What pleasure is there in life with a EAST AND SOUTH J. fl. Nelson, dentist. W. L. Hembree made a businesn trip headache, constipation and biliousness'* VIA to Portland last week, returning Friday. I Thousands experience theni who could become perfectly healthy by using I>e- W. H. Logan bus apfdied a coat of Witt’s Little Early Risers, the famous white paint to the interior of hie tonsor- little pills. Mill’s Pharmacy. OF THE ial parlor. Dr. H. J. Littlefield has bought the Mrs. M. Cat'.in, the dress maker, has i two apprentices, and is kept very busy south hall of the C. F. Moore block. This veteran fought for his country; suffered un­ iUHilil ? BHVMgM MMIIH Thia is a tine location and no one need in her line. Try her for good work. told hardships, and returned with health shattered. lie surprised to see a handsome resi­ Express Trains Leave Portland Daily Messrs. Durham, Ilendeisun and dence going up there one of these days. Many a brave soldier has the same history. To-day LEAVE ARKIVE Petch expect to leave Seattle by boat for GIVES THE CHOICE OF Doc likes good neighbors...........Levi I I’ortland........... .«:l» 6:00 P M I Kan Francisco.. 7:45 A this one rejoices in a new-found strength and tells his Copper river next Sunday. Myers has applied for a patent on a hop TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL I -4au Francisco.8:orted from place to place, easily, Minneapolis Denver SLEEPERS a child and awoke refreshed. after an absence of fourteen months. For years his health was shattered; his "Alter I had taken four boxes of the He has lieeti employed in the packing as well as stored away folded when the sufferings increased. He was unable to SECOND CLASSTLEEPING CARS, St. Paul Omaha pills, I found that I was cured and had also gain relief, but now he tells a story which house of Swift & Co., but now has some season is over.—Newberg Graphic. increased 27 pounds in weight. AND AND is of profit to many t Attached to nil Through Ttains. The old hotel property has changed ‘‘ This greatly surprised my friends, who desire to go to Alaska. “1 served three years in the J24th Illi­ West Side Division. Chicago Kansas City thought my case was a hopeless one. I be ­ nois, enlisting at Kewanee, 111.,” said he. Wayne Carlin has sold bis cigar busi­ bands. Oscar A. Frovart who came 3ETWEEN PORTLAND a ND CORVALLIS gan my work again and have continued "I was in Libby Pri on and suffered like ness to Messrs. Weisner and Eckstine, here recently from Dakota having pur­ Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) ever since in excellent health. many another Northern soldier. LOWEST RATES TO ALL practical cigar tnakets. Mr. Carlin, with chased the same and will probably star “ Another valuable gain to me was, that " The strain of army life cud its work in Portland 7 31 A M 1 Lv Ar 5:60 P M EASTERN CITIES. McMinnville 0.15 A M ! I.v Lv 3:00 P Al while I was taking these sills I had been Dr. Goucher and Walter and Carl Miller, a meat market and bakery.......... The undermining my health, although the col­ 12:15 P M 1 Ar Corvallis Lv 1:05 P M cured of the smoking habit, which had intends before many weeks to form a memliers of the United Brethren church lapse did not come for sometime after. formed when I was a boy and had clung gold searching party, and will penetrate “ For fifteen years 1 suffered from general OCEAN STEAMERS At Alba ij- and Corvallis connect with of thia place and with the help of the to me all these years. The craving for debility and nervousness so badly that I Leave Portland Every 3 Days rains of 0*. Central A Eastern Ry. tobacco left me and I have never expe­ the interior of British Columbia. Here's Christians of all denominations, are now could not sleep. Indigestion resulted and Express Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) • • FOR • • hoping success to the gentlemen. holding a series of revival meetings that rienced it since. my misery increased. “ I cannot say enough for these pills and " My eyes began to fail, and as my body will continue through next week. Rev. P M I Lv Portland Ar I 8:26 A M Children and adults tortured by burns, I 7 4:50 have recommended them to many.” lost vitality my mind seemed to give way. 30 P M I Ar McMinnville I.v I 6 40 A M Riley Vernon, the colored evangelist, is To verily this statement Mr. Harrington scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases I could scarcely remember events that hap­ 8:30 P M I Ar Independence I.v I 4;50 A M here to help on the good work ......... It made affidavit to its truthfulness before may secure instant relief by using De­ pened but a few weeks before. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occi­ Lincoln M. Coy, Notary Public. is rumored that C. C. Linden and Fl. S. * For two years I was unfitted for busi­ dental and Oriental and Pacific Mail steamship Or. Williams* Pink Pills for Pale People Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great Maloney are candidates for the office of ness. I was just able to creep around dur­ Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokobnuni lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates <>n and Hong Koug.vla The North -ru Pacnie steam application. strike at the root of disease by acting di­ pile remedy. Hill’s Pharmacy. ing part of this time, and there were many judge on the fusion ticket. That B. O. ship Co. In connection with O 11 A N. Kate and tickets Io Eastern points aud Europe. rectly upon the impure blood. Their times when I could not get up. A1 m . JAPAN. < HINA, HONOLULU and AUS­ Hugh Cronen recently discovered a Snuffer will be placed on the fusion For hill inforuiation call on O. K. A N. power is marvelous and many wonderful “ My brother is a doctor, but all his TRALIA, can be obtained from G. A. Wilcox, Ticket Agent, McMinnville. cures have been made. Druggists consider fine specimen of Nehalem beeswax on ticket for the legislature, ciforts to help me failed to give any relief. That the K11ODEN A HHODEfi, Agents, C. H. MARKHAM, or Addas»: McMinnville, Or. them a potent remedy, and all sell them. "I tried a number of remedies without the sand spit which weighed 12 pounds friends of H. H. Winslow are putting Gen. Freight and Pasaeuger Agent. AV . II HPRLHI HT, and was inscribed with odd characters. him forward as a candidate for county R KOEHLER, Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. P. W. Todd, of Tillamook, purchased it judge on the republican ticket. That POHTLAND, Oil. for a Mr. Rogers, of McMinnville, who Ed Lamson has an eye on the legis­ LOCAL DIRECTORY LOCAL NEWS. is writing a book on the traditions of lature.—Sheridan Sun. CHURCHES Get our up-to-date picture, at the the Necarney mountain treasure and the B aptist Services Sunday 11 a. in. and Excelsior studio. Nehalem beeswax ship. He intends to ONE They banish pain 7:30 p. in ; Sunday sebooi 9:50 a in.; the SUMMONS. young people’s society G :15 p m l’rayer Minn Emma Wade of eastern Oregon ia photograph specimens of the wax for ill­ GIVES meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. Covenant ustrating his book and will have some and prolong life meeting first Thursday evening before the visiting Mrs. Scott Wright. In in<> Clrvuit Court ol ths State of Oregon, I seal work in wax on the covers of the RELIEF first Sunday of each month. A new line of tobacco and cigars just i books. The idea is quite original and tor the county of Yamhill, in equity R. W. K ino , Pastor, Clarence E. Cuudall, Plaintiff, J received at Bettman <4 Warren’s. vs. the books will no doubt sell very fast.— B.N. Daniel, administrator M ctiiodtbt E piscopal —Services every of the I Miss Mae Scroggin, now of Portland, Nehalem Times. Sabbath 11 :00 a. m and 7 :30 p. in. Sunday estate of John If. Maddux, de > eeased; G. M- Fennell, Melvin ; school 0:30 a in. Prayer meeting 7:00 p visited Miss Osa Estes the first of the Edwards and Mary E. Ed­ in. Thursday. D. T. Si mmebville , Pastor. The atlieletic club of the McMinnville M. wards, Defendants. J week. < ’ ijmb . P rbrhytkki an —Services every Sab­ college gave a fine exposition of their To G M. Fennell, oneof the defendants above bath 11:00 a in and 7 30 p. in. Sunday Good wriDgers, all styles and prices work at the opera house last evening named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, school 9:3Q a. m. Y. P. C. E.. 8unday6:Su 1 You are hereby required to appear and ans­ p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 :30 p. ni. from |1.50 up. Hodson sells them. which was highly enjoyed by all present. wer to the complaint tiled against you in the E E. T hompson , Pastor. Mrs. Philema Snyder died at Dayton They evinced a thorough understanding above entitled action by the first day of the Services in the Christian church : Prearh- on the 10th inst., at the age of 73 years next (ls98) March term ot the above entitled of all the exercises and difficult athletic court following the expiration of the time pre­ ingevery Lord’s day at 11 a in. ami 7:30 in the order for the publication of Gils p in Young people’s meeting at G:30 p. and six months. performances on the trapeze, rings and scribed summons, which first day will be Monday, the m. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Prayer 28th day of March, 1898; and if you fail to so parallel bars, swinging clubs ami other Mrs. Ella Parker, who recently visited meeting Thursday, 7:30p in. a,.pear and answer, tor want thereof, plaintiff performances, showing what can be ac ­ here, is reported as dangerously ill in the will apply to said court for the relief demanded F. A. P owell , Pastor. his complaiut. The relief demanded is the complished by persevering practice. in S t . J ames E piscopal C hvrcu —Lay-Ser­ Good Samaritan hospital, Portland. foreclosure ot a certain mortgage, executed by vices every Sunday at It o'clock a. ni. John li. Maddux on November 3d, 1891, and Heavy shoes cheap at Hilton’s new The clown was especially good but every­ one by him delivered to the Lombard Investment S t . J ames C atholic —First st., between sbfte store, one jierformed his part with perfect ease Company, a corporation, to secure to it the • 11-2 G and II. Sunday school2:30 p. in. Ves­ payment of a certain bond or promissory note and precision. Miss Katherine Glen, of of said John H. Maddux, bearing date Novem­ pers 7:80. Services once a month. The firm of Kay & Todd at Tillamook the musical department of the college, ber 3d, 1891, and providing for tlie payment to T. B riody , Pastor. has been succeeded by the firm of J. A. »aid Lombard Investmeut Company on Novem­ W. C T. IT.—Meets on every Fri­ added very much to the entertainment ber 1st, 1896, of the sum of ll.UOT, with interest day at 2 30 p m. in reading room, Kegg Todd A Co. tliereon at the rates of six aud eight per cent, by giving excellently rendered vocal se­ as provided In said bond and mortgage, aud a building. V irginia W. G rover , rres Uncle John Kingery is thinking of tak­ lections. Others lent able assistance in reasonable attorney’s fee for ivreclosiug said E lv a P. N kai , Seo. ingadvantage of the low railroad rate* to mortgage; that In said mortgage there nascon­ excellent instrumental music.—Albany veyed to said Lombard Investment Company, make an extended visit to relatives in for the purpose of securing said note, the fol­ Herald. lowing described real property, situated in the Iowa. SECRET ORDERN. countv of Yamhill, state of Oregon: The north K nowi eh C hapter No, 12, O E M --Meets ul half of Die southwest quarter and tho south All work guaranteed at the Excelsior Masonic ball the 2d aud lib .Monday evenlug half of the northwest quarter, excepting there­ in each luonili. Visiting members cordially in- photo studio. I’latino a specialty. from ten 11<>) acres In square form In the north­ 9tf vitv! MYRTA APPER8ON, W. M east coiner thereof, all in section two (2) of R L. CONNER, Sec. to« tishlj three (3) south aud range live (5) west Jones Howell was up from Portland on of the Willamette meridian, containing in all A. <>. II. W — Charity Lodge No. 7 meets first ami one hundred and fifty (150) acres, more or less, third Fridays of each luonth, 7:30 p. m. Lodge business Wednesday, and incidentally Hi.-oordiiig to government survey; plaintiff no« r.»oia in dulon block straightened up that cow story that got being, by reason of the assignment of said bond \V. U. FLETCHER, M W and unpaid coupons and of said mortgage the out on him lately. J. D. BAKER, Recorder. 10 present owner of the same; and further, a de­ Yamhill Lodge No 10 1» of II. moots in Union cree barring you from any aud all right, title, Hoskins will repair your hurness or hall second and fourth Friday evenings of each interest anu equity of redemption lu aud to the No matter what the matter is, one will do you month. sell you new, and put you in good shape above described real property. U lster P ost N<> ') Meets the »econd and fourth This summons is published by order of Hon good, and you can gel ten for live cents. Saturday of euch month in Union hall at 10:30 for spring work. See him. if H. Hewitt, Judge ot theabove entitled court, a. ui on second Snturday and at 10:30 a. in. on made this 4th day of February, 1898. Mr. Henry Arthur, brother of Mrs. B. 4th Naturday. All members of the order are .MILTON W SMITH, cordially invited to attend our meetings 8-7 Attorney for Pitt. F. Hartman and Mrs. J. W. Gault, has F. F. M anning , Commander, B. F ( LUBINE, Adjl. returned from California, and intends to It is impossible for the system E lvira A me . mbly N o . 1«. U mtei » A rtisans - again make bis home in Yamhill county. M MMONS , to withstand the demands made Meet first and third Monday nights of each month Horse shoeing, all kind of repair work, [ upon it just at this season, with­ at 7.30 p. ni. in Union M ock . Wil. HENDERSON, M. A. plow sharpening, etc., done at lowest out the assistance of a good puri­ In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, J W. BONKS, Her 62 for the County of Yamhill. rates by E. F. Sutherland, at Johnson’s fying and strengthening tonic. William Me Chrisman, Plaintiff,] old stand on B street. 11-4 The changes which Nature decrees Clara M. Weed, vs. E. L. Weed and Max J. Brandenstein, doing bus- > Klondicitus is the new name for it. shall take place each spring are iness under the firm name of . Max J. Hiaiidensteln *1 Co., De-, Emphasis on the third syllable. bo severe that a breakdown is fendnnts. J To Mux J. Brandenstein, doing business un­ Dr. Swick of Dayton has gone to east­ almost suro to come. It is wise der the firm name of Max J Brandensteiu euiiig, was per cent per annum, all lnu. 8. gold coin, and the discovery by l’loyd Bennett the mid­ which thoroughly cleauses the ItiO.W reasonable attorney's fee, together with the costa and disbursements of said suit, aud of the Universe. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir­ blood of all the accumulated im ­ dle of last month of a band of China for a decree foreclosing the mortgage described culation of any scientific lournal. Terms, a ▼ear ; four months, 11. Sold by all newsdealers. in the said complaint, aud for an order of sale purities, tones up and strengthens of pheasant chicks us big as larks. BI2 Pages. lOSxiaii Inches. Weight 6'i lbs. the mortgaged real premises described in Lost, March 11th, somewhere between the entire system, and aids Nature said complaint, aud which are described as fol­ The World’s Storehouse has- given up its choicest historic Branch Office, H?f> E St., Washington, D C. lows, to-wii : Lot No. 34 lu block No. 36, in Oak College side and J. W. Cook’s farm, a in renovating aud renewing the Park addition to the city of .McMinnville, Yam­ Treasures for this Book. countv, state of Oregon, together with the mackintoeh cape. Finder return to this body so as to render it healthy and hill tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances ' strong. Those who purify their thereunto belonging or in any wise appertatu office or to J. W. Cook. 1 blood with S. S. 8. at this season lug, and that out ol the money arialug from From the Subjects at Large We Name a Few: Whooping cough is the most distressing are well fortified against the many such sale there be paid the several sums of money found due the plaintiff a. aforesaid, to­ malady ; hut its duration can lie cut short forms of diseuse so prevalent dur­ gether with the costs andexpen.es of said aale, N ew Y ork C ity : East River Docks, New North River Bridge, Vanderbilt Residences. B obton : the overplus, if any, be paid to the person Commonwealth Avenue. Boston Common. Faneuil Hall. S cenes in the R ockies and Y beeow by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, ing the dreaded heated term, for and or persons entitled to receive the same, and sjone P ark . C alifornia Mirror Lake. Summit Rock. Big Trees, Yosemite Valley. Lick Observe Stanford University, Chinatown, etc. M exico Cathedral«. Bull Fighters; etc. S ovt L which is also the l*et known remedy for {it naa beeu demonstrated that the that the defendants, and each of them, and all lory. Palaces. Groves, etr I ndia : Great persons claiming by, through or under them or A merica : Statue«. Cathedrals and Cemeteries H au All croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Buddha, T»J Mabsi, Temple of 500 Gods. Golden Pagoda. Temples. Mausoleums. Ruins. THE H oly either of them, be foreclosed and forever barred system that is thoroughly purified of all equity of redemp tion in or claim to said L and : Baalbec, Damaic is, Street ’Straight,’ Jafia. Mount of Olives, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, Solo­ A’ucctwor c/ the “ Cnabriilgetl. Mill’s Pharmacy. Tho Vne Great Stanelarel Authority, premises, aud every part and parcel thereof, mon s Temple. Bethlehem, River Jordan. Dead Sea. etc. A frica Egyptian Acenes, Temples. ! in the spring is well prepared to and So wriiee lion. D. .1. Brewer, for an order authorizing ana directing the Pyramids, Ancieut Cemeteries, S pain Gibraltar, Seville, Mosque ot Cordova. Alhambra. Court of Several care of stock cattle, principally resist disease all summer. dstlee I . 8. Supreme Court. sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon, to place the Lions. I taly : Naples and Mt Vesuvius. Interior of 8an Martino, most richlv th-, orated church tn at said sale in possession thereof on the world, Pompeii. Pantheon. Forum, Coliseum. Statuary, Paintings. Touibs, Cathedrals, etc., etc , steers, were shipped from here Monday No other remedy on the market purchaser the -lav of same, and for such other and further Beenes in Venice, St. Mark's Church, Bridge of sighs, Giant's Staircase, Leanirg Tower, Columbus1 i of the I S Gov't Printing by A. F. Narver to hie stock ranch at is equal to Swift's Specific as a relief as may be meet aud equitable in the Monument at Genoa, etc P aris : Notre Dame. Trocadero, Eitk-1 Tower, The Madeleine. Hotel de f 1 ‘4 snpreiue Ville, Grand Opera House, Arch of Triumph, Louvre Gallery. Paintings, Statuary. Tembs, Palaces. , Conrl, an the state Sit- Sprague, Wash. The stock were an ex­ spring medicine, because it is the premises. , Rreine Courts, and of nos r This summons is served by publication there­ Interiors, etc. B elohm . H olland . S witzeklvno and all their Treasures, uermaity - NationsL , *y ft" Gie Hchooloooks. Museum. Statue ot Frederick the Great. Royal Palace. Interior Rova! Mausoleum; Dresden Gallez»"' of for six consecutive weeks by order of Hon tra good lot for this part of the stock only purely vegetable blood rem- H. H. Hewitt, Judge ot said court mads on the Sistine /Q/\ 1 VVnriulv Madonna, Cologne Cathedral, The Passion Plav. Vienna, St. Stephen's Church. P anorama territory. or C onst antisoflk : Mosques. Tombs, etc. R ussia M oscow , St .Petersburg, Royal Museum St • 4. ouimeiKlcd i edy aud is guaranteed absolutely 9ih day of February, A D. 1898. 8-7 JNO. J SPiNCER, Isaac’s Cathedral, Royal Palace. G reat B ritain : Shakespear-'s Tlieatra and House, Keswick: ' hr Stat.» Superintendents For the next 30 days I will sell wall 1 free from potash, mercury and all BBB hu M xO*-1 * Rcnoeb, College Presi- Attorney for Plaintiff Warwick Castle. Durham Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, 81. Paul s. Westminster, House of ParUa ----- ' lud th« . I ducators meat, Towers of London. Liverpool Docks S cotland Klien's I-le, Stirling Castle John Knox p«l>er at way down prices to make room other mineral« It ckanses, puri­ ■SUU'-M*-------------------- 1 i»liiH‘Ft wChotit number House. Edinburgh. Holyrood Castle, Beckville street. Dublin, etc , etc. Jj In valuable for new stock on the way. I do not carry fies, builds up and strengthens NOTICE JOB Pt'BLK-ATIO.-S. In the household. Ami to wall paper se a side issue. This is your | Insist on S. S. 8., for there is noth­ It is the only book ever executed in Photographic Colors at*- e tern lM»» . ■ bolar pr<>- Sgg|B|M UMh nal man. and self. ing half as good. golden opportunity. Popular Prices. L*n