The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 01, 1898, Image 1

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Entered at the Poetoffice In McMinnville,
as Secoud-clasa matter.
One Dollar If paid in advance, Single num berafive centa.
NO. 15.
The court house in this city contained
The sixteenth Sunday school conven­
a large audience Saturday evening to
hear an address by Hon. T. T. Geer, the tion of Yamhill county assembled in the
most formidable candidate before the Friends’ church at Newberg on Thurs­
people for the republican nomination for day, March 24th, at 10 a. m.
Mrs. Mary E. K. Edwards, the presi­
governor, and who is every inch a true
man, worthy of the best suffrage of the dent, called on Rev. G. II. Bennett
to lead the devotional service.
At 10:30 Prof. J. C. Hodson gave the
Mr. Geer said he was not there to
abuse anyliody, but with that practical address of welcome in his usual happy
reasoning, which is so characteristic and manner, and Rev. Bowersox responded
appeals so strongly to thinking people, heartily.
Rev. J. Hoberg gave a brief talk on
especially to farmers, be held his audi­
ence with rapt interest for an hour and a “The importance of Sunday school work,
half. He dwelt principally on the ratio and was followed by Dr. Watts, E. J
of 16 to 1, and declared it didn’t mean Wood and others.
On the subject “What qualifications
anything in these times.
“The silver people,” he said, "give no should the Sunday school teacher pos­
reason why they want this ratio rather sess,” E. J. Wood spoke. Although his
than any other. It is a new question in remarks were brief, they were well re­
the history of money. In the light of ceived. The subject was, however, more
the improved times, it would seem un­ fully discussed by others.
Kay & Todd’s Old Corner, McMinnville, Or.
Alva Macy, Fred Henry and Mary
necessary for the republicans to thresh
over this question, but the best cause i9 Judd were appointed a committee on en­
often fought for the most bitterly. This rollment.
is because the republican party is right.
The prayer service was conducted by
We see this principle in nature. The
best care does not always satisfy the Rev. Bowersox of Lafayette.
You will find this an Up-to-date establishment,
Rev. J. Hoberg, Dr. Watts and Mr.
grower. Wild oats will spring up, and
carrying a complete line of
green shoots will be seen peering above Hoffman were appointed a committee on
the ground, even after the early frosts in nomination, and E. J. Wood and Rev.
the fall. Populists are first-class citizens, S. L. Lee on resolution.
Reports of schools was called for, and
but just as far wrong as they can go on
this question, and like the wild oats, the representatives responded briefly.
they will spring up in the fall, and the Rev. G. H. Bennett of Newberg read a
frosts of better times have no deterring well prepared, boiled down, instructive
paper on “The Superintendent, s Duties
effect on their agitation.”
He said he had talked long and earn­ and Opportunities,” and upon motion
estly before for protection, but this ques­ the paper was requested for publication.
tion, be thought, bad been settled for Another fine paper was read by Mrs.
Courtney of Dayton on “Primary Meth­
yaars to come.
“Now,” he said, “they bring up the ods,” which was also requested for publi­
money question, and use the hard times cation. Mrs. Lillian Robertson favored
to make a ten strike. The whole ques­ us with a vocal solo. It was well ren­
tion centers in the ratio. If the law can dered. Alva Macy gave a practical les­
give the sole value to money, then the son on bible geography, having a class
ratio of 8 to 1 would double the amount of young people from the Evangelical
of silver dollars coined out of the same Sunday school of Dayton to assist him.
amount of bullion . The ratio changes It was all well done. He used the black­
We want your business and will treat you right; give you
because of the cheapening of the bullion, board . This was followed by a class ex­
Good, Reliable Goods at the
and without unfriendly legislation. There ercise by Mrs. Thomas Newlin’s class of
never has been a time when the ratio was girls, on the same subject, they using the
fixed other than by the number of ounces map, all showed what can and may be
of silver that would buy one ounce of done if the heart is in the work.
McMinnville was selected as the place
gold. The price of silver is fixed by the
for the next convention.
Reference was made to the ratio estab­
At 7:30 E. J. Wood had charge of the
lished by Jefferson and Hamilton, and,
All goods marked in plain figures and one price to all. Come and
the fact that for 30 years not a single sil­ devotional service. After singing by a
shake hands with us. Let’s get acquainted.
ver dollar was coined in the United male quartet, Alva Macy, with a normal
States under the administration of the class from Dayton, with a prepared
Truly Yours,
fathers of the country, Jefferson, by per­ model, built the temple, giving dimen­
sonal command, having stopped the sions, etc. It was well done and interest­
coinage, because the bullion was worth ing. After a vocal solo by Mrs. E. K.
Edwards, President Thomas Newlin read
more than the coin.
Mr. Geer told of bis visit of 3% hour» a paper on “Qualification for Proficient
to the populist state convention, where Bible Study,” a well prepared paper and
P. S.—Some Prices for your consideration next week.
he heard a great deal said about “oppres­ worthy of being published and widely
sion” and “tyranny.” He said he was distributed. He referred to the state­
amazed that American citizens should ment of a certain preacher iu a McMinn­
ville pulpit recently, that he, Newlin,
talk so.
“No privilege,” be said, “that our waB tinctured with skeptical n?’ions in
fathers enjoyed has been taken away bible teaching, as false. All who heard
Heal Estate Transfers.
from anyone for 30 years. This sort of Prof. Newlin’s paper that night must con­
Week ending March 29th.
sentiment ¡9 pitiable and pitiful. This ag­ clude that the above preacher was mis­
C H Abernathy to G E Abernathy
itation makes the condition of lack of informed, and did Mr. Newlin a serious
Some seem to suppose that C. D. JOHNSON
undivided X ¡nt of M Lafiam-
confidence. Investments now are of injury. After singing “The Mother’s
is out of business, but such is not the case. He
boise and Highley d 1 c......... $ 0000 short duration, mostly extending over Good Bye,” by Mrs. Ella Metzger, the
J W Henry sheriff to S D Nelson 85
is again “in the swim” with a good line of
the period of President McKinley’s term. convention adjourned,doing a good day's
u t 3 r 3............................................. 1083
“Mr. Bryan last year told in Idaho, on work.
Sheriff to Chas barken 100 a t 4 r 3
26 his way east, that falling prices always
Sheriff to A O Mills 125xL54 ft in
followed the cheapening of silver,
A '9:30 a.m., Dr. Watts had charge of
3 man on the outskirts of the crowd WM devotional service. C. P. Yates of Sheri­
All fresh goods. He has had experience enough in this
dan addressed the convention on “The
E M Woodward trustee et al to It
heard to remark :
line to know what such goods can be sold for.
Use of Special Means in Sunday School
At the old Stand, north of Grange Store.
t 3 r 2...........................................
1000 we sold our sheep for 90 cents. 1 Now, Work," a very earnest, Christian talk,
John Trumbull et ux to Geo Ains-
with better prices, they are sold so close and it will do good hereafter. Very good
lie 160 a sec 34 t 3 r5 ........
666 that there are not enough in the country for an editor. Miss J. T. Smith of New­
Win Richardson et ux to Geo Ame­
berg followed, reading a well prepared'
for stock purposes.’
lie sec 34 t 3 r 5.............................
“Times are 100 per cent better now paper on “How Can Teachers Beet Se­
T B Henderson et ux to Rebecca
than during the hard times period, yet cure Preparation of the Lesson by the
Henderson 160 a sec 8 t 5 r 6
40 there are populists who would rather be Class.” Some good suggestions were
C A Wallace et al to L Bettman
wrong and go to the wall and have the given to all teachers. Rev. E. S. Craven
1 comfort of blaming the republican party talked on “What Ralation Should tlie
76.97 at 4 r 4................ ............
F M Glover et ux to Rachel E
than acknowledge better times. If they Pastor Sustain to the Sunday School.”
Barks 65 a t 5 r 4 .................... . 1250 acknowledge it, they say it is ‘only tem' And though unexpectedly called on to
B M Robinson to R B Conover lot
porary’ or ‘due to the famine in India.’ speak, Rev. Summerville being absent,
139 Dayton.....................................
5 The republicans do not claim to have ac­ he did well. The committee on nomi­
for people inclined to sickness to purify the blood
Vera C and O A B Grosser to Oscar
complished it all; they acknowledge the nation reported recommending the fol­
and place the system in proper condition for change
Frovarp lot 6 bik 1 Sheridan .
500 bounteousness of nature, but claim what lowing as officers for tiie ensuing year:
in weather and in diet. Nothing better for this
G W Worden et ux to Chas E Hos
¡9 due them, and do not want blame for President, Mrs. Mary E. K. Edwards, of
kins lot 13 Wynooski subdiv.
500 the conditions existing when times were Newberg; vice president, E. J. Wood, of
Clark's Sarsaparilla.
L Bettman et ux to B F Sparks
McMinuville; secretary, Mrs. J. C. Hod­
I not good.”
84-100ths a pt G W Roberts d 1 c
After the conclusion of Mr. Geer’s son, of Newberg; statistical secretary,
You can never realize the full merit of this medicine until
t 4 r 4...............................................
1 : speech, be was asked to give bis ideas on Charles Nelson, of McMinnville; treas­
you try it. The YAMHILL PHARMACY sells it and all
the Cuban question. He replied by say­ urer, C. G. Scott, of Carlton; Supt. of
other goods kept in a first-class drugstore.
Bld• W niiled.
ing that personally he would like to see Home and Normal department, Alva
filled with the utmost accuracy.
j this country “have a little tilt with Macy, of Dayton. They were elected.
Sealed bids will be received by the I Spain.” We have been having trouble The president urged all present to see to
county clerk of Yamhill county u P ,o with her for the last 100 years, he said, it that all Sunday schools are enrolled
April 6tb, 1898, at 1 p. m., for new bridges ani] he thought that on the grounds of next year bo they may be reported to the
at or near Bannister’s and Holdredge’s ' patriotism and humanity there ought to state association so that Yamhill county
places. Said bridges to be built accord­ be a stop put to it.
may lie in the front line in Sunday school
ing to the plans and specifications for
work. to tlarry.
same, now on file in the clerk’s office.
The right to reject any and ail bids is re­
March 26th—H. M. Tolson, 28, and
Rev. Sager of Dayton conducted a live­
served. Said bids to be opener! on Wed­ Mary M. Kneedler. 17, lioth of Yamhill ly spiritual devotional meeting. Mias
L. E. WALKER, Proprietor.
nesday, April 6th, 1898, at 1 p. in. at the county.
I Julia 8. White of Newberg read an excel-
county court room.
I lent paper on “Should We Have Classes
Probate Cowrl.
C. E. D ukexfiei . d , County Clerk.
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Exclusively of Boys or Girls?” She
Dated March 21st, 1898.
Estate of Chas. P. Murray. Statement showed most conclusively that on the
Garden Seeds in Package and Bulk.
of claims filed. First semi-annual ac- whole, mixed classes were the tiest. The
Highest price paid for Poultry and Produce.
The best thing on wheels ia that spring count approved. Personal property or­ varions superintendents present were
Hides and Tallow bought.
tooth harrow at Hodson's. All sizes and dered sold, and hores turned over to . requested to state their experience, and
* the majority were in favor of mixed
prices. Call and see them.
widow as prayed for in Mid account.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats,
Shoes and Furnishing Goods
All Goods Strictly for Cash
Prices as low as Portland's
Largest Houses it
^civetti Prices '¿ver ^larked
In Yamhill County
< >
< >
< ►
< >
D Street Produce and Meat Market i
classes. The question box was in charge
of Rev. Hoberg. Miss Dora Altermatt
favored us with a vocal solo. Reports
from district presidents were called for.
Dayton had one and McMinnville dis­
trict two meetings during the year. The
topic “How Can We Bring the Class
Earliest To Christ,” by Mrs. Evangeline
Martin was handled in her usual excel­
lent manner. Report of Treasurer C. A.
Wallace was read and adopted. He de­
clined reelection. Talk on “Home De­
partment and Normal Work,” by Rev.
Bowersox. Dr. Watts and Rev. Jesse
Edwards were elected as delegates to the
state convention. The usual resolutions
were adopted. On motion, each school
in the county is to be taxed one cent per
capita for the expenses of county Sunday
school work. The statistical secretary
reported as follows: No. of schools, 37;
No. of officers and teachers, 329; total
membership, 2577; average attendance,
1783; increase during the year, 99;
given to missions, $217; expenses of
schools, <762.
After devotional service and vocal solo
by Miss Satcbwell, Mr. A. A. Morse,
state secretary, of Portland, delivered an
address ou home and normal department
work, and after singing, an address on
“The Relation of the Church to the Sun­
day School.” Allgood. After a duet by
Mrs. Robertson and Miss Altermatt, the
convention adjourned. This is but a
brief synopsis of a most enthusiastic con­
vention. All the subjects were fully dis­
cussed by different persons. The con­
gregations were large and attentive. The
singing was good. The Newberg people
vied with each other in making the many
delegates feel at home, and all realized
that it was good to be there.
1 was reading an advertisement of
Chamlierlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­
rhoea Remedy in the Worcester Enter­
prise recently, which leads me to write
this. I can truthfully say I never used
any remedy equal to it for colic and
I have never had to use
more than two or three doses to cure the
worst case with myself or children.—W.
A. S troud , Popomoke City, Md. For
sale by S. Howorth & Co.
roliimbua School Notea.
Superintendent Prentiss visited
us Wednesday.
Lester Neal has dropped his studies
in the 10th grade to work for R. M.
Wade & Co.
Amba Daniels was absent several
days this week on account of sick­
The judges did not get the compo­
sitions corrected last Friday, so the
prizes were not awarded at the time
set. They will be awarded soon.
The 10th grade final papers in Al­
gebra, rhetoric and physical geogra­
phy have been corrected and all
received very good grades.
Mr. Grissen has given “Taine's
English Literature'’ as his prize for
the best local composition
and Mr.
Hembree gave “The Life of Christ”
by Farrar.
Cook school Notes.
Nannie Maloney wns absent Mon­
Written review next week, the last
one this year.
Arbor day next Friday, the 8th.
There will be a short program, after
which the pupils will clean up the
yard and trim the trees.
Lulu and Geneva Wilcox, Rua
Goucher. Lulu Mannning, Clyde and
Carl Akin, and Shelva and Fiora
Walker are down with the measles.
After years of untold Buffering from
piles, B. W. Pursell of Knitnersville, Pa.,
was cured by using a single box of De*
Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases
auch aa eczema, rash, pimplee and obsti­
nate sores are readily cured by this
famous remedy. Hill’s Pharmacy.
Why not bay you a first grade wheel—
Columbia ia the cheapest in the end.