The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 17, 1897, Image 1

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Entered at the Postotfice In McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
* *
sorghum this year, and states that Mr.
Imus’ experiment is the first made in
A. B. Cornell has moved his family to Yamhill county. This is a mistake.
Last year O. V. Remington and daughter
The Peters Bros, are building a bowl­ raised the cane and manufactured eleven
ing alley on Main street.
gallons of excellent sorghum. Whiteson
H. D. Fox and wife are the proud pos­ is entitled to the honor of being the first
to try the experiment.
sessors of a girl, aged eleven.
An enjoyable surprise was tendered
Kcal Estate Transfers.
Miss Lola Hendershott on her birth­
Week endiug Dec. 15th :
night, last Thursday.
Christmas will be observed by the M. Anna M Martin to August V Bosch
lots 1, 2, 5 and 6 blk 24 Lafayette* 200
E. Sunday school on Christmas eve. The
usual entertainment, followed by a tree, W N Radcliff et ux to Mary A
Broadwell 20 at 3r3..................
will be the order of the evening.
A M and F A Morris to Allen
Everyone is sure of being the winner
Smith lots 7 to 12 inclusive blk
of the lady’s bicycle being guessed for at
38 Edward’s add to Newberg and
Porter’s store. Jar of beans, and guesses
'■2 lot 12 Rural Homes No 2 . .
run from 400 to 26,000.
Wm Everest et ux to Jos Hall 15 a
On Friday eve, J. W. Barrie and wife
t 3 r 2.............................
entertained at whist. Miss David and M W and Mary Houck to Jennie
C. B. Frizzell won the head prizes, and
N Glover lot 2 blk 6 White’s add
the booby prizes fell to Mrs. Ellwood and
to Whiteson.................................
G. P. Kenyon. A lovelj’ luncheon was Irvine Agee to F G Hownslein all
served at the close.
of grantor’s intin Downing estate 200
Kate Potter to S Potter lot 7 blk 4
Bibee’s add to Sheridan.............
O&CRRCotoJF Byers 78.98 a
Mr. Newton Woomer and daughters of
sec5t3r 5..................................
Chehalem visited Mrs. Lora Gates over E C and Mrs C D Smith to M Ella
Saturday and Sunday.
Picket lot 11 blk 4 lots 7, 8 and 9
blk E Hobson’s add and e ‘a lot
Loran Cox of Portland was in White-
6 blk 13 Deskins’ 2nd add to
son several days last week on business
and visiting his parents. We always
Myrtle P and A T Hill to B F Hal­
like to meet old friends.
laday lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 blk 3
J. C. Parrott has rented and moved in­
Deskins’ 4th add to Newberg
to Will Robbins’ house. Will is going
back to Nebraska in the near future. G W Mitchell et al to Percy H
Clark lots I and 2 blk 43 Ed­
Whiteson hates to lose good citizens.
wards’ add to New berg..............
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Smith have taken O H Irvine et ux to Jas McCain >3
into their family an interesting little girl
of 160 a sec 24 t 2 r 6..................
ten years of uge. She comes from the
boys’ and girls’ aid societj- in Portland.
Don’t be persuaded into buying lini-
F. M. Glover has purchased the prop­ mentB without reputation or merit—
erty belonging to Miles Houck and moved Chamberlain’s Pain Balm costs no more,
into a house opposite the jelly factory, and its merits have been proven by a test
owned by Mr. Wallace of McMinnville. of many years. Such letters as the fol­
The Telephone-Register practically ad­ lowing, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme,
mits that its legs are longeuough to reach Cal,, are constantly being received:
from Jefferson democracy to extreme “The best remedy for pain I have ever
populism, and invites everybody to get used is Chamberlain’s Pain Bahn, and I
on the platform anywhere and promises say so after having used it in my family
to stand in with them for any office to the for several years.” It cures rheumatism,
president down, then goes and talks lame back, sprains and swellings. For
about President McKinley and the repub­ sale by S. Howorth & Co.
lican platform being a straddle.
The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian
The Polk County Observer says Mc­
Minnville has made sixty-five gallons of one year for $2, strictly in advance.
Come This Way
Having bought the
We intend to run an up-to-date drugstore.
Our stock of CHRISTMAS PERFUMES is full and of the best.
Our line of COMBS. BRUSHES and other toilet articles is complete.
We carry the leading brands of cough syrups and Patent medicine and ask for
a share of your patronage.
Âclidaq Credente
Will be sold at Lowest. Living Figures.
Mil Mllllllilllillliailil.llliM.lll III1111IIII
Toilet Sets
Manicure Sets ;
Perfume Sets :
Kerchief Boxes
Necktie Boxes
Glove Boxes
Work Baskets
IM I il I I III I Mil l Mil lililil 111 1111 1111
Fine Line of Good Books.
W. L. Hembree, Prop.
Licenses io Marry.
Dec. 9th—J. W. Ayers,61,and Avoline
Hatch, 60, of McMinnville.
Dec. 10th—Chas. O. Churchill, 20, and
Emily Cowles, 18, of North Yamhill.
For Infants and Children.
ft n
- «»try
An exchange says a western editor has
invented an infernal machine which he
places in an envelope and sends to those
who “refused” the paper after taking it
for three years without paying for it.
The machine explodes and kills the
whole family and the fragments that fall
in the backyard kill the dog. There are
moral objections to the use of this ma­
chine, and we have a patent pending for
an improvement that lets the family and
the dog out of the general wreck.
Don’t fail to attend Kay & Todd’s auc­
tion sales.
One Dollar If paid in advance, Singlenumbersflvecenta.
Columbus School Notes.
The subject for debate Friday night is
— Resolved, That money has more influ­
ence over man than woman has.
Professor informs us that there will be
an institute held here on Wednesday of
our holiday week. Several of our pupils
have been asked to take part in the pro­
Where are the books that were pur­
chased last winter for our library ? Any­
one having them please return to the li­
brary. We think we should have a li­
brarian to see that the books when taken
away are brought back.
IliRlt School Note«.
Elsie Hobbs was numbered
sick list Wednesday.
There is some talk of a game between
the Forest Grove athletic club and our
Harvey Walker has been absent from
school the past week on account of Bick
Professor and the tenth grade
quite a discussion Wednesday as to
whether a teacher should compel a pupil
to study. We think the class decided he
should, if possible.
The football game at Lafayette last
Saturday between the seminary and our
school resulted in a victory for the high
school by a score of 6 to 0. It was not an
easy victory for our boys, but was won
only by their superior team work.
Cook School Noles.
Willie Bodie has returned to school
after an absence of two weeks.
Several students have been transferred
to us this week from the other school.
Each pupil has received his report book
and parents shonld sign and return to
The Sth and 6th grades had a quarter
of a day’s vacation Tuesday to attend
the funeral.
Teacher’s reports are in for last month,
with 90 pupils on the roll of honor, 177
pupils on record and five tardies in the
A week ago last Tuesday Willie Dickin­
son was in his seat, and on the next Wed­
nesday he was not at school, and in a few­
days the report came that Willie had the
typhoid pneumonia. At 3:15 p.m. last
Monday, he passed iuto eternal rest.
Willie was one of the best students of the
6th grade, and we all mourn his loss.
His parents, brother and sister all have
the sympathy of the pupils from school.
Peace be unto him.
customers in our estimation. When they
are sent to us on a trading errand, we al­
ways remember that they are not discrimi­
nating buyers, and we take special pains
to see that they getwhat both you and they
want. Then we always try to be prompt In
waiting on them—there is always a little
worry about them at home when they are
sent upon an errand and Btay too long, often
through no fault of their own.
Rogers Bros.’ Pharmacy.
McMinavtllt, Ongoa.
Positively Going Out of Business !
Goods JVt Ænctioii Prices Regardless of Cost !
Since deciding to go out of business we have sold about one=half of our stock, aud wish to dispose
of the balance by January 1st. In order to do this we will sell at Auction prices, regardless of cost,
no reasonable offer being refused We will also have
Auction Sales Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons
and Evenings !
Until further notice, commencing Saturday, November 27 We are positively going out of business,
and are bound to sell out quickly, if a slaughter in prices will do it. Our assortment of Men’s, Boys’
and Children’s Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods is yet complete
Come early and get
honest goods at your own price.