1 LOCAL NEWS. cointv < onnfWMfwTFRT. The proceedings of the commissioners J. H. Nelson, dentist. not published last week are as follows: Call on Wm. F. Dielechneider for holi­ In the matter of extending the time day goods. for the county assessor to complete the Mrs. John Newell is very ill of neural­ assessment roll for 1897. It appearing to gia of the stomach. the court that at the regular August term Kay & Todd will sell at auction every for the year 1897, the assessor, E. J. Wednesday and Saturday afternoorf Wood, appeared before this court and asked that this court fix a day certain in until further notice. Themes at the Christian church next whicii said assessment rolls should be Lord’s day : “The Whip of Small Cords,” completed and that said court at said at 11 a. m., and “Our Little Ones, or August term of this court for 1897 did then and their fix the 13th day of Sep­ SIGNATURE? How to Train Children,” at 7:30 p. m. ÄVcC c Me Prcparationfor As- tember, 1897, as the time when said roll Call and try A. D. Hoskins on boot, slmil:iiiiis’ the Food ¿ind Regula­ Will sell their entire line of Men’s should be completed, and directed the OF------ ting the Stomachs and Bowels of shoe and harness repair work. One Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes - said assessor to give the notice required door south of Transcript office. He is by statute of the meetiug of the board of I Nt AN TS ?C H ILI) KEN here to stay with us. tf equalization on said 13th day of Septem­ Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Churchill have ber, 1897; but that this court omitted to Promote s Digestion,Cheer ful­ closed their home north of loan for the make said order of record. It is there­ ness and Rest.Contains neither winter and have gone to Chicago, where fore ordered and adjudged by this court Optum.Morphine nor Mineral. Mr. Churchill will represent the chamber that a nunc pro tunc order and entry be IS ON THE N ot N arcotic . of commerce, of Portland, in an effort to now made of the action of this court in I This is a rare opportunity for you, as the Stock direct the travel to Klondike by way of fixing a day certain for the completion is entirely new and bought at the lowest price. This Portlaud.—Graphic. Mope of Old nr ÇÂMCf.7. PtTCHEll of said assessment roll. reduction will cover everything in the shoe line. E. B. Tongue of Hillsboro has been ad­ In the matter of the application of Many things have also been reduced in the Dry dlx.S.ruui * mitted to a partnership in the law prac­ county treasurer for leave to transfer fifdutU Siiti - OF EVERY Goods and Furnishing Goods line. We are closing dril l i ¿ful • tice of his father, Hon. Titos. H. Tongue. $4.40 from the general fund of the county ! ñpftmünt ~ He was educated at the state university out the following: Jh Ciut'inanSaírí * to school districts 11 and 55 to correct an ffàrmSted - BOTTLE OF and Pacific university at Forest Grove, error heretofore made in crediting same Ctanlúd Sugar . Hinâÿzw» Flaw. and is said to be a very bright young to wrong fund. It is ordered by the court 142 pr Men’s $3.50 and $3 pants at $2.75 and $2.25 man. that the sum of $4.40 be transferred from A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ 102 pr “ $1.50 and #1.25 pants at 90c and 75c. After hearing some friends continually the general fund to school districts Nos. tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ praising Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera 55 and 11 in order to correct said error. 6 Boys’ suits at 50c. ness and Loss of S leep . and Diarrhoea Remedy,Curlis Fleck, of Died—In this city, at 4 p. m. Monday, 12 Boys’ Suits at 90c. Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle Tac Simile Signature of of it for his own use and is now as en­ Dec. 13th, of typhoid fever and compli­ cations, Willie Dickinson, 14-year-old son thusiastic over its wonderful work as any c innville range armers o NEW YORK. CastorU Is put up In one-siza buttles only. It one can be. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Dickinson. has P. elson Manager. |is not cold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to cell Funeral services were conducted at the sale by 8. Iloworth & Co. yon anything else on the plea or promise that it home by Rev. Powell on Tuesday, and Ab Hill has traded for a drugstore at is “just as good” and “will answer every pur­ burial was made in Masonic cemetery. pose.” 4S* See that you get 0-A-S-T-0-B-I-A. McMinnville and is now in possession of This sudden affliction calls for sympathy The fae- it. Mrs. Hill and little Alice will follow from friends. The parents desire to ex­ liaila li oa EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. in a few days. In this change Newberg signature •very press their heartiful thanks to friends for Art ef loses some good people and the county wrapper. ’ ll _ the kindness shown them. seat makes a good gain, Lin Parker has Eva Martin has the finest line of holi­ an interest in the store, which is said to Photografs day toys in town. Parents, teachers and be well stocked.—Graphic. Mary J. Crater of Dayton precinct was Xmas tree committees should not fail to of the World adjudged insane on the 11th inst. Mrs. see them before making their selections. Crater is 57 years old, a Quaker, and be­ Prof. Lafollette has a good class in BORN lieves that her brothers are blowing en­ bookkeeping at the evening session of emy wormsand microbes on her to kill his business school. her. She has the idea that they can blow them twelve miles through a tube. An Album of The probable cause of insanity is given as separation from her husband. This is rare Photographs the first attack. of the Wonders Knowles Chapter No. 12, O. elected the following officers on Monday of the Universe. evening, Dec. 13th : Mrs. Emma Snelling, 012 Pagos. IOJ-.XI2K Inches. Weight 6' 2 lbs. W. M.; O. O. Hodson, W. P.; Miss Josie The World’s Storehouse has given up its choicest historic Gortner, associate matron; Mrs. Kate Heath, secretary; Mrs. Patty, treasurer; For More Than Fifty-Six Years it has Never Failed in its Treasures for this Book. The greatest claims for S.S.S. (Swift’s Miss Bergeta Nelson, conductress; Miss Weekly Visits to the Homes of Farmers and Specific) are made by those whom it has Frances Mann, associate conductress. cured, and after all the most valuable From the Subjects at Large We Name a Few: Villagers Throughout the United States. The installation of officers will take place reputation is one which is given by those NgW TdRX CITY East River Docks, New North Rlvor Bridge, Vanderbilt Residences. B oston : on Monday evening, Jan. 3d. Masons who speak from experience. We could CotMionWtoalth Avenu«, Boston Common, Fananil Hall. 8c«Nr.H in tiis R ockies ami Y ellow ».fuse Py»g C'Al.troHNiA Mirror Lake, Summit Rock. Big Trees, Yosemite Valley. I.tck Observe and families, members of Eastern Star publish a page of what we claim S.S.S. IT HAS faithfully labored for tlieir prosperity and happi­ will do, but the people prefer to read tory, Stanford University, Chinatown, etc. M exico Cathedrals, Bull Fighters, etc. Soi'Tit A mxbica : Statues, Cathedrals and Cemeteries. H awaii : Palaces, Groves, etc. I ndia : Great and their families invited. of what it has done, and hence we give ness, for the improvement of their business and Buddha, Taj Mahal, Temple of 600 Gods, Golden Pagoda, Temples, Mausoleums, Ruins. T he H oly The course of lectures being delivered the testimony of reputable, well-known L and : Baalbec, Damascus, Street •Straight,'' Julia Mount of Olives, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, Solo­ home interests, for education, for the elevation of mon's Ttniple, Bathlebam, River Jordan, Dead Sea. etc. A ehica : Egyptian Scenes, Temples, this week in the Christian church by people in different parts of the country, Pyramids, Ancient Cemeteries, Heiis Gibraltar, Seville, Mosque ot Cordova, Alhambra, Court of who gladly tell of how S.S.S. has cured American manhood and true womanhood. Lions. I taly : Naples uml Mt Vesuvius, Interior of San Martino, most richly decorated church in Frank A. Powell, is proving an immense the world, Pompeii, Pantheon. Forum, Coliseum, Statuary, Paintings, Tombs, Cathedrals, etc., etc.. success. The people crowd the house them of blood diseases, after trying other treatment in vain. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive sto­ Bceues In Venice, Hl. Mark's Church, Bridge of Sighs, Giant's Staircase, Leaning Tower, Columbus Monument at Genoa, etc. P aris Notre Dame, Trocadero, Elttel Tower, The Madelaine, Hotel de each evening and go away pleased and No wonder S.S.S. has such staunch ries of the doings of the world, the nation and states. Villa, Grand Opera House, Arch ot Triumph, Louvre Gallery, Paintings, Statuary, Tomba, Palaces friends. The experience of those who Interiors, etc. BlLUlUM, H oi lank , B witzerland and all their Treasures. G ermany National edified. The subject tomorrow evening take it to-day will be the same as of IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods Mtaeuni. Statu« ot Frederick the Great, Royal Palace. Interior Royal Mausoleum; Dresden Gallery, Sistine Madonna, Cologne Cathedral, The Passion Play, Vienna, St, Stephen’s Church. P anorama is “Love, Courtship and Marriage,” and those who twenty years ago found it the or OONBTANTtNorLE Moequee, Tombs, etc. R ussia : Moscow, St. Petersburg, Royal Museum, St. persons undergoing pangs and hardships only cure. Blood diseases are obstinate, of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the Isaac's Cathedral, Royal Palace. G reat B ritain : Shakespeare’s Theatre and House, Keswick, Warvrtek Castle. Durham Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul's, Westminster. House of Parlla incident to either stage of existence w ill and cannot be cured by one medicine proper time to convert them into the largest possible in a dozen which claims to cure them; meat,-Towem of Loudon, Liverpool Docks Sool land Ellen's Isle, Stirling Castle, John Knox likely hear something to their advantage so amount of money. Bout*. Edinburgh, Holyrood Castle, Sackville Street, Dublin, etc., etc. when S.S.S. is taken with satisfactory 7 ’ in the way of sound, sensible and whole­ results, after a disappointing experi­ It is the only book ever executed in Photographic Colors at some talk. ence with other remedies, it is not IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farm­ atrange that it has grateful friends by ers and villagers, and for over half a century has Popular Prices. The following officers of Caster Post the score. held their confidence and esteem. A llbanl education tu World's History acquired while being entertained. A trip around the world No. 9, were elected Dec. 11th, 1897 : lu an hour The delights or travel without Its discomforts : its benefit w ithout Its Commander, G. W. Keen; 8. V. com- It is the New York Weekly Tribune, and we furnish it with The expwiae Tbwbcx* Is printed on rim very finest grade* of sutler sized ami su|>er calendered and heavy enam­ mander, J. E. Noll; J. V. com­ Reporter eled book paper, made especially fur this book, and bound In the richest bindings mander, J. B. Gardner; surgeon, John 1 YEAR for $1.25. Hopfield; chaplain, J. W. Oliver; quar­ CASH IN ADVANCE. Address all orders to PUBLISHERS' PRICE. termaster, J. A. Peekham; officer of the THE REPORTER. Silk Cloth. Side and Back, Stam|>ed in Gold..................................................... $3.25 day, 8. C. Pearson ; officer of the guard, Write your name and address on a postal eard. send it toGeo. W. Best, Tribnne Office, New The Reporter one year and a copy of this Artistic work William Wess. The officers of adjutant, 1 ork City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to yon. sergeant, major and quartermaster ser­ for $2.75. geant will be filled by appointment upon the installation of officers at the first LOCAL DIRECTORY EAST AND SOUTH meeting in January. VIA CHURCHES Mr. J. J. Anderson, U. 8. supervisor B aptist — Services Sunday 11 a. m. and of Indian schools, and \V. J. McConnell, 7:30 p. nt ; Sunday school 9 :50 a tn.; the The Shasta Route V. 8. inspector, have been here to in­ people’s sooietv 6:15 p ui Prayer I young meeting Thursday 7 :30 p. m. Covenant spect the school at Grant! Homie anil meeting first Thursday evening before the OF THE now special agent, J. E. Jenkins, is here first Sunday of each nionth. R. W. K ing , Pastor. upon the same business. The air has Have an immense stock of furniture. They ! been full of rntnors in reference to tnal- M ethodist E piscopal —Services every Sabbath 11:00 a. tn. and 7:30 p. tn. Sunday have to keep a big stock, liecause they have a large : feasaiuT in office, the wrongful conver­ school 9:30 a tn. Prayer meeting 7:00 p Express Trains Leave Portland Dally sion of government property, conduct ttn- territory to supply. Prices on everything in our tn. Thursday. D. T. S ummerville , Pastor. lieconting an officer of the U. 8. govern" LEAVE. ARRIVE C umb . P resbyterian —Services every Sab­ store are surprisingly cheap just now. If you bath 11:00a tn and 7:30 p. in. Sunday Portland.......... 0:00 P M | San Francisco.. 7:45 A M MR. WILLIAM SOWERS. nient, etc. But when called upon to dan Francisco.S.UO P M I Portland ............ 9 30 A M want prtxtf of this, come in and price the goods. school 9:30 a. tn. Y, I’. C. E.. Sunday 6:30 Mr. William Sowers, of Bradford,Ohio, p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 :30 p. ni. substantiate their testimony, many who Above trains stop at all stations between Port­ E E. T hompson , Pastor. have talked the loudest take to the was cured by S.S.S. ten years ago of a land and Salem. Turner. Marion, Jefferson, WALL PAPER. UNDERTAKER’S SUPPLIES. severe blood poison, and writes that to Albany. Tangent. Shedds. Hal-ey, Harrisburg. Services in the Christian church : Preat’li- woods. We er of eases of tardiness, 2; names of induced to try S.S.9. E da M ills . Sec'y This remedy BETWEEN PORTLAND zND CORVALLIfl those having been tar lv are Sarah Wil­ proved itself equal to the case, for in a SECRET ORDERS. few months I was entirely cured and my Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) son and Jesse Crimmons, number cases 3kin K nowlks C haftkr N o , 12. O. E. S.—Meets at was perfectly clear and smooth. Masonic hall the 2*1 and 4th Monday evening 7:30 A M 1 Lv of whisjM'ritig, none; numlier cases of ab­ I could hardly believe that the cure was In each month. Visiting Portland Ar 660 P M members cordiallv In­ 10:15 A M 1 Lv McMinnville Lv 3:0t> P M sence. 13; names of those having been permanent, but ten years have elapsed vited MYRTA APPERSON. W. M 12:15 P M 1 Ar Corvallis Lv 1«PM L. CONNER Sec. absent are: Harvey Hoffman, Bessie and no sign of the disease has yet ap­ R. A O. V. W —Charity Lodge No 7 meets first and peared.” At Albany and Corvallis connect with Fridays of each month. 7 :M) p tu. Ixxig« trams of Or. Central A Eastern Ry. Unruh, Eddie Drake, ¿lice and Marvin S.S.S. is a sure cure for Cancer, Ca­ third room in Union block EkEU THIVS NOTI4'»: T4» to IIEIII. Mayberry, George Nichole, Eddie Cap­ tarrh, Contagious Blood Poison, Scrof­ E. F SUTHERLAND M W. Express Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) io ula, Rheumatism, Eczema, and all other J. D. BAKER. Beeordcr. per and Mamie Stilwell. Notwithstand- ' TOK«. WTVTH’B la hareby gl ara thal thè undrrsigned Yamhill Lodge No. 10 D of H meets in Union 4:50 P M I Lv blood diseases, which other remedies Portland ing the very inclement condition of the j have no effect whatever upon. It is ball second and fourth Friday evenings of each 4v ba> |> hu by ila> «.uni» court of Yanihlll , - - 7 A) P M I Ar McMinnville x-ounty, Oraaon. duly «ppoiitUrd ariniinlatrator month Heather during the past month otir at ­ 83) P M I Ar independence wttto Ih* wlu «nnaxed uf thavaiateci A nullità OTICE is hereby given, that the under* CusTga PoaT No 9—Meets the second and fourth Hluias, dccvMvd Now therefor«, ali faraona signed haa/been duly appointed by the tendance has l>een nearly perfect. Par­ Saturday of each month in Union ball at l<>:30 Direct connection at San Francisco with Occi­ barrite «Ialina afalnal sald «alate are b«r«by I County Court ^Yamhill County, State of Ore­ a. tn on second Saturday and at 10:30 a. m on I dental and Oriental and Pacific Mail steamahlD ìiotlflàd and rv^uvated lo preaent Ih* '«in« duly gon, exwntrbjbf the estate of .lames L. Stew ente. students «ml teacher must work to-1 Uh Hatutday. AU members of the order are lines for JAPAN ANDCHINA. Sailing date« on ■Varlfled lo thè undaraliued, al thè McMninvtll« , ard. late of ta»county, deceased, and has qual­ get Io-r to insure sncccss. and is the only blood remedy which cordially Invited to attend our meetings application Nallunai batik in M< Minuville, Yamliill Coun- ified as such tecutrix. E. F. M asnjno . Commander. is guaranteed to contain no mercury, Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Therefore, ali persons having claims against *llll'ln *** niunUta troni thè date B F. C lurinr . Adjt. AlsojAPAN, CHINA. HONOLULU and ACS potash or other harmful mineral. S.S.S. said estate are hereby notified to present them, TR a LIA, can be obtained from G. A. Wilcox, TORI Detod itola Ih« Ulti day of Noveruber. A. D i duly verified, to roe at the office of Ramsey A; E lvira A sssmblv N o . 18. Uxmo A rtisans — Is sold by all druggists. tur «ritti th« wlU anu«x«d of Ar- ' months from the date of this notice. at 7 30 p m In Union block. riali« be mailed free to all who address Swift Dated, November 4th, 1S»7 G*®- Freight and Passenger Agent, W G. HENDERSON, M. A. MgUttf« . A«toru*y for «atri «rial« 48< JCLZ1NA STEWARD. Executrix. | J. W. BONES, Sec. M Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. R. KOEHLER. Manager. » . Sfy tfhce Óale CEE» The McMinnville Grange ^^and Farmers Co. THAT THE FAC-SIMILE flt IO Per Cent Reduction WRAPPER M M C G . & F N , C ., SEPTEMBER 18, Theory Here. BURNS & DANIELS F. DIELSCHNEIDER BOOTS & SHOES N Purely Vegetable 1841. *