The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, January 28, 1898, Image 3

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Police of Paris* With the Greatest Dif-
Acuity* Preserve«! Order.
Paris, Jan. 25.—Toddav. Paris has
tho appearace of being in a state of
Biege, and 4,000 police and soldiers
hold the Place de la Concord.
Iu anticipation of the ^prohibited
anti-Dreyfus demonstration today, un­
der the direction of the organizing com­
mittee appointed by the anti-Dreyfus
meeting at the Tivoli Vauxhall last
Monday night, stringent measures were
taken by the authorities to preserve
order. The Place de la Concord and
the garden of the Tuilleries were held
by detachments of cavalry and infan­
try and large forces of police.
Nothing happened until 2 o'clock
this afternoon, the time announced for
the meeting to protest against the pro­
Drefytis agitation in the Salle des
Milles section and in the Mont Parnesse
quarter. The approaches to the hall
were occupied by police and mounted
republican guards, while the precau­
tion was taken of removing all chairs
from the interior. The police refused
admission to known anarchists, but
many who were less prominent evaded
]>olice vigilance, gained admittance and
created disturbances.
M. Thiebaud
was elected to the chair, and the noise-
iest disturbers of the proceedings were
expelled from the hall. M. Thiebaud
proposed that a wreath should be laid
on the Strasbourg statue, and the pro­
posal was greeted with cries of "Vite
1’armie” and "Vive la France!”
As the disturbance continued, M.
Thiebaud got a motion adopted to close
the meeting. The wreath was then
placed in a carriage, but the police re­
fused to allow the crowd to follow it in
a body, and divided it into small
groups. In the meantime, the anar­
chists tried in vain to organize a fresh
meeting. The wreath was placed on
the statue at half past 4 o’clock this
afternoon, amid perfect order.
Later in the evening the police dis­
persed large bodies of anti-Jewish dem­
onstrators in the Rue de la Fayette
and at the office of the Aurore, but
nothing serious occurred, and there
were few arrests during the day.
It is agreed on all sides that Satur­
day’s scene in the chamber of deputies
was almost without precedent, except
the recent disturbances in the Austrian
Curiously enough. Count
Badeni, the ex-Austrian premier, wit­
nessed it. He must have felt quite at
After the chamber was cleared 125
torn-off neckties were picked up, to­
gether with many coats that had been
torn by deputies from each other’s
shoulders. M. Clovis Hughes, one of
the deputies for the department ot the
Seine, had a door slammed on his fin­
gers, which were so mutilated that he
is now in the hands of a surgeon.
The scene of fighting around the tri­
bune was unparalleled.
Decision of Arbitrators in the Case of Dverwlielmlng Majority Favored
Vice-Consul Kellett.
San Francisco, Jan. 24.—A special
press correspondent at Bangkok writes
as follows, under date of November 15,
"The long-awaited and much del ated
decision of the arbitrators in the mat-
ter of the assault U|xm E. V. Kellett,
United States vice-consul, by Siamese
soldiers at Chi.mggai November 19,
1896, was published yesterday in the
Gazette for the first time, ami this
morning an English translation was
posted in the American legation.
Shortly after the announcement of the
assault, John Barrett, United States
minister resident and consul-general,
opened negotiations by demanding an
investigation by a mixed commission,
which Siam promptly refused, The ar­
rival of the gunboat Machias ili Feb-
ruary, 1897, however, opened the eyes
of the Siamese und hastened negotia-
tions, for when Minister Barrett pro­
posed to call the commission, a board of
arbitration was appointed. The Ma­
chias then left the river, and the board
of arbitration, composed of Mr. Barrett
and Mr. Orts, who represented the
Siamese government, soon proceeded
to investigate the matter, Bitting both
at Bangkok and Chienggai. After a
20 days’ session, the commission agreed
upon a decision without an umpire,
and the result is a t’-ycided victory for
Mr. Barrett. While the commission
decitied that the conduct of the officers
who committed the assault was to a
certain extent excusable, from the ex­
citement resulting from the unusual
and imprudent steps taken by Kellett
in releasing his servant from the cus­
tody of the authorities, after he had
been arrested, it was agreed that tlie
Siamese government should apologize
and punish the offenders. The officers
in command of tho troops are to be
publicly reprimanded and degraded in
rank, while the men are to be deprived
of pay for three months.
Washington, Jan. 2 4.—The senate
I'olav, in executive session, confirmed
the nomination of Joseph McKenna, to
be associate justice of the supreme
court of the United States.
In the open session an agreement was
reached by the senate today that a final
vote on the Teller resolution, providing
that the bonds of tho United States
may be paid in silver dollars, and all
pending amendments thereto should be
taken next Thursday before adjourn­
ment. Vest, in charge of the resolu­
tion, first announced that an agreement
had been made for the final vote Wed­
nesday at 4 P. M., but readily agreed
to a postponement of the vote until
Thursday, at the suggestion of Ttirpie.
Allison made the significant state­
ment that an amendment to the resolu­
tion that would cause some debate
would be offered late in the discussion,
but gave no intimation of the nature,
scope or intent of the amendmetA.
During the greater part of the after­
noon the senate was in executive ses­
We Must Take Hawaii or I.eave It to
Some Other Nation.
Trade Conditions in the Leading Cities
of the World.
Wheat traders last week struggled
But why, some are asking, is it neces­
sary to annex Hawaii outright to this with all kinds of foreign news, but the
country? Why not leave it us it is, an market remained in the same old rut,
independent nation, with which we only that it became narrower. Com­
have favorable treaties, and in whose mission men who have recently travel­
harbors our commerce can have all de­ ed all through the West and Northwest
sired facilities without the grave re­ say that speculation everywhere is
sponsibilities of actual ownership? light. The farmers have paid off their
This country and Hawaii have been get­ mortgages with the money received
ting on together well for three-quarters front their crops, and the #200,000,000
Caused by Violent Attacks t'pnn I.oyal
of a century; why disturb those rela­ extra that Leiter helped them to get
Spaniards and Army tlttlcers by the
tions? Why not leave things as they by advancing grain values has brought
Newspaper*—Troops Still in Havana.
about a readjustment of affairs in the
Havana, Jan. 24.—Since Saturday
The answer supplies itself, promptly West.
During the early days of last week
the rioters have been quiet, with the
and convincingly, says the New York
exception of a dynamite bomb exploded
Tribune. We cannot leave things as the foreign news was bearing, prices in
in the Plaza de Colon, which did no
they are, because they will not stay as Liverpool and on the continent declin­
harm. The rumors that the volunteers
they are. Even now they are not as ing steadily under the pressure of Ar­
would revolt against the government
they have been. Five years ago the gentine offerings. Friday there was a
have had no foundation. Neverthe­
old Hawaiian government broke down. change in sentiment abroad, cables gen­
less, on Saturday and Sunday several
It had become utterly corrupt, and col­ erally reporting reduced Argentino
generals arrived here from Matanzas
lapsed through its own rottenness. offerings and advanced prices.
province and from Havana province
The islands were saved from savage estimate has been made that Argentina
with additional reinfocrements. About
anarchy only by tho prompt action of will only have 18,000,000 bushels to
15,000 men are now located within the
a handful of men, mostly of United ship to the United Kingdom; 7,000,000
city limits and in the outskirts.
States origin, who organized a provi­ bushels of its surplus will go to Brazil,
persons have, circulated
sional government ami appealed to the i and the balance to other countries.
rumors that the volunteeers would join
United States for help in the form of This estimate does not make the sur­
There was a parliamentary struggle
plus over 25,000,000 bushels. There
in the riots, and have still further in­
in the house today over the bill for the annexation. The help being denied, are other good estimates of 46,000,000
creased popular passion by saying that
relief of the book publishing company
bushels. Should Argentina have 46,-
the government intended to disarm
of tho Methodist Episcopal church, maintaining the government they had 000,000 to export, it will make a ma­
them. It has also beefi asserted that
founded, in the face of overwhelming
South, which was brought before the
terial difference in prices, provided the
the volunteers would not have the bal­
house last Friday. By shrewd maneu­ odds of foes both without and within. present crop prospects are everywhere
lot, because they are in the pay of the
Thus far they have managed to hold
vering its opponents succeeded in pre­
government, which is not a fact, as
their ground; but it is perfectly evi­ maintained. In case it is only 25,000,-
venting action today. Previous to the
only buglers and a few others are paid.
dent they cannot do so permanently. 000 bushels there will be less wheat to
come in contact with arrivals from
The rest are merchants ami clerks,
passed the bill to extend the public There must be a radical change in California and depress the foreign mar­
serving without government pay.
affairs, and it must come soon. What
land laws of the United States to the
kets. Speculators are looking to the
Those responsible for circulating these
is that change to be?
territory of Alaska, and to grant a gen­
rumors are interested, it is asserted, in
Certainly there can be no restoration foreign situation to lead the bull move­
eral right of way through the territory.
breeding trouble between the govern­
of the old monarchy, with its corrup­ ment. They want to see exports con­
The urgent deficiency bill was sent to
ment and the volunteers, so as to have
tion and oppression and its chopping­ tinue heavy, and the foreign buying
conference after the silver forces, with
the latter disarmed, and to be assured
machine, which her majesty was so good. The latter has not been up to
■of 84,000 men less against the insur-
eager to apply to the necks of all who expectations of late, but there is every
curring in the senate amendments strik­
prospect of its continuing good through­
ing from the bill the provisions requin differed from her views of policy. out January. One drawback to active
Now that the disturbances have
Neither can the islands be given up to
ing the depositors of bullion at govern­
quieted down, the greatest part of the
the masses of the kanakas. However cash transactions at the seaboard is the
ment assay offices to pay the cost of
troops have returned to their respective
traceable these may be and however steady advanoe in cash premiums over
transportation to the mints.
well they may make progress toward May.
Speculators who are very friendly to
Among the government’s supporters
under proper guidance, they
the riots are explained as spontaneous
are manifestly unfit for self-govern­ the bull side take a different view of
They are inclined to
and wholly without previous arrange­
ment. There can be no more ghastly the situation.
Kansas City Judj^e Sustains the Decision Meaning of tlie Latest News From mockery than to inveigh against the ignore the foreign conditions as the
ment. They are ascribed to the violent
of a Lower Court,
attacks upon not only army officers,
“half-breed” republics of South and real leader, and are looking to the
London, Jan. 24.—The St. James’s Central America, and the negro repub­ Northwest. They believe that stocks
but also upon prominent loyal Span­
Kansas City, Jan. 24. — In the crim­
iards, like the Marquis of Pinar del
inal court today Judge Wofford sus­ Gazette this afternoon, commenting lics ot another such in Cuba, and at the in millers’ hands in Minnesota and
Rio, and Madame Eva Canel, the well-
tained the decision of the police court upon the dispatch from Yokohama, say­ same time to favor the creation of the the Dakotas are the lightest in years.
known newspaper woman. The sol­
fining Mrs. A. J. Baird, one of the ing that a fleet of nine Japanese war­ kanaka republio in the Sandwich Farmers’ deliveries are small and coun­
diers on the other hand blame the au­
leading Christian Scientists of this ships will leave Japan in the course of islands. No. To keep theso islands try elevators locks are not over 5,000,000
thorities for tolerating newspaper at­
city, $50 and costs, for failing to report a week for Chinese waters, says:
tit for use as a port of call for Pacific bushels. Bulls have predicted a falling
“Japan is preparing for war. That, commerce, to say nothing of protecting off in arrivals there since December 1,
tacks prohibited by law.
a case of diphtheria. The patient, a
without social standing, the rioters
child, hail died under Mrs. Baird’s in a nutshell, is the news from Yoko­ the capital already invested there and but the reduction has not been fully
insist upon their patriotism.
treatment. Mrs. Baird was arraigned hama today, and it is really the first developing the resources of one of the realized, the receipts exceeding last
in the police court last Thursday. news from Japan since the beginning of most productive regions on the face of year’s.
After examining witnesses today, Judge the Chinese crisis.
the globe, it is absolutely necessary
“It was obvious that the Japanese that some outside power should exercise
Portland Market.
Wofford upheld the sentence of the
lower court, and took occasion to de­ government had stopped telegraphic authority there.
A Drink-Craze«l Mechanic Shoots Illi
Wheat—Walla Walla, 74@ 75c; Val­
Wife and Mother-In-Law.
nounce the system of Christian science. communication, which it never does,
Well, then, why should not the vari< ley and Bluestem, 77 @ 78c per busheL
“I think,” sai<l he, “a most serious except when mobilizing the army or ous powers that are interested in Pacific
Four—Best grades, $3.75; graham,
Netv Haven, Conn., Jan. 24.—Ed­
what it has commerce, and, therefore, in the right $3.30; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
wrong has been done in the death of
ward Duff, 40 years old, a mechanic,
the child. I do not think the penalty been doing.
administration of Hawaiian affairs,
Oats—Choice white, 85 @86c; choice
shot and killed his wife and mother-in-
“It is understood that the destina­ unite in exercising sufficient moral and gray, 33 @ 34c per bushel.
is sufficient. If this woman is going
law, Mary Maher, at their home here
to be turned loose on this community,
material influence upon the islands to
Barley—Feed barley, $19 @20; brew­
last night, after trying to induce his
I am going to let a higher court do it. there is no doubt that the movement insure a just and stable government ing, $20 per ton.
wife to live with him again. He had
means that the status quo in China,
Millstiffs—Bran, $18 per ton; mid­
been drinking heavily.
When he 1’resident Dole and Party Arrive in th* I would fine her $1,000 if I had the * eo far as Manchuria and Corea are con­ and to keep them forever neutral, if
power to do so, under this ordinance.’
not independent?
Why, that would dlings, $22; shorts, $19.
the Windy City.
called his wife left the house to avoid
Mrs. Baird will appeal the case.
mean exactly such an entangling alli­
him. He followed and shot her. Then
Chicago, Jan. 25.—President and
Russia or any combination of Russia’s ance as it is the traditional policy of $10@ll; California wheat, $10; do
he returned to the house, and, going to Mrs. tianford B. Dole, of Hawaii, ar-
allies, in defiance of Great Britain and this country to avoid. We have already oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9@10 per
the room where his wife’s mother was rived in Chicago at 8:05 o’clock thia WILL RETIRE FROM BUSINESS
Japan. So long as the defenders’ policy specifically refused to make such an ton.
sewing, unconscious of the tragedy, morning.
is equality of opportunity in China,
Eggs—18@20c per dozen.
shot her in the neck and shoulders,
A distinguished party greeted the The Bank of Goldendale Voluntarily they are in a position to enforce their arrangement with Great Britain and
Close* Its Doors.
France over these very islands, as well
Butter—Fancy creamery, 55@60o;
killing her almost instantly.
president of the island republic on his
as over Cuba. We w’ere peisuaded to fair to good, 45@50c; dairy, 40@50c
Goldendale, Wash., Jan. 24.—The claims.”
John Reilly, who was in an adjoin­ arrival. The government was repre­
make such an arrangement with Great per roll.
ing room, met Duff coming from the sented by Judge Grosscup, John C. Bank of Goldendale went out of busi­
prominence to a list of the ships in the Britain and Germany over Samoa, and
CheeBe — Oregon,
sewing-room with a revolver in his Black, United States attorney; Thomas ness today, and posted conspicuously
Japanese navy, pointing out its im­ have got little from it but vexation of America, 12 %c; California, 9@10o
hand. He asked him what he had E. MacMillan, district court clerk, and on the front door the following notice to
mense fighting strength, and says:
spirit. There can be no serious con­ per pound.
■done, and received as a reply a shot Hon. Thomas W. Cridler. of the state depositors:
“It is probable that Japan could fin­ sideration of repeating that experiment
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $2.75@
which grazed his neck. Reilly ran and department at Washington, Ch ¡cago
ish off all the Russian and German
Duff took to the street.
was represented by Mayor Harrison, tion, having decided to retire from the warships east of Suez in short order. in the case of Hawaii, where, instead 3.00 per dozen; hens, $3.00@3.50;
of being in a triple league, we should geese, $5.50@6.00: ducks, $4.50@5.00
He passed over the body of his dead and the army and navy by Major Hie- banking business, hereby gives notice
Great Britain, even including the
wife as it lay on the walk. He re­ stand
Lieutenant-Commander to all local depositors to call at the Powerful, has not a vessel in the North have to be in a partnership of at least per dozen; turkeys, live, 10@llc per
five. Why, it would beat well to seek pound.
loaded his revolver, and, seeing that Phelps, respectively, who were re­ side door and withdraw their deposits
Pacific capable of standing in battle entrance into the dreib und at onceand
Potatoes—Oregon Burbanks, 45 @ 50c
the crowd was gathering, walked splendent in full uniform and several in full and without delay.”
per Back; sweets, $1.75@2 per cental.
The First National bank was started line against these Japanese battle­ have done with it.
briskly down the street for a block, pounds of gold lace.
Onions—Oregon, $1.75@2.25 per
carrying the revolver exposed all the
In addition to these gentlemen, the about 10 years ago, and in 1896 went
Then, as a final resort, why not es­
A dispatch from Shanghai says: It
time. The news of the murder spread president was welcomed by General into voluntary liquidation and was suc­
Hops—4@16c per pound for new
rapidly, and a few minutes later a pa­ Brooke and staff, consisting of Captain ceeded by the Bank of Goldendale. is stated in official quarters that Ger­ That would keep all otber nations from
trol wagon with three officers rushed Richards and Lieutenants Dunn and The retiring of the present bank leaves many will make Kiao Chou an open interfering with them, and would give crop; 1896 crop, 4@6o.
up. Duff fought like a tiger, but was McKenna; Hon. M. F. Hatch, minister Klickitat county without a bank,which port without exclusive privileges to •.he Hawaiian government the moral
Wool—Valley, 14@16c per pound;
Germans, and broadly on the line
disarmed and locked up.
Eastern Oregon, 7@8c; mohair, 20
to the United States from Hawaii; is regretted by many business men.
adopted at Hong Kong, the land being
William Penn Nixon, Dr. Henry C.
ought to insure its stability.
Why @22c per pound.
held under crown leases.
OHIO RIVER ON A RAMPAGE. Lyman and the Chicago Hawaiian con­
Bryan Was a Witness.
Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wethera
not try that? It is curious to hear such
Jacksonville, Ill., Jan. 24.—William
sul, W. F. Job.
a proposition as this made by those and ewes, $3.50; dressed mutton,
A Scientific Expedition.
Unusually Heavy Rains Cause a Sudden
Presiilent Dole’s party consisted of Jennings Bryan had made his appear
Princeton, N. J., Jan. 24.—Profes­ who doubt the constitutionality of an­ 6J$c; spring lambs, 5l*c per pound.
Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $4.00;
himself, Mrs. Dole, Secretary Iaukea ance as a witness in the Draper murder sor W. Libby, of Princeton university, nexing the islands.
If there is no
Louisville, Kv., Jan. 24.—Fears are and Dr. Dav, his physician. The fol­ trial. Upon Bryan’s entrance the au­
proposes to conduct a scientific expe­ warrant for annexation, there is as­ lightand feeders, $3.00@4.00; dressed,
entertained here of a flood. The Ohio lowing ladies were also present: Mes- dience became excited, and it was with dition to the Hawaiian islands during suredly none, either in the constitution $4.50@5.00 per 100 pounds.
is rising steadily. At 6 this morning dames Grosscup, Harrison and Brooke. great difficulty that order was main­
Beef—Gross, top steers, $2.75@8.90;
the coming summer. He will take four or elsewhere, for a protectorate. Suuh
the danger line was but three feet off,
On arrival in Chicago, the reception tained. The preBence of two presi­ or five Princeton students with him, an arrangement would be absolutely cows, $2.50; dressed beef, 4^@6c per
but by noon this distance has been de­ committee entered President Dole’s dential candidates of the last cam­
and the party will be gone four or five foreign to the spirit and practice of pound.
creased by nearly 11 inches.
Veal—Large, 4>^@5c; small, 5j£@
private car and welcomed him to Chi­ paign, General Palmer and Bryan, was months. Professor Libby went to Ha­ this government—always excepting the
Much damage was done throughout cago. The first to shake hands with too much for the spectators. Bryan waii a few years ago, and is thoroughly case of Samoa, which may be taken as 60 per pound.
the state last night by a heavy rain and him was Judge Grosscup, who said:
testified that he was in the same office posted in regard to the country. Ha a “horrible example” to warn us
Seattle Market.
wind storm. Thomas Cross, a drummer,
"President Dole, I am instructed by with Draper for four years, and that thinks there are scientific treasures on against its repetition, So far as merely
Butter — Fancy native creamery,
was drowned whilti crossing a swollen the president of the Unsited States to he knew his reputation for honesty and the islands, duplicates of which cannot moral protectorate or “sphere of in-
brick, 80c; ranch, 16@18c.
stream near West Baden, Ind. A son welcome you here. I am pleased to integrity to be good. On cross-examin­
be found anywhere else. His party fluence" is concerned, that has been
Cheese—Native Washington, 13c;
of a fanner named Drury, and a negro introduce you to Assistant Secretary ation, the witness admitted that Draper will thoroughly explore the forests and exercised over Hawaii for the last 75
farm hand, while riding horses across Cridler, representing the president, and had a violent temper, which was easily other places likely to contain speci­ years, and has now reached the end of California, 9}5c.
Eggs—Fresh ranch, 20c.
the Cumberland river fora in Jackson Mayor Harrison, of Chicago.”
mens of biological, archaelogical or its usefulness. This country has been
Poultry—Chickens, live, per pound,
county, TenD., were drowned.
After the exchange of courtesies and
botanical value.
Warlike Preparntionm.
_ chickens, $2.50@
lie; spring
Methodist church near Falmouth, Ky., a welcome to Chicago on behalf of the
off tho islands, as they are desired to hens, Ho;
The Ohio Flood.
' ‘
$4.00 @5.00.
London, Jan. 24.—There has been
was unroofed and barns and farmhouses city by Mayor Harrison, President
come under the proprietorship of the 3 00; ducks,
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 24.—The river United States. Tho time lias now
Wheat—Feed wheat, $22 per ton.
in Girrard, Grayson, Henderson, Union Dole cordially responded to the greet­ made a responsible statement that the
Oats—Choice, per ton, #19 @20.
and Hickman counties were damaged. ing and seemed greatly pleased with government lias decided to add 7,000 is nearly two feet alxive the danger line come either to fulfill that destiny or to
Corn—Whole, $23; cracked, [>er ton,
The Licking, Big Sandy, Cumber­ the hearty reception given to him. men to the navy, and that the first- and is stil 1 rising slowly, but the tido abandon it. The government of Ha­
At waii—the only government there is in #23; feed meal, $23 per ton.
land, Green and ail their tributaries Mrs. Dole won the hearts of every on« class battleship Hannibal, now at flood is expected by daylight.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
are booming and many are out of their present by her unaffected and pleasant Portsmouth, is to be put into commis­ Fourth street the waves are washing in the islands, the one which all the
manner, thanked the ladies of the com­ sion at once. There is no official con­ to the street. The falls are as smooth world recognizes as legal—declares $22; whole, $22.
as any part of »he river.
Hay—Puget sound, new, per ton,
mittee for coming out so early in th« firmation in either case.
that it does not want that system to
Moving the Expedition.
$11.00; Eastern Washington timothy,
Seattle, Jan. 24. — Arrangements
$16@ 17; alfalfa, $12.
China Promlaefl Satisfaction.
Chicago, Jan. 24.—Attorney-General States either to annex the islands itself
have been made to send a detachment preciate very highly the reception she
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef,
Berlin. Jan. 24.—The German mis­ Aiken, of this state, has begun pro­ or relinquish all claim to them,
of the government Yukon ex;>edition
The party at once proceeded in car­ sionary, Homeyer, of the Nam Jung ceedings to revoke the charter of the as at least three others are ready and steers, 7c; cows, 6 J*o; mutton sheep,
from this city on the steamer Signal,
8c; pork, 6c; veal, small, 7.
which sails for Skagway about Febru­ riages to the Auditorium annex, where station, who was recently robbed and Independent Medical College, of Chi­ anxious to do so.
Fresh Fish—Halibut, 5@6c; salmon,
cago. He haB filed an information iu
ary 5. The detachment will consist of
That, then, is the case in a nutshell. 8c;
salmon trout, 10c;
two officers. 22 men and 110 pack ani­ guests. They will be driven to Fori has returned to Nam Jung. He is out the circit court charging that the col­ This country must either take them or and sole, 3@4; ling cod, 4@5; rock cod,
mals. One hundred bob sleds, designed pheridan tomorrow where a pararde of danger. The Chinese authorities lege is usurping the jiowers of a cor­ leave them alone. It can no longer 5c; smelt, 2'*@4c.
by Jack Dalton, for the use of the ex­ will be given in their honor, and other­ have taken measures to protect the poration, and that it has issued medical play the part of the dog in the manger.
Fresh Fruit—Apples, 40 @ 90c per
pedition, arrived here today from the wise entertained before their departure missionary station, and iiave promised diplomas without qualification of th« Hawaii means to be annexed to some box; pears, 25@75c per box; oranges,
for Washington.
other nation. It offers itself first to navels, $2.35@2.50 per box.
Distillery Warehouse Burned.
Relief for Cuban«.
PrlrRtm Killed and Wounded.
Chicago. Jan. 24.—Four hundred this one. If this one does not take it,
S«n Frnnelaro Market.
Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 24.—The
Corfu, Inland of Corfu, Greece, Jan. thousand dollars is to be expended at and take it now, it will offer itself to
Rational Guard of Missouri will col­ after midnight, one of the largest 24.—At the Catholic church this even­ once by the Illinois Steel Company in another, which will take it, and thus
Wool—Nevada 11 @ 13c; Oregon, 12
lect money to aid in relieving suffering warehouses of the Old Hurricane ing, during vespers, a young man at­ the erection of a slab mill in addition gain an advantage over us in the com­ @14c; Northern 7@8c per pound.
in Cuba. Adjutant-General Bell has Springs distillery was destroyed by fire. tacked the priests. One, Father Ern­ to the mammoth plant already main­ merce nt the Pacific, which we can
Hops—125{@16c per pound.
appointed a committee and issued an Nearly 1,000 harries of whisky was est Laitoux, was killed, another was tained by the company. The comple­ never hope to overcome. The choice
Millstuffs—Middlings, $22@24; Cal­
is now before the Washington govern­
appeal to the people for sul>ecriptions. burned. The logs is about $75,000.
mortally wounded, and two others in­ tion of the mill will insure employ­
ifornia bran, $18.50@19.50 per ton.
General Milton Moore, of Kansas City,
ment to at least 1,000 more men than
Onions—New red. 70@80c; do new
Coming Around the Horn.
will receive all subscriptions.
$2.25@2.50 per cental.
Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 25.—The steam­
DerviahM Repnlned.
Eggs—Store, 20 @ 22c; ranch, 23 @
Spencer, Ind., Jan. 24.—The total ship City of Columbia, en route from
Cairo, Jan. 24.—The dervishes made
French steamer Louis, from Cardiff
A esse has been brought in Spokane
loss by last night’s fire is placed at New York to Alaska with a party of a raid yesterday north of Atbara. for Marseilles with coal, foundered off to test the law passed by the last Wash- 25c; Eastern, 15@ 19; duok, 16c par
$30,000. The body of L. Dickerson
They were repulsed with the I om of the French coast, and the crew of 15 j 1 ington legislature requiring children to
Cheese—Fancy mild, new, lljfc; fair
has arrived here without incident.
I five killed.
Was found in the ruins today.
I attend school.
men were lost.
to good, 7@8c per ;>ound..
Weyler’s Pets Took No Part
in the Havana Riots.