The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 11, 1898, Image 2

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    Yamhill County Reporter
Bill Providing for Two Additional Ar­
Haanure Prepared by Representative
tillery Regiment« Paused.
Cannon With !‘reNideul’« Approval-
March 9.—Chairman
Washington, March 9.—Chairman
Washington, March 10. — In a spirit
! “annon of the appropriations commit­ President Lost No Time in Hull, of the military committee, in the
of patriotism, with eloquent words ring­
house, moved the passage under sus­
OREGON ing in their ears, every member of the Futility of Pacifying Cuba tee, today introduced a measure in the
pension of the rules of the Hawley bill,
house entitled “Making appropriations
house of representatives today respond­
Answering Spain.
creating two additional regiments of
I for the national defense.” It is as fol-
ed to the president’s first call to meet
artillery. The debate on the artillery
j lows:
the Spanish situation by casting his
vote for a bill placing in President Mc­
“Resolved, That there is hereby ap- HIS CONDUCT NOT IMPROPER bill developed nothing exciting, but
SUPERSEDED propriated out of any money in tbe
there was a great outburst of enthusi­
Kinley’s hands 850,000,000 to be ex­
asm when Hay (Dem. Va.) declared
pended at bis discretion for the nation­
j treasury not otherwise appropriated for
the national defense, and for each and And Naval Vesnela Will Carry tile Sup- that he stood ready to vote for the
Comprehensive Review of the Important al defense.
I nt ran h I gente« Now Have tlie Ear <>i
measure, in view of the emergency
»very purpose connected therewith, to
Party lines were swept away, and
plied to Cubit a** Was First I'lanueil
Happening* of the I'u.t Week Culled
SagaMta—A More Severe Method of
which confronted the country.
with an almost unanimous voice con­
be expended at the discretion of the
’■'Tom tl-„ Telegraphic Columns.
Paclfloution Contemplated.
Norton of Ohio today introduced in
gress voted its confidence in the ad­
president, and to remain available
Charles Cutten, night agent of the
Washington, March 8.—Tho Spanish the house a resolution, which was re­
until June 30, 1899, 850,000,000.”
Many members who
Adams Express Company at Orrville, were paired with absent colleagues
It was referred to the committee on situation developed two new phases to­ ferred to the committee on rules, set­
O., disappeared with a 810,000 pack­ I took the res|xmsibilitv of breaking dispatcli from Havana says: When appropriations.
day, when it became known that the ting aside Thursday and Friday for
' their pairs, an unprecedented thing to gain peace in Cuba. Now that jioli-
The Cannon bill, it was learned Spanish government had formally re­ consideration of a joint resolution to
The United States supreme oourt has in legislative annals, inorder that they, tics has failed, she seeks to fall back later, was the outcome of a conference quested the recall of Consul-General recognize the independence of the re­
affirmed the decision of Judge Bellin­ might go on record in support of this on arms. This is in the meaning of held at the White House this morning Lee at Havana, witli which request the public of Cuba.
ger, of the circuit court, upholding the vast appropriation to maintain the dig­ j the declaration from Madrid that Sa- it which Cannon, Secretary Long, United States had courteously but firm­
Two Democrats, Jones of Virginia
mortgage tax law of Oregon, passed nity and honor of their country.
gasta has decided to press autonomy Dingley, Allison and Grosvenor were ly refused to comply; also that the and Cox of Tennessee,' spoke against
October 28, 1892.
Speaker Reed, who, as the presiding vigorously, by both military and jx>- present. Tlie situation was considered Spanish government had suggested the the bill, which was passed without a
Joseph Hoye, a Chicago plumber, officer, seldom votes, only in caBe of a j litical measures. It is the minister’s so grave it was thought imperative that impropriety of sending relief supplies division.
who committed suicide by shooting tie, had hie name called and voted in confession of tlie failure of the radical an immediate appropriation of this to the Cuban reconeentrados on the
Washington, March 9.—Today's ses­
himself, is the third of three brothers his capacity as a representative.
autonomists to reach the insurgents character should be made at once to cruiser Montgomery and gunboat Nash­
The scene of enthusiasm which greet­ with their 12 articles of weakened prepare for the national defense. After ville, to which suggestion the United sion of the senate was devoted entirely
to meet such a fate. It seems to be a
case of family mania for self-destruc­ ed the announcement of the vote^ayes faith. Had there been a hope of suc­ the conference Cannon went to the Cap­ States had given a like answer in tlie to consideration of the District of Col­
umbia appropriation bill. At the hour
811, noes none, has seldom been parai cess in opening negtotiations with itol and called a special meeting of the negative.
The first intimation of these steps of adjournment the bill had not been
The Pacific cable bill has been leled in the house.
Gomez on this basis, the Madrid cabinet appropriations committee. After this
All day long the galleries were would have temporized and evaded a meeting, Cannon introduced the na­ came in a brief and explicit telegram disposed of, and its discussion will be
agreed to in the house committee on
with enthusiastic spectators, positive declaration. There being no tional defense bill iu tlie house. The from Madrid. Prior to its receipt, continued tomorrow.
interstate and foreign commerce. It
The present monopoly in the city of
provides for the construction of a cable ¡applauding to the echo the sterling hope the prospective rejection by the appropriations committee will meet to­ however, the authoritioes here bad
been fully conversant with the facts, the Chesapeake & Potomac Telegraph
from San Francisco to the Hawaiian | patriotism of the words of eloquence insurgents of the terms offered is dis­ morrow.
although no intimation bad been al­ Company, on account of high rates, was
| which were uttered by the members on counted by a disavowal in advance.
lowed to get to the public on either severely scored. Carter (Mont.) urged
. the floor. All the speeches were brief.
Representative Tongue, of Oregon, Although four hours were allowed for
that the bill go over until tomorrow, as
A Complete Backdown on the l’art of
is trying to arrange to have the
he desired to offer an amendment relat­
I debate, so great was the pressure for own explanations. They anticipated
Madrid Officials.
veterans of the Indian war taken at
further ground for reticence in Wash­ ing to the gas supply of Washington.
time that no one member was given that something of this kind would hap­
soldiers’ homes under the same regula­
Washington, D. C., March 9.—Spain ington, and after a conference at the
“A more infamous and audacious
more than five minutes, and most of pen and can probably take care of
tions as are the veterans of the Mexi­
has wtihdrswn her request for recall of White House between the president, outrage was never perpetrated on an
them had to content themselves with a themselves.
can and the late war.
beggarly fraction of a minute. In all, promised well they knew it would have Consul-General Lee, and it is believed Assistant Secretary Day, of the state inoffensive public than is nightly per­
the incident is practically closed. The
Advices from the Orient, brought by 54 speeches were made.
been encouraged and supported in withdrawal came today in the shape of department, and Secretary Long, of the petrated by the Washington Gaslight
steamship Empress of India,
navy department, the following author­ Company,” declared Carter, “and I
With one acclaim, members from the Madrid. Meantime the historic au­
which has arrived in Vancouver, B. C., North and South, the East and West, tonomists, Galvez Montero and Zayas, an official communication from Minis­ ized statement was handed to the press desire to present an amendment that
tell of the almost complete destruction the states and the territories, battle- come out from behind their own ter Woodford. It is stated that the re­ by Judge Day, comprising everything will afford the suffering people of this
of Manila, Philippine islands, by fire. scarred veterans of the Union and the shadow and announced that they never quest was never put in the shape of a that was to be said by the administra­ city an opportunity to force the com­
demand, but was merely a suggestion tion on the subject:
Five million dollars’ worth of projierty Confederate armies, all joined in pro­ indorsed the plan.
pany to give them what they pay for.”
on the part of Spain, and when she
was destroyed.
The bill was laid aside, and at 4:45
"The president will not consider the
claiming their support of the country’s
It is true that the central committee found it would not be pleasantly re­
There has been a heavy fall in stocks chief magistrate in the face of a pros­ of the autonomist party acted over ceived by this country she promptly re­ recall of General Lee. He has borne j the senate went into executive session,
himself throughout this crisis with and soon afterwards adjourned.
of all kinds in London in consequence pect of war. There was only a slight their heads in formally committing tlie called it.
During the morning hour Allen
judgment, fidelity and courage, to the j
of rumors from China, West Africa, discordant note caused by the speech of organization to further concessions to
| (Neb.) presented the petition of 18,000
Spain ami America, with rumbling General Bingham, of Pennsylvania, a the insurgents, but it is professed that
Washington, March 9.—It is learned
“As to the supplies for the relief of i railway men of Pennsylvania in favor
thunder all around the sky. There are gallant loldiei, who served with dis­ had the departure possessed vitality it tliat the Spanish objection to Consul-
signs of alarm in every section of the
would not have been in danger from General Lee is based largely upon his the Cuban people all arrangements of legislation to prevent the abuse of
stock list, American securities showing conservatively for the aroused temper their opposition. The autonomists are sympathy for the Cubans and some of have been made to carry a consignment the writ of injunction.
the greatest weakness. Nothing short of the house, and when lie insisted that still the fractional minority of a party iris utterances which have found their from Key West by one of the naval
of a miracle can preserve the peace of our relations with Spain were as that has been small in numbers.
way into print It is understood the vessels, whichever may be best adapted
the world, it is believed among British friendly as they had been for years,
Ordinarily a conflict raging in a cabi­ Spaniards also take exceptions to the for the purpose, to Matanzas and »
The Nebraska State Law Is Declared
statesmen and politicians, wires the many of the members hissed him.
net would mean disruption. However, friendly relations and companionship Sagua. ”
While almost every member who the autonomist cabinet has so little to existing between Lee and the corre­
Beyond the foregoing there was no
New York World's London correspond­
9.—Justice Har­
ent. Not since the Napoleonic warB
do with the actual government of Cuba, spondents of papers which have been
tlie White House. It did not discuss lan today delivered an opinion in the
has danger threatened from so many a wide divergence of opinion as to how such government as it is, that no more decidedly unfriendly to Spain.
Nebraska maximum freight rate case.
close were hostilities manifested itself attention is paid to the radically oppos­
It is believed De Lome carried in­ other subjects, and it was stated posi­
in the debate. The general contention ing position of its members than to a formation calculated to make the Span­ tively that the authorized statement He held the Nebraska law to be con­
In case of war between Spain and the
by the majority among the leaden on more difference of personal opinion. ish government request the recall of comprised everything that would be trary to the 14th amendment, in that it
United States, England, it is said, will
authorized the taking of property with­
both sides was that this appropriation, The promise that peace will come by Lee.
given to any one.
at least lend us her moral support.
by preparing for war, would prove the arms will divert attention from the
The ground on which General Leefs out the proccess of law and was there­
The Washington Post says Mary surest guaranty of peace. Others in­ breakdown of the political support of
recall was asked was not officially dis­ fore invalid. Hence the railroad won.
Elen Lease, of Kansas, will speak in sisted that war’s alarms would soon be autonomy temporarily. The army of
Justice Harlan’s opinion affirmed the
closed. It is known, however, that the
Oregon during the coming state elec- heard, and Mann, of Illinois, declared Spain, which is spread over the island, But Divers Are Still in Doubt as to the Spanish government has chafed for opinion of the circuit court of appeals
Means Use<l.
that war actually existed in all save is paralyzed. It cannot achieve a single
some time over General Lee’s presence of the eighth circuit, which was agaii st
March 9.—A dispatch to in Havana, although this has never the maximum freight rates law favora­
A London dispatch to a New York the name.
important victory, much less carry on a
The bill includes, in addition to military campaign.
paper says that in an emergency Paris
When by chance the Tribune from Havana says: Not taken the form of a definite protest ble to the railroads.
This case was instituted to test the
would supply Spain with money to 850,000,000 for the national defense, the insurgents are encountered in the many days will be needed for Captain prior to the present time. It began to
carry on a war with the United States. the following items:
field, if the troops hold their own it Sampson and his associates to conclude assume a more serious aspect shortly validity of the law passed by the Ne­
the investigation. The wrecking com­ after the arrival of the Maine at Ha­ braska legislature in 1893, prescribing
For printing, 866,000; bureau of
The navy department will send the medicine and surgery, naval establish­ becomes a subject of congratulation.
panies are making progress in clearing vana. At that time General Lee es­ the maximum rates for transportation
dispatch boat Fern to Cuba with pro­ ments, 810,000; bureau of equipment,
a way through superstructure. During corted Captain Sigsbee on his round of of freights by railroads within the
visions for the starving people. It naval etsablishment, 8100,000; bureau Blanco told the people in the eastern the absence of the board, the naval de­
official calls. These were made with state. The decision sustains the con­
was at first intended to send the cruiser of ordnance, naval establishment. provinces that they should have peace partment divers have been able to ex­ due formality, but the Spanish officials tention of the railroad companies and
87,000; total, 850,183,000.
construction was put upon his words, tend their examination of the plates of took offense when the calls were re­ holds against the validity of the law.
A dispatch to the London Mail from
The bill was carried immediately to and the date was said to be “approxi­ the hull. They found these plates stricted to General Blanco, Admiral The opinion was based largely upon
Hong Kong says that a fresh rebellion the senate, and was presented to that mate.” That elastic term cannot be twisted as if from an outside explosion. Manterola, and the representatives of the charge of unreasonableness.
Everything previously learned re­ the military arm of Spain’s service, and tice Brewer made a computation show­
has broken in the Philippines, and that body anil referred.
held much longer.
The attempt is
58 Spanish soldiers have been killed.
made to divert attention from the par­ garding tlie forward magazine being did not include Premier Galvez and ing that the reduction effected in the
Brownion May Buy Some Ships.
No further details are known at Hong
army on the island to the vigor­ intact and the existence of large quan­ his associates of the autonomist cabinet., freight rates amounted on an average
Washington, March 10.—Command­
Kong. |
tities of unexploded ammunition has who represented the new civil regime to 29 ^ per cent, which he held was
er Brownson is going abroad for the ous power on the water. The Vizcaya been confirmed and strengthened.
which Spain is seeking to enforce. too great a change.
The Royal Canadian dragoons of government to learn of the ships of ami the Almirante Oquendo appeal to
The case has been twice argued in
Without going into minutes, it may The matter came to the attention of
Winnipeg have been ordered to prepare war that are for sale and their condi­ the popular mind. They receive Span­
to move to the Yukon. They will tion. He will not necessarily make ish patriotism. How their guns are to be said that the navy department Senor de Lome, the Spanish minister tho supreme court, Hon. W. J. Bryan
form a part of the military expedition any purchases. 'Die officer left Wash­ be aimed against the insurgents in the divers have secured much technical at Washington, and, although there appearing as one of the counsel for the
which the federal government contem­ ington tonight, and will take a steamer hills and woods is not explained, nor is evidence from the condition of tlie hull was no protest, the situation, doubt­ etute at the last hearing.
plate sending to that part of the do­ to Southampton fiom New York. He explanation demanded.
The people and keel and the interior indicating less, reached the state department, as
that tlie Maine explosion was due to suitable amends were made by Captain
will report his arrival immediately at are more impressed with the ships as a
foul play. Whether by a torpedo or a Sigsbee calling on Dr. Congosto, tlie
Recent heavy contracts for Los An­ the United States embassy in London, States than as a means of fighting the submarine mine, doubts may be felt. civil secretary-general of Cuba, Pre­ Cramps Reported to Be Figuring With
geles petroleum made by producers at but. further than that, the captain de­
a Foreign Naval Power.
The spasm may prove a Not much proof can be gathered by the mier Galvez and his associates.
Loe Angeles with San Francisco have clines to indicate the places he will
March 9.—The North
passing one or it may grow to a frenzy.
encouraged the development of the oil visit in Europe.
The ner by Consul-General Lee to the offi­ American Review prints the following:
The worst feature of the situation is who were in the conspiracy.
fields there. Several Wells have been
Seized by a Spaniard.
the renewed aggressiveness of the vol­ Spanish authorities are in the best po­ cers of the Maine. The list of guests While the attention of the public dur­
put down since the first of the month
Havana, March 10.—The Spanish unteers since the January riots. They sition to determine the matter.
on that occasion is said to have omitted ing the recent war scare has been for a
and others are being sunk.
gunboat Ardilla has captured in au in­ have seen that the proposition of the
The Spanish divers have been work­ some of the Spanish naval officers, and time diverted from the Cramp shipyard
A Teheran dispatch says: The gov- let of the south coast of Cuba the radical autonomists to disarm them was ing slowly. They have been giving to have included quite conspicuously to League island, yet it is safe to assert
ernor of the province of Kerman routed American schooner Esther, of Edenton, sufficient to rouse the feeling.
The more attention to the coal bunkers, ap­ the names of a number of American that the Kensington firm of shipbuild­
the insurgents at several points in N. C., bound from Pensacola to Jamai­ government, even with autonomy mov­ parently, than to any other portions of newspaper correspondents, who were ers is at this moment on the eve of se­
Persian Heluchistan. There were seri­ ca. The captain of the schooner was ing forward, would not have been the wreck. They have made nothing regarded by the Spanish officials at Ha­ curing a foreign contract of sensational
ous riots nt Hammadan, February 22, asked to give a reason for the presence strong enough to overcome a determined j more than a superficial examination of vana as antagonistic to them. This proportions. Although the members of
due to a quarrel between partisans of of his vessel in the inlet, and claimed opposition. With the political policy tlie hull.
was also brought to the attention of the firm maintain the utmost secrecy
rival priests, during which 27 priests that his rudder was broken. No fur­ dead, nothing remain except to yield
It seems to be understood that tho the officials, but was not made the on the subject, it is a fact that during
were killed.
ther details of the affair have been re­ gracefully and deny that the intention ■ Spanish board in its investigation is basis for any action, but rather of un­ the week just parsed a force of draughts­
finding little evidence to give plausible official criticism of General Lee’s gen­ men has been working on plans and es­
News was brought in to Salt Lake ceived, but if the statement of the cap­ to take away their rams existed.
from Brown’s Park, on the Colorado- tain of the Esther turns out to be cor­
support to the theory of accident. This eral mode of procedure. Within re­ timates almost continuously.
These plans and estimates, it is raid,
Wyoming boundary line, that three rect the schooner will be liberated.
distinction from positive proof of an cent days it had been understood by
members of the "Robliers’ Roost” band The captain has protested the seizure Important Mesnages Delivered to the external explosion it may be able to ig­ officials here that tlie feeling against are being drawn up for the considera­
Cuban Junta.
nore. There is clearly less confidence General Lee had been smoothed, and tion of a foreign power, and include a
of outlaws, who last week murdered of his vessel.
New York, March 10.—Brigadier- in official circles than during the per­ the request of his recall was for that first-class shipyard, such as is operated
Stockman Herr, had been captured and
Troops I’repoi-lng to Move.
General Jose Lacret. of the Cuban iod when the declarations of accident reason in the nature of a complete sur­ by the Cramps, besides several battle­
lynched bv a posse of Herr’s friends,
Denver, March 10.—Active prepara­ army, has arrived in New York bearing
ships and cruisers. Although the name
were made by General Blanco
The prise.
and some of Sheriff Edgar’s deputies.
tions for moving the troops at Fort Lo­
There are no circumstances whioh of the foreign i>ower is being kept a
The British sealers Anoka and San­ gan arc being made and everything is important messages to the junta. He Spanish inquiry proceeds in leisurely
tiago, from Victoria, bound south, put being put in readiness for a sudden is accompanied by Judge Advocate- fashion. It may be a long time before clearly discldse the grounds for the re­ secret, it is generally understood ‘ by
General Manuel Alonzo and Colonel a conclusion is reached. This will be call, although it is not known that those in a position to know that the
into Monterey, Cal., to avoid a storm call to duty.
The Denver & Rio
at sea. While five miles off Point Sur Grande railroad has been instructed by Octavio Gibera. From Jamaica they no reason for a long delay by the naval Spain has made any exact specification plans and estimates will eventually
of complaint. Since the Maine dis­ find their way to Russia.
light on Saturday the Anoka lost two the war department at Washington to came to New Y’ork by steamer and re- board.
aster, a report has been circulated that
boats, containing four men, in a dense lie prepared to move tho troops upon nt Sngu» In Grande Retlgn..
Has International Aspect a .
General Lee was of the persona' opin­
the Cuban envoy to the United States.
fog, and turned north to find them. notice.
New York, March 9.—The World’s ion that the explosion was due to ex- |
B. C,, March 9.—There
Both Units landed safely near Point
Work on Illg Guns ICunhetl.
"is to confirm the rejxirt that General Havana correspondent sends word that ternal causes. No official report of will soon come up for trial at New
Washington, March 10.—The Wash­ Lacret and two other officers are now Walter B. Barker, consul at Sagua la this character was ever sent to Wash­ Westminster a murder trial with inter­
An unknown man was shot in the ington navy-yard, where a large estab­ in the city. Their mission is one of Grande for the United States, has re­ ington, so far as known, but the mere ; national aspects, involving the feature
log by a mob near Princeton, Idaho. lishment is maintained by tlie govern­ the greatest importance.
They have signed. It is alleged in Spanish circles circulation of the report in Madrid, at­ of a man standing in Canada and shoot­
He fell, and, when called upon to sur­ ment for the manufacture of guns and delivered their rejiorts to me in person. that Consul Barker’s resignation is on tributing such views to General Lee, ing another in the United States.
render, fired a bullet into his left ordnance material, has started work in What these reports are I cannot state account of friction w ith Consul-General has been the source of much feeling in Saturday last Jack Atkinson, who runs
breast, missing the heart, and then, three shifts and the men are now work­ at this time.
1 will say this much, Lee over the improper distribution of Spanish official circles.
a hotel on the Canadian side of the
placing the revolver to the right side ing day and night on big guns.
however, that incase the United States American charity, but the World’s cor­
boundary at Blaine, quarreled with
of his head, just above the ear, blew
Enlisting at Charleston Navy Yard.
should declare war against Spain, Pres­ respondent declares that Mr. Barker
Billy Patterson, who runs a rival estab­
More Men to Be Recruited.
his brains out. He was suspected of
Boston, March 8.—Orders have been lishment on the American side.
ident Musso will co-operate at once feels that the American government,
being implicated in the murder of Dan
in its activity regarding Cuban affaire, received at the Charleston navy-yard kinson shot Patterson in the leg, inflict­
with the United States forces.
Calhind, a Tekoa rancher, and was be­ cruiting office at Columbus barracks
“These officers come direct from has ignored all the consular reports, calling for the enlistment of men for ing a wound from which Patterson died.
ing followed by a mob of men claiming receive«! orders today to recruit accept­ the seat of government. They tell me and the consuls to all intents and pur­ the several ratings in the enlisted force Atkinson then went to New Westmin­
to be deputy sheriffs ftom Whitman able men for the navy and light artil­ that the Cubans feel assured that they poses are useless as channels of informa­ of the navy. No definite time for dis­ ster and surrendered himself to the
continuance of the recruiting was given. authorities.
will win. President Masso feels that tion.
Three Italian laborers were killed by |
Commander Howison, commandant of
the war will be ended by the Cubans,
Victoria, B. C., March 9.—F. Nich­
Catalonia Disabled.
a dirt cart which fell upon them while
the yard, was of the opinion that the
even though the United States does not
who arrived from Dawson today,
they were at work in the new East
enlistments were simply to fill the va­
interfere. It tnay take four months,
The steamer Delaware picket! up the but we are assured and confident that steerage steward of the steamer Valen­ cancies in the service caused by the lose confirms the reports of big strikes on
river bridge.
cia, met his death in a peculiar way
American creek, and a stampede to
The Russian demands upon China Cunard liner Catalonia on Friday, 600 we can end the struggle without the
of the Maine, and to fill up the com­
today. While standing on the dock he
that place from Dawson. He also re­
have caused the greatest excitement at
assistance of a foreign country. Spain fell between the steamer and dock into plements of the Minneapolis and Mian- ported rich strikes on Rosebud creek,
the Japanese legation in Pekin, and the pool to Boston with 11 intermediate is bankrupt, and she is in no position
the water, striking a log. His larynx
50 miles this side of Dawson. Prospec­
Japanese minister has had several in­ and 75 steerage passengers and a gen­ to continue this war.”
was broken and he was smotheied to
tors took from 84 to 8r> to the pan, and
terviews witli officials of the Chinese eral cargo. The Catalonia had sus­
General Palma said that Lacret as­ death. Russell’s remains will be sent
Lima, O., March 8.—Henry Heffner when the news reached Dawson a big
foreign office, urging the rejection of
sured him the Cuban army was well to San Francisco, where he leaves a and his wife were away from home
crowd started off for the new diggings.
the Russian demands. In addition, it tween the low and intermediate shafts, supplied with arms and ammunition.
when their three children poured the The creek is said to be very rich. Ma­
is reported that Japan has threatened ber gear was broken and her cylinder
Colonels Giber* and Alonso are both
contents of a can of powder on the jor Walah is coming back to Skagway
The accident occurred last men of ability and are the confidential i
to take vigorous action if the demands shifteiL
Maine factories sold 8250,000 worth stove. Two of them were burned and
for some reason, but the rest of bit
of Russia are oonoe«ied.
advisers of the Cuban government. 1 of wooden shoe pegs in 1897.
died, and the other cannot live.
party art continuing on to Dawton.
House pHnsed the Cannon Appropriation
Bill rnani iooum I y.