t Dr. Leroy Lewis, I 1 LOCAL NEWS. G. 8. Wright, dentist. You can get perfect satisfaction in pho- ’ tos at the Excelsior Studio. New fancy silks at Apperson’s. DENTIST, G. S. Wright, dentist’. Dr. J. H. Nelson and wife visited Mr. Fresh Tillamook cheese at Bettman A Will soon remove hi. office int i hi. elegant HHiteof room, in the new .laeob.on block. Pa­ Warren’s. and Mrs. B. F. Lucas at Rickreall the Typewriter supplies at C. Grissen's. tients arc askeii to uote the change. McMinnville, Ore. The Kay A Todd stock is going off See Dr. Nelson about seamless gold J first of the week. crowns and plate work Big cut in prices at R. Jacobson & !rapidly. The best 25-cent meal in the city is ob- Co.’a on account of preparation for re­ Eastern oysters in any style kept daily From Dawson City comes via Skaguay: ainable at T. A. White’s restaurant- moval into new building. at White’s restaurant. 44 Cur. Third and B Sts. Santa Claus passed through here hound for I11 God we trust. Everybody else pays The ladies of the C. 1*. Aid society will Titos. II. Rogers made a business trip Old St. Charles Building. cash at the Racket store, and get the bar­ give a 10c social at the church New to Portland on Tuesday. winter quarters at Book-keeping, Commercial Law, Arithmetic, gains that cash will buy. 51-3 Years’ eve. Practical Penmanship, Spelling, etc. For par- J. P. Irvine has been uuder the weatli- , ttcnlars call on or aditreas Merchants, order your g.Htds shipped Mrs. Morris’s is the place to go for \ JOB. I. a FOLLETTE, Prill. ' er with neuralgia the past few days. McMinnville, Or. by steamer Grey Eagle, and thus save Christmas presents, everything new and >JL_------------------------------------ Bettman A Warren receive fresh cheese money for yourselves 50-tf up-to-date. from Tillamook every few days. PHYSICIANS The grocery firms of Bettman A Warren Are you going to paint your house? I respectfully invite the public to an inspection of my N. E. Kegg was in Portland as a wit- and Dresser A Hendrick have invested in Consult Elsia Wright about paints and ness in the Redmond assignment suit. (JALBREATH & GOUCHER, STOCK OF BOOKS, new and handsome delivery wagons. oils. He will give von the liest material Wanted—A second-hand organ. In­ at leaBt cost. TOYS, every description. tf Did you hear her whistle? The steamer quire of S. Wilson, North Yamhill. 50-2 JEWELRY, Grey Eagle is now making regular tripe Mayor Wm. Chrisman and wife and SILVERWARE A party having a number one milch to this city and needs your patronage. Mrs. A. 11. Gaunt and son will leave for PIANOS, GUITARS, cow for sale may find a buyer by inquir­ Matilija, Calif., about the 20th inst., and BANJOS, The new display window at the Excel ­ (Office over Braly’s Bank.) ing at this office. sior Photo Studio is the finest the city expect to remain until about April 1st. M c M innville - - - O regon Waltham and Elgin watches, Seth has ever seen, ft is certainly up to date. The ladies of McMinnville have already Thomas clocks, and genuine Rogers Married, at the residence of W. W. learned where they can get their sewing j h . cook , n. D. Bros.’ ware at Wm. F. Dielschneider’s. Levis, Lafayette, Or. Miss A. L. Martin done the cheapest and best. At the new The Sunday school of the At. E. church to W. P. Eraser. Rev. Bowersox odici- dressmaker’s, Mrs. M. Catlin, Union Blk. ONE PRICE. PAIR DEALING. has chosen G. A. Prentiss for the office of ating. Oh say, look at this I A new boot and superintendent the ensuing year. Music and umbrella racks, easels, shoe and harness shop in one. Door Don’t fail to attend Kay A Todd’s auc­ screens, tables and other novelties in south of the Transcript office anti every­ Rooms 9 and 10, Union Block, tion sales. bamboo goods at Mrs. Morris A Co’s., thing kept in the harness line. All work MCMINNVILLI, - - -, ORKOON. Tom White of restaurant fame, has Union block. guaranteed. Boots and shoes made and -------- -------- planned a visit to the old home in Penn­ Two beautiful electric light chandeliers repaired. Ladies shoe work a specialty MEAT MARKETS sylvania as soon as the holiday rush is were received this week from New York and prices to suit ail. A. D. Hoskins, tf over. by the M. E. church and are being put Why suffer with eoughs, colds and la- Prepuraiiir) Service« and lied lea - MATTHIES & BOOTH, Rev. C. A. Wood)’ will preach in the up in their new buildiug. lion of the M. 1.'. Church. grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine Proprietors of Baptist church next Sunday morning and Rev. Dr. W. H. Iliff of Portland will Mr. Solomon Harris, one of the sales­ will cure you in one day. Does not pro­ evening. Pastor King will till the pulpit men of the Redmond stock, returned this duce the ringing in the heat! like sul­ preach in the new M. E. church next Sabbath at. 11 tt. m. and at 7:30 p. in. attbe First church in Portland. week from San Francisco, where he was phate of quinine. Put up in tablets con­ There will Ire preaching service every Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds Just arrived.from the north via Klon­ called by the death of a brother. venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure evening of the week, and the officiating dike and now established for the season or money refunded. Price 25 cents. For miiiisterswill be: Monday night, Rev. South side Third St. between B and C. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nelson left last E. E.Thompson; Tuesday, Rev. R. W. at C. Griesen’s, my old headquarters Friday evening for Watsonville, Cal., sale by Rogers Bros. 38in6 King; Wednesday, Rev. Dr. J. J. Walter Come and see me. S anta C laus . Bettman A Warren will remove totheir of Centenary M. E. church, Portland; where they purpose spending the winter. BARBERS There will be a union Christmas tree Their son Ira accompanied them, but new store room in the new Jacobson Thursday, President. Boardman; Friday. in the church at Carlton, the several de­ will probably return soon. block Itefore Christinas. They have a Rev. J. T. Abbettof Eugene; Saturday, yy H. LOGAN, Rev. Dr. John Parsons. Each weekday­ nominations having Hgreed to join hands People in the valley who imagined the big stock of goods still unpacked awaiting service will begin at 7:30 p. m. in the happy affair. removal, much of it nice for Christmas All the pastors of the city were invited weather a little damp during November, Ail persons knowing themselves in­ would think it rained at Nehalem, where and holiday purchases. Reserve your to officiate in these services, but Elder F. A. Powell declined because of other I am located opposite Burns A Daniels and aim orders till you see their goods. engagements in his own church. to give all customers good treatment for little debted to R. Jacobson A Co. ate request­ the weather bureau gauge caught 28.33 money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pal ed to call and make settlement at once, inches. Report of Whiteson school for term (In the following Sabbath, which will ronage solicited. as they need the money. We are now opening new and season­ beginning Sept. 13th and ending Dec. 2, be Dee. loth, the church will be dedi­ cated. Rev. Dr. II. W. Kellogg of Ohio, able goods for tbe holiday trade, such as C. Edith Percival, teacher. Total en­ who has just Iteen transferred to Oregon, Sauer krout. HARNESS rolled, 55; average daily attendance, 48. hoods, fascinators, mufflers, handker­ Sauced pig’s feet. and appointed pastor of Taylor St. chiefs ami other seasonable goods for the Those who have not been absent since church, Portland, will preach the sermoi). Coast honey. J71.SIA WRIGHT, entering are Roswell Bennet, Sidney Rev. Dr. G. W. Gue, presiding elder of B ettman A W akiien . holiday trade at Apperson’s. Portland district, Rev. Dr. A. N. Fisher, Manufactures and Deals in Mrs. Ambia Griffith left on Monday to The Methodist church has received a Hollman, Loran Hollman, Maggie Houk, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, James Houk, Elsworth Post, Olley Mor ­ join her husband at Olympia. Mr. Grif­ fine present of one hundred new church and Rev. Dr John Parson*, presiding elder of Salem district, am! other minis­ fith has been employed by a pottery firm hymnals, the donor being Mrs. Smith, rison, Pearl and Marvin Willi*. ters will be present and take part in the , as traveling solicitor. SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, organist of Taylor M. E. church, Port­ Judge L. A. Linville, who has been services. I). T. S ummerville . visiting his daughter, Mrs. J.G. Eckman, A grand ball is to be given by the con­ land. T|te gift is worth over $30. bruahes, and sells them cheaper than they euatomera in our «atiinatim. W'haa they can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette tractors of the new Jacobson block The Reporter is the only newspaper in are lent to ua on a trading errand, we at The case of Chas. Handley, respon­ and family, since August, started on his Valley. Our u 11 home made sets of harness are way. remember that thoy are not dlacrlmi- pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. on the evening of the 17th. There will dent, vs Ellen L. Jackson and T. J. Har­ return to Kansas on Wednesday. An in­ the county that prints the president’s iiatluK buyers, and we take special palus be seven pieces in the orchestra, and as ris, appellants, an action to recover on tended visit of one year was cut short by message in full. It is the only paper that to ace that thoy get what both you and they yy j. strong . the hall is 50x100 feet, you can prepare note, appealed from the circuit court of the urgency of business matters at home. gives the news, aud it costs no tuoi>thau want. Then we alwaya try to be prompt ill for a first-class time. * waiting on them—there is alwaya a little Yamhill county in October, 1895, has He will take home with him good reports the stereotype, boiler-plate variety. Dealer in and Manufacturer of worry about them at home when they are In buying holiday presents bear in been decided in favor of the respondent. of Oregon. scut upon an errand and atay too long^teia Seems as if all the things we like disa­ mind it’s better to buy something useful through no fault of their own. Our friend C. H. Jones, of tbe Salem llunfne*« Cannot be Cured gree with us, and all the things ws don’t as well as ornamental. The place to buy public schools, in writing to forward his Rogers Bros.* Pharmacy, by local applications, as they cannot, like, agree with us. Dyspepsia lurks in COLLARS, «¿ addles , goods, reliable goods, is at Apperson’s. subscription, speaks most flatteringly of McMinnville, Oregon. reach the diseased portion of the ear. most oi the good things we eat, and indi­ W H1 PS, r BRIDLES, Prof. W. F. Fargo reminds us that he the school* in the capital city. In the There is only one way to cure deafness, gestion follows the gratification of appe­ SPURS, Etc. is still in the land of the living by a building he lias charge of t here are 572 and that is by constitutional remedies. tite. Of course, it isn’t nature’s fault. Alt work guaranteed as represented. Repairing Miss Valeria Patty, who has been liv­ of all kinds promptly done. First door west or letter remitting his subscription, in which pupils enrolled and a ninth grade has Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi­ Nature does the best she can, and if a McMinnville Nutiouul Bank. ing with Mrs. R. L. Bewley, near 9heri- he says: “We have not forgotten our been added this year. tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta­ man will only help her a little bit at the friends in McMinnville and The Reporter President Wortman and Cashier Even- chian tnlie. When this tube gets in­ right time, he may eat what he likes and dan, for several months, has returned home, and has enrolled among the «col­ LIVERYMEN comes to us with more things of interest den of the First National, John Red­ flamed you have u rumbling sound or i as much as he likes. Dr. Pierce’s Pleas­ lege students. than ever.” He is in Chicago. mond and wife, and Attorneys McCain, imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ­ ant Pellets are for |>eople who are troubled ÇITY STABLES, The Record is invited to show up ths Doyon know, that Elsia Wright carries Ramsey and Spencer, were all in Port­ ly closed deafness is the result, and un­ with indigestion. Particularly for those typographical error which it claims was a full line of lubricating oils for machin ­ land Tuesday attending court. The less the inflammation can lie taken out in whom it manifests itself in the form of made in reproducing it* senseloss twad­ Third St., between E and F. ery? Owners of valuable harvesting and matter of the assignment of F. W. Red­ and tl)is tube restored to its normal con­ constipation. The “Pellets” are quick dle about money. Let’s see how it would other machinery cannot afford to exper­ mond was having its day of litigation. dition, hearing will be destroyer! forever; ami easy in their action. They are in help your case. Wilson & Henderson, Props. iment with poor oils. He carries the best The city council has employed a new nine cases out often are caused by ca­ perfect harmony with nature. They ef­ The ladies of the M. E. church rallied Everything Nrst-class. Horses boarded by on the market and they are warranted superintendent, Mr. Fred Painter of tarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed fect a permanent cure. You need take as a mighty host and sewed in a short day, week or month. Commercial travelers not to gum. their new carpet which Mr. Daniela tf them regularly only a little while. After time Oregon City. He is recommended as a condition of the mucous surfaces. conveyed to all i-oin ts a I most reasonable rates. ia now putting down on the floor of th« Give us a call. Mrs. D. B. Kingery and son Clarence, thorough electrician and mechanic, and We will give One Hundred Dollars for ¡that, use them occasionally when you auditorium of their new church. accompanied by Mrs. Mary Judd, left will have charge of the books, collections, any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) 1 need them—when you have eaten any­ last week for California Tbej- expect etc., at a salary of $60 per month. He that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh thing that disagrees with you. They may To Cure n Cold in Our Day DRAYMEN to spend some weeks in San Francisco, entered upon his duties this week. Cure. Send for circulars, free. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablai*. I be taken just ns freely as you would lake where Mrs. Kingery has a brother, and g E. COULTER. F. J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O. j water or any other necessity U life. Once A1! druggists refund the money if it fails N. E. Kegg otters his residence prop­ will probably visit friends ia I«os Angeles 1 used they are always m Savor. to cut«. 25c. Eor sale by Roger* Bro*. x McrtlNNVILLE erty in this city for sale. One of the best ^O^Sold by druggists, 75c. and Santa Barbara before returning. —” locations; property will pay 10 per cent, Meantime our friend D. B., who is en­ in rentals. See him for price. ----------- —rtr- deavoring to get acclimated to his owu +. ± y y ■■■ 1 4V-tf N. E. K egg . Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful -JF handling guaranteed. Collections will be made cooking, has our heartiest sympathy. I will examine abstracts made after this monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap. The steamer Grey Eagle is now mak­ date by other parties, free of charge 1 ing regular trips between McMinnville will draw ordinary deeds, mortgages, BANKING and Portland, coming up on Wednes­ leases and contracts for 75c each, includ­ days, Fridays and Sundays, and going ing acknowledgements. NO 38S7 down on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat­ F rank C. F erguson , Abstracter. THE ltIeHIIM!IVllA.E urdays. She is owned and operated as The following officers were elected by an independent boat by the Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. of Newberg. Taylor chapter No. 16, R. A. ?«,. last They are home people, who spend their week H. L. Heath, H. P.; W. 8. Link, money in developing Yamhill interests, king; B. F. Sparks, scribe; Jj. C. Wal­ X ---- McMinn ville, Oretjon.— O' ker, secretary; E. C. Apperson, treasurer; and they deserve your patronage. Paid up Capital, $.50,000 At the last meeting of Laurel Assembly F. W. Fenton, C. of H.; J. E. Durham, No. 17, United Artisans, held at their hall P. S.; O. J. Schreyer. R. A. C.; O. O, Surplus $10,000. in Lafayette, they elected the following Hodson, G. M. 3<1 V.; C. E. Branson, Transacts a General Banking Business. officers for the ensuing year : past master, t G. M. 2d V.; C. D. Johnson, G. M. 1st Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. John Blough; master Artisan, Elizon V. ; R. L. Conner, guard. Installation Levis; superintendent, Mrs. Lou Vickrey; will be heleaks Come early and get the first choice, riage. They are the progeny of the veil, elected the following officers for the en­ known Baron Douglas that Mr. Rose im­ suing year last Friday evening Henry as goods are moving very fast. ported in 1890. We understand that the ’ Fletcher, M. W.; Adolf Mattlues. fore- firm of which Mr. Holcomb is a member jman; Wesley Houck, overseer; J D. has sent 4500 horses to Alaska since the Baker, recorder; E. C. Walker, finan­ I gold excitement began. None of them cier; R. Nelson, receiver; John Bennett, overcome back, anti if the demand from guide; George Savage, 1. U.; E. Wright, Best to take after dinner; prevent distress, aid diges­ I that quarter continues it* effect ia bound j O. (J., J. P. Irvine, trustee; Dr. J. IV tion, cure constipation. McMinnville, Oct. 22, 1897. i to influence to some extent the price of 1 BaSor, medical examiner. Inslaltalton Furet, vegetable, do not gripe or caoee pain. Sold b, all «roggista ï> eeat*. | horses in the northwest '▼Til tacur tb? first I'riday in January, Prepared only by C. L Hood A Co.. Loweu. Maae ± ± . ...........c-. ’ • '»• Business Schoo!. II C. Grissen S, Physicians and Surgeons. $50 in Prizes Given Away! Physician and Surgeon. i Chas. Criasen CITY MARKET. BARBER Children are Important HARNESS, I HARNESS, Truck and Dray Co. Grand Removal Sale ! Big Cut in prices ! National Bank Sl.">.()()() WORTH Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, Ladies’ & Children’* Jack- cts and Capes, Millinery, etc., Must be disposed of within 60 Days Hood’s R. Jacobson & Co Pills 1 ■r~T _____ r