The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 10, 1897, Image 1

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    Entered at the I'ostofficeln McMinnville,
an Seconde las. matter.
, ti VOL. XXVII.
Toilet Sets
Manicure Sets :
Perfume Sets :
II Ill'll KI lllllllllll IM Mill Illi
a i
Kerchief Boxes
Necktie Boxes
Glove Boxes
Work Baskets
Fine Line of Good Books.
W. L. Hembree, Prop.
Don’t Chink
Because our goods are so pretty
and rich looking that the price
is way up there out of your
Don’t Judge
the price of Jewelry, Watches,
Clocks, Silverware, etc., of to­
day with the prices of these ar­
ticles five or six years ago.
Don’t Stay Away
Because of these wrong impres­
sions, but come in and price our
goods, and you will be surprised
to see how little money it takes
to buy a good watch or clock for,
or dainty piece of jewelry or
beautiful piece of silverware, or
rich cut glass.
Come in
and let us convince .you that the
modern “buy for cash and sell
for cash” way of doing business
is the best wav. Remember our
stock is larger and more varied
than ever this yeat‘.
W m . F. D if . lschneider ,
Jeweler and Optician.
Two doors below P. O.
Cla»v ot ’111 Oratorical Canteat.
When the class of 1894 left McMinn­
ville college, it contributed a fund, the
interest of which was to be applied to the
payment of prizes in oratory to be known
as the “Class of ’94 Oratorical prize,”
This contest for the current year will be
held at the college chapel Friday evening,
Dec. 10th, at 7:30 o’clock. There wili be
some seven participants who will deliver
orations, all of them members of the
junior and senior classes. Good music
will be provided and the program will be
one of great interest. Three prizes will
be offered of $10, $7.50 and $5 respectively
for the orations which the judges may
decide to be first, second and third in
merit. The income from the fund not
yet being sufficient to pay these prizes in
full, nominal admission of lOcts will be
charged at the door.« Anything in excess
of the amount needed to complete the
prizes which may be received will be
contributed to the fund.
The public is cordially invited to come
and enjoy a pleasant evening at the
A. Mannock made a business trip to
Portland last Monday.
G. T. Smith is in Portland on business,
also visiting his mother.
Married, December 7,1897, by Rev. J.
Hoberg, Mr. Thomas Glover and Miss
May Mills.
Rev. Jos. Hoberg of McMinnville was
a pleasant visitor in Whiteson one day
this week.
Mrs. M. M. Ranch of the Whiteson
store was in Portland buying goods one
day this week.
The Fred l.ashier house and one acre
of land was sold last Saturday at the
sheriff’s sale to Homer Kirkwood for
Mrs. May Gates of this place received
the sad news last Tuesday that her sister
Mrs. Maude Kinney of Astoria was very
low and not expected to recover.
Last Sunday Mr. Edgar Conner and
family, accompanied by Mrs. Morrison,
attended church at Amity. On their
road home one of the horses became
frightened and began to kick. Mrs. Mor­
rison attempted to jump out of the car­
riage but was caught by one of the wheels
and drawn round with it several times.
She was severely and painfully bruised,
but fortunately was not seriously in­
L-------- » y
.------- » ■
Estate of John Aebi. Final account
filed and Saturday, Jan. 8th, at 1 p. m.,
set to hear same.
Estate of Arminta Higgins. Inventory
Estate of James H. Scott. Final ac­
count approved.
Administrator dis­
charged and bondsmen exonerated.
Estate of Christian Richter. Final ac­
count allowed, executrix discharged and
bondsmen exonerated.
Estate of Sarah J. Shartzer. Inventory
Estate of Sophia M. Conner. Third
semi-annual account approved.
Estate of Susan Sawyer. First account
allowed. Administrator with the will
annexed discharged and his bondsmen
Heal Eutate Tranatera.
Week ending Dec. 8th.
Peter Mortig to Henry Warnack
237.67 at 5 r 6...................... $ 1800
Charlotte Sanders to Nettie K.
Sanders 35.60 a sec 19 t. 5 r 5...
Harry Watkins et ux to Jno Eberoll
120 a t5r 5 ................................. 3500
R W Lancefield et ux to P P Durant
lots 3 & 4 blk 8 Watts’ add to
AT Hill etux to Mary R Miller
lots 7 & 8 blk 9 Deskins’ 2d add
to Newberg................................. 1000
Jens Jensen to Ben E Olson 60 a
Guild Valley Items.
sec 4 t 2 r 4.................................
Guy Carter made a flying trip to our
W D Fenton et ux tp Frank Jern-
neighborhood last week.
stedt 152.83 a pt Eli Perkins d lc 8057
Some of our boys visited Peavine school A R Ford et al to Sarah E Ford 3
last Tuesday evening. A good time was tracts in t 4 r4...............................
A number of cattle buyers have been
Don’t be persuaded into buying lini­
in our vicinity the past week. Looks
without reputation or merit—
like prosperity has struck the country
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm costs no more,
sure enough.
and its merits have been proven by a test
Time rolls on, and with it the second of many years. Such letters as the fol­
month of our school closed last Friday. lowing, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme,
The directors have been very fortunate Cal,, are constantly being received:
in securing the services of Mrs. Watts as “The best remedy for pain I have ever
teacher for a six-mouth’s term of school, used is Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and I
instead of four months as first intended. say so after having used it in my family
Many thanks to the gallant young man for several years.” It cures rheumatism,
who was so kind as to build us a side­ lame back, sprains and swellings. For
walk. Had his gallantry extended a little sale by S. Howorth & Co.
farther, we perhaps would be able to get
out of the mild.
Fortv-three persons at Corvallis were
poisoned last Saturday by eating newly
made head cheese brought in from the
country by Mrs. Arthur Gardner and dis­
tributed among friends. All who partook
of it became sick, becoming very weak
and suffering severe pains, but none has
died and it is behaved all will live. The
poisoning is supposed to have resulted
The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian
from the use of faulty kettles. The head
one year for $2, strictly in advance.
cheese is being analyzed.
Tbs too-
NO. 51.
Coliimbua School Note*.
Prnbaie Court.
One Dollar if paid In advance, Single numbers five cent*.
11 OB
Written review again this week.
The weather has caused a good many
alisent marks this week.
Our football team intends to play a
game with the Lafayette seminary team
next Saturday.
The subject for debate Friday night is:
Resolved, That the game of football pro'
duces more evil than beneficial results.
We believe it is a good idea in walk- [
ing to always turn to the right. If each
person would follow this rule probably
there would not be so much trouble, es­
pecially among students.
The Oregon Society of Sons of the
American Revolution has offered prizes
of $25, $15 and $10 for the best essay
written by auy public school student un­
der 21 years of age, on the following sub­
jects: 1. The continental congress—the
inlluence which caused it to assemble; its
character and rank as a deliberative
Cook School Notes.
body; what it accomplished. 2. The
causes which led to armed resistance in
Parents aro welcome to visit us at all
Massachusetts, including the contest of times.
Lexington aud Concord. 3. The Trenton-
Over 20 pupils were out of school Tues­
Princeton campaign. 4 The surrender day on account of the storm.
of Cornwallis and the causes leading up
Villa Brown, Jimmie Bynum and
to it. We think there will be several Claud Walker have been on the sick list
from our school enter the contest. Al­ during the past few days.
though our school may not carry off the
Spelling matches are now the order on
prize we are in hopes we will learn more
afternoon. Ciphering matches
about the American revolution.
will also be indulged in before the winter
is over.
How to Prevent Pneumonia
Written reviews are in order again,
At this time of year a cold is very easi­
and as far as we are able to find out, re­
ly contracted, and if left to run iht course
sults are fairly good. Those who remain
without the aid of some reliable cough
out of school several days each month do
medicine is liable to result in that ’read
not receive as high a grade as those who
disease, pneumonia. We know of no
aro present all of the time.
better remedy to cure a cough or cold
The composition work of the 7th and
than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We
have used it quite extensively and it has 8th grades shows great improvement for
always given entire satisfaction.—Olagah, the short space of time they have prac­
ticed. Instruction will be given in this
Ind. Ter., Chief.
This is the only remedy that is known work in connection with the regular
to be a certain preventive of pneumonia. grammar work. Many of the pupils are
Among many thousands who have used going to compete for the prize composi­
it for colds and la grippe, we have never tion in February.
yet learned of a single case having re­
sulted in pneumonia. Persons who have
weak lunge or have reason to fear an at­
tack of pneumonia, should keep the rem­
edy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizes
for sale by S. Howorth & Co.
'For Infanta and Children.
Wm. Holl of Portland was in the city
A.__ V
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Positively Going Out of Business !
Goods A_t A-LictioLL Prices Rega/rcLless of Cost !
Since deciding to go out of business we have sold about one-half of our stock, aud wish to dispose
of the balance by January ist. In order to do this we will sell at Auction prices, regardless of cost,
no reasonable offer being refused. We will also have
> <
Auction Sales Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons
and Evenings!
Until further notice, commencing Saturday, November 27. We are positively going out of business,
and are bound to sell out quickly, if a slaughter in prices will do it. Our assortment of Men’s, Boys’
and Children’s Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods is yet complete. Come early and get
honest goods at your own price.