The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 25, 1898, Image 7

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    there Is so much better use for sklm-
mllk on most farms that It Is usually
dilute»- with water, and then re-en­
forced by additions of gruel made from
oat meal, sifted so as to remove the
husks. If this should cause scours,
change the oatmeal for a tablespoon­
ful of flue wheat flour, which should
lie cooked Into a porridge and mixed
with the skim milk and water.
Every Package
of Schilling s Best tea is a sample.
Your money back if you don’t like it.
Alaska Gold in Relation to Affecting
“What effect will the new gold yield
have upon prices?” is u question which
is being debated by statesmen and
financiers. The North American Re­
view treats the subject at length and
draws the deduction that even though
the Alaska yield is enormous it will
not affect prices to any noticeable de­
gree. It reasons that there are too
many avenues ojien to the use of gold
—its monetary use, use among the arts
ami the foreign demand for it to ever
change prices. The article says:
With a gold production for 1897 esti­
mated at $240,000,000, it is evident
tiiat tho new goldfields will have to
prove exceptionally productive in or­
der to add a great percentage to the
world’s annual supply of gold.
they should yield $00,000,000 per year,
carrying the total annual production to
$800,000,0000, they would still be
adding only 25 per cent to the previous
annual increase. The effect of new
supplies of the precious metals is great­
ly restricted by the fact that the addi­
tions have to be set against the whole
mass already in existence. An addi­
tion of 25 per cent to the annual pro­
duction. of wheat or corn, or even of
more permanent industrial products,
like iron or copper, would have a
marked effect upon prices. Gold is un­
doubtedly influenceed, liko all other
articles, by the law of supply and de­
mand. but the supply in any one year
is only a small addition to the amount
already in the market. All the gold
of the world used as coin or bullion in
monetary exchanges is constantly in
the world’s money market, capable of
being purchased by commodtiiee di­
rectly or by slight premiums in rates
of exchange.
It has been shown that the visible
stock of monetary gold existing in tho
world today is about $4,360,000,000.
Reasons will soon be given for thinking
that another sum of $1,000,000,000 is
concealed in private hoards.
mathematical elements of the problem,
therefore, are: An aggregate gold pro­
duction within historic times of $9,-
000,000,000; a visible supply of gold
in use as money of $4,360,000,000; and
a possible annual increase of the sup­
ply from $240,000,000 in 1897 to $300,-
000,000 in future years.
The second question—what portion
of the new gold will be devoted to
monetary uses—suggests the interest­
ing inquiry, what has become of the
difference between the whole amount
of gold produced and the amount now
visible in coin and bullion? The
amount to be accounted for is $4,800,-
000,000 and represents more than half
of the gold which has been produced
since 1492. There are three channels
through which this difference has been
absorbed, which may be briefly treated
Abrasion, the arts and the foreign
State Mining; B orh I r .
State mining boards, Mr. Batchelder
of Portland, believes, would be of
great assistance to the mining inter­
ests of Oregon and Washington. Like
others, Mr. Batchelder realizes that
the mineral districts have been sadly
neglected. With the character of ore,
the fuel, the timber, transportation,
the grades of ore for fluxing each other,
and tho mild climate, Oregon and
Washington, he says, should be the
greatest mineral-producers in the West.
State boards could be of advantage in
many ways.
For one thing, they
coil'd constitute themselves a fountain­
head of reliable information, by keep­
ing in touch with all the districts,
where capitalists, strangers and people
at home could draw from for investing,
We need not talk about the weather when
we come to discuss the cause of so many
aches and pains which afflict mankind.
Much of these afflictions is from heritage
of infirmity of the nerves, muscles and
joints of the human body. Many pains
and aches, it is true, are brought on by
exposure to cold or by sudden chill, but
as to a general condition to which we mav
be subject there should be a remedy which
in a general wav is curative for all. This
is one reason why St. Jacobs Oil is so pop­
ular. It cures aches and pains in all forms,
and they are wise who keep it steadily on
band to'be used in emergencies at any time
in the cure of the most acute attacks.
The chemical name of Epsom salts
is sulphate of magnesia.
By starting for the Klondike now
you will get there in the spring, when
the thermometer is only 30 degrees be­
low zero.
If China could load her cannon with
the characters she puts on tea boxes,
no enemy on earth could withstand the
A Kentucky young man who had the
measles kissed hie sweetheart and she
caught ’em. Now she is suing him for
Very satisfactory trials have been re­
cently made of a life boat made of
pumice stone, which it was found
would remain afloat with a load, even
when full of water.
Those going to the Klondike must
remember that a reliable baking pow­
der is an absolute necessity. If, after
a long and expensive trip and the great
cost of transportation, the baking pow’-
der proves inferior or has lost its
Americans the Rest.
strength, the miner will be practically
It is complained that the British | helpless. It is no time or place to ex­
have made no money out of mining in periment. What is required is a bak-
this country. They should not send | ing powder that has actually stood the
over tho proverbial younger son, and I test of the arctic climate.
luxurious mine managers, who “dress
The well known explorer, Lieut.
for dinner” in remote mining camps Peary, U. 8. N., says of Cleveland’s
and have French chefs, and violinists baking powder, which he used on his
to soothe them during the hour of di­ Arctic Expeditions:
gestion. Americans are mining to bet­
“Cleveland’s stood the tests of use
ter advantage here; they are mostly in those high latitudes and severe tem­
plain, practical men, and when they peratures perfectly and gave entire eat-
buy amine they send one set of experts I isfaction. Mrs. Peary considers that
to check up another, and then pay a there is no better baking powder made
price for the property, and no more.— than Cleveland’s. I shall take it again
Mexico City Herald.
on my next expedition.”
Brought in Samples.
A Woman’s Daily Paper.
Mr. Cole, of the Copper creek min­
There has just been launched in
ing district, Skamania county, Wash­ Paris a daily paper devoted solely to
ington, has brought to Messrs. Colfelt the interests of the fair sex. it is pro­
and Sebecki, of Portland, samples of duced entirely by women, and not only
are the editors, the managers and the
staff of reporters women, but the type
ABOUT IRREGULARITY. is set by female compositors, and it is
reported that even the printers' devils
feminine members of' the genus
A Chat With Miss Marie Johnson.
“gamin.” The name of the paper is La
The balance wheel of a woman's life Fronde. Used as a noun this means
Is menstruation.
the implement of ancient warfare with
Irregularity lays the foundation of which David slew Goliath,while to the
many diseases, and is in itself a symp­ verb “fronder” the translation to sling,
tom of disease. It is of tho greatest to censure, to blame, to criticise and to
Importance that regularity be accom­ opiiose all equally apply, and, judging
plished as soon as possible after the from tho first number, are singularly
flow is an established fact»
appropriate, since it is full of abuse of
Lydia E. Pink­
everything that can ]H>ssibly be con­
ham's Vegetable
strued as the handiwork of man.
Compound is the
Mme. Severine, whose writings have
won for her a world-wide reputation,
is editor-in-chief, and the enterprise is
known to
said to be backed by plenty ot money.
Keeping Dickens’ Birthday.
The birthday of Dickens was cele­
health be­
brated in London by some ceremonies
came so
organized by Mr. Edwin Drew, and it
poor that I
! is of interest to note tiiat hail the no­
had to
velist lived he would have been 86
yearB of age. The grave in Westmin­
school. I
was tired all the time, and had dread­ ster Abbey was visited by Mr. and Mrs.
ful pains in my side and back and head. Drew and a party of friends, and a
I was also troubled with irregularity of wreath was de]iosited upon it. Seeing
menses, and lost so much flesh that my many strangers near Mr. Drew began a
little speech, but it was nipped in the
friends became alarmed.
•* My mother, who from experience is bud by a verger—being, of course,
a firm believer in the Pinkham reme­ technically, perniciously near the legal
dies, thought perhaps they might bene­ <>ffense of “brawling.” Taking the
fit me. I follow ed the advice Mrs. ' wreath with them, Mr. Drew’s party
Tinkham gave me, and used Lydia E. proceeded to an evening entertainment
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and in St. Janies’ hall, when various reci­
Liver Pillsand am now as well as I ever tations, songs, speeches and so forth,
was."—Miss M aki F. J u HS& ox , Cen­ more or lees connected with Dickens,
tralia, Pa>
formed the programme of the evening.
Seedling Strawberries.
I ore from the 20-font level of the Yel­
low Bird shaft, which assayed 15 per
| cent copper and $13 in gold. Mr. Se-
| becki and Mr. Colfelt expect to take
tho machinery for a smelter on the
ground just as soon as the trail can be
put in shape. There are a number of
promising properties in Copper creek
district in which Portland parties are
The weight of a man’s brain has, it
is said, nothing to do with his mental
power. It is a question of climate, not
of intelligence. The colder the climate,
the greater the siao of the brain.
Sorghum Forage,
The value of sorghum, either cured or
put up in ensilage, has been fully dem­
onstrated during the pnsit three yeura.
Under ordinary conditions two heavy
rrops can be raised each year from one
sowing, running anywhere from eight
to fifteen tons total per acre. As tills
crop stands the drouth well, can be
easily and cheaply handled by the Im­
proved machinery now In use, and Is
good for yearn when properly put up. it
would «'em to be the sure feed crop for
this section. The cured sorghum is
more easily handled In feeding, but It
Is more expensive to harvest and cure,
ind Is subject to more waste than the
ensilage crop, which is cut and bound
In one operation by the sorghum binder
and plle-d green in huge stacks, where
by Its own weight all air Is excluded
and it Is without further expense con­
verted into the best of feed for use ns
required. It would be well for stock­
men and farmers to carefully investi­
gate this matter, and if convinced of
the value of sorghum as the feed crop,
then plant largely for this year. Ex­
perience seems to favor sowing in drills
is best, with broadcast sowing next—
Corpus Christi (Texas) Caller.
An Overlooked Crop.
A great many suggestions have been
made In favor of renovating the land,
and to secure Improvement at a small
cost by plowing under green crops. Of
the crops recommended may be men­
tioned clover, cow peas, soja beans, rye
and even corn and millet. There is an­
other crop, however, which lias been
somewhat overlooked, and which can
be grown on almost any soil, and that
is turnips. The turnip crop need not be
planted until July, or even August,
and It grows rapidly, being off t.lie land
In a short time. On medium land from
thirty to forty tons «tn be grown, and
the tops are more valuable than the
bulbs for turning under. The English
farmers grow turnips, allow sheep to
feed on them, and turn them under as
1 manurlal crop. Turnips may be broad­
casted on well-prepared Land, using
plenty of seed, and will soon cover the
ground. Crops are grown In that way
In the Southern States, and the cost Is
but little, as they require no cultivation
when the seed is broadcasted.
The amateur fruit gardener may And
In the production of seedling strawber­
ries an occupation of fascinating Inter­
est. It may lie easily done. At fruit­
ing time select the best berries from
plants of the best varieties obtainable.
Crush the berries and carefully wash
out and dry the seed. Plant the seed
In a protected spot. In rich ground, par­
tially shady. Transplant the most
promising plants after the fourth leaf
appears, and afterward cultivate them
the same as other plants. Probably
there will be no two plants exactly
alike. They w ill differ in foliage, fruit,
time of maturing, and In the manner of
their growth. They may liear but
slight resemblance to the plants that
produced the se?d. There may be no
variety better than that from which it
originated. And jet there may be one
new seedling of superior quality, to ob­
tain which may richly reward the
efforts of years.
toes that are most popular in the South
will not succeed with Northern grow­
ers. The sweet potato requires a long
season to grow in, and only the early
kind will succeed in the Northern
States. It is usually a mistake to send
South for sweet potatoes to plant. The
Northern varieties, propagated In slips
for planting by seedsmen, are much
better, ns well ns cheaper, than trying
to winter the sweet potato and cut It
into sets for planting, ns Is done with
the ordinary white imtato. It Is a
groat advantage in growing sweet po­
tatoes to have well-rooted plants ready
to set out when soil and air are warm
enough to Insure rapid growth. Most
of the successful Southern varieties of
sweet potatoes nre watery and poor
from knolls and deposit it In depres­ when grown North.
sions, thus grading the land very nice­
To Protect Tree* from Borer».
ly.—Orange Judd Fanner.
Mix cement with skim milk and ap­
Gates in Place of Rars.
ply with a stiff brush. Mix only a
A gate that easily swings on Its small quantity at a time, as It may
hinges is not much more expensive In ‘‘set.’* Apply It somewhat in a thin
first cost than a set of bars. If all the condition, and then make a second ap­
time required to let down the bars and plication. First remove tlie earth from
put them up again Is reckoned, the liars the trunk of the tree and apply the ce­
must be seen to be much the most ex­ ment mixture 6 Inches below the sur­
When stock are driven face of the ground and a foot above.
through liars let down on one side only, I It will also protect against the gnawing
stock driven through will often Jump I of rabbits and mice If put on two feet
over the port of the bar tn the mldle, I above the surface, os It becomes stone.
and will thus learn the habit of jump­
ing. When a gate swings open It
Spraying Hfock for Vermin
leaves a clear passage, and the contrac­
The common fruit tree sprayer used
tion of bad habits is impossible.
by orcbardlsts is a much more con­
venient way to destroy lice on cattle
Feeding Young Calves.
While there Is no food that is better than It Is to apply it by liand. A hose
for calves than whole milk from cows, with a fine nozzle Which will throw
it Is much too expensive to feed to any very fine spray Is best, lint Its point
except those that are being fattened should be hold close to the skin. Two
for the butcher, and to them only for or three applications may lie needed,
three or four weeks. For calve« that as some of the lice may be In the egg,
are to be raised, whole milk Is much too and not be destroyed by the first applk
fattening. Sklm-mllk la better, and cation.
One who has tried It would tie sur­
prised to find how much execution the
device shown in the cut will accom­
plish. Insert a narrow plank In front
of the rear teeth of an A harrow, and
the land will be harrowed, tho lumps
crushed and the surface leveled, at one
operation. One can also, by stepping
on and off the crosspiece, drag earth
Mothers. Children, Wives. Sweethearts! Made to order from
any kind of photograph. Fuatena like a brooch. An artistic,
elegant present, a beautiful souvenir, useful, durable, tnaf-
penaive. Send any size or kind of
ihoio W th ni oe aiul ad«tresa
plainly written on back, which
will be returned to you unharmed
or disfigured In any manner.
Idtrgv size. Like cut, one for 50c.
three for $1. Including a 14 K
rolled gold enameled brooch.
Small size, one for 25c, three for
fiOe. Hand printed ISO eaeh extra.
Owing to the special low price
we are makln*ttoiatroduceuWM
goods, we must invariably have
cash with the order. We solicit
correspou.le'ii’v Mend stamp lor
nighly Illustrated catalogue.
per week and expenses. No experience necessary.
OUR GUARANTEE : If roods are not satisfactory, money will be refunded, or new
photos furnished. Estimates furnished from one dozen to one million.
L. P. DAVIS ¿c CO.
Footballers Strike.
The thickest known coal seam in the
world is the Wyoming, near Twin
Creek in tlie Green river coal basin,
Wyoming. It iw 80 feet thick and up­
wards of 800 fuet of solid coal underlie
4,000 acres.
Professional football players, repre­
senting the Scottish League in the In­
ternational League, struck five minutes
before the kick-off in their match
against Ireland, refusing to play un­
less they were given £1 each. They
were in receipt of the regular wages,
Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. but rather than have tho international
It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and match stopped the committee league
instantly takes the sting cut of corns and granted the extra pay.
bunions. It’s the greatest comfort discov­
ery of the age.
Alien’s Foot-Ease makes
tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damp,
callous and hot, tired aching feet.
have over 10.000 testimonials of cures. Try
it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores. Bv mail for 25c. in stamps
package F'ltEE.
Address Allen 8. Olin
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Russian Iron Duty.
The Russian manufacturers of iron
have asked for a decrease ot duty on
east iron to 20 copecks per pound.
These works have an annual output
Brush for Kindling.
amounting to a value of more than 60,-
In pruning the orchard, or In clearing
000,000 roubles and employing about
up the top branches after a tree has
35,000 workmen.
According to the
been cut In the forest, uot much ac­
Sardines are now being packed in
count Is usually made of the smaller glass bottles, low, wide-mouthed shape. present Russian customs tariff cast iron
branches, or the brush, as It Is usually They look much cleaner,and they are far pays a duty of 30 copecks per pound
($1.42 per 220 pounds).
called. But these small, round twigs, liandier than the old-fashioned tins.
when dried, make the very best kin­
dling, and If tied in bunches could be INNOCENT CHILDREN SACRIFICED.
sold at a profit In city markets. In the
Established 1780.
The “slaughter of the innocents” continue, X
old countries of Europe, the trimmings until it is estimated that iullv one-fourth of the
human race die before attaining their fifth
from hedges done up lu small bundles birthday,
owing in great measure to our rigor­
constitute an Important part of the fuel ous and changeable climate. And there are
thou-amis of adults,even in th! » land of plenty,
supply of farmers. In this country the that stomach, liver and bowel complaints nre
fact that wood is plentiful has caused reducing to confirmed invalidism, whom Hos­
tetter’s Stomach Bitters would promptly relieve
us to neglect all except the smooth, and invigorate. Malaria, rheumatism and kid­
easily handled body wood, rejecting ney trouble yield to the Bitters.
both the brush and hard, knotty pieces,
The Congregational church in Gil-
burning all these In a great out-of-door sum, N. H. completed 125 years of ex­
celebrated for more I
istence the other day. The damask
than a century as a
linen cloth, woven on a hand loom,
Keeping Odors Out of Milk.
delicious, nutritious,
It Is well known that milk remaining about 1790, is still used to cover the
and flesh-forming '31
In the stable quickly absorbs odors that
beverage, has our O’
Injure butter flavor. It Is an incon­
venience on many farms to carry away We ate asserting in the courts out right to the
Yellow Label
to the dairy room each pail as soon as It exclusive use of the word ’‘CASTORIA,” and
Is filled. The sketches show’ a handy
shelf built outside the cattle quarters,
but reached from within. As each pall
Hog Raising.
It Is neither prolltable nor always en­ is filled the slide Is pushed back and the
tirely safe to keep great numbers of pail is sot out on the shelf, where it is
hogs together. Besides the liability to protected by the top and the grating
disease getting among them, there is from cats, etc., while It is surrounded
always a certainty that the stronger by pure air. Fig. 1 shows the inside
will crowd the weaker from their feed­
ing places, so that the Inequality In
fixe will increase Instead of decreasing.
In every litter there are always one or
two weaklings that were born runts,
and unless given a better chance than
their fellows they will always remain
runts. The best way to manage this is
when the pigs are 7 or 8 weeks old, take
out the strongest ones and wean them,
giving them plenty of the best food-that
can lie got to make growth. Then the
runts left to suckle the sow alone will
in two or three weeks more take a start
that may make them as good as tho
others, so that in later life all can be
fed together. No other feed, without
the sow’s milk, will do this, though and Fig. 2 the outside arrangement of
such other feed should be given and this ventilnted barn milk-closet.—Amer­
the pigs be encouraged to eat all they ican Agriculturist.
can be made to eat.—American Culti­
Sweet Potatoes.
Some of the varieties of sweet pota­
Clod Crnsher and Leveler.
“ PITCHER'S CASTORIA,” as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA,”
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fiic simile signature of CHAS. II. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original “ PITCHER’S
CASTORIA ” which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Match 8, 1897.
Coal mined in China is being export­
ed to California, and it is Baid that in
a few years tho Flowery Land will sup­
ply the whole Pacific coast.
on the front of every
package, and our
trade-mark, “I.a Belle
Chocolariere,"on the
Dorchester, Mass.
f|TO Permanently Cured. No Iltsnr norvouBne.
rile after Ursi day’s use of L>r. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Send for FHli: M..OO trial
bottle and treeOse. DR. H. IT, Ki-TNE, 14,-1.. 930
Arch street, Wiltailelphla, Fa.
Woman is a subject never mentioned
in Moocco. It would be .considered a
terrible breach of etiquette to ask a
man about his wife.
After being swindled by all others, send ns stamp
for particulars of King Mo’omon'a Treasure, the
ONLY renewer of manly strength.
CHEMICAL CO., P. O. Box 747, Hiiladelpbla, I’a.
For men who have wasted their
vigor and youthful energy, who feel
slow, stupid and weak; for young men,
middle-aged ami old men who would
like to be stronger. Dr. Sanden offers
free a book that is worth $1,000 to any
weak man. It tells and proves by
i hundreds of grateful letters how Dr.
Sanden’s Electrio Bolt restores the old
snap, the vim, tlie vigor. Call or
send for it; it is free, by mail or at
office. A book for the ladies, also.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh < ,'ure.
F. .1. CH EKEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin­
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
W kmt A T ruax ,
Who esale Vruwgists, Toledo, O.
W ai D ino , K jnnan A M arvin ,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly on th blood and mucous surfaces of 853 Welt VVMNhinifton St., Portland, Or.
the sys’em. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Pleane. mention thia Paper.
druggists. Testimonials free.
Hail’s Family Pills are the best.
The long tails of the Shah of Persia’s
horses are dyed crimson fur six inches
at their tips—a jealously guarded privi­
lege of the ruler and his sons.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, nsnally very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. “Tea Garden ftrii».*” is made from
Sugar ('ane and Is strictly pure. It is for sale
by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac­
ture«! bv the P acific C oast H yrup C o . All gen­
uine “Tea Garden Jiriim” have the manufac­
turer’s name lithographed on every can.
We will forfeit $1,000 if any of onr pub­
lished testimonials are proven to
genuine. T he I’ iho Co., Warren, Pa.
Is it Wrong?
Get It Right.
Keep it Right.
Moore’s Revealed Remedy wllldolt. Three
doses will make you feel better, (let It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
Irom Stewart i Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
umici ws
BAG NEEDLES.........
Make money by rucceaful
¿peculation tn Ciilca<r>- We
buy and well wheat on mar­
gins. Fortunes have been
made on a small beginning
------- „ by , trailing in in-
particulars, Beat of ret-
years’ experience«»!
-»rlenceon the
820 .Market Street, Man Francisco, Cal.
Chicago Board of Trade,
and a thorough
ledge of the business.
buwinen. Bend
Rend for our free r refer-
enre book. DOWNING. HOPKIN8 »u Co-
Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in
mutton important to mi rvlvors and widow« of Chicago
Indian war veterans. TABER A WHITMAN CO., Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
Pension and Pat«-nt Attorneys, Washington. I). C.
M. P. M. C.
Ko. 13. ’S».
fbr tract ng and lo«?aiing Hold or KU ver
Ore. I«»st or burled treasures. M. I*.
HEN writing tn advertisers pleas«
FOWI.EK. Box 337,Southington,Conn.
mention this paper.
Plain nr with ( utter. Tho host needle In the niar-
k«-t. Usetl by nil «ack sewers. For sale by all gen-
erul merchandise stores, or by
S e ®
We lead and originate
fashions in.-»
Cor. Second and Stark Sts.