th, nine days from San Francisco.
disobedience to orders. A recital of but it was said at the White House made by Spain, and this makes me hes­
In one plaoe a mother had reached She brought ammunition and supplies
the incident created a sensation in the that “all Americans will be well cared itate about accepting with any confi­
a safe spot, and turned to help her for the United States ship Baltimore,
English commons, and caused an ob­ for.”
dence her latest proposals. In the first
husband, who had followed with their which will leave for Ilong Kong tomor­
place, she promised a long time ago
jecting Irish member to be removed
As she reached down from a row. A telegram received from Wash­
that the reconcentrados would be re­
from his seat.
window for his hand he was thrown ington the 19th says that in the event
Antoine Variole, of the French Geo­
from his footing, and he and the child of war with Spain, the neutrality of
moval of Kry West Fleet.
has not been kept. Now she proposes
graphical Society, has arrived in New
were swept away in the current. The these islands will not be kept, but they
Washington, April 7.—The state­
York with a balloon, with which he
woman saw him sink and then threw will at once be made a depot of naval
intends to make a trip from Juneau to ment was made today by a public man military supervision. Who can tell herBelf into the water.
supplies. A lengthy dispatch was re­
the Klondike. A dozen persons are in
Another family paddled half way to ceiver! by the Hawaiian government on
the party. Arthur Tervagne, L. L D., i
safety on a plank, which held them the same date from Minister Hatch, at
“Broadly, there appears to be three
is president of the expedition and is , the war between Spain and the insur­
out of the water. The current caught | Washington.
It gives practically the
also correspondent of Figaro. Variole, gents through an armistice has come to courses open to the president in dealing I them and sent them out toward mid­ newspaper accounts of delay with the
head of the expedition, is 45 years old
stream, where in the rougher water treaty on account of the Maine disaster.
and a well-known engineer and invent­ ure was due to the refusal of the gov­ these is to accept the proposals submit­ they were seen to capsize and sink.
The minister mentions that one of the
or in France. He claims that his ernment of the United States to re­ ted by Spain in reply to the American j
An old man, named Griffin, living ! assumptions of the situation is that in
balloon can be steered with ease.
oti high ground, stepped iu the upper i case of war the islands would be made
the whole matter to congress, and let 1
General Carlos Ezeta, the exiled ex­ ing to this statement, Spain made the
story of his trembling house to secure a base of supply by the United States
president of Salvador, lias been vindi­ removal a condition precedent to her
a hoard of money hidden under the fleets operating in the Pacific.
cated by his people. His vast estates, offering an armistice, with the end in which Ithink would mean interven­ bed. His son, a young man of 21, had
Ready for Flight.
the stocks and money confiscated by view of granting the independence of tion—and the third, to take a middle to climb up the porch to rescue him,
Berlin, April 5.—The German am
the government of President Guiterrez, Cuba. This proposition was met with stand. But, as I said before, nothing so quick was the rise of the water, and I
after Ezeta was forced to leave his na­ refusal, though not until after it had j lias yet been determined upon by the when the two attempted to swim to bassador at Madrid reports to the for­
president, or, if he has reached a de­
tive land four years ago, have been re­ been seriously considered.
safety the younger man supporting the eign office here that the Spanish royal
The congressional opponents of a cision, he did not communicate it to older, a floating house came running in family fears an outbreak at home unless
turned to him, and Ezeta is again
the differences between the United
worth more than t'..’,000,000. The gen­ war policy, who had counted upon the the cabinet.
the current and overwhelmed them.
“Ye*, reference was made by Spain
eral says he will never again interest acceptance of this condition by the
A woman, supposed to bo Josephine States and Spain are very soon settled.
himself in Salvadorean politic*. He is United States, admit that the outlook to the Maine matter in the reply she Simon, was warned of the danger in The Carlist movement is assuming a
for peace has grown aluiost hopeless sent through Minister Woodford. She time to get to higher ground, but in more active form, and the royal family
now living iu Oakland, Cal.
since this determination.
made no offer to pay for the loss, but ' turning back to help her mother, was fears especially a pronunciamento by
The committee on interstate and for- <
Some diplomats have suggested a suggested that the matter be settled by caught with the older woman in an Wevler and the military party.
eign commerce has favorably reported
meeting of representatives in Washing­ arbitration. So far as I recall, she ex­ eddy and they were drowned.
Everything is prepared in the royal
Mr. Tongue's bill extending the time
ton of the European power*, in order pressed no regret for the sad occur­
A woman made an effort to save her castle for flight. The boy king, Al­
for the erection of a bridge aoross the I
to see if something cannot be done to rence ami the whole thing was regard­ lover by throwing a clothesline to him fonso, will be taken to San Lucar de
Columbia, by the Oregon A Washing­
preserve peace. It is felt by diplo­ ed as a oold-blooded statement.”
from her house. His house was swept Barrameda, where a yacht is kept ready
ton bridge Company, between Washing­
mats who desire even mediation that
The reply of Spain is said in effect away at the moment, and he was for sailing. The replies to the queen’s
ton and Oregon. The committee, how­
any move must be made quickly.
to be representation that the independ­ thrown into the water. He swam to letters asking for the intervention of
ever, amended the bill so that instead
Archbishop Ireland called at the ence of Cuba means the parting or the aid of the girl, but she was stand­ the European powers have been wholly
of having two years to begin operation,
state department today, and was imme­ cession of Spanish territory, which ing on the aide of a gable roof, and was unsatisfactory.
the company w ill have one year, and
diately conducted to Judge Day’s room. cannot be done without the consent of pulled from her footing. Both wer*
insteail of four years in which to com­
Astoria Road Completed.
At mam Judge Day said there had l>een the Spansish cortes, which will not be drowned.
plete the work, three1 years is allowed,
Clatskanie, Or., April 5.—The two
offered no mediation or iutervention by in session until April 24. Then a
These are some instance* told by tracklaying crews on the Astoria &
all this time to tie reckoned from the
the other powers.
counter-proposition is submitted that John Graham, who reached Cypres* Columbia River railroad completed the
date of the passage of the bill by con- 1
Trouble Fenrrd at Barcelona.
the Cuban matter shall be settled upon Junction, from which place he tele­
grass. This is the bridge it was pro­
London, April 7.—A dispatch from a basis equitable among nations. 'The phoned here for help. He said that be all-rail connection between Astoria and
posed to build in the vicinity of La
Portland at a point near this plaoe at
Camas several years sine»1 in connection Barcelona says the United States con­ United States ia asked to give Spain himself helped 12 persons out of the 4:80 P. M. today.
Several hundred
with a road to North Yakima. The sulate there is guarded by the police, time to treat with the insurgent* and water.
citizens of this place, headed by the
•ite is claimed to be the best on the
Clatskanie band, were present to wit­
Carthagena, a Spaniard, has resigned. ture of a peaceful settlement.
issued an appeal for aid.
ness the driving of the last spike.
To Bring
Congress will be petitioner! also.
With pleasant weather from now on,
At Porto Rico.
Washington, April 7.—The govern- 1
Captain Ray, agent of the war de­
it is expected that the road will be
North Levee Gave Ways
Madrid, April 4.—The Spanish tor­
partment, who has just returned from ment has dispatched a fleet of six ves- ;
open for traffic by May 1. The only
Ridgeway, HI., April 6.—According thing uncompleted about the road is
Alaska, says that from his knowledge sei* to Havana to transport Consul-
to the beat information obtainable here the steel draw on the bridge over Blind
of the conditions existing at Fort Yu­ General Lee and al) the United States I
Krnt.r We. No* A.ut.alnatod.
as to the flood at Shawneetown, the ■lough, which is on the ground, how­
kon, and reliable information from consular officer*, together with all
Dawson, he doe* not lielieve there will Americans now in Havana and vicinity
London, April L—A report was cur­ levee on the north wa* the one that ever, and ready to be put into plaoe in
be any ioe* by starvation among the who desire to leave the island.
rent on the stock exchange today to the broke. The north end of Shawneetown, a few day*. The company expects to
whites, but the Indiana along Porcu- I The treasury department has tele­ effect that President Kruger, of the except Main street, near the river, wa* run two passenger trains a day when
pine and Juan de Leur are starving. I graphed the quarantine officer at Ha­ Hou th African republic, has been shot built up of one-ctory buildings of inferi­ the road is completed, and to make the
Courier* have come in to Dawson beg- | vana directing him to permit all and killed. The general representative ; or construction, which were mainly trip in three hour*.
ging that food be sent out, as the American* who desire to leave Havana of the Transvaal discredit* the report. ' inhabited by negroes. It is believed
women and children are dving along to do *o without certificate* or exami- | The story ia probably a stock exchange ; the larger portion of those lost wars
Two thousand two hundred train*
colored people.
the trail.
leave London ordinarily every 24 hour*.
Spain Surrenders
Batiks Down.
Washington, April 6.—The Post
says that unless Spain, within 48 hours,
yields by surrendering Cuba, war can­
not be averted. It sums up the situa­
tion as follows:
President McKinley’s message to
congress will be a ringing, vigorous
document that promises to meet the
full expectation of congress and the
people. It will be a scathing arraign­
ment of Spain, showing that she has
demonstrated her utter incapacity to
govern; that her colonies have de­
clined in population as the result of
misrule and oppression; that American
commerce has been damaged and Amer­
ican lives and property imperiled, and
that existing conditions ehould and
will not be tolerated by this govern­
The destruction of the battle-ship
Maine and the slaughter of 26(1 officer*
and seamen serving under the United
States flag will be commented upon in
strong language, and Spain will be held
responsible for that disaster. The pres­
ident will make no direct recommend*1
tion, but his message will point clearly
to the necessity of armed intervention
to restore order and peace. He will
not recommend the recognition of the
independence of the island, because the
insurgents have no established form of
government, and the president and
cabinet believe that a truvesty would
be presented to the world if following
the recognition of independence of the
island the United States should, as a
result of war, take the independence
away by seizing and annexing the
The president's message will be
equivalent to a declaration of war, and
hostilities can now only be averted by
Spain yielding all.
Pope Leo XIII is mediating between
Spain and Cuba.
The efforts of his
holiness have already resulted in an
appeal from Spain to the insurgents
through the autonomist cabinet for an
armistice pending an agreement for
peace and independence. It is learned
that his holiness has represented to
Spain that it is the part of wisdom to
make every possible concession, even to
surrendering the island absolutely,
rather than go to war with the United
States, which would inevitably result
in the loss of Cuba and other Spanish
colonies, and at the same time endanger
the dynasty.
The United States has ceased all
negotiations, and will not accept media­
tion. The administration and congress
see no alternative but war.
Mines in Havana Harbor.
New York, April 6.—A dispatch to
the World from Havana says:
floating submarine mines were secretly
planted in Havana harbor last Wednes­
day night by the Spanish government.
This information comes from official
sources and is absolutely correct. The
mines contain sufficient force there to
paralyze the biggest ships afloat.
Impatient Senators Make Open Charge»
Against Spain.
Washington, April 6.—It was frankly
and openly charged in the senate today
by Perkins (Cal.) in a eet speech that
Spain was responsible for the Maine
disaster, as it had been brought about
by Spanish machinations and Spanish
treachery. The speech of Perkins was
only one of four prepared addresses on
the Cuban question delivered in the
senate today. Clay (Ga.), while hoping
for a peaceful solution of the problem
the country is now facing, declared
strongly in favor of the independence
of the Cubans, and pledged to the ad­
ministration the loyal support of the
South, which, in the event of war,
would have to bear the brunt of the
conflict. Perkins took substantially
the same grounds, and his vigorous
treatment of the subject aroused the
crowded galleries to enthusiastic ap­
Mantle (Mont.), while expressing
confidence in the administratoin, main­
tained that the time for action had
now arrived, and that action must be
to the end that Cuba should be free.
Rawlins (Utah) entirely eliminated
the president from consideration in his
speech, contending that the case
against Spain was already made up and
that with congress rested the responsi­
bility of declaring war, and that forc­
ing us to wait longer was only to in­
vite criticism. He declared for the
most vigorous action immediately.
In the House.
Washington, April 6.—'While there
was no attempt to force consideration of
a resolution regarding the Cuban situ­
ation in the house, there was a brief
outbreak, in the course of which the
war-like temper of the crowded galler­
ies wa* so manifest that Speaker Reed
threatened to clear them if it was re­
peated. The outbreak occurred over *
bill to authorize the president to erect
temporary fortifications in case of
emergency upon land, when the writ­
ten consent of the owner was obtained,
without awaiting the long process of
legal condemnation. This led to a de­
mand by Bailey, the Democratic lead­
er, for information as to the facts
which warranted all these war meas­
The Oregon ■* Callao.
Callao, Peru, April 6.—The United
State* battle-ship Oregon ha* arrived
Preparins to Flee.
Havana, April 6.—The Mangrove
and the Bache are expected here to­
morrow to tako to Key West such
American* a* desire to go. Consul-
General Lee has been authorised to
hire merchant vessels if necessary, and
will probably employ the steamer Flor­
ida, due here tomorrow, the Mascotte,
which I* due here Wednesday, and the
Olivette, which is due here for an extra
trip on Thursday. The Fern will re­
main here, *o far aa i* known.