Yamhill County Reporter! T. It. BAH* Il A HT, Editar A Erepr. J. C. ECKMAN, Aaeaelat« Editar. Subscription $1.00 Per Year. Office of the City Treasurer, McMinnville, Or. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: In accordance with the requirements of the charter and the provisions of the ordinances of the city of McMinnville, I beg to submit here­ with for your consideration annual report of the busineas transacted for the year ending Dee.Gth,1897: GFNERAL FUND advertising rates . Balance on hand as per report Dec. 2, » 1896.. Reading notice» In local column» 10 cent» per Hue for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter. Receipt»— Display advertisements, annual rates, one Inch 1 1 ,Mü ÜU per month 11; each additional inch .50 cents per From aalnon licena« s Other license)» collected by month. obituary and marriage notices not exceeding Treasurer 112 50 10 lines published free. If lurnlshed In time to 51 40 i>e current tie * ». Additional matter 10cent*per Delinquent tax 1896 From recorder, tines and li- Hua. censes. 45 85 431 23 1,809 75 Total receipts............... FRIDAY, DEC. 10, 1807. 2,240 98 R ailroad men who voted for Mc­ Kinley and sound money last year, without reference to their former party affiliations, will not regret their action when they examine the figures showing the earnings of the companies in whose success they are interested. The July, August and September earnings of eight of the largest railway systems of the coun try show increased earnings of from one to two million dollars each for the months in question. E very little yelping democratic or populist newspaper in the country is raising a terrific howl because the Dingley tariff' bill is not producing as much revenue as is required to meet the expenses of the govern­ ment. Let them howl. No intelli­ gent person will be deceived. The act has only been in force a little over four months and has had neither time nor opportunity to justify itself as a revenue producer. Of one thing rest assured; if it should prove inad e juate in that respect, there is a re­ publican congress and president who will see that it does the work. And let it not be forgotten that its failure to yield a surplus at the present time, is the result of the partisan and un­ patriotic course of the opposition members of congress, in delaying its passage while the country was be­ ing flooded with foreign goods under the Wilson act. By this means not less than’f50,000,000*of revenue was lost to the government—all for the purpose of embarrassing the new ad ministration. Nobody expected that the Dingley law would at once raise enough revenue to meet current ex­ penses, hut Mr. Dingley in u speech delivered before the Home Market club of Boston on November 10th, re­ ferred to the fact that the revenues had increased sufficiently each month since it went into effect to justify the conclusion that by the end of the fis­ cal year it would meet the require ment for current expenses, pensions and interest and in the next year create u surplus. It is safe to proph esy that by the end of another year these same newspapers will be howl­ ing about the large und dangerous surplus in the treasury. There are ruuiors afloat of a middle-of- the-road populist newspaper likely to ap­ pear in thia city soon. The trouble witii the populists is that they have too many pap-sucking office seekers alioard, who want tiie ofiivea at auy price, to make that policy win. Starting seven or eight newspapers wouldn’t restore virtue where there never was any. Disbursements— Transferred to water fund a» per orders Orders paid . Interest paid on orders 1,200 OU 990 06 1 15 2,191 20 Total Disbursements Dec. 6,1897, balance on hand 49 78 INDEBTEDNESS Orders outstanding endorsed not paid tor want of funds. 71 50 WATER FIND. Balance on hand as per report Dec. IM Receipts— Water and light collections I »5,055 31 Sale of pipe by Wm. Campbell, , 20 Sale to Newberg per recorder 2 Sale cord of wood Wallace 77 Taxes delinquent 1896 1,200 Transferred from Gen,1 Fund 2, 53 02 00 05 40 50 15 oo 6,386 10 Total receipts Disbursements— Orders paid Interest paid on same Transferred to sinking fund Correction error ls% report 87 80 00 00 6,419 67 Total disbursements 19 45 Dec. 6, 1897, balance on hand INDEBTEDNESS. Order« outstanding endorsed not paid 5,353 04 for want of funds Bonded debt on account of the water and light plant,....................... STREET Ft’Nl>. Balance on hand as per report Dee. 2, 1896. Receipt»— 25 70 Delinquent taxes of 1896 75 Sale lumber by street Com’r 203 47 26 45 Total receipts 229 92 Disbursements— Order« paid ........ . 3 71 INDEBTEDNESS. Orders outstanding endorsed not paid for want of funds.. ... NINKINO 187 30 FUND. Transferred from water fund Interest paid on bonds as per orders 1,200 00 1,200 00 RBCAPfTULATfOM Cash on hand Doc. 6, 1897. General fund, |49 78 Water fund 19 45 Street fund .1 71 Warrant« Outstanding. 1 71 50 5 ,853 04 187 30 . . 1 5^11 84 OU Total of all indebtedness »25,611 84 Totals »72 IN Bond» outstanding WATER FUND. in view of the fact that the water and light plant 1» the principal source of expense to the taxpayer«, I have examined the records of this office since said plant has been in operation and find that there has been expended in building, maintaining and operating the same the sum of.. >‘»i IN (M This amount has been raised in the following manner: Hale of bonds . . . JÜ.UÜU uo Proceeds of loan I.6UU DU Ta ata collected... 12,01» 0» Transfer#/rom general fund 1KSM 41 Warrants ooUlonding, less cash on hand 6,333 59 Sundry other items 161 08 Water and light collections 3V2XK & |91,<7I M Th* following la collections for «seh year since tiieplant has been in operation: 1890 I 3,295 42 1891 4,789 62 5,458 85 1W2 1893. .. n f’,316 is MW w 5,187 98 5,055 UO DKCKMBKR TERM. J F Byers, lumber 1 20 18 C Loder, gravel 7 5(1 Elmer Miller, cordurov • (Hl MeM G A F Co, nulae for poor 18 50 Chita L Smith, htmlier 20 43 iMiiiel A Snyder, lumlter 9 45 C \V Talmage, dept atty F Hotfstatter, wit St vs Lehman Claude Ferkiua, witness 8 O Coolidge, worj on drift E S Warren, er Wm Malone, work on drift Fre<) Bent, blksmtlig I’lirie JohiiMiu, bridge work R W Phillip«, rare of poor Jone« A Adams, glana Stephen« A Campbell, lumber J C Porter, mdse for poor .... EatIGood Things in Winter í M.055 S2 Respectfully Submitted, E. C. APPER8ON, City Treasurer. 6th, 1897 l’OI RTÏ COMniSMONERS. The new city council Iteiti it« tirat HPR- •ion Cor buaineu Tueedav evening, All member« were present. Be«i S S Duncan, “................... 12 < 1 A l’rentitte, “................... Other Remedies Failed but Hood's Jno Joues, nuise for |xx>r Sarsaparilla Cured. Seibert Bros, blacksmithing C Wirfa, overpaid taxes Whatever the nature of the poison T E Conner, work on drift or humor in the blood, Hood’s Sarsa­ Bettman A Warren, tudee for |>oor parilla, as the one true blood purifier, Glass A Brudhomme. stationery W H Morris, bridge work I effects a cure. Read this letter: “Eight year* ago my little adopted G A Prentiss, salary aud postage daughter, then two years old, was bitten E C Brooks, work ou drift J N Jones, “ “ ....... oe the back by a spider. We felt almost E J Wood, salary and portage sure she would die. She suffered terrible I E Fenton, cartage agony, and we doctored her by every I N Collard, salary and ex means we could think of without a cure. \V A Howe, mdse for poor She was covered with sores from head to J W Henry, salary arid board of foot. Then her ears discharged, and prisoners...................... . • • iilinJuets was the next thing. We were W T Macy, salary not able to continue paying doctor’s bills. D M Caldwell, salary C E Dukenfield, salary and ex One day a lady asked me why 1 did not J D Hibbs, mdse for |>oor try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. She said, J A Simmons, drugs for poor B W Walker, wotk on drift When you buy a bottle of Wm Hubbard, hauling gravel Hood's Sarsaparilla you Chas Griesen, field I took may rely upon a cure. F R Wilson, Ininlier H I. Heath, printing We acted upon this suggestion, and began R W McCall, cordtirov giving her Hood’s Sarsaparilla. The little C P Yates, juror Young inquest girl is now cured and she is getting plump, it W II Kuykendall, « I sleeps well and has a good appetite, and < I A J Bewley, < « < I ( 1 00 she can see to put Hood’s Rainy Day Puz­ Peter Vantrim, 1 00 zle together and even thread a fine needle. N D LesChance, < 1 00 A great many people and a number ot phy­ Frank Qnenel, 1 50 sicians know about this case and they Peter Petit, witness < « 1 50 know that our little girl is like another Win Hartless, « ll 5 00 child. She is now taking her tenth bottle Dr Kershaw, ( 4 17 40 of Hood’s Sarsaparilla.’’ M rs . M attie V. I F. Fenton, coroner S teiner , 716 Milton Av., San Diego, Cal. NberidHis City Election 226 21 . Dee. 6, 1897, balance on hand T. L. Vanorsdel publishes a card in the Record denying any knowledge of or part in the union party ring-gathering men­ tioned in The Reporter last week. As a matter of course. He lias not been let IM into the star-chamber secrets, nor will he 1895 . i.M'.n. be, until it is determined whether he or 1897. the other fellow is to be coddled for tlie office of sheriff'. Vanorsdel says lie l>e- iievee in the office seeking the man. and maybe he thought publishing a card Dec would aaeiat it in finding one AU the different Sunday school« and churches are moving in the matter of ap­ propriate Chriatmaa celebration. The Methodists and Christiane will probably distribute their gift« from the tiine-hon- orad tr«e. The Presbyterian« are to have a "grotto,” aud the Baptist» are plan uing. and at the Catholic church there will be three maaae«—5:90, 8:00 and 10 SO a. m—and Sunday services. At­ tractive program« will be arranged at the several churches Bitten by a Spider CITY THE»»t KCH'M KE PO HT. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS. Style/* Durability J Fit. All thxt their name implies. It would be folly for us to attempt to put tn print all that might be said in favor of these goods. One trial will convince any lady that they possess merits not found tn the ordinary stock corset. Prices ranging from $1.00 up­ wards. From Portland—New su pplies of Groceries aud other goods every week. SPECIAL DRIVE To close out some lines ot our present Hat and Shoe stock. Oh these special lines we will abso­ lutely cut prices in twain. This cut is not on all hats or shoes we have in stock, but only on special lines. We aim to give bargains in all lines. A. J. APPERS0N, McMinnville Esü