Admits There an Explosion. DIFFERS MUCH A Full FROM OURS Synopsis of the Report of the Spanish Naval Commission — Com­ plete Text of the American Court of Inquiry Into the Maine Disaster. Washington, March 80.—A full syn- opsis of the report of the Spanish naval commission which investigated the de­ struction of the battle-ship Maine is here given. It is taken from a copy of the original report, which is now on its way here from Havana, the synopsis being cabled and today being in the hands of this government. The conclusions are directly opposite to those in the report of the court of in­ quiry submitted to congress today. The synopsis is as follows*. The report contains declarations made by ocular witnesses and ex]>erts. From these statements it deduces and proves the absence of all those attend­ ant circumstances which are invariably presented on the occasion of the explo­ sion of a torpedo. The evidence of witnesses compara­ tively close to the Maine at the moment is to the effect thut only one explosion occurred; that no column of water was thrown into the air; that no shock to the side of the nearest vessel was felt, nor on land was any vibration noticed, and that no dead fish were found. The evidence of the senior pilot of the harbor states that there is abund­ ance of fish in the harbor, and this is corroborated by other witnesses. The assistant engineer of the works states that after explosions were made during the execution of works in the harbor, he has always found dead fish. The divers were unable to examine the bottom of the Maine, which was buried in the mud, but a careful examination of the sides of the vessel, the rente and breaks, which all point outward, shows without a doubt that the explosion was from the inside. A minute examination of the bottom of the harbor around the vessel shows absolutely no sign of the action of a torpedo, and the judge-advocate of the commission can find no precedent for the explosion of the storage magazine of the vessel by a torpedo. The report makes clear that owing to the sepcial nature of the proceedings following, the commission has been prevented from making such an exami­ nation of the inside of the vessel as would determine even the hypothesis of the internal origin of the accident.. This is to be attributed to the regret-4 table refusal to permit a necessary con­ nection of the Spanish commission with! the commander and crew of the Maine, and the different American officers commissioned to investigate the cause of the accident, and later with those employed on salvage work. The report finishes by stating that an examination of the inside and out­ side of the Maine, as soon as such ex­ amination may be possible, as also of the bottom where tlie vessel rests, sup­ posing that the Maine’s wreck be not totally altered in the processor extrica­ tion, will wanant the belief that the explosion was udoubtedly due to some interior cause. AMERICAN REPORT IN * À DETAIL. Full Text of the Findings of the Maine Court of Inquiry. U. S. S. Iowa, first rate. Key West, Fla., Monday, March 21, 1898.—After a full and mature considera­ tion of all the testimony before it, the court finds as follows: First—That the United States battle-ship Maine arrived in the harbor of Havana; Cuba, on the 21st day of January. 1898J and w*as taken to buoy No. 4, in 5% to 9 fathoms of water, by the regular govern- ment pilot. The United States consul then at Havana had notified the authorities at that place the previous evening of the Intended arrival of the Maine. Second—The state of discipline on board the Maine was excellent, and all orders and regulations in regard to the care and safety of the ship were strictly carried out. All ammunition was stow’ed away in accordance with instructions, and proper care was taken whenever ammunition was handled. Nothing was stored in any one of the magazines or shellrooms which was not permitted to be stowed there. The magazines and shellrooms were al­ ways locked after having been opened; and after the destruction of the Maine the keys were found in their proper place in the captain’s cabin, everything hav­ ing been reported secure that evening at 8 P. M. The temperature of the maga­ zines and shellrooms were taken daily and reported. The only magazine which) had an undue amount of heat was thef after 10-inch magazine, and that did nos explode at the time the Maine was de­ stroyed. The torpedo warheads were all etowed in the after part of the ship under* the ward room, and neither caused nor participated in the destruction of thé Maine. The dry gun-cotton primers, ant) detonators, were stowed In the cabin aft. =1 A Famous Inventor. Salem, Mass.« March 80.— Abnew Cheney Goodall. died here, aged 83 years. He perfected the first printing pres8 that printed on both sides in onq Operation. He also invented tha cracker machine and perfected the preparation of copper and steel plates for use by engravers. and remote from the scene of the expIo- pion. The waste was carefully looked after on board the Maine to obviate danger. ¿Special orders in regard to this had been given by the commanding officer. Var­ nishes, dryers, alcohol and other com­ bustibles of this nature, were stowed on or above the main deck, and could not have had anything to do with the de­ struction of the Maine. The medical stores were stowed aft. under the ward­ room, and remote from the scene of the explosion. No dangerous stores of any kind were stowed below in any of the other storerooms, or in the coalbunkers, Of those bunkers adjoining the forward magazine and shellrooms, four were empty; namely, B3, B4, B5, B6. A15 had been in use that date, aivd A16 was full of new river coal. This ooal had been carefully inspected before reoeivlng it on board. The bunker in which it was stowed was accessible on three sides at all times, and the fourth side at this time, on ac­ count of bunkers B4 and B6 being empty. This bunker, A16. had been inspected that day by the engineer officer on duty. The fire alarms In the bunkers were in work­ ing order, and there had never been a case of spontaneous combustion of coal on board the Maine. The two after boil­ ers of the ship were In use at the time of the disaster, but for auxiliary purposes only, with a comparatively low pressure of steam and being tended by a reliable watch. These boilers could not have caused the explosion of the ship. The forward boilers of the ship have since been found by the divers, and are in fair condition. On the night of the destruction of the Maine, everything had been re­ ported secure for the night at 8 P. íd. by reliable persons, through proper au- thorltles to the commanding officer, At the time the Maine was destroyed the ship was quiet, and therefore the least liable to accident caused by movements from those on board. Third—The destruction of the Maine oc­ curred at 9:40 P. M. on the 15th day of February, 1898, in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, being at the time moored to the very same buoy to which she had been taken upon her arrival. There were two explosions, of a distinctly different character, a very short but distinct in­ terval between them, and the forward part of the ship was lifted to a marked degree at the time of the first explosion. The first explosion wras more In the na- ture of a report, llko that of a gun, while the second explosion was more open, prolonged, and of a greater vol­ ume. The second explosion was, in the opinion of the court, caused by the par« tlal explosion of two or more of the for- ward fnaga zines of the Maine. | His In Full Poiimnion. Peking, March 30.—The Chinese gar­ risons were withdrawn today from Port Arthur and Talien-Wan. The Russian standard and Russian flag were hoisted at both places. SIGSBEE'S STORY Detailed Testimony Before Board Regarding the Diaaater. the WASHINGTON, March 30.—Captain Sigsbee, in testifying before the court of | inquiry, said that he assumed command of the Maine April 10, 1897, and that his ship anchored in the harbor of Havana the last time January 24, 1898. The au- I thoritles at Havana knew of the Maine’s coming, Consul-General Lee having in- ' formed the authorities according to offi- , vial custom. Aft» r he took on an official i pilot, sent by the captain of the port of ! Havana, the ship was berthed in the man- of-war anchorage, off the Machina, or the Shears, and according: to his understand­ ing, it was one of the regular buoys of the place. He then stated that he had been in Havana in 1872, and again in 1898. He could not state w’hether the Maine was placed in the usual berth for men-of- war, but said that he had heard remarks since the explosion, using Captains Ste­ vens, temporarily in command of the Ward Line steamer City of Washington, os authority for the statement, that he had never known, in all his experience, which covered visits to Havana for five or six years, a man-of-war to be anchored at that buoy, that he had rarely known merchant vessels to be anchored there, and that it was the least used buoy in the harbor. Tlie Maine's Snrronniling«, In describing the surroundings when first moored to the buoy. Captain Sigsbee stated that the Spanish man-of-war Al­ fonso XIII wus anchored in the position now occupied by the Fern, about 250 yards to the northward and westward from the Maine. The German ship Grie- senau was anchored at the berth now oc­ cupied by the Spanish man-of-war Le Caspo, which is about 400 yards due north from the Maine. He then located the German man-of-war Chariote, which came into the harbor a day or two later, which was anchored to the southward of the Maine’s berth about 400 or 500 yards. In describing the surroundings at the time of the explosion, Captain Sigsbee stated that the night was calm and still. The Alfonso XIII was at the same berth. The small Spanish dispatch boat, Le Caspo, had come out the day before and taken the berth occupied by the German man-of-war, the Griesenau, which had left. The steamer City of Washington was anchored about 200 yards to the ________ south and east of the Maine’s stern, slightly on the port quarter. The Coal Was Safe. The Maine coaled at Key West, taking on about 150 tons, the coal being regularly inspected, and taken from the government coal pile. This coal was placed generally in the forward bunkers. No report was received from the chief engineer that any coal had been too long in the bunkers, and that the fire alarms in the bunkers w’ere sensitive. The regulations regarding Imflammables and paints on board, Captain Sigsbee testified, were strictly carried out in re­ gard to storage, and that waste also was subject to the same careful disposition. The inflammable© were stored in chests according to the regulations, and Inflam­ mables in excess of chest capacity, were allowed to be kept in the bathroom of the admiral’s cabin. Regarding the electrio plant of the Maine, Captain Sigsbee stated that there was no serious grounding, nor sudden flaring up of the lights before the explo­ sion, but a sudden and total eclipse. As for regulations affecting the taking of the temperature of the magazines, etc., Captain Sigsbee stated there were no spe­ cial regulations other than the usual regu­ lations required by the department. He examined the temperature himself, and conversed with the ordnance officer as to the various temperatures, and the con­ tents of the magazines and, according to the opinion of this officer, as well as Sigs­ bee, the temperatures were never at the danger point. “I do not think there was any laxity in this direction,” said the captain, replying to a question of Judge-Advocate Marix. He had1 no recollection of any work go­ ing on in the magazine or shell rooms be­ fore the explosion. The keys were called for in the usual way on the day in ques­ tion, and were properly returned. Condition of the Wreck. Fourth—The evidence bearing on this being principally obtained from divers, did not enable the court to form a defi­ nite conclusion as to the condition of the wreck, although it was established that the after part of the ship was prac­ tically intact, and sank in that condition a very few minutes after the destruction of the forward part. The following facts In regard to the forward part of the ship are, however, established by the testi­ mony: That portion of the short side of the protected deck which extends from about frame 30 to about frame 41, was blown up aft and over to port. The main deck from about frame 30 to about frame 41 was blown up aft and slightly over to starboard, folding the forward part of the middle superstructure over and on top of the floor part. This was, in the opinion of the court, caused by the partial explo- sion of two or more of the forward maga- zines of the Maine. Fifth—At frame 15 the outer shell of the ship from a point 11% feet from the mid­ dle line of the ship, and six feet above the keel, when in its normal position, has been forced up, so as to be about four feet above the surface of the water, there­ fore about 34 feet above where it would be had the ship sunk uninjured. The outside bottom plating is bent into a reversed V-shape, the after wing of which, about 15 feet broad and 32 feet in length (from frame 17 to frame 25), is doubled back upon Itself, against the continuation of the same plating extending forward. At frame 80 the vertical keel is broken in two, and the flat keel bent into an angle similar to the angle formed by the outside bottom plating. This break is now about six feet below the surface of the water, and about 10 feet above its normal position. In the opinion of the court, this effect could have been pro­ duced only by the explosion of a mine, situated under the bottom of the ship, at about frame 18, and somewhat on the port side of the ship. 81xth—The court finds that the loss of the Maine on the occasion named was not in any respect due to fault or negll- gence on the part of any of the officers »or members of the crew of said vessel. i Seventh—In the opinion of the court, the Maine was destroyed by the explo­ sion of a submarine mine, which caused the partial explosion of two or more of her forward magazines. Eighth—The court has been unable to obtain evidence fixing the responsibility for the destruction of the Maine upon any person or persons. W. T. SAMPSON. Captain, U. S. N., President A. H. MARIX, U. S. N.. Commander. Judge-Advocate. The court having finished the inquiry it >was ordered to make, adjourned at 11 A. M., to await the action of the con­ vening authority. W. T. SAMPSON, Captain, U. 8. N., President. A. H. MARIX, U. S. N., Lieutenant-Commander, U. S. N., Judge-Advocate, U. S. Flagship New York. March 22, 1KW, Off Key West, Fla. The proceedings and findings of the court of inquiry in the above case M. STCARD, are approved. Roar-Admiral, Commander- n-Chief. U. S. Naval Force of the North Atlantic. CAPTAIN Relations With Spanish Anthoritles. : | ! j I i Speaking generally of the relations with the Spanish authorities. Captain Sigsbee stated that with the officials they were outwardly cordial. The members of the autonomistlc council of the government, however, seem to have brought to the at­ tention of the navy department the fact that he did not visit them, and that fact brought embarrassment to the govern­ ment at Washington. He took the ground to the department that It was unknown etiquette to call on the civil members of the colonial government other than the governors. Without waiting for such an order, Captain Sigsbee made -a visit after­ wards, and, as he states, was pleasantly received and his visit promptly returned by certain members of the council. A party of ladies and gentlemen called, and the president of the council made a speech which Captain Sigsbee could not under- stand, but which was interpreted to him, to which he replied. ‘‘My reply,” said Captain Sigsbee, “was afterwards printed in at least two papers in Havana, but the terms made me'favor autonomist government in the island. I am Informed that the autonomistlc gov­ ernment in Havana 1s unpopular among a large class of Spanish and Cuban resi­ dents. I have no means of knowing whether my apparent interference in the political concerns of the island had any relation to the destruction of the Maine.” Exhibition of Anlniostty. When asked whether there was any demonstration of animosity by people afloat, Captain Sigsbee said there was never on shore, as he was informed, but there was afloat. He related that on the first Sunday after the Maine’s arrival the ferry-boat, crowded densely with people, civil and military, returning from a bull- fight at Regia, passed the Maine, and about 40 people on board Indulged In yell- ing, whistling and derisive calls. Every Precaution Taken. I During the stay in Havana, Captain Sigsbee took more than ordinary precau­ tions for the protection of the Maine by p>acing flentries on the forecastle and poop, quarter line and single decks, on the bridge and the poop. A corporal of the guard was especially instructed to look out for the port gang­ way, and the officer of the deck and quar­ termaster were especially instructed to look out for the starboard gangway, a quarter-watch was kept on deck all night, sentries’ cartridge boxes filled, their arms kept loaded, a number of rounds of rapid- fire ammunition kept in the pilot-room and in the spare captain’s pantry, and under the aft superstructure were kept additional supplies of shells, close at hand for the second battery; steam was kept up in two boilers instead of one, and positive instructions were given to w’atch carefully all the hydraulic gear and report defin­ itely. He said he had given orders to the mas- ter-at-arms to keep a careful eye on everybody that came on board, and to carefully observe any packages that might be held, on the »upposition that dynamite or other high explosives might be employed, and afterwards to inspect the routes these people had taken, and not to lose sight of the order. He state* that very few people visited the ship, Lieutenant-Commander Wainwright be­ ing rather severe on visitors. Spanish Officers on Board. Rewlwtanea rrged. Yokohama, March 30.—The unoffi­ cial section of the prese is actively urg­ Great preparations are being maay for services in order to raise a fund to purchase war­ ships. A committee, over which the bishop of Madrid will preside, has been organised to receive the subscription*. MV Dei United tn a oomtnon cause for th« sacred purpose of preserving the principles of gov- eminent by the whole people. In fact as well as in name, restoring and malnt&'nlng equality, under that government, of all classes, we, the people's democratic and sll- ver-republloan parties of the state of Ore­ gon. waiving all minor points of diffsrsnc% and uniting for ths purpose of carrying out lhe great underlying principles upon which ; we are all agreed, do make and present to the people of this state the following dec­ laration ot principles, and to ths carrying out of whloh we solemnly pledge each and every candidate upon our united ticket: First—We demand the free and un rest dot­ ed coinage of silver and gold at ths pres­ ent legal ratio ft 14 h- I, without wilting for the consent of foreign nations; and we are unalterably opposed to the policy of ths present republican administration in de­ manding the retirement of greenbacks, and the turning over of the money-making pow­ er of the government to the national banks, as presented by the bill drawn by the repub­ lican secretary of the treasury, and Indorsed by President McKinley; and we especially denounce the avowed attempt by said bill to fasten the oountry Irrevocably and forever to the single gold standard. We demand a national money, safe and sound, issued by the general government only, without the Intervention of banks of Issue, to be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private; also a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to tlie people through the lawful disbursements of the government. We demand that the volume of circulating medium be speedily Increased to an amount sufficient to meet the demands of the busi­ ness and population of this oountry, and to restore the just level of prices of labor and production. We favor such legislation as will prevent for the future the demonetization of any kind of legal-tender money by private com- tract. We demand that the government, tn pay­ ment of its obligations, shall use Its optlow as to the kind of lawful money In which they are to be paid, and we denounce the present and preceding administrations for surrendering this option bo the holders of government obligations. We demand that there shall be no further u«ue of United States Interest - bearing bonds. We demand that postal savings banks be established by the government for the safe deposit of the savings of the people and to facilitate exchange. We demand the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. We demand the Initiative and referendum system of law-making in its optional form, local, state and national, and the submis­ sion by oongress of all important national Questions for an advisory vets of the peo- , pie, until such time as the national oonst^ tut ion shall have been amesided so as bo provide for direct legislatkxx We oondemn as dangerous and unjust th* surrender, in all departments of the govern- ' ment. to the Influence of trusts, aorporatlone and aggregations of wealth generally; and the packing of tlie highest courts of the land with corporation lawyers, too ready to do the will of their late employers, and to set aside valid and wholesome laws passed by the legislative deportments of the states and government, upon flimsy pretexts, at ths be­ hests of suoh institutions. We ass opposed to goverrnneot by injuno Mon. (A stats matters^ ws demands A slinpbs and well-guarded MgMratkn law. A more equitable mode of appointing judge« of election. j Stringent law» to regulate the operation of fish traps, fish wheels and aU âshîng gear in the waters within the Jurisdiction of the state. We denounoe and condemn the corrupt and extravagant repuhfican legislative assem- bllee, and charge that the republican party, In itg eaaemes^ for the ecoil• of office, hoe become divided into warring factions, so that K is Incapable of government as es- emplifled by the oondltlon existing In the of- floe of the state treasurer, there being at this time more than $500,000 therein wrung from the people by the process of taxation* while state warrants ars stamped ‘‘Net paid for want of funds.” We demand that all district and oounty of­ ficers be placed upon salarie« commensurate with the duties to be performed by them. Inasmuch as railroad and other oorperato property is not bearing Its proportion of taxation, we demand that such property shall bear Its just and equal share of tha expenses of government. State Nominations. For governor—W. R. King, populist, of Baker For congressman—First district, R. M. Veatch, democrat, Linn; Second district, C. M. Donald* son, silver republican, of Baker. For secretary of state—II. R. Kincaid, sllvei republican, of Lane. For supreme judge—W. A. Ramsay, democrat^ of Yamhill. For attorney-general—J. L. 8tory, populist, of Wasco. For state printer—Charles A Pitch, populist, of Clackamas. For superintendent of public Instruction—H. 8. Lyman, populist, of Clatsop. District Nominations« First district—Judge, E. C. Wade, silver re» publican; prosecuting attorney, A. N. Sloiss, populist; member of board of equalization, C, A. Worden, populist. Second district—Judge, J. W. Hamilton, dem« ocrat; prosecuting attorney, H. Denlinger, jr., populist. Third district—Judges, R. P. Boise, populist and P. II. D'Arcy, democrat; prosecuting au torney, S. L. Hayden, democrat; member of board of equalization, John P. Robertson, populist. Fourth district—Judges, J. V. Beach, demo» crat, department 1; Themas O’Day, democrat, departments; Dell Stuart, silver republican; prosecuting attorney, no nomination. Fifth district—Judge, W. D. Hare, populist; district attorney, no nomination. Sixtn district—District attorney, J. T. Hinkle, populist. Seventh district—Judge, W. L. Bradford, dem« ocrat; prosecuting attorney. A. Van Vactor, populist. Eighth district—No nominations. Ninth district—Judge, M. D. Clifford, demo crat; district attorney, E. Hicks, democrat; in am tier of board of equalization, J. R. Gregg, populist.___________________ St. Paul Bank Wrecked. fit. Patil, March 28.—The Bank of Merriam Park, this city, failed to open today, on account of a time-check fraud. The bank’s capital is $50,000, of which $80,000 is reported to have been invested in Southall government time checks. Robbers Make a Rich Haul. Traver, Cal., March 28.—North­ bound paaeenger train No. 18 was held up at CroM creek bridge, four mile* south of Traver laet night, about 10:55, by two trainrobbers. The mon boarded the train at Goahen, and soon after pulling out climbed into the engine and compelled the fireman to cease fir­ ing. When the train reached CroM creek the steam gave out and the trai# «topped, lhe express car was then blown up with dynamite. It was com­ pletely demolished.