[{OMES TN HAWAII. field Is as dry as a bone. In Fla wall every field is perpetually green. The dairy business offers a much better opening than any line of merchan­ OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED IN dising. And as a by-product to the THE ISLANDS. dairy, hogs will pay magnificently. Pork Is retailing at 25 cents a pound. home of the Farm Crop« that Can Be The advertising columns of the local papers tell a curious story of the profitably Grown — Kducational Fu- strangely backward condition of some cilitiee—Description of the Beautiful Scenery —The -Musical Kanaka. Ing Into the homes of the people, even. When the children learn even crude English from their mothers, the teach­ er's task will lx* much simplified. For many years there have been schools In Honolulu and Hilo especially adapted to the needs of the children of English- speaking parents. Lately similar schools have been opened in a number of other locations, and still others will Seek to Be States. Ban Francisco Correspondence: Much ns has bcvn written concerning Hawaiian scenery, it is a subject about which literature can never be exhaust­ ed. People of all nations and of all climates are still continuous in their praise of the tropical verdure and scenery that can be found In the midst of the Pacific Ocean. There lias been resident in the Islands for some time a Scotchman—Mr. Charles H. Ewart, of Dalbeattie, Scotland—whose soul was moved by the beautiful vision which he describes in the following poetic language: “We are in an amphitheater of moun­ tains, rising to an altitude of 3,000 and 4,000 feet, with a glowing raiment of leaf and blossom from base t,o summit, save In spots where the red earth [>eeps through the radiant curtain, as a foil to the Hames of Iridescent greens, and the fire of the blossoms that have en­ folded the hills In their shining em­ brace. Here and there a pinnacle HOME OF DR. M’GREW, HAWAIIAN COUNTRY of the smaller industries. "Ex Austra­ lia: Peaches, plums, oranges, apples, grapes, nectarines, lemons, celery, cauliflowers, potatoes, cheese, roll but­ ter, crabapples, quinces, onions. “These are imported from a country over two thousand miles distant. The Hawaiian Inspector Genernl of THE FATHER OF ANNEXATION. where no plant has found grace to grow, stands out a purple silhouette against the soft blue of a topaz-tinted sky. Caves and fissures are cleft in the steeps of these mountain walls, and torn from the nearly perpendicular cliffs which surround it. alone and apart, stands a pillar of stone twenty yards wide at the base, nearly a thou­ sand feet high, and pointing ‘Godward through the blue,’ like the spire of some mighty cathedral. This monolith carved and fashioned by some bygone convulsion of nature when the hills ‘glared at heaven through folds of fiery hair,’ is swathed In a glorious garment of green and gold, chequered with the rose and the azure of the bells of the convolvuli that dangle from the cor­ don of vines that engird it.” The valley in the early morning may be clear of mists, and a soft mountain breeze murmuring among the foliage, but at times It is filled with the noise­ less ebbing and flowing of white vapor borne in from the sea. and out of this shimmering sea of mist the towers and minarets of the mountains arise clothed with mosses and ferns, and draped with garlands of eddying vines, that cover the faces of the cliffs, and droop over the edges of giddy precipices in “cataracts of bloom,” till they are swal­ lowed up In the “White mists that choke the vale, and blot the sides of the bewildered hills.” Although sugar cane Is Indigenous In Hawaii, little attempt was made tn- ward its cultivation until 1835. when a plantation was started at Kauai, and several sugar mills were built. These mills were worked by the aid of mules and oxen, and the process was slow and laborious. Wliat a contrast to the mills of the present day. where the cane Is taken and made Into crystals of sugar. There is no royal road to wealth In Hawaii, and any one who anticipates such a condition had bet­ ter stay away. No man can go about blindfolded and pick up dollars in the Schools, Mr. Henry Schiller Townsend, speaking of the educational system of the islands, says that the population of the Hawaiian Islands is small and the school system is necessarily small. The total population exceeds one hundred thousand slightly, of which fourteen thousand were attending school at the end of last year. Ten thousand were in the public schools. Fifty-six per cent, of all the children attending school at that time were of native Ha­ waiian descent, and twenty-five per cent, were Portuguese. The remain­ ing nineteen per cent, represents a large number of nationalities. RESIDENCE. lie opened shortly. These are not es­ sentially different from schools of sim­ ilar grade in America. A regular pub­ lic high school Is In process of organi­ zation in Honolulu, the greater num­ tier of the departments being already In working order. The endowed institu­ tion known as Oahu College has long offered full preparation for any col­ lege In America, and many of its grad­ uates have entered leading American colleges on advanced standing. But the English-speaking children do not enjoy a monopoly of the privileges of education beyond the common school course. The Kamehameha schools, with their magnificent equip­ ment and no less magnificent endow­ ment, are open to those of native Ha­ waiian blood and to no others. Man­ ual training and Industrial education are leading features of these schools, and few similar schools In America are so well equipped for work on these lines. The natives are very found of music. The guitar on account of the softness of its tone, is their favorite instrument. The royal Hawaiian band, which a few years ago made a tour through the United States, was conqiosed of native Ilawaiians, all of whom were accom­ plished musicians. RED FANTON. BUNKO MAN’S LATcST GAME. Working a Trick on Conductors Whereby He Clears $3.95. To an honest man it would appear that the field of bunko had been pretty well worked out; but every little while some Ingenious and crooked gentleman contrives a new method of making oth­ er persons pay for his ingenuity. Just at present the street railway men are looking for the deviser and operator of a very slick game of which the cat conductors are made victims. The re­ quisite for this game Ls $G (a $5 bill and a $1), and its working does not re­ quire great nerve, as the bunkoer, if caught, can always declare that ft was a mistake, and to prove the contrary HAWAIIAN HARBOR. The English language is practically the only language as a means of com­ munication or instruction in the Ha­ waiian schools. And here lies the dif­ ficulty of the work. Just imagine the teachers of California trying to teach the children of that State through the Arabic language. Yet English Is prob­ ably as difficult for the children of Hawaii as Arabic for those of Califor­ nia. History, literature, natural sci­ ence and even arithmetic, must lie with legal certainty would be almost impossible. The crook gets on a car and tenders the conductor a $5 bill. Now. no con­ ductor wants to give up all his change and leave himself short, and no con­ ductor will take a $5 bill If there Is any way of getting out of it. Therefore, he looks at the crook’s bill and says: “Is that the smallest you've got?” “I think it Is,” says the crook. “Walt a minute and I'll see.” Crumping the bill up in his hand—the game Is usually played with crisp new bills, as they crumple more obviously— he goes through his pockets In search of change. Not wanting to find any, he doesn't find any. “Sorry, but that’s all I’ve got,” he says. Thereupon the conductor, with in­ ward wrath, seizes the crumpled bill, jams ft into his pocket, and gives change. Not the original crumpled bill, however, for during the search for change he has contrived to substitute a new $1 bill, equally crumpled, for the IS, and the conductor, In nine cases out of ten, doesn't think to unroll and examine the bill which he has just seen to be $5. At the end of the day's work he discovers that he is ?4 oub Should he discern the sulistitutlon, the crook simply says: “Why. that's queer! I thought 1. was a five I had all the time.” And what can the conductor do?— New York Sun. CUTENESS OF THE COYOTE. Dox Drawn Into Ambush Tricks to Make Away with ll Bodner. No cuter animal Is found in the West than the coyote. The coyote is to tile plainsman what a fox is to an Eastern farmer, only the coyote Is more In evi­ dence. Forest and Stream tells about a dog that had its principal sport chas­ ing and otherwise worrying coyotes, and was led into ambush by one coyote and then set upon by several other of the prairie wolves and almost done to death. “About 9 o’clock one night,” the pa­ per says, "one of the coyotes came to the kitchen door and howled aggr:? vatlngly at the dog, which thereupon set after the coyote full tilt. The coy­ ote fled around the house, down to tile corral and around the blacksmith shan­ ty, the dog yelping after. Behind the shanty wen1 other coyotes, six or seven of them, and all of them made for the ! dog in a way that made It feel lonely. ' The ranchman heard the fight ami the dog's howls of pain, and, grasping a rifle, started that way on the run, yell­ ing as he went. The coyotes each took a farewell nip and fled, leaving a sore dog behind. Since then the dog has not been so much Interested as on for­ mer occasions in coyotes. It follows single coyotes vigorously, but the ap­ pearance of another sends it back as fast as it can run.” The coyote likes badger flesh very much, but one coyote is not equal to a badger In a fight; consequently, the coyote, when It meets a badger, has to resort to stratagem till aid arrives. The manner In which It does this, according to the sportsman’s paper. Is interest­ ing. “A few weeks ago,” the writer says, “as I was riding along I saw a coyote and a badger. The coyote seemed to l>e playing with the badger. He would prance around it, first as if to bite it, then run off a little ways, the badger following, evidently very angry. When the badger saw me It ran into its hole, while the coyote went off forty or fifty yards ami lay down, evidently knowing I had no gun with me. The coyote's device was evidently to tease, and so keep the badger interested till another coyote happened along, when the bad­ ger would have been killed.”----- New York Sun. How She Became Noted. As every one knows, “Lady Audley's Secret” was the novel which lifted Miss Braddon into fame. It may not be so generally known that the author had io little confidence in her work ns to bring it out in an obscure serial, Robin Goodfellow. The story of the story ls n romance In itself. Mr. Maxwell had started, in more or less rivalry to Dickens’ first periodical, the magazine called Robin Goodfellow. Dr. Mackey was its ed­ itor and Lascelles Wraxall was his sec­ ond In command. There had been some difficulty In regard to the opening nov­ el, in consequence of which the new periodical was on the eve of postpone­ ment, a serious contretemps In the face of Its extensively advertised date of publication. The day before a decision was necessary Miss Braddon heard of the difficulty and offered to write the story. “But even If you were strong enough tc fill the position,” was the publisher’s reply, “there Is no time.” “How long could you give me?” ask- id the aspiring authoress. “Until to-morrow morning.” “At what time to-morrow morning?” “If the first installment were on my breakfast table to-morrow morning,” he replied. Indicating by his tone and manner the utter impossibility of the thing, “it would be in time.” The next morning tl< publisher found Upon Ids breakfast table the opening chapters of “Lady Audley's Secret.” Robin Goodfellow did not hit the pulx lic. It did not live to finish “Lady Audley,” which. Indeed, would have re­ mained “forgotten, burled, dead.” had Miss Braddon not been able to prevail upon a publisher to bring it out in three- volume form. It then sprang Into an instantaneous popularity. The success of the novel was amazing, and proba­ bly the critics did no harm to the sale by describing the work ns “sensation­ al.” More than 1,000,000 copies have been sold. FOREST SCENE IN HAWAII. streets, but no country offers a better opportunity and final reward for hon­ est. earnest and constant labor. Espe­ cially is this true In the coffee indus­ try. The pretty homes and coffee areas of Olaa are an evidence of this. Butter is selling in Hilo at $1 a roll. It Is quoted In Can Francisco at 16 I cents to 24 cents a pound. There every , Some of the oldest trees In the world are to be found In Great Britain. The tree cnlled William the Conqueror's oak In Windsor Park la supposed to tie 1,200 years old. The famous Bentley and Wlnfarthlng oaks are at least two centuries older. KILI.SESS HOME PltODVCTS AND PVKK FOODj THE It EOF. Among the discomforts of life and the fullness thereof, reaching to every family, there is that which cun so easily mitigate or entirely cure, the wonder is why we endure and suffer so much. From big [xiius to little aches, which arc the wear and tear of the physical structure of man. there are always remedies good, better and best. The choice should always be for the best as the surest and the cheajiest. In chronic or acute suffering with rheumatism,neuralgia, sciatica or lumbago, or with the minor ail­ ments of sprains and bruises, or of soreness and stiffness, the efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil and the fullness thereof in so tnanv com­ plete ami perfect cures make it stand out as the best remedy for pain. Why then should >ve stand on the order uf going for it and not go at one«? In numberless cases the aggravations ot discomforts and pains are from delay. Why should we sutler? All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very light colored and oi heavy body, is made from glucose. ‘*Tta harden i/rip?” jg made from Sugar Cane ami is strictly pure, ft is for sale by first-ciass grocers, >u cans only. Manufac­ tured by the P acific C oast syhvf C o . All gen­ uine “7>r. Sanden’s Electric Belt. It pours electricity into the body for hours at a t‘me, building up vitality and restoring all the organs to their natural healthy conditimi. Send for free book. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. *453 West W n«li in gton St., Port laud, Or« Piente mention thin Paper. Special forms of suffering lead many a woman to acquire the morphine lr In buj tngsee- can do.” ' jects of Shelburne, N. S„ In 1795. Tills was In the days when the town was a populous and thriving place. Half the royalists who left Boston during the FERRY’S i SEEDS L" CATALOGS WHEAT tures. Write lor full particulars. Rest of ref­ erence given. Several years’ experience on the Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know­ ledge of the boniness. Send for our free refer­ ence book. DOWNING, HOPK1N8 A Co., Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash. MEDICAL TREATMENT ON TRIAL YOUR LIVER To Any Reliable Man. Marvelous appliance and one month’« remedle« of rare power will !>♦* «ent on trial, without any ad- vance payment, by the foremost company In the world In he treatment of men, weak, broken, dl« co u raged from effects of excise« worry, over­ work. Ac. Happy marriage secured, complete tpm - torntion or development of ail robust condition«. The time of this offer is limited. No <’. O. J), scheme, no deception, no exposure. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO. FIRE TUB OVER 190 YEARS Ol.n. revolution built houses in Shelburne and, of course, the king could not see such loyal subjects suffer for lack of proper protection against tire. The tub is still in a fair state of preserva­ tion. FBI Teeth with Glaoa. Old Trees In Great Britain. TIIE The latest use for glass is Instead of gold as a material for stopping decay­ ing teeth. It answers splendidly, and Is far less conspicuous than the yellow metal. Of course, it Is not ordinary glass, but Is prepared by some new pat­ ented process which renders It soft and malleable. taught under great difficulties. Edu­ cative Instruction under these condi­ tions is a well nigh unsolved problem. ' But conditions are rapidly changing. The English language Is coming into use as a means of communication At threescore and ten a man has usu­ The greatest bore we ever knew among the graduates of the common ally accumulated enough wisdom to en­ thought he was the most popular man schools, many of whom have no other able him to acknowledge bls ignorance. language in common. Thus It la creep- In town. American Type Founders Company Is it Wrong? Get it Right. Keep it Right. Moore’s Revealed Remedy willdoit. Three doses will make you feel better. Get it from your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or from Stewart A Holmes Drug Co., Beattie. VWWWWWWWW WWW W V W WWW WWW sFWWWW ; »‘CHILDREN TEtTHINO.’’ 1 » Mas. W inslows s <-/ thino B ybup should aiwayn be ’ > used for children teething. It Noothes the child, soft- < B rm th.- gums. «Hay all pain, cures wind colb-.and la 4 a the lw-Nt remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty Are cenu a 4 r IkAA bottle. It is the best of all. AAaaAA«««« A A A A A A SS MAW EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER.... We lead and originate fashions in.... TYPE Cor. Socond and Stark Sts. ..... PORTLAND. fhr tracing and locating Gold or Silver lost or burled treasures. M. I». RODS Ore FoWLEll, Box 337, HoutblngtOD.com*. M. F. N. t. No. 4. 11THKN writing to advertisers, pisMS It mention this paper.