The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 24, 1897, Image 3

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Important Clause in the Bill That Han
•I u*t I’HMMcti Congress.
Washington, Dec. 21. — It has been
And at the Same Time Save the Gov-
eminent Millions.
Rejection of Hawaiian Treaty Will Not
Settle the Question.
Washington, Dao. 30.—Ex-Secretary
From Klamath, Siletai
Grand Bond« Agent*.
(Office of Downing, Hopkins
Co., Chicago
Board of Trade Brokers, 711-714 Ch amber of Conf­
ine rue Building, Portland, Oregon.]
Joseph Emery, United States Indian
Dec. 20.—The passage
Congress Responds to the developed that the bill relating to pe­ of Washington,
the pension appropriation bill does of State John W. Foster, who while a agent at Klamath agency, in his an- ! The Chicago wheat market is in an
lagic sealing which has just passed not by any means end the agitation member of the Harrison cabinet nego­ nual report to the commmissioner of unusual condition. During last week
Appeal for Dawson.
both branches of congress, and is before
The Secretary of War to Have Full Con­
diate Preparation*.
Washington, Dec. 18.—Congress lias
heeded the petition of Portland, Or.,
for an appropriation foi transportation
of supplies to the starving Klondikers.
the bill which passed the house appro­
priates $175,000, and the senate resolu­
tion $250,000. It will be necessary be­
fore either becomes a law, for congress
to got together on a common basis.
The house bill encountered practical­
ly no opposition. As passed, the sum
carried by it is to be expended under
the direction of the secretary of war
for the purchase, transporation and dis­
tribution of subsistence stores. It pro­
vides thaL these subsistence stores may
be sold at prices fixed by the secretary
of war, or donated where the people are
unable to pay for them. It empowers
him to purchase reindeer and employ
drivers not citizens of the United
States, and allows him to dispose of
the reindeer.
Represenative Cannon brought for­
ward the bill, and Sayers and Bailey
spoke in favor of it. Cannon submit­
ted to the house a statement prepared
by Dr. Sheldon Jackson, one of the
agents of the commissioner of educa­
tion, who was in the region as late as
September 15, that there would be no
suffering as far up the river as Fort
Yukon, but that the food supply on the
Upper Yukon would not last beyond
March, atxi he indorsed the recommen­
dation of the secretary of war that food
be sent in by reindeer via Dyea.
Cannon said:
“ Whether these miners are in Ameri­
can or British territory, whether they
are American or British subjects, if
they are starving, it does not become
the American congress to hesitate about
voting them relief.!’
The bill was passed without division,
although there were scattering noes
when the speaker called for the nega­
tive vote.
Secretary Alger was on the floor dur­
ing the debate.
Hawley, of the military affairs com­
mittee, reported to the senate the Mc­
Bride relief resolution. The committee
struck out all but the enacting clause,
and amended the resolution by appro­
priating $250,000, which is to be used
by the secretary of war for the purchase
of subsistence and supplies and for their
transporation and distnubtion, the con­
sent of the Canadian government first
to be obtained to pass over Canadian
territory. The resolution further pro­
vided that the supplies are to be dis­
tributed among the needy miners as the
secretary of war may determine, and
that the supplies are to be transported
by means of reindeer, the reindeer to
be sold after they have performed their
Hawley asked for immediate consid­
eration of the resolution, and it was
Secretary Alger, in anticipation of
immediate action by congress, has be­
gun to prepare plans for carrying out
the intent of the bill. To this end,
this afternoon he sent a telegram to
General Merriam, commanding the de­
partment of the Columbia, at Van­
couver barracks, directing him to send
two or three competent officers of the
army to Dyea and vicinity to recoon-
noiter and report to the department
how supplies can be sent across the
passes to Dawson.
Sent to the Senate.
Washington, Dec. 18.—The president
today sent the following nominations to
the senate: Joseph McKenna, to be
associate justice of the supreme court
of the United States; Charles G.
Dawes, of Illinois, to be controller of
the currency.
The Day in Congreaa.
Washington, Dec. 18.—In the senate
today. Fritchard, chairman of the civil
service investigating committee, de­
livered a brief speech upon the execu­
tion of the civil service law, as de­
veloped by his committee.
Frye, of the committee on commerce,
favorably reported and the senate
passed a bill directing the secretary of
the treasury to purchase or construct a
suitable boat for the revenue service on
the Yukon, to cost not to exceed $40,-
Cannon of Utah offered and had
passed a resolution directing the secre­
tary of the treasury to furnish the sen­
ate information regarding filibustering
off the coast of Florida.
In the House.
In the house Hitt, chairman of the
committee on foreign affaire, secured
unanimous consent for the considera­
tion of the bill passed by the senate
yesterday to prohibit pelagic sealing
by citizens of the United States. He
explained its scope and purposes and
the necessity for its enactment.
Hopkins thought a time limit Bhould
be placed on the operation of the act,
so that in case negotiations with Great
Britain should collapse, our citizens
should not be at a disadvantage.
Johnson made a vigorous speech of
an hour in opposition to the bill. He
argued that the effect of this bill and
the negotiations now being conducted
would be the bolstering up of two great
British industries, one in Behring sea
and the other in London. The present
herd was not worth protecting. The
purpose was to build up a new herd.
He declared that Canada would only be
too willing to join with ua in prohibit­
ing pelagic sealing on condition that
we should .How her to write our tariff
upon that subject in this Session of tiated the first treaty for annexing Ha­ Indian affairs, speaks of the great im­ December wheat sold at premium of
the president, contains a provision of congress.
Representative liowe, ol waii to the United States, and who provement that lias been made in the from 3 to 12c, over cash wheat at New
far-reaching character which has thus New York, has thrown down the gaunt­ has since visited the islands au<l taken matter of agriculture. There was also York, Baltimore, SL Louis, Toldeo,
far escaped attention. This is an abso­ let with a biil only ten lines long that much interst in their acquisition, whan a good crop of rye and oats, ami more Duluth and other points. At on«
lute prohibition of tho bringing of seal­ repeals all present pension laws anil asked as to the status of the annexation land had been fenced and more build­ time the premium at Duluth was 15.
skins into ti e United States. As the substitutes a provision that all honora­ question, said:
ings erected than in any former year. With such premiums is it a wonder
United States is tho largest market in bly discharged Union soldiers who are
“The opponents in congress of Ha­ There have been also other improve­ that men like Armour and Wear»
the world for sealskins this complete dependent upon their own labor for waiian annexation will not have dis­ ments and more would have been made should take the risk of Helling Decem­
stoppage of the trade in this country support and wbo are incapacitated be­ posed of the question by voting against if there had been a sufficient supply of ber and buying the cash wheat in th»
will be a severe measure against the cause of disability to fully earn a sup­ and defeating this measure.
They lumber. , The Indians on the reserva­ Northwest when the cost of getting it
British and Canadian industries which port and who shall make affidavit tu must decide what shall be the policy tion show a disposition to live in bet­ here from Minneapolis by rail is not
take and cure the skins and then dis­ that effect shall receive a pension ol and conduct of the United States ter houses than heretofore. More at­ over 7c to 8c? They not only get th«
pose of them largely in the United $12 a month. All other Union soldiers toward the islands for the future. Hav­ tention is being given to stockraising profit in the difference, but also run
who hold an honorable discharge shall ing refused the application of the island than usual, and a marked increase has the risk of the bulls changing their
When the bill was proposed it was receive $8 a mouth. No provision is government for incorporation into our been observed in the herds. Some pur­ minds and leaving the wheat here, or
generally supposed that its only pur­ made for widows or children. The Union, such an act necessarily carries chases of thoroughbred cattle have been at least a good part of the 5.900,000
pose was to prohibit American citizens pension roll under this law, although with it the right of the former to de­ made, and the Indians show a disposi­ bushels that will be here by the eml of
from carrying on pelagic sealing. This it would embrace all of the soldiers termine its own political destiny, un­ tion to take care of them.
tho month. They know that there is*
feature was. the only one to attract at­ who served in the federal army, would influenced by considerations affecting
The agent also reports the gratifying good prospect of a large milling demand
tention during the discussions. At tire only require an expenditure of about the United States.
results of the two schools of that agency. before another crop ih harvested. Thi«
adoption of the bill, however, a section one-half tho present cost of pensions.
“But such a course would present One hundred and fifty-two children will give them a chance to secure fancy
was discoverd which was not restricted This bill will be vigorously pushed, embarrassments to oongress of no small were in attendance at the Klamath premiums for all the good millling-
to Americans, but applies to sealskins and it will have the support of a large moment. During the last administra­ school, and 103 at the Yainax school.
wheat they may have on hand the sain»
in general, “taken in the waters men­ number of soldiers who are not entitled tion of President Cleveland the house
The Klamath Indians are thrown I as last spring. In addition they get
tioned in this act,” which include the to pension under the present law. It of representatives resolved that ‘foreign upon their resources, as all allowances the storage. They believe in merchan­
whole Pacific ocean. The provisions is will not be fought by the very large intervention in the political affairs of ceased 12 years ago. Three-fourths of dising wheat the »ame as any other ar­
as follows:
number of pensioners who would re­ the islands will not be regarded with them are industrious and law-abiding, ticle, and when a profit preHents itself
Section 9. That the importation into ceive as much as they do now, and if indifference by the government of the and are making their way very well. they are not slow to get into the ter­
the United States by any person what­ those who receive more make too prom­ United States.’ During that session They are engaged in hauling freight ritory tributary to other markets and
soever of fur sealskins, taken m waters inent a fight they will arouse very ur­ the senate went a step further and de­ and other work, besides agriculture. take the wheat away from them. There
mentioned in this act, whether raw, gent opposition to themselves and ac­ clared that ‘any intervention in the po­ The total number of Indians on the never has been such a chance in years,
dressed, dyed or manufactured, is tive support of the bill from those sol­ litical affaire of the islands by any gov­ reservation is 1,020, an increase of 59 and they have taken advantage of it
hereby prohibited, and all such articles diers who are not injuriously affected. ernment would be regarded as an act over last year. A better system of wa­ and run the risk of the wheat grading.
imported after this act shall take effect It has long been a matter of opinion ol unfriendly to the United States.’
terworks and heating apparatus is reo- Not only has the bulge brought in fre»
shall not be permitted to be exported, a great number of these men that the
“These utterances were in line with ommended for the Klamath school.
offerings from the Northwest, where
but shall be seized and destroyed by government should be just as grateful the policy of our government for half
Bailey Gaither, agent at Siletz, re­ over 1,000,090 bushels have been bought
the proper officers of the United to one valiant soldier as to another and a century, but it is possible and compe­ ports that the population at that agency within a week, but it has stimulated
States. ”
that the man who bore arms should tent for congress to change the policy is 486, a decrease of 12. He also re­ holders in tho winter wheat country
Those who are thoroughly familiar stand upon terms of equality, so far of the government at any time. Its ports that the Indians have been work­ to send their wheat wheat here. The
with the bill say this provision is of as the material evidence of their coun­ rejection of annexation would in effect ing, and were employed in picking howling about the grading made them
far more importance in its effect than try’s gratitude is concerned. The bill nullify the declarations cited, but there hops and packing fish at the cannery timid about risking December sales,
the prohibition against pelagic sealing also disposes of the business of all pen­ would still be another serious embar­ which has been constructed near the and last week brought out offers of
by Americans.
sion attorneys. It likewise does away rassment to be disposed of, to-wit, the mouth of the Siletz river. The In­ more wheat than was Bup]>osed to be
with the necessity for the millions of reciprocity treaty. It would be easy dians received during the year $15,562 in the oountry.
dollars expended yearly in making ex­ to annul the commercial clauses of that from various sources, including $5,858
This will place a larger quantity in
aminations, investigations, and passing convention, which would be in har­ annuity from the government.
the visible supply and give th«
Two Hundred Thousand Dollar, to Aid
He reports a great deal of confusioa bulls a chance to see what there actual­
upon the claims, the difference be- mony with the views long cherished
Starving Yukonrr..
tweeen the two rates resting entirely by many of our public men, but the among the Indians who claim to own ly is and enable them to make better
Washington, Dec. 21.—Both houses upon the affidavit of the applicant. political clauses of that treaty present land of dead alottees, as 116 have died : plans for the future.
They are two in Since the allotment was completed,
of congress today passed the joint reso­ The saving to the government would a different question.
Portland Market.
lution for the relief of miners in the amount to more than the deficit hat number:
making about 9,000 acres of land for
“First, a stipulation on the part of the Indians to quarrel over. In some
Wheat—Walla Walla, 74 @ 75c; Val­
Yukon valley, Alaska, and in a short ever been in one year and four-fifths ol
time it had leceived the signature of the present pensioners among the old Hawaii not to lease, dispose or create caBes there is no question as to who are ley and Bluestem, 77 @ 78c per busheL
Four—Best grades, $4.25; graham,
the president.
soldiers themselves would not be in­ any lien upon any port, harbor, or the legal heirs; but in the majority
The bill appropriates $200,000, to be juriously affected, while about 200,000 other territory to any other govern­ there are a number of claimants, and $3.40; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats—Choice white, 35@36c; choie*
expended under direction of the secre­ veteraus who do not receive a pension ment, and, second, to grant to the it is very difficult to determine the re­
tary of war in the purchase of supplies now would be entitlted to one. under United States the exclusive right to lationship of any of the claimants. gray, 83@34c per bushel.
Eearl harbor as a coaling and naval The agent says it is a means of consid­
Barley—Feed barley, $19@20; brew­
for the relief of the people in the Yu­ the provision of the bill.
kon country or other mining regions of
erable annoyance, and will grow more ing, $20 per ton.
“The first of these political clauses so unless some simpler and Jess expen­
MiUstiffs—Bran, $17 per ton; mid­
Alaska, and for the transportation and
might terminate with the treatyr and sive method of adjustment is devised. dlings, $21; shorts, $18.
distribution of such supplies, piovided
Hay—Timothy, $12.50@13; clover,
that, if the consent of the Canadian Alooliol in ths Arts the Subject of a after the rejection of annexation it At present, application is made to the
Debate in the Senate.
would be inconsistent on our part to in­ state courts to determine who are the $ 10@ 11; California wheat, $10; do
government be obtained, the secretary
of war may extend the relief into Can­
Washington, Dec. 20.—A spirited sist upon its maintenance. The second heirs, ami it is usually so expensive oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9@10 pea
adian territory. The resolution fur­ debate was precipitated in the senate clause, however, is held by the senators that it excludes the Indian from any ton.
Eggs—186325c per dozen.
ther provides that the supplies may be today by the submission by Platt ol who ratified the treaty to be a per­ means of determining his rights.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 55 @600».
sold in that region at such prices as Connecticut of the report of the special manent grant. The renunciation of
Mr. Gaither reports gratifying work
may be fixed by the secretary of war, or joint committee of the senate and house the reciprocity treaty would still leave from the schools, and says that there is fair to good, 45@50c; dairy, 40@50*
donated to those unable to pay for appointed to investigate the use of al­ us with the grant of Pearl harbor. It not sufficient room in the buildings at per roll.
Cheese — Oregon,
them. The secretary of war is author­ cohol in the arts. It developed that a is the only place suitable for a naval the present time.
ized to use the United States army in wide divergence of opinion existed station in those islands or anywhere
Andrew Kershaw, the superintendent America, 12J«c; California, 9@10*
carrying into effect the provisions of among the senators as the practicabil­ within a radius of 2,000 miles.
in charge of the Grande Ronds agenoy, per pound.
“Whatever may be the sentiment of ■ays there has been steady progress in
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $1.750
the act, to import reindeer and drivers ity, from the point of view of the gov­
for the transportation of supplies, and ernment revenue, of reducing the pres­ the American people as to annexation, the school work there, and he also 2.25 per dozen; broilers, $2.00@2.50;
to adopt such other provisions as aro ent tax upon acohol used in the arts. I doubt whether any considerable body ■peaks very highly of the industrial geese, $5.50@6.50: ducks, $4.00 @5.0#
practicable. The secretary is directed, Hoar, who favors such a reduction, ex­ of them would approve of the surrender work of the pupils. He shows that per dozen; turkeys, live, 10@llc per
when the work shall have been com­ pressed the opinion that if congress at this very valuable station for our there has been a decrease in thepoplua- pound.
Potatoes—Oregon Burbanks, 35@45e
pleted, to sell the reindeer or turn would lay aside political considerations growing navy, and for which wo havo tion during the year, but the reserva­
per Back; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
them over to the secretary of the inter­ and deal with the liquor question paid so dear a price in our reciprocity tion is in general good order.
Onions—Oregon, new, red, 90c; yel­
ior, in his discretion, anil to make a courageously and honestly by the im­ arrangements. And yet, with the re­
Oregon Notes.
low, 80c per cental.
detailed report to congress at the be­ position of an additional tax of a dollar jection of annexation we must look for­
During November, 312 carload lot#
Hops—5@ 14c per pound for new
ginning of the next session of such dis­ a barrel on beer, the question of the ward to the oertainty of its eventual
bursements made and results accom­ government’s revenue would take care surrender, as its occupation by us of freight were shipped over the Elgin crop; 1896 crop, 4 @ 6c.
Wool—Valley, 14@16c per pound;
plished under the act.
of itself. Vest strenuously opposed would be impossible with the islands branch of the O. R. & N.
under the domination of another pow­
The stockyards at the Linnton can­ Eastern Oregon, 7@12o; mohair, 20
A Northwestern Wreck.
nery have become a great resort for ' @22c per pound.
resolution, accepting the invitation of erful government.
“Even if the treaty is rejected by seagulls and crows. Hundreds of those
Vail, la., Dec. 21.—The overland Norway to varticipate in an interna­
Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wether«
limited on the Chicago & Northwest­ tional fisheries exposition next year, the Uuited States, it will not be diffi­ birds haunt the yards in search of food. and ewes, $3.50; dressed mutton,
cult for the present Hawaiian govern­
ern, which left Chicago last night, ran was passed.
The authorities of Lakeview, in Lake 5o; spring lambs, 5J^c per pound.
into an open switch near here at 6
Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $4.00;
Under a special order, 138 private ment to maintain itself against local county, are improving the street« of
o'clock this morning. The mail-catch, pension bills were passed.
opposition. The property interests, that town with gravel. It is estimated light and feeders, $3.00 @4.00; dressed,
which are almost exclusively held by that the cost of the improvements will $4.50@5.00 per 100 pounds.
it seems, flew out of the mail couch,
which was next to the engine. The
The house today completed the con­ the white residents and foreigners, will be $600.
Beef—Gros«, top steers, $2.75 633.00;
catch struck the switch lever, brose it sideration of the legislative, executive control the government so long as it
The Lane county rock crusher is at cows, $2.25; dressed beef, 4@55«c per
off and opened the switch. The train •nd judicial appropriation bill, ex­ maintains its independence. But it is work near Goshen, where rock is being pound.
was going at the rate of 60 miles an cepting the paragraph relating to civil plain that the islands cannot long crusher! to repair the road near Camas
Veal—Large, 4%@5o; small, 5j<0
hour. The engine and mail car re­ service. By agreement, the debate on maintain their autonomy. The pres­ swale. About 800 feet of new road 6c per pound.
mained on the track, but the buffet this latter paragraph will go over until ent most threatening danger is from will be built.
Seattle Market.
car, two sleepers and two coaches were after the holidays. Two amendment! Japan. That oountry may be perfectly
An Ashland man is over among the
Butter — Fancy native creamery,
completely overturned on the prairie. were adopted. The bill, as reported, sincere in its declaration that it doos
Everybody on board was knocked about abolishes the assay office at Deadwood, not seek the annexation of the islands, Klamath Indians, endeavoring to gather brick, 28c; ranch, 16@18c.
considerably, and many were scratched 8. D., and the mints at Carson City but the curient events, if not checked, 100 dogs to be sent to Alaska in the j Cheese—Native Washington, 12X«*
spring. The dogs of the Indians being California, 9^c.
and bruised, but no person was killed and New Orleans. Today, the repre­ will lead inevitably to that result.
Eggs—Fresh ranch, 28c.
“But I do not think the islands will accustomed to hardships and food ef
or apparently seriously injured. A sentatives of the two former state!
Poultry—Chickens, live, per pound,
wrecking train was sent to the wreck, made a vigorous and successful fight to pass under the dominion of Japan. dried fish arer thought to be hardy
hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.500
and within a short time the passengers keep the appropriations for Deadwood If the people of American origin now enough for the northern climate.
Residents of Wallowa county report 8 00; ducks, $3.50@8.75.
were on their way to Ornaiia.
and Carson City. The appropriation in control of the government are reject­
Wheat—Feed wheat, $22 per ton.
committee was beaten in eaoh instance. ed by congress, they will, in my opin­ a run of salmon which began within
Oats—Choice, per ton, $19@2O.
Report Blame* Indians.
ion, turn to their kinsmen, the English the past week. A run of salmon this
Warship Sent to Navassa.
Corn—Whole, $22; cracked, per ton,
Denver, Dec. 31 —D. C. Beaman,
late in the season is very unusual la
New York, Deo. 20.—A special to and Canadians. They have learned that oounty. The fish are large and $22; feed meal, $22 per ton.
Josiah Walbridge and Charles E. No­
ble, the commission appointed by Gov­ the Herald from Washington says: Britain that wherever the British flag have deep red sides, and have other ! Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
ernor Adams to investigate the recent The investigation of the conditions ex­ goes there follows low taxation, jpst unusual characteristics.
They ars $22; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef,
Indian troubles in the vicinity of Lily isting on Navassa island will be begun laws and honest governmenL
headed for Wallowa lake and are very
steers, 6c; cows, 5*^c; mutton sheep,
Parx, filed their report with the gov­ by Commander McCall, commanding
ernor this afternoon. The report is an the cruiser Marblehead, on Monday ol the purpose of the present Hawaiian
The Santiam News gives the follow­ 7c; (Kirk, 7c; veal, small, 7.
Fresh Fish—Halibut, 5@6c: salmon,
almost complete vindication of the next week, it being claimed that la­ rulers, I feel sure that when it is ing account of the courageous efforts of
game wardens, and shows that the In­ borers are treated in an inhuman man- finally determined that they are not to Mrs. Mack, who resides near that 3c; salmon trout, 7@10c; flounder*
dians were alone responsible for the ■er. At the same time there is no in­ be annexed to the United States, they place, in trying to save her little son, and sole, 8@4; ling cod, 4@5; rock cod,
bloody conflict in Routt county last tention on the part of the authoritiea will lose no time in opening negotia­ Frank, from drowning. The lad was 5c; smelt, 2}^@4c.
Fresh Fruit—Apples, 50c@$1.25 per
month, in which several of their num­ to leave American interests in Hayti tions with Great Britain, and the re­ dragging a plank on a footlog, crossing
unguarded. Orders have been issue«]
ber were killed.
a deep but narrow stream, between box; ¡leaches, 75 @ 80c; prunes, 85 @40»;
by Secretary Long directing the Detroit
their house and the residence of Mr. A. [ pears, 75c@$l per box.
to leave Key West on Monday next for ■low nor uncertain.
A Boston Rumor.
•an Franeleco Market.
Biggs, who lives near, and in sums
Boston, Dec. 21.—A prominent Ger­ Port au Prince to relieve the Marble­ ■ighted of our statesmen, declared in way fell in the stream. The youngest
Nevada 11 @ 18c; Oregon, 1*
man-American merchant of this city head. The Marblehead will go on the the senate a quarter of a century ago: boy, Wallace, screamed for hie mother, @14c; Northern 7@8c per pound.
has received a private cipher cable
Hops—10@14c per pound.
'The Pacifio ocean, its shores, its who came running to their assistance,
from German capitalists advising him arrives, when the Marblehead will be islands and the vast regions beyond and jumped into the stream to save ths
Millstuffs—Middlings, $206423; Cal­
to sell out all his holdings in Boston ■ent to Navassa island.
will become the chief theater of «vents now drowning boy. Rhe missed him ifornia bran, $17.00@ 18.00 per ton.
immediately. It is rumored that the
as he floated past, got in deep water I Onions—New red. 70@80c; do new
in the world’s history.”
Ottawa. Ont., Dec. 20.—Tho resi­
cable disclosed a startling coup planned
herself, and but for the timely assist­ silverskin, $1.90642.00 per cental.
by Germany, and exposed the secret dence of Patrick Leahy burned early
ance of Mr. Biggs would have drowned.
Figgs—Store, **0M»} ranch, 270
San Juan, Porto Rico, Dec. SO.— Hhe was rescued with difficulty, just 80c; Eastern, 14 @19; duck, 20 @ 25c per
destination of the mysterious German this morning, and five of his children,
fleet. According to the dispatch, the the oldest but 9 years, perished. Mrs.
as she was sinking the last time. The dozen.
fleet is really being sent to threaten Leahy and a boy named Frank, aged 5, gent leader, who was recently released boy floated down stream till in coming
Citrus Fruit—Oranges, Valencia«^
the United States, and secure absolute were Baved. It is supposed Leahy from Cabanas fortress by royal pardon, in contact with some overhanging $1.50@8.00; Mexican limes, $2.000
supremacy of the Pacific by seizuie of dropped a lighted lamp, which he wal arrived here bound for Cadis, he was willows, he managed to pull himself 3.00; California lemons, choice, $1.75
accustomed to carry around the house. not allowed to land. A tailor was sent ashore.
Hawaii and f amoa.
642.25; do common, 50c«4$1 per box.
for and went aboard, taking clothing
Earthquake In Italy.
Cheese—Fancy mild, new, 12 J^c; fair
Madrid, Dec. 20.—The man who for General Rivera.
Reaside, Clatsop county, Thursday, but to good, 7@8c per pound..
Rome, Dec. 21.—Strong earthquake
Hay—Wheat, 12@14; wheat and
during the high tide the wind blew th«
shocks lasting twelve seconds were felt was found the other day in a ditch near
Loe Angeles, Dec. 20.—The relative« waves high upon the beach, and one i oat, $11 @14; oat, $IO@ 12; river bar­
this morning. In central Italy the Sargossa with hands and feet tied and
walls of bouses split, many chimneys dressed as a woman, and who had of Ira F. Hodson, the Mankato, Kan., unusually large one broke over the I ley. $7@8; Itest barlev, $10@lS;
fell, bells rang and a panic prevailed traveled with General Weyler, has man who has disappeared in Southern knoll near the bathhouses and sent alfalfa, *8.50@10; clover. $8.50@l0.
confessed that he was tied and dressed California, went to Riverside yesterday tons of water into*the camping grove,
Fresh Fruit—Apples, 25c@$1.25 per
among the inhabitants.
in woman’s clothing by three memliers to settle the question of identification The water ran back as far as the Estes, large box; grapes, 25@50c; Isabella,
New York, Dec. 21.—While Mrs. of a secret society trees use lie had failed of the man found murdered there. Allen and Kopp cottages. A number 6O@75c; peaches, 50c@$l; pears, 7*0
Margaret Spencer was cooking on an oil to assassinate General Weyler. The They failed to identify the remains al of people were watching the surf at th« |1 per box; plume, 20@35a
stove toaight, her pet dog ujieet the latter says lie was warned of the plot those of Hodson, although several per­ time, and many of them received • | Butter — Fancy
creamery, 80e;
stove. An explosion fol lower I, and the •nd was conscious through the journey sons, wbo saw a photograph of the mur­ ducking, but none were injured, and i do seconds, 24@25c; fancy dairy, 260
woman was so badly burned that she that be was being followed by an as­ dered man were positive it was Hod­ the damage to property was compara­ 17c; good to choice, 22@24c per pound.
tively slight.
I Potatoe»—New, la boxes, 35 @ 85c.