LOCAL NEWS. Art J. H. Nelson, dentist. Photografs of the World An Album of rare Photographs Of the Wonders of the Universe. 512 Pages. IO .XI2’, Inches. Weight O' lbs. The World’s Storehouse has given up its choicest historic Treasures for this Book. From the’Subjects at Large We Name a Few: N ew - YORK C ity : East River Docks, New North River Bridge, Vanderbilt Residences. BoaTON: Commonwealth Avenue, Boston Common, Faneull Hall. S cenes in the R ockies and 1 Kttow- stone I’lHE C ai . ieoknu -Mirror Lake, Summit Rock. Big Trees, Yosemite Valley. Lick Observa­ tory, Stanford University, Chinatown, etc. M exico Cathedrals. Bull Fighters, etc. S outh A merica Statues. Cathedrals und Cemeteries H awaii : Balaevs. Groves, etc. I ndia : Great Buddha, Tai Mahal, Temple of 500 Gods, Golden Pagoda. Temples, Mausoleums, Ruins. T he H oi . v L and Baafbec, Damascus, Street ■ Straight,'' Jails, Mount of Olives, Gethsemane, Jerusalem. Solo­ mon's Temple. Bethlehem, River Jordan, bead Bea etc. A ikiua Egyptian Seelies, Temples, Pyramids. Ancient Cemeteries, S pain : Gibraltar, Seville, Mosque ol Cordova, Alhambra, Court ot Lions I tai . v Naples and Ml. Vesuvius. Interior ot San Martino, most richly decorated church In the world, Pompeii, Pantheon. Forum. Coliseum, Statuary, Paintings, Tombs, Cathedrals, etc., etc.. Beanwill Venice, St. Mark's Church. Bridge of Sighs, Giant's staircase, Leaning Tower, Columbus Monument al Genoa, etc P aris : Notre Dame, Trocadero, Elttel Tower. The Madelaine, Hotel de Ville, Grand Opera House. Arch ot Triumph. Louvre Gallery, Paintings, statuary, Tomba, Palaces. Interiors, etc. B elgium , H olland , S witzerland mid all their Treasures. G ermany : National Museum, Statue ot Frederick the Great, Royal Palace. Interior Royal Mausoleum; Dresden Gallery, Sistine Madonna, Cologne Cathedral, The Passion Play, Vienna. St. Stephen's Church. P anoram a or C onstantinople : Mosques, Tombs, etc R ussia : Moscow, St. Petersburg, Royal Museum, St. Isaac's Cathedral. Royal Palace. G reat B ritain : Shakespeare’s Theatre and House, Keswick, Warwick Castle. Durham Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul's, Westminster, House of Parlia­ ment, Towers of London, Liverpool Itocks. S cotland : Ellen's Isle, Stirling Castle, John Knox House, Edinburgh, Holyrood Castle, Sackville Street. Dublin, etc., etc. Call on W id . F. Dielachneider for holi­ day goods. Great reduction in furs nt Mrs. bar­ ren’s. W. C. Arthur has the job of building a neat farm cottage for Pratt Sitton, which will go up as soon as the weather settles. S. Brutacher, ono of the solid men of Newberg, «as in to see us last Saturday. Mr. Brutscher was a member of the board of county commissioners several years ago. Call and try A. D. Hoskins on boot, shoe aud harness repair «ork. One door south of Transcript office. He is here to stay with us. tf Themes at Christian church next Lord’s | day: “Patient Continuance in Well Do­ ling’’at 11 a. m., and “Temptation” at 7 :30 p. m. Mrs. Warren was in Portland )a6t week and selected a complete line of ready­ made underclothing. 1-2 Addie Braly was over from bis Tilla­ mook ranch the first of the week. The coast climate apparently agrees with him, having run his avoirdupois up to 190. Frank Brown,"the superintendent of Oak Hill stock farm, writes us that lie shipped a carload each of fat cattle and sheep last week to meet the Portland de­ mand for extra choice Xmas roasts. All the regular services at the Cumber­ It is the only book ever executed in Photographic Colors at land Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Sermon subjects :* morning, “Agencies in Popular Prices. the Lord’s Work;” evening, “The Set­ A liberal educalion in World’« History acquired while being entertained. A trip around the world ting Star and the Rising Sun.” All are in an hour. Hie delights ot travel without its discotnfoils . its benefit without its expense cordially welcomed. The book is printed on the very finwt grad«« of super-sized and super calendered and heavy enam­ eled book paper, made es|air1aily for this book, and bound in the richest bindings. After hearing some friends continually praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera PUBLISHERS’ PRICE. and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis Fleck, of Silk Cloth. Side ami Back, Stamped in Gold .......................................................... $3.25 Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as en­ The Reporter one year and a copy of this Artistic work thusiastic over its wonderful work as any for'$2.75. one can be. The25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by 8. Howorth & Co. Some of our people have been indulg­ ing in the luxury of bear meat this week. Mr. Mattliies dressed a fine fat yearling that was trapped by Mr. Odell, who lives up in the foothills northwest. It weighed 12(1 pounds after the entrails were re­ moved and had a hide that would make un ideal Klondike overcoat. Cbc practical Dome physician The Baptist denomination of this city han a membership roll <>f which it can justly be proud. It leads without doubt all other denominations in respect to numbei's, the 200 mark having just been passed, and it is still growing. Forty members have been added in the eight months since Rev. King took up the pastoral work, which is gratifying evi- Cotored Tralee of 64 77/edecinal dence of the efficiency of his labors. The steamer Grey Engle is now mak­ Plante. ing regular trips between McMinnville and Portland, coming up on Wednes­ days, Fridays and Sundays, and going down on Tuesdays, Thursdays mid Sat­ urdays. She is owned and operated as an independent boat bv the Chas. K Lithograph Manikins of the Body and of the Head, in layers Spaulding Logging Co. of Newberg. They are home people, who upend their to dissect showing all organs in their money in developing Yamhill interests, proper positions and colors. and they deserve your patronage. Mr. F. Brown, manager of Chas, Ladd’s Oak Hill stock farm in Yamhill county, Ore., returned this week with a carload of blooded stock which he pur­ chased from the best herds in the east- Mr. Brown’s purchase consisted of Short­ horn cattle and Cotswold and Southdown sheep. Tie purchased one bull calf 12 months old and one three-year-old heifer from the well-known herd (Crtiickshanks) of II. F. Brown of Minneapolis, Minn, and one bull calf 14 months old from the herd of Forbes Bros., Ilenery, III. This last purchase was a prize winner through­ out the western states this year. He al­ so bought ten head of pure bred Cots­ wold and three head of Southdown sheep from the flock of Parks, Pelton <& Doug­ las, Ontario, Canada. One of the bucks, a yearling, was a prize w inner this year over the border line. Oak Hill farm is already well stocked with Shorthorn cat­ tle, Cotswold and Southdown sheep, but the infusion of new blood is al ways a val­ uable acquisition to’any herd in order to keep them up to the highest individual standard. Mr. Brown is of the opinion that in Oregon there can be found as good blood as on the average farm back there, and if our breeders would pay the same attention here in feeding and care as there, our stock would compare favor­ ably with theirs in the show ring. All kinds of live stock in the middle west is looking up, says Mr. Brown, and espec- cially is this true of good horses. While in Chicago he attended some of the sales there and good, serviceable draft horses weighing from 1400 to 1090 pounds went like hot cakes at from $125 to $200 each, an increase over last year of about 40 per cent. Draft stallions there are moving up to old-time prices of from $1000 to $1500 each, and the time is near at band when this class of horses will Lie hard to find.—Rural Spirit. 9bo D rops THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE .'•k FreparationlorAs- sini ii.: j Food find Reg da­ ting llie Siomudis andBowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­ ness and Rest.Con tains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. N ot N arcotic . i WRAPPER fáiVK ofGMI3rS.}MUELEHWil J^anpkm Setti* jtlx.Scnna * Salts - stritte See d * /i/nrriiint - ZV CMÒ'jnuttSoSat e ftiirrrt Seed - f tart tad Su.yar . llrrfcbyzvws flaivn I i ’ > OF EVEEY f BOTTLE OF I | J IA A perfect Remedy forConstipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions,Feverish­ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of VTEW YORK. ¡1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. For Sale—A good horse, phaeton and harness, cheap. Inquire at this office. Will take good milch co«’ in exchange. A party having a number one milch cow for sale may find a buyer by inquir­ ing at this office.' CastoiU h put up in one-ahe Lotties only. It is not sold lu bulk. Don’t allow anyono to soil you anythin» else on the plsa or promiso that it is “just as good" and “will answer every pur­ pose.” Ece that you get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Th; fio- clniile la on dgtiture wrippir. of u. BORH The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian one year for $2, strictly in advance. SEPTEMBER 18, Consumption 1841 For More Than Fifty-Six Years it has Never Failed in its Weekly Visits to the Homes of Farmers and Villagers Throughout the United States. Catarrh invariably leads to consump­ tion. Growing worse and worse each winter, those who rely upon the usual treatment of sprays, washes and inhal­ ing mixtures find that it is impossible to check the disease with these local applications which only reach the sur­ IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity aud happi­ face. The offensive discharge increases ness, for the improvement of their business and all the while, and gets deeper until it is only a question of a short time when home interests, for education, for the elevation of the lungs are affected. American manhood and true womanhood. The importance of the proper treat­ ment can therefore be readily appre­ ciated. But no good whatever can be IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive sto­ expected from local applications, as ries of the doings of the world, the nation and states. such treatment never did cure Catarrh, and never will. Being a ’blood disease IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of the most obstinate nature, Swift’s of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the Specific (S.S.S.) is the only remedy which can have the slightest effect upon proper time to convert them into the largest possible Catarrh. It is the only blood remedy amount of money. B. F. Allumbnngh of North Yamhill that goes down to the bottom of all stub­ 1157 Pages. Size 6 1-4 .v 9 i*4 inches. purposes to start for the Klondike about born diseases which other remedies IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farm­ Weight, 5 1-4 lbs. Thickness 33*4 inches. the 12th of January. He is not going •annot reach. ers and villagers, and for over half a century has Mrs. Josephine Polhill, of Due West, Nineteen pages of Alphabetical Index. An Index of Symptoms, so vou can tell with the expectation of digging great S. C., writes: held their confidence and esteem. wealth out of the hills, but the move is what ails yon. Complete list of Medicinea, telling «hat each is good for, “I had such a severe case ol and ho« milch of each to take lor a dose The Prescriptions are prompted largely by the hope of improv­ Catarrh that I lost my hearing in one It is the New York Weekly Tribune, and we furnish it with The all written in Plain English, Ho vou can copy them and ear, and part of the bone in my nose ing his wife’s health Reporter get them tilled without going ton doctor. It sloughed off. I was constantly treated saves its cost in one case of la Grippe Oh mv ,look at this' A new boot and with spiays and 1 YEAR Vou $1.25. shoe and harness shop in one. Door washes, but each CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to winter the disease south of the Transcript office and every­ AUTHORS. seemed to have a reporter thing kept in the harness line. All work firmer hold on me. JZonry 77/. tCyman. -7Í 77/. 77/ 7>. guaranteed. Boots and shoes made and IVrite your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best Tribune Office x.n I had finally been ’W declared incurable lorli City, aud a sample copy of The New York Wfekly Tiibuue will be mailed to you. Prof, of Physiology ami Nervous Diseases in Rush Medical College, Chicago. repaired. Ladies shoe work a specialty when I decided to and prices to suit all. A. D. Hoskins, tf try S. S. S. It C á ret tea» Penyer, Ji. 77/. 77/. 7). seemed to get right The Southern Pacific Company have Surgeon In Chief, Emergency and German Hoepitale. Chicago. at the seat of tie placed on sale round trip tickets to Port­ disease, and cured me permanently, CHURCHES VIA W. U. SB»lf,.lers 7 80. Bervices once a month. SLEEPERS Why stiffer with coughs, colds and 1 h - sought relief and found only disappoint­ T. B riodt , Pastor w ill your Huggies a im I YV mkoii * nuknufiir- grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine ment in local treatment will find it wise W. C T. U—Meets on every Fri­ mrv otber Furniture, Book chmv *, WAndrotM**, ' will cure yon in one dsv. I»oes not pro­ <9 waste no further time on sprays, day at 3 p. in. in reading room. Union SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, HiNckt’ts, Whatnot* and all kind» or wood work THAOt M*HKS washes, inhaling mixtures, etc., which block A nna B. H enderson , Pres. Attached to all Through Trains. duce the ringing in the head like sul­ are only temporary, and cannot save D csions E da Mtua. Sec’y YY est Side Division. Two Door.« East of City Stables. C opyright « A c phate of quinine. Put op in tablets con­ them from dreaded Consumption BETWEEN PORTLAND a ND CORVALp? Anyone «•iKttn» a «ketch and deecrtpilon m«r SECRET ORDERS. quickly a*cert«ln «>ur opinion free whether an venient for txking. Guaranteed to cure They should take a remedy which will Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) lu vent Dm la probably patentable f'ommunlea K kowi F-S CHArria No, 12. O. E. 8—Meets st cure them because it can reach their A McMinnville hoy who had ten cents or inonev reliinded J ‘ ri< e 25 cents. For Ihaia strictly confidential. Handbook on Patenta Masonic hall the Al and «th Monday evening trouble. S.S.S. is the only blood retne- tn ••nt fraa. (»bleat agency for aecuring patent» Portland to spend for Christina«, bought four pret­ sale by Kogers Bros. each month. Uniting member* cordial I v tn- Ar I 5:50 p JI 38mt> Patenta taken throuvh Miinu A t o. recelva dy which can reach Catarrh; it promptly McMinnville L nteit MYRTA APPERSOX W M. Lv I 3d« P M •pecMl notkf, without chante. In the ty respectable presents. Being aekvd Corvallis Lv Lv I 105 f» y R. L. CONNER. Sec g«U st the very bottom of the disease, H the itor of the Gra-s Valley Jour­ bv his mother who waited on him, he *nd cures it permanently. A. o I W —Charity Lodjre No. 7 meet» tint and At Albany and Corvallis connect with nal had a t, hull pup, he would bs.k Fridays of each month. 7 p. m. Lodge trains S.S.S- (Swift s Specific) is a real blood (bird I.nrreet replied “The voting Mr ----- , most of A handaomelv Illustrated week I r of Ur. Central A Extern Ry. * ruom in I nion block. after it and n<4 allow it to run around remedy, and cures the most obstinate any ecienttWc tournai «er»»«». e» «• E. F SUTHERLAND. M \V the time." month«. 91 Hold by all newadealer«. Express Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) J. D RAKER. Recorder. 10 town all night, and he «looks if he had cases of Catarrh, Rheumatism, Conta­ gious Blood Poison, Cancer, Scrofula Yamhill Lo ire Xo. 10 P of H meets in Union t.ótì P M ! Lv .«’ b ™—» a law the Imy wouldn't he turiu-«i |ix**e Portland Ar i a-oK a u >«<.•. f» K St. Waahlncton, n C. and Eczema, which other so-called blood tia!l M‘cond and fourth Friday evening* of eacb v 'r . M> Mitinville I,v ¿ài A M at n lender age to go to the devil, while rcinedie« have no effect upon whatever. month. ? F M ' r _ In , ’ ’ Pen'lenc- L v , « ao a y (Trrta P ort N o . V—Meer« the «eennd and fourth the dog IS kept Iip that he mav not go S.S.S. is the Cijly blood remedy guaran­ ^aCnntay T. D Heiulemnn |Jaced thia office nu of each month in Union ball at ¡0:30 . Direct connection ai San Fram esco ».th oiJL I astrsv a m. on second Saturday and at lu O a m on > dental and Oriental ani! Fu. m.s ( lì . ii . Ài* Al all etents the l>4 flight to teed and Pm me if. 1 steamship drr ohligatione Tuesday bv | resenting a Uh satuMey. All member» of the order are I l,pnp7i^,J.nAP'S H,SA )»• given an equal showing with the do« ’ •ord. a Uy Invited to attend our meeting*. big basket of apples The fruit was For Infants and Children. E F. M assimo . Commanded picked from I lie trees Dea*. 20; and the R F. C lvbixb . Adjl. Tb. fio­ chffling it leeeived seems to have added E lvira A- fmbly N o 1R. U sttid A rtiram »— JR ALI A can be obtained fFcm, t; A Wilcox and contains no mercury, potash or ttai;« "Ucox, Me* t flrM and third Monday night* of each niontb • Ticket Agent .McMinnville ««wars ether dangerous mineral. some excellerx e of flavor. c. h . M arkham , at 7 JO p in in Union block Books will be mailed free by SvnR W G HENDERSON. M. A. Gen. Freight and Passenger Arent. .Nsw fancy silks at Appereou a. Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. J. W. BOXES. Bee. tt 1 R. KOEHLER, Manager. __ ____ ....... LOCAL DIRECTORY EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route P atents DINING CARS ON OGDEN BOUTE. WOOD WORKER Scientific American K Co New York CASTORIA Purely Vegetable .