I Entered attbe Poetoffice In McMinnville, u Second-clau matter. M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, MAR. 11, 1898. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE »2. SO PER YEAR. One Dollar if paid In advance, Single number« five cents. NO. 12. —------------------------------------ PEOPLE’S PARTY CONVENTION. Mr. Watkins was then called. He errors were made in his rulings: one told the story of the bashful courtship, that a majority vote was included in the Delegates Chosen to State Conven­ in which the young man proposed to his motion of McCrea, the other that nomi­ tion, Portland, larch 23d. sweetheart to tell tales. She asked that nations were in order at any time, after What Wa« Said and Done. Ninety delegates, either present in per­ he use the more elegant term of “anec­ he had declared them cloeed. An extra son, or representing proxies, were pre­ dotes.” The young man went out to motion was required to set things right. sent at the above convention last Satur­ look after his horse, and returned with Ninety votes were cast the first ballot. day, which convened in Wright’s lodge the information that the calf had chewed Powell receiving 23, was declared elected. hall. It was called to order by Harry off the horse’s anecdote. Watkins like­ Johnson, who received the next highest The story of this woman is the every day history of Watkins, who proceeded to adopt the wise extolled the republican party as one vote, was elected by acclamation. A thousands who are suffering as she did; who can be name of anarchists for his audience, and organized on the noblest creed of earth, motion prevailed that the highest two on described an anarchist by quoting Luke but it had now gone to Wall street; it has next ballot be elected. This resulted in cured as she was ; who will thank her for showing them 11, telling of those who are truly blessed. placed the shackles on seven millions of favor of Kuykendall and Kirkwood. The the way to good health. H’ bad had a dream, in which he saw a slaves. It is like Judas Iscariot, with roles were suspended, and in succession lake of fire and brimstone, and was filled the difference that it won’t go out and McCrea, Linden, Wallace and Dr. Court­ bang itself. It is a ioul snake with slimy ney were chosen. The most remarkable thing about Mrs. days were numbered. My mother brought with republicans. He asked Satan why A resolution was introduced by the me Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People [ he didn’t let them out. The reply was coils, “but the common people will carry Nellie J. Lord, of Strafford Corner, N. H., and the first box made me feel better. 1 this country, and don ’ t you forget your secretary favoring a union in the interest is that she is alive to-day. continued the treatment and to-day I am j that he was afraid to, for fear they would umbrella.” of Bilver. Watkins wanted it to read that No one, perhaps, is more surprised at I start a little hell of their owu. Along­ well. Mose Johnson was called. He said “all reform forces” unite in favor of sil­ this than Mrs. Lord herself. She looks back “When I commenced to take the pills I side the lake was what appeared to be a weighed 120 pounds; now I weigh 146 ! drying room, where a number of bodies the two ministers who had spoken were ver and principles on which legislation at the day when she stood on the verge of and feel that my recovery is permanent. both prepared to go hence if the gold is desired. J. C. Cooper, the state organ­ death and shudders. She looks ahead at a “ I owe my happiness and my health to ; were hanging up. Inquiring as to the standard should win, but he couldn’t say izer of the “union of forces” movement, life of happiness with her children, her hus­ reason for this, he was told that these re- Dr. r. Williams' Pink Pills. My . husband as much for himself. He thought if these was present as a delegate, and also served band and her home with a joy that only a was benefited by them. I have recom­ j publicans were too greeu to burn, and a horde of useless clerks in the legisla­ mended them to aeany of my friends and were banging up to dry. He then intro­ men can’t bury the gold standard in in a like capacity earlier in the day at ture to be paid for by taxes wrung from mother can realize. will be glad if any word of mine will direct Mrs. Lord is the mother of three children, duced bis friend, Rev. F A. Powell, as Yambill county, no two men can. He the so-called silver republican conven­ the hard earnings of the taxpayers, and others to the road of good health.” made reference to his admiration for tion. He proposed the “one platform” we declare that as the republican party two of whom are twins; until the twins Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People his new convert. The convert took the has repeatedly promised to reform these came nothing marred the joy of her life. have cured many cases of almost umlar floor, and told some stories. The first Watkins’ ability to make the snakes idea be incorporated, asserting that they abuses and as repeatedly repudiated its nature. Then she was attacked with heart failure was to illustrate that be knew who had (gold standard people) crawl. “Capital should unite for principle, and not alone promises, it is the duty of the people of The vital elements in Mrs. Lord's blood and for a year was unable to attend to the made him a believer in populist doctrines. has been on top for more than a year,” for office. This w as the occasion for Mr. the opposition, and that when a party were deficient. The haemoglobin was ex­ said Johnson, “and it will flow into the Watkins to defend the people’s party as deliberately and repeatedly violates its ordinary duties of the home. In describing hausted. She was unfit for the strain she Two boys were asked who made them. state against the anarchists, and can we one of principle from the foundation up, pledges made to the people for the pur­ her own experience Mrs. Lord says: was compelled to undergo. Her nervous Johnnie, the younger, replied that God pose of getting their votes, there is no “I had heart failure so bad I was often system was shattered and her vitally made him; the other boy didn’t know. make it win against them? Money will and to assure the gentleman and others adequate remedy in the hands of the bought to be dead. dropped below the danger point. The older one being shamed for his have a great influence in the state of of the convention thaf it was the power people, excepting to take the power of " With this I had neuralgia of the stom­ A collapse was inevitable. Oregon. The opposition will have a behind the throne, and not only meant government out of the hands of such de­ ach so bad it was necessary to give me Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured her by ignorance, claimed that the little fellow linquent party ; morphine to deaden the pain. supplying the lacking constituents of health ought to know, because he hadn’t been great fight among themselves; if they to preserve its autonomy, but proposed to Resolved, that the people’s interests “Sometimes the doctors gave me tem­ He are paramount to all else, and that, by tilling the veins with blood rich in the made very long. The preacher said that don’t, I don’t know how we are going to dictate its full share of the offices. porary relief, but in the end it seemed as if requisite element of life. The heart re­ bad a letter from a populist high in have a chance, for one. The republicans therefore, personal interests must be sub­ my suffering was multiplied. sumed its normal action; the nervous sys­ hiB allegiance to other reforms had kept will adopt our grandest principle, the authority, admonishing him to preserve servient to that end; “Medicine did me no good and was but tem was restored to a state of harmony, him from taking a positive stand with Resolved,that we re-affirm the national an aggravation. and the neuralgic affection disappeared. the party previous to this time, The referendum. I will be thankful that we the party name in Oregon until 1900, and platform of the democratic party adopted “I was so thin my nearest friends failed they proposed to do so. Mr. Cooper de ­ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by have made the grand fight, if they adopt at Chicago in 1890. money question had become with him to recognize me. druggists everywhere, who believe them it. Some republican papers favor elect­ clared that if they did not agree on the On motion of Chas. Grissen the reso­ “ No one thought I would live. to be one of the most efficacious medicines the central idea—like a question between “ I was in despair and thought that my the century has produced. life or death, it must be settled first. ing senators by direct vote of the people. platform he “wouldn’t know' what party lutions were adopted in full as read. Henry Fletcher, T. J. Rowland, L. C. The international agreement idea of the The republicans made a hubbub of the he belonged to.” His suggestion was Thompson, F. Wright and Paul Fund­ republicans was ridiculed by comparison legislature. Claimed they wanted to re­ not adopted. A committee was appointed to advance man were appointed tellers. with the roan who was to be hanged, peal the railroad commission, but it will The election of delegates to the state and was given his choice between two be the same old thing if they have a ma­ the plan of organizing ladies’ silver clubs trees. He chose a gooseberry bush in­ jority, they will maintain the same old throughout the county, which is being convention resulted as follows: H. L. stead. They told him they couldn’t hang commission. I am not a party man ; if fostered by Mrs. McKinney of Portland, Heath, J. H. Hendershot, Dr. Mathies, John Johnson, J. E. Todd, W. T. Ral­ him on that. “That’s all right,” he said, it don’t work in the interests of the peo­ as chairman. eigh, Titos. Huston, Thos. Snuffer, P. “I’m in no hurry. I can wait till it ple, I am not with it. I will thank the Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. Having bought the Fundman, H. Rummel, H. C. Burns. grows.” Further illustration was made enemy if it adopts our principles. Our This remedy is intended especially for by the story of the man who was asked party is a peculiar one. It adopts the coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and I have been afflicted with rheumatism stigmas heaped upon it, and gains by it. if he could build a bridge. He replied he YAMHILL PHARMACY influenza. It has become famous for its for fourteen years and nothing seemed to The enemy is now ashamed to call us be could build one to the infernal regions, Mr. Johnson’s speech cures of these diseases, over a large part give any relief. I was able to get around if necessary. This statement rather anarchists.” We intend to run an up- to-date drugstore. could not reasonably be regarded as a of the civilized world. The most flatter­ all the time, but constantly suffering. I shocked an old deacon on the bridge WE CAN COMPOUND YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS AS ACCURATELY AND AS ho|>eful one. Mr. Snuffer was called. ing testimonials have been received, giv­ bad tried everything I could hear of and building committee, but a friend apolo. SKILLFULLY AS ANYONE. He declined, saying be was not a dele­ ing accounts of its good works; of the ag­ at last was told to try Chamberlain’s gized for the builder’s bluntness, and Our stock of CHRISTMAS PERFUMES is filll and of the best. gravating and persistent coughs it has Pain Balm, which I did, and was im­ gate nor a populist, but after the conven­ testified to his ability, but expressed , Our line of COMBS, BRUSHES and other toilet articles is complete. cured; of severe colds that have yielded mediately relieved and in a short time tion, if everything works smooth, he will doubt as to the strength of the abutment We carry the leading brands of cough syrups and Patent medicine and ask for be willing to put in a night or two at promptly to its soothing effects, and of cured. I am happy to say that it has a share of your patronage. at the other end. some of the school houses, if they are the dangerous attacks of croup it has not since returned.—J osh . E doar , Ger­ These proceedings occupied the fore- cured, often saving the life of the child. noon session. The afternoon session not occupied more than six nights in a The extensive use of it for whooping mantown, Cal. For sale by 8. Howorth & Co. week. was called to order by W. R. Kirkwood, Milton Chapin was called. He de­ cough has shown that it robs that disease chairman of populist committee. T. L. The Annual School .Heeling. of all dangerous consequences. Sold by VanOrsdal, the secretary,read the call for clined because he couldn’t add anything S. Howorth & Co. Quite a number of patrons of the pub­ the convention. Watkins spoke for the to the many good things said. He lic schools attended the annual meeting election of these two officers for the con­ couldn’t talk very well unless he had on Monday. The report of W. J. Lough- Democratic Convention, vention, and nominated them. They some one to quarrel with. arv as clerk was read and approved. The democrats met in convention at John Gill was called. He didn’t come were chosen without dissent. L. L. Chairman Hunsaker asked the privi­ Wouldn’t undertake to the court house on Saturday, and were lege of talking a few minutes, which was Preserve Health. Save Doctor’s Bills. Hewitt moved that a committee of three to speak. called to order at 11 a. m. by Chairman Promote Happiness and Comfort. be appointed by chair on credentials and instruct. But he wanted to raise one cheerfully granted. He said he proposed order of business. Chair appointed B. question before the audience. The party H. C. Burns. On motion Mr. Burns to retire as director, and urged that a was elected chairman of the meeting. B. Branson, L. L. Hewitt and I. E. Holt. had fallen into the hands of politicians. successor be elected who would be inter­ While this committee prepared its report, “We must take the primaries to the peo­ Mr. Gist of North Yamhill was chosen ested in school matters, and who would secretary and Mr. Hagerty of Carlton as ­ Dr. Courtney took occasion to make a ple, if they will not go to the primaries. rise above his own interests in the work statement. He said that two years ago We should have one in every school dis­ sistant secretary. Committee on cre­ of the public schools, be above cliques dentials appointed were : J. C. Snuffer, he bad moved from Lafayette to East trict. I would furnish every district with and perform bis work independent of all Dayton precinct to sow populist seed, a platform, and explanations why each Tom Huston, J. D. Baker, Wm. Raleigh outside influences. He would do some­ and Frank Wright. Chairman next ap ­ having heard that there was but one plank should be adopted. We want the thing he had never done before—nomi­ populist living there. He had been un­ people to control and take all the power pointed committee on resolutions con­ nate his successor in office. He nomi­ sisting of : Chas. Grissen, H. L. Heath, able to find him, and on primary day out of the hands of the politicians.” nated John Evenden, and the clerk cast The report of committee on credentials W. W. Walker, I. M. Hembree and E. the ballot, there being no other candi­ was compelled to retire to his office in sorrow. It was immediately moved that was read and adopted on motion of Lin­ B. Collard. On committee on perma­ date. He was declared elected for three Dr. Courtney be made a delegate from den. Linden moved the appointment of nent organization and order of business years. Cotor»d TPiaias o7 64 77/edicinai that precinct with authority to cast four a nominating committee of three to pre­ the chairman appointed : B. F. Sparks, Mr. Kegg nominated W. L. Hembree W. H. Fletcher, L. Kuykendall. /Plants. votes, probably based on apportionment sent names of 12 or 16 parties available for clerk, and Mrs. Snelling named Mr. Convention reassembled at 1:30 p. m. as delegates to the state convention. the party wishes it had, and has not. Loughary. The latter gentleman de­ SKELETON, MAD DOG, After reading of various reports the com ­ Mr. Watkins again introduced his new Motion lost. Gill moved to elect by ris­ clined with thanks, and Mr. Hembree POISONOUS INSECTS, convert. The preacher said he was prob­ ing vote. VanOrsdal suggested that one mittee on resolutions presented the fol­ went in under suspension of the rules. REPTILES, lowing: The annual report of clerk showed the» PHRENOLOGICAL CHART ably asked to speak for the same reason person couldn’t rise for three or four Whereas, the democratic party stands he had often been asked to impersonate proxies. Long favored the ballot. Dick­ pledged to do all in its power to restore following interesting figures: Santa Claus—the people thought acting ens wanted to elect by districts. Branson the policy of the free and unlimited coin­ Balance on hand teachers’ fund of gold and silver at the existing last report............................. 1 342 52 Lithograph Manikins of the Body and of the Head, in layers the fool came natural to him. He com­ wanted a quick vote because the gold age ratio, which was substantially the policy Receipts from various places. standard had made board so high in Mc ­ pared republicans to God ’ s raw material 3428 24 to dissect showing all organs in their of the government from the administra­ —“some of it very raw.” A good many Minnville that they couldn’t afford to tion of Washington to that of Grant, and Warrants drawn during year . 3675 00 proper positions and colors. of them, he thought, were like the fellow stay long. A motion to proceed to ballot which was advocated by statesmen of all Balance on hand...................... 1095 76 1157 Pages. Size 6 1-4 x 91-4 inches. who had hold of the cow’s tail. The cow carried. The chair appointed J. T. Pat­ parties for more than 80 years of our na­ Balance on hand incidental fund last report .............................. 316 59 was about to turn a corner, and the mau’s terson, S. Howorth and Wm. Gunning tional existence ; and Weight, 51-4 lbs. Thickness 33-4 inches. Whereas, the republican party has now as tellers, and I. E. Holt as assistant thrown Receipts from various sources.. 2304 78 situation was perilous. He was told to off the mask and stands avowedly Nineteen pages of Alphabetical Index. An Index of Symptoms, so yon can tell secretary. Then fast and furious came Disbursements .......................... 2483 17 let go. He cried: “ I can ’ t let go; it ’ s for the single gold standard, and for ■ the what ails you. Complete list of Medicines, telling what each is good for, Everyone seemed further demonetization of silver and re- Balance on hand........................ «38 20 and how much of each to take for a