The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, February 04, 1898, Image 1

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Entered Ht the PoMoffice in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
Girl’s Nerves.
Mrs. A. Mannock is reported convales­
cent, and will return next week.
The east side of the county was the
Wesley Morrison returned from eastern
scene of another tragedy on Saturday. Oregon last week. He reports good times
Paul Ducleos and Fred Clemmens lived in that country.
on adjoining farms southeast of Dayton,
From the "New Era,'"Green»burg, Ind.
F. K. Hoffman and family will move
near the Evangelical church. Since last
Washington in the near future. White-
Mothers who have young daughters of mouths she had dwindled to sixty-three harvest the two families have not been
school age should watch their health more pounds. She was thin and pale, and was friendly because of a quarrel and fight son is sorry to lose them.
almost lifeless. We did everything we could
W. E. Cox returned to this place last
carefully than their studies. The proper for her, and tried all the doctors who we between them at thattime. Ducleos had
development of their body is of the first im­ thought could do her any good, but without
He has been a resident of the
beard that the Clemmens family had
portance. After the confinement of the result.
bunchgrass country for nearly a year.
school room, plenty of out-of-door exercise Milford who had a daughter afflicted the
Prof. Metzgar of the Lafayette semi­
should be taken.
It is better that their same way, and she was cured by Dr. Wil­ personal conduct, and went to William
children never learn their h, b, e’e, than that liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. They Clemmeus, the head of the family, dur­ nary will address the Christian Endeavor
came here one day to spend Sunday, and ing last harvest, while engaged in cut­ of this place Sunday next at three o’clock
by learning them they lose their health.
they told us about their daughter’s ease. It
But all this is self-evident.
Everyone was very much like Lucy’s, and they advised ting grain, charging him with circulating He is an enthusiastic Endeavor worker.
admits it—everyone knows it, but everyone us to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for her. such a report.
Mr. Clemmens stoutly
II. Holmes has grubbed up his hop-
does not know how to build them up when We bad no taitli in them, but were finally
once they are broken down. The following persuaded to try the pills. We have never denied the charge, and as a result of the yard ami will plant it in onions.
method of one mother, if rightly applied, been sorry for it. They helped her at once, discussion a tight ensued, which involved has 100 pounds of seed and intends
and by the time she had taken eight boxes
may save your daughter:
Clemmens and his son Fred, and the planting thirty acres or more this year.
The young lady was Miss Lucy Barnes, of tlie medicine she was entirely cured.
the fifteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and She took the last dose in April, and has not Ducleos brothers, bachelor neighbors. In
T. J. Morrison started for Skagway a
Mrs. Stephen Barnes, who lives near Bur­ been bothered since. She is now stronger this tight the Dueleos brothers were wor­
few days ago. His family has moved to
ney, lud.k 'She is a bright young lady, is than ever, weighs ten pounds more than ever
fond of books, although her progress in this before, and her cheeks are full of color. sted, and it is said afterwards gave out Perrydale. Whiteson loses another good
line has been considerably retarded by the Bhe cun now gratify her ambition to study promiscuous threats against the lives of
citizen, but we wish him success in his
considerable amount of sickness she has ex­ and become an educated woman.”
Those who ure in a position to know state the Clemmens men.
perienced. She lias missed two years of
new venture.
school on account of her bad health, but now that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People
The opportunity for a clash came Sat­
Rev. Turner closed bis revival meet­
she will be able to pursue her studies, since is nut a patent medicine but a prescription
used for many years by an eminent practitioner urday morning about 10 a. m., when ings Monday night. Thera were 17 ad­
her health hus been restored.
Her father was talking of her case to a who produced the most wonderful results with Paul Ducleos and the junior Clemmens,
ditions to the church, and nearly twice
newspaper tnan one day recently. “ M v them, curing all forms of weakness arising
from a watery condition of the blood or aged 20 years, met while out hunting. that number professed conversion. WheD
daughter has had a very serious time of it,
said Me. Barnes, “ but now we are all happy
Both had pursued their hunt about
to know that she is getting along all right most every ill to which flesh is heir. The Graham’s slough near the Willamette the roll is called up yonder may they all
and is stronger than ever.” Asked to relate pills are also a specific tor the troubles
be numbered with those whose robes are
the story of his daughter, Mr. Barnes con­ peculiar to females, such as suppressions, river, apparently oblivious of each other’s
tinued : “About three years ago, when Hhe all forms of weakness, chronic constipation, whereabouts, until on opposite sides of whiter than the snow.
was twelve years old, she began to grow bearin" down pains, etc., and in the ease of
J. C. Parrott has purchased of J. B.
weak and nervous. It was, of course, a deli­ men will give speedy relief and effect a per­ the water, when Ducleos being on much
cate age for her. She gradually grew weaker manent cure in all cases arising from mental higher ground, they came in sight of Long a one-half interest in the little
and her nerves were at such a tension that worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever
steamer Kiawanda, a small passenger
the least little noise would irritate her very nature. They are entirely harmless and can each other. Ducleos is said to have re­
much, and she was very miserable. There be given to weak and sickly children with traced his steps iu the direction of Clem­ and excursion boat plying on the Nes-
was a continual twitching iu the arms and the greatest good and without the slightest
tucca bay. They will thoroughly over­
lower limbs, and we were afraid that she danger. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold mens and met him at the north end ot
by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on the slough. There being no witnesses to haul the boat and put in new and larger
was going to develop St. Vitus’ dance.
a“ She kept getting worse and finally we receipt of prioe, 60 cents a box or six boxes
machinery’ and make it first-class in
had to take her trom her school ami her for $2-50 (they are never sold in bulk or by the interview, Clemmens’ story is the
studies. She was strong and healthy before, the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams’ Medi­ sole word-of-mouth evidence. He says: every respect.
Weighing eighty-five pounds, and in three cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
“I saw Ducleos approaching from the
In a recent letter from Washington. D.
same direction that I had come. When
C., to an old friend, Major G. A. Studer,
he was within about 50 yards, he began
for twenty years United States Consul at
to abuse me, and still came nearer, swear­
Singapore, says: “While at Des Moines I
ing and threatening to kill me. When
became acquainted with a liniment
be was close to me he pulled off his
known as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm,
gloves, or mittenB, and begau to draw
which I found excellent against rheuma­
bis gun. I tried to evade him, and said
tism as well as against soreness of the
that I did not want to have any trouble.
Having bought the
throat and chest (giving me much easier
Ducleos kept coming, and then began to
breathing). I had a touch of pneumonia
raise his gun. When lie had raised it to
early this week, and two applications
about the range of my head, I fired.”
freely applied to the throat and chest re­
Clemmens is said to have held his gun
lieved me of it at once. I would not be
We intend to run an up-to-date drugstore.
toward Ducleos, but with the muzzle al­
without it for anything.” For sale by
most to the ground, and when he felt it
S. Howorth & Co.
necessary to fire in self-defense, he gave
Our ato< k of CHRISTMAS PERFUMES ia toll and of the best.
the muzzle a quick upward turn, and
Our line of COMBS, BRUSHES and other toilet articles is complete.
without taking aim, discharged the gun.
We carry the leading brands of cough syrup* and Patent medicine and ask for
The examination of the wound tended to
Mr. Foster has been quite sick for the
a share of your patronage.
corroborate this statement, as the shot past three weeks.
took an upward course into the chin and
Mr. Grosser has taken a relapse and is
lower face. The tracks of the two hunt­ now confined to the house again.
ers were also examined by the coroner’s
It is rumored that Mr. Ed. Lamson is
jury and found to confirm the story told
working for the representativeship.
by Clemmens. Ducleos’ gun was found
Snow fell to the depth of six or seven
by his side, in readiness for shooting. •
but is now going off very rapidly.
The jury was composed of Daniel De-
Leona Adams and Roy Sunderland
l’iere, Eli Seese, M. F. Hastings, L. II.
Litscher, John Eisele ami Dauiel Gubser. successfully passed the 8th grade exami­
They returned a verdict that Ducleos nation in mental arithmetic.
Mr. Vanderpool has moved into Mr.
«■»trie to his death from a gunshot wound
indicted by Fred Clemmens, in self-de­ Wilson's house on the Highlands from
his mountain home on Canada creek.
fense, as they believed.
The other Duclffbs, on hearing of the
It is radically Republican, advocating , ^«¿<But tt can always be relied on
A verage daily attendance at school id
the cardinal doctrines of that party | for fair and honest reports of all po- ■
1 ?atb of his brother, is said to have raved district 37 this week was 26. We will
with ability and eamestnessJ*u’t»'*J* | litical movementsjijljtjijt•
like a madman, frantic with grief and endeavor to celebrate Admission day
anger. Paul Ducleos was an Odd Fellow, with appropriate exercises.
and was buried by the brethren of that
Resolved, That saloon license should
order at Dayton on Monday.
not he granted, was debated in the Up­
Mr. Clemmens and eon came to town per Willamina literary society last Satur"
It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer.
on Monday, and asevidence of good faith, day evening. The negative won the de.
Mr. Clemmens has his son arrested and bate.
The Literature of its columas is
placed under $2000 bonds to appear be­
equal to that of the test maga­
One day this week dogs got into Mr.
fore the next grand jury.
zines. It is interesting to the chil­
Woods’ drove of sheep and killed or
dren as well as the parents.........
wounded so they died 14 of the band in
Heal Evtate Transfers.
one night. He received $20 from the
Week ending Feb. 2d :
owners of the dogs and then had the
and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF
Bloom et ux to F H Smith 40
pleasure of seeing both dogB killed.
THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest
a pt F King d 1 c 13 r 3.........
$ 500
discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy
fhamberlain’a Cough Remedy Al»
with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and
R B Hayden et ux to F S Harding
discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.J* J*
ways Prove» Effectual.
lots 1 and 2 blk 5 Court add to
are no better medicines on the
i I L Kimber et ux to A Leroy lots
market than Chamberlain’s. W’e have
109 and 110 Dayton.....................
800 used the Cough Remedy when all others
Chas Crawford et ux to Mary A
failed, and in every instance it proved
$4.00 per year
Price of Daily by mail.
$‘3 OO per year H
B Price of Sunday by mail
Houk lots 7 and 8 blk 18 White-
effectual. Almost daily we hear the
Dally «nd Sunday by mall
$0.00 per year f 7T
son ...........
500 virtues of Chamberlain’s remedies ex­
M J Olds to A K Olds all of grant­
tolled by those who have used them.
The Reporter and Inter Ocean one year for $1.35.
or’s int in E Ford die...............
1 This is not an empty puff, paid for at so
E and Chas Henry to state of Ore­
much a line, but is voluntarily given in
At least one thousand men will quit
gon 40 a sec 11 3 r 4.................
50 good faith, in the hope that suffering hu­
employment in this city between now J W Henry sheriff to C C Bailey
manity may try these remedies, and,
160 a t 2 r 5.................................. 1410 like the writer, be benefited.—From the
We have special arrangements with I and the first of May and go to the Alas­
Glenville (W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale
the following leading publications, ka gold fields. This will certainly have J W Henry to J L Drew 297 a pt D
D Bailey d 1 c 18 r 3................... 6033 by 8. Howorth A Co.
whereby we are able to offer them in a tendency to increase local wages and
connection with our own at exceedingly open many places for employment for J B Fryer et ux toMrs M J Carl 1
Probate Court.
a in Carlton............................... . 700
low rates, as follows: The R eporter those now idle in this community.—
Portland Welcome.
Estate of Wm. Ball. Inventory ap­
proved as to property in Yamhill coun­
Weekly Excursions to the East.
Weekly Inter Oce«n.......................................... 11.35
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, semi-weekly......... 1.75
A tourist sleeping car will leave Port­ ty. J. F. Clark, J. W. Loder and L. L.
New York Weekly Tribune .............
land every Tuesday at 9 p. m., via the Porter appointed appraisers for Clacks-
’Kural Northwest, Portland, semi monthly 1 25
for a generous
R. A N. without change to Boston, j mas county, and J. T. Ross, A. A. Linde-
•The Rural Northwest is the brightest,
under the supervision of experienced ley and T. T. Burkhart for Multnomah
the mo’t practical and useful publication
No change of cars to the ' county. Petition to set aside personal
no the coast for farmer", dairymen and
Chicago. Bit Halo or Boston ' property for use of widow allowed
fruit growers.
to the east is now before
contains no «tesine,
To Cure a Cold in One Dny
mercury nor any otb«r
you. Remember this service when go­
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
You can get perfect satisfaction in pho­ tniurioas drug.
ing east, and consult O. R. A N. agents.
It is quickly Absorbed.
tos at the Excelsior Studio.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
U.ves Rollet at once.
W. H. H cbibubt ,
to cure. 25c. For sale by Rogers Bros.
It - pens and cleanses —. Al
, ■ ■ as * «a General Passenger Agt., Portland, Or.
the : ml Ptessr,
Out Threatens, the Other
iu Self-Deiense.
Come This Way
■ 5 o
* ■•■•■•■•■•R9a«sef
g SK«wsg*s*r ¿Gsssseiisisisasaeasa« J
Ely's Cream Balm
A.lay» Inflammation WLM TIILHW
Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the
-wnsss of Taste snd Smell. Full Sue Me., Trial
Mixe ISC. : at Druggists or by mail.
k.LY BRuTUEHS, M Warren Street, Saw Tort 1
Jonn Fletcher has moved into the
Take your prescription» to Hill’s to
house vacated by Mrs. H. Mills.
have them filled.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents.
NO. 7.
Columbus School Motes.
Ray Barnhart has enrolled as a stu­
dent in the high school.
English literature will be taken up by
the tenth grade next week when rhetoric
will be dropped.
Four students of the high school wrote
for the prize offered by the Sons of the
American Revolution. We wish them
success for their effort.
Among the visitors during the last
week were Directors Nelson, Irvine and
Hunsaker, Mr. Loughary, John Adams,
and Misses White and Roberts.
The tenth grade have decided that Taul
Cooper shall be valedictorian for the
class, Ethel Harris, prophet; Colon Eb­
erhard, poet; Bessie Ilouck, salutatorian.
Royal purple was chosen as the class
Frank Sherwood was down town today,
the first time since he had his tussle with
cholera morbus, lie says he drove thirty
miles after he was taken, and never came
so near dying in his life. After this when
he goes out in the country lie will take a
bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy with him.—
Missouri Valley (Iowa) Times. For eale
by S. Howorth A Co.
Cook School Notes.
Measles are ia our school.
Written reviews come again today.
Our motto is “Work for the end is com­
Base ball is our favorite amusement
these days.
Away down in California you will find
Harry Woodrum enjoying himself eating
Ross Chilcott was hurt yesterday and
will be unable to attend school for a few
Out ol 7th and 8th grades there are
twelve competitors for the prizes offered
in this city for the best composition. The
rules will be published next week.
The Tie that Binds.
A very pretty wedding occurred at the
home of 8. L. Hayden, just east of the
city, Wednesday evening, Feb. 2nd,
when his daughter Mabel was married
to Mr. A. F. Narver, Rev. A. J. Hunsa­
ker officiating. The ceremony occurred
at 7:30 p. m., the bride and groom enter­
ing the parlor to the strains of the wed­
ding march performed by Miss Josie
Gortner. Those present besides the im­
mediate Hayden household'were Mrs.
Derr, daughter and son, Misses Josie and
Sadie Gortner, Misses Lottie and Ytol
Reid, Mr. F. E. Rogers and Mrs. Narver,
mother of the groom. A number of nice
and ueeful presents were presented by
the guests. The bride and groom left
yesterday for their future home at
Sprague, Wash., where Mr. Narver owns
a cattle ranch and engages quite exten­
sively in this industry. They took with
them the good wishes of many friends.
Yaiuhlll Boys in Trouble.
The story goes that Thursday evening
of last week William Wieecarver and
Charles Mitchell arrived in Irving,
in Lane county, and solicited several
houses for lodging. 8. L. Bond gave
them supper, lodging and breakfast, on
condition that they would pay in the
morning by splitting some wood. They
worked but a few moments when they
suddenly left, whereupon Mr. Bond
bailed them as they were leaving and
demanded an explanation. Instead of
stopping, the boys broke and ran, and
Mr. Bond gave chase. They ran but a
few hundred yards when pne of the boys
whipped out a revolver and threatened
the life of his pursuer. Mr. Bond then
gave up the chase and, hastening to Eu­
gene, he secured the assistance of Po­
liceman Stiles. Together they walked
out near the Geary school building,
where they intercepted the two young
criminate and took them into custody.
The boys pleaded guilty to the charge of
carrying concealed weapons, and were
given twenty days each in the county
Licenses to Marry-
It would be interesting to know how
many bushels of potatoes have been
evaporated this year to meet the Klon­
dike and Alaska demand. There are
probably not less than one hundred
evaporating plants at work now in Ore­
gon, Washington and California, and
many of these have been at work steadi­
ly for four or five mouths.—Rural North­
One hundred and forty persons, includ­
ing prominent citizens and county offi­
cials, were converted during the meet­
ings recently held
by Evangelist
Ross in Eugene. Fifty-four persons
united with the M. E. church, while a
large majority of the balance will soon
unite with the other churches of the city.
Coleman Mark of Aurora is in the
C. H. Farmer is moving from Day­
ton prairie to a farm near Perrydale.
Prince Todd 13 one of the Cuban
relief committee appointed by the
governor for Tillamook.
Tom White writes to his brother
Jim that he is having a good visit in
Pennsylvania, and that the amount
of mud prevailing there reminds him
vividly of Oregon.
John Rice, formerly of the Racket
store, has been assisting his father
to market a crop of 800 bushels of
onions from their beaver dam farm
in Washington county.
North Yamhill Record: The diph­
theria cases in the family of A.
Blackburn, east of town, are getting
along as well as could be expected.
It is thought the danger point has
been passed in all the cases. No
new cases are reported......... Grand
Foreman D. C. Herrin of the A. O.
U. W. will deliver a public address
at Laughlin’s hall at 7:30 p. m., Feb.
17th, in the interests of his order.
The address will be free and all ara
invited to come out and hear him.
That “prince of merchants” John
Wanamaker, does all his advertising
through the newspapers and in no
other way. He says: “I deal direct­
ly with the publishers.” I say to
them: “How long will you let me
run a column of matter through your
paper for 8100 or 8500?” as the case
may be. I let him do the figuring,
and if I think he is not trying to take
more than his share, I give him the
copy. I lay aside the profits on a
particular line of goods for advertis­
ing purposes. “At first I laid aside
83,000. Last year I laid aside and
spent 840,000. I have done better
this year, and shall increase the sum
as the profits warrant it. I owe my
success to newspapers, and to them
I freely give a certain profit of my
yearly business.”
Feb. let—John M. Beal, 20, of Wash­
The republicans of Pennsylvania
ington county, and May C. Whitlow, 17,
booming John Wanamaker for
of North Yamhill.
the next governor of the state.
Card of Thanks.
The children of the late Mrs. Melinda
Butler desire to extend thanks to all
their good friends for kindnesses and
assistance given them in their bereave­
Today is the day set for the execution
at Hillsboro of Gue Wachlin, recently
convicted of murder in Washington
Thos. B. Turley, democrat, was on
the 2d elected United States senator
by the legislature of Tennessee. He
received 91 votes, the republicans
voting for Blackner of Nashville.
Are Buch In little; always
ready, efficient. , a 11 «1 a c-
tory . prevent avoid or lever,
■ ■ ■
■ ■ J
ours all lire Ills, sick hssd ■
et, jaundice, constipation. etc. Pries » cents,
only Pilis to taka with Hood's SarsapulUa.