DOWN TO REAL WORK Senate anti Home Attend to Actual Ku«** ine<4M .Money Take« Oatli of Units. GENERAL PANDO SHOT OREGON STATE NEWS. Brief Kjview of the Week Throughout the State. UNDER MARTIAL LAW Salem has at last a chamber of com merce organized and in working order. Gersnan Schools In Prague Tlm government improvement work Attacked by Rioters. at Bandon has stopped, the appropria tion having been fully expended. An old-fashioned freight train ar CZECHS PROPOSE TRIPLE EMPIRE SPANISH DEFEAT AT MAT.tNZAS rived in Lakeview from the south last TWENTY-FIVE PERSONS KILLED week. It consisted of 10 wagons and 32 horses. Faction« Drawing Ip for a Great Strug* Santa (lHra the Reported Scene of Pan- The entrance to Coos bay harbor is Incendiary Fire» Started i ■» All Part» gio— (an the Emporer Bring do*« I.MMt Figlit—Smallpox of the City-Ten Thou»an<l Sol marked by a new whistling buoy— Order Out of Cliaoa? in San Domingo. diers Now on the Scene. placed there by the lighthouse tender London. Dec. 7.—International ques New York, Dec. 6.—A Herald dis , Manzanita last week. Prague, Bohemia, Deo. 6.—A procla tions have been temporarily over patch from Havana Have: A report During the recent heavy storms the mation establishing martial law was shadowed by the gravity of the situa that General Pando, who was placed in oyster beds at Willapa harbor were made in all parts of the city and sub tion in Austria, where things are aH charge of military operations in Cuba buried in drifting sands until at least urbs today. Detachments of soldiers, gloomy as imaginable. In addition to by General Blanco, lets been killed in half the crop will be lost. headed by an officer and a police com the imminence of a civil war, the next an engagement with insurgents in The Baker-Canyon Telephone Com missioner, marched from point to few hours may possibly witness a revo Santa Clara province, has just reached pany now has the long-distance line point. After tatoo on the drums the lution in the relations between Austria Havana. This has caused the utmost between Baker City and the Grant commissioner read aloud the imperial and Hungary, which might mean the excitement in palace and social circles, county town in working order. ' decree ordering a military government. reconstruction of the map of Europe. and every effort is being made to get The session of the house today, Lyons’ broomhandle factory, in By evening order had been restored, It is hardly an exaggeration to say that news from General Pando’s force to Coos county, shipped 40,000 of its best which has not been broken since. the factions are drawing up like con though it lasted but two hours, wit verify the startling news. Throughout the early morning anarchy nessed a very lively skirmish over the tending armies. The Germans have No details of the killing of the com ! product to San Francisco last week. A appealed to their compatriots on both Question of distributing the president’s mander have been received, but the portion of the consignment will le reigned. The window smashing and looting was varied with constant fights sides of the frontier, ami have appar message to the various committees statement is that he was shot in a bat lorwarded to Australia. I between the rioters and troops and po clothed with jurisdiction over the sub Captain Berry, the aged lighthouse ently prepared to run all risks to keep tle with insurgents while on the march the hated Czechs in subjection. The jects dealt with. The conflict of au from Sagna la Grande to the southern keeper at Port Angeles, died in the lice. The shops of the principal Ger The Czechs make no secret of the fact that thority came between the wavs and coast of Santa Clara, where he was to Sisters’ hospital at Port Townsend man jewelers were plundered. Sunday. He has been keeper of the | rioters drank their fill in German wine their final aim is to abolish the dual means committee and the banking and take a ship for Manzanillo. cellars and then let the contents of the empire, and to make it a triple empire currency committee. The battle raged Officers at the palace declarethat the light at Angeles for tiie past 20 years. caskets run out. by placing Bohemia on an equal footing all along the line. During the day story must be thoroughly confirmed be The farmers who supply the Coquille Incendiary fires were started in many with Austria and Hungary. To grant Grosvenor of Ohio fired the first gun fore they will believe it. creamery received 26z‘2 cents a pound directions, and the fire brigade was these demands would set Hungary on against the civil service law, and this General Pando’s plan was to march for butter fat, delivered during Octo tire and destroy the foundation of the also brought the friends and enemies right through the heart of the territory ber. Two thousand dollars was dis kept galloping from one end of the city of tiiat measure into action. Johnson to the other for hours. present imperial system. It looks as wiiere General Gomez’ forces are said tributed among those who supplied tiie When the firemen arrived at the though the employment of force is the of Indiana, in a ringing warning, de to have control. Simultaneously with creamery. scene of a fire, the mob would drive only solution of the question, but clared that if a bill to emasculate the the report of Pando’s death comes news A Polk county farmer has been ex * against which faction will it boused? civil sei vice law was passed, it would of a battle near Matanzas in which the perimenting with tobacco culture, and them back. meet the presidential veto. In some cases the rioters wrecked the The question of the provisional aus- Spanish forces were driven from the lias been so successful tiiat cigars made Eventually Dingley, in deference to railroad engines. During the day spe- glich bill (or agreement to prolong for field. This engagement was bitterly with tobacco grown by linn are said to a year, instead of 10 years, the compact the opposition of the members of the fought, and it is asserted that the be as good as the average cigar smoked I cial trains were employed carrying re- j inforceinents to tiie scene. There are between Austria ami Hungary, pending banking and currency comm it tee, agreed losses of the Spaniards was very heavy. in Oregon. I now 10,000 soldiers here, fully equip arrangements for a longer compact), is, to a modification of the order of dis The same report says the Cubans It is said that the next grand jury in ped for a long campaign. if possible, more grave than the threat tribution, so as to send to the ways ami will not allow any cane grinding, and Official returns for the 24 hours pre ened civil war. The Hungarian diet means committee ail matters relating also that the Spanish towns do not fa Curry county will not meet until Sep has given Baron von Gautsche von to the “revenues, the bonded debt of vor grinding, because they hold the tember next. If this is the case, it is ceding show that four persons were Frankenthuin, the Austrian premier, the country and the treaties affecting zones of cultivation and grow tobacco apt to be a long time before the Van killed and 150 dangerously wounded. The resolution was Pelts will have to answer the charge of Three hundred and fifty received lesser till Monday next in which to state the revenues.’’ with cheap labor, which they would killing A. Coolidge. then adopted. injuries. Twenty shops were burned whether he can reasonably expect the lose if the reconcentrad os return to After the session Chairman Walker A drove of about 125 nice trim young out. The authorities are not confident ausglich bill to pass, and, failing a de work on the estates. of the continuance of order, the appe cisive answer, Baron Banffy, the Hun claimed he had won a decisive victory, A letter received by a local paper mules, which had been bought in Lake garian premier, will introduce Monday and that his committee, under the or from a correspondent in the East gives county, were secured al tiie luw average tite of the mob having been whetted bv a hill whereby Hungary will act inde der, would have jurisdiction of a meas news of big fighting last week near price of $15 per head. They will be successful plundering which has been pendently as regards the duties to be ure, as he explained it, to convert the Bayaino between the rebel Chief Rabi taken to Huntington and then shipped directed in a systematic way by tiie leaders of secret societies. Some Jews levied, continuance of commercial rela greenbacks into gold certificates. But and General Linares. General Rabi to the Eastern market. tions with Austria and the charter of members of the ways and means com had only 500 men when Genera) Lin Joe Siver, who is making a tour of saved their premises by placing cruci- the Austro-Hungarian bank. This mittee insisted tlmt the changes of ares had two columns. No details of the United States from New York and . fixes between lighted candles in their compact between the two portions of verbiage in the order would not affect the fight are at hand, but the Spanish return on a bicycle, was fined $10 in | shop windows. the dual state may be maintained tem their jurisdiction, and that a measure loss is said to have been heavy, one col Harrisburg for riding on the sidewalk. An Exciting Day. porarily. Hungary will establish her such as the president suggested, if in umn being nearly destroyed. He was allowed to go on condition of Prague, Bohemia, Dec. 6. — This troduced in the house, would be re claim to the right of independently < A force of 1,000 Spaniards, with ar- j his leaving the city at once. afternoon a mob attacked the German ferred by the speaker to their commit disposing of these questions. tillery, have forced the rebels into the [ The checks for the second dividend schools. The infantry fired four vol It is easy to see that victory will only tee. hills of Pinar del Rio. They must re declared by’ the controller of the cur leys. One report says 25 persons were whet the Hungarian appetite, and that main there or come out and fight, a rency in favor of the creditors of The killed and scores were wounded. The MESSAGE SUITS SPANIARDS. it will be a short step to the dissolution thing the Spanish commanders think Dalles National bank iiave been re city is in a panic and many are fleeing. of Austria, which, in turn, will hurl they are not likely to do. Small bands ceived by Receiver Wilson, and are Nearly 3,000 reinforcements left Vi- Europe into a furnace of terrible possi McKinley*« Cuban Attitude 1« Entirely are still moving about with great cau ready for delivery to the owners. j enna for this city tonight. Sat iMfactory. bilities. tion. ’ Tho Albany iron works is a very busy New York, Dec. 9.—A dispatch to Apparently the only hope of escape Reports of the condition and move- 1 place these days. CHARLES YERKES’ SCHEME The company is that the personal ascendancy of the the Tribune from Havana says: meats of rebels in the east are most shipped out 10 tons of machinery last President McKinley’s message is re conflicting. It is said that Gomez is old emperor will once again enable him Propose* to Turn the Chicago River In to solve an apparently impossible situ ceived quietly. Satisfaction is felt in coming west with 40,000 men, but it is Friday, including a quartz mill manu to a Boulevard. factured for Southern Oregon mines, ation. Failing in this, the reichsrath official circles over the statement that also said that Gomez is still at the and machinery for the state pumping Chicago, Dec. 6.—Twenty miles of will be dissolved aud a reign of abso the recognition of either belligerency or camp where he has been for the last 10 I docks on the lake front and the trans lutism will begin in Austria, and, tech independence is not justifiable under months, and is being attended by Dr. station at Salem. One hundred and forty-four bales of formation of tiie Chicago river into a nically. Hungary will have resumed present conditions. The credit which Candea, staff surgeon. hops, aggregating over 27,000 pounds, boulevard by covering it with a culvert her independence, the first step toward the president gives for conducting the belonging to five growers in the vicinity from end to end is what Charles T. a federation, as distinguished from a war on humane principles and for im Smallpox In San Domingo. Yerkes proposes for Chicago. proving the conditions of the reconcen- dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Havana, Dec. 6.— The deplorable of Laurel, were sold Monday for 13 The street-car magnate appeared be- tradoes will strengthen Captain-Gen condition of the country grows more cents per pound. Tuesday 43 bales, Rioting in HolieiniH. eral Blanco in carrying out his policy. and more apparent. Refugees and re- aggregating over 8,500 pounds, were I fore the city council today and vigorous Prague, Dec. 7.—At Taber last night The official feeling may be summar concentrados are growing more and sold to J. M. Russell & Co., for 11 Ji ly opposed the proposed deepening of tiie river and the lowering of the tun Czechs attacked the houses of Hebrews ized in the statement that the govern more miserable. According to reports cents per pound. nels. He urged that the city should ami broke the windows of a synagogue. ment does not now’ fear the embarras- from San Domingo smallpox is making The grain acreage in Jackson county grant the land front it owns between Several rioters were arrested. The ment which come from action by the terrible ravages among the concentrados. for the coming year will in all likeli Randolph street and Park row to a cor local force of gendarmes were called United States before instructions from Since April last more than 4.000 have hood suprass in extent any year in the poration with $50,000,000 cash to upon to assist in restoring order. A Madrid could be carried into effect. died in the city alone, to say nofhing history of Rogue river valley, and if build 20 docks, each a mile long, which mob of over 1,000 persons al Brannau The hint of ultimate intervention of the suburban towns, which are like conditions prove favorable, the greatest at the end of 50 years will revert to last evening attacked tile houses of causes some uneasiness and discussion wise affected. number of bushels of grain in the his the city at the bare cost of construc Czechs, and in spite of the efforts of has already arisen over what is meant Tire local authorities take no steps tory of the county ywill be harvested in tion. the gendarmes smashed the windows by “leasonablo time,” but palace offi whatever to check the mortality. The 1898. This, says the Tidings, is the “Build them of stone,” said he, and did other damage. Quiet was not cials do not interpret it as likely to streets of the city are thronged with opinion of well-informed persons. “and Chicago will have the finest restored until midnight. In Prague prevent the application of autonomy famine stricken wretches, who succumb the military patrol was tired upon, but within the time needed for carrying out During the last few months a Crook docks in the world, not excepting those to disease under perhaps some lonely none of the patiol was wounded. the detail of the system as directed porch, and sometimes fall dead in the county firm has purchased 16,000 head at Liverpool.” Mr. Yerkes frankly declared it to be of sheep, and are now handling about from Madrid. gutter, where they remain. THE GREAT TYPHOON. 22,000 head. They are all in their his opinion that money spent to beauti Autonomists, reformists and conserv atives who support Sagasta and Blanco DUE TO THE KLONDIKE RUSH. winter range, and each flock is within fy the lake front is merely thrown Further I’art iriilar» of I lie lliaanter in convenient distance of big stacks of away. If his lake front harbor plan will make the message the basis of a I lie I * 11 i 11 p!»i 11 e «. movement for the early union of all Big War in Passenger Rates to Ar hay, more than sufficient to carry them was carried out, he suggested that the through the hardest winter. The river be covered with culverts and made Seattle, Dec. 7.—The steamer Kago parties to uphold the hands of the gov rive Soon« sheep are all reported to be in fine con into a boulevard, extending from the shima Main arrived here today, 10 ernment in its colonial policy. Com Milwaukee, Dec. 2.—The war in pas dition and thriving. mouth to the ends of the North and days from Yokohama, bringing Orien mercial interests are pleased with the South brandies, making, the speaker tal advices up to November 19. The pacific tone of tlm message, though not senger rates between Chicago, Milwau Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Albert celebrated said, the most magnificent boulevard in kee and St. Paul is likely to continue, following additional particulars have taking it as a conclusive settlement. and railroad men look for the liveliest their 60th wedding anniversary in the world. Iteen received of the terrible typhoon kind of cutting in rates further west, Salem Monday. They were married which swept over the Philippine Flre«l a Bullet Into Ilia Bruin. BURNED TO DEATH owing to the big rush to the Klondike. ■t Wheeling, W. Va., in 1887. Mr. islands October 6. devastating the prov Butte, Mont., Dee. 9—A special Albert is 82 years old, and Mrs. Albert inceof Leyte, Manilla, and causing from Helena to the Miner says: Judge A well-known railroad man said today 81. A reception was he'd at their The Sail Fate of a Chilli Near North that since the rate dropped to $7, reduc the death of several hundred persons. Horace R. Buck, associate justice of the home and a large number of friends Yakima. About 250 Europeans are reported to supreme court of Montana, shot himself tions in fares will likely result as far paid respects to the venerable couple. North Yakima. Wash., Dec. 6.—The have perished, and the number of na through the rigtit eve about midnight west as Portland. The nominal rate is The guests included seven children, be home of State Senator Lesh, a few $49.70 second-class on the St. Paul road, tive victims is put at from 400 to 500. at his home in Lennox, a suburb of With $7 from sides grandchildren and great grand miles from this city, was totally de The typhoon seems to have done its Helena. He spent the evening with a and $59.70 first-class. children. stroyed by fire last night. Mr. Lesh’s worst damage at Tacloban, the capital party of friends at a neighbor's house, Chicago to St. Paul as a basis, the fare The controversy between two quarrel 1 l2-year-old child was burned to death. of Leyte, where the whole town was seeming to lie very cheerful upon re w ill probably be changed to $47 second- converted into a mass of ruins. The turning home. After ehatting for a class and $57 first-class. He added that some members of the Vernonia church The- child's nurse had a very narrow Isidies of 120 Europeans were recov while with his family lie went to his this was merely a preliminary for the was submitted to a jury, or committee, escape. The fire originated in an air ered. The government house, treas room, and soon afterwards the slut establishment of an entirely new sched of church members. One of tiie mem tight stove in the nursery. Mr. Lesh’s ury, barracks, etc., were destroyed. that ended his life was heard. His ule of rates to the West January 1, bers was expelled. The other was cen wife died 15 months ago in giving birth All the sured and reduced from full member to twin girls, one of whom died tiiree The coast is strew n with the wreckage wife ran upstairs and found him lying which will be much lower. roads are preparing to make special ship to six months probation. It was months ago, the other being the vic of vessels torn to pieces by the hurri- on the floor dead. The remains rates to the points nearest the Klondike ruled by the committee that no one in tim of last night’s fire. cane. It was reported that the town of The judge had been breaking dow n region, and each road is after all there of the little one were recovered today, the Nehalem valley is entitled to lienioni, 0,000 inhabitants, had disap in health for some time, and it is sup is in it. church membership unless he is imbued and the funeral will be held Saturday. peared. posed he was seized with a sudden im Senator Lesh started home today from with love and righteousness. Outlaw» er® Frustrated. pulse to end his existence. He was 44 Washington, where he has been for sev A «»alilted With a Ball lint. The Eastern Oregon Sheep Associa eral weeks in consultation with Gard St. Louis, Mo., Dec. ti.—A special years of age, a native of Vicksburg, Junction City, Kan.. Dec. 7.—Cor Miss., and a graduate of Y'ale. He to the Post-Dispatch from San Antonio, tion of Baker City offers a reward of ner Hubbard, president of the Moxee poral Fennell, battery B, Fourth artil Tex., says: “Advices were received $1,000 for information that will lead Company, for which Lesh is local came to Montana in 1879. lery, at Fort Riley, died last night. here this morning of an attempt to hold to the arrest and conviction of any per manager. Fennell was one of the two victims up and rob a passenger train on the son or persons found guilty of wilfully French Fxprditlon Mimacretl. Tiie dwelling burned was the property whom Private l.each, of the same bat Brussels, Dec. 9.—Tim Mouvement Mexican National railroad near Mon injuring the sheep or property of any of the Moxee Company, and cost $11.- tery, some days ago, endeavored to kill member of the association. And a fur terey, Mexico, by nine masked and 000. The contents were insured for with a ball bat, attacking them while Goographique today announces that it well-armed Mexicans. The passengers ther reward of $250 for information they slept. Fennell's skull was broken. learns that part of a French expedi made resistance, and the outlaws were that will lead to the arrest and convic $1.500 in two companies, but one policy Private Riley had his jaw fractured, tion, under Major Marchand, while on unsuccessful. They are being pursued tion of any person or persons gulity of for $1,000 expired a few days ago. but will recover. The tragedy is the its way to tlm Nile, has been massa by soldiers, and if captured will be robbing sheep camps the property of Horseless carriages have been intro cred near Dahengaheza. The survivors outcome of a drunken quarrel. the members of the association. shot. duced in the fire department of Paris. of the party, it is added, retreated. Austria and Hungary Appar ently Drifting Apart. Washington, Dec. 9.—A new mein- lier, in II. DeSoto Money, of Mis-is- sippi, was introduced in the senate to day, and, after some brief criticism of the form of his credentials, the oatii of office was administered to him. During the session, 108 bills, many of which were private pension meas ures. were introduced, in addition to several joint resolutions and some sen ate resolutions. Au interesting contest for precedence in consideration of Lodge's immigra tion bill and the proposed legislation to confer authority upon the president to act for the protection of the govern ment’s interest at the sale of the Kan sas Pacific was pending at the close of the session. The probability is that it will be amicably arranged before the senate convenes tomorrow. Dark Palon«« < rime. Palouse, Wash., Dec, 7. — An un known man was found dead yesterday on the track of the Northern Pacific, one mile south. The body was mangled lievond recognition. The man was 5 feet 8 inches, dregesed in a bine checked suit, sack coat and brown overcoat. The coroner’s jury returned a verdict that the man came to his death by hav ing his throat cut, but whether by hi* own hand or the hand ef another they could not say. A bloody knife. Kanaa« Pari tic Sale. Spaniards Discredit It in the Absense of Proofs. Killed Her Hable«. Philadelphia, Dec. ti.—Anna Nig gle, the young wife of 8. Niggle, a pin- ture frame dealer, living at 738 Jackson street, tonight killed her two babies, one aged 3 years, and one aged 6 months, by smothering them with illu minating gas. The woman attempted to committ suicide in the same man ner, and the returning husband found The Coliseum at Rome was built by his children dead and his wife in an Vespasian to accommodate 10,0000 unconscious condition. She may re spectators. It covers five and a half cover. acres, and was 120 feet high. Washington, Doc. 9.—Senator Mor gan today introduced a resolution re questing the president to obtain a post ponement of the sale of the Kansas Pa cific “until such time as will give con gress reasonable time to consider and act upon his recommendation. ” Messrs. Rice, Flint Co. have struck a vein in their Black Repub lican tunnel, in Michael creek mining district in Southern Oregon, showing very promising ore containing cold and copper. No assays from this lowest level has heen made. The third tun nel is in 210 feet, and will be pushed some 50 feet further to crosscut tbit and another parallel vein further in. Protaising ledges are being uncovered tn the district. A number of placers are running light. I.lfe-Saver« Drownml. Margate, fingland, Dec. 6. — A volun teer lifeboat casixed this morning off Nay lad rock. Of 14 men comprising her crew, 10 were drowned. When the accident occurred, the lifeboat was on her way to the rescue of the crew of the Persian Empire. Later .a the day the Persian Empire was taken in tow for London. The Carlisle City, with which steamer the Persian Em pire had been in collision, proceeded on her voyage. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. (Offii e of Downtnr, Honkin» <t Co.. Chicago Board Ol Ti ><■!.• Brolo 711-71 u'hamber of Coui- uierce Building, Foriiuud, Oregon.) The interest in wheat has been any thing but keen outside the December deal, prices holding comparatively nar row. Taking tiie May delivery, which is more nearly an index of market val ues than is December, the undertone has been one of comparative firmness, marked late last week by the good ad vance and a subsequent period of un certainty. The world’s news affecting wheat values has been on the, whole favora ble to higher prices. Public stocks in this country have not been increased as rapidly as for merly; while the world’s shipment to Western Europe was liberal, they were made up in great part by clearances of flour from our own coasts, phenomen ally large and highly encouraging. It is believed the Australian crop will show only a small exportable surplus, there are recent reports of purchases on the Pacific coast for South Africa, ami the Liverpool Corn News has pub lished further statements pointing to the important shortage in Russia’s sup ply of breastuffs and feedstuffs. The Argentine exportable surplus continues a matter of uncertainty, and the trade is less interested than formerly, but of course will closely watch the movement as soon as the new crop is ready, now a matter of only a few weeks. Receipts of spring wheat in the Northwest con tinue large, but it is the time of the year to expect such. The cash demand for wheat and flour is fairly good. The corn market has been a sluggish affair most of the time for a fortnight past, prices narrow, interest at a mini mum, the undertone one of easiness. Increased receipts are expected now that farmers are practically through husking and shelling, and in the ab sence of an urgent shipping demand, 0 inside ing the large offerings, specu lative support is lacking. Exports are fair, but ought to be much greater, and a large visible supply acts as something of a weight on values. It is worthy of note, however, that at exist ing low prices a good deal of corn in the aggregate is being shipped out of Chicago. With the close of lake navi gation liberal quantities will be pur chased by speculators, and stored in the hold of vessels at a low rate for shipment next spring. The market has continued to hold ‘close to the 26 cent basis, with May hesitating be tween 29c and 30c. Low grades by sam ple 24 Ja @25)ac. Portland Market. Wheat—Walla Walla, 72c; Val ley and Bluestem, 74@75c per bushel. Four—Best grades, $4.25; graham, $3.50; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. Oats—Choice white, 34 @ 35c; choice gray, 32@33c per bushel. Barley—Feed barley, $19@20; brew ing, $20 per ton. Millstiffs—Bran,$16.50 per ton; mid dlings, $21; shorts, $16.50. Hay—Timothy, $12.50@13; clover, $10@ll; California wheat, $10; do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9@10 per ton. Egg“—18hi@25c per dozen. Butter—Fancy creamery, 50@55c; fair to good, 40@45c; dairy, 30@40e per roll. Cheese — Oregon, 11 i^c; Young America, 12Vac; California, 9@10c per pound. Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $1.75@ 2.50 per doezn; broilers, $2.00@2.50; geese, $5.50@6; ducks, $3.00@4.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10c per pound. Potatoes—Oregon Burbanks, 35@40c per sack; sweets. $1.40 per cental. Onions—Oregon, new, red, 90c; yel low, 80c per cental. Hops—St® 14c per pound for new crop; 1896 crop, 4@6c. Wool—Valley, 14(^16c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 7@12c; mohair, 20 @22c per pound. Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, $3.00; dressed mutton, 5c; spring lambs, 5'2c per pound. Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $4.00; light and feeders, $3.00@4.00; dressed, $4.50(85.00 per 100 pounds. Beef—Gross, top steers, $2.7.5@3.00; cows, $2.25* dressed beef, 4@5'ac per pound. Veal—Large, 4 *-2 @5c; small, 6c per pound. Seattle Market. Butter—Fancy native creamery, brick, 28c; ranch, 16(818c. Cheese—Native Washington, 12lsc; California, O'^c. Eggs—Fresh ranch, 30 @ 32c. Poultry—Chickens, live, per pound, hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.50(8 8 00; ducks, $3.50(83.75. Wheat—Feed wheat, $22 per ton. Oats—Choice, per ton. $19(8 20. Corn—Whole, $22; cracked, per ton, $22; feed meal. $22 per ton. Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton, $22; whole. $22. Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef, eteers, 6c; cows, o'2c; mutton sheep, 7c; pork. 7c; veal, small, 7. Fresh Fish—Halibut, 4@5c: salmon, 3@4c; salmon trout, 7@ 10c; flounders and sole, 3(8 4; ling cod, 4 @5; rock cod, 5c; smelt, 212(<t4c. Fresh' Fruit—Apples, 50c@$1.25 per box; peaches, 75(8 80c; prunes, 35@40c; pears, 75c@$l per box. San Franci»co Market. Wool—Nevada 11 @ 13c; Oregon, 12 @14c; Northern 7@8c per pound. ‘ Hops—10@12c per pound. Millstnffs—Middlings. $2O@22; Cal ifornia bran, $17.50(*r 18.00 p«*r ton. Onions—New red. 70(880c; do new si 1verskin, $1.40@1.60 percental. Eggs—Store. 24 @ 26c; ranch, 27^@ 82c: Eastern, 15@20;duck, 20@25c per dozen. Cheese—Fancy mild, new, 12tjc; fair to good, 7 @ 8c per pound.. r1 ■