The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 31, 1897, Image 1

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    VOL. XXVII1.
Entered at the Postofflce in McMinnville,
ab tiecond-claas matter.
A. Manoc’a wife and family are visiting
his mother in Marion county. During
their absence he has to do the chores and
keep batch.
The Southern Pacific Co. has placed
on sale special tickets, Whiteson to Port­
land and return at the rate of $2.70.
Tickets limited to two days.
H. Holmes lost two valuable cows last
week from eating wild parsnips. A heavy
dose of coal oil saved a third one from
sharing the same fate.
A dog fight occurred on the railroad
track just as the south bound passenger
came into town last Tuesday. The re­
sult was : both dogs run over, one killed
and the fight stopped.
The Christmas tree at the Presbyterian
church was a perfect success. A large
number witnessed the distribution of
presents and with many wishes for a
merry Christinas and happy New Year,
all went home well pleased.
Little Eula Smith, who lives across
the creek west of town while returning
from school Monday evening became
frightened at some cattle and tried to
cross the public road opposite Mr. Cox’s
barn. The Yamhill soil proved too deep
and sticky for the little tot and she mired
down tight and fast.
Tier screams
brought some men to her assistance who
fished her out with more mud sticking to
her clothing and in her bootsjthan waB
Come This Way
Having bought the
We intend to run an up- to-date drugstore.
Our stock of CHRISTMAS PERFUMES is full and of the best.
Ota- line of COMBS, BRUSHES and other toilet articles is complete.
We carry the leading brands of cough syrupsand Patent medicine and ask for
a share of your patronage.
Have an immense stock of furniture. Thejr
have to keep a big stock, because they have a large
territory to supply. Prices on everything in our
store are surprisingly cheap just now. If you
want proof of this, come in and price the goods.
------- DEALER IN-------
■r .-y, -r —y—
he largest, geafest, |^|ost [jp-to-gate
To be Found Outside of Portland.
prices to suit the : TIMES.
We wish to call special attention
to our fine line of paper and en­
velopes for wedding invitations and
announcements. Invitations are
not quite as much in evidence as
they were a few years ago, though
thev are still all right. Announce­
ments sent out immediately after
the important event, are very
generally used. Either is accepted
as a token of friendship, and is
treasured as a souvenir and keep­
sake in every household where
healthy sentiment abounds. The
sending should not be neglected.
An announcement or invitation
should be artistic both in form
and execution. We have beauti­
ful stationery, and have recently
added a series of type by which
the fine effects of lithography can
be fairly imitated if not equaled.
For most invitations the square
bevel-edged card 3'» x4\ cannot
be surpassed, either printed or
written. We have them and can
furnish them either written or
printed very reasonably.
For children’s parties our light
gilt-edge card of the same size put
up in boxes of 24 with envelopes
to match, is just the thing. They
are only 35c a box without print­
We have just added a few
handsome designs in menu cards
to our stock, both folders and
single panels, andean supply them
in any number, great or small,
plain or printed.
There is nothing like being in
style, and a calling card out of
date in shape ¡9 one of the things
to be avoided. Our stock is direct
from a leading Chicago house and
is vouched for as the correct thing
for 1897. We sell them unprinted
if desired.
We have recently added a line
of mourning bordered note paper,
to meet the legitimate public de­
mand for this class of printing.
Our facilities are unsurpassed, and
calls from adjacent towns can be
filled in an hour’s time.
We carry a large line of stationer}- for all kinds of
‘ P rinting
Such as Posters, Pamphlets, Letterheads, Statements
Envelopes, Cards, etc., and keep in stock a line of
Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Note, Receipt and Order
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents.
A Supposed ¡Murder.
Dee. 25th, 1897, at the home of the
bride’s parents near Carlton, Mr. Wm.
Scott and Miss Annie R. Wills, Elder
McCutcheon officiating. Miss Wills is
the daughter of one of Carltou’s success­
ful farmers and is highly respected and
esteemed by all. Mr. Scott is well and
favorably known in Carlton as an indus­
trious young man, a teacher in the Mc­
Minnville publie schools, a graduate of
McMinnville college, bearing a teacher's
diploma. Both young people are mem­
bers of the Carlton church, where they
are loved and respected by al).
Some presents of a very useful charac­
ter were exhibited.
Mr. Scott and wife go to live in Mc­
George Sager, a man aged about forty
years, and a bachelor, who has lived on
the bank of the Willamette at Weston
for over twenty years, was found dead
near his house early Wednesday morn- j
ing. Coroner Fenton held an ioquest on
the same day, as soon as a jury could be
empaneled, and a verdict was rendered
to the effect that murder had been com­
mitted by a party or parties unknown.
The surroundings showed that rocks
had been thrown into Sager’s house
through the windows and the door had
been forced open. The body was found
outside the house about fifty feet from
the door, and was stabbed in the back,
showing that murder had been com­
mitted, as it would not have been possi­
ble to have suicided in this manner.
Sager was subject to spells of craziness.
Those who knew him well say that they
cannot imagine any motive that would
impel anyone to murder the man, as to
know him was to feel a sympathy for his
One neighbor says that though Sager
was a poor man, he may have had a few­
dollars hid away in his house, as he was
earning money most of the time and
rarely spending any. Coroner Fenton is
of the opinion that the man was most
foully murdered. The coroner was in
McMinnville Wednesday afternoon in
close conference with the deputy district
attorney, C. W. Talmage, and a thorough
effort will doubtless be made to locate the
Sager’s mother and sister live in Kan­
Watch-Night at Itaptivt Church.
NO. 2.
Royal makes the food pure,
w ba leeone and delirious.
Absolutely Pure
rovai basino powder co., «w vomi.
There will be held, on next Friday
night, at the Baptist church in this city,
a watch-night service, to which the pub­
taking, but it is the desire of those who
lic is cordially invited.
have the matter in hand, that farmers
The program will be carried out as
shares of stock that they may feel
personally interested.—Herald.
9 p. m., Praise and Thanksgiving ser­
vice, led by Rev. Joseph Hoberg.
9:30 p. m., Sermon, by Prof. E. North-
The Pittsburg Times summarizes
10 p. m., Social hour.
situation as follows : “Yesterday
10:20 p. m., Will we------- ? led by
men in the iron ore mines of
Rev. E. E. Thompson.
Michigan were given an increase of
10:30 p. m., Sermon by Rev. A. J.
wages, with the announcement that
11 p. m., Confession and Profession,
work would be steady all winter.
led by Rev. D. T. Summerville.
Yesterday nearly 7000 men were
11:20 p. m., Sermon, by Pres. H. L.
given an increase of from 10 to 20
Don’t be persuaded into buying lini­ Board man.
percent, in wages in the vicinity of
ments without reputation or merit—
11:50 p. m., Decision and watch ser­
Yesterday a new
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm costs no more, vice, led by the pastor.
Beal Estate Transfer».
took effect in the
and its merits have been proven by a test
Two weeks ending Dec. 29th :
of many years. Such letters as the fol­ Announcement» for the Cumber­
textile mills of Rhode Island, involv­
AM&ND Hoffman to C D Mor­
lowing, from L. G. Bagley, Ilueneme,
land Presbyterian Church.
gan et al 72.62 a t 4 r 4
$ 1631 ing about 25,000 operatives. These
Cal,, are constantly being received:
are the tidings that have been com­
Sermon Bubject for Sunday morning: B O Hoffman et ux to L II Kirk­
“The best remedy for pain I have ever “Under the Search Light;” at the even­
ing fcr weeks, and which come more
wood 200 x 250 ft White’s add to
used is Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and I ing hour: “Down Eros, up Mare,” and
25 abundantly as the year grows older.
say so after having used it in my familj- the discourse will be a brief review of
It is a repetition of the announce­
W T & Kate E Weston to Ewd
for several years.” It cures rheumatism, Gen. Lew Wallace’s Ben Hur, suited to
Yarns .94 a t 5 r 4 .....................
1 ment of increased wages at local
lame back, sprains and swellings. For the occasion.
Edw Yarns et ux to J W & Mark
mills, of the ¡¡increase in miners’
sale by S. Iloworth & Co.
Beginning Monday evening and con­ Martin 110 eq yds t 5 r 4............
1 wages, of the increased demand for
tinuing throughout the week the pastor C H Burch et al to J. W. Martin
will conduct a Bchool of prayer. The sub­ lot 2 blk4 Watts’ add to Amity. 165 men on the railroads, and of more
employment and better wages every­
jects will be as follows: Monday, The T B Henderson et ux to Jesse A
F. E. Hobson and wife are visiting in Great Teacher and His Disciples ; Tues­ Mahood 5 51-160tl® a t 5 r 4.... Ill where.”
day, The Perfect Model; Wednesday, II L A M B Pratt to Madge Duun
Wool and Clothing.
Miss Amy Harger is home from Gas­ Auswer to Prayer Certain, and the Faith
5$ of 18% a t 4 r 3......................
that Claims it; Thursday, The Purpose Robt & M E Rogers to J E Rogers
ton, having been away all fall.
The increased price of the raw ma­
Mrs. Yergen of Butteville is spending of Prayer; Friday, The Never Failing or Jr 120 a t 5 r 4 ............................ 2500 terial does not enhance the price of
All Prevailing Plea. These services will Mary Hopfield to Mary O Watiga-
the holidays with F. II. Story’s.
clothing in a similar ratio. Wool
begin promptly at 7:30 and close prompt­ man lot 8 Fairlawn subdivision.
1 now worth fifteen cents and shrink­
Miss Meredith Rankin of Albany vis­ ly at 8:15. All persons invited to attend
C H Burch et al to E P Wallace lot
ited last week with Miss Bird Nelson.
ing sixty per cent, is taken as the
and bring your bibles.
2 blk 4 Watts’ add to Amity....
Dr. McConnell of Portland ¡«entertain­ Sunday morning, Jan. 9th, Evangalist Jesse Edwards et ux to Mary E
basis of these calculations, and may
ing several of the Newberg young people. Alerich will begin a series of meetings in
Morrison 2a t 3 r2..................... 400 very fairly be considered as a repre­
Mrs. Kinyon of Buttevilla, and Rome this church.
sentative or average quality.
C D & M M Howard to Cody R
Hoback of Portland are visiting at G. P.
Johnson 5 a Fisk’s subdivision ,
Brnftic»« Cannot be Cured
ufacture seven pounds scoured or
S L Parrett et ux to Wm Parrett
The G. A. R. Post of Newlierg was in by local applications, as they cannot,
int in 30 a t 3 & 4 r 3.................
500 17j pounds in the grease would be
strumental in making glad several needy reach the diseased portion of the ear. J D Nash to I V B Nash lots 21, 25,
unusually heavy; but the additional
There is only one way to cure deafness,
families on Xmas.
19 & 20 Fruitvale subdiv t 3r 3. .
1 outlay for the wool necessary to
and that is by constitutional remedies. Irene & David Everest to Chas
The family of J. L. Larkin came from Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi­
make this suit would be only $1
various places and had a jolly’ Xmas at tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta­ Ilanson lots 4 & 5 blk 9 Everest’s
more at present than under the free-
add to Newberg..........................
the home fireside.
trade conditions of last year.
chian tube. When this tube gets in­ A D Hoskins to Ilana Hoskins lots
Newberg lodge No. 103, A. F. and A. flamed you have a rumbling sound or
It is readily seen, therefore, that
M., held a public installation and supper imperfect hearing, and when it is entire­ 5, 6 & 7 blk 49 A lots 7 & 8 blk 34
under present tariff conditions the
on Monday, the 27th. An enjoyable time ly closed deafness is the result, and un­
wool grower reaps a decided benefit,
Agnes & Wm Reid to Saini L Par­
was had by all.
less the inflammation can be taken out
rett lot 5 blk 25 Dundee ..........
20 while the consumer is not seriously
Miss Bird Nelson gave a party on Wed­ and this tube restored to its normal con­
M E Johnston et al to Thos Dixon
inconvenienced by the difference in
nesday night in honor of Miss Edith dition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
pt W M Doty die t 2 r 3..............
1 the price of his clothing. These
Rankin of Albany. After games and nine cases out of ten are caused by ca­
Thos Dixon to M E Johnston pt
figures regarding the prices of cloth­
music, refreshments were served.
tarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed
Doty die......................................
1 ing are based upon the supposition
condition of the mucous surfaces.
The American Mort Co of Scotland
that clothing has advanced in price,
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
How to Prevent Pneumonia
to S S C Hess lots 58 & 59 Dun­
but other factors have been at work,
At this time of year a cold is very easi­ any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
dee Orchard Homes No 1............
and the fact is it may be purchased
ly contracted, and if left to run its course that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Union Lodge No 43 A F A A M to
as cheaply now as under the former
without the aid of some reliable cough j Cure. Send for circulars, free.
Jno Kingery lot 301 Masonic
F. J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O.
medicine is liable to result in that dread
cemetery McM..........................
11 tariff.—Wool Record.
disease, pneumonia. We know of no ¿JS^Sold by druggists, 75c.
J E Rogers to J E Bogers, Jr. n hf
better remedy to cure a cough or cold
lot 4 blk 12 Hurley A Large’s add
According to some newspapers the
Elcen»«» io Marry.
than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We
to Newberg.................................
400 negroes of the South are very cor­
have used it quite extensively and it has , Dec. 24th—Wm. Scott, 25, of McMinn­ J W Henry sheriff to Wm A SI.
rupt, and their acceptance of money
always given entire satisfaction.—Olagah, ville, and Anna Wills, 19, of Carlton.
Parrett 30 a to 3 A 4 r 3 .......... 1155
for their votes is a menace to pop­
Ind. Ter., Chief.
Dec. 27th—Wm. Byers, 23, and Bessie JnoHGeweke peradmr to H F
ular government in that region.
This is the only remedy that is known Turner, 17, of McMinnville.
Geweke et al decree of court to
to be a certain preventive of pneumonia.
What about the Australian ballot?
Dec. 28th—John Nash, 26, and
Among many thousands who have ueed Esther V. Branson, 16, of Hopewell. C E Hoskina et nx to O A C R R
That system of voting is in vogue at
it for colds ami la grip,«, we have never Married on the 28th inst. by Rev. R. W.
Co, .57 a t 3 r 2..........................
1 the present time in almost all of the
yet learned of a single case having re­ King.
Mrs Martha Shadden Io Granville
states, and probably will be in oper­
sulted in pneumonia. Persons who have
Shadden 130 a pt Thos J Shad­
ation in all of them by 1900. There
weak lungs or have reason to fear an at- ; Report of school district No. 6, Chas.
den die t4r4.................
1 is a good corrective of corruption
tack of pneumonia, should keep the rem­ A. Deach, teacher, for the month com­ U S to A P Caldwell 640 a pt sec
here. Nobody will give a negro or
edy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizes mencing Nov. 29th, and ending Dec.
4A5t6r 4.........................
Pat a white man a cent for his vote in
for sale by 8. Howorth & Co.
24th: Number of visitors, 6; total num­
any community which has the secret
Dayton seems to have quite a boom in
ber enrolled, 28; number belonging, 25;
ballot, because nobody except the
Bid« lor Wood
average daily attendance, 22; names of the building line. Two buildings to tie
voter knows how he votes, or can
Bids for wood will be received by the those not alisent or tardy during month :
undersigned committee till Jan. Sth, Kathleen and Delilah Canfield, Sandy have been built this winter, and the find out unless the voter tells.
1898. 450 cords of second growth fir, all and Everet McDonald, Albert, Oscar and prospect is that another one will l>e
split. No round wood will be received. Fred Youngberg and Esther and Mattie built. It also is now almost an assured I
fact that there will be another large grain
500 cords of old fir, clear of big knots, Martin.
delivered at the city water plant on or
Do you know, that F.lsia Wright carries warehouse, with all modern improve­
before Oct. let, 1898. The committee a full line of lubricating oils for machin­ ments, built in Dayton. It will be placed
reserves the right to reject any and all ery? Owners of valuable harvesting and above the highest high watermark. This
other machinery cannot afford to exper- j is what Dayton has lieen wanting, and
W m . C ampbell ,
iment with poor oils. He carries the best I what has long been talked of. Parties
A. M. P eery ,
on the market and they are warranted . now have the matter in hand who will
push it to completion. A stock com­
8. A. M annino ,
not to gum.
pany will soon be incorporated and every
Merchants, order your goods shipped one interested invited to take whatever
by steamer Grey Eagle, and thus save amount of stock they wish to. Three
money for yourselves
suitable locations for the building have
EUT** CREAM BAUM I» a poaHHaawe.
Don't forget Irvine & S od ' s special already been offered, and enough shares | Apply into th« nostril». It la quickly abaorbad. W
cent» ai lin>zgi»t» or by mail ; »ample« 10c. by mall.
sale on groceries, etc. this month.
| are in sight to go ahead with the under-. ELY BKOTUEHS, M Warm St., Sew York Coy.