The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 24, 1897, Image 7

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It knocks out all calculation» of attend­
ing to business in the right way for a day
WilA l’E\ Elt w hen we wake up ill the morning sore ami
the heart does stiff. The disappointment lies in going to >
bed all right and waking up all wrong.
done well.
There is a short and sure way out of it. Go
allure is the to bed after a good rub with St. Jacobs Oil
i that often and you wake up all right; soreness ami
is us to suc- stiffness all gone. So sure is this, that men
much exposed in changeful weather keep
a hottie of it on the mantel for use at night
o t h I n g can to make sure of going to work in good ux.
Warning Notew Callinc the Wicked to
out-of-door stock early, and hill It In
so as to be able to fill orders from the
South during the winter season. This
is really much better than taking stock
from nursery roes. When the trees are
hilled in and properly protected from
frost their roots will begin to start be­
fore winter is over, ami they can be
planted much more safely than stock
recently dug.
Corn on One Acre.
Homemade lliriue«.
One frequently needs a great number
of small hinges in making chicken and
other coops. The two sketches given
herewith show homemade hinges that
are better than leather and cheaper
than the hardware dealer’s steel butts.
The one shown first is made of screw
eyes. Inserted with a round rod of wood
How much corn will an acre of land
produce? The Illinois State Board of
Agriculture offered prizes for the larg­
est crop on one acre, and twelve per­
1 sons succeeded in raising over one hun­
dred bushels each. The first prize was
won by Mr. John Powers, with a yield
of 166 bushels per acre. Mr. E. S. Eurs-
ntan coming second witli UM) bushels.
The next ten persons produced, respec­
tively, 150, 144. 143. 142, 11«, 110. M
103, and two others 100 bushels each,
tlie average of the twelve being 128%
bushels per acre The best fertilizer for
corn was conceded to be a previous crop
of clover, depending upon deep and
early plowing, tine seed bed and shal-
low but thorough cultivation.
or wire running through them. Screw
Experiments with Fertilizers.
eyes come in all sizes so that almost
The New York experiment station
any strength of hinge can thus be made.
made some experiments in the use of
The two eyes can be placed close to­
fertilizers on potatoes, twenty-two plots
gether ami wired with tine wire if de­
i being tested, on which fertilizer was
sired. Occasionally a bit of hard wood
I applied at tlie rate of from 1,000 to
and a few screws will make a very ser­
2,000 pounds per acre, two plots receiv-
viceable hinge, attached as shown in
the second picture, which tells its own I iug 1,500 pounds per acre and one plot
received no fertilizer at all. The 1,000-
story. Have the wood stout enough so
pound application increased the yield
over the unfertilized plot 48.4 bushels
j per acre the first year and 39.6 bushels
the next season. The 2.000-pouud ap­
plication increased the yield only 4.4
bushels over the 1,000 application of
the first year and 14.1 bushels the next.
Tlie tests demonstrated that the use of
over 1,000 pounds of fertilizer per acre
would be at a loss.
Take tlie Cow on Trial.
that tlie screws will not split it, and
nse round-headed screws for the pivot
K possible.—New England Homestead.
Apple Pomace us Feed.
When purchasing a cow always en-
i deavor to take her on trial. No one can
judge of the capacity or characteristics
I of a cow by appearances. I’ure bred
stock, however, is more uniform than
scrubs. A cow may be a hard milker,
a kicker and her milk may be deficient
in solids or fat. No one sells a good
cow unless compelled, and the pur­
chaser takes risk in buying. Every
I cow brought on a farm should be known
to the purchaser, as she may hare dis­
ease or some other fault.
There is considerable nutriment in
pomace as it comes from the mill.
Stock will eat it quite readily if fed
before it begins to ferment.
however, it does very soon if exposed
to the air. Consequently it is best to
place the pomace In air-tight barrels or
hogsheads, so as to keep air from it,
Protector for Shrubs.
and cover the pomace with something
A convenient method for protecting
Hint will hold down the carbonic acid rose bushes and many small shrubs is
ga« and prevent its escape as it forms.
shown herewith.
This Is really ensilaging it. The pom­
All barrels that
ace itself has not nutritive value to
have lost both
matte this worth while. Its chief value
heads are saved
Is Its succulency, and it should be fed
and used for this
with grain, hay or meal, so as to give
purpose. Two
tHie proper proportion of nutrition.
small stakes are
When put up in air-tight barrels and
driven down, and
kept slightly below freezing tempera­
a string attached,
ture there will be no more fermenta­
as shown in the
tion in tlie pomace than there is in the
sketch, to keep the
silo, and it can be used till late In the
wind from blow­
ing them over, i
Windbreak for the Driver.
Straw is then put
Drivers In winter often suffer severe­
inside about the bush, making very
ly and unnecessarily from the cold warm and wind-tight winter quarters.
winds. Returning home without a load A board, or a piece of burlap, can be
the wind has a chance to blow upon tacked over the top to support the
them unhindered.
Have two small
weight of the snow. If desired.
stakes and four holders for them, as
shown in the sketch. Provide a stout
Cottonseed Meal for Fertilizer.
piece of duck and sew rings to it as sug­
It is told in the New England Home­
gested. A small glass with its wooden stead that a New Hampshire farmer
frame can be inserted, and two small has proved beyond doubt that cotton-
openings made for the reins. If fhe ; seed meal is superior to phosphate as
wind is in front, at either side or at the i a fertilizer on light, warm soil. He
driver's back, he has simply to change uses less of the meal than of phosphate
the stakes and his sheet of duck to es­ in a drill, and has raised from 200 to
cape its fury. When not in use the 300 bushels of ]s>tatoes to the acre and
■facet can be folded, with the glass in- the heaviest crop of silo corn ever
grown in ills locality. Mixed with hen
manure and ashes, the meal has proved
excellent when seeding dowi.
at us like our
u cannot give
man a g<s>d
a r a c t er: he
st make it
Can any good come out of Chicago?
Just as much as is put into it.
Honor your wife mid your honey­
moon will last a life time.
Put out a fool's eyes and he will say
that the world Is blind.
Heaven is not altogether like society;
fewer people want to get into it.
What a world this will lie when all the
children are as well eared for as the
cattle and pigs.
The devil likes to hear the man talk
In church who treats his mule better
than he does his wife.
Were the Golden Rule enforced by
some competent authority what a wave
of commotion would rock the world.
“All things work together for good to
them that love God." Even the devil
had to work with all his might to help
double Job’s riches.
when grass is abundant, the market
| being regulated by the supply. The
Ix'st dairymen grow crops f.r Mt> on
the farm in winter, preferring to feed
their produce at the barn and convert
it Into milk and butter in winter, when
higher prices rule.
If you have a cement floor with
breaks that must be mended, don't ex­
pect to get the new cement to adhere to
the old without chipping out all loose
parts of the old. cleaning it all out
carefully and soaking It well with wat­
son Life.
er. Then the new work will be good
The forms of sea life in the upper per- 1
Ordering Nursery Stock.
To make sure that an order can be and stay good in connection with the tion of the ocean waters may descend
to a depth of 1,200 feet or so from th«
filled It should be sent In at as early a old.
surface: but there then succeeds a bar­
Potatoes to Be Higher.
date as possible. It Is best to order for
The average per acre of potatoes for ren zone, which continues to within
spring delivery in the early winter. The
order will be fiited. and the rule in all 1807 la leas than seventy bushels, and 3»’4) to 300 feet feet from the bottom, |
nurseries is first come first served. In prices will be much higher tbaa for where the deep sea animal« begin to
the North all nurserymen take up their several years.
What is the missing word?—not SAFE, although Schilling's
powder and tea are safe.
Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers’; take out th.
ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in th.
tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st.
Until October 151I1 two words allowed for every ticket ; after that only on.
word for every ticket.
If only one person finds the word, that person gets $200000; if several find
it, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them.
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
An even enbio foot of average soil
creeping babies at the end of the conte-
T hose sending three or more in one
■ was weighed and analyzed at Cornell I envelope will receive an 1898 pocket < alendar—no advertising on it. These
University. It was found that the soil
creeping babies and pocket calendars will be diilcrent fiom the ones offered in
in one acre one foot deep weighed
the last contest.
2,082 1j tuns.
We are assertin'* in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word “CASTOR1A,” and
“ PITCHER’S CASTOR1A,” as our Trade Mark.
Better cut these rules out.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “ PITCHER'S CASTORIA,”
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original “ PITCHER’S
i CASTOR IA ” which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wraoper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
j Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
March S, 1S97.
periority of the masculine mind, re­
futed to deem it a personal matter.
The Sunflower.
Schilling s Best baking powder and tea are
____________ because they are money-back.
To recklessly experiment upon himself with
hope oi relief is tlie dyspeptic. Yet tlie nos­
trums for this malady tire as tlie samls of the
sea, and, presumably^ about as etflaeious. In-
Jiseation, that obstinate malady, even if of I
long perpetuity, is eventually overcome with
Hostetter’s stomach Hitters, an appetizing
tonic ami alterative, which cures constipation,
fever ami ague, bilious remittent, rheumatism,
kidney complaint and feebleness
The use of the words "I hereby as­
sign the within note” is held in Markey
vs. Corey (Jlich.t. 36 L. 11. A. 117, in­
sufficient to prevent one who signs his
name to such a statement on the back
of a promissory note from being held
liable as an indorser.
On the other hand, it is held, in Spen­
cer vs. llalpern (Ark.). 3« L. R. A. 120,
Lightning rods may be valuable if
that one is not liable as an indorser large enough and insulated sufficiently
where he places over his signature the to carrya.vay a bolt of lightning. The
words "1 hereby transfer my interest common lightning rod is not of much
in the within note." With these cases ; use.
are collected the other authorities on
the liability of tlie assignee of a prom­ HOME PltODllCTS AND PUKE FOOD.
issory note as an indorser.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
The fact that a train was running at light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. “Tea Garden Drip*” is made from
high speed in violation of law and in Sugar (?ane and it strictly pure. It is for sale
breach of the promise of the engineer by firM-cia** grocers, in cans only. Manufac­
by the P acific C oast S yrup C o . All gen­
made to a boy who intended to jump off tured
uine “Tea Gai'ien Driiir” have the manufac­
is held, in Howell vs. Illinois Central turer’s name lithographed on every can.
Railroad Company (Miss.), 36 L. II. A.
In a recent lecture Professor Berg­
545, Insufficient to render the railroad
company liable for injury to the boy, mann, 01 Berlin, stated that in 50
when he attempted to get off, knowing cases of perforating tlie skull for epi­
lepsy, he knew of only one permanent j
the danger.
i cure.
Negligence in pointing a gun at an­
•‘King Solomon's Treasure,” only Aphrodlslacal
other and pulling the trigger is held. In Tome
known. (.See Dictionary.) 1’i.uO a box, 3
’ treatment. Mason Chemical Co., P. O. Box
Babel vs. Manning (Mich.). 36 L. It. A. i 747, Philadelphia,
523, to be unaffected by the fact that
Firelighters are made in Germany
tlie person doing It had used the ordi­
nary means himself of unloading the by twisting wood into a rope, cutting
gun amf satisfied himself that it was ' it into short lengths, and dipping the
unloaded. But the fact that the person ends of the pieces into melted resin.
Injured failed to protest or get out of
I believe inv prompt use of I’isb’s Cure
the way when he saw that the gun was prevented
quick consumption.-—Mrs. Lucy
about to lie snapped ami had time to do , Wallace, Marquette, Kans , Dee. 12, 1895.
so was held to constitute such contribu­
tory negligence as would preclude his Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
recovery of damages from the other.
The oyster is one of the strongest
An aged woman riding In a funeral creatures on earth. The force required
procession in a carriage driven by her to open an oyster is more than 900
daughter-in-law, when it was struck i times its weight.
by a streot car nt a crossing, Is held,
Awful Warning.
in Johnson vs. St. Paul City Railway
A Spanish woman kissed her pug
Company (Minn.), 36 L. II. A. 586, to bo
not chargeable with negligence, al­ dog and died of hydrophobia last week.
though she did not look or listen for The retributions of Providence for
approaching ears, but relied entirely lack of sense are often mysterious and
severe.—Pomona Progress.
upon the driver.
A conveyance to a railroad company,
releasing all damages sustained or MRS. PINKHAM’S VICTORY
which shall be sustained by reason of
Mi3. Sidney Hamlet.
the “construction, building or use" of
the railroad Is held, in Fremont, E. &
M. V. Ry. Co. vs. Harlin (Neb.), 3« L. Cored by Lydia E. Pinkham', Vegetable
II. A. 417. Insufficient to preclude the
grantor from recovering damages for
R et > TIoraE, V a .—To Mrs. Pinkham:
the negligent maintenance and opera­
tion of the road: but the release is treat­ “My heart goes out rn sympathy to all
ed as equivalent in this respect to a who are suffering with troubles pecul­
iar to the female sex.
judgment of condemnation.
Oily farmers should give attention
ko the possibilities of the sunflower.
A man in Brooklyn who owned a sub­
urban tract planted It in sunflowers
and obtained 100 bushels of seed to
the acre. He expects to get from each
bushel two and one-half gallons of oil.
worth $1.25 a gallon, or over $300 an
acre. The pressed seeds and fiber also
have a value.
The $2oon.oo missing-word contest
closes December 31st.
Result will be announced about January
15th. Distance Signallug.
The Greenwich observatory has been
put into telegraph communication with
that of the McGill college, Montreal,
and the signals can be flashed between
the two places, a distance of 3,300
miles, in three-quarters of a second.
“I would like to express my gratitude
for what your Vegetable Compound has
An Ugly Missile.
Lord Salisbury still keeps ns a sou­ done for me. 1 have been a sufferer
venir In a cabinet at Hatfield an ugly­ since girlhood; did not then know the
looking stone of over a pound In cause of dreadful sick headaches and
weight, with which the window of a other troubles. I could not take long
carriage in which he was seated with walks, liftor carry anything heavy, and
his two daughters was smashed at was very nervous.
“ Last summer I was almost an
Dumfries on the evening of Oct. 21,
1884. His lordship had been delivering invalid; could not walk across my
A Hen's Egg Production.
About 150 eggs per year is estimated a series of political speeches in Scot­ room without pain. I sent for our
as the production of a hen. if the flock land. and in the streets there was an physician, lie pronounced my case a
is small and well cared for, but with attempt at rioting. The occupants of bad one of ‘Prolapsus Uteri,’ conges­
large flocks an average of 100 eggs per the carriage were, fortunately, unhurt, tion and ulceration of the womb, and
hen for one year is about correct, as dis­ but the ladies took the missile homo said I was to lie sited. I was so dis­
tressed to find myself so helpless and
ease. lice and mismanagement cause with them.
useless to my family; I saw your Com­
loss. The fowls on farms give larger j
Wouldn't Be Insulted.
pound advertised and thought I would
profits In proportion to capital repre­
“That Is a curious custom they have try it. I took several bottles, and used
sented than larger stock, but are more
in some of the South bea Islands,” said the Sanative Wash and Pills as directed,
neglected, and. therefore, do not give
Ride, and placed in the box used as a as large profits as could be derived from Mr. Wallace, “of marrying a girl to a and now I am as strong as I ever was,
tree or some Inanimate object, which and do all my own housework. I can
Such a contrivance will save them.
Is supposed to act as a sort of scapegoat walk more than a mile without any
much suffering and can be had at a
for the shortcomings of the real, live inconvenience. Ohl I am truly grate-
Preparation for Winter.
very slight cost.—Orange Judd Farmer, j
Summer farming is but a preparation husband."
fuL I cannot write the good you have
Why Fattening ‘■tock Eat Straw.
for winter. Food is ehea[>e^in summer, i "It I h not absolutely unique," said done me. Words are inadequate to
Domestic animals like varie.ty in feed but prices are lower. While the j^s Mrs. Wallace, “for a woman In this express it. May God bless you for the
as much as does man himself Possi- i ture is a valuable aid to the dairyman. country to be married to a stick.”
good you are doing."—M rs . 81DHKT
bly they are more partial to variety It is sure to cheapen price« at times
But Mr. Wallace, with the calm su­ II amlet , Red House, Va.
than are men and women, liecause the
taste of animals is less vitiated. A fat-
tening steer or sheep which is fed
highly nitrogenous food will eat a good
deal of bright grain straw, so as to sup­
ply the proper proportion of carbona­
ceous nutrition. When animals are fed
corn, less straw will be eaten, as the
corn la itself chiefly starch, which is
only another form of carbon. For
sheep that are fed beans and bean
straw, the straw of wheat or oats will
be eaten almost as readily as hay. It
la needed to prevent the nitrogenous
ration being too concentrates.
Last Chance!
Mon who auiTer from the effects of disease, over­
work, worry, from *he follies of youth or the ex-
ceMea of manhood, from unnatural drains, weak­
ness or lack of development of any organ, failure of
vital force*, unfitness for marriage, all such men
ahould “come to the fountain head ” for a scientific
met hod of marvellous power to vita!ire, develop, re­
store, and sustain. We will mall without charge
Io a plain sealed envelope a pamphlet that
Telia It All, Nothing sent unasked. No expo­
sure, no deception. Address
Power that will save you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt. For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they have no
equal. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Send fur illustrated catalog.
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Hercules Special
(2% actnal horsepower)
Bay St., San Francisco, Cal.
Price, only $185.
Cooking by Solar Heat.
The various experiments made with
solar engines by the French in Algeria,
where tlie sun is never overclouded and
shines with great power, have been at­
tended in some instances with marked
success. The best apparatus is Rtated
to b> a simple arrangement of boiler
and concave mirror, the steam generated
being condensed in a coiled tube sur­
rounded by water, this being intended
merely for distilling water. But in
India an inventor lias contrived some
machines with which more varied re­
sults are accomplished. One of these,
says the Philadelphia Record, is what
is termed a cooking-box, made of wood
ami lined with reflecting mirrors, at
the bottom of the box being a small
copper boiler covered with glass to re­
tain the heat of the ruys concentrated
by the mirrors upon* the boiler. In
this contrivance any sort of food may
be quickly cooked, the result being a
stew or boil if the steam is retainer], or
if allowed to escape it is a bake. The
heat with this device may be aug­
mented indefinitely by increasing the
diameter of the box.
This Is an appliance which is known all over
the world lor its wonderful tonic, influence upon
the waning vitality of men and women. Its
touch is the touch of life. Warmth and ener-
die health follow its application within 10
days. A permanent cure of all weakness­
restoration of new life is assured iu the long­
est Nt ami i ng cases within 90 «lays.
"Three Classes of Men."
Dr. Sanden will send you a b ><»k npon this
subject, with valuable information, free. If
possible, < all and see his famous Kelt. Try it
and regain your strength. Lite has a new
charm to those who w»ar it. Call or address
3A3 U eat W asl$ hig toil St.. I*orl land. Or.
Pleune inr.nium thm Patter
By local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is bv constitu­
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in­
fl ened condition of the mucous lining <>f tin»
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
votFhave a rumbling Found or imperfect hear­
ing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is
the result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine eases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
rase of deafness, (caused by catarrh) thatcannot
be cured by Hail’s < atarrh Cure. Send for cir­
culars; free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
’told by druggists. 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best.
grow paying crops because they’re
fresh and always the best. For
sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes.
Stick to Ferry’s Seeds and prosper.
1898 Meed Annual free. Write for IL
0. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit. Mich.
Only one |>orson in IB Ims perfect
■yes, theflarger portion of defectives m W oodard ,
prevailing among fair-haired ¡reopie.
C larke & Co.
P ortland . O r .
('Htnlogiie Free.
Germany and China,
The foreign office at Pekin pays that
when the bandits killed the two mis-
aonaries it ordered the governor of
Sbangtung * to arrest the culprit,, and
the capture of four of them was effect­
ed, but meanwhile, indeed only one
day before, the Germans landed troops
and occupied the forts.
The Germans still occtipy Kiao Chan,
a place of great strategic and com­
mercial importance, and show no dis­
position to abandon it, but, on the con­
trary, appear to have seized upon the
murder of the missionaries as a pretext
for obtaining and permanently occupy­
ing a very desirable )>osition upon the
Chinese coast, and so clear is this de­
termination that China basap|>ealed to
Russia to interfere in her behalf against
Germany reinforced her
squadron in the Chinese waters on the
heels of this seizure of Kiao Chau bay,
and it is reported that as long ago as
1895 one of our warships on the Chinese
coast was applied to by a German ves­
sel for charts of these waters, “and par­
ticularly requested detailed charts of
the harbor of Kiao Chan.” The Ger­
mans verified these charts, and made
more extended surveys of th. place,
and when "the German naval officers
at that time discussed the probability
of their occupying that port,the murder
of Garman missionaries was not men­ I
Is it Wrong?
Get it Kight
Keep it Kight.
Moore'« Itevralcil Itemedy willdoit. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get it from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, of
from Stew art A Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
Milke money by riicceaful
speculation in Chicago. VVe
buy ami meII wheal on mar-
giiiH. Fortunes have been
made on a sinaL
JI V'-gmnitig
by tradingin fu-
turea. Write for full narticiilarN
particular« Brat of ret-
erenre given. F
- , years
___ ’ experience
on the
Chicago Hoard of Trade, and a thorough know­
ledge of the buaineKh Send for our free refer­
ence book.
Chicago Boar<l of Traile Broker*. OtTicea in
Portland. Oregon and Seattle, Wa«b.
<0 Buell
» Lamberson
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwww
Maa WnoiLoirB Soonujro flvavr should al way« bo R
b ukm I for chiidran teething It itooihes the child.
S ena th« gum«, «liars all pain, cure« wind colic.and to fl
a the beat rented v for diarrhoea. Twenty five cent» a fl
T bottle. It 1« the beat of all.
A* aaaaaa AAMaaaaaAdtAAaeaa hsa
trBrln< and locating Gold or Stiver
nil I IN Gre b*t or buried treasures. M. I>.
1IVVU jroWI.EH, Box M7.Soutblngioa.Con».
5to. B», '»7
N. P. N. f.
TITHIX writing to advertisers, please
IV eaeetioa this paper.