The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 17, 1897, Image 4

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    Yamhill County
What might be termed dedicatory week [
Baby Cried Night ani Day
at the new Methodist church, lias so far
The public is under lasting obligations been one of great interest. Though the1
to the popocratic sheet down the street weather was very stormy Monday night, Discharge from Her Ears —Top
»'. H. HAUNHAHT, KAIlor A Propr.
for the bold aud unqualified declaration a fair audience was present to hear Rev.
J. U. ECKMAN, Anaciate EMilar.
of Her Head Broke out in
that it is engaged iu “fighting for a great E. E. Thompson, whose discourse was on
Scrofulous Eruptions
principle of political economy.” While "The Supreme Thing in Life.” His
thought was based on the reply of Christ
Subscription $1.00 Per Year,
of the aroma of a fresh cut wind-pudding, to Nicodemus: “ Ye must be born again.” Grew Worse Under Treatment Till
there can be no further mystifying doubt After citing divers cases in which |>eople
Gave Her Hood's Sarsaparilla —She
as to what the organ is up to whenever had presumed to have found the supreme
Has Rosy Cheeks Now.
Reading noticesin local column» 10 cent» per it executes one of its characteristic sud­ thing, and showing their mistake, he
line for ttr»l week and 5 cents per line thereafter.
Display advertisement», annual rates, one inch den Hops in the support of men and proceeded with force and emphasis to
“ When my’ baby was two months
|ier month 11; each additional inch 50 cents per measures.
show the necessity of a spiritual birth as
Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding
Just what is the nature, size or color of a means to satisfying happiness in this old she cried night and day, and
'10 line» published free, if furnished in time to this great principle of political economy,
life and the one to come. On Tuesday seemed to be in great pain. Site had
be current news. Additional matter 10 cent« per
would lie a puzzling question to any con­ evening a still larger audience assembled a discharge from her ears, and the top
stant reader of the popocratic organ, but in the handsome edifice to hear Rev. R. of iter head broke out in scrofulous
there is some ground for suspicion that W. King of the Baptist church. His eruptions. The doctor gave me some­
FRIDAY, DEC. 17, 1897
the cause of fiat money is its embodi­ sermon was on the text found in Isaiah thing to stop the discharge and ease
ment, from certain wild and reckless 56:1-2: “In that day shall the song be the pain, but. his treatment did
B ryan again thinks, or says he statements supported by vague argu­ sung in the land of Judah: we have a cure her and we were sorry to
thinks, the recent Nebraska election ment in its last issue. These remarks strong city: salvation will God appoint
She Crew Worse
shows that silverism is J 'growing may have been prompted by the rumor for walls and bulwarks. Open ye the instead of better. The top of
stronger all over the [country. If of a new all-populist organ and the nat­ gates that the righteous nation which head broke out with scrofula,
Bryan and the Bryanites can be kept ural desire to cover all the eggs in tlie keepeth the truth may enter iu.” After crust would form on her head and
in this mood until|1900 the republi­ hatchery, but we will assume that they congratulating the church on the com­ off, taking the hail- along with it,
and this continued for two or three
cans and the rest of the honest mon­ gush spontaneously from a heart all pletion and possession of their fine build­ months, when something seemed to tell
ey men will be happy. There is dan­ aglow with patriotism and running over ing, he placed his audience in excellent me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I
ger that the pops will hedge on this with zeal for the welfare of generations humor by asking the Methodists to say did so, together witli Hood’s Pills
amen to the wish that the building were and Hood's Olive Ointment. Soon
issue before the next national con­ yet unborn.
“All money is money by authority’ of twice as fine. Of course the response
The Discharge Stopped
test comes. If they are coaxed or law, and is money by noother authority. came. “Then,” said he, “can you say
coerced ; in*1900 into endorsing’their So all money is fiat money. The argu­ amen to the wish that the Baptists had and the sores were rapidly healing.
platform of 1896, then indeed Provi­ ment that gold is money by divine right one twice as fine?” Tlie amen was even In a short time her hair grew out and
she now has rosy cheeks and is all
dence will have delivered the Bryan, and that its value is intrinsic is just as heartier than the first. He believed that right
in every way.” M rs . I. L loyd ,
ites into the hands of their enemies. foolish as the argument that kings rule : the church should give the best it has to Spring Valley, N. Y.
by divine right.” Webster’s Interna- : the worship of tlie Lord, as the Jews did
Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the Best — in
T he Dingley tariff has not yet sup­ tional dictionary, which is considered of old, but it should not depend on the fine fact the One True Blood Purifier.
plied the deficit which the Wilson act pretty fair authority on the use of terms, facilities for worship as a saving grace. Sold by all druggists. $1, six for $5.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood’s
created. Receipts under it, how­ does not agree with this scholarly dec­ Salvation is the key to success in al) do not be induced to buy any sub­
ever, are increasing steadily. The
stitute. Get only Hood’s.
deemable pajier currency, not resting on fail, the church with it must succeed.
revenue for each month since the
a specie basis, but deriving its purchas­ He thought the need of the pressnt in
Dingley lawjwent into operation has ing power from the declaratory fiat of the church work is more preaching from the 1 We are now opening new and season
been larger than in the month pre­ government issuing it.” Webster plain­ pews, and less from the pulpit. None able goods for the holiday trade, such as
ceding, and as expenditures do not ly says that liat money is irredeemable but saved souls should be wanted or en-; hoods, fascinators, mufflers, handker­
increase, it is only a question of a pa|>er currency, and we leave it for our couraged in church membership. These chiefs and other seasonable goods for the
few months when the income will more learned brother to settle whether the church will always have, and the! holiday' trade at Apperson’s.
equal the outgo. This is an encour­ Webster is awfully ignorant, or whether powers of Satan shall never prevail j Mayor Chrisman and wife, Mrs. Gps
against her. On Wednesday evening! Gaunt and Miss Nena Nicklin expect
aging condition. In time of peace it simply lies.
all governments should pay their If it were true that all money derives ' President Boardman preached from ' to depart for California tomorrow.
way. A continuous treasury short­ its function as a medium of exchange Psalms 119:117—“Hold Thou me up and !
age is an embarrassment and a dis-1 < from the authority of law, instead of rest­ 1 shall be safe.” He prefaced his ser- i
ing on a supposed basis of intrinsic mon with congratulations on the com­
credit for the party responsible for value, as gold and silver, then the popu­ pletion of the church, and with recol­
for it. The prospect is that the pres­ list idea of issuing irredeemable paper lections connected with tlie old building
ent shortage, which began under the currency in unlimited quantities would twenty years ago, when he used to go to
late administration, will
soon be be sound political economy. No sensi- hear Father Hoberg preach interesting
abolished.—Globe- Democrat.
hie, consistent and honest man could ad- sermons, The petition of David in the
vocate the use of either gold or silver in text was the need of every soul now, as
its manufacture. Raper would answer man cannot stand alone, The result of | A Desperate woman.
the purpose, and an “edict” that would a firm trust in higher power is tlie same | Experts in insanity tell
When the reorganization com tn it- flood the country and render every man now—safety. The sermon magnified the ! us that when anyone goes
frequently their whole nature is re­
tee of the Union Pacific Rail way as rich as Crcesus would cost only about need of constancy in spiritual life—a life | insane,
versed. They do and say exactly the op­
Company was compelled to pay the as much as one of the wind-puddings on so deeply imbedded in tlie current of posite things to what they would do in
their sane minds. A mother whose mind
government claim in full to obtain which our contemporary feeds its patrons God’s love, that, like tlie great icebergs J breaks down under extreme nervous ten­
may turn upon the one object in all
the road, it consoled itself with the
the world most precious to her—her baby.
belief that it could purchase the Kan­
The terrible nervous tension under which
inal cost. A person who lielieves the ing the onward progress. Rev. Walter many women live and suffer because of
sas Pacific on its own terms, when fiat doctrine and advocates gold or silver
weakness or disease of their sex,
of Centenary M. Ik church was expected i
keeps them on the very verge of insanity’
it should be sold under foreclosure. is by the force of logic a time-server.
last evening. To-night Rev. J. T. Ah- The constant drag and ______
drain upon
the com-
The committee assumed that nobody
bett of Eugene will preach, and to-mor- plicated and delicate organism affects the
would be willing to pay the full
row night Rev. John-Parsons, the presid­ brain with an almost irresistible madness.
amount of the government claim—
Thousands of suffering women have been
ing elder.
$13.006,000—for this line, because
two portions of it are substantially
paralleled by roads controlled by the
Union Pacific, and the building of a
connecting link would parallel the
whole Kansas Pacific.
So certain was the organization
committee of this, that it notified the
government that it would bid but
$0,000,000, the amount of the princi­
pal of the subsidy, leaving the gov
eminent to shoulder the loss of the
$7,000,000 interest. The committee
thought it had the government in a
hole. But it now develops that ar-
rangements are making to bid the
road in for the government, unless a
bid of $13,000,000 is made. As the
Hale includes valuable terminals in
Kansas City, which the Union Pacific
cannot afford to lose, it is pretty
clear that it is the committee which
is in a hole, and not the United
States government. The committee
finds dealing with the McKinley ad­
ministration very different from
what it was with Cleveland.
C hairman Cooper of the union party
baa also issued an address, intended to
counteract the effect of the one issued by
the populist executive committee and to
promote the canoe of fusion. In a dos
ing paragraph he makes a good hit. if his
ramarks are aimed, as we will assume
that they are, at the correction or elimi
nation of objectionable tendencies spe
daily,conspicuous in union party man­
agement. “Plain, open-handed honesty
is wanted," he says, and the primary
meetings “are of more value to Ameri­
can interests than tbe star chamber work
of politicians.'' To some of the other
unionists this may sound a little like the
cry of atop thief on the part of the
chairman. But Mr. Cooper violates no
secret when he intimstes that star-
chamber methods are very conspicuous
and the implied confession and agree­
ment not to do so any more (in public)
may help matters some.
Populism W ill Not Join Hie linion
J. P. Irvine A Son have begun their
The executive committee of tlie peo­ Sth annual 30 day cash sale and are offer­
ple’s [>arty of Oregon held a meeting in ing very low prices.
Portland last Saturday, to tlx the time for Just, arrived from the north via Klon­
holding the state convention. The fol­ dike and now established for tlie season
lowing address was issued:
at C. Griesen’s, my old headquarters
The state convention of tlie people’s Come and see me.
S anta C lavs .
party of Oregon is hereby called to meet
at Portland, Wednesday, March 23, 1898,
N. K. Kegg offers his residence prop­
at 1 o’clock [». in.
erty in this city for sale. One of the best
The appointment of delegates from each
county in the state convention shall lie locations; property will pay 10 per cent,
one delegate at large, and one delegate in rentals. See him for price.
for each 400 votes, or major fraction 1 49-tf
N. E. K egg .
thereof, east for Bryan and Watson at
All persons knowing themselves in­
the presidential election held in 1896.
The state executive committee of the debted to R. Jacobson it Co. are request­
people's party of Oregon believe it to lie ed to call and make settlement at once,
for the best interests of all concerned
that the following statement be now as they need the money.
made, to the end that those of all politi­ Did yon hear her whistle? The steamer
cal affiliations who have the welfare of
the state at heart may not lie misled in Grey Eagle is now making regular trips
to this city and needs your patronage.
their future political actions
A careful investigation of the alleged
‘union’ party will reveal the fact that it is
composed largely of self-appointed lead­
ers, anil it is belter calculated tn disrupt
than to unite the reform forces of the
state, and that all who went into it from
patriotic motives are being misled.
Into one harmonious whole Mayor
Pennoyer pretends to want to unite those
elements that at the last election sup­
ported Mr. Bryan, and array it against
all comers under the gold standard But
he insists, at the instance of Mr. Jones,
national chairman of the democratic par­
ty, that this tie done in the name and
under the leadership of the democratic
party, (of which he assumes to be the
head and front in Oregon.) In support
of this position, he claims that the demo­
cratic party has abandoned its false gods,
and, therefore, there is no logical excuse
for the further existence of the people's
party, either state or national.
There can be no united action with the
people’s party tinder the banner of the
democratic party and its terms of capit­
ulation. nor under the leadership of Mr
Cooper's so-called ‘union’ party.
We recommend that our precinct clnbs
and county conventions consider, without
prejudice, all suggestions intended to
unite the direct legislation and free-silver
voters of the state in one party, to the
end that the people may have power to
make the laws under which thev are to
We urge that club work l>e resumed at
once, and our educational campaign lie
prosecuted vigorously,
e recommend that no county nomi­
nations be made until after the state con­
By order of the state evecutivo com­
mittee of the |>eople's party of Oregon.
J ohn C. Yoi’xo, Chairman.
W. S. U'R kn , Secretary.
Portland, Dec. 11, 1897.
Wednesday was the lieginning of the
winter term at McMinnville college and
when one hundred students had an-
awered the roll-call in chapel, the college
yell wan given with a will. Although
• *
for some week* the enrollment haa ex­
I w ill examine abstracts made after thia
ceeded that number, aeveral of tlie etu- date by other parties, free of charge
denta were taking special studies and did will draw ordinary deeds, mortgagee,
not attend chapel. There were several leases and contracts for 75c each, includ-
new students sn rolled at the beginning iog acknowledgements.
of the term.
F rank C. Fsaoi'aoN, Abstracter.
Eat Good Things
in Winter
and grow fat. Pure food is obtainable
if you seek it. We have most any­
thing you like, and probably some that
yon don’t. But yon can buy what you
want aud reject the rest. Now there’s
Dr. Pierce’s 1000-page illustrated book.
"The People’s Medical Adviser” sent, paper­
bound. free for the cost of mailing only, at
one cent stamps; or, cloth bound 31 stamps
Address Dr. R V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
1 r x
Everybody likes it. We keep it in bulk and cans.
Also excellent Paragon Houey Syrup. Both tine for
Itapjacx.s, whether made of Buckwheat, Corn, Flour, or by Ajtnt Jemima.
M '1 rslo Cvri I n
/VlCtpiV «Ji 1 Up
Appetizing Chow Chow.
tasted. Known to be pure and wholesome.
“V IlVUlIllC.
Tbe new mush product, l eading the van. Everybody
buys it because it's good. It must be good. < ompetition
W orcester
Styled Durability^ Fit
All that their name implies.
makes it so.
Tillamook Cheese.
Big Mealy Potatoes.
Best Moca and Java Coffee on Earth. A trial convinces.
We are making a special run on our Queens- :
'are to clear the space for the approaching holiday 5
trade. Have you investigated the prices?
Yours to please,
Will carry the celebrated Gotzian Boots and Shoes for
winter wear. Goodyear Rubbers and Boots, Mackin­
toshes and Umbrellas.
¿Kerry Christinas
To Everybody!
We want to sell you articles of usefulness so
cheap that you can afford to buy them in
preference to trash. Among these are
Table and Pocket Cutlery
Rogers Plated Ware,
Roasting Pans for your turkey
Carving" Sets— always all elegant present that
will last for years.
We have the best and cheapest line of Steel
Ranges in the city. See ns for bargains.
All kinds of Fine,
Difficult and
old Watches re­
paired and made
to run as good
as new at
All kin<)<i of Watches, Clock!
and Jewelry for sale at
hard times prices.
Jeiuelry Store * * *
Apperson is Alcuays on Top !
Some people wouldn’t be w itbout them.
others wouldn't 1« ouuide'em.
literally saved from the insane asylum by
the timely influence of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite
Prescription. It is the one perfect and pos­
itive specific for every derangement of wo­
man’s special organism. It is a scientific
and permanent cure for those severe,
chronic, complicated cases which doctors
usually consider hopeless. It is the only
medicine of its kind devised by an educated
and skilled physician.
Mrs. Sarah K. Rains, of Dayton, Cass Co., Mo.,
in a letter to Dr. Pierce, writes: " It was in thè
winter of 1890 that my sufferings commenced. It
was close to my time of confinement. I took the
grip, and that with the labor pains all went to
r»y head. I suffered dreadfully, and when I gave
birth to ray little boy I kept getting worse I
doctored but nothing did me any good I had
nervous spasms and was delirious -Oh. no tongue
can express my sufferings. I was advised by a
lady to try your medicine sud I did. 1 got one
bottle of the 1 Favorite Prescription ’ and one of
the ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ 1 had taken
two-thirds of the medicine when it commenced
its work. I began to feel better, and still con­
tinued gettiug better In a short lime I felt like
another woman 1 gained strength and flesh I
am now forty-one years of age This is true, and
it was your medicine that saved my life."
Opening Up New Goods
In addition to these Corsets, just received direct from New York new Dress
Goods, Trimmings and Linings, Hosiery, Underwear, Mackintoshes, Umbrellas,
From Chicago—New Capes and Jackets.
From Michigan—Twenty Dozen of the Famous Kalamazoo Pants. The
manufacturer's written guarantee is in the pocket of every pair, and it’s well
known that Apperson makes everything good just as he advertises it. He never
overcharges or allows any misrepresentations of goods he sells.
You will find at our Corset De­
partment a representative line of
the justly celebrated
It would be folly for us to attempt
to put in print all that might be
said in favor of these goods.
One trial will convince any lady
that they possess merits not found
in the ordinary stock corset.
Prices ranging from $1.00 up­
From Portland—New su pplies of Groceries and
other goods every week.
To close out some lines of our present Hat and
Shoe stock. On these special lines we will abso­
lutely cut prices in twain. This cut is not on all
hats or shoes we have in stock, but only on special
lines. We aim to give bargains in all lines.
a. J. ÄPPERS0N, McMinnville