The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 31, 1897, Image 8

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of the World
An Album of
rare Photographs
Of the Wonders
of the Universe.
012 Page». IOSxl2K Inches. Weight 6!^ lb».
The World’s Storehouse has given up its choicest historic
'jfr'easures for this Book.
From theJSubjects at Large We Name a Few:
Nit YoML C ity : Kant River Docks, New North River Bridge, Vanderbilt Residences. B oston :
Commonwealth Avenue, Boston Common, Faneuil Hall. S cenes in the R ockies and Y ellow -
btune P irk . C alifornia : Mirror Lake. Summit Rock. Big Trees, Yosem te Valley. Lick Observa
tory, SUnford University, Chinatown, etc. M exico Cathedrals, Bull Fighters, etc. S outh
A merica : Statue^ Cathedrals and Cemeteries. H awaii : Palaces, Groves, etc. I ndia : Great
Buddha, Taj Mahal, Temnleu.f 500Gods, «¡olden Pagoda, Temples, Mausoleums, Ruins. T he H oly
L and haalbec, Damascus, Street ‘Straight,” Jada. Mount of olives, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, Solo­
mon’s Temple. Bethlehem, River Jordan. Dead Sea etc. A frica : Egyptian Sceue», Temples
Pyramids, Ancient Cemeteries, S pain : Gibraltar, Seville, Mosqueo! Cordova, Alhambra, Court of
Lions I taly Naples and Mt. Vesuvius, Interior of San Martino, most richly decorated church in
the world, Pompeii, Pantheon. Forum. Coliseum, Statuary, Paintings, Tombs Cathedrals, etc., etc.,
Scenes in Venice, Mt. Mark’s Church, Bridge of Sighs, Giant’s Staircase, Leaning rower, Columbus
Monument at Genoa, etc. P aris Notre Dame, Trocadero, Eittel Tower, lhe Madeleine, Hotel de
Ville, Grand Opera House. Arch ot Triumph, Louvre Gallery, Paintings, Statuary, Tombs Palaces,
Interiors, etc. B elgium , H olland , S witzerland and all their Treasures. G ermany : National
Musetun,Statue of Frederick the Great, Royal Palace, interior Royal Mausoleum; Dresden Gallery,
Sistine Madonna, Cologne Cathedral, The Passion Play, Vienna, St. Stephen’s Church. P anorama
of Conn ANTiNori.K : Mosques, Tombs. etc.
R ussia : Moscow, St. Petersburg, Royal Museum, St.
I mumí ’ s Cathedral, Royal Palace G reat B ritain : Shakespeare*» Theatre and House, Keewick,
Warwick Oaslle, Durham Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul’s, Westminster, House of Parlia­
ment Towem or London, Liverpool Docks. S cotland : Klien’s Isle, Stirling Castle, John Knox
House, Bd in burgh, Holyrood Castle, Mackville Street, Dublin, etc., etc.
It is the only book ever executed in Photographic Colors at
Popular Prices.
A libeml education in World’s History acquired while being entertained. A trip around the world
in an hour. The delights of travel without its discomforts ; its benefit without its
Th* boot ta urbitud ou the vwry ltnast grade» of super sized and super calendared and heavy enam­
eled bock jxrper made especially for this book, and bound In the richest bindings
Silk Cloth. Side and Back, Stamped in Gold................................................... $3.25
The Reporter one year and a copy of this Artistic work
for $2.75.________________________
Save Doctor’s Bills.
Promote Happiness and Comfort.
Cllortii ¡Platts of 64 97/ecHcinat
Lithograph Manikins of the Body and of the Head, in layers
to dissect showing all organs in their
proper positions and colors.
1157 Pages.
Size 6 1-4 x 9 1-4 inches.
Weight, 5 1-4 lbs. Thickness 33-4 inches.
Nineteen pages of Alphabetical Index. An Index of Symptoms, so you can tell
what ails you. Complete lint of Medicines, telling what each is good for,
and bow much of each to tuke for a dose. The Prescriptions are
all written in Plain English, so you can copy them anil
get them tilled without going to a doctor. It
eaves its cost in one case of La Grippe.
Jfsnry 97/ aCyman. jf. 9//.. 97/ 9).
Prof, of Physiology and Nervous Diseases in Rush Medical College, Chicago.
Christian Ptaytr, jf. 97/. 97/ “D.
Surgeon in Chief, Emergency and German Hospitals, Chicago.
W Z7 ¡Bstft.W. Jf. 97/. 97/ 0.
Secretary Chicago Polyclinic and Surgeon Proctor Memorial Free Hospital,
Jf. Wohsior Jonos. Jf. 97/ . 97/ 9).
Specialist in Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, London, Eng­
The book contains al>out 200 pages on Diseases of Women and Children.
This department ia illustrated in a supplemental pamphlet of 32 pages, placed in
u pocket made inside the cover of the book.
■Silk Cloth, Gold and Plain Stamping, Marbled Edges
The Reporter one year and a copy of this magnificent
work for >3.15.
D esigns
9 "F"""
C opyrights A c
Anyone »endln» a sketch and deenrlntfon may
quickly ascertain vnr opinion free whether mu
lurefttlon it probably patentable Communica­
tion» atrietly confident la). Handbook on Patenta
•ent free. Videat aaency for securing patent*.
Patenta taken tbrousb Munn A Ctx receive
•pertatf nottee, without vhar*e. 1« the
Scientific American.
A bandaomelt lllnntrated wceklr
Larwoat vlr-
vulalion of any ectent tfio Journal. Terma.
year; four moot ha. fl Hold by all newsdealer«.
And so Barkley is to be a candidate
for congress in the first district. Nothing
could be more fitting. Barkley has more
ability than Vanderburg, consequently
would l>e lietter able to defend his treas­
onable acts in the last legislature. By all
means let the names of both Barkley and
U’Ren apjiear on the state ticket. They
would fittingly represent their following
and the people would have a chance to sit
in judgement upon their past records.—
Oregon City Enterprise.
The Bteatner Grey Eagle is now mak­
ing regular trips between McMinnville
and Portland, coming up on Wednes­
days, Fridays and Sundays, and going
down on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat­
urdays. She is owned and operated as
an independent boat by the Chas. K.
Spaulding Logging Co. of Newberg.
They are home |>eople, who spend their
money in developing Yamhill interests,
and they deserve vonr patronage.
T. E. White and family expect to leave
the first of next week for a two-months
visit with relatives in Pennsylvania.
Tom has given several years of steady ;
application to business, apparently’ pros­
pering in a moderate way. until he has
come to l>e regarded as one of the indis­
pensable fixtures, and a little recreation
for himself and the glide’ wife is a very I
proper thing. The restaurant will l>e
satisfactorily managed during their ab­
sence by hi« brother James.
♦ After hearing some friends continually
praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of
Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle
of it for his own use and is now as en­
thusiastic over its wonderful work as any
one can be. The 25 and T h ) cent sizes for
sale by 8. Howorth A Co.
P atents
J. II. Nelson, dentist.
Great reduction in furs at Mrs. War­
Will Johnson, a Bishop Scott academy
student, is visiting at home this week.
The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian
one year for $2, strictly in advance.
Will Kinsery is home from Monmouth
enjoying the holiday vacation.
Mre. Uhl Frazier of McCoy was visit­
ing friends in the city this week.
Mrs. Warren was in Portland last week
and selected a complete line of ready­
made underclothing.
T. B. Kay lias gone to Chicago on a
business trip, representing the Salem
woolen mills.
John Wortman and family of Portland
were Christmas guests of President Jacob
Wortman of the First National.
Call and try A. D. Hoskins on boot,
shoe and harness repair work. One
door south of Transcript office. He is
here to stay with ub .
Henry Eccleston and wife intend leav­
ing next week for California for a few
weeks’ visit with relatives. Mrs. F.celeB-
ton has a sister residing at Stockton.
A grand masque ball will be given this
evening at Campbell’s hall, to which
everybody is cordially invited. Music by
the McMinnville orchestra. Tickets 75
cents per couple.
N. E. Kegg offers his residence prop­
erty in this city for sale. One of the beet
locations; property will pay 10 per cent,
in rentals. See him for price.
N. E. K eog .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gabriel gave a
way-up Christmas turkey dinner to a few
of their friends. Thos. Hutchens and
family and Orren and Harvey Gabriel
and families made up the list of guests.
J. P. Irvine & Son are the only people
in the city who buy sugar by the car di­
rect from the western refinery. Buy of
them and you are sure to get pure cane
sugar, and save money too.
The Mark sisters, who moved to Walla
Walla some months ago to engage in the
millinery business, are about to return.
They have leased the east room in the St.
Charles building from Mr. Kegg, and we
understand will soon occupy it with a
stock of goods.
The Southern Pacific Company have
placed on sale round trip tickets to Port­
land and return from following stations,
tickets good for two days: from McMinn­
ville, rate $3.00; Whiteson, rate $3.40;
Amity, rate $3.60; McCoy, rate $4.00;
Derry, rate $4.50.
Oh say, look at this! A new boot and
shoe and harness shop in one. Door
south of the Transcript office and every­
thing kept in the harness line. All work
guaranteed. BootB and shoes made and
repaired. Ladies shoe work a specialty
and prices to suit all. A. D. Hoskins, tf
C. W. and J. M. Hodson and families
came up and ate their Christmas dinner
with Orville. A 27-pound gobbler reared
in the salubrious climate of Happy val­
ley sufficed to satisfy their metropolitan
Why suffer with coughs, colds and la-
grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine
will cure you in one day. Does not pro­
duce the ringing in the head like sul­
phate of quinine. Put up in tablets con­
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure
or money refunded. Price 25 cents. Fo
sale by RogerB Bros.
The Forest Grove athletic club played
the high school (toys of thia city a game
of football on Tuesday, the home team
coming off victorious by a score of 4 toO.
A reception and banquet was given the
visitors at Columbus building in the eve-
j ning, which proved a highly enjoyable
H. P. Chase of Salem has been granted
• patent for a Move-pipe holder. A man I
needn't go fishing now while the women I
folk» do the hoiiseeleaning.
Prof. Holbrook, the hypnotist and |
mind reader advertised for the first four
nights of the coming week at the opera
house, promises to do a number of won-'
derftil feats in public by way of advertise- ,
■uent. Monday it is prv|x*ed to drive
about the city blindfolded, accompanied 1
by a number of citizens, and at the re- !
quest of anyone of them to enter their
houses and bring ont any small article
they may desire. On Tuesday he pro­
poses putting a man to sleep and keeping
him on exhibition in Rogers Bros.’ win­
dow. and to do some wonderful feats of'
rockbreaking on the breast of the hyp-I
notized person.
Mi’» Frances Mann spent the Christ­
mas seasou with friends at The Dalles.
Wm. Rennie, miller at Gervais, came
home to spend Christmas w ith his fam­
iMiss Ella Strong, a student in Port­
land, came home for the holiday vaca­
Miss Maggie Howell of Portland, has
been the guest of Mrs. Neil Davidson the
past week.
Miss Clara Irvine visited with Miss
Josie Holmes of Holmes’ Gap during
Misses Josie and Leta Jacobson visited
in the city during holiday week, the
guests of Miss Helen Calbreatb.
Miss Edit Mills, who is attending Port­
land University, came up Friday evening
to spend the holidays at home.
County Assessor Woods has been laid
by for several days with a severe attack
of lagrippe, but is again about town.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Carlin on Sunday, the 26th inst.
The baby has been named Marjorie Dale
Some Methodist “crank” in Portland,
as Uncle Jos. Hoberg puts it, has donated
eight dozen chairs for seating the lecture
room of the new M. E. church of this
The late warm rains are pushing the
wheat ahead. In point of acreage and
advanced growth western Oregon has
never had as large a prospect for wheat
as at the present time.
Married—At the home of the bride’s
parents in this city, on the 28th inst, Mr.
Wm. Byers and Miss Bessie Turner, Rev.
J. M. Turner officiating. The wedded
pair have gone to Oregon City to reside.
The ease of Stout & Martin vs Yam­
hill county that has been pending in the
supreme court a long time, lias just been
decided in favor of the plantiffs and a re­
trial of the case in the lower court or-
dered. The suit is a claim of $1010.80
for lumber furnished the county.
It is not often that the innocent sheep
will turn upon his persecutor, the coyote.
When the temper of an old buck becomes
aroused, however, over the slaughter of
his offspring by these cunning brutes,
which are now very plentiful, it is well
for the safety of the coyote to keep out of
a corner, says the East Oregonian. At
the Adams & Wells’ sheep ranch on Mc­
Kay creek a night or two ago, a lone coy­
ote was actually butted to death before
he could escape from a sheep shed into
which his marauding instincts led him.
—Lebanon Advance.
ÄVei:. ’ .'•■'c Preparation for As­
similating !'ic Food and Regula­
ting ttic Steuouks andBowels of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
N ot N arcotic .
of ou
dixSerin a -
^txAtlU Salii -
/mu &td *
ftypcmiint -
dfi Cad‘jnatt Soda/ •
JTarm St td -
flaahad Stuytr .
Itíúeryw» Haven
A perfect Remedy forConstipa-
tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
| Castor!» is put up ia one-rire bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk. Don’t o L’ jw anyone to bo .I
you anything elso cn the plea or promise that it
ia “juat fia good” and "will answer every pr.r-
See that you get d-A-S-T-0-E-I-A.
The fa3-
13 ca
For More Than Fifty-Six Years it has Never Failed in its
Weekly Visits to the Homes of Farmers and
Villagers Throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and ha^;. *
ness, for the improvement of their business a[
home interests, for education, for the elevation
American manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive
ries of the doiugs of the world, the nation ar ’
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved .
of cultivating and harvesting his crops, t
proper time to convert them into the largest p
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farn
ers and villagers, and for over half a century has
held their confidence and esteem.
Whether in the form of pill powder
or liquid, the doctor’s prescription for
blood diseases is always the same—
mercury or potash. These drugs bottle
up the poison and dry it up in the
system, but they also dry up the marrow
in the bones at the same time.
The suppleness and elasticity of the
joints give way to a stiffness, the rack­
ing pains of rheumatism. The form
gradually bends, the bones ache, while
decrepitude and helplessness prema­
turely take possession of the body, and
it is but a short step to a pair of
crutches. Then comes falling of
the hair and decay of the bones,—a con­
dition truly horrible.
Contagious Blood
Poison—the curse It is the New York Weekly Tribune, and we furnish it with The
of jnankind—is the
’ Reporter .
most horrible of all
diseases, and has al­
. ,1 YEAR for $1.25.
ways baffled the
• Address all orders to
doctors. Their pot- CAST! IN ADVANCE.
a s h and mercury
___________ *
bottle-up the poison,
but it always breaks
Write your name and address ón a postal csril. «end it to Geo. W. Best. Tribnne Office
forth again attack­ York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you.
ing some delicate
orgap, frequently
the mouth and LOCAL DIRECTORY
throat, filling them
with eating sores.
S.S.S., is the only B aptist —Services Sunday 11 a. m. and
known cure for this 7:30 p. in ; Sundav school 9 50 a iu.; the
disease. It is guar­ young people’s society 6:15 p ui
anteed purely vege­ meeting Thursday 7 :30 p. m. Covenant
table, anil one thousand dollars reward is meeting first Thursday evening before the
offered for proof to the contrary. It first Sunday of each month
R. W. K ino , Pastor,
never fails to cure Contagions Blood
Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, M ethodist E piscopal —Services every
Cancer, or any other disease of the Sabbath 11:00 a. m. and 7:3u p. in. Sunday
blood. If you have a blood disease, school 9:30 a m. Prayer meeting 7:00 p
Express Trains Leave Portland Dally
take a remedy which will not injure you. m. Thursday. D. T. S vmmebville , Pastor.
Beware of mercury; don’t do violence C omb . P resbyterian —Services every Sab­
Portland.......... 6:00 P M | San Fra- M-kp
to your system. Don’t get bottled up! bath 11 00 a m and 7:3C p. in. Sunday San
9 30 a. ni. Y. T. C. E.. Sunday 6:30
Our books sent free to any address. school
p. ni. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 30 p. in. Above trains stop at all station* I
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
E E. T hompson , Pastor.
The Shasta Route
Successor of the “ Cnabridged.
The One Greet Standard Authority,
Bg write» Hon. D. J. Brewer,
Justice V. 8.
*’ Supreme court.
of the U. S Gov’t Printing
office, thel.H Supreme
Court, all the State tu­
píeme Courts, mido! near
ly all the ‘•cüoolbovke.
by State Superintendente
of School*. C »liege 1‘reai
d**<1 other Educatore
almoet without number
In lire honeehohl, ami to
th«» trachei. arbolar, pro
feeeh>nal man, and eelf
is easy
Io easy
I» easy
find tl»e word wanted
ascertain the pronunctattaxi.
trace the growth ot a word
loom wh»*t a word mean*.
The Chimba Times-Hcrnld snr.o.’—
Wetoter** Interaatlmwl Ibcttonnry hi its present
form t*alt*t>lnfe niithontv on ererythtnK pertaining
toonr langiuige in lhe way ofordM'graphy.ortbo-
Sr.etymology, ami definition From it there ia no <
*nl Jli*a* perfect r* human etfoit and ectadm-,
gran make it — tw. H. 1MB.
M^Sperimen pagvs sent on application to
G. «e C. MERRIAM CO., Pttbliabers, <
Sjer/ajflfeMf Mass..
Services in the Christian church : Preach-,
iligeverv Lord's day at 11 a in. and 7:30
p in
Young people's meeting at 6:3o p.
tn. Sunday School at 9:45 a. in. Prayer
meeting Thursday, 7:30p in.
F. A. P owell , Pastor.
S t . J ames E piscopal C hurch —Lav-Ser­
vices every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in.
S t . J ake « C atholic —First st., between
GandH. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Ves­
pers 7 :30. Services once a month.
T. B riody , Pastor.
W. C T. U.—Meets on every Fri­
day at 3 p. m. in reading room. Union
A nna B. H enderson . Pres.
E da M ills , Sec’y.
K nowles chapter No, 12. O. B. 3.—Meets st
Masonic hall the 2d and Alb Monday eiening
in each month. Visiting members cordiallv in­
vite t
R. L. CONNER. Sec.
A O. V. W —Charity Lodge No. 7 meet« first and
third Friday« of each mouth. 7:39 p. m. Lodge
room in I nion block
J. D BAKER. Becorder.
Yamhill Lodge No. 10 D. of
meets in Union
ball second and fourth Friday eieniugs of each
C ctter P obt N o »—Meets the «ecoad and fourth
Saturday of each month in Union ball at 10:39
a. m. on second Saturday and at 10:30 a. m. on
Hh Saturday. All. members of the order are
cordially invited to attend onr meetings
E F. M annino , commander.
B. F. CtrstNE. AOJt.
E lvira A ssembly No. IS. V nitjo A rtisan »—
Meet first and third Monday night* of ea«h month
at 7 S0p. m. in Coion block
J. W. BONES. Sec.
• 32
land and Salem. Turner. Mario
Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Hulsey,
Junction City. Eugene, Cottage Gi
Oakland and all stations from Kosebo
land inclusive,
llosebitrg Mnil fin 11 y,
Portland......... 8:30 A M I Roseburg.
mrg........ 5.x
Roseburg........ 7:30 A M I Portland. ..
BUFF b /"
Attached to all Through TciiaffW
West Side Division.
Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.)
Port lami
Ar 5:40 P M
Lv W P M
Lv 1 v; p M
At Alhar/v and Corvalli.« connect with
trains of Or. Central A Eastern Ry.
Express Train Daily, (Except Sunday.)
I » P M I Lv
7 30 P M I Ar
r M >Ar Independence
Direct connection at San Francisco with Occi­
dental and Oriental-an<l Pacific MaH Heamahip
lines for JAPAN ANDCHINA. Sailing dates on
Rates and tmkrt« U. Ea’terudiim« and Europe.
TRALIA can be obtained front G. A. Wilcoa.
Ticket Agent. McMinnville.
Gen. Freight and Pasaengsr Age*
R KOEllLElt, Manager.