The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, January 21, 1898, Image 1

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Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
Gained Twenty-Seven Pounds in Four Weeks.
The Story of a Soldier.
From the Transcript, Peoria, 111,
No man is better known and liked in that happiest hours I had known for years. Thai
of Illinois counties, of which Peoria uight I went to sleep easily and slept soundly
is the centre, than genial ('Hester 8. Harring­ as a child, and awoke refreshed. Three oi
ton, of Princeville, IH. For many years Mr. four weeks after beginniug the treatment, when
Harrington has traveled through the country I had taken four boxes of the pills, 1 found 1
on profitable journeys as an itinerant mer­ had increased in weight, from 119 pounds to
chant, and everywhere he goes he is given a 146 pounds. This greatly surprised my friends,
hearty welcome by the people who depend who thought my case was a hopeless one. I
upon his visits for the purchase of the neces­ began my work on the road again, and have
continued it right along ever since in excel­
saries, and some of the luxuries, of life.
Mr. Harrington is a veteran of the war, lent health.
“Let me tell you a remarkable thing that
and from this fact is made the remarkable
experience which lie related at the Trans­ was a side issue, but a valuable gain to ine.
cript office recently. Ilis story, telling of I found that while 1 was taking Dr. Wil­
the evils of which the Civil War was but liams’ Pink Pills, 1 had been cured of tht
the beginning in his own, and in thousands ( smoking habit, which had been formed when
I was a boy, six years old, and which had
of other cases, was as follows:
1 served three years in the 124th Illinois, clung to me ail these years. The craving for
enlisting at Kewanee, Ill. I was in Libby tobacco left me, and I have never experienced
Prison, and suffered, like many another North­ it since. 1 have recommended the pills to
ern soldier. Until recently 1 was a member many.
C hester 8. H arrington .
of the Princeville Post, of the G. A. K.
Chester a. Harrington, being duly sworn,
“The strain of army life did its work in
undermining my health, although the col­ deposes and says, that the matters contained
lapse did not come for years. For some time in the above statement by him signed are
C hester 8. H arrington .
I suffered from general debility and nervous­ true.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary
ness, so badly that I could not sleep. For
fifteen years my sleep was completely broken public, this 15th day of July, 1897.
L incoln M. C oy , Notary Public.
^.sup. Indigestion, resulted and my misery in-
All the elements necessary to give new life
creased. My eyes began to fail, and as my
body lost vitality my mind seemed to give and richness to the blood aud restore shattered
way also. I could scarcely remember events nerves are contained, in a condensed form, in
Pr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People.
that happened but a few weeks before.
F For two years I was unfitted for busi­ They are an unfailing specific for such diseases
ng». I was just able to creep around during us locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis. St. Vitus’
... itlie greater part of this time, and there were dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nerv-
A times when I could not get up at all. My . ous headache, the after effects of la grippe,
brother is a doctor, but all his efforts to help palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow com-
. plexions, all forms of weakness either in male
we failed to give me any relief.
I tried a" number of remedies, without | or female, and all diseases resulting from viti­
avail. Finally, having read articles regard­ ated humors in the blood. Dr. Williams’Pink
ing cures that had been effected by Dr. Mil- Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent
1 ams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, I decided post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box,
|> try them. That was in 1896. I bought or six boxes for $2.50—(they are never «old in
a box and took the pills according to in­ bulk or by the 100) by addressine Dr Williams’
structions. Just four days later 1 had the Medicine Company, Schenectady, N Y. <
Gome This Way
Having bought the
We intend to run an up-to-date drugstore.
Our stock of CHRISTMAS PERFUMES is full and of the best.
Our line of COMBS, BRUSHES and other toilet articles is complete.
We carry the leading brands of cough syrupsand Patent medicine and ask for
a share of your patronage.
.... the :..
W eekly I nter O cean
It is radically Republican, advocating I ■?*«'*But it can always be relied on^
the cardinal doctrines ot that party i for fair and honest reports of all po- ■
with ability and earnestness«.'* jtjtjt | liticai
It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer.
The Literature ot its columns Is
equal to that of the best maga­
zines. It is interesting to the chil­
dren as well as the parents........
HE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN newspaper ,
and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF
THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest
discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy
with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and
discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoints^*
•■•■•■2 Sí-00-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $1.00 2"2fV2
• 0 I 2 -
2 O *
jk I •
Price of Dnllr by mail..............
$1.00 per ye«r !
ffi 2 Price of Sunday by mail.....
00 Per ye®r m
= n
Daily and Sunday by mail
$6.00 per year *
The traiup nuisance is in a flourishing
Wm. Kuns was in Whiteson on busi­
ness Tuesday.
E. 8. Remington has been having a
serious combat with a felon on his finger.
Ezra Durham of Moscow, Idaho, was
shaking hands with and visiting old
friends in this place last Saturday.
Mr. N. 8. Booth and sister, Mrs. Mag­
gie Pennington, were pleasant visitors in
Whiteson and vicinity last Saturday.
H. Holmes and J. C. Landingham
made a business trip to Beaverton and
Portland last ¡Saturday returning Mon­
David Waddel has a contract with a
meat market, in Portland to furnish them
with dressed mutton. He ships about
40 head of mutton per week.
Rev. Turner filled his regular appoint­
ment at the Presbyterian church last
Sunday and has been holding a series of
revival meetings with favorable results.
Grandpa T. B. Campbell, an aged vet­
eran of the civil war and an old resident
of Whiteson, has been failing in health
for some time and is now very feeble,
The Grand Army boys sent him to the
soldiers’ home last Monday.
When You Have a Bad Cold
You want the best medicine that can
be obtained, and that is Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy. You want a remedy
that will not only give quick relief but
effect a permanent cure. You want a
remedy that will relieve the lungs and
keep expectoration easy. You want a
remedy that will counteract any ten­
dency toward pneumonia. You want a
remedy that is pleasant and safe to take.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the only
medicine in use that meets all of these
requirements. This remedy is famous
for its cure of bad colds throughout the
United States and in many foreign
countries. It has many rivals, but, for
the speedy and permanent cure of bad
colds, stands without a peer and its splen­
did qualities are everywhere admired
and praised. For sale by 8. Howorth
& Co.
Coluiubua School Notes.
| (Eliza Weed was given a very pleasant
surprise party last Thuredaj’ evening.
President Boardman gave the literary
society a very good address last Friday
The tenth grade organized their class
Tuesday. Paul Coope'r was elected pres­
ident and Grace Hodge secretary.
Rev. Aleridge, Rev. Thompson and Di­
rectors Irvine and Nelson were visitors
Monday. Rev. Aleridge gave us a good
To-night the literary society will listen
to a debate on the old subject: Resolved,
That there is more pleasure in anticipa­
tion than in realization. They will also
have election of officers.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases put
together,and until the last few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced it a local
disease, anti prescribed local remedie«,
and by constantly failing to cure with
local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a con­
stitutional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall’s Ca­
tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It is
taken internally in doees from 10 drops
to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces ofthe system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
i case it fails to cure. Send for circulars
I and testmonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Meeting nt Republican Club«.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents.
NO. 5,
B. F. Drake, a prominent citizen of
Royal make. the food pur«,
The number anti eaithusiaem of those Salem and an Oregon pioneer of the
wboletoai. aaU dallctaes.
present at the joint meeting of the Lin­ | early ’50s,died 011 the 18th inst., aged
coln and McKinley and Hobart clubs 73 years.
Tuesday night, could leave no doubt in
the mind of anyone that there yet re­
Executors of the will of the late
main a few republicans scattered about
George Pullman filed Thursday an
on the edges of McMinnville ‘and vicini­
ty. The meeting was called to order by inventory of the estate, which
A. J. Apperson, president of the Lincoln amounts to $7,600,000.
club, aud C. II. McKinney was at his
A peddler over iu Lake county thus
post as secretary.
It was moved by O. H. Irvine that the explained why he was a populist: “I
membership of the two clubs be united, know all dose bolitics. Now-a-tays, j
aud that all who desired to sign the roll ven a veller has blenty gold, he’s a
be permitted to do so. Motion carried.
gold-pug; ven he has blenty silver,
On motion of Judge Magers the meet­ he’s a silver-pug, and when he ain’t
Absolutely Pure
ing proceeded to elect a president, four got any of dem, he's a bopulist.” He
vice-presidents, a secretary and a treas­ left town broke.
urer by ballot.
Dr. J. H. Nelson was nominated, and
L. A. Kruse has a field of volun­
ncv»i OAKiHo roworn co., new vos *.
oti motion of J. P. Irvine the secretary
was instructed to cast the ballot for the
nominee for president, which was done. bridge which will be hard to beat at
The Factory Assured«
For vice-presidents C. F. Daniels was this time. The grain is about ten
L a G rande , O r ., Jan. 17.—Sat­
named for North McMinnville, Dr. G. 8. iuches tall, the stand is heavy, and urday the business of securing con­
Wright for South McMinnville, W. II. is beginning to head out. There are
tracts for the cultivation of 3500
Young for Fairlawn and J. E. Noll for alfalfa fields iu this valley from which
in sugar beets was finished.
Baker Creek. Each was elected under a good crop of hay could be cut at
suspension of rules, the secretary casting the present time.—Oakland Gazette. This was the final condition to be
complied with before the signing of
the vote.
the contract on the part of David
C. H. McKinney was reelected secre­
Monday W. T. Small discovered a
tary and E. C. Apperson treasurer.
Eccles for the construction of a beet
The next in order was the election of four-inch centipede in a bunch of ba­ sugar factory and refinery of 350 tons
fourteen delegates to attend the republi­ nanas which he was unpacking. The daily capacity at or near La Grande,
can league convention to meet in Port­ reptile was alive. Mr. Small also to be in operation by the first day of
land, Feb. 2d, and they were chosen with showed unmistakable signs of life at December, 1898. A telegram was
the understanding that if all could not this time. He summoned all his
go, those who do go should have author­ available forces and the centipede sent to Mr. Eccles at Ogden, and in
ity to cast the full vote of the delegation, was soon bottled. This particular last evening’s mail a contract signed
and in such manner, as they believed specimen is a native of Hawaii.—Cor­ by him was received.
would conform to the wishes of the club. vallis Times.
The contract provides that the
The following were chosen one at a
subsidy of $80,000 in land and notes
time, except in one instance, and in
Milton Eagle: A teacher in a pub­ shall be endorsed by the La Grande
every case tinder instruction to the secre­
school not many miles from Milton, Commercial Club, as trustees, to Mr.
tary : J. H. Nelson, J. E. Magers, John
Eccles, and placed in escrow with
Venable, A. J. Apperson, J. E. Noll, J. having instructed a pupil to purchase
First National bank of Portland.
W. Hobbs, J. H. Henderson, Jas Mc­ a grammar, received a note thus
subsidy is payable within 30 days
Cain, Wm. Campbell, 8, C. Pearson, O.
H. Irvine, C. F. Daniels, M. Underwood, do not desire for Lulu shall engage after the completion of the factory.
G. S. Wright.
in grammar as i prefer her engage in The factory is to be constructed with­
On motion meeting adjourned, subject youseful studies and can learn her in a half mile of the corporate limits
to the call of the president.
how tospok and rite properly myself. of La Grande. The approval of the
I have went through two grammars La Grande Commercial Club will have
Real Estate Transfer«.
myself and can’t say as they did me to be obtained for its location at a
Week ending Jan. 18th.
no good, i prefer her engage in ger­ greater distance from the city. The
G M Watkins to A M Laughlin
man and drawing and vokal music factory shall be deemed to be in
operation when it is equipped with the
117 at 3 r 3 ................................ $ 4000 on the piano.”
newest and latest designed machin­
F M Glover et ux to Hayne Holmes
parcel of land in t 5 r 4..............
Thos. Brown of Oregon City start­ ery for the manufacture of refined
Il G Guild et ux to Jas Burnett
ed for Salmon river last week to sugar from beets, and is capable of
lots 1 to 7 blk 5 Foster’s add to
handling more than 300 tons of beets
150 erect a hatchery for propagating in one day.
F R Rogers et ux toG C & Sophia
Mr. Eccles and his associates are
definitely decided, but the hatchery
Christenson 25 a pt L D Rogers
die t3 r3................................. 1000 will probably be located four miles just now completing arrangements
J T Patterson et ux to W H H &
up from the mouth of the Salmon. for the erection of a new factory at
Harriet Austin w bf blk 14 North
George Broughton is associated with Ogden. It is expected they will be.
150 Mr. Brown in the enterprise. These in La Grande in a day or two to se­
G M Patty et ux to G M Patty jr.
gentlemen propose experimenting lect a site and arrange other details
100 a pt A P Caldwell d 1 c 16 r 4 4000 with sturgeon eggs, and if they can for beginning the work of construct­
R W Gladwell to C Savley lot 3 blk
be hatched successfully, a sturgeon ing the factory.
12 Whiteson...............................
hatchery will be established. The
J W Fletcher et al to A S Fletcher
Ansther Arrival ot Void.
173.83 a t 4 r 4 ..........................
1 sturgeon spawns every month in the
persons arrived by the
year. The new hatchery building will
S A&E Charlson to Orient lodge
at Seattle on the
have a capacity of 5,000,000 eggs.
No 17 I O O F lots 1 & 2 blk A
City. They
Hobson’s add to Newberg .......
brought with them, it is said, gold
A S Dunniway et al to M O Lowns-
'The Trans-Mississippi association
dale 288.92 a t 3 & 4 r 3..............
1 is to have a souvenir medal. On one dust and drafts amounting to be­
tween $800,000 and $1,000,000. In
W L Gilson et ux to W H Bones
side there will be a figure of an In­
150 a secs 34 & 35 t 4 r 5............ 1235 dian spearing a buffalo, and on the the party was one woman, the sec­
G T Naylor to J T Gerrish 30 a pt
ond woman to come out this winter.
O F Tupper dlct2r4..............
450 other a relief face made up of a com­ The amount of drafts brought down
posite of the prettiest women in the
O & C R R Co to heirs of Patrick
represents the proceeds of sales of
Casey, dec’d, 59.60a t 4 r 5.......
298 Trans-Mississippi states and territo­ claims to Cudahy & Healy, the Yu­
ries. Two women will be selected
G M Patty et ux to Marian Patty
kon & Klondike Mining Company and
30 a pt M Johnson d 1 c t 6 r 4
1200 from each state, the prettiest in the
to private parties. The largest indi­
G M Patty et ux to Honry C Patty
state, and a composite picture taken
69.30 pt M Johnson d I c t 6 r 4 2772 of the lot. If there is any honor at­ vidual amounts were brought by the
following: D. Campbell, $130,000. E.
Zillah & J C Sanders to Almedia
tached, it will be lost in the picture.
White 3 a pt S Heater d 1 c 13 r 2 475 No woman wants a picture of her II. Jenkins, $125,000. Leonard Sed-
wick, $100,000. Andrew Olson, $120,-
T II Smith to M Guenther 20 a pt
pretty chin, for instance, boiled down
000. T. E. Brenier, $46,000. Joe M.
Jno Scale d 1 c............................ 250
with a lot of other chins not so
It is evident that there will be a
We have special arrangements with
deal more spraying done this
the following leading publications,
Cook School Store«.
than a year ago. Reports from
whereby we are able to offer them in
Ask Miss Mann about the joke.
The Reporter and Inter Ocean one year for $1.3B.
connection with our own at exceedingly all quarters indicate this. The opin­
We have just four months and one low rates, as follows: The R eporter ion is becoming more and more prev­
week more of school.
alent that there can be no profit made
I Two tape worms aggregating over! Mrs. Guild and Mrs. Snuffer were vis- and
Weekly Inter Ocean.......................................... 11.36 from neglected orchards. Those who
Three hop contracts, covering the ' 100 feet in length were removed bv a
itors last Friday. Mrs. Guild is a great St. Louis Globe-Democrat, semi-weekly...........1.75 have become so much discouraged
J898 crop, were filed in the office of specialist from a patient at Oakland, ’ school worker. Come again.
New York Weekly Tribune........................... H.25
«Rural Northwest. Portland, semi monthly . 1 26 with the results from their orchards
the count}’ recorder of Marion count}’ Oregon. These were the largest the ,
Those reviews last week were stunners,
on the 18th. They are made to Lil- specialist had encountered in a prac-! so they say. No wonder. If yon do not •The Rural Northwest is the brightest, that they are unwilling to give them
the most practical and useful publication proper care can not do better than to
ienthal Bros , of New York, by C. tice of many years. Their combined study, they always will lie hard.
! on the coast for farmers, dairymen and dig up the trees and use the ground
Jjnyder, W. H. Holmes and Hop Gee weight was over8j ounces.
We have had two tardy marks in the I fruit growers.
for raising something else than fruit.
Lt^rCo.. and A. D. Pettyjohn and
7th and 8th grades in the last three
Well cared for orchards or none at all
AW" ■
school years. Can this record be excelled ?
Probate Canrl.
’ should be the rule. The neglected
On receipt of ten cent«, cash or stampi. No.
90, 75,000 and 18.000 pounds.
Estats of A. K. Wright. On motion of
a generous sample will bo mailed of the
orchards are an injury to their owners
/consideration in each instance is most
popular Catarrh and Hay F«ver Cura I Teachers’ reports are in for last month administrator proceedings to sell real es­
«W cents Four cents advance is to (Ely’» Cream Balm) sufficient to demon­ with over 3000 days attendance, 168 days tate heretofore had are set aside, and and to all other persons who are
be made to Mr. Snyder and Mr strate the great merits of the remedy.
absence, 3 tardy marks and 177 pupils leave to file new petition granted. New engaged in fruit growing.—Rural
, petition to sell real property filed and Northwest.
Pettyjohn at picking The hop mar
56 Warren St.. New York City. in daily attendance.
I March 8,1898, at 10 a. m., set to bear
Juft in Salem is unusually quiet, there
Rev. John Reid. Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont..
There were 166 lynchings in the same. Citation ordered served by publi- The Telephone-Register puts every
Weffig no change in quotations, con­ recommended Ely’s Cream Balm to me. I
Newberg man who appears on the street»
can smpbasire hta statement. “It is a posi­ country last year. Of these 146 were 1 cation.
sequently no sales.
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed.”— ! in the south.
Estate ot Elisha Smith. John W. | of McMinnville down as an office seeker.
Rev Francis W Poole. Pastor Central Pres I
I Smith appointed administrator. Bonds But little attention is paid to it however,
Church. Helena, Mont.
j fixed at $6000.
> for Heath has a reputation for drawing.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
Guardianship of Chas. Messenger, a , on that brilliant imagination of bi» both
sure for catarrh and contains no mercury
i minor. Inventory filed and approved. | in season and out of s^aaop.—Graphic.
Bor any injurious drug. Pnoe, 50 cent*, z
Brand, $15,000. In reference to.
to the food situation at Dawson
City, these late arrivals corrob­
orate previous reports, that while
food is scarce, there will be no star­
vation. They consider that it will be
impossible to get the relief expedi
tion in, at this season of the year.
The relief expedition can easily
reach Lake Labarge, but the trouble
will begin when the Yukon river is
reached. The Yukon is filled from
shore to shore with great ice ridges
from ten to twenty feet high, the ice
being thrown up in great blocks and
standing in all sorts of angles. Men
with dogs can make their way by
hugging the shore, but no great
amount of supplies can be trans­
ported by dog teams.
Mr. Elisha Berry, of this place, says be
never had anything to do him so ranch
good and give such quick relief from
rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. He was bothered greatly with
shooting pains from hip to knee until he
used this liniment, which affords prompt
relief.—B. F. B aker , druggist, St. Peris»
Ohio. For sale by 8. Howorth A Co.