The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 24, 1897, Image 2

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    Yamhill County Reporter
F. fl. RAKNHAKT. Publlaher.
McMINN VILLE...................... OREGON.
faH n routing Collection of Currant Event®
In Condensed
Both Continent«.
Mo appointments will be made by
tile president during the recess of con­
gress except in case of emergency. De-
■pite Die announcement of this fact,
tiie number of visitors at the White
House are unusually large.
The long-continued cold and heavy
now of the past month are beginning
u> have a serious effect upon sheep in
Wyoming, and it is feared that, unless
there is a break in the weather soon,
•lie losses will be heavy.
refiort that a number have alrea iy
The controller of the currency has
received information of the failure of
the First National bank, of Pembina,
N. D. The bank has a capital of $50,-
000, and, according to its last state­
ment, had deposits aggregating $95, •
Bank Examiner Anheiser lias
been placed in charge.
Mr. Coffin, the acting controller of
the currency has called attention to the
fact that the retirement of national bank
notes during the first 20 days of Decern
ber reached the sum of $3,000,000.
This is Baid to be the first time during
the last 10 years that the voluntary re.
tirement lias reached this amount in
any one month.
After a week of conference in Bos­
ton, Justices Putnam and King, the
•ommissioners for tiie United States
and Canada, respectively, in the arbi­
tration of the Behring sea claims, have
eompleted their work for tlm present,
and it is understood will soon begin
the preparation of their reports to their
respective governments.
The first meeting of the National
Building Trades Council was held at
Mt. Louie, and was marked by a scath­
ing denunciation of the American Fed­
eration of Labor for having passed a
resolution at Nashville opposing the
formation of the national council. Tha
Federation of Labor opposed the new
organization ns tending to create a fur­
ther division in the ranks of labor.
Fireman Martin J. Oakley was killed
at a tire in a live story tenement on
East Forty-fourth street, New York
eaty. Oakley was suffocated by smoke
and escaping gas. Assistant Fireman
'Thomas Head, James Davis and Peter
Connelly, of the same company, were
Tendered unconscious
by inhaling
auioke ami gas, and were with diffi-
aulty revived. They are in hospitals,
smd their condition is serious.
While skating on the ice near Gard­
ner, Miss., three young people sudden­
ly broke through, and before assistance
«ould reach them were drowned.
At Tonawanda, N. Y., while a party
were skating, the ice gave way and
precipitated four young people into the
water. Three of them were drowned.
China approves of the Russian fleet
wintering nt Port Arthur, being per
mailed that this action is taken in the
interest of China, and necessitated by
the German occupation of Kiao Chou.
A rate war is on between the various
river transportation linos running to
The Dalles. A reduction of fare from
The Dalles to Portland is the result.
Thia cut in rates has been looked for
by the public since the opposition line
was put on, some two months ago.
F. M. Gideon, the clerk of the gen­
eral land office, who was referred to
by Th omas Haddington in the testi­
mony before the senate Pacific railroad
changed the land-office records so as to
throw 5,000,000 acres of government
laud to the Southern Paeilic, has made
• dear denial of the charge.
A dispatch from Christiania, Nor­
way, to tlm lamdon Chronicle, says the
political situation, since the failure of
the united committee on foreign affairs,
baa become critical, and it is feared
that Sweden will seek an occasion for
armed intervention in Norway. The
dispatch adds that the Swedish pres*
h<>|ioH for assistance from Emperor
The committee appointed at the
house civil service conference 10 dav»
ago to draft modifications of the civil
•ervice law have met and gone over
the various bills pending before the
bouse. The committee expects to have
a measure framed by the time congress
reconvenes. Its member* are o|>|«>sed
to the present law as including too
many offices within its scope.
A freight train of 21 loaded oars,
traveling down the mountain to Al­
toona. Pa., became unmanageable in
•onsequence of the slippery condition
of the tracks, making the 12 miles
from Galltiz into Altoona in as many
minutes and crashing into a freight
train directly iu front of the passenger
About 50 cars were com­
pletely broken up, and the Holidays-
burg passenger train, which was stand- -
iug on the track near the passenger
shed, was thrown over oil its side.
Three of the train crew were fatally in­
Secretary Alger lias cabled to Wil. I
liam Akellman, chief government rein­
deer herder, who is now in Norway, to
inform the war department immediate­
ly how main 600 reindeer can lie siiip|>ed
to this country. Them* are wanted for
use as draft animals in getting supplies
to the miners in the Klondike region.
They mint lie transferred at New York
to railroads, ami in that manner car*
rieii across the continent, and again hv
ana f»>m the Pacific coast up to Dyea,
K some other point that may be select­
ed m a base of ojierations.
Indlaa Territory lira»-». Keaily to Go
on the Warpath.
Member« Are A«lc«»«i Nut to Serve in tbe
National Guard.
Chicago, Dec. 23. — A special to the
Times-Herald from Washington says:
Trouble in the Indian territory is ex­
pected by the commissioner of Indian
affairs ami by others who are familiar
with the condition of affairs there. On
January 1 the tribal courts will be
i abolished by an act passed at the last
I session of congress, and the United
States courts given full jurisdiction
over tiie territory. In many quarters
the officers of the Indian courts have
ilelared that they will forcibly resist all
efforts to prevent them from doing
business. The United States marshals
have given notice that any tribal .... .
attempting to sit, and those assuming
to conduct them will be arrested.
A delegation of eight Cherokees,
seven of them full-bloods, is now in
the city. A few days ago they pre­
sented a memorial to eWigress asking'
that the law be rescinded, but congress
has now adjourned without action, and
when it again convenes the Indian
courts will be out of existence.
Meanwhile the Hubcommittee of the
senate committee on Indian affairs,
appointed to consider the problem pre­
sented in the territory, practically de­
cided to recommend an amendment to
the law applying to the apportionment
of all lands held by the five civilized
tribes among the members of these
tribes, and also an amendment pro­
viding that all valid leases shall be
recognized by the government of the
United States and the money paid on
account of them covered into the treas­
ury of tiie United States for the bepefit
of the various tribes.
The Dawes commission has reported
its failure to come to any conclusion
with the Indians. Such agreements
as have been concluded vary so in their
provisions, that, in view of the fact
that eventually a uniform system of
government must be provided for In­
territory, it is questionable
whether any of the agreements should
be definitely ratified by congress until
the desired and necessary uniformity
can be reached.
Secretary Bliss thinks no government
will be satisfactory until congress shall
provide for a single uniform system of
laws for the Indian territory that sliall
place all its inhabitants in possession
of tiie rights of American citizenship.
Chicago, Dec.22.—The Tinies- Herald
aays: Trades unionists are required
by the Chicago Feileration of Labor to
leave the National Guard at once.
This was the unanimous decision
reached by the delegates at tboir week­
MERMOD A JACCARD, IN ST. LOUIS ly meeting. It was said without con­
tradiction that a union man could not
consistently serve in the militia and
Au Jmmen»« stock of Costly Goods incur the risk of lieing called out to
shoot down fellow trades unionists who
Lost—Another Bad Blaze Iu
were on a strike for the betterment of
Graud Forks.
their condition.
So, every trades
St. Louis, Dec. 21. — A fire started in unionist who is now a member of the
the basement of the building occupied ' National Guard will be required to se­
by the Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry cure a discharge from military service
Company, at the corner of Locust and at once.
Broadway, early this morning, and in
Delegate P. J. Hassett started it all
an almost incredibly short time the with a motion to compel trades union-
five-story building was completely ! ists to leave tbe National Guard. An
The total loss will reach amendment by McPhee was offered to
$335,000, fully covered by insurance.
iiave every workman enlist and learn
Tbe fire bad been burning some time how to handle a gun. This was lost,
before it was discovered at 4:40 o’clock, and a less warlike substitute was
and at 5 P. M. the south wall and all offered by Delegate B. P. Williams,
the floors began falling, making one of , "that a request be made to all union
the fiercest and quickest fires in the an­ men now in the militia to get out of
nals of the city. Next to the boiler tbe service." A second motion was
room in the basement was a room used ■ offered by Delegate Williams and
for packing. It is thought that the passed, urging all union men who are
tire started iu the boiler room, com­ not members of the militia to refrain
municating to the packing-room, and from enlisting. General Miles’ sug­
shooting up the elevator shaft, quick­ gestion of guns for the postoffice was
ly spread over the building. W. A. denounced as a shadow of coming
Rutledge, the engineer, and his family, events. The tocsin was sounded that
lived on the fourth floor. They barely capital was organizing and that labor
escaped with their lives. The firemen should be prepared.
The delegates
dragged them, unconscious, from their later declared their opposition to the
beds and carried them down the fire creation of tbe proposed new cabinet
escape. Five minutes later tbe floors position of secretary of commerce and
fell. Several other tenants in tbe industry. The adverse report ofj tbe
building had narrow escapes, but there committee to which the subject bad
were no fatalities.
been referred was sustained.
/The Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry
A motion was passed favoring the
Company is one of the largest in tiie creation of a cabinet department of la-
world, and it being Christmas season, i bor.
they carried an immense stock. One-
Reports from Nashville indicating
half of the stock had been placed In the the triumph of a movement for an
two large vaults and was saved.
' eight-hour working day evoked much
The Model Cloak Company, in the enthusiasm.
northeast corner of the building, was
wiped out, sustaining a loss of $50,000,
on wd>ich there is insurance of three-
Strong Room of the City of Washington
The Mermod & Jaccard Company oc­
B urgla rized.
cupied but two floors and basement of
New York, Dec. 22.—The Work,
tiie structure. On the fifth floor was
says: The Ward liner City of Wash­
the repair shop. A large amount of the
ington, that sailed from Vera Cruz De­
repair work had been finished, and
cember 1, has arrived in this port, car­
most of it was saved by the salvage
rying in ber strong room $600,000 in
corps. The corps also saved a dozen or
Mexican coin. This was not an un­
more grandfather clocks, ranging in
usually large shipment of treasure for
value from $500 to $1,800 each, and
the Ward line to handle, and no one in
many old Vienna vases and valuab.e
I authority dreamed of danger.
pieces of pottery.
The silverware,
Nevertheless, during the voyage tbe
melted by the heat, will be found un­
strong room, built to withstand tbe at­
der the debris of fallen timbers. On
tacks of almost everything but dyna­
the first floor, left out of tbe vaults,
mite, and located so as to be under
were clocks, silverware, china, art pot­
constant observation, was broken into.
tery, cut glassware and other articles,
Only $3,000 was taken by the robbers,
all of which will be a total loss.
but the general impression is that tbe
There were over 40 tenants in the
scheme of tbe thieves was to seize tbe
building, whose losseH range from $500
entire treasure.
to $4,000. They were partially in­
Every effort has been made to keep
tbe matter quiet, so that the strong
The jewelry firm carried insurance
force of detectives put upon tbe case by
to tbe amount of $400,000, which, if
the company might work to the best
the stock in tbe vaults is found intact,
will amply cover the loss sustained.
A. G. Smith, the company’s secre­
The building wa* owned by the estate
tary, admitted that the robbery bad
of the late Luther M. Kennett, but un­
der lease to the Mermod & Jaccard been attempted.
Company. The firm estimates the value
of the building at $125,000, upon
which there was insurance of $105,000. Proposed Innovation for the Chicago
Late tonight the burued-out firm de­
cided to continue in business, and to­
Chicago, Dec. 22.—Pneumatic tubes
morrow will take possession of the store
and stock of another leading jeweler of for the mail service of Chicago will be
this city, which they have bought. in operation between tbe depots, sub- I
The firm that goes out of business is stations and the general office before '
long. This is tiie word Postmaster
that of A. Kurtzborn & Sons.
Gordon brought with him from Wash- I
ington. After a month's absence in the !
Another Fire at Grand Forks.
Grand Forks, N. D., Dec. 21.—The East, Mr. Gordon arrived in Chicago
business portion of the city was threat­ last evening, after having conferred
ened by another firu tonight, which with Senator Mason, Congressman Foss ;
might have been more destructive than and President McKinley.
In addition to tbe tubes, Mr. Gordon |
that of Friday, when tbe Hotel Dakota
and the Mercantile Company and Nash will also establish a special delivery
Bros.’buildings were burned. Shortly service, which he promises will be a '
after 6 o’clock, smoke was seen issuing groat help to the business men of this
from the floor of the department store city.
Mr. Gordon investigated the pneu­
of Benner & Begg, and in less than 15
minutes the building was in flames, matic tubes in Boston, New York ami
and the fire had crept into the Stanch- ' Philadelphia. He was much pleased
field clothing house and the IL A. j with their operation.
Mr. Gordon is sure the corner-stone
Stone jewelry store, in building ad- I
joining. After three hours work the of tbe new postoffice building will be
tire was subdued. The damage to the j laid either July 4, or October 9. If
building and stock of Benner & Begg tbe latter date is chosen, the famous
will be $55,000. Losses to tbe other society of the Ancient and Honorable
Artillery of Boston will attend, as well
firms will be small.
as President McKinley, Postmaster-
General Gary and Secretary Gage, who
will lay the corner-stone.
Ex-Secretary Herbert’« Daughter Com­
mit« Suicide.
Washington. Dec. 23.—Miss Lelia
Herbert, daughter of the ex-secretarv
of the navy, died at her home in this
city this morning, as the result of a
fall from the third story of her home
on New Hampshire avenue, iu the most
fashionable part of the city.
The sudden death and the tragic
features surrounding it were a great
shock to the large circle of friends she
bud made in Washington.
Her death was traceable indirectly
to an accident while horseback riding
in her native state, Alabama, about
two mouths ago. This morning she
was unusually bright and cheerful.
Shortly before 10 o’clock she dressed
to go down stairs, but instead of de­
scending went to a rear room of the
third story, from which she fell, sus­
taining injuries which caused her
The death was reported to police
headquarters as a case of suicide, duo
to melancholy and temporary aberra­
tion of mind as the result of a long
Miss Herbert was the eldest of ex­
Secretary Herbert’s three children,
and was a charming figure in Wash­
ington society. Socially she was ex­
ceedingly popular, and her presence
was sought at all gatherings.
Her so­
cial triumphs here were repeated in
Europe, where she went to attend the
great naval demonstration, at Kiel.
Within the past year she has not en­
joyed robust health, hut this only in
iluced her to redouble her devotion to
out-of-door sports and exercises, and it
was while regaining her health by out­
door riding that she met with the ac­
cident that indirectly resulted in tier
The coroner returned a verdict of
suicide through teni|>orary insanity.
As the facts were clear, he decided that
an nquest was unnecessary.
The Turk Apologised.
Constantinople, Dee. 23. — It appears
that when the United States steamer
Bancroft arrived at Smyrna on the
night of December 2, she was greeted
with a blank cannon soot and rifle
bullets from the fort of Venikle. A
boat sent from the warship to ask for
an explanation was tired upon anil
forced to return.
Thereupon the
American admiral lodged a protest with
the United States minister here, Dr.
Angell,who demanded the punishment
of the guilty | arties and an apology
from the Turkish government, which
was given Sunday. In addition two
Turkish officers were dimissed and sen­
tenced to a week’s imprisonment.
The Newport at Greytown.
Washington, Deo. 23.—A dispatch
from Greytown, Nicaragua, announces
the safe arrival at that port of the gun­
boat Newport with the members of the
Nicaraguan canal commission on board.
All the members of the party were well
and the voyage had been pleasant and
Durrant Still Fighting.
San Francisco, Dec. 22.—The father
of Theodore Durrant, the condemned
murder, says:
"We have not given up the fight for
tny son’s life. We will try to get a
writ of error from the state supreme
c< urt to tbe United States supreme
court. If this is denied we can go di­
rect to the latter court and make the
application. That is, if we can raise
the money, for the expense of this liti­
gation has impoverished us."
Largest Jewelry Store in the
World Destroyed.
llornrn NV ould Be Better Than
Reindeer for Relief Expedition.
The Fighting German«.
Berlin, Dec. 22.—The Arbiter Zei-
tung reports an unprovoked attack by
a party of office)», including Chevalier
d’Ansel and Lieutenant WitHchin, on
a number of civilians in the Cafe
Raphael, at Krema, Austria. Three
civilians were badly wounded with
swords before the police stopped the
fray. When aaked to pay the bill.
Lieutenant d’Anael struck the waiter
with his sword. Tbe officers were not j
Seattle, Dee. 21.—Jack Dalton, the
well-known Alaskan proepector, after
whom tbe Dalton trail is named, in an
interview tonight, speaking of the
proposed relief expedition of the gov­
ernment to Alaska, said:
“The proposal to lisa reindeer teams
does not strike mo as being the right
thing. Horses can be used to much
(letter advantage. Instead of reindeer,
the department ought to get together a
large number of hardy horses, and ,
sufficient food should be taken along to
Csech« and Soldier« Fighting.
feed them. They can do much better
London, Dee. 2?.—A dispatch from
work than reindeer. I would use sleds Vienna to the Telegraph reports there
for carrying the food for the men and have been sanguinary conflicts at sev- J
provender for the horses. To handle a eral barracks in Prague during the last
reindeer expedition successfully it few day* between Czech* and German
would be necessary to have relay sta­ soldiers. Twenty-five men have been '
tions established a day's journey apart, seriously wounded.
The authorities
with food for tbe animals at these sta­ confiscated the Czech newspapers that
reported the affrays.
Mr. Dalton, speaking of tbe best |
route by which to take relief, said that
Walla Walla, Wash.. Dec. 21.—The
he would go over the Chilkoot pa«n an»t committee of citizens that has been so­
then down the lakes and the Yukon liciting funds for the purpose of send­
river over the ice.
ing two representatives to Washington
I’late-Gla.a Strike Ended.
Kokomo, Ind., Dec. 21.—The plate­
glass strike is over, the 1,600 men in
the Kokomo and Elwood plants hav­
ing accepted the company’a proposition
for polishers to be paid for piece work.
Both factorisa will resume operation*
thia week.
to look after Walla Walla’s interests
in the matter of the alleged report re- i
garding tbe abandonment of Fort Walla
Walla will oomplete ita labors Mon­
day. The committee has been very
successful, and has secured sufficient
money to defray the necessary expenses.
The delegates will probably leave for
Washington after the holidays.
Cubans Hang Colonel Ruiz,
a Spaniard.
Are Safely Landed-Major Fer­
nandez Was Murdered.
Canadian Custom« Commissioner Givee
Out Regulations»
Washington, Dec. 22.—A response
has been received to a recent letter
from Secretary Gage to tbe commis­
sioner of customs, requesting informa­
tion as to the bonding of miners’ outfits
through Canadian territory on the
route from Juneau by way of the Chil­
koot pass and the Yukon river to Circle
City. The commissioner says that tiie
following regulations have been pre­
pared to meet the case:
Imported goods, as above described,
shall be reported to the Canadian cus­
tom-house at Tagish, and may be en­
tered for exportation there in the usual
form, "in transit," in duplicate. Tiie
goods may then be delivered without
payment of duty to be carried to their
destination out of Canada by any tran­
sportation company which has duly
executed a bond in tbe form prescribed
by the minister of customs for the due
and faithful delivery of all packages
carried by such company and for the
general compliance with the customs
laws and regulations governing eucli
A duplicate of the entry in transit,
duly signed and marked with tiie proper
customs stamp, shall accompany each
shipment of goods conveyed by a bond­
ed carrier, so that the same may be re­
turned to the custom-house at Fort
Cudahy with a certificate thereon as to
the landing of tbe goods in the United
States, or of tiieir having passed out-
waid from Canada, within six months
from the date of the entry.
If the goods, when entered in transit
for exportation, are not delivered to be
forwarded by a bonded carrier, as pro­
vided in the last proceeding section,
the duty thereon is to be deposited with
-the customs officer at Lake Tagish,
subject to a refund of same at tbe port
of Fort Cudahy, when the goods pass
outward tiiereat, or upon the certificate
of an officer of the United States, or of
the Canadian customs, that the said
goods have been landed in tbe United
States within six months from the date
of entry. The duty deposited on such
is to be indorsed on the entry and cer­
tified by the customs officer in charge,
and the duplicate of the entry, duty cer­
tified and marked with the customs
stamp, is to be delivered to the person
making the deposit.
A report of such entry in transit
shall be forwarded by mail without de­
lay by tbe customs officers at tbe send­
ing port to tbe collector of customs at
Fort Cudahy, for the collection of du­
ties on the goods entered in transit and
not duly exported.
The articles
ususally classified as travelers’ baggage
are to be passed free, without entry.
Commissioner McDougall, in a letter
accompanying these regulations, says
that they are framed with the.deaire to
afford the utmost facilities for traffic
in question, com patible witb’security
to the revenue. He further says:
“Responsible transportation com­
panies will be soon in operation for the
conveyance of goods over the Chilkoot
and other passes down the Yukon river
and its tributaries, in which case
United States goods may go forward
into Alaska without payment of du­
New Yoik, Dec. 20.—A Herald dis­
patch from Havana savs: Much anxiety
is felt for the safety of Lieutenant-Col­
onel Joaquin Ruiz, aide-de-camp to
General Blanco, who, it is said, has
met death as the penalty for hearing a
proposition for surrender to a rebel
camp. It seems that Colonel Ruiz is
a personal friend of Colonel Aranguen,
who was employed by him before the
war, when Colonel Ruiz was engineer
iu charge of tbe Vento water works.
Recently, under orders from General
Blanco, Colonel Ruiz opened corre­
spondence with Colonel Aranguen,
with the object of arranging an inter­
view. Colonel Aranguen wrote that
he would meet tiie colonel if the latter
oulv desired to talk on personal affairs,
to which the colonel replied that he
wished to talk about political matters.
Colonel Aranguen wrote, that he would
absolutely retuse to receive him on
these condition, and called his atten­
tion earnestly to General Gomez’ order
that ail persons entering insurgent
camps to offer terms of surrender
should be put to death. He assured
Colonel Ruiz that he was prepared to
carry out Gomez’ orders to the letter,
and that while he esteemed him highly
as an old friend, he would hang him if
lie neglected the warning.
In spite of this, Colonel Ruiz started
alone on Sunday for Colonel Aran-
guen’s camp, deteriiuned to risk all in
the attempt. On leaving he said if he
bad not returned by Tuesday night be
might be given up as dead. So far
nothing has been heard of* him, and
there is little room for doubt that tbe
insurgent leader has put bis threat
into execution.
If this be true, much regret will be
felt even in Cuban circles in Havana,
where Colonel Ruiz was well known as
a gallant soldier and an accomplished
gentleman, but it is pointeii out that
his death will have a good effect as
showing the indomitable spirit animat­
ing the insurgent leaders.
Major Fernandez, better known as
Pitore, the insurgent leader, who. ac­
cording to official reports, was slain in
combat with Spanish troops, was really
killed while ill and helpless awaiting
an opportunity to surrender to Thomas
Garcia, recently autonomist alcalde of
Guiñes, an old friend. Pitore being
dangerously ill, applied to him to ar­
range terms for his surrender. Garcia
caused him to be taken to the Cancio
estate, where he made him comfortable
and arranged to have a detail of Spanish
troops sent to bring him to the hospital
in the town. Instead the troops went
to the country and butchered the man.
Señor Garcia is infuriated at this
breach of faith, and lias declared bis in­
tention of coming to Havana to lay the
matter before General Blanco and de­ Dispute Between the United State« and
mand the punishment of the officer re­
and the State of Texas.
sponsible for the murder.
Chicago, Dec. 22. — A special to the
The battle of Guisa appears now to Chronicle from Fort Worth, Tex., says:
have been a more important insurgent The state of Texas and the United
success than was at first supposed. Ad­ States government are in conflict over
vices received by the junta state that a piece of ground on the east end of
the insurgents captured 270 Mausers, Galveston island, on which is located
220,000 cartridges and 116 prisoners. the state quarantine station and which
General Calixoto Garcia has sent word has been taken possession of by the
to General Pando that he will only re­ federal authorities, who intern! erecting
lease tbe prisoners umler solemn pledge a torpedo station thereon.
signed by General Bianco that they
Tbe United States claims it under
will be sent back to Spain. He com­ the terms of tbe Texas annexation
plains that after the capture of Las treaty, which requires the ceding to the
Tunas the prisoners released on parole government by the republic of Texas
were sent back to the ranks.
of all lands used for the purpose of mil­
Tbe insurgents in Santa Clara prov­ itary defenses or upon which fortifica­
ince have more than 6,000 men well tions were standing. The state will
armed, and are confident of ultimate dispute the claim on the ground that
success. They are also well provisioned there were no available fortifications in
with medicine and other necessaries. existence on the ground in controversy
General Gomez is at La Reforma, at the time the treaty was made.
where he has been for nearly a year.
Leedy's Modest Scheme.
Within tbe last four days two large
Topeka, Kan., Dec. 22.—C4overnor
filibustering expeditions have safely Leedy announces that he will present
reached Cuba, one landing in a scheme to the Nebraska irrigation
province and the other at Baracoa, only convention which, if carried out, will
five leagues from Havana.
They cause tbe arid plains to blossom as the
brought clothing, medicines and dyna­ rose. A one thousand seven hundred-
mite. The rebels are now using large mile canal from Montana to Texas is
quantities of dynamite with consider­ the startling proposition to be formally
able effect.
made by Governor Leedy to the coming
General Pando, who is operating in irrigation congress. Tim purpose of
tbe east against General Garcia, has the canal would be to divert the flood
asked for reinforcements, which have of waters of the Missouri and Missis­
been sent, several battalions being sippi valleys and let them down when
withdrawn from Pinar del Rio.
The canal would tap the
General Bernai has started across Missouri river at Milk river in Montana
Pinar del Rio to Cape Antonio, where and empty into Red river in Texas.
The governor maintains incidentally
a large Istdv of rebels is congregated.
Reports from Gnira de Melena state that the cost would be oulv $360,000,-
that tbe rebels fired on the town almost 000.
I.ost Her Deck Loud.
every night.
San Francisco, Dec. 22. — The
Rebels under Colonel Colazzo and
General Rodríguez surrounded a Span­ schooner Mayflower, Captain Olsen, ar­
ish column yesterday at the Carmen rived today, 15 days from the Coquille
estate. Havana province. Spanish re­ river. The vessel had 112,000 feet of
inforcements arrived from Guiñes and lumber as a cargo when she started, but
a fierce engagement occurred.
The when she reached here she was 10,000
details are suppressed, but tbe loss is feet short of that amount. From De­
cember 3 to 14 inclusive, heavy galea
admitted to la' heavy on both sides.
Another engagement is reported to were encountered, the seas washing
have occurred December 14 near Güira completely over the schooner. It was
de Melena between Morroto and Col­ during an unusually heavy gale that
the lumber was washed away. A sea­
onel Arango’s forces.
man was at one time carried over tho
New York, Dec. 20.—The Herald side of the schooner, but was caught by
correspondent in Rio Janeiro telegraphs a wave and carried back on board
that the government authorities have again.
W»gr« Are Reduced.
seize»! a letter written by Vice-President
Peirera which proves beyond doubt
Manchester, N. H., Dec. 22.—No­
that he was at the head of the revolu­ tices of a 10 per cent reduction in
tionary movement which led to tbe re­ wages on January 1 have been posted
cent attempted assassination of Presi­ in the Amore. Stark an i Jefferson cot­
dent Moraes.
Brazilian authorities ton mills, in this city. The Amoskeag
still have cause to fear a revolution, and mills, employing 9.000 operatives,
the government baa requested Uruguay posted similar notices last week. The
to prevent the gathering of revolution­ Amore, Stark and Jefferson mill* em­
ary groups along her frontier.
ploy 11,000 operative*.